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19969342 No.19969342 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make sure your parents are financially secure?

>> No.19969367

I'm close to making it and fuck no. I hate them. Religious extremists who made my childhood a living hell and now they're going to die one because all their kids hate them.

>> No.19969370

I haven’t made it yet but it’s going to be the first thing I do

>> No.19969395

That tree is fucking gorgeous.

>> No.19969406
Quoted by: >>19969425

make sure they hear about your wealth and let them know they won't get a penny

>> No.19969425


>> No.19969427

I would never waste money on something so fucking stupid. I never understood why so many fags want to do it. If anything once I make it I'd like to pay to make sure they are financially worse off.

>> No.19969435

That would be the first step

>> No.19969440

Religious extremist as in they are good honest Christians and you are probably a demonised little selfish druggie right?

>> No.19969443
Quoted by: >>19969803

I'll buy my mum every fucking thing she wants. fuck my dad tho.

>> No.19969450
Quoted by: >>19969507

One died the other I haven't spoken to for years. The sins of the parents are not the child's obligation

>> No.19969455

i’d like to get a house large enough to house them once they are unable to care for themselves, yes. this is actually a pretty new mindset for me, i never appreciated all my parents had done for me in the past.

>still a fukin loser now though so hopefully i make it in time

>> No.19969503

That’s a man.

>> No.19969507

they literally are you faggot

>> No.19969513
Quoted by: >>19970329

imagine how luke dashjr kids will turn out in the future. imagine being raised by an autistic christfag who probably believes the earth is flat

>> No.19969515

No, it was their job to make sure they themselves were financially secure. That's how we were raised: each person is responsible for wiping their own ass.

>> No.19969540
Quoted by: >>19969550

my parents are selfish greedy boomer scum.
fuck em.
fuck em in the asshole.

>> No.19969550

that's not very based of you anon

>> No.19969596
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>> No.19969639
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Remember to spend at least three times as much on your kids as on your parents, frens.
Claiming the future is more important than preserving the past.

>> No.19969697
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>> No.19969733

Fuck no.
They made me hate myself cause I enjoyed being a nerd.

>> No.19969803
Quoted by: >>19970098

kinda starting to feel this way desu. my dad is a seriously retarded fuckin idiot boomer who achieved fuck all besides being a fucking waiter his whole life. he squandered hundreds of k after he got lucky and won money. got laid off i\work in jan and has been a useless sack of shit ever since. now he's incapable of doing anything without mine or my mum's help. he's like a fucking manchild and no one will employ him because he's dumb, old and has no skills. i had to make his CV for him, find and apply to jobs for him, write his cover letters. Every fucking day he's bothering me or my mum to fix something on his phone because he's such a retarded cunt he somehow manages to fuck something up. Absolutely fuckin sick to death of him. He needs a babysitter. I saw him just before for the first time today and he immediately asks me if I know how to contact O2. He's too much of a dumb retarded lazy fucking idiot to google it himself and find out. When me and my bro were kids he used to always chastise us for "always being on the computer" (like sitting in front of the jewbox is any more productive), but now he's completely and utterly tech illiterate like borderline retarded. My mother however has been a good woman and had to work full time most of her life to support the family because my dad was never anything but a waiter with 3 failed businesses. I have her a few hundred quid just before and told her to get herself a little something with it, it felt good. When I make it I will give her all the things she wants. I want my dad to be secure and happy too at the end of the day but I will definitely be helping my mum the most.

>> No.19969823

I told my Father to buy chainlink when it was $0.2, so yes. Already taken care of.

>> No.19969832

My parents are already financially secure. My dad hates government and bought a shit ton of silver decades ago.

>> No.19969831

Since most of the posters haven't actually made it, my pops has a Link stack.

>> No.19969908

Sure, I will definitely make sure mom will be financially secure, but this is because of two reasons:
1. She's the only family I got, and she's very open minded, even tho she's not very technologically literate
2. She gave me some money to invest in crypto so I wouldn't use all my salary all the time.

>> No.19969935

My dad is already financially secured by marrying a woman who makes a lot of money. My mom and brother are poor and also horrible with money (shocking) so I will just give them a monthly allowance because if they got a lump sum they'd do something stupid with it.

>> No.19969936
Quoted by: >>19970145

The point is, once you make it, don't forget about the ones that helped you get there.

>> No.19969974
Quoted by: >>19969991

Is your lineage that pathetic that you are financially responsible for your parents

>> No.19969991

Silver spoon poofter

>> No.19970037

I used to get an alimony from dad so I expect him to demand the same when he gets old. Fucker have all his stuff formally owned by his second wife, so no inheritance either.

>> No.19970051

I don't do drugs and I was raised extremist Muslim. When I say extremist, I'm talking about the kind that prays for people like Osama to get into heaven.

>> No.19970098

Buy yourself some paragraph breaks too holy shit

>> No.19970145

so no one.

>> No.19970205

I want to make sure, but my father is the biggest wastrel there is. You know everything negative that people here associate with women: selfish, wasteful, consoomers, vain, etc? That's my father. He even has a massive shoe collection he barely wears.

I do however give my mother some money to help out.

>> No.19970234

Shiiiiit sorry I always assume when religious fundamentals are mocked online they mean Chritian but good you got away. God bless and I mean the Christian one that wishes only your best.

>> No.19970295

My parents are pajeets, they won’t see a single link from me

>> No.19970319

Lmao its hillarious that people still dont understand the consequences of their decisions.
Every single one of my close friends who had overbearing christian parents created drug dealing kids and whores.
Every. Single. One. Lmao All the girls in youth groups were pregnant by 16.

The ones whose parents were relaxed, and let their kids do what they want all had developed close relationships with their responsibile kids.

>> No.19970329
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Quoted by: >>19971852

but the earth IS flat, anon.

>> No.19970354

>imagine hating your parents

white people are strange

>> No.19970379
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Quoted by: >>19975603

Half and half...
The mum's a religious nut with few interests outside of jesus fucking christ, the old man's decided to spend the rest of his life growing fat and collecting welfare...
If i was to give them a few grand now and told them to use it well, it would be gone tomorrow on some insane new TV all while they struggle to fill the fridge (with items other than booze).

They're not bad people... but they're not doing their part to help themselves. I do help them every time they get themselves into a bad situation, but they don't get handouts anymore...
It's a sad yet angry kind of feel.

>> No.19970536

Its you that doesn't understand the eternal consequences fren.

>> No.19970650
Quoted by: >>19970733

>Its you that doesn't understand the eternal consequences fren.
Lmao jesus man. You have one life.
Dont waste it by being beholden to to different political, ideological, or religious belief systems.
Do good. Feel good.
The church is a super money maker, remember that.
Poor lads.

>> No.19970733
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Quoted by: >>19971233


>> No.19970763

I will buy them a nice house (or help them as they already have one) in southern france so they can have a comfy retirement, I will also pay my brother a nice appartement our city

>> No.19970786

I haven't "made it" at all, but I got my first job 2 years ago, and I do have a decent salary now.
My mother and I have had our differences, but she paid for my education, and anything important that I needed. So it feels right to help back, at least with the important stuff (as many anons have said ITT, give them a large sum, and it will be gone by tomorrow, spent on some stupid shit).

However, I've been thinking about my future instead. I don't expect to marry, or have kids that will support me. And I'm also financially illiterate.
So I was thinking about investing into something to get some passive income over time. But I'm not sure if I should go into crypto etc, or something more traditional like renting a house.
In any case, what would be an ok sum to invest, for an absolute beginner?
Any other advice?

>> No.19971233
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>> No.19971324

That’s a dog

>> No.19971368

Don't have any kids, my parents are all that matters to my ego.

>> No.19971423
File: 442 KB, 1163x583, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're fucking gorgeous

>> No.19971430
Quoted by: >>19971671

If you couldn’t pass on values then our civilisation would have never advanced, you spastic.

>> No.19971450

First time I've ever laughed at this shit meme

>> No.19971497

I think 1% is a good rule, so it depends how wealthy I am, also parents didn’t give me anything so I’ve had no head start to begin with.

>> No.19971671

Whats your point.
Religion has done plenty of good.
I went to catholic schools, went to a high iq jesuit prep school, etc. I know the bible in and out.

I learned morality from my parents.
Just because its helped society doesnt mean you all should lie to yourself that spending your life in church as you give them your money is going to get you into heaven.
Or being afraid of alcohol, or weed, or mind expaning psychedelics is going to let you advance in life mentally.
Its mostly stupid external pressures.
And it twists your mind into being a retard whose philosophies only end up tricking you into believing dumb dumb shit.. like voting for trump, or being afraid of gay marriage, or legalized pot, or etc etc.

A truly intelligent and a truly moral person doesnt need to pay a membership fee to the biggest business conglomerate in the world who pays no taxes.
Dont be naive.
In most cases in the world religion makes you less moral and more stupid, especially because your ideologies begin to get based on contradictions.

>> No.19971852
Quoted by: >>19971891

thats a shop. i can tell because of the pixels.

>> No.19971891
Quoted by: >>19971960

It's real dumbfuck

>> No.19971899
Quoted by: >>19974790

And you obviously do right? After all, you've listened to multiple other people tell you something is true, so it must be true right? You clearly understand more than anon because you read a book/listened to a pastor talk and blindly followed. Really high-iq stuff anon.

Hmm using shame and social stigmas to put oneself above others. Sounds exactly like every fundamental religious extremist I've ever talked to. Imagine being religious and also being this judgemental, you don't even get the point of your religion retard.

FUCKING THIS! Religious people have a mental disease called "blind acceptance". Never thinking for themselves and just following the pack.

>> No.19971949
Quoted by: >>19972323

its because those parents were ill-equipped in dealing with a jewified degenerate world. any other period, most of those kids would have turned out fine.

>> No.19971960

no dude look closer at the pixels

>> No.19972006

Of course. We don't get along all that well, but despite that they were feeding, clothing, and housing me for nearly two decades, I respect that and full well expect to repay them in kind. Nothing too fancy though.

>> No.19972076
File: 91 KB, 960x1024, 1537029088750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I mean he was a CIA asset. So maybe your parents are glowies

>> No.19972094

That's a fungus

>> No.19972185
Quoted by: >>19972323

reddit fag who swallows every godamn message the media has feed you. Muh I think for myself but somehow become a carbon copy or every reddit kid in America.

>> No.19972323

No moron.
Religious parents try to control too much, try to impress too many rules, thus the children always slip through their fingers.
Only natural.

Lol the irony. I love when people freak out when you make them look in the mirror for a split second.

>> No.19973298

I have not made it yet, but if I do, of course I would make sure my parents are set. Honor your mother and your father that you may have long days on the earth. It’s how you return the sacrifice they made back to them. Even if you don’t like the choices they made as to how to raise you, they at the least took care of your financial needs and kept food in your belly and a roof over your head. They gave you the platform from which you were able to make it. So of course you pay that back. Too many people aren’t filial anymore, but blood is incredibly important.

>> No.19973620
Quoted by: >>19973724

What this anon says is true

I grew up in a poorfag family who moved to a richfag area and we lived in a cardboard box of a house
The rich kids were not snobby or elitist for the most part, as I had always imagined them
Instead, while there were always bad eggs, the bad ones were a small minority compared to the ones that grew up welladjusted, self-actualized, and overall good people who worked hard, were smart and had everything going for them

Having overbearing parents defers the development of discipline so that the kid must only react to the parents' rules instead of taking responsibility upon themselves

>> No.19973724

this, so an overbearing mother and a shitty self centered father is the worst combo, which seems to be a very common boomer pair

>> No.19974016
Quoted by: >>19974055

I had a terrible relationship with my mother. When I was still young her personality did a complete 180. Complete mental shit. She has gone through A LOT in her life. Knowing myself I don’t even know if I could handle all she has coped with. But that does not give you the right to let it out on your children. I will never forgive her even now that she obviously regretted it and tries to make peace with me. I just cannot I have so many bad memories. My father was the regular boomer type. Amazing person, sometimes script wanted us to have everything but was never really around, always working. But they have spend so much money on me to go through school and uni so now that I’m financially stable I help with their mortgage and with my father’s occupation’s setbacks that may occur. But I have a life too. They have never asked for anything.

>> No.19974055

When I say so much money I mean for my family’s budget. We don’t pay for university here but usually you have to stay in another city and you can’t always work at the same time so expenses gather up. I am thankful for what they gave me though.

>> No.19974105

Mom's a degenerate gambler who squandered the family's fortune and bankrupted us. Dad's admittedly been whipped but has been a hard working and honourable man his whole life. His only mistakes were trusting my mom to watch over the family while he works, and trusting her to be a good person who wouldn't financially backstab the family. My dream is to buy him a nice truck one day. He's been driving this GMC van for 30 years probably.

>> No.19974790

>judgemental, you don't even get the point of your religion retard.
>b-b-but judge not lest ye be judged
Oh so we're just going to ignore all the moral failures? That's what the LORD wanted, right? Not like they were punished and promised punishment when they sinned. Not like he sent prophet after prophet to tell the people to change their ways tell them how to live. It's not like jesus told Mary Magdalene to go forth and sin no more

>> No.19974862

Mom and dad are typical retired middle class with health issues from neeting. Will probably build a mother in law apartment for them at my trad wife compound.

>> No.19974920 [DELETED] 

My mom and dad are dead. Dad from pancreatic cancer, mom from the fucking coronavirus. I am 36 years old. Other than that life is grand.

>> No.19974959

My mom and dad are dead. Dad from pancreatic cancer, mom from the fucking coronavirus. I am 36 years old. Never had a chance to help. Life's funny that way.

>> No.19975014

>mind expaning psychedelics
Ecks dee
>being afraid of gay marriage
Not afraid. Recognizing it for the abomination it is. Fags reproduce by raping kids and everyone who got laughed at for their slippery slope "fallacy" would be awfully smug right now if it wasn't for the horrible reality of over sexualized children in drag shows. You're a pseudo intellectual

>> No.19975031

My boomer parents blow all their money anyway.
>”hey anon, your mom just retired so we bought a new truck and a new camper and a new boat and a new fridge and we’re remodeling the house and the ac is broke we have to fix it blablabla”
holy shit they don’t even make that much money and they’re already chewing through their retirement fund

>> No.19975305

I would like to provide my parents with a decent place to live for sure, and some change of course but nothing too dramatic. We come from a poor background so an apartment, food, and a beater car would be more than enough for them following retirement. They are very simple people. They easily fit into my plan regardless since I want to buy some apartments so having them be "managers" of said apartments would be cool too. Kind of like free security lol.

>> No.19975371

Yes. Dad is dead though, but mom has always been incredibly nice and loving to me. I’m currently paying for a piece of land in a small town so she can have a country house and retire there.

>> No.19975603
