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File: 12 KB, 250x247, iExec_RLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20421012 No.20421012 [Reply] [Original]

>iExec RLC is the Bitcoin of cloud computing.

Have all of you accumulated yet?
We need to shill this thing into mass adoption and mass fomo.
Normies know what Bitcoin is and they have heard the term cloud computing.

It's easier to shill than LINK.

>> No.20421045

I'm still rather new to /biz/.
Does the tried and true saying of "not your personal army" hold here?

>> No.20421069

no it doesn't
saying I'M NOT A FAGGOT AND I'M ALL IN RLC holds here.

>> No.20421079

There is no need for network effect on iExec nor need for a token. In other words, is a shitty investment, and you can't prove otherwise.

>> No.20421084

it does not sir

>> No.20421094
Quoted by: >>20421122

how many to make it?

>> No.20421113

No. When we hold coins we believe in, the greater plan is all that matters. Coordinated shilling is the only thing that matters right now. If you don't want to accelerate the adoption of RLC then you are against us and against the idea of a world computer.

>> No.20421122

8700 barrels of tranny lube

>> No.20421145
Quoted by: >>20421242

Token is used to trade for confidential computations and data. It is also used in staking. You cannot utilize iExec without the token. Poo poo in the loop pajeet

>> No.20421194
Quoted by: >>20421242

>What is PoC
>What is a free side chain
>What is an utility token and means of exchange of the native platform

>> No.20421200

And the network effect is much needed considering the more computers connected the more powerful the world computer is.

That is why we need to shill. Price increase will get more attention than marketing from the team

>> No.20421233

no it does not faggot

>> No.20421242

>What is a premined meme shittoken that should be replaced with a fiat stablecoin or something that makes sense and doesn't cause frictions.

>> No.20421262

I bet you hold LINK.
Go read the tokenomics report brainlet.

>> No.20421309

I’ll take 1 barrel of sweet tranny cum pls. Is that enough?

>> No.20421324

>What is a free market, the tokens relative exchange rate to fiat varies, and that's not a problem, you'd have to be a total brainlet to peg it to a stablecoin just for utility

>> No.20421394
Quoted by: >>20421574

It's funny that some anons don't understand the implications of an open decentralized marketplace with an asset tied to it.

RLC is literally digital oil and even Gilles himself said that before it was a meme long ago.
I feel bad for anyone not in before the next pump. Whales will not be able to hold the mass fomo. We are talking about a world computer here.

>> No.20421574

Exactly Anon, it's insane that the technical whitepaper will be finished and launched this month, it really feels like we're living in the future. Millions of new possibilities with computation as a commodity.

>> No.20421782
Quoted by: >>20421919

Yeah and the whole "clouds connected" thing all while the tech giants are basically nation states that will inevitably fight over digital oil in the digital battleground that is iExec. Some anon said wait till actual nation's like China figure out what iExec is.

>> No.20421882

I just bought 200 RLC. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.20421915

It was half of my LINK

>> No.20421919
Quoted by: >>20421950

You folk look like you know your shit, can I ask a question?

>> No.20421930

ill be honest anon - most likely not. it is a suicide stack tho

>> No.20421950

870 is a suicide stack
Sure hello

>> No.20421959
Quoted by: >>20421999

How does 200 quadriniggalion dollars sounds to you?

>> No.20421963
File: 9 KB, 250x202, 1594889886487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 barrels of digital oil is nothing to scoff at

>> No.20421999

Should I put all of my coins into RLC? Either 5 (You)s or Dubs decides

>> No.20422014
Quoted by: >>20422041

Kek decided that for you

>> No.20422024

it was the sign.

>> No.20422041
Quoted by: >>20423126

Jesus christ Im gonna do it lads

>> No.20422045

You both are quite clearly good at the back and forth shilling, but which one of you femboys is the faggot whom takes it from the back and which one gives the forth?
KYS shills

>> No.20422105
File: 69 KB, 584x491, 1591313217199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think I control kek?

>> No.20422113
Quoted by: >>20422205

Why it needs shill? If it's good, it doesn't need fucking shill

>> No.20422166
Quoted by: >>20422195

I only have 120 barrels. I'm not making it.

>> No.20422195
File: 5 KB, 210x240, See the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or am I?

>> No.20422205

You had 4 years. That's why. It's time to release this bad boy on the world. It is going to change everything. I've already begun tweeting at big important people that this is the Bitcoin of cloud computing.

>> No.20422212

jesus christ, as an actual software developer in the cloud computing industry, you guys seem so pathetic
token not needed, nobody uses it, nobody needs this
enjoy your bags

>> No.20422237
File: 838 KB, 2159x1360, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to wait for the rest to transfer from coinbase but all my linkies are gone boys

>> No.20422239

old chainlink fud nice try tho

>> No.20422285
Quoted by: >>20422356

Looking to get in

Does anyone have a video that explains rlc, I don't feel like reading

>> No.20422315

Easy larp, hoe much xeccies do you have sir?

>> No.20422323

Shit tier fud try again tomorrow maybe you will fool someone into selling you their bags.
Based. Honestly I think iExec oracles btfo link oracles. iExec oracles have sgx tee and staking and everything else iExecs marketplace offers while LINK didn't even have that nor sgx tee or staking.

>> No.20422356
Quoted by: >>20422587

Look at their pinned tweet it does an okay job but doesn't go into the more comped possibilities

>> No.20422388
File: 351 KB, 1503x972, 1594718538533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bro you can't get any more confirmation than that

>> No.20422451

Fucking checked.
This is real anons we need to shill the winklevoss twins and @apomp.

Winklevoss are important because they are the most famous and run an exchange that is in competition with coinbase which will lead to a fight over RLC.

APOMP is important because he is a mass media shill and goes on podcasts and TV. He can mention the world computer.

>> No.20422457
File: 228 KB, 1200x1200, Swallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw both a LINK and RLC chad
feels good bros. Feels real good

>> No.20422460

And you prove yourself wrong by getting dubs in reply to me, fucking Linkies have fallen 20 cents since I made the transfer praise kek I wish I was able to do the rest

>> No.20422587
Quoted by: >>20422705

Very interesting, I'll look for something more in depth

What are some real world examples you can think of

>> No.20422661
Quoted by: >>20422755

Literally dumping right now

>> No.20422705

The most exciting one to me is probably the one dealing with robots being able to do jobs in the real world and confirming it on iExec..

Or data renting. That's where the big volume might come from soon. Data renting between cloud giants is something not possible before iExec was created. Now they can rent and share data between each other with full confidentiality and security while being able to control access to the data at any time... That means they can use any sensitive data without actually gaining access to the sensitive parts.

Huge deal

>> No.20422755

>its gone up 3 cents since I bought it earlier in this thread 1.22

>> No.20422817

Kek really loves you bro
He knows

>> No.20422838
Quoted by: >>20422889

my bad guys

>> No.20422868

Zoom in

>> No.20422889
Quoted by: >>20423021

It's mooning just as hard as ALGO which just got a coinbase announcement...

I think being associated with the big ass companies is a huge buy signal for basically anyone and it's acting as a sort of protective shield....I think we made it

>> No.20422930

you must be new here friend
were you not on binance in 2017?

>> No.20422974
File: 185 KB, 800x800, blackyellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black n yellow
praise kek for we have known

>> No.20423021
File: 67 KB, 222x268, 1594860274954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20423633

wait till rlc on coinbase
and the normies will storm the gates
faster than your premature nut
especially when you jizz buckets at rlc 10 dollar

>> No.20423105

The absolute state of FUDders

>> No.20423126
File: 1.04 MB, 976x978, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 3.10.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek has spoken
screen cap this thread

>> No.20423145


>> No.20423188
Quoted by: >>20423264

Kek wills it brother

>> No.20423264
Quoted by: >>20423318

Kek is sending it to 100 EOY

>> No.20423318
File: 840 KB, 768x1024, 1591484384554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK has been talking to us a lot lately... This is it boys. I've seen enough

>> No.20423324
File: 1.23 MB, 1252x1981, 7956597632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20423389
Quoted by: >>20423490

$1.20 stablecoin.

>> No.20423490
File: 28 KB, 458x458, 1578693048124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People said that for years about LINK at 45 cents hahaha no rlc pajeet

>> No.20423633

Based coinbase is coming this year I bet.
Guys.. what if we take this iExec is the Bitcoin of cloud computing thing to far and actually become way too rich? Like what if anons are responsible for advancing the entire world of technology and thus humanity itself?

Do you guys realize how important this technology actually is?