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File: 431 KB, 582x405, Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 11.27.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19226129 No.19226129 [Reply] [Original]

/PTG/ - Penny sTock General
continuation of previous thread edition


>Brokers for Individual Accounts to invest in Penny Stocks:
TD Ameritrade: https://start.tdameritrade.com/select?offer=220&entity=103
Interactive Broker: https://ndcdyn.interactivebrokers.com/Universal/servlet/Application.ApplicationSelector?ct=US&spltst=www
WeBull: https://invest.webull.com/auth/simple/signup?hl=en&os=web_pc&source=seo-direct-home&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.webull.com%2Fcenter
Robinhood: https://robinhood.com/signup/?

>Screeners to find available penny stocks under $2.00

>News & info for penny stocks
To research individual stocks: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/pennystock.asp
News source: https://pennystocks.com/featured/2020/05/14/penny-stocks-on-robinhood-to-buy-sell-analysts-may-14-2020/

>being shilled now

Beware tranny shitposters and redditors.
Post sources when you shill a new stock

>> No.19226220

i don't get why amerifarts use the stock symbol instead of the isin. are you just gay or
> gender fluid

>> No.19226235
Quoted by: >>19226325

Shill me PHUN.

>> No.19226265

What happened to my RMBL? I had 37 shares and now I have just 1 that doesnt have a value listed. Explain to a brainlet

>> No.19226266
Quoted by: >>19226473

it's more convenient for the brokers we use, why else?

>> No.19226281
File: 1.04 MB, 522x512, 1558811543155.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the stock market is closed Monday for Memorial Day.

>> No.19226307
Quoted by: >>19226370

Reverse split. 20:1. Every 20 shares becomes 1 share at (((theoretically))) 20x the price.

>> No.19226325
Quoted by: >>19227839

pajeet p&d

>> No.19226335
Quoted by: >>19226370

it will round up tomorrow. you will have two shares. gratz anon

>> No.19226350
Quoted by: >>19226473

Because the US exchanges are the only ones in the world that matter. Stay poor.

>> No.19226360

Holding mark looked like a pnd but stayed up for a long time
Should of sold on the pump and re bought but got greedy

>> No.19226370

Is that good? Why did you say congrats, it just seems like nothing happened in terms of value of my holdings, right?

>> No.19226396
Quoted by: >>19226407

Well how much did you pay for the 37 shares

>> No.19226407
Quoted by: >>19226438


>> No.19226413
Quoted by: >>19226490

it rounds UP. for every 20 shares you got 1 of equal value to 20. but since you had an extra 17 then you will get another share anyway.

>> No.19226438

Yeah so pretty much the same

>> No.19226473

lol i know. i wanted to trigger the retard >>19226350

>> No.19226474

Buying PHUN here, loving this level 2 action. Going to be walking up all day.

>> No.19226490

Ah gotcha. Damn, i should have gone big

>> No.19226528

Just stop halting it you kikes, fuck.

>> No.19226562

$20 away from making the $50 I lost this morning back kek

>> No.19226587
File: 31 KB, 631x546, buy the dip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19226831

You did buy the dip, right anon?

>> No.19226613
File: 277 KB, 1080x1350, 8CB2CE26-19CB-43EC-A6D6-E7B6BBBB32F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHRM bros, did you buy the dip?

>> No.19226634


>> No.19226655
File: 95 KB, 1032x1169, FB_IMG_1589989573511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CMSgt of the Air Force seen spotting a headset. Holo lense? MVIS?

>> No.19226676

Fucked up by going to numi

>> No.19226692


MVIS will be bought out by MSFT for $30 per share minimum screen cap this.

>> No.19226693

im continuously getting raped on SHIP anons but i have high hopes for 6/12 earnings call. I bought 1000 at .16 cents

>> No.19226710
Quoted by: >>19226829

fuck off pajeet

>> No.19226716

Pretty sure everyone told you to avoid that scam. Greek shipping companies are an actual meme.

>> No.19226724


you and me both. got too impatient


>> No.19226732
File: 294 KB, 500x500, 1586215639626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never be mad at profit anon you did the best you could at the moment

>> No.19226733

PSG next time

>> No.19226739

PHUN and NNDM fucking went berserk and I saw literally 0 posts on here about them in the past month. Board is fucking useless

>> No.19226780


>> No.19226790

We don't have crystal balls here. Tell me then, shill us your choices for a 200%+ pump in a single day.

>> No.19226808
File: 261 KB, 1200x1200, 1569668466942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PHUN got posted weeks ago, I know for sure because it was on my biz watchlist
I didn't ever research it though, makes me wonder what else that guy posted because there were a few and I dont remember what they were

>> No.19226829
Quoted by: >>19227090


>> No.19226831

Obviously. Got in at 2.01. Wish I got more at ~1.80 level

>> No.19226847

At least you made money Anon Bought in at 7 and sold at 67

>> No.19226954
File: 413 KB, 1770x850, PureGoldMining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19230123

Junior gold miner
high grade gold production starts Q4 2020
jurisdiction : Ontario Canada
They will produce and expand
great sharestructure , big boi investors from the industry ( Eric Sprott etc..)
Rising goldprice , all in producion cost around 900$. easy 5 bagger medium term

>> No.19227033
Quoted by: >>19229531

I'm with you anon but I'm only holding calls so it needs to hurry up. Those walls are crazy and once it breaks it won't be stopping.

>> No.19227042

lmao if SHRM closes up today there's nothing that can stop it

>> No.19227076

AH it's gunna make everythiing moon tomo. there's no reason for shit to be this dead.

>> No.19227082

Didnt microsoft explicitly dent buying mvis?

>> No.19227090
Quoted by: >>19227139

What is that supposed to mean, are you a brainlet or 3rd worlder that fucked up and can't spell? Kek

>> No.19227139
File: 999 KB, 500x267, 1586443505802.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how r you this new? /ptg/ is a reference to a /pol/ thread President Trump General. Let it go. it's ptg. PSG is a soccer team anyway.

>> No.19227190

They did the same with Nokia. How'd that turn out?

>> No.19227198

Share your long hodls frens, companies you actually believe in for the long term, not a PnD.

I've decided to put money into solar and nuclear power through SUNW and LTBR as long hodls.

Note that LTBR a while ago purchased the Thorium Power company.

>> No.19227223
Quoted by: >>19227617

You stupid fucking nigger PHUN was talked about here go back to plebbit

>> No.19227227

KOPN breaking out

>> No.19227239

Aumn(for a month at least)

>> No.19227240

My medium hold for the next few weeks is NNLX

>> No.19227268
Quoted by: >>19227430

Yeah because the deal isn't closed yet. It's been pretty obviously accumulated in huge quantities.

>> No.19227271

Oh is that you from the other thread, I also bought some FRSX.

>> No.19227276

>just bought PHUN at $2.00

Am I gonna get fucked, be honest

>> No.19227307
File: 4 KB, 310x162, 1588612409331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOVN is moving today. I bought at 39 cents. What should I sell it at? Or do I hold? Help bros, I have a heavy bag here.

>> No.19227311

Smart Anon look over here guys. Don't forget to put those AUMN gains into OTSO and repeat the process. OTSO could 10x at the least, super undervalued company fully prepared to start mining in a proven location

>> No.19227317

yes you retard, if its already pumped why would you buy?

>> No.19227346
Quoted by: >>19227429

Have you learned nothing from coming to these threads

>> No.19227429
Quoted by: >>19227575

I admit, I have not learned anything

>> No.19227430
Quoted by: >>19227537

You wouldn't S&S (shill & shit on) a poor anon would you? thinking of buying a bag.

>> No.19227431
Quoted by: >>19227584

In other non-Sneed related news, Luckin Coffee is trading again. Stock's currently tanking, could be lucrative to dare to wager on China's scam coffee chain to turn a new leaf their second go around. I mean, you gotta figure regulators would be up their ass with a fine toothed comb after this, so their numbers would definitely be legit.... or not.

Dare you Enter China's Chamber of Farts?

>> No.19227453
File: 3 KB, 125x119, 1582679019613s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19227841

Ok nevermind bros. Im holding. This shit is pumping atm. I got 4,500 shares.. Jfc I might make it

>> No.19227477

Too late to buy MVIS?

>> No.19227519
Quoted by: >>19227640

if i had a dollar for everytime someone has asked that in the past 3 months, i would not be investing in pennies any longer.

>> No.19227537
Quoted by: >>19227757

I wouldn't, I'm not the type. It's been a wild ride since the OG PnD, but the volume is stil there from that, which indicates it's clearly not a PnD. The volume and price suppression here has been something to watch, idk if it's MSFT but they got dicked around by someone who's been accumulating and waiting to officially announce a partnership

>> No.19227575
File: 108 KB, 804x996, 1578197726214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I admit, I have not learned anything

>> No.19227584

Stay the fuck away from that shit.

>> No.19227599

Stockwits saying if it breaks 0.42, it will MOON. Sell then, I know I will.

>> No.19227617

Please share with me evidence of this

>> No.19227630
File: 63 KB, 1200x630, DBA9EC51-D7CD-49E2-AB2F-DA7CB135AB6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19227681

fuck it, just went all in SHRM

>> No.19227640

Right? And if I had a dollar every time I told someone it's not too late, I'd probably be the same

>> No.19227642
Quoted by: >>19227683


>> No.19227666


>> No.19227667

>EMAN at .54
>up to .5711 now

Letssss fuckingggg gooooo EMAN. Told you motherfuckers I was about to print money. Bought the literal fucking bottom today.

>> No.19227681

Good. Lunchtime dip rn. Afternoon run coming

>> No.19227683

Better than this dead thread.

>> No.19227686
Quoted by: >>19227981

Get fucked. Don't walk in here shitting everywhere because you missed out while you were browsing reddit.

>> No.19227696
Quoted by: >>19227981

Go through the archives yourself

>> No.19227702

Probably not. You did buy NOVN to cancel out the loss, right?

>> No.19227710

Do I buy back into RTTR? Any possible upside?

>> No.19227715
Quoted by: >>19227760

How many bags are you holding? The Company looks solid desu. I have seen much worse shit shilled here. That's why I got in. It just hasn't done anything until today.

>> No.19227740

That's really stupid. wwuzduh magapedes!!

>> No.19227744
Quoted by: >>19229531

if stocktwits is saying it will moon at .42
sell at .4199 because those dogpiling retards will make you lose all your money

>> No.19227747
Quoted by: >>19227867

Will you guys hold onto KTOV or drop before power hour?

>> No.19227748

you're fucked man

and dont buy NOVN, it's already about to dump

>> No.19227757
Quoted by: >>19227867

I'm up on other stonks, I will stick my balls out there, I am going to start a small position.

>> No.19227760
Quoted by: >>19227784

NOVN was shilled on stockwits so I bought. I've got $200 in it.

>> No.19227769


>> No.19227784
File: 2 KB, 82x125, 1582368201355s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19227841

Good luck to you sir. Your not alone

>> No.19227816
Quoted by: >>19227853

Have another $200 to invest. Shill me something legit biz.

>> No.19227824

Same thing. It's a Canadian traded company. FIEIF is the OTC for burgers

>> No.19227839


>> No.19227841
Quoted by: >>19230302

sell now or be forever silent.

You were warned.

>> No.19227850
File: 35 KB, 220x283, 220px-Wild_Weasels_patch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RMED about to take off!!!!!!

UV Disinfectant down the throat.


Its about to take off!!!

>> No.19227853

WBT. Its dipping atm. Its a solid stock.

>> No.19227863

>that MVIS lvl 2
wew thats a lot of orders, Im guessing MVIS is not going to drop below 1$ anymore

>> No.19227867

I dumped half this morning, I'll buy back in if it drops to mid 50's again

Good luck, it's a risky play but most pennies are. You could always place some calls on it down the road if you don't want to sink a lot

>> No.19227881

faggots trying to short SHRM again

>> No.19227931

Bought at .47, you better be right weasel

>> No.19227952

PepeLaugh hope you did your DD

>> No.19227954
Quoted by: >>19228093

Thanks Anon! I took one look at the volume and bought in. considering that and it's only up a few % so far the risk is worth

>> No.19227981

So you have no proof cool. Have fun with bullshit KTOV scam

>> No.19228020

shut up pajeet

>> No.19228021

Jusy bought in. Don't let me down anon.

>> No.19228024
Quoted by: >>19229125


I mean yeah each day there is 4-5 Biotech stocks that take off but then are shorted.

Only throw at it what youre willing to risk and make sure if it starts to get shorted.

I accepted 1000 shares worth of risk. 458$

>> No.19228044

How about you fuck off Rajesh.

>> No.19228062

Hey guys, the tipster who brought you multiple big calls in a row here


Sitting comfy around 2 dollars is a good sign
This may be a good 3 days or so coming up.

>> No.19228067

It's in the fucking archives you jogger. Go get it yourself. Why would any of us waste our time for you, you clearly don't frequent here and expect to get spoon fed, fucking brainlet. I'm playing KTOV entirely with profits at this point. If you can't make money off that you're literally retarded.

>> No.19228073

Case in point about set it and forget it limit buys. Earlier anon was shilling cpe. I looked up the low for CPE, set that as my limit then went about my day. Just got notification, .74c cpe bags are mine and im starting off in the green. So instead of fomo'ing in at .79, I saved 20+ bones off my buy price.

>> No.19228089


>> No.19228093


Where do you get custom pants made to cover those big balls of yours?

>> No.19228129
Quoted by: >>19228285

I am a dopamine junkie anon. Frying my dopamine receptors is all I know.

>> No.19228138

I just learned this myself. Never chase= Chad status

>> No.19228173

I'm really liking this ToS active trader shit
just going to close out my shit and move everything to TDA today, ive had enough of web traders

>> No.19228181
Quoted by: >>19228208

15k SHIP avg price 0.135 with my lunch money. How fucked am I?

>> No.19228186

I love the rush

>> No.19228198
Quoted by: >>19228266

What's the name of the Canadian pharmacy chain that's supposed to sell products of SHRM?

I have to say, there's so little information on their website. No detailed info about their products, production, assets...

Doesn't look like a 300 million company.

>> No.19228208

2k is poor people money

>> No.19228246
Quoted by: >>19228281

Lol I'm so happy I didnt buy shrm.

I bought cpe instead. Oil > shrooms/chasing weed stocks

>> No.19228252
Quoted by: >>19228284

Lunch money. I want to see if it doubles or not just for shits and giggles. It seems primed for a 100% p&d

>> No.19228254

RMED volume is insane. It is will pump huge AH.

>> No.19228266
Quoted by: >>19229531

Very likely Shoppers Drug Mart - they dispense other controversial drugs

>> No.19228281
Quoted by: >>19228458

So happy you didn't buy it when it was brought here at 1.30 Canadian? Yeah fuck 80% gains your right

>> No.19228284

Send me 2k then faggots

>> No.19228285
File: 30 KB, 666x768, 1588093691869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good luck everyone on RMED.

This is a swing trade.

Treat it as such

Its not too late to get in. ALL ABOARD!

>> No.19228297

I thought the volume is because of the offering, basically .45 is the floor.

>> No.19228323

When are we getting out?

>> No.19228335
File: 19 KB, 236x357, 87a0d9d99aaffa99bfa3cba1e16f6aa1--ww-pictures-monochrome-photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19228727

Just threw $250 in. Didn't want to go too HAM since I'm locked out of day trading. Good luck to us all gentlemen.

>> No.19228349
Quoted by: >>19228912

I saw VITQ being shilled here last week in thread that died quite quickly. It could be a good opportunity, but has anyone heard of it or done any dd ? Was the thread I saw last week part of a known P&D shill campaign?

>> No.19228355

im in for $160. dont fuck me, i need to make my TTNP money back

>> No.19228364
Quoted by: >>19228377

2500 shares of otso checking in. Bought in at .068cents

>> No.19228377

4420 @ .085

>> No.19228378

At the very least I expect 1$ minimum. Expect shorts and set stop losses. Zoom out btw

>> No.19228388
Quoted by: >>19228727

What do you think the sell price is?

>> No.19228391

>Todays low .349
>current price .5178

Kek, shouldve set it and forget it.

>> No.19228400
Quoted by: >>19229531

I always zoom out first. Why are you feeling 1$?

>> No.19228432

Otso is fief

>> No.19228458
Quoted by: >>19228485

I'm happy I didnt buy it this mroning

>> No.19228485

>Didn't buy the dip either


>> No.19228560
File: 19 KB, 590x350, C4C8B764-B897-4A86-ABE7-8FF6502534FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no smug korean dictator sister gf

>> No.19228604
Quoted by: >>19228701

How much do I need to win on penny stocks to acquire a Korean gf aged 30 or younger

>> No.19228688
Quoted by: >>19228709

there's another UV one? i thought only AYTU did that.

>> No.19228701

10 gorillion won

>> No.19228709
Quoted by: >>19228780

They all pretend to do shit to get attention so they can raise money with equity

>> No.19228727


People who bought in at .36 cents will be taking profit at .50 because thats a proffit for a lot of people

Dont let big red candles scare you away that is profit taking. Hold until at least friday im thinking. There is a public offering for .45 cents

If you get in over .50c thats on you if you want to sell for a loss.

>> No.19228746

Whats going on with chink companies?

>> No.19228762

Based, thanks Anon

>> No.19228769
Quoted by: >>19228817

Chinese law allows them to commit fraud in international markets, Corona has made the world hate China. Chinese companies are getting squeezed out of free trade markets around the world.

>> No.19228780

true, forgot about that heh
SRNE fizzling out

>> No.19228783

What's your stop loss?

>> No.19228808
File: 153 KB, 604x613, D36BDCBB-DDCA-49DF-9DD5-F5323F55DF61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you get in over .50c thats on you if you want to sell for a loss.
w-what? I bought at .52, how fucked am i?

>> No.19228817


>> No.19228839

This is why you don't buy at market. Always use limit.

>> No.19228857

based on what?

>> No.19228860

Damn, wish I saw this earlier. Easiest money ever. Bought in at .45, probably to late, but maybe can swing it at .60 hopefully.

>> No.19228861
Quoted by: >>19228899

Corona has been pretty cool to be honest.
Stocks became cheap, I get to work from home, Everyone is giving China shit, and Fighting game netcode has become a popular topic.

>> No.19228882
File: 21 KB, 750x387, 1589820202366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anticipate dips as per usual in average trading. There is dips followed by spikes.

But if you look at the volume its 43M today
thats nuts. Be paitent. A lot of people are watching this thing

>> No.19228899
Quoted by: >>19229531

what do you play? are you good? funny seeing fgc people on this board.

>> No.19228912

It's not really a pnd. People think it will explode because it's supposed to compete with Tesla. Very high possibility that the company will merge with Nikola around first week of June. It's a long hold of you get in now. Good short for people who got in at around 7 dollars.

>> No.19229002
File: 149 KB, 400x416, DEB76AEF-7424-4524-A3D3-E505A98A57F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I still holding OCGN

>> No.19229013

So do we dump KTOV bags on the 38th or 29th opening? I'm gonna sell half and the other half leave for long term

>> No.19229022
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1586477149675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking a hard bogging all morning and getting raped all week on every single thing I buy
im becoming more convinced this is some kind of truman show gaslighting shit

>> No.19229065
Quoted by: >>19229152

>he doesn't know

>> No.19229069

lets talk RMED. what are we talking about? no news, low target price. shill it please

>> No.19229082

I know what it is, it’s one gay anon trying to shill his “legacy”

>> No.19229094
Quoted by: >>19229123

in at .419 out at .49
i got my lunch money

>> No.19229123

yeah but whats the point of holding it. it dumped for a reason didnt it?

>> No.19229125


>> No.19229135
Quoted by: >>19230100

Next week

>> No.19229152
File: 291 KB, 641x530, 1583402066461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please god no

>> No.19229166
File: 44 KB, 1135x669, RMEDoffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229531


it has a 10 million dollar offering expiring on the 22nd

Thats what people are buying into because theyre expecting growth.

>> No.19229232

Aghhh muh fuckin NIO gainsssss.... when will this stop???

>> No.19229242


>> No.19229269
Quoted by: >>19229355

Obviously Anon that bought like 5k earlier decided to sell so he can eat for the week

>> No.19229355
Quoted by: >>19229373

No I didnt. Its still at .56 hell're you two talking about?

>> No.19229365
File: 193 KB, 750x1624, 828D5592-DFF1-495F-9C1A-8C109ACD6599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229400

not shilling it, but why has KOPN been rising still? bought in at .57 and never really got clear details besides them stealing MVIS’s military deal

>> No.19229373

It appears to have dipped for a second and buddy was losing his mind

>> No.19229396

Get out next week before the news. You’ll know when it pumps. Be patient anon.

>> No.19229400
Quoted by: >>19233786

Because they're a good company with military contracts that hasn't been used like a whore like most other things coming through here. Be nice to her.

>> No.19229411
File: 1.51 MB, 600x329, 1586388899223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Profit taking. Dont get involved in a penny stock if you dont expect people who bought in way earlier to sell once they see a 50-200% gain

How this still surprises people I dont know. Some penny stocks do have intrinsic value if you do your DD. KTOV, EMAN, CNAT, and RMED, and PHUN are some of those stocks

By the way I was shilling Phun last week. Congrats to all who made 233% gains with me!!!!!!

>> No.19229531
File: 361 KB, 1079x1079, 1588603409934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229607


Something gives me a hunch something is different about this PTG thread then the other

>> No.19229584
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1580174203530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229732

what are you shilling this week lad

>> No.19229592

Microchads assemble

>> No.19229607
Quoted by: >>19229666

I'm down 250 on one trade and almost 700 on another
I'm going to do what that eman-anon did, marketmakers lurking in these threads now

>> No.19229654
File: 479 KB, 772x804, A2139074-8569-494E-9107-4D2D7B367A88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some penny stocks do have intrinsic value if you do your DD

>> No.19229666

>I'm going to do what that eman-anon did
buy a 5000k bag?

>> No.19229724

RMED is a stock to long or should I bail now?

>> No.19229732
File: 310 KB, 1027x1353, 1478732179332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19229835

2 weeks ago I shilled VTIQ and Phun. I just cashed out of phun.

My main thing atm is still VTIQ but bears are attacking after yesterdays high. I expect it to go back to 21-22. Good idea to make calls when that happens. Merger is june second.

Right now I am pushing RMED. Its got 45M volume trading under .50 has a 10 mill offering at .45 a share. Its one of those that will bounce up and down all day. And then a hedge fund find will probably find it after hours and make the stock bounce. Its what im hoping on. These offers and volumes can attract that kind of customer. Cash out at that point or hold. Its up to you. What goes up fast tends to go down quickly too in this market.

>> No.19229746
Quoted by: >>19229849

So this shit already dumped? I didn't even research it yet, looked like shit on first glance

>> No.19229774
Quoted by: >>19229849


The real fun happens after hours. If you watch these stocks you know what I am talking about

>> No.19229835
Quoted by: >>19229911

Anon was calling a $1 for this. I am here for a shot time. What's the sell price and when? Does it look like it will pump AH?

>> No.19229849
File: 812 KB, 808x805, 72617E6F-8045-40FB-A998-C8D30CE00947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19229911

Stop asking for a sell price. You sell on your own terms, making sure you sell before other people dump it and crater your gains.

>> No.19229930

bought 1900 OCGN today @.31. 600 MVIS @1 but I doubt that's getting filled.

>> No.19230020
Quoted by: >>19230063

Commission fees sure suck. Would've reliable income if it wasn't for them.

>> No.19230026

What's the news next week everyone is hyping?

>> No.19230061
Quoted by: >>19230120

I was aslpeep. Fuck me i deserved it

>> No.19230063
Quoted by: >>19230698

get fidelity you certified dumbass. havent paid one cent in commission

>> No.19230100

why? whats happening

>> No.19230106

did none of you faggots buy CIDM?

>> No.19230120
Quoted by: >>19230262

take a look again anon

>> No.19230123
Quoted by: >>19230372

Your post are reminiscent of the PVHO pajeet. Same posts all the time. Try better faggot

>> No.19230140
Quoted by: >>19230295

sold for 150% gains.

>> No.19230163

Whats going on the Phun? Why all the halting?

>> No.19230262
File: 162 KB, 1024x1280, 1566255386035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I can only afford 100 shares of this or sit on the cash. I've decided to stay away from biopharma as I'm already holfing bags and don't want to throw mone at this industry before learning how to play these companies. I got justed trying to play earnings so I decided to go for gold miners and SHRM anon shills it consistently on this board and is hell bent this shit has much more room for gains. I'm thinking about going all in SHRM and dca into junior miners and champignon for the foreseeable future. Idk, just woke up and i'm processig too much information. Brb gonna make some coffee

>> No.19230295

where did you hear about it?

>> No.19230302
File: 31 KB, 125x125, 345345345345345nigmode234234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19230331

its been halted 3 times in the last hour

>> No.19230346
Quoted by: >>19230510


>> No.19230355
Quoted by: >>19230674

sorry make that 5 times

>> No.19230362
Quoted by: >>19230526

So you just keep the stock halt page up and watch?

>> No.19230372
Quoted by: >>19230551

I looked into it, the project will likely be developed, getting funding from reputable creditors like Sprott. However, the mine next to this one was sold off for being too risky to run for Newmont - AISC was running at $1600/oz when they sold it off. This is because the geology is has dense gold pockets but it's dispersed among ground without much gold. They are saying they have a way to follow the gold veins and consistently get a good grade in a predictable way which would make the mining very profitable. However if you look at their mill capacity and recovery rate, the valuation of the company is roughly equal to it operating at full capacity 5 days a week for about 10 years. I would say it's a good prospect if you got in at half it's current value. Right now I'm not worth it - there are many projects about as good with less money chasing them.

If you want to get into gold speculation, learn a bit of the geology and try to find projects with a lot of proven gold in the ground that could be turned into a mine. Then sell it off when gold mine bubble starts up. We're in the very beginning of it, there's nobody else in this economy making money but gold miners, so expect people to start picking them like shitcoins. OTSO is one of the first mines that can come back online with the new high gold price.

>> No.19230389

Shilled on twitter

>> No.19230454
Quoted by: >>19230510

almost forgot FIEIF

>> No.19230510
File: 781 KB, 2400x3000, 1552707141898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FEAC chart looks flatter than my ex, don't know about that FMCI bulge tho but both look interesting. What's the deal with these companies? M&A's? You may be onto something very interesting here considering the economic climate we're in tbdesu. These are not peeny stocks and would avoid but you motherfucker got my noggin joggin. Gib more breadcrumbs. Pls
I've got them on my eye bc they have been shilled here. I'm saving up to buy decent amount of shares. Tbh OTSO and SHRM are planned to be my larger positions for days. I'm just a wagie tho and money to be thrown for this are coming slow and are not enough to get decent positions

>> No.19230521

Should I go all in on OCGN?
It seems like it's almost certainly going to go up on speculation alone, is there any chance of it plummeting below the current bottom before the news hits?

>> No.19230526
File: 9 KB, 236x229, 41781c483c8b2d0a56feaa0bc4bd687b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19230674


>> No.19230546

Do your DD they have been dropping for a while. They have a new product coming out of testing next week. So buy the rumor sell the news.

>> No.19230551
File: 1.44 MB, 971x1264, 9D0752C4E9B14AF6B841396189FDD11F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pan man said they look very good so i'm not dismissing them, I'm just a bit suspicious about the posting style that anon used. I'm trying to cut down on my expenses significantly and live like a hobo to try to get some good positions and slowly dca as time goes by

>> No.19230556
Quoted by: >>19230596

LMFA huge gains today still sun 1 Million volume and has a 4 Million Mkt cap this thing is ready to pump.

>> No.19230596

I've been on this train for 2 weeks now. Fucking excellent.

>> No.19230674

make that 6 times anon, thanks for the tool.

>> No.19230698

Not an American.

>> No.19230715

fuckin sold NOVN at .48 like anons were saying to. held since .36. feels fucking great. thanks again /biz/. what’s next? looking for 3-10 day holds

>> No.19230716

Missed the peak in NOVN because I was outside. Hodl or sell?

>> No.19230728


>> No.19230747
Quoted by: >>19230932

Fintel FEAC and get back to me.

Go Ahead.

I'll wait.

>> No.19230872

What are some good Canadian penny stocks, that are on TSX? I don't want to be paying fees

>> No.19230902

Repill me on this.

Also what the fuck is up witj KOPN. I wanna get in, but I know once i reaches $1, stop loses are gonna kick in. When is a good time to get in, if it's not to late already.

>> No.19230923

Avg in, thank me later.

Check the Fintel yet?


>> No.19230932

Yeah fuck that. I'm finishing up some ebay listings and all proceedings will go to the companies you shilled. I'm not too savvy to get what you wanted me to see at fintel but the institutional investors list was fucking delicious. What i like more was the sector you just whowed me. With many companies going under, M&A's will have so much work to do from now on.

>> No.19230983
Quoted by: >>19231180

Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Alberta

>> No.19230987
File: 23 KB, 666x405, prty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f
>no $PRTY

>> No.19231034
Quoted by: >>19231085

cuz you didn’t tell your /bizbros/ about it before hand faggot

>> No.19231071


>> No.19231085

still not too late to buy calls and hold for when covid is over and it's party time

>> No.19231143

only going up because of twitter guru mentions

>> No.19231154
Quoted by: >>19231385

is it too late to go in RMED at 47?

>> No.19231174
Quoted by: >>19231211

>finishing up some ebay listings
you sell anything lately? I haven't sold shit in 8 months.

>> No.19231180
File: 114 KB, 762x960, 1562347457972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19231559

So if I'm reading this right, she's gonna own 4.1m shares of them? Being a poorfag I can only play with arounf $100 atm. Fuck, I'm gonna live off oats and canned beans and get as many shares as I can from what you shilled. Damn, mergers and acquisitions should fly in this economic climate.

>> No.19231211

I dont have much shit to sell now and last time was right before the lockdowns so idk, I'm going to list in the hopes licked in people want some vidya. 8 months is a long time, what are you selling?

>> No.19231223
File: 48 KB, 808x767, 1589732047963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19231302

what does “barcode” mean in regards to stocks?

>> No.19231359

Usually spikes in volume related to a PnD, because of the bars they make on the chart over that time frame, with the biggest being at the start and finsih

>> No.19231384
Quoted by: >>19231511

can someone explain this thread on Sabby to me?

>> No.19231385

Possibly. Initially wave is done. You can buy now and maybe set up some stop loses. I got in at .46

>> No.19231409

appreciate it brother thank you

>> No.19231478



>> No.19231480
Quoted by: >>19231511

Barcode means that a stock will go up and down within a price range for quite a while usually due to market manipulation. Also known as crabbing

>> No.19231511
Quoted by: >>19231543

thank you bro.
read this thread here on sabby and barcoding.. i don’t understand what this guy is saying happens when Sabby buys into a company? he intentionally crabs it? i’m confused >>19231384

>> No.19231528
Quoted by: >>19231620

Fuck living in Europe and fuck our shitty brokers.

>> No.19231536
File: 259 KB, 1080x1256, Screenshot_20200520-153444_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day. When is eman going up?

>> No.19231543

Yup infamous manipulator. Intentionally keeping a stock at a certain price

>> No.19231559
Quoted by: >>19231682

This anon gets it.

>> No.19231620


>> No.19231682
File: 137 KB, 1080x1148, meganschmitty1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get that biopharma is hot shit right now because of corona and all these gains are enticing af but m&a's will have a field day once the dust starts to settle and we get a clearer image. Fuck it I'm going all in junior miners and m&a research now. I'm havign second thoughts on SHRM but will throw some money just for the effort anon put to shill us this, but fuck me how could I not seee this? All these companies going under will have to go into management one way or another. Fuck me, where so i start researching that shit?

>> No.19231734

What happens to my bags if my pet penny stock gets bought out

>> No.19231753
Quoted by: >>19231783

Where is the PESQX shiller at

>> No.19231783


>> No.19231809
File: 65 KB, 587x680, rmed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Things are about to get a little spooky...

>> No.19231835

>Using targets from 2 analyst before corona as a guide

>> No.19231873

>using cnn for your stock picking

>> No.19231879

Limit sells?

>> No.19231962

buy intelsat's revived company INTEQ guys

>> No.19231965

Where my fellow KOPNchads at?

>> No.19232062
File: 38 KB, 236x483, 1588349312094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here since it was hovering in the .50-.60 range.
Glad to see this rocket takeoff finally

>> No.19232065
Quoted by: >>19232652

We did it SHRM marines, $2 is the new bottom

>> No.19232149

Sold today at .90, last time we saw this action in dropped again. I am a long term believer but I'm here to make money, I swing trade companies I believe in long term so I don't ever have to sell at loss ideally

>> No.19232218

Took a 25% loss on KMPH 2 minutes before closing after reading about the delisting. Yesterday was my last chance. I hope to make that back with some good plays, idk. Fuck you kempharm

>> No.19232317
Quoted by: >>19232886


ZOM zooming. glad i held on to it.

>> No.19232364
Quoted by: >>19232681

TTNP getting ready to moon

>> No.19232440

Anybody have a link to where I can follow sabbys money?

>> No.19232475

y has everything been moving AH more so than peak times?

>> No.19232652

should have bought more during the sub-$2 dip.. fuck

>> No.19232681

Say why

>> No.19232870

Why buy the underlying instead of buying straddles on penny stocks that support them? You can close the correct leg, keep the other leg for massive potential profit in excess of the underlying, or trade the option itself.

>> No.19232886

Told you so.

>> No.19232902
File: 710 KB, 1280x1024, tfwturboLS3Volvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm building a machine learning model using tensorflow to try to identify profitable Pump n Dumps before they peak. What microcap pump and dumps should I use to train it? Keep in mind I will only be training it on freely available data from open APIs (yahoo finance, google finance).

What I'm thinking so far: KTOV, GNUS, MVIS, EMAN. Some more historical, pre-covid examples would help too. If the model seems to work I'll share it with you guys when it's done.

>> No.19232937
Quoted by: >>19233008

youre fucking retarded

>> No.19232989

this is a pajeet

>> No.19233008

Still bagholding from one of the above I presume?

>> No.19233100

Eman and mvis isnt pump and dump

Ktov and gnus I am not familiar with but you need to research better.

Go to coins if you want true pump and dumps

>> No.19233165
Quoted by: >>19233268

>not pytorch

>> No.19233268

I think you may be out of your depth anon.

>> No.19233272

I continue to shill


>> No.19233275

Pajeet, please

>> No.19233366
File: 22 KB, 472x464, 1561645760109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have FBI in your id anon???

>> No.19233371
Quoted by: >>19233649

Great pnd setup. 100% bullshit news by the way. Still has a lot of steam. If you're already in, congrats, you're rich! Just don't forget to take profit.

>> No.19233417

Its random letters.

It's alright to go back to your wage job. Trust your ceo and govenor. Everything's fine.

>> No.19233437
File: 76 KB, 800x450, SecretAgentGoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing to see here guy, nice digits btw

>> No.19233485
Quoted by: >>19233649

doesn't abbot give test results in like 5 minutes

>> No.19233649

They’re inaccurate.

>100% bullshit news

>> No.19233740
File: 193 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2020-05-20-23-04-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHRM what is this? A glitch?

>> No.19233757

I'm in for about 50% of my capital only because I'm using the rest for MVIS calls. It's a good buy whether they finish testing next week or not. I haven't seen that anywhere yet but the other anon apparently has.
Would breed this beautiful pig every 10 months.
Check the previous posts. Plenty of good info in there. Basically they're the only ones producing a treatment for ogvhd and it's nearing the end of trials.

>> No.19233786
Quoted by: >>19233864

what would you estimate would be a reasonable EOY for KOPN? would it be wise if i buy more

>> No.19233819
Quoted by: >>19233993

Not him but just at a glance they make plastic products and pretty much have nothing to do with actual lab shit. Still, I bet their tests are just as accurate as the chink ones.
No. We all told you this was a pnd. You forgot to dump.

>> No.19233843

is FET a good buy?

>> No.19233864


>> No.19233993
Quoted by: >>19234111

Look at the volume at 3.55 pm bro

>> No.19234111
Quoted by: >>19234466

Probably has another couple days in it and then when it crashes NUMI will do the same thing.

>> No.19234254

>company basically exclusively known for making petri dishes with not one successful test kit release ever (despite tons of PR)
>40 days from test development to patenting
>patenting meaning anything at all
>no testing whatsoever
>no data or results
>not even a publication on a preprint server
>CEO has no med experience, he was an oil CEO exclusively before (i.e. some of the scummiest people in the world)
>patents on thing nobody uses i.e. they failed to get even one sale on, which suspiciously hold same or very similar names to actual in-use technology exclusively
>the one actual researcher on board is a scam artist (see his "achievements" for more details, he is the editor of several predatory journals and no real one among other things)
>the doctor on board is also a scam artist and only ever publishes in, you guessed in, predatory/fake journals, also see his profile
>only reason company is afloat is due to deals with DOD, known to love being scammed out of ridiculous amounts of money for bullshit lies
>conversely, dealing with DOD is almost always an indication of being a scam

>> No.19234466
Quoted by: >>19234602

SHRM is a pretty outstanding company. NUMI is an obvious scam. NUMI caused the SHRM stall today, between people pulling profits to jump in on the NUMI IPO and NUMI thereafter shitting on the public instilling fear in the psychedelic market as a whole. SHRM had a beautiful V-shaped recovery and found nice support, and fucked short-ers all day.

>> No.19234591

When will KTOV get funky again?

>> No.19234602

I hope you're right, for anon's sake. I have no skin in it. Too busy holding MVIS calls while it sits at $1 all fucking day.

>> No.19234631
File: 204 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20200520-172324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nearly perfectly bought the low and sold the high, albeit it only 390 shares. Now's a good time to buy back in but my capital is all tied up. KTOV will hit $1before end of year, until then play the pumps.

>> No.19234636


>> No.19234665

/SHIP/ Chads stay strong boomers and normalfags trying to flip pennies on them. Ironfists required

>> No.19234714

Literal Greeks bro lmao

>> No.19234736

>trusting Greeks with your money
Bro have you not learned anything the past 10 years?

>> No.19235291
File: 21 KB, 634x355, attic wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell MVIS for loss
>it moons
>sell EMAN for loss
>it moons
>remove KOPN from watchlist and forget about it
>KOPN moons
>buy KTOV
>it stagnates
>sell for loss or break even
>it moves to $0.60
i just can't get a single win guys. what do.

>> No.19235359
Quoted by: >>19235623

Just fucking hodl you retard why the fuck would you ever sell for a loss. ngmi

>> No.19235373
Quoted by: >>19235623

keep cool anon. theres nothing wrong with holding for a while.

>> No.19235577

People took some of their shrm gains and tried to play with numi but got burned. Shorts came in and tried to fuck with it when they knew volume was going to be weaker than normal. New bottom in at $2, only up from here.

>> No.19235623
File: 154 KB, 557x595, batman JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19235846

i know. i'm a subhuman shitskin retard with diminished prefrontal cortex due to 20+ years of cooming non-stop. i have no patience. i get great tips from /ptg/ and blew them all, and also bought into retarded shit like TTNP. just fuck my life up. not goyna make it for sure now.

>> No.19235846

When you invest in a company you did due dilligence on yourself, you can be sure that it won't just go to 0 overnight just because you stopped looking at it barring an act of God or something. If your stocks doomp because of bad earnings or some bad report, that is time to despair and doomp. But if your stocks just fell because some guy exited to make profits, that doesn't mean anything about the company's condition. One day maybe the stock will pump again and recover.