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19420900 No.19420900 [Reply] [Original]

Why did we let China overtake US?

>> No.19420948

>invaded Iraq for 911

Because you’re retarded. Anyone with like warm water temp iq could over take you. Now stfu and go riot some more.

>> No.19420975

it won't


>> No.19421060

By allowing people to be neets

In China, you cannot be neet. You HAVE to work. So they end up working harded

>> No.19421100
Quoted by: >>19424342

China: largest economic growth for decades in the history of THE WORLD
Internet pseuds: this one mistake will surely be the end of China

>> No.19421242

BC history always repeat itself, Roma caput mundi... of third world..

>> No.19421355
Quoted by: >>19421977

Asia just makes better buys.
That's the only reason why.
Check Suterusu

>> No.19421378

USA had their run. And they've done a terrible job of ruling the world. It's only natural that someone else takes over. Can't do worse than muttistan anyway.

>> No.19421400

boomers gave them industrial machinery, trained them how to use it, and outsourced manufacturing to china. they never once stopped to think that maybe they were training them how to manufacture the noose that would be used to hang america.

>> No.19421490
Quoted by: >>19421574

Fuck China

>> No.19421549

retard, follow your cult leader, he has the confirmation bias you are looking for

>> No.19421562


>> No.19421574
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>> No.19421613
Quoted by: >>19421624

Hey chink bots if you want to piss off Americans you gotta post chink bitches.

>> No.19421624
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>Hey chink bots if you want to piss off Americans you gotta post chink bitches

>> No.19421634
Quoted by: >>19422164


With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese plasma stealth technology, undetectable hypersonic combat vehicles, quantum direct-current electricity, neutrino submarine detectors, gamma titanium mono crystal turbines, quantum aircraft carriers, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, near-space ballistic air-to-air missiles, +2km range airburst rifles, and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.

>> No.19421728
Quoted by: >>19421894

Because US had a big boom in the 80s-90s. Now all those achievements became an obsolete baggage. Legacy people (boomers), legacy structure, legacy tech, legacy educational model...

The boomers go for the maximum quarterly profit!
They don't want to invest in upgrading obsolete infrastructure for long term investment (while China is starting from 0, so gets the latest). The same in education, where dumb burgers take loans for a gender studies /sociology degree.
Politicians are courting NEET voters, while bailing out corrupt corporations.

>> No.19421861

Truth. Boomers sold their children's future for cheap plastic trinkets. it blows my fucking mind that these SAME boomers are still in power and worse, those waiting behind them dont vocalize this impending doom.

>> No.19421885


No one have to ask you nigga lmao

>> No.19421894

>legacy tech, legacy educational model

You think so because you are uneducated scum of earth lmao

>> No.19421977

how much SUTER to make it?

>> No.19422051
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Quoted by: >>19422153

you can look at Anthony C Sutton's book, "wallstreet and the bolshevik revolution" that documents that communism's roots come from rich western industrialists. which sounds like russian propoganda in of itself, but its documentable that a lot of industrialists are monopoly men who want total control and have an affinity for communism.

in 1973 david rockefeller wrote an op-ed in the new york times titled "From a China Traveler" praising china's progress and mao's ability to lift people from abject poverty, bringing them from a rural/agrarian culture to becoming a burgeoning industrialized nation.

the main takeaway point form rockefeller's op-ed?

"The social experiment in China under. Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. How extensively China opens up and how the world interprets and reacts to the social innovations and life styles she has developed is certain to have a profound impact on the future of many nations."

industrialists in other countries began to pay attention to what the communists in china were doing and noticed that mao's government had the country under complete control - the political "Experiment" that david rockefeller spoke of was communism, the communists killed an estimated 65 million people to get china under their country. some people think the number is as low as 45 million or as high as 85 million. so tens of millions of people dead to get a country under control, meaning the chinese communists, who are still in control today, are the biggest mass killers in history.

the intriguing thing about china to global corporations is that their population is completely controlled. you can do anything. they're essentially robots before the age of automation.. imagine being on a company's board and realizing that if you don't have to pay these people and can make them work 12 hours a day with no days off, they can produce more for less. that's attractive to manufacturing at scale.

>> No.19422066

You mean the jooz. Why did we let the jooz take over America through banking cartel.

>> No.19422077

Sub zero IQ president thought he could do battle. Trump would have been a good leader when people settled things purely with bloodshed, like in the Middle Ages. He would have sent our troops all to China to eliminate them, and us NEETs would reap the benefits. However, in an intellectual globalized world, he is probably the least efficient type of person to run a country because he is not strategic and refuses to listen to anyone else. China has some great strategists at the helm.

>> No.19422129

>Why did we let China overtake US?

Boomers did. They wanted cheap producing costs. Pretty much have been building China up from the ground since the 70's.

>> No.19422153
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Quoted by: >>19422253

You are a idiot. Go back to pol, bet a peasant like you has less than 5k to invest.

Yes corporations loved the mass supply of cheap labour, and everyone should love and admire the Chinese insistence on infrastructure.

That’s all it is. No corporation or person envies a society where ceo disappear for political reasons, have to pay huge taxes, Have political government interference, and regularly have to pay bribes.

You are poor and stupid and parroting Russian propaganda bullshit.

>> No.19422164

Extremely underrated post.

>> No.19422253

>No corporation or person envies a society where ceo disappear for political reasons,

at the end of the day most corporation's don't care about the human toll of profit. in general the bigger the corporation the less they care. see: bayer's factor 8 scandal, foxconn suicides, slaves building dubai's world cup stadiums, sweat shops around the world, etc.
>have to pay huge taxes, Have political government interference,

government interference? yes. huge taxes? not exactly. if you want to save money on taxes in china there's a catch, and mega corporations are taking them up on their offer.

you can actually find this in mainstream news. google around. new york times, cnbc, etc. when trump passed tax laws to bring corporate tax rates down to compete with other countries lower corporate tax rate to make america even more attractive to do business in, china swiftly updated their tax law to offer 0% corporate tax in exchange for the chinese telling you how to invest your money. so you essentially get to profit there more as long as you become part of the chinese government. major american tech companies like apple and google, some of the first trillion dollar valued companies, took that offer.






>> No.19422568


>> No.19422669

Much needed change. Only multi-polar capitalism works.
They at least possess an ability to learn and it's so much better than blacks, that US had to go to another country because of that. US is now stuck with blacks, the only immigrants in the world that were unable to fill the necessary papers for immigration.

>> No.19422718
Quoted by: >>19423009

Honestly, I am fed up with US information dominance. Why, for the life of me, by being a russian resident I feel involved into your racism problems? Why our social networks are involved into this? This will change naturally too, if the policies for twitter/facebook/google will be politically strict. No one fucking cares about your blacks, except maybe France and UK.

>> No.19423009

Millions of Americans don't care either. I'd love the ability to participate in global social dialogue while having this perpetual racial discourse silenced. Indeed there is injustice, but I am so far past the point of caring. The cycle never changes and there is never a conversation about the black culture which is the root of these troubles or a conversation about the legitimacy of the "melting pot" theory. These troubles dont burden a homogeneous society and that should be the conversation.

>> No.19423891
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China is historically destined to fragment into civil war every hundred or so years, their geography and history basically demands it

Meanwhile, the USA has basically the most ::blessed:: geography in the entire world, short of going full commie ourselves there's almost no way we can fuck it up

>> No.19424342

Ok zhang