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File: 53 KB, 256x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
185774 No.185774 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>184726

>> No.185775

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 158 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.185780
Quoted by: >>185829

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee) (China Pool 3) 0% pool fee
http://thepool.pw/panda/ 0.3% pool fee
http://wolongsucks.tk 1% pool fee
http://panda.moonishere.com/ 1% pool fee 1% pool fee
http://panda-mine.us 1% pool fee



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.185784

PND isn't dead.
Daily reminder to back up and encrypt your wallet.

>> No.185786


>> No.185789

PND had too much bamboo and is taking a nap

>> No.185792
Quoted by: >>185862 >>186580


Fucking genius

>pretend to be grill
>beta plebs will buy your scamcoin now because they think "wow if i buy her coin, she'll sleep with me"

This is some 11/10 shilling, amDOGE - good goy

>> No.185793
File: 120 KB, 480x400, 1392931085129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185799 >>185980

Reminder that Dogecoin is about a free market for competing currencies. Everyone who does not believe in the free market may leave now.

>> No.185790

PND is on life support but we aren't going to pull the plug... yet.

>> No.185795
Quoted by: >>185883

i love backing up my wallet.
because i bought a special cute little usb flash drive just for it.

>> No.185798
File: 680 KB, 836x827, 1394130052156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.185802
Quoted by: >>185824

Santa, please talk to me. I know you are there.

>> No.185799
Quoted by: >>185807

There is no inherent right-left orientation in a currency.

>> No.185805
Quoted by: >>185810 >>186580


That's amDOGE? I'd fuck her.

>> No.185807
Quoted by: >>185818

left-right indicates less/more economic freedom in these graphs.

>> No.185808

>It's probably just you.
I have a lot of problems with this image but seriously wat
Why is that on there?

>> No.185809
Quoted by: >>185811 >>185814

Continuing my AmA session as a PND bagholder.
Ask me anything.

>> No.185810


yeah but what about her monstrosities

>> No.185811
Quoted by: >>185827

if it rises to 2 satoshi are you going to sell?

>> No.185814
Quoted by: >>185827

If it goes to 2 satoshi will you dump?

>> No.185812
Quoted by: >>185822 >>185828

/mlp/ is considering mining this, maybe we can work together?


>> No.185822
File: 60 KB, 710x514, 1328110485493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I dont know if i want this...

>> No.185818
Quoted by: >>185840

No, that's the vertical axis.
If you believe the lower-left box does not exist then you also believe politics are one-dimensional.

>> No.185821
Quoted by: >>185831

Is it likely that PND will go back up to 10 at all?

>> No.185829
Quoted by: >>186009

>Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3

great now we have people downvoting this

People who have millions of PND and dont know what to do, you need to upvote the shit out of this

Coinedup will help you convert PND into whatever other coin you want. So get this upvoted before wolongfags downvote it

>> No.185824
Quoted by: >>186580

Even if santa isn't there he is always in our hearts.

also this isn't amDoge right?

>> No.185827
Quoted by: >>185830 >>185835

I bought in at 6 satoshis.

>> No.185828
Quoted by: >>185834

>not Equestrian Bits

Non-horsefucker pump n' dump, would not mine.

>> No.185830
Quoted by: >>185835 >>185846

>buying cryptocurrencies
But why?

>> No.185834
Quoted by: >>186125

Why don't we make equestrian bits a coin? We'd have the popularity of the bronies to support it.

>> No.185835
Quoted by: >>185846

Will you dump at 6 satoshi?
Also >>185830.

>> No.185831
Quoted by: >>185883

I'm kind of doubtful because of the constant coins coming in. However, all it would take is one rich whale with ~20 btc to pump it to 5 and cause a mass panic buy all the way to 10.

There's still a possibility, just need to catch an investors eye by showing that we have a community.

>> No.185840
File: 20 KB, 467x413, Political20Compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185891

You are totally wrong there.

vertical = social/political freedom
horizontal = economic freedom

It was my pleasure to educate you.

>> No.185846
Quoted by: >>185851 >>185883

Because I have too much and not enough sense.

I'll wait until I see an upwards trend and then make my decision. Chances are I won't dump until 10-12 satoshis.

>> No.185851

too much money*

>> No.185855
File: 22 KB, 284x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185858 >>185899

People still tip Doge in these threads for OC?

>> No.185858
Quoted by: >>185873

sent ;)

>> No.185862

every marketing trick ever

>> No.185865
Quoted by: >>185871 >>185874

Do people still tip Doge in these threads for no reason?

>> No.185871
Quoted by: >>185874

very funny, Santa does

>> No.185874

Please post your addresses at pastebin.com and put it the address in the mailfield to avoid bans.

>> No.185873
File: 312 KB, 2160x1508, we can dig it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185874 >>185876

Thanks. Here is another one.

>> No.185876
Quoted by: >>185885

That is so fucking great.

>> No.185877
Quoted by: >>185881



>> No.185885
Quoted by: >>185890


If you like it then you should put a tip on it.

>> No.185881
Quoted by: >>185897

The pastebin address in the mailfield.

>> No.185883

dawwwww :3
thats not how it works, its like getting a girl to sleep with you, it must "just happen"
guys like this>>185846
will get us laid

>> No.185886
Quoted by: >>185890

like this?

>> No.185890
Quoted by: >>185904

Much better.

>> No.185897

oh ok


>> No.185891

Oh, well, how 'bout that.
My bad.

>> No.185892
File: 4 KB, 300x57, captcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i get some for finding this captcha

>> No.185903
File: 329 KB, 918x832, 1386878946368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185910 >>185958

Double daily reminder to donate DOGE for the newest fundraiser


>> No.185899


>> No.185900
File: 1.07 MB, 1079x968, nsli_dc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185905

20 years on photoshop.

>> No.185904
Quoted by: >>185908

am i getting tipped now? :3c

>> No.185905

with the reference pictures i would have made this in 5 minutes

>> No.185908

sent ;)

>> No.185910

thanks for reminding us, great charity

>> No.185913

dayum thats like 5h of mining for me thanks :3

>> No.185917



>> No.185915
Quoted by: >>185918


dont forget me ;_;

>> No.185924
File: 58 KB, 500x497, 2013-11-02 13.07.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly riminder to donate to dogechain.


>> No.185918
Quoted by: >>185931

sent :^)

>> No.185931



<3 amDOGE

>> No.185927
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x808, pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one for today. Thank you for the tips!

>> No.185937
File: 761 KB, 1500x1143, dogesun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here have a pic of my painting :3c

>> No.185944

100k PND for whoever writes me about 500 words, if you are interested send me an email and we can talk. It is not a hard job but my english sucks. You copy a text but make it different basically.

>> No.185947
File: 1.27 MB, 320x320, 1326429077567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185952


first coin to reach 1k votes will be considered, let's get DOGE on this shit...for some reason they named it DGC, whatever let's go it's 2 easy clicks (only need 82 more votes)


>> No.185952
File: 125 KB, 1024x768, 1392345576774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 we get digitalcoin listed

>> No.185958
Quoted by: >>185959

Thanks, already donated 500Ð
Also, my shepherd, does the pastebin greasemonkey extension works if I had multiple wallets? I will test in the next post

>> No.185959

It will only work with one address type and one address.

>> No.185963
Quoted by: >>185969


>> No.185967
Quoted by: >>185973 >>185984

Small change that should take care of the delay when fetching from pastebin.

Changeset is at https://bitbucket.org/amdoge/address-finder/commits/1d47548..

Script is at https://bitbucket.org/amdoge/address-finder/src/master/addressfinder.user.js..

>> No.185969

Funny, when I installed the script, it worked at first, but then I cancelled opening the wallet and it went back to showing the mail instead, will try second version and test it

>> No.185973
Quoted by: >>185981

Very nice.

>> No.185980

I imagine the lower left quadrant can exist if you don't believe in the principle of ownership

>> No.185981
Quoted by: >>185987

Found a bug
if (isPastebin = (_ref = text.match(Main.pastebin)) != null ? _ref[1] : void 0)
You meant
if (isPastebin = (_ref = text.match(Main.pastebin)) !== null ? _ref[1] : void 0)

>> No.185984
File: 257 KB, 1344x740, sad-022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>185987 >>185989

Doesn't work with 4chan X.

>> No.185987

Strict or not, doesn't matter when not converting the type.

I'm using it alongside 4chan x right now. Make sure bamboohouse isn't blocked by your browser when browsing with https enabled.

>> No.185989

Works fine with Mayhem's 4chan x.

>> No.185992
Quoted by: >>185994 >>185995

Turns out it doesn't work without 4chan x because it reorders some elements.

>> No.185994


>> No.185995
Quoted by: >>185999

Tell your userscript runner to run it afterwards.

>> No.185999
Quoted by: >>186002 >>186047

I'm already doing that on init. It's the content of the page that gets modified by 4chan x later on that's giving issues.

>> No.186002
Quoted by: >>186004

Fork 4chan-X and edit Post.coffee to parse email?

>> No.186004
Quoted by: >>186006 >>186010

I already have a fork at https://github.com/ihavenoface/4chan-x..

>> No.186006
File: 45 KB, 377x360, wat-069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186008 >>186013

You're ihavenoface?

>> No.186008
Quoted by: >>186023

I guess so.

>> No.186009
Quoted by: >>186014 >>186025


Are we allowed to tip posts in this thread? I don't want to get banned

>> No.186010

Ah, okay.

>> No.186013


Do you ever fucking sleep Miles?

>> No.186014
Quoted by: >>186026

Yeah, as long as you keep your address in a pastebin.

>> No.186019
Quoted by: >>186023

That's not Miles.
No Miles never sleeps.

>> No.186020
Quoted by: >>186025

just tip the address that is in the pastebin placed in the email field

>> No.186022


>> No.186023
Quoted by: >>186027

How am I not me?

Yes I do.


>> No.186025


meant to reply >>186009

>> No.186026
Quoted by: >>186034 >>186042


I mean on the reddit thread; Can we use the tipbot or would that look like buying votes?

>> No.186027

Oh right your trip got leaked.

>> No.186031
Quoted by: >>186038

Tell me more about Moolah. Everything you know.

>> No.186038
Quoted by: >>186043

yung moolah baybeh

>> No.186034
File: 17 KB, 320x375, 1388157972940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>MFW downvoting all the other threads on r/coineduo
>MFW it puts pandacoin at the top of the page

>> No.186042
Quoted by: >>186048

tip the users outside of that sub-reddit?

>> No.186043
File: 266 KB, 1280x960, kek wayne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.186048
Quoted by: >>186058


Well it's more for the purpose of adding replies to the thread, I'll just play it safe and tip people in r/redpandas

Are there any other panda related subreddits we could tipbomb?

>> No.186046
Quoted by: >>186050 >>186064

So, there are no buy orders for PND?

Wow, just wow....

>> No.186047
Quoted by: >>186052

To me it was working with mayhem's 4chan X until I clicked one address, it prompted me to my wallet, and then it didn't work again.

>> No.186050
Quoted by: >>186055

getting on more exchanges should change that, especially bter

>> No.186052
Quoted by: >>186061

That's because of autoupdate.

>> No.186055
Quoted by: >>186062 >>186065


Why would bter put pnd on their exchange though?

>> No.186058



go nuts

>> No.186059
Quoted by: >>186066

>log into my betdoge account
>8 doge left
>turned them into 600
My goal is 5000 then I stop.

>> No.186060
Quoted by: >>186098

Sup man.
How'd the gambling go yesterday?

>> No.186061

Oh, good point, I want to try and see if I can help but my programing skills suck, and I'm working on getting the ad

>> No.186062

Because we ask them

>> No.186064

There are but they are to low to be on the PND/BTC pair.
One has togo to the PND/DOGE pair to see them orders: https://www.swisscex.com/market/PND_DOGE

>> No.186065


if we write enough emails they could, see it as a coin worth trading

>> No.186066
File: 36 KB, 250x331, 1358390223789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then I stop

>> No.186071
File: 225 KB, 1200x1042, Doge Market Cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186073

Just made this.

Dogecoin's market cap is bigger than bitcoin's

>> No.186079
Quoted by: >>186073


>> No.186073
Quoted by: >>186079 >>186080

>Dogecoin's market cap is bigger than bitcoin's
[citation needed]

>> No.186080
File: 6 KB, 219x230, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.186098


Not bad, I'm still in the black.

Still going to win back everything I lost.

Gotta martingale fast!

>> No.186101
File: 367 KB, 1920x1080, 4chan ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under approval, but one ad down:

>> No.186105


>> No.186107

Holy shit please tell me this is for DOGE and not PND.

>> No.186111
Quoted by: >>186114


>> No.186112

I could but I'd be lying.

>> No.186114
Quoted by: >>186124


Also I used the other banner that is not miles', so that one is still up for grabs.

>> No.186124
Quoted by: >>186155

Post it

>> No.186125

This is actually a really great idea, they're dumb enough to make some good money off of.

>> No.186126
File: 50 KB, 847x372, 754839206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186131 >>186130

projectile keking

>> No.186131

Too busy messing with 4chan X to argue, come back another time.

>> No.186130

kek m8!

>> No.186133
File: 53 KB, 1216x960, back to my parents basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is amdoge still being the hero we don't deserve~?

>> No.186134

So, who's preparing for instamining Heisenberg Coin?

Cryptorush at launch, so can mine and dump asap.

>> No.186136
Quoted by: >>186151

Thank you based anon.

>> No.186141
Quoted by: >>186145 >>186148

I have $200 I want to invest in a crypto.

PND a shit, I'm hopelessly shilling though.

DOGE looks like it's on it's way back up soon, it's at it's lowest in two weeks.

BTC just had a ~$100 spike a day ago, so it's recovering pretty well, but I fear the time to jump on the "happening buy" bandwagon has passed.

Or I could get some palladium, or stocks.

>> No.186144
Quoted by: >>186151

when is launch?

>> No.186145

PND best coin

>> No.186146
File: 141 KB, 835x697, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186179

Friendly reminder that doge is ded

>> No.186148
Quoted by: >>186154 >>186174

>DOGE looks like it's on it's way back up soon, it's at it's lowest in two weeks.
I mean, PND would appreciate a buy order but I think the answer is fairly obvious.

>> No.186154
Quoted by: >>186158


when will china be on board to pump?

>> No.186151


>> No.186153
Quoted by: >>186241

make RothschildCoin
>coins cant be mined, only borrowed with interest.
>coins can only be borrowed from early adopters with 'reserve" privileges.
>reserve addresses can issue and lend an unlimited number of coins
>reserve addresses set the borrowing tax rate and can collect fund from any address.
we could be kings.

>> No.186155
File: 57 KB, 728x90, 1393979075046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.186158

No idea.

>> No.186161


what link did you give for the ad?

>> No.186163

>Reward Structure: Rapidly Decreasing Hexadecimal Spiral
>512,000 coins per block, with a 50% chance(1/2) of finding 1028000 for the first day
>512,000 coins per block, with a 25% chance(1/4) of finding 1028000 on the second day

wtf is this shit
its as instamine as it can get

>> No.186164

>you're now realizing that if amDOGE didn't have such an oneitis on pandacoin we could make a new pump and dump every week and make a ton of bitcoin from every one of them
>tfw amDOGEs pride is getting in the way of our profit

>> No.186166
File: 478 KB, 672x1516, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OC just out of the oven

>> No.186174
Quoted by: >>186180

So, how do I go about manipulating PND?

$100 to buy all the PND I can.
The other $100 to buy all the BTC I can.
Sell the PND at 9 Satoshi
Use the BTC to buy it up at 9 Satoshi before the people selling at 1 do?


This appears to be what weewschlong did.

>> No.186168


>> No.186170
Quoted by: >>186173

yes, just don't hold em' and you'll be golden

>> No.186172
Quoted by: >>186205

You can go ahead. amDOGE isn't blocking you, you're just refusing to do it because amDOGE is there.

>> No.186173


>> No.186177
Quoted by: >>186189

wow this thread is fast

>> No.186179
Quoted by: >>186193

That's a bunch of idiots thinking they can sell at 200 Satoshi while the market is 160.

Either they're joking or completely retarded.

When that red spike is well within the green boundaries, then's the time to panic.

>> No.186180

Weewschlong just did initial and then said he was pumping to get everyone else to buy higher for him.
But yeah, only problem is that you're going straight to 9 satoshi and not slowly buying upwards.

>> No.186183
Quoted by: >>186202


>Everyone always complains about premine but how do you think we can get our coin to be listed on exchange at launch or be able to offer the bounties etc etc.

then there is this gem by some poster

>> No.186188
Quoted by: >>186198 >>186199

Someone actually needs to make a brony coin though, that shit would be so easy to jew them with

>> No.186189
File: 50 KB, 1160x594, 1394136008027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen,

>> No.186193

>Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful

>> No.186200


I like this website bro

>> No.186201

seems like that guy just gambled a large pizza away

>> No.186202
Quoted by: >>186206 >>186221

listened at exchange comes with interest. buying into exchange only makes the coin pump and then dumped to dead because all who trade are into pump and dump.
bounty can be easily done with donation by community if it has a good community (what a successful coin needs)

>256,000 coins per block with a 12.5% chance(1/8) of finding 1028000 for the next 2 days
>128,000 coins per block with a 6.25% chance(1/16) of finding 1028000 for the next 4 days

halving after 2 days?

>> No.186195

Devs will dump it on cryptorush the second it goes out, you won't be able to dump your instamine.

>> No.186197
Quoted by: >>186212

What's your balance son?
Last time it was 8 million or so PND.

>> No.186198


did you miss the mlp coin

>> No.186199
Quoted by: >>186208

There is an /mlp/ on 4chan, I think someone from there might look at /biz/, which'd be a problem for you.

>> No.186205

We are nothing without amDOGE, and I love him, but I'm afraid he's on the wrong track now.

>> No.186208


For how long has this coin been out to mine?

>> No.186206
Quoted by: >>186209

topcoin 2.0

>> No.186209

That was a fun 6 hours.

>> No.186212

8 million
I went down to 6 million but got back up.
Impressive when I think about it, because I literally had nothing in the bank when I launched the website.

>> No.186211

fuck off shill

>> No.186219
Quoted by: >>186223

Thank you based hexafl, turned 8 doge into 1000 :^)

>> No.186216
Quoted by: >>186246

how do we get on right train again? all last trains been shit failures. pnd? cr? meanwhile I missed ekrona, and maza two trains that would have brought me more than 40 BTC when I hadnt been focussed here.

>> No.186220
File: 6 KB, 351x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186223


>> No.186221
Quoted by: >>186229 >>186238


>muh hexadecimal descending reward structure

>> No.186228
Quoted by: >>186237

How were you paying people?Or they lost outright and became the site's bank?

>> No.186223
Quoted by: >>186226

Fixed, the server crashed for some reason.

np ;)
be sure to spread the word

>> No.186226
Quoted by: >>186367

I'll stop when I get to 10k though :^^^)

>> No.186229

They should've named it "satellite transposing polarization gravity well algorithm with n-factor frequency modulation" because it's more 31337 that way.

>> No.186233
Quoted by: >>186237


hey can you improve your lotto a bit

if i buy some tickets for the first time and then some more later then the other tickets buy me a roll in the same slot rather than later slot

can you fix that?

>> No.186238

>Premine = 1% this is one of the ways we can get out coin on sites like cryptorush.in at start we will use this for the stability of the coin.
fools dont realize that getting on exchange without demand means quick dead
>We are just devs that want to see our hard work succeed more than make a huge profit.
you are fucktards who cloned a coin and implemented a simple formular

>> No.186237
Quoted by: >>186243 >>186255

They lost outright and became the site's bank.

It's supposed to be like that, but I can change the behaviour to the one you mentioned if everyone wants that.
The chances will still be the same, though.

>> No.186241
Quoted by: >>186257

Someone already made Bernankoin, which increases block rewards as hashrate increases to ensure liquidity.

>> No.186243
Quoted by: >>186249

>The chances will still be the same, though.

i know but still, it eels like i have to wait for some peoplle to buy it up first if i wanted a particular slots

also you can push people of certain slots if you wanted which kinda ucks

>> No.186246

amDOGE can't continue to mine a 0 satoshi coin forever, maybe we can brainstorm a new idea when he comes back to his senses. At the moment anyone who says anything against PND is labeled a shill. I'm also hoping that the credits devs decide to drop the increasing block rewards and it might actually be worth something. And then theres GPUcoin coming out this sunday which might be a nice pump and dump

>> No.186249
Quoted by: >>186254

But then people could spam up the list with millions of 0.0001 PND slots.

>> No.186252

>GPUcoin coming out sunday
All these pump and dumps to keep track of.
Also don't engage the delusionals anymore.
I've gotten tired of being called shill and am just here for the next pump and dump.

>> No.186254
Quoted by: >>186258

make minimum price of ticket 1 PND?

>> No.186255
File: 314 KB, 555x560, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They lost outright and became the site's bank
Too good to be true, but damn it happened.

>> No.186258
Quoted by: >>186274

Still, people could spam up the list with hundreds of thousands of 1 PND slots.

>> No.186259
Quoted by: >>186271

The thing about PND is that we've already come so far with it and I don't want to start again.

>> No.186257
Quoted by: >>186669

That seems very smart.
Why haven't I heard of it?

>> No.186260
File: 23 KB, 302x322, blank-016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186263 >>186272

What if Wolong made a coin with a backdoor in the blockchain so he could make his own money?

>> No.186263
Quoted by: >>186265 >>186267

Someone would find it in the sourcecode.

>> No.186265
Quoted by: >>186270 >>186272

No one reads the source anymore.

>> No.186269

GPUcoin is a wolongshitcoin just without wolong but
devs from panda (cryptowest asshead)
failed to launch how often now? 5 times?
ipo scam
nothing of interest but ipo bagholders who will dump as soon as the coin comes over investment level at sale

>> No.186266
Quoted by: >>186279 >>186280

ok? at first you just want profit and then you want to act like you are a friend of pnd

>> No.186267

Even if they did, he could just pass it off as a tool against market manipulation.

>> No.186273
File: 17 KB, 839x382, 1394136918781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these delicious tears in the buywall.

>> No.186274

>people could spam up the list with hundreds of thousands of 1 PND slots.

alright if you feel it will be spamed like that, then its your call

>> No.186270

Fair enough.

>> No.186271

Sometimes you just have to kill your darlings man. Better now than in two weeks

>> No.186272
Quoted by: >>186277

What if your mom orbits my dick?


I didn't read the source for any of the coins I downloaded.

>> No.186277
Quoted by: >>186278

>downloading wallets
What are you doing?

>> No.186278

Sorry, cloned from github.

>> No.186279

we all want profit stfu
but we think that its nice to have smooth profit and lasting success

>> No.186280

Im a friend of PND that wants profit. Im still stuck with 20 million that I bought at 3 satoshi, dont see any way I will get my money back though

>> No.186283
File: 69 KB, 715x720, sad-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we made a coin that was designed to work with an exchange to stabilize the value by having some kind of network wallet which can automatically hold or release coins from depending on if there is a spike or dip in value? It'd be tamper proof and self regulated by the network itself.
Am I retarded?

>> No.186288
Quoted by: >>186298 >>186313

>Am I retarded?

>> No.186289
Quoted by: >>186298 >>186313

Sounds interesting though.

>> No.186291 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck amDOGE at full force at her mouth, ass and vagina

>> No.186296
File: 605 KB, 1306x1306, 1388182967447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.186293

That's not very nice.

>> No.186299

You're not very nice

>> No.186298

*Slaps anon wrists*
Bad anon.
If you're going to shoot him down, you have to explain why.
You need help.

>> No.186300

>Not wanting to have consensual cryptosex with amDOGE at missionary position.

>> No.186306
Quoted by: >>186310

Applemilk pls go

>> No.186302


>> No.186309
Quoted by: >>186313

>guys, how about a coin that I can't fuck up because it will always have a stable value


>> No.186310

Who the fuck is applemilk?
Following these threads is like following a soap opera I don't watch often.

>> No.186313

Do you actually think idea would work though, or am I just being stupid?

>> No.186318
Quoted by: >>186326

Nice try VingTB

>> No.186319

Honestly, that sounds pretty dumb. But people bought into Wolongcoin sooo

>> No.186320
Quoted by: >>186326

Some weeaboo attention whore who was popular a few years ago and now does porn.

>> No.186321
Quoted by: >>186326

itt newfags

>> No.186322
Quoted by: >>186333

Having a separate agency controlling the value of a currency is not what cryptos are about.
You might as well use any fiat.

>> No.186323
Quoted by: >>186333

You'd need to either talk with every single exchange about it, implement some VERY funky code in the daemon, or have one exchange.

>> No.186325

Sad story about a girl who wanted to be a jap idol and ended up becoming a prostitute and got herpes from her jap boyfriend. Was a shame, she was kind of cute.

>> No.186326

Fugg :DDD

Miles pls.

>> No.186327

>yfw never had a gf

>> No.186333
Quoted by: >>186344 >>186340

Cryptos are about taking control away from the jewbankers and creating a level playing field.
Having the network provide the regulation would give you the stability advantage of fiat while having the freedom of crypto, wouldn't it?

Maybe you could make a P2P exchange that works from the client.

>> No.186328
File: 1.29 MB, 1733x2000, doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186348

The guy who made the DOGE android wallet is matching donations to doge4water for a total of 300k over here, so post your transaction ID and help out



Some superweeb from a million years ago that fucked Japanese guys and moved to japan and yadda yadda.

/b/ used to fuck with her, and there was some "I would fuck her at full force in vagina, mouth and ass", quote that came outta it

>> No.186329

its worse since /biz/ is not even that ld

we are somehow automatically supposed to know about /g/ history

>> No.186332

Alex DeLarge doesn't think so.

>> No.186335
Quoted by: >>186339



>> No.186344
File: 97 KB, 1024x573, uhhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.186339
Quoted by: >>186345

it's funny how amDoge isn't writting anymore

>> No.186340
Quoted by: >>186360

If /g/ had programers that could implement some ideas like this i think we would be able to make some valuable coins.

>> No.186345
Quoted by: >>186363


what do you mean?

>> No.186347
Quoted by: >>186355

is there a way to give pnd mint coin features?
i mean that no electricity/hardware way to get coins is so hot right now

>> No.186348
Quoted by: >>186355 >>186372

doge is kill

>> No.186350
Quoted by: >>186362 >>186364

Wolongsucks.tk pool need some miners :(

>> No.186356
Quoted by: >>186369 >>186392

>guarantee coin is worth 6 satoshis
>people mine it to dump
>coin drops to 1 satoshi
>wallet program steps in and deletes coins until it's worth 6 again

not to be a dick, but retarded beyond belief

>> No.186353
Quoted by: >>186359 >>186364

make ads on 4chan and shit

>> No.186355
Quoted by: >>186378


>> No.186359
Quoted by: >>186364

Who are you not quoting?

>> No.186360
Quoted by: >>186389

Too bad we're all idea guys (except amDOGE and some of the credits devs)

>> No.186363
Quoted by: >>186370

that's what I mean >>186291

>> No.186362
Quoted by: >>186366

for what, a dead coin?

>> No.186364


>>186353 maant for >>186350

i dont know why i am unable to quote sometimes

>> No.186366


>> No.186367
Quoted by: >>186373

Welp lost everythign

>> No.186369

More stable than StableCoin™

>> No.186370
Quoted by: >>186375


but >>186293

>> No.186375

yeah but after that

>> No.186372
Quoted by: >>186384


>> No.186373
Quoted by: >>186377 >>186390

Wow! You lost so much you had to get a new ID!

>> No.186377

He's not a very good gambler.

>> No.186378


>> No.186384

the train is in orbit but that orbit is low and not worth any effort.

>> No.186392

Obviously it wouldn't be able to keep it 100% stable, but it's better than nothing.
Also not deleting coins, but holding/dumping them in a central wallet or giving out lower/higher rewards based on the current going value.

>> No.186389

Tell me what do you guys exactly want.

>> No.186390

Every time someone calls me, my router reconnects, I can't help it

>> No.186395
Quoted by: >>186398

A new pump and dump every week.
I can establish high quality post accounts to use if you want.

>> No.186397
Quoted by: >>186404

Oh, so you're pretty much giving the wallet a huge amount of BTC AND your coin (premined I guess?) so it can compensate in the market by buying/selling the coin to keep the price stable?
That doesn't seem like a bad idea.

>> No.186398

Yeah pretty much this. Pump and dumps for as long as you can stave off suspicion

>> No.186399
Quoted by: >>186404

>central wallet
But now you're missing the point.

>> No.186402
Quoted by: >>186410

Continuous pump&dump, as others have said. We're in here for the money, so let's use the community we have gathered here to make as much money as possible in this new crypto market.

>> No.186403
Quoted by: >>186404 >>186407

How about adjusting block reward based on the price?

>> No.186404
Quoted by: >>186409

Yeah. And it'd be controlled automatically by the network itself instead of some human authority.

The point of cryptos is to move control away from the bankers.
The network would be controlling itself.

That's what I started to think about with the second half of my last post.,

>> No.186405
Quoted by: >>186409


Did you "Martingale Proof" the betting pnd betting site?

>> No.186407
Quoted by: >>186413 >>186424

make it extremely hard to mine at low prices
that way dumps stop at a certain point

>> No.186409

I don't need to block Martingale, it already is a faulty system.

Sorry, I didn't even finish reading the post.

>> No.186410


This, this, this.

>> No.186412
Quoted by: >>186421

what website to bet pnd on pls

>> No.186413
File: 8 KB, 256x264, 85f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186426 >>186431

So, reduce supply until demand increases?
That is like an auto pump and dump coin.

>> No.186414
Quoted by: >>186418

seems we are getting ideas for pnd relaunch?

>> No.186415
Quoted by: >>186421


>> No.186417
Quoted by: >>186421


In your opinion, what is the best system to beat your site and syphon all of the coins out of it?

>> No.186418

if pnd is relaunched do I lose all my coins

>> No.186420

you lose worthles coins?

>> No.186421
File: 24 KB, 253x292, 74b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>186427


Just bet loads at 3%.
I'm sure you'll win.

>> No.186422


i wouldnt think so

maybe we get a new wallet

>> No.186423


>> No.186424

That's a really good idea.
Though the question would be: which would be the target?

>> No.186425
Quoted by: >>186434 >>186433

As many have pointed out it is probably necessary to step away from our initial goal with PND, which has been achieved so I'd believe.
What is needed is a rebrand, which includes the change of our logo. http://i.imgur.com/tlMuNBC.png is most suitable for this in addition to some characters that couldn't be included yet.
I've uploaded the psd of the image at http://bamboohouse.info/PandaCoinDesign.zip.. If you'd like to help making it look good in combination with the symbols feel free to go ahead. I'll do an attempt myself but it I guess the more people working on it the better.

>> No.186426

we could be the first country used crypto if you somehow made prices fluctuate no more than +/- 5% a week and no more than +/- 1-% a month.

The only thing holding back crypto is the damn fluctuations that can go from +/- 200% a day.
The uncertainty is so high it scares everyone with logic away.

>> No.186427

>Just bet loads at 3%.
>I'm sure you'll win.

thanks for the tip kind starnger

>> No.186431
Quoted by: >>186438

But how would we do that without any exchanges on launch?
What if the exchange closes?
I'm sure exchanges wouldn't like hundreds of PnDCoin wallets pinging the API every few seconds.

>> No.186434

What symbols should we add?

>> No.186435
Quoted by: >>186439

I hope you like my 100k pnd I just sent you :(

>> No.186433
Quoted by: >>186441

Forgot to include the symbols that would need to be added http://pastebin.com/UT3kWuTM..

>> No.186437
Quoted by: >>186446

So we need a bot and capital. The bot would sell or buy amounts of the capital proportional to the last hour's rise or fall in value. The remaining capital would also be considered. Maybe the equation would be
Buy amount = price change * c * capital + b ( ideal capital amount - capital)
where c, b, and the ideal capital amount are constants.
At least, that's what Miles wants.

>> No.186438
Quoted by: >>186446

>le jew cycle continues

>> No.186439
Quoted by: >>186443

>9m in pnd wallet
Thanks all goyim!

>> No.186443
File: 175 KB, 866x584, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course ;)

>> No.186441
Quoted by: >>186445

i was hoping that should we feel the need to rebrand we should do it after CR would die and we could adopt their name and shit

>> No.186445
Quoted by: >>186448


>> No.186446

We would need to have a distributed exchange system with BTC.

The bot could be implemented with existing coins, releasing or hoarding coins from/to the market, effectively cutting or increasing supply.

>> No.186448
Quoted by: >>186452 >>186453

i like the name Credits for a cryptocurrency

the whole sci fi angle was fucking genius too bad its gonna die soon cause it has barely any incentive to mine for people now

>> No.186452
Quoted by: >>186458

Too bad it was created by a 17 years old brony and has that forced hipster designer touch on it which is absolutely fucking vomit-inducing.

>> No.186453
Quoted by: >>186464 >>186492

The name is awful.

>> No.186458
Quoted by: >>186487

The button placement on the client offends my autism too.

>> No.186464

>The name is awful.

aww come on, the name is like the currency in major sci fi franchises

it really got to me

>> No.186478
Quoted by: >>186479

New thread pls

>> No.186479
Quoted by: >>186488

Still on page 0.

>> No.186487
Quoted by: >>186498


you can drag and drop it to top apparantly

probably would stop offending your autism

>> No.186488

At the bottom of page 0.
When you create the new thread, it will be kicked off of page 0.

>> No.186492
Quoted by: >>186497

I disagree, but I respect your opinion

>> No.186496


>> No.186497


>> No.186498

I already dumped them all anyway, no reason to open the client.

>> No.186580


thank you for proving: >>185792

>> No.186669

It went up on Bitcointalk as a joke last year, I think around the same time as Doge.