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18670470 No.18670470 [Reply] [Original]

Chamath is back and doubled down again on the assblasted CNBC host https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9g0TpzE3DE

Full interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Go1I0tu01n4

>> No.18670528

based thank you for the full interview. CNBC keeps putting them behind shitty paywalls

>> No.18670621

Based capitalist

>> No.18670640

Facebook lottery winner turned “love me I hate capitalism.” What did investors do with the returned cash vs leaving in IBM?

He's a fucking hypocrite

>> No.18670655

>I hate corporate bailouts
>I hate capitalism
kys retard

>> No.18670665

>everyone should go bankrupt, no bailouts
>"should your friend and business partner Richard Branson get a bailout?"
>uh uh that's up to the UK government

>> No.18670690

He pretends that buybacks does nothing positive while forgetting that the money is being used to reinvest

>> No.18670727

Propping up the zombie companies because the boards that governed them took all the profit to invest elsewhere sounds like a shit base for your house of cards

>> No.18670752

If the money fuelled innovation elsewhere then idgaf

>> No.18670768

>begging the question

>> No.18670778

Right, the only way for innovation to take place is if we make sure the thousand richest Americans and their shitty calcified garbage companies can never lose.

>> No.18671005

Worked great for Teledyne, but that is a shining example of success for it.

>> No.18671110


>> No.18671339

Anon, I...

>> No.18671352

mans going ham

>> No.18671393

>muh elites pocketing all the buybacks
>drinking the socialist koolaid
>muh eat the rich
Seriously, fuck Chamath. He's setting himself up to become a politician with this populous garbage

>> No.18671418

no no you see that guy is just TEMPORARILY not a billionaire. Obviously...

>> No.18671696
Quoted by: >>18672245

I greatly reduced my CNBC intake when they keep putting this poo on and spew pollution on live tv. This street shitter wasted 2 halftime episodes in the last 2 weeks. Faggot

>> No.18672073

Do you even fucking know how buy backs work you fucking idiot??????? Stay in your corner you fat piece of slob. Let adults talk you child

>> No.18672088

>Oh no, they bought risk and lost! Quick we need to help skull and bones!

>> No.18672184

Buybacks are just a more tax-efficient alternative to dividends, and both are means of returning money to shareholders.
This conman actually criticizes corporations for returning *too much money* to shareholders (including retirees trying to supplement their SS and savings with investment income), which is pretty easy to do when you're a billionaire who could put all of his money in T-bills and still live like a Mughal.
He singles out IBM and its lost decade under Rometty, without acknowledging that she was a diversity pick (female).
He implies dividends and buybacks primarily benefit execs, when his pet example IBM only has .11% insider ownership:
He gets BTFO by the host at 26m, when asked about his buddy Branson begging for gibs:
>Uh, that's up to the British government
LOL what a fraud and a hypocrite.

>> No.18672241


>> No.18672245

You guys are deluded.

>> No.18672291

I'm amazed at how utterly stupid half of /biz/ is, this place is nothing but degenerate gamblers throwing away their paychecks

>> No.18672394

He's not only criticizing bailouts, but also agitating for government-mandated changes to corporate dividend and share buyback policies.
I'm a NEET stockholder, and I do not want regulation forcing companies to give smug wagies pay raises when they could be returning the surplus profits to me and other shareholders as dividends or buybacks.

>> No.18672417

>I do not want regulation forcing companies to..
Fine with me but when the company goes bankrupt tough shit, not my problem.

>> No.18672430
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>> No.18672529

Then you are just a faggot that can't make money and needs the fucking government to save your retarded investments when they go to shit

>> No.18672695

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.18672739

Love Chamchan, I invested in IPOC today actually and will be investing more throughout my life's history

>> No.18672834

>Blames companies instead of naming the banker jew
Controlled opposition

>> No.18672925

based. Let the buyback cucks go bankrupt

>> No.18672938

First off gotta love people accusing him of being anti-capitalistic, so ironic when he's being powerfully capitalist by letting companies live and die by their own merits. Also what he's getting at is that you can have your cake and eat it too. You can both makes insane returns and you can re-invest in your COMPANY to grow those returns further - this cycle of investment feeds off of itself and grows your company organically, rather than throwing it back into the hands of the overwhelming majority of shareholders. As stock traders we don't have to fear this, he's here for us and the economy. And he's dead on when he says that the stock buybacks are boards essentially saying "we don't know what to do, so let's just pay ourselves more".

Always fascinating to see how people have been so spoonfed and indoctrinated to believe we live in this simple capitalist society, and are willing to fuck themselves over financially so that the wage gap continues to widen. Healthcare is a great example of this, swarms of people voting to keep their costs high for the principle of "capitalism".

A true capitalist society would be amazing but we live in a plutocracy guys.

>> No.18672974

Chamath destroyer of corporate subsidization.

>> No.18673005

Completely agree with him. He is 100% right and based. But this dude was running a SPAC, which in theory sound fine but in reality almost always go terribly.

>> No.18673612
Quoted by: >>18674063

can you believe this shit these bootlickers are saying in here jesus christ. This is why pol is retarded and should stay in their hole.

>> No.18673841
Quoted by: >>18674751

just a reminder. Chamath capitulated on the issue of bailouts in his last podcast. his cnbc interview where he called for companies to be wiped out was done all for theater and views
Looks like it worked

>> No.18673941

Fuck you wagie scum.
Maximize MY shareholder value; get back to work and STFU.

>> No.18674020

About what? I didn’t even listen to him. He’s a whiny little fuck that wouldn’t shut the fuck up. It took me like 20 seconds to realize he was contradicting himself and I would only become dumber and annoyed if I kept listening.

>> No.18674063
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>> No.18674128
Quoted by: >>18674170

based 'jeet

>> No.18674146

as if 99% of shareholders today had anything to do with the company's profits
stock market is a joke and completely disassociated from any actual investment and reward that may've existed in the past

>> No.18674170

he's fucking up to something, they always are.

>> No.18674172

Just take the L and move on man...

>> No.18674208
Quoted by: >>18674395

Chamath is unbelievably based. How can I be more like him? Seriously asking here.

>> No.18674216

Retard companies do buybacks with excess cash when they should be securing a financial moat. Not every company is equal. Apple had enough cash to do buybacks and to secure a financial moat. Any company that has ever done buybacks should be ineligible for bailout because they are asking the federal government to be their financial moat.

>> No.18674233
Quoted by: >>18674569

If we are going to socialise corporate losses we should socialise corporate gains

>> No.18674395

By having sex

>> No.18674569

We should do neither

>> No.18674599
Quoted by: >>18674751

you're so fucking stupid .. you do know that onions raise test and that's the joke behind turning s o yboys into onionboys.. stupid fucking idiot

>> No.18674637
Quoted by: >>18674751

The commonly held thought robs you blind you fucking moron. That's like shilling for establishment politicians because they have "experience", just reinforcing shitty ideas that never go away.

>> No.18674696

Shut up commie
chamath is the most based billionaire

>> No.18674732


phewww you totally missed the point. realize what conflicts of interest are before making such an ignorant comment.

>> No.18674751
Quoted by: >>18674779

Go vote you Bernie you fucking putz'. Did you faggots even see this?

absolute state

>> No.18674758 [DELETED] 


lol nice ad-homenin dumbass.

you -----------------------> the point. *you totally missed it..

>> No.18674779

Kill yourself

>> No.18674781
Quoted by: >>18674809


room temperature iq detected. then he'll go off saying people who have a problem with buy backs is a socialist.

go kys fucking retard.

>> No.18674796
Quoted by: >>18674809


HOLY FUCKING SHIT YOU CAN"T BE this fucking retarded..


pick one.


>> No.18674809

Look at this seething buttboi. Yes, buybacks are better than divs. But that isn't politically correct these days.

>> No.18674830
Quoted by: >>18674881


corporate buy backs is money spent in reducing outstanding stock.

it's not spent on R&D or product developement or enhancing human capital.

i feel like im talking to a clueless child..

fuckoff and stop making ignorant comments.

>> No.18674881

Except taxed at a lower rate so it is more rational to buyback shares than pay divs, assuming that you care about your shareholders. Buffett "Years ago I pointed out you can sell a little piece of Berkshire every year and still end up owning more of it. People who want to take a little bit of what they earn, each year, and turn it into cash can do it, and they don’t force that policy on other people."

Fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.18674920
Quoted by: >>18674935


the whole argument here. and i'm going to educate you, okay child...when these companies take bailout money from the government. which is essentially tax payer money inf the form of fiscal stimulus, and when all corporations do is spend it on buybacks, i.e stock repurchases it doesn't do shit but pump the price of the stock without the money being spent in a meaningful way, i.e R&D and hiring human talent.
this isnt about being socialist. it's about a massive conflict of interest between the people who actually care about the company vs those who just want to get rich by holding its shares...it's about the misappropriation of funds.

>> No.18674935

Socialists are seething rn. Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.18674946


you're a fucking moron.

you totally missed the point. lmao.

go kys

>> No.18675000


LEARN TO FUCKING READ. you fucking neckbeard holy shit.i tried to explain it in the easiest possbile way but you are an absolute neckbeard.

READD instead of running your mouth like a total fucking retard.

muuhhh socialist.. seriously go kys kid. no one here is a socialist. it's about spending money the right way. that will yield better future profits and will grow the company instead of a short term cash injection/sugar high to pump the price of a stock

>> No.18675003
Quoted by: >>18675033

This. Just because he is temporarily aligned with principled capitalists that corporate bailouts are a net negative does not make him a capitalist. Heck the faggot cannot even stand by his argument when the interviewer asks him about Virgin/Branson, he cucks out with some bullshit about how things are different in the UK.

>> No.18675033

They are different here. If we bail something out (bank/post office etc) we partly nationalise it.
We still wish it disn't happen because banks are scum, but that is how we do it

>> No.18675041
Quoted by: >>18675120


tell me about all the banks that were bailed out in 2008...are they partly nationalized? lol common man why are you even still talking.

>> No.18675120
Quoted by: >>18675373

>are they partly nationalized?
Now stop posting you dense sewer rat

>> No.18675373
Quoted by: >>18675520

Virgin is asking for loan and all that Branson is offering as collateral is his island that at best is worth 1/5 the value of the loan. (doubtful there is going to be a lot of buyers for 100 million pound island in the near future, so probably closer to 1/10 of the 500 pound loan). There is no plan to nationalize.

>Northern Rock
You forgot about the litany of other banks that just accessed the Bank Recapitalisation Fund. Heck the US took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

>> No.18675520

And it hasn't happened yet, there will be negotiations if any. The trains were killed last year over pensions and the tories are already in deepshit over the handling of other transport ventures so don't be surprised if we say no