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File: 473 KB, 595x421, 1_q8rXAvgF0L54Gp0dG1gGEA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18224225 No.18224225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

were women always like that or current financial climate of 00-20s bred this?

is this the end of an era?

>> No.18224249

financial climate and media caused it
both controlled by jews

>> No.18224270
File: 58 KB, 473x1024, 1585661346787m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are whores by nature. The only thing that changed is men's leniency towards them.

>> No.18224300

have sex incels
women did nothing wrong ever

>> No.18224325

I would kick this broad in the fucking teeth just like that video of the Chinese guy who runs in the room and starts kicking the shit out of his wife.

>> No.18224334

Umm... hello? Hello? Based department ? Yes, I'd like to file a claim

>> No.18224356

Uh, that is a man.

>> No.18224360
Quoted by: >>18225831

What about literal nuns?

>> No.18224392
Quoted by: >>18224658

She seems adorable

>> No.18224447

At last I truly see

>> No.18224658

shut up faggot

>> No.18224685

Women are on a case by case basis, the one in OP's pic seems to have talent so she's alright in my book.

>> No.18224704
Quoted by: >>18229025

Not really, they just have no need for men to provide in this day and age. Ordinary men don't have much leverage with the welfare state and all

>> No.18224757

physical disgust
Getting pretty fucking close to killing myself.

>> No.18225011

I mean why women need to put their naked body in front of everything? she does that with each painting, what gives?

>> No.18225042



is this not dare I say it... based?

>> No.18225051
Quoted by: >>18225532

I dont know if I can keep going lads. The past few months have been savagely demoralizing.
It really feels like the decay has been dialed up to 11. Literally every single interaction with women is transactional. Its like they cant even have fun anymore.

>> No.18225320

Women have always been terrinle. In the beginnings of civilization we understood this and took great pains to enact restrictive social pressures to restrain their rampant thottery. Now society enables thots, it celebrates them. Why risk walking a dangerous ho stroll every night when you can sit on your lazy ass flashing your puss n boots on cam, for possibly better money even.

>> No.18225337

wtf is wrong with her eyebrows

>> No.18225510
Quoted by: >>18228510

>paints a picture
>sits in front of it
Although I realize it’s just a meme painting , it’s just this era of attention seeking is so disgusting and weird. It’s very off putting.
Notice how quirky she presents herself, with whine , paint splattered over her, and a smile that says “I’m insecure” but it’s all false. This picture is a fallacy

>> No.18225532

Ask Jesus into your heart

>> No.18225831

Nuns are whore as well.
Really, when you accept them for what they are, it's okay.
Just never ever pay for them. Only cheap symbolic gifts like books. It's gets way better when you don't pay at all for them.

>> No.18225964 [DELETED] 

I wish i never did either same for stock options.

t. Down over 8k.

>> No.18225971 [DELETED] 

I'm buying all kinds of shit on the way down!

>> No.18226006 [DELETED] 

Anon don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.18226105 [DELETED] 

What is considered small oil? SLB looks small compared to XOM.

>> No.18226617
Quoted by: >>18228483

OP Think about it, why do you think religion exists? And in all religions points towards being a whore is bad and looking after one another is good. Its because civilization is based upon controlling womens behaviour because it is natural for a woman to be a whore its all about hypergamy. See the collapse of rome about allowing rampant homosexuality and suffrage to women, its just an inevitable cycle that people forget about until it happens all over again.

>> No.18228483

based anon

>> No.18228510

Her posture is supposed to be emulating the based Pepe meme where he has a glass of wine and his hand out

>> No.18228533 [DELETED] 


>> No.18228552 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 900x613, SOPA DE MORCEGO UMA DELÍCIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18228578
Quoted by: >>18228681

Social medias ruined a large chunk of women.
In the past a woman could have maybe 2-3 beta orbiter, a dozen if she was really hot and only thousands if she was famous.
Today every girl beyond 5/10 can open an instagram account and bath into male attention.

>> No.18228651


>> No.18228679 [DELETED] 

The virgin hair adjustment vs the Stacy pole whore

>> No.18228681

This is a beta male-driven problem. If men had self-respect instead of begging women for sex then this wouldn't be the norm. Good looking guys get just as much attention and are every bit as much of sluts as these women, but unattractive males and their pathetic behavior drives the demand down to 5/10s

>> No.18228717

Unironically this

>> No.18228722
Quoted by: >>18228762

Women are like this because simps allowed them. women are like children, spoil them, let them do what they want and you get an entitled lazy cunt.
Men should have autority on women, that's how God intended it. But we have given autority to women and now we're here. i blame mostly boomers because that's their generation that made the leap. Have you noticed whenever you criticize women in the workplace or women in the military there's always that boomer cuck who comes into the discussion and say that he worked with women that were awesome and strong and shit. Male boomers are the downfall of civilization, they enabled these women.

>> No.18228762
Quoted by: >>18228852

>Men should have autority on women
You're too much of a beta bitch to have authority over anyone, loser. This is why you'll never have sex.

>> No.18228772
Quoted by: >>18228873

It's only going to get worse

>> No.18228852
File: 77 KB, 520x588, 2bq6h1l5pze21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why you'll never have sex.

>> No.18228873

When all the simps lose their job, these cunts will need to settle down.

>> No.18228909 [DELETED] 

what did she mean by this

>> No.18228910

>Arguing with holes
Thanks for the confirmation LOL

>> No.18229025

Ordinary men fund the welfare state. Ordinary men are responsible for infrastructure, food, and all modern tech that makes a roasties life possible.

The way it worked under the natural order is that a woman had to pair up with her equal to enjoy what man has to offer otherwise be an outcast that works at the whore house. In modern day time Jews found a way to “liberate” women’s dependency on man by giving her a job that gives her money to use on productions of man without needing to settle for a single man and start a family. This is why affirmative action gets as much women in college with scholarships, grants go to women more, and all comfy white collared high paying jobs are given to women first. Most of what a modern women does is just larp as a man but is only an inferior man that is over paid and produces hardly any real world value. Since they are over paid for things by Jews it drives wages down for hard working men. It’s a hidden leeching of wealth. Millennial women actually make more then millennial men. All this is a done by jews to destroy the nuclear family. The Jewish satan is nature, they believe nature sucks and everything they do is to invert the natural order because they think they can control it.

>> No.18229035

That's a man

>> No.18229090

Oh fuck you’re based dude.

>> No.18229138

I think this is the truest post I've read in 10 years of 4chan

>> No.18229196

And your roastie mother produced offspring that produces no value to society, offspring so disgusting it can't even reproduce.

I propose legislation that culls roasties and their useless incel and NEET offspring after they've been forced a life of servitude for people who actually matter.

>> No.18229205


>> No.18229241
Quoted by: >>18229481

Oy gevalt!

>> No.18229250

women were always like that.
There's a reason why successful civilization have always had extremely strict rules for women and shaming has existed. Whenever women are given freedoms the civilization goes to shit. Every time.

>> No.18229271
Quoted by: >>18229481

t. jew

>> No.18229335 [DELETED] 

Why does so much of my life revolve around this shitty commodity?

>> No.18229481
Quoted by: >>18229559

Poor deluded NEET incels, the jews will be right there with you.

>> No.18229559
Quoted by: >>18230158

>I actually fucked the girl in the picture several times.
She is nasty because she always makes a move when I am totally hammered on alcohol and weed combined.
Should I call the cops?

>> No.18229605

unironically this

>> No.18229644 [DELETED] 

If you think that’s no makeup you have no idea how women look behind the facade

>> No.18229646 [DELETED] 

she obviously has makeup on and she's also obviously not at home

>> No.18229647

Yeah this

Accept Christ, go to the gym ignore whores and put your life in the hands of Jesus and he'll bring you a woman

t. Former incel who prayed for poon and got a really good gf

>> No.18229950

Based and redpilled

>> No.18230158

are you russian?

>> No.18230717

True but the battle is a forever war. they only win when you stop fighting, that's why they live in permanent fear. And whenever someone brings about the jewish problem, they go apeshit. It's cyclical, the kikes settle in a country, they progressively accumulate wealth through usury, with wealth they gain political power and buy every politician, then they actively subvert the local civilization until the locals have enough and they get expelled. But this time, the jewish problem is worldwide. They won't find any country to accept them.

>> No.18230819

American "culture", which has spread like the plague across the world in the last 30 years.

>> No.18230907
File: 65 KB, 571x378, 1561277323039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weak millennial men are partly to blame, but mostly Juden, of course


>> No.18231689
File: 115 KB, 835x835, 1584634548282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were hopelessly unprepared for the modern age of omnipresent turbo-propaganda. They were always lacking in agency, but that's just natural. Good men used to fill that void of agency and give them purpose. Now, (((SOCIETY))) has a near monopoly over their fragile minds.