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>> No.20927182
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>> No.20927192


>> No.20927205
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>> No.20927211
Quoted by: >>20927268

had a dream the other night that nak hit 2.50. i think it's a good omen

>> No.20927231
Quoted by: >>20927279

When do NIO post earnings

>> No.20927232
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1518986134261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple will fall to 400 tomorrow, you literally can't prove me wrong.

>> No.20927250
Quoted by: >>20927331

Yeah I can, it'll just take me about 24 hours.

>> No.20927264


I genuinely expect some slowdown or drawdown as more buyers decide they're going to wait until the split. Ultimately it makes no difference in terms of return on investment, but psychologically a lower share price is more appealing than a high one.

>> No.20927268
Quoted by: >>20927317



>> No.20927279

sometime this week hopefully. They have been uploading it earlier and earlier every month. Assuming China is like us it'll be monday on a work day.

>> No.20927282


>> No.20927317
Quoted by: >>20928573

they dont need gov funding. it will just take a lil longer

>> No.20927331
Quoted by: >>20927411

so you think it's gonna go straight up from 427? doubt that

>> No.20927346

My gameplan Monday:

-buy 1 share of Apple and sell it/them shortly after the split
-buy 1 put on AMD @ 75 for the week
-buy and hold 10 shares of Intel, ideally for a year

>> No.20927358
Quoted by: >>20927420

>and sell it/them shortly after the split

Why? What makes you think shortly after the split will be the top?

>> No.20927373

does the split happen during market hours?

>> No.20927382
File: 94 KB, 1200x970, 2107442C-5A07-4019-A2CC-9DE4BED9C64E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monday rugpull

>> No.20927411

I never said that, I said it won't fall to 400.

>> No.20927420
File: 489 KB, 734x748, hoodniggas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

robin hood babies

>> No.20927432

give up bobo


>> No.20927447
Quoted by: >>20927543


You think Apple stock is going to decline when Robinhooders rush in after the split?

>> No.20927455

any ONTX bagholders here?
when can i dump this turkey?

>> No.20927458

Never, not on a green monday.

>> No.20927473

Typical biz

"HEY GUYS, I'll let you in on this stock that's up 50% so that you can buy high"

>> No.20927487


Oh no no no no...

>> No.20927502
File: 100 KB, 591x570, F6B845AB-3636-45C8-93F8-714AB435E37C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20928633

>here babe, I made you a robinhood account and enabled margin so you can trade options, all you have to do is go all in calls, try to pick the cheapest options so you can buy more, pick them a week out with the highest strike price so you can win more, stocks only go up, the government is printing a lot of money to keep stocks high so there’s no way we can lose

>> No.20927505

Reminder that you are up against stupid money. How you can lose money in this environment is beyond me.

>> No.20927518
File: 10 KB, 250x250, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apple 435 tomorrow

>> No.20927543
Quoted by: >>20927619


Why do people think retail investors matter? They literally only account for 10% of the stock market..

>> No.20927546

I hope the fuck it does

>> No.20927574
File: 164 KB, 1868x771, tlsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20927619


It's also pretty easy to discredit this theory. The funny thing is that the actual surge of RH bagholders came as the stock dropped from $13 or so to $7. It was a literal pump and dump.

>> No.20927579

It's only down 3% since I bought it and EVERY pharmacy stock has been blood red this week. Take a chill pill and wait a bit.

>> No.20927581



>> No.20927619
File: 172 KB, 1872x763, tlsa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Finer resolution.


It doesn't matter how much they account for in the total market, it matters how much they account for in a specific stock. We're only talking about AAPL here.

>> No.20927635

I think you meant to type 400. My prints are absolutely gonna print tomorrow.

>> No.20927640

I recovered some of the cryptos I owned since like 2015 or some shit. Too much trouble to do anything with them, could be worth a few 100 $. Here are the seeds for the corresponding wallets, hopefully they're still valid:
stratis: stock elevator rule submit snack own cool stone color couch news dad
sia: evicted cement reunion eject pioneer beer poetry rafts lymph behind pioneer lyrics megabyte boil oilfield yodel bypass mittens sighting nitrogen vary both imitate timber thirsty logic dangerous kickoff acquire
byteball: wire zero position steel keen couch wish hobby maximum coil bus rotate
The rest are still in a dead harddrive that I'm too lazy to look into. If anyone wants to try these, let me know how many coins were in each wallet for fun.
t. stockpilled and cryptuntarded.

>> No.20927654

>My prints

Oh no no no...

>> No.20927658
File: 85 KB, 727x1076, 986250F4-C6B6-4F9C-BAE5-A37C546C73DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tech crash is coming, NASDAQ going vertical, the classic move of a bubble before popping

>> No.20927660

Bears never win, faggot. Enjoy losing 99% of your portfolio on Monday. Good luck getting hired at McDonald’s nowadays.

>> No.20927677
Quoted by: >>20927698

I've been making TLSA jokes on here since TSLA earnings. When I posted pic related on the 21st it spiked up to even for an hour.

>> No.20927698
File: 11 KB, 356x252, Capture+_2020-07-21-10-28-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is here

>> No.20927702
File: 176 KB, 674x667, 1595988195969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking retard question. If I buy a call from someone, then sell it to a third person, who is on the hook for the 100 shares if the third person exercises the option? The prison who owned the option last or the person who wrote it? This is maddeningly difficult to find a clear answer on. Thanks for spoon feeding an idiot.

>> No.20927716
File: 149 KB, 417x501, 1593793243200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bobo no.... sweetie ....

>> No.20927723

It's all handled by the Options Clearinghouses. Are you the same tard from yesterday that shit up the threads for several hours not wrapping your head around it

>> No.20927739

The guy who originally sold the option is always responsible for the collateral

>> No.20927742


Tech already crashed with the rest of the market in March. Look at TSLA. Look at the megacaps. Then everything came back with a vengeance.

Bitcoin went from nearly $20K in December 2017 to sub-$10K in February, and remained on the decline for over a year. If bitcoin instead dropped 30%, then surged to 35K and THEN crashed, you might have a point.

>> No.20927764


No, that's me, and I just didn't understand that assignment is based on net contracts you have once a share is ITM. When you said contracts aren't tied to specific shares, it would have been clearer if you said contracts aren't tied to specific writers.

>> No.20927770


>> No.20927793

Key difference: J-Pow wants this bubble to happen. The Fed hates bitcoin and used the FBI and DOJ to hammer that pump-and-dump scheme.

>-buy and hold 10 shares of Intel, ideally for a year

>. Bill “Hades” Gates

>> No.20927798
Quoted by: >>20928298

Bubbles don’t pop in this new world order.

>> No.20927807
Quoted by: >>20927827


The guy is a retard but you've posted a devastatingly stupid answer to a really easy question

>> No.20927814

No, I missed that discussion yesterday. Thanks for the answers.

>> No.20927827

>posted a devastatingly stupid answer
Then you weren't here yesterday. People gave him detailed answers for hours that he did not comprehend so wasting my fucking time now doing it again would actually be special needs tier.

>> No.20927836
Quoted by: >>20928090

The original writer of the option is the only one who can ever be assigned. If you really did not understand this concept, you shouldn't be trading options.

>> No.20927870

>The guy who originally sold the option is always responsible for the collateral

Well, now wait a minute. That wasn't what was explained to me yesterday. What was explained to me was that if you write a contract, and then buy the same contract yourself, you close out your position and nullify your obligation.

>> No.20927916
Quoted by: >>20928060

because 2.4 trillion of 4 trillion dollars printed funneled into these big giants (US Printed More Money in One Month Than in Two Centuries)

once it stops, (it's coming soon, stimulus talks delayed, they are stalling, hopefully no more stimulus) the music stops, then we are in free fall

>> No.20927994

who else comfy as fuck shorting BA? just had terrible earnings and already under $160. they going to be under $140 this week if not lower

>> No.20928001
Quoted by: >>20928193


Because you'd be responsible for paying the collateral to yourself.

>> No.20928039
Quoted by: >>20928184

Im new to trading options and I bought CALLS at $230 lmao. then I bought more during the "dip" to 214. looking for a way to slowly make those losses back. so fucking stupid

>> No.20928055
Quoted by: >>20928215

ACCORDING TO CHINESE SOURCE: https://www.electricinvestor.com/2020/08/nio-delivered-total-of-4152-units-in.html?m=1


>> No.20928060


The US isn't funneling trillions directly into tech. Consumers are already ensuring that tech companies will never, ever disappear, and the pandemic has been a great rising tide which has washed out the smaller competition resting on the shoreline. The performance differentials between sectors will only widen.

>> No.20928090

Yeah I don't touch options at all because I don't understand them.

FUCK now I've opened a can of worms.

>> No.20928102

an increasingly nervous bear says tech will crash
a-anyday now

>> No.20928134
File: 50 KB, 699x629, dc051dd381b1aefeb38c7474383b7a36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friends, redpill me on WKHS. Am I correct by saying that the only thing that justifies the current price is investors hopium that the company gets USPS deal? I also heard that ARK invest included stock in their ETF. Vehicles looks neat and I honestly think that company has a potential. However, I also believe that it's overpriced. Should I through some money in it and just DCA later regardless of USPS contract?

>> No.20928146
Quoted by: >>20928216

Apple going up $42 in a single day is purely a bubble move, it's not sustainable. There's a huge gap in the 380s that needs to be filled too.

>> No.20928163
File: 20 KB, 400x400, AA628FF3-31B9-4B81-B7DD-9FF47982334D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Split and earnings are priced in

>> No.20928184

ouch you got destroyed. if you're new to options I recommend staying away from buying. Every time you get the urge to buy calls just sell a put spread instead your equity curve will thank you.

>> No.20928185
File: 356 KB, 764x415, 565107F3-5818-47DE-9251-FA916F119E72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are buying NET tomorrow, right?

>> No.20928193
Quoted by: >>20928316


That's one way to look at it, but my point is that if you can just buy a contract to close your outstanding obligation, it's misleading to say the writer of a contract remains responsible for fulfilling that obligation.

What's still confusing to me is why buying to close is allowed. In my mind, writing a contract increases the number of contracts in the pool by one (this might be wrong, but it's what I'm assuming). By buying another contract yourself, you're not really withdrawing the first option you wrote from the pool; the buyer you originally sold it to might still own that contract, and it might be ITM at some point in the future. So who is assigned in that case?

>> No.20928196

You think they will keep going up forever?

>> No.20928215

wow it's nothing

>> No.20928216

>There's a huge gap in the 380s that needs to be filled too.

Apple spent some time consolidating in the 380s, and it had that one day where it spiked up to 399. I'm not saying Apple can't come back down, just that it's covered much of that ground.

>> No.20928246

The highest it will go before the split will be 440. Not a single fucking dollar over that. Leading up to the split anyway I think it’ll consolidate around 400.

>> No.20928268


It's not as if it either goes up forever, or it crashes. Tech will continue to grow at a pace which exceeds the general market, and will be subject to periodic corrections and setbacks like any market sector.

>> No.20928272
File: 56 KB, 650x503, 139702AF-0651-4C72-B7F7-B42A5763A7FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American company
>Would bring manufacturing back to a rust belt state
>Headquarters in an swing state during an election year
WKHS will get the contract imo

>> No.20928294

shorting DIS

>> No.20928298

J-Pow is pumping and priming this monster frankenbull rally

He intends to reach the moon or maybe even Mars

So call this a Mars Mission rally

>> No.20928316
Quoted by: >>20928487


Don't know the mechanisms, sorry, but it's not something you need to care about. I'd assume if you sell a contract to person A and later buy one from person C, it just cascades such that person A has effectively bought the contract from person C. Similar to Splitwise. Feel free to go research it and report back

>> No.20928370
File: 90 KB, 860x687, 296-2964892_100kib-724x611-smug-wojak-smug-wojak-transparent-hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20928612

Psh, already bought on Friday.

>> No.20928397
Quoted by: >>20928477

Also for the record I took out the $10k I had in AAPL and went all in on WKHS calls. Greater upside short term imo

>> No.20928441
File: 224 KB, 690x596, 6D8947F4-3835-4C7D-9712-EA0968DD3053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of bulls thinking they’re invincible and cannot lose

>> No.20928464

wait I can sell TSLA calls for a strike price of 1800 and let retards give me free money?

>> No.20928477

WKHS is going sideways for another month, hope you have some time on them

>> No.20928483
Quoted by: >>20928534

>have the cash
>want to buy MSFT at $150
>write a put at this strike
>eventually get my cheapies
>if not collect premiums forever

Besides not having a broker that let's me do options, what am I missing?

>> No.20928487

>it just cascades such that person A has effectively bought the contract from person C

Interesting; that makes a little more sense. And in that way it may be misguided to think about a "pool" of options with a finite size at all, rather than considering it entering an arbitrary number of traders, each entering or exiting positions, the writers taking on assignment risk and the buyers taking on premium risks for the potential to exercise. And in the end anyone left with outstanding writes or left holding has an assignment obligation or may exercise, respectively.

>> No.20928534
Quoted by: >>20928666


If Tesla actually reaches that price before or at expiration, what will your backup plan be?


Somebody a couple weeks ago asked the same question. Basically yeah, cash-covered puts are limit buys + tip.

>> No.20928538
Quoted by: >>20928642


Yeah I've been bit by bit closing out positions and not buying into more over the past couple of weeks. I'm happy to sit in cash/gold for the next couple of months and see where things go, maybe poke a bit of money into retard speculative penny stocks that don't care about the pandemic (biotech, gold miners)

>> No.20928541
Quoted by: >>20929748

Mfw limit buy @ $399 with 20% of my portfolio

>> No.20928566
Quoted by: >>20929548

Imagine buying Apple at the literal top

>> No.20928573

As if the house can do fucking anything.

>> No.20928580

If it goes anywhere but down it will be exercised and you'll have to buy 100 shares of TSLA unless you mean covered calls, in which case you need to already own the 100 shares but otherwise yes, it's free money.

>> No.20928583

Novavax Phase 1 results this week Chads.

>> No.20928612
Quoted by: >>20929159

exit price?

>> No.20928633

It would be funny if it wouldnt be so true...

>> No.20928642
Quoted by: >>20929003


It'll be fun to see if we get a really big correction. In that survey before I voted for an October/November crash as election worries start roiling the market again. Of course we may see some catalytic financial shock event between now and then.

I'm about 3:2 in cash/equities, with my investments mostly in AAPL and MSFT. If those two drop 50% and stay down for years we'll have bigger fish to fry than stocks dropping.

>> No.20928652

Dumb question: What happens with buy orders after a split? Will there be millions of open $100-$420 buy orders that I can sell my split shares to?

>> No.20928666

That's insane then. I'd have to jump through hoops to get an international broker in my country to do options, but you make it sound very compelling.

>> No.20928727
Quoted by: >>20928862

>but you make it sound very compelling

Now, I'm not even seeing weekly MSFT 150 puts and even the ones a few weeks out have premiums of less than 10 dollars, so you're really not talking about a lot of money.

>> No.20928745
Quoted by: >>20928888

>Phase 1

>> No.20928747

Please add a link to CFA in the OP

Also, a link to Investopedia so we can stop the call/put arguments every damn day and night like a bickering gaggle of sisters in this just stfu and read a textbook for the love of money

>> No.20928791

Is CLSK used up?

>> No.20928808
File: 176 KB, 1792x1276, Coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw playing through game that uses this exact picture for one of the events
Coomers unite.

>> No.20928825

Why do so many people think that saving some money and investing rather than spending money everywhere on eating out all the time, etc., is "deprivation"? The mental gymnastics people come up with to neglect saving for retirement is sad.

>> No.20928862
Quoted by: >>20931872

It was a random number. Even 180 would be fantastic. The only downside is I'd have $18,000 tied up until expiration, right?

>> No.20928865
Quoted by: >>20928912

looking at my portfolio from early april
i could have had doubled my money if i wasn't a profit-taking pussy

>> No.20928888

>He didn't buy NVAX at 12.

>> No.20928912

You can always play this game to make yourself feel bad, anon. Stay the course and you'll be fine.

>> No.20928958
Quoted by: >>20931565

Different people, different mental strength

Different races, different mental strengths

>> No.20929003


I'm in Australia and you really have to just go with a global index fund for that kind of security here, or NDQ or something. I'm in DXB quite heavily, some anon shilled it here and I bought when it was about 25c a couple of months ago and it's since climbed to 45c. Feels fucking great and it's likely to climb further in the coming months.

>> No.20929007

you're exchange the present for the future
that future may never come since you can die at any moment with millions unspent

>> No.20929077
Quoted by: >>20929228

I personally eat out every day and drive a nice car, but still save most of my income. My car and eating decent food are pretty much my hobbies, so it works out

>> No.20929106
Quoted by: >>20929181

Retarded niggers and normies have no delayed gratification gene and they're bound to be eternal failures.

Delayed gratification gene is what enabled advanced white civilizations and our modern (uncucked) society. Lack of delayed gratification and importing bipedal animals that lack this gene caused its decay and modern (cucked) society.

>> No.20929159

Only $50, but I'll take anything above $45 if it doesn't move much.

>> No.20929175
Quoted by: >>20929267

But you're not exchanging the present for the future. You have both, and you can easily live a satisfactory life in the present while saving for the future. It's not all or nothing, and one doesn't have to go all out on the *next big thing* or spend money on treats every day vs every other day (for example) to have a good life.

>> No.20929181
Quoted by: >>20929265


could you please figure out whether you're feeling more misanthropically angry or more racistly angry and redo this post? the message is all muddled up the way it is now, do one thing and do it well

>> No.20929228
Quoted by: >>20929341

Oh sure, eating out is just a convenient example. One definitely can and should splurge on certain hobbies/activities. It's just some people think they have to splurge everywhere (except investing) and their life would be miserable if they for example only spent 75% rather than 100%.

>> No.20929236
File: 199 KB, 1086x1227, LOADSOFMONEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what stock should I run The Wheel on?

>> No.20929241
File: 314 KB, 638x359, Disabled apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my hot take on general macro situation of the economy:

There will not be a crash in forseeable future.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there won't be a crash. I'm just saying we won't see anything like 1920s, 1933 or 2008 again for a LONG time. I'm talking atleast 20 years.
Why? Because of the polite lie of modern economy. pre-2008 people still valued their money. Bubbles happened, yes, and bubbles will still happen and bubbles will still pop - that's not the point. The point is, we won't see a CRASH where bankers are jumping off rooftops and people are begging on the streets. We simply decided to trade our future for the present and that's why next generations inherit increasingly unsustainable economic system that crushes them more and more with each generation. Zoomers will not shoulder this weight entirely, despite how bad things are. Their children will. And how will their childen fare? I don't know, anything can happen, but this retarded clown market rodeo of insane bubbles and stupid nonsensical valuations will continue well into 2040s. Until the music stops and you're missing your chair.

>> No.20929265
Quoted by: >>20930422

Fuck off kike. What I said is true, your brown pets ruined our civilization. We keep going into deeper and deeper debts to feed these fucking retards on our buck.

>> No.20929267
Quoted by: >>20929330

I bet even your parents never called you smart.

>> No.20929306
File: 9 KB, 467x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, can I seriously make $2800 dollars a month writing two weekly covered calls on apple? If so, I should have been doing this for years.

>> No.20929311
Quoted by: >>20930761

From what I understand, KO is the popular wheeling stock, I think there is another that is cheaper with higher premiums that was talked about here recently though. Can't remember, lemme see if I can find it

>> No.20929330
Quoted by: >>20929456


>> No.20929341
Quoted by: >>20929382

Yep. funny to see the amount of people for instance flexing authentic Gucci (probably paid MSRP) yet can't cover a $2000 emergency expense. most of america lives on a shoestring budget

>> No.20929351
File: 34 KB, 600x360, BigGreenWads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate growth
'ate tech
'ate gains
'ove ramblin' on facebook
'ove me divvies
Whoa now. Do you have any idea how fast you were making gains? Better to spread out BIG GREEN WADS over decades.

>> No.20929382

Pay no mind to braindead animals. They're grinder meat for the economy and they'll be the first to burn once shit hits the fan. They deserve no pity for their degenerate debt-based lifestyle.

>> No.20929401
Quoted by: >>20929426

is it better to mating press an anime girl or full nelson her? Which investment would have the highest value?

>> No.20929411

covered calls put a cap on your potential gains, which can be lower than the stock own increase in value. Understand opportunity cost. It's not about how much money you gain, it about how much money you gain vs. how much you could have won.

>> No.20929426
File: 1.31 MB, 1680x945, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in mating press.

>> No.20929435
Quoted by: >>20929529

Yeah, but you would have to be holding $80,000 worth of AAPL stock to do that. You could make a lot more money than $2800 a month if you have that kind of money to throw around.

>> No.20929456

>why do people think deprivation means deprivation?
>you can be deprived while being deprived! That's not deprivation to be deprived!

>> No.20929529
Quoted by: >>20929731

tell me how
I have 120k and I can't even make 1k a week...

>> No.20929548
File: 159 KB, 640x334, 3twyeha89ge51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're so smart, you must have been the first person to ever say this.

Retard, you always buy AAPL at the top.

>> No.20929559

peoples savings are actually going UP during this lockdown but their spending HABITS have not changed, they cant consume like they want

so when the lockdown is over expect a spending spree the likes of which no one has ever seen before, the majority of americans are retarded with money, spend it all on SHIT and then complain they have no money,

>> No.20929586
Quoted by: >>20929652

They are spending it. On shares of AAPL, TSLA, and AMZN

>> No.20929652

most people are not involved in the stock market

>> No.20929654


tl;dw ngmi

>> No.20929655

"Deprivation" / "deprived" indicates a serious suffering or important lack of something. If one thinks, for example, he's deprived because he makes coffee at home and brings it work compared to buying Starbucks every day, I'd say that it's not deprivation and more indicative of poor mentality. Deprivation isn't rejecting a living paycheck to paycheck lifestyle.

>> No.20929667
Quoted by: >>20929772

When did you first realize that the more you learn about trading the worse you do and that the best strategy is simply "buy when number down go down a lot. Sell when number line go up a lot." ?

>> No.20929692

>so when the lockdown is over expect a spending spree the likes of which no one has ever seen before, the majority of americans are retarded with money, spend it all on SHIT and then complain they have no money,
When the lockdown is over??

This is Hotel Cali Cartel, mang

Bill Gates ain’t eva gunna let u out, mang

>> No.20929731
Quoted by: >>20929791

Buy 200 shares of aapl, sell 2 calls. Done.
It's only as profitable as it currently is because of corona though.

>> No.20929748

Who is this shrewd person on Biz?

>> No.20929760
File: 56 KB, 651x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK kid

>> No.20929772

Yeah but then you won’t have big green dragon dildos to show off to your friends and instead you’ll have a boring squiggly diagonal line. You don’t want to be called a boomer, do you?

>> No.20929791
Quoted by: >>20929837

what delta and expiry do you typically sell your calls at

>> No.20929797
File: 172 KB, 1146x640, bodak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20930296

what's he thinking right now?

>> No.20929800
File: 811 KB, 700x1094, 73845777_p0 Pyra Mythra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to go in BILI? I want a waifu stock other than NTDOY. Will the TikTok drama make it go lower for the next few days, for a window of opportunity?

>> No.20929808

>arguing semantics
Neither of you are ever going to make it.

>> No.20929837
Quoted by: >>20929968

Weeklies are good. You greatly benefit from theta and the base price is far higher per time unit than later dates even considering the possibility of iv lock.
Delta is meaningless. I like strikes about 10% out.
However aapl is currently bubbling so I'd go with 20% right now.

>> No.20929852

Omg brain dead plebe detected. I bet he says things like “I’m not a sheep” as he browses his credit card rewards section to check how many points closer he is to his xbox one. “I’m not a sheep” as he actually believes car dealerships when they tell him leasing a vehicle is financially responsible. “I’m not a sheep” when he makes minimum payments on his maxed credit line and cards and pretends he only does it for the credit score. “I’m not a sheep and I don’t deprive myself” as he spends $1000 on food in a month that involves doordash and daily lunches at work. “I’m not a plebe sheep” as he thinks BMWs and Mercedes are good cars

>> No.20929876
Quoted by: >>20929906

Your image doesn't support your argument. Look at the other information provided, such as the example and the etymology. "Deprive" contains a certain connotation. It wouldn't be exactly accurate to say that a child with 100,000 pennies was deprived of a penny if he lost one.

>> No.20929894

I am down 8% in one month
Pls kill me

>> No.20929906

Were you born that way or did you get lobotomized?

>> No.20929917

Your fine. You need to learn the real meaning of Buy low sell high.

>> No.20929919

This is when inflation is exposed. Our deflationary cash state is only making it worse and worse. Prices skyrocket at spending skyrockets. Good luck getting your employer to match inflation rates

>> No.20929926
Quoted by: >>20929959

Sell everything you own and put it all in TQQQ.

>> No.20929942

By what means are you coming to the conclusion it is overpriced?

They've already built a mote. Their LTM stake is estimated at a $1bn value. They have IPs and government approval for not only their trucks, but FAA approval for their drones too. If you consider what the CFO said, they don't even need the contract, but I wouldn't gamble on that. I'm in for the intrinsic value of their C2/C3 trucks. That's really hands down the biggest vacuum in the EV industry, and the most practical entry into it. Perhaps more importantly, thanks to EV simplicity there are fewer moving parts and thus they're more reliable than their competitors, and over a lifetime much more economical. The Grumman trucks they had previously were $1/mi to operate, to compare, Workhorse estimated their cost at $.40/mi. Now I wouldn't gamble on that, they're selling a product, but if they managed that pitch - USPS is going to be all over it. They also have extant work with UPS, and contracts with them, albeit small ones, among some others (Ryder).

It also has CA's approval for CARB vouchers, which is $50k (per vehicle I believe). $7k tax subsidy per vehicle for purchasers for the first 200k vehicles they produce.

Hypothetically they'll probably manage to elicit some political tailwinds as well.

>> No.20929946

it is, you're depriving yourself of a coffee today in order to be able to have the equivalent of 2 coffees in x amount of years. Doesn't mean it's wrong to do that, it's still deprivation.

>> No.20929959

this but put it all into 400 AAPL 8/7 puts

>> No.20929968
Quoted by: >>20930062

sounds good, thanks
what if the stock moves up suddenly, do your roll the calls up?

>> No.20930023

Do you guys watch anyone in particular on YouTube for investment discussions?

>> No.20930054
File: 544 KB, 3000x1799, 1492011084314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem with that comparison is that there are only 2 variables; also, "stock" is an ambiguous term. Indeed, what you need to do to make it useful is put these in context with reference terms that have overlapping characteristics but non-exclusive relationships to the search terms you're trying to compare, to get a sense of relative power in the population of interest (global).

>> No.20930062

No, just let it called out. The point is that you secure a gain you're comfortable with (10% in a week) while ensuring the downside (~$3k currently) regardless of what happens. I don't mind buying in at an even higher price after expiration and continuing. The only possible exception is if there's strong reason to believe that rolling the call will be entirely covered by the expected increase in price of the underlying, e.g. aapl just invented strong AI then I'd sell the call and then buy calls rather than keep selling covered calls.
An alternative is to do the wheel (first you sell 2 weekly puts 5-10% otm, then if you get assigned you sell calls 10-20% otm, if you don't get assigned you repeat with the puts).

>> No.20930116
File: 527 KB, 710x473, shadowtrader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like ShadowTrader out of Philly. Peter reminds me of an 80s post-punk bass player who decided to get into finance. Yes, his website / services do cost money, but he does offer free musing via YouTube.


>> No.20930146
File: 320 KB, 1080x1080, 56465423523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /smg/ back from the Friday AAAAAAAAAAA. what's the news and what are we buying tomorrow bros? looking like another dump day

>> No.20930164

We are buying a guillotine and some rope, just for you.

>> No.20930212
File: 695 KB, 597x4121, 2020-08-01_10-43-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this one out from just the other day, fantastic interview https://youtu.be/WQQA74TtWao?t=2686

Especially around the 45 min mark where they start talking about CRE and how fucked it all is. If the GFC, greatest recession since the Great Depression, was started because of some subprime residential mortgages, imagine what's going to happen once everything comes home to roost for the CMBS market.

Also this thread from the other day: https://twitter.com/HRGPFOREVER/status/1289554743128358914

>> No.20930252

Tesla will pump tomorrow if spaceX capsule lands safety

>> No.20930253
Quoted by: >>20930374

i want to fuck her so bad bros

>> No.20930296
Quoted by: >>20930329

If there are any buildings near him high enough to guarantee death

>> No.20930329
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>> No.20930374
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>> No.20930422


>> No.20930445

You all made me hungry for writing options. How would a European go about choosing the right broker for this? Options on US stocks obviously.

>> No.20930489

i buy after earnings, if at all.

>> No.20930497
Quoted by: >>20930569

Do a lot of reading before you do this. Look up EVERYTHING that can go wrong, and remember that taking a smaller premium in exchange for extra safety is *always* preferable.

>> No.20930569

I’m going to laugh at the faggots who wrote naked $30 INTC puts that go ITM.

>> No.20930585

Hyatt reporting after close monday. Gonna grab some puts. Also Wayfair gonna blow out their quarter, prob get calls into earnings

>> No.20930644

Are silver trusts just a meme or are we actually gonna see a super squeeze in the coming months?

>> No.20930693
Quoted by: >>20930855

It hasn't even begun

>> No.20930761

Any good resources on how to do this? I'm reading a r*ddit post right now that seems pretty thorough but I'd like to know more about taking the degenerate pill

>> No.20930806


Then they'll owe $3000 bucks. People have lost worse.

>> No.20930808

I'm thinking of buying some Etsy monday and holding through earnings.

>> No.20930810

Don’t write naked options.

>> No.20930843
Quoted by: >>20930999

$3000 per option. Naked means he could own millions. That's as opposed to csp's where you actually have enough money to cover being called on them.

>> No.20930855
File: 26 KB, 541x540, 1592836011135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless COMEX defaults like /pmg/ predicts of course.

>> No.20930887
Quoted by: >>20930999

Nope, then they are forced to buy INTC stock at $30. when it is $20.

>> No.20930999
Quoted by: >>20931039

>$3000 per option.

Yeah, I know.

>Naked means he could own millions.

Pretty unlikely.


True, being stuck bagholding a dead stock is probably a worse fate than just having to honor the put obligation.

>> No.20931005

>Jeffrey “don’t buy this dip” Gundlach
>the “bond king” that is now looking like a fool for being bearish and fighting the fed
Yeah... you’re telling me he’s still going out and stirring up fear so he can be proven right and undo his mistakes?

>> No.20931039

>Pretty unlikely.
The only point of doing naked puts is that you don't have enough money to cover if it hits, but you're sure it will not hit.

>> No.20931214
File: 15 KB, 410x357, 1587587377114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20931241


No. Every single one of them just wants your money and offers some kind of premium subscription plan or insider access thing or trading workshop. They're all fucking stupid. All of them.

>> No.20931234
File: 1.62 MB, 750x1334, BDBFDF69-A3C3-415B-8E6B-98BD9F421EE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no stimulus

Market crash this week

>> No.20931241
Quoted by: >>20931283

>They're all fucking stupid. All of them.
They aren't stupid. They make money from stupid people.

>> No.20931270
File: 631 KB, 1080x1920, 9004B7B1-FC3D-4D05-8199-405EA7564A7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20931978


>> No.20931274
Quoted by: >>20931332

how do they even let you write naked calls or puts? Unless you're demonstrably scrooge rich

>> No.20931283


Yeah, to rephrase, it's stupid to invest time, energy, or money in any of them. They're all stupid to use as sources of information.

>> No.20931289

based and redpilled.
bill gates has gone completely nuts and wants to vaccinate 7 billion people. the world eats up his shit and thinks he is amazing.

>> No.20931313


Uh oh...AAPLbros...

>> No.20931325
Quoted by: >>20931351

how is that anything but bullish

>> No.20931332
Quoted by: >>20931429

it's covered by cash and Reg T margin requirements, nothing is truly "naked"

>> No.20931339

>the stock in your folio you're most excited for this week
>the stock in your folio you dread the most

>> No.20931342

TSLA pump on monday

becouse of SpaceX

>> No.20931351

bears need any kind of news to convince themselves apple will tank before the split

>> No.20931352


>> No.20931357

i read that as
who is cucking who?

>> No.20931375

Fuck I hope so im so sick of the retard bulls saying OH TRUMP AND MUCHKIN SAY ITS CLOSE
>They arent close and they wasted 10 fucking weeks

>> No.20931380

>the stock in your folio you're most excited for this week


>the stock in your folio you dread the most

TGT, because I'm not sure what earnings will do. My local Target has gotten busier again and their online ordering/shipping services helped them a lot through the pandemic, but Walmart and Amazon remain formidable competition and Wayfair/Overstock/Shopify all potentially cut into Target's market share.

>> No.20931392


>> No.20931395


>> No.20931398
File: 262 KB, 1280x546, everyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stock in your folio you dread the most

>> No.20931408

>trump wanted to relocate the FBI building in front of trump tower as part of the stimulus bill
we're not going to get shit done this year

>> No.20931420
Quoted by: >>20931516

RTX and XOM chads KEKED into oblivion
reopening cucked for good

>> No.20931427

INTC (i know longterm its fine but watching it possibly fall to 35 is depressing and i picked up 30 shares @50)

>> No.20931429
Quoted by: >>20931476

That's your broker, not others.

>> No.20931476
Quoted by: >>20931758

Regulation T is a federal law retard, just fucking kill yourself holy shit

>> No.20931506
File: 157 KB, 1258x750, 43276483274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is wrong is musk man

>> No.20931516
Quoted by: >>20931584

when will RTX coom back

>> No.20931523


>any and all oil exposure in my p.a.

>> No.20931545


He's right. Coastals are so high on their own supply and comfortable with their profligacy and the capitalistic abundance of everything that they don't care anymore. And by that I mean like 1-5% of people are carrying the entire remaining population.

>> No.20931565

>purely economic factors

>> No.20931584

once people wake up and realize gorona is a nothingburger and governments lift retarded restrictions

if we are unluckly this bullshit can go on for a long time if every positive test within 100,000 people is considered a big deal..

>> No.20931639
Quoted by: >>20931695

Both the 1% and Commies want the same thing. Subjugation of the middle class to consolidate power and protect themselves from competition.

That, or Trump and elites intentionally wants to crash the reserve currency by putting more upward pressure of the Chinese Yuan.

>> No.20931642
File: 2.23 MB, 1500x2118, __inuyama_aoi_yurucamp_drawn_by_asanagi__fc20d9b3dbd59f8b053c9adf8fe9f0b0(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20931711

Bili bili is a long hold. Its a bit expensive for a long hold imo, but I actually do want some bili billi myself desu

>> No.20931688

No way

MAYBE dump when it passes

>> No.20931695
Quoted by: >>20931865

>Subjugation of the middle class

Truly a low-brow opinion. You are seriously dim.

>> No.20931711
File: 351 KB, 1704x1290, 71983924_p0 Mythra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright, I'll trust a Yurubro, and I'll probably buy some this week, still waiting to see how that TikTok shit unfolds

>> No.20931731

anon that image...

>> No.20931746

MU, V, (uvxy)

>> No.20931758

t. literal inbred

>> No.20931773
File: 170 KB, 850x1196, 1584009610273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20931981

red day


>> No.20931865
Quoted by: >>20931952

Suck it faggot. Neither the ultra rich or welfare faggots(practically the same thing) have done anything but ruin Western society. True innovation comes from blue-collar workers, tradesman and engineers.

>> No.20931872
Quoted by: >>20932120

>hoops to get an international broker in my country to do options
What country?
TastyWorks International Margin is available in lots of countries.

Not if they have margin, if they offer margin you only need the whole cash to buy at expiration.
But the safest way is to have the cash.

>> No.20931898
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20931899
File: 103 KB, 750x422, Bilibili-mascots-750x422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bili bili is at an ATH though.

They definitely did good with the Fate and azure lane game. I would buy in at $35 since those games will eventually fizzle out and there's likely a gap between their next big games/anime.

God I want to buy into bili billi so bad. Literally investing in 2D and 3D waifus

>> No.20931913


>> No.20931923
Quoted by: >>20933882

The 2 on the left really stick out.

>> No.20931928
File: 3.63 MB, 2504x3531, 80248395_p0 Mythra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bili bili is at an ATH though.
Well, the thing is, company that are making it are always at ATH. I stupidly thought that a lot of companies in the NASDAQ were at ATH, and here we are.

>> No.20931952

>True innovation comes from blue-collar workers, tradesman and engineers.

True innovation comes from an infinitesimal fraction of humanity with exceptionally brilliant insight into their surroundings. The rest just follow instructions. Without the innovators, your completely dispensable and replaceable blue collar workers and tradesmen would be tilling the land and praying for a good harvest in the fall like everybody else.

>> No.20931978

fuck yes I want them to get rid of the fucking carrot on a stick strategy

>> No.20931981

not for nioggers

>> No.20931983
File: 28 KB, 600x600, F1516EC0-0450-445E-9B66-F900EDAE999F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a man.

>> No.20932035
Quoted by: >>20932094

say I expect $TGT earnings to blow it out of the water later this month, how would you play it? I'm going to be out of the trade by the end of the week on earnings. do you wait until right before earnings for options or in advance? how long dated do you pick?

>> No.20932068
File: 225 KB, 800x1200, DZdAPy3U8AAgQ1w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to consider that a lot of games and anime have been put on pause due to Coronita-chan.

Re:Zero season 2 was postponed and the new "Tales of" game.

Those are ridiculously popular franchises and even though some work can be done remotely, the quality would drop and you need the whole system working to deliver a high quality product

I'll be a proud bili bili stock holder. I'll make it 10-20% of my portfolio when it hits $35/share

>> No.20932094
Quoted by: >>20932292


Are they reporting Wednesday morning or afternoon? If morning, on Tuesday I'd buy calls for Friday. If afternoon, I'd be calls on Wednesday for Friday.

>> No.20932120
Quoted by: >>20932172

Germany. I'm VERY scared of choosing a foreign broker because our tax laws are the strictest and most complicated in the world.

I heard of TastyWorks, but have been researching IB today. They do offer margin.

>> No.20932163
File: 251 KB, 965x543, 8B8A8B67-14EA-4917-8A4A-D58A41768A85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in China

>> No.20932172
Quoted by: >>20932421

don't do IB if you have any other option whatsoever.
>m-muh margin
Use deep itm options, they provide arbitrary leverage ratios with virtually no theta or vega decay. Moreover they can be applied to any product, whereas margin is heavily regulated (max rate is 1x on 3x leveraged products for example, e.g. no margin).

>> No.20932281

>completely dispensable and replaceable blue collar workers and tradesmen would be tilling the land and praying for a good harvest in the fall like everybody else.
If this was remotely true a command economy would be completely viable and Soviet Union wouldn't have collapsed.

>> No.20932292
Quoted by: >>20932382

would you really go with FDs?

>> No.20932294
File: 242 KB, 1074x750, Screenshot_20200802-145402_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932585

>Kim possible
>american gaijin anime knock off
>hasn't been relevant in 13 years

Bili bili is the future, old man

>> No.20932329
Quoted by: >>20932562

>True innovation comes from an infinitesimal fraction
And you're dumb enough to believe most of them are multi-millionares? Bill Gates uncle was a fucking banker who bankrolled his operating system venture, as are most of these self made billionaires stories. The majority of people are hired to innovate by those who IQs are at, or even bellow your average tradesman, but at least the tradesman produces and takes responsibility for their mistakes, versus the connections and money that allow taxpayer funded insurance to cover the formers ass(ex: Fed 0 interest loans).

Maybe you don't understand what the Middle Class is and think I'm trying to demonize bussiness owners, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. American wealth is being diminished by abusing currency for the benefit of ultra-rich and welfare guppies.

I don't want a handout. I want these parasites to die.

>> No.20932336
File: 1.06 MB, 1680x945, Crying Subarujak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20932350

That's implying that only competent people get into positions of power. If that were the case, it would be true. That's not how it works out.

>> No.20932382
Quoted by: >>20932505


If you expect a huge jump at Thursday open (or Wednesday open, depending on when earnings are announced), then yes, I would. Needless to say, it's a gamble, but if your expectation is for blowout earnings to spike the price, a short-term call is better than a long-term one in terms of ROI. If you expect a modest bump to price followed by an uptrend, longer-dated calls would be preferable instead.


The point is that worker bee zombie wagie drones are not the vanguards of innovation. That's idealistic teenage girl tier thinking.

>> No.20932407

You just KNOW she fucked niggers exclusively

>> No.20932421

Is IB sketchy? I can't tell if it's a scam company because there are so many resellers of it.

>> No.20932438

The New Social Order:
Bezos and other future billionaires and trillionaires. Self funded space programs to avoid taxes and regulatory insight from the mass of leeches known as "society"
Insiders such as the executive and congressional branch as well as their cronies that maneuver money to the Gods or their friends and coordinate loan payments for Kodak
Those blessed with shares of FAANG
Those with stocks
Those who are more likely to use AMZN's marketplace instead of its option chain. DISGUSTING

>> No.20932505

like I said originally I'd plan to let it run through the week if it's positive.

>> No.20932562

>Bill Gates uncle was a fucking banker who bankrolled his operating system venture

He was also an exceptional programmer and mathematical talent in his early years. He and Paul Allen were single-handedly responsible for porting BASIC to the Altair in the 1970s, and then helped port 86-DOS to the IBM PC as PC DOS. You act like Gates just sat in a leather chair and barked orders at his engineers all day. He was no Steve Jobs, and even Steve Jobs was necessary as a strategic guide to his engineering team.

>> No.20932567
Quoted by: >>20933773

kimposter i thought you were based, you do realize that America won't be the leading power and that the china (by use of dirty tricks and horrible actions) are going to be very rich

You don't have to like them to invest in them.

>> No.20932583

I’ve been bag holding BA since I bought at $320 ish. Thankfully I only bought 1 share but fuck

>> No.20932585
File: 900 KB, 1000x1196, BD78545F-0A1B-4593-9A4F-BF6E3FAA690C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin anime v western chad
western did it better.

>> No.20932597 [DELETED] 
File: 410 KB, 1125x1270, 13F9FBE5-16B3-4B03-8DD9-D8302CB80B7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932676

Jesus, I hadn’t even heard of these

>> No.20932640

None of them are scams.
Brokers are heavily regulated in the US.

If you are from Germany get Degiro.
They provide great support, decent fees, euro options and are the best at displaying data. They provide you a statement with what you need to declare for taxes in your country.
No US equities options, only on indices.

>> No.20932643
Quoted by: >>20932711

>He was no Steve Jobs, and even Steve Jobs was necessary as a strategic guide to his engineering team.
The original tech cult for which all other fellow manipulators hope to capture the magic: Steve Jobs

>> No.20932673
File: 45 KB, 630x1200, 061D3CC3-9D00-4FC0-8378-2346F27EF1C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20932676
File: 138 KB, 300x400, 6BF614D7-B465-48CC-B1DE-26CEC8B3ECE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932735

Why would XSPA moon again? First time was when they announced becoming Covid testing spots in the airports, what’s happening now?

>> No.20932679

It's a well-established broker and has some of the best execution times and the best margin rates out there. However the platforms they have are pure cancer and completely broken. They also don't even so much as give you non-delayed data without paying extra, and keep nickel and diming you like this, which racks up pretty retarded monthly expenses on top of omissions. For example, there was no way to get fundamental data worth a shit until a few months ago, you get no research for free and it costs up to ~$1k/month for global basic research, ~$300/month for realtime data for relevant US markets (otc, nyse, cboe each priced individually but sometimes magically forcefully packaged together), even more for L2's (I think it's $500 per month or so for nyse alone, but I might be exaggerating because of how pissed I am about ib and the fact it's the only option where I am), SPAC unit splits costs $100 per outgoing unit, plus $100 per incoming product (e.g. if it splits into warrant + stock + stock right, that's $400 total), unless your position size is really small you're going to hit the 0.5% fee instead of the $0.05/share rate, every snapshot request is billed, etc.
All that shit is free at other brokers but their commissions where I am are simply so bad it's not worth it this year. If all goes well I'll be able to flee next year though.

>> No.20932689
File: 663 KB, 1125x1380, F85A5E0F-FE76-4918-9D9D-CED3B29887C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932957

Are pharma stocks still trendy?

>> No.20932711
Quoted by: >>20932916


There's a reason Jobs had the reputation he did. If he hadn't been born we would not have smartphones today. Everyone thinks they're a genius for pointing out that executives don't actually work the assembly line, but they're probably the same people who think an orchestra conductor just has the job of walking up to a podium and waving a baton around.

>> No.20932735
File: 789 KB, 1125x1170, 81EE4AD3-BD64-49B8-B4C4-328F2C1800F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so apparently they’re gonna globalize to latin america and asia, europe too. Plus the lack of shortability is a pain in the ass for bears

>> No.20932740
File: 82 KB, 1060x1280, IMG-20200802-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932759

what does the+40.28 mean? some premarket stuff?

>> No.20932746
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, BBC.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20932897


>> No.20932759
Quoted by: >>20932778


That's the $ value the shares increased on Friday, from Thursday's close.

>> No.20932778

thanks anon

>> No.20932802
Quoted by: >>20932970

Please don't be mad at me but I didn't understand most of your post. Can't I look at price data on Tradingview for example? I just want to DCA stocks each month and if possible write covered calls.

>> No.20932829

Bill Gates IS a computer genius. Do you think he did any innovative programing in windows 10, Vista or 8? Who did?

Connections + Money > Talent for financial success. They just killed off hundreds of thousands of small businesses, devalued/devaluing the savings of millions of Americans, but hey, just pick yourself up by your bootstraps and a firm handshake amrite? Don't forget to get into debt for that multi-grand piece of paper so we'll let you pass our government regulatory bodies, before being starved out then bought out for pennies by our multi-conglomerate Federal Bank backed Mega-Corp.

>> No.20932897
File: 150 KB, 726x900, 6A67F7DA-CAD4-426E-914F-F8C81196076B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20933030

If there was an anime Kim Possible port these faggots would be all over it, more character development in a single episode of Kim possible than a season of my hero academia.

>> No.20932916

>If he hadn't been born we would not have smartphones today
The mythology continues to live on nearly a decade after death. The iphone came to him in a dream, born of his true genius. A mind that had never seen a Palm Pilot or a Blackberry or a Windows Pocket PC.
Steve Jobs was not a technical or engineering genius. He just realized that corporate brand loyalty would give you enormous premiums to charge customers on inferior tech and design.

>> No.20932943

>most excited

TSCO & Miners


RIOT and MARA since btc decided to dump last night

>> No.20932957

>guy buys stock because they got FDA designation for treatment of METHANOL POISONING
Holy fuck.

Nobody tell him about the current methanol poisoning treatment method. He'll kill himself.

>> No.20932968


>> No.20932970
Quoted by: >>20933094

>Can't I look at price data on Tradingview for example?
Yes, unironically using tradingview for everything and ibkr only to click the 'buy' or 'sell' button is the better workflow. You still don't get L2's, and you don't get realtime option prices, which really fucks up weekly or nearer option plays to the point of making them useless.
If you just want to buy and hold (or derivatives like dca + covered calls), you still do better anywhere but ibkr. It will be less expensive in the long-run elsewhere. Even your bank might do. Meanwhile, you don't give 2 shits about execution time or margin rates, the only reasons anyone should even remotely consider ibkr.

>> No.20932992

>ust pick yourself up by your bootstraps and a firm handshake amrite
Entitled zoomer, you will never get anywhere with an attitude like this. You really expect to get a job without looking them in the eye?

>> No.20933008

>civic holiday
i just realize i cant trade on monday
what the fuck is civic holiday even for

>> No.20933010
Quoted by: >>20933109

I dont think it was made for boomers who daytrade stocks at home all day and is mostly targeted to institutions and individuals who manage money on a professional level

>> No.20933025

Also lol'd.
Don't google dos or paul allen, kids.

>> No.20933030

I'm down to watch if she gets blacked every 3rd episode.

>> No.20933063

>Connections + Money > Talent for financial success.

You're confused. Nobody here is saying that talent makes you financially successful, or that financially successful people are necessarily talented. I'm saying that innovation comes from a small fraction of people, and those people are NEVER!!!! dead-end blue collar factory workers. Some innovators get their inventions ripped off or they make bad business decisions and lose their patents and someone else takes the credit, but the "middle class" and the "lower class" effectively consist of the same peabrains who are fundamentally only capable of taking cues from other people. Your glorious middle class worker's paradise will never happen. Regular office and factory workers are FUCKING STUPID. They don't innovate and will never be capable of innovating. They are soulless, semi-conscious drones.

>> No.20933085
File: 38 KB, 600x800, wkhsfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20933106

>I'm down to watch if she gets blacked every 3rd episode.

>> No.20933094
Quoted by: >>20933310

>It will be less expensive in the long-run elsewhere.
Hah, that sounds so crazy to me who is coming from a German broker who charges me 10 Euros minimum for buying shares.

>> No.20933096

Based post.

>> No.20933106
File: 113 KB, 430x328, 1595765735589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20933109

It tries to market itself as being for professionals but that's obviously the opposite of the truth. Their rates are horrendous for any pro and their offerings are unusable, period. Only individuals at home would want the paltry edge they provide outside murrika. Also pro traders who have to use ibkr do so through 3rd party software because of how god-awful their platform is. Those 3rd party platforms can cost as much as $10k/month, and as little as $500/month. That's what getting away from the ibkr offerings is worth.

>> No.20933116

>nigshitter brings up his fetish completely unprompted

>> No.20933268
File: 49 KB, 728x314, FS-Average-NW-Above-Avg-Person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upper class is 2 million+ networth you stupid Boomer.

>> No.20933286


>> No.20933310
Quoted by: >>20933597

How many trades will you be doing in a year? Reminder that you'll pay $10/month minus commissions on ibkr. For b&h, that's $10 * 11 plus, say, $5 per trade the first year assuming you do all your trades in the first month and assuming an average of 1000 shares per trade (min $1 per trade, max 1% of trade value). For your bank, that's $10 per trade + $0 per month. If you'll be sitting on the cash and/or adding as your cheques come in once a month, you'll pay (slightly) more at ibkr. If you want to trade frequently, you suddenly need to pay out the ass for all the data and research packages I mentioned and there's really no comparison anymore. If you have pennies to invest instead then yeah, ibkr will be cheaper. If you actually have money to invest and want to swing, your bank will be the same or cheaper, but all the tools you need will be available free instead of $1000/mo extra, and you won't get cancer from their programs. If you want to just buy and hold, might as well go with a platform tied to your bank since you're already doing business with them. The difference won't be much.

>> No.20933498
Quoted by: >>20933653

>your job
>top positions in the market
>if you’re gmi or not

>> No.20933597
Quoted by: >>20933718

Right now I buy one ETF each paycheck because anything else is too expensive, so 12 trades a year. If I had access to options this number would probably increase. The $10 inactivity fee on IB is waived if your account value is over $100,000, right?

>> No.20933653
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 6CE0A72D-2F16-4584-8156-C7F9D48694BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20933728

>should we dump et
>let’s consult the market

>> No.20933718
Quoted by: >>20933897

>The $10 inactivity fee on IB is waived if your account value is over $100,000, right?
I was assuming your account was low-valued because you're worried about your 10 euro fees, but if not it's all the same regardless of what you choose to use, except for convenience.

>> No.20933728
File: 618 KB, 952x717, 28C174C3-9F40-43BB-A462-81168A558D96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consolidate ze gains

>> No.20933747


>> No.20933759

Nikola reports a earnings beat of -2.41 when eps was expected to be -2.43

>> No.20933773

>muh it’s already over
It hasn’t even begun to end

>> No.20933815

Wait what is bili really at the ATH? It was dumpin decently last I checked.

>> No.20933877

Some countries are starting to force restaurants to demand contact info from customers, which will be kept in a government database for 1 month. Should anyone in the restaurant test positive at any time, the customers will be contacted, and health officials will be dispatch to them. Some governments further comment that if fake details become a problem, they will force restaurants to demand to see ID cards.
This will completely kill restaurants, especially if this trend keeps up. That's on top of restaurants requiring patrons to put their cuckmask back on in-between bites.
What's going to be next and how can we profit off of this? Including but not limiting to clown market conditions, I'm not sure just straight shorting restaurants and associated REITs will be profitable. While low-end restaurants and fast food can probably survive off of just delivery, high-end restaurants exist almost exclusively for the atmosphere and cannot in any way deliver. Even family restaurants won't work with delivery. Therefore, longing delivery services is already too late. How can the restaurants that will survive, if any, be pivoting?

>> No.20933882

Somehow looks very cute to me desudesu

Good thinking

Bili frens... present to me your DD on this chink social media gatcha shit?

>> No.20933897
Quoted by: >>20933987

It makes me feel Jewed and I hate that feeling, you know? I put in 2000 Euro per month so the commission comes out to 0,50%. That's a bit more than a quarter of my dividend yield just gone. Even worse because it's compounding of course.

>> No.20933925

Doesn’t that mean there’s a lot to look forward to?

>> No.20933987

I know. It's the same over here, banks charge $10 per transaction. Difference is I'm not even allowed to put such a large sum as $2000 per month, that would put me in the 1% of earners. Unlike you, I don't have access to tastyworks or deguiro.