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18071895 No.18071895 [Reply] [Original]

Gold & silver out of stock worldwide edition
>>18057868 previous thread

Ways to invest in gold:
- Physical Gold
- Sovereign gold bonds (SGBs)
- Mining stocks
- Gold backed Crypto, i.e. Tether Gold (XAUt) and others, *meh*
- Cashless Lending to Goldshops (for i.e. 2% at GoldSilbershop.de)

Precious Metal News:

Wiki on verification of gold.

Bullion tax info by state:

Recommended online dealers for US:

Gold Panning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Spot silver deals & a good site to check prices of competitors:

YouTube/Reading Resources:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK2Y9fVEbD0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsUaTzRCv68 [Embed]

>> No.18071918


>> No.18071959
File: 11 KB, 211x246, 1436110152568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i will!

and just to let everyone know.

>bought the dip at 1500/oz Gold (50Gr)
>They cancel my order after it jumps $150
>Now ignoring my emails

>> No.18071991
File: 397 KB, 800x523, 20200324_130130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18072001
Quoted by: >>18089828

>Collects green boxes
>Trades for greenbacks

>> No.18072048


>> No.18072125
Quoted by: >>18092584

They have always had a reputation as being shady. Best to stick with apmex, jmbullion/provident metals.

>> No.18072154
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, 7246106D-1FBB-402D-80A2-DED454C71FD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my baby pre-corona stack

>> No.18072175
Quoted by: >>18072255

Half of the planet is on lockdown. For MONTHS.

>> No.18072176
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>> No.18072255
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It's not fair

>> No.18072299

so how long until this shit moons?

>> No.18072336
Quoted by: >>18087283

should I just buy whatever is in stock at the cheapest price?

>> No.18072453

That's not why we're here, fren.
>tfw phonepostan and run into a ban someone got for posting porn on /v/
>in 2014

>> No.18072479

I invested in monero 3 years ago and it still needs to triple in price for me to break even

>> No.18072531

Post situation in your country
>Gold sold out almost everywhere
>Silver selling for ±100% over spot so no point buying what's left, same merchants still only paying you spot if you sell to them though
>Precious metal vendors shut down orders over the weekend and sometimes earlier than usual during the day to process what's coming in
>delivery slow but still possible

Spent an afternoon finding the last 1oz bars that are still stocked and would still deliver without much delay, wasn't planning to bu another ounce of gold just yet but with the HAPPENING going on I'd rather not take any chances

>> No.18072631
Quoted by: >>18074414

All the mines and mints are closed as of right now

>> No.18072725

Same country, found one online shop left with acceptable prices, delivery is 6-12 weeks though

>> No.18072751
Quoted by: >>18079778


>> No.18072770

Lmfao you bought in 2017?!

>> No.18072816
Quoted by: >>18082046

Goyims- Now is not the time to buy gold and silver.

Now is the reason why we were buying gold and silver in the past warning you about today.

What is good good andlvgood andgolder in euros and pounds?

And why won't my tablet even let me type the word g.o.l.d?

>> No.18072823
Quoted by: >>18074003

JM has Cull ASE in

>> No.18073569
Quoted by: >>18073854

Fuck you.

>> No.18073854
Quoted by: >>18079022


>> No.18074003

Buy some. I got ten of them a couple of weeks ago and they are in pretty good shape. Three or four I can't see anything wrong at all.

>> No.18074144

Houston Texas
Gold And Silver Available Everywhere
Silver selling for 3 dollars over spot
Gold selling for 3-5% over spot
Precious metal *(((Refiners)))* open everywhere some even speak English which is surprising

>> No.18074168

>Bought 1000 bucks worth of Silver back in July/August
Hoping this shit skyrockets

>> No.18074188

I just called the LCS here in missouri and all their silver is $10 over spot.

>> No.18074276

Yeah Local coin shops is retail bruh stay away unless you just want too I do too but when I make big purchases like 1000 bucks or more I find the nearest refiner AKA precious metal scrap yard where all the we buy gold fag's sell their spoils from the general public

>> No.18074300
Quoted by: >>18074362

Leaf here, where should I buy gold and/or silver bars?

>> No.18074314

Hell even a kilo is going for like 500 bucks or a lil more I would still go to a refinery

>> No.18074362
Quoted by: >>18074367

Which province? i'll help

>> No.18074367
Quoted by: >>18074531


>> No.18074398
Quoted by: >>18074862

You need more harambes

>> No.18074414

Thi is not true. And let's say it is, it means it only took a couple weeks to completely fuckn rek the metal market with a go slow production.

>> No.18074433

>Precious metal *(((Refiners)))* open everywhere

Can you take scrap in there my Negro?

Not having access to a refined is my downfall

>> No.18074459

(Refiner) fuck me why can't this thing just post what I type?

>> No.18074503
Quoted by: >>18079242

What are the odds that this price surge is only due to QE pumping the paper market?

>> No.18074531


>> No.18074555
Quoted by: >>18076305

Yes but it has to be classified already meaning it has to be REAL cant take fake shit in there

>> No.18074629
File: 7 KB, 613x166, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered this, how'd I do?

>> No.18074678
Quoted by: >>18074738


>> No.18074694
Quoted by: >>18074738

As long as you feel good about Anon thats all that matters at this point.

>> No.18074696
Quoted by: >>18074738

lol i hope not

>> No.18074738
File: 215 KB, 431x463, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jealousy don't look on you, anons

>> No.18074762

look good on you*

>> No.18074826

It's a beautiful coin
But these are trying times
I need to preserve my wealth from literally evaporating. Generic bullion is my only priority.

>> No.18074862

I’m partial to the krugerrands

>> No.18075061

>37$ for two Zionist sunbathing

>> No.18075145

That is nice I have the 10oz one. Your premium isnt bad considering it's hard as hell to get anything else cheaper and since that is Perth Mint I'd say good deal.

>> No.18075182

I haven't seen them for sale in Australia for ages.

>> No.18075252

You got raped by premiums

>> No.18075255
Quoted by: >>18085001

any Australians here rate Ainslie Bullion?

>> No.18075339

They are two ounce coins. Read that a little harder.

>> No.18075350

11.2 oz gold
715 oz silver
3 oz platinum
1 oz palladium

Will I make it?

>> No.18075419
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 47AD10F9-0117-4C4F-8568-22BD7023C494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18075424

Does anyone know a German dealer who still has stock?

>> No.18075447

Putting thousands into ERX.

What do you guys think?

ERX is Direxion Daily Energy Bull 3X Shares

>> No.18075517
Quoted by: >>18076095


>> No.18075556
Quoted by: >>18076095

All sold out or 12 weeks delivery.

>> No.18076095
File: 34 KB, 1001x118, goldhandel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found last 2 AES and 1 Philarmoniker. Well, I guess it will have to do.

>> No.18076139
File: 114 KB, 566x232, 1584969973625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to fuck if these jews manage to pull off another one of their tricks and the goyim eat it up and forget about all of this, I am going to tie my literal bags around my ankles and throw myself into the fucking ocean.

>> No.18076305

You paid approx 18.50 per ounce and they covered your shipping. I don't see anyone getting a better price than that nowadays.

I can test gold w acid test but I never learned how to test scrap silver. Anyway I'm a buyer now not a seller.

>> No.18076306
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>> No.18076323
Quoted by: >>18076394

You have a ton of silver, not much gold lol. What's your average cost on the silver?

>> No.18076345

Holy motherfuck. Absolute pajeet site.

>> No.18076394
Quoted by: >>18076527

>You have a ton of silver, not much gold lol. What's your average cost on the silver?
1600/oz gold
~15.4/oz silver
~800/oz platinum
1710/oz palladium

>> No.18076527

(I don't comment or own platinum or palladium)
Nice price on the silver..... I guess I bought a lot of my silver at 20$ or above. My silver stack is probably half of yours in quantity

>> No.18076768

> check Atkinsons
> they straight up removed the coins from their website browsing list
> handful of silver shitcoins
> no Britannias
I'll sell my fucking 1200oz stack for a fortune soon.

>> No.18077006

Realistically, will 20 oz of silver be worth a mini fortune in a hyper inflation scenario?

>> No.18077105

Silver is always $16 to $18. No fortune to be made unless you're in paper. There is no escape.

>> No.18077107

But it will be a hedge against that inflation.

>> No.18077135

King, in my opinion no, but as a last ditch insurance it could feed you for a week or two, in a total worst case scenario.

>> No.18077136

20 oz could buy a car

>> No.18077155

No it absolutely would not.

>> No.18077208
Quoted by: >>18077319

Maybe someone will give you 20 oz to fuck you in the ass faggot

>> No.18077213
Quoted by: >>18078362

In my opinion no, King. But if you chart the prices going back 100 years, most of that time, from 1920 until today this very day, 20 ounces of gold would and does buy you a good solid family car like a Accord or Camry, back to the model T.

>> No.18077215

yeh it would. 2 cars. screencap this.

>> No.18077319
Quoted by: >>18077445

I'll give you 14.63 grams of lead instead.

>> No.18077339
Quoted by: >>18077369

Should i invest in gold or mining shares?

>> No.18077369

You should by a metal detector, pan and classifier and go get it yourself.

>> No.18077445
File: 57 KB, 1024x664, 1584016492134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap whore

>> No.18077597
Quoted by: >>18077685

What are you talking about, nigga? I could sell my stack right now on eBay with 100% gain.

>> No.18077635

>UK dealer
Hahaha enjoy your 50% premiums and taxes retard. Literally never ever make your money back. Should have imported from EU tax dodgers

>> No.18077685

It's just a shill dude. They post all over to discourage stackers

>> No.18078207

Now is the time to be looking at buying into mineral properties and penny stock exploration companies.


>> No.18078320

It's not like the earth's gold and silver resources are tapped out yet. There will be more precious metals on the market in a couple months. It just takes time to mine, process, and purify.

>> No.18078362
Quoted by: >>18082182

Did people ever actually plonk down gold coins for a car? Was that a historical reality?

>> No.18078583

you did good, don't listen to the stacklets

>> No.18078585
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is silver worth more when it's gaudy jewelry (like a ring or a necklace) or in the form of some kind of commemorative coin or is a raw solid bar of silver the most valuable?

>> No.18078595

Keep checking here lads

So far today I've seen Cull ASE, 2019,/2020 ASE. Early today they had Kangaroos from $18.50 that sold out they have Phillharmonics available Now 19.50-20.50. It is slowly coming back dont buy crazy fringe shit

>> No.18078657
Quoted by: >>18079558

silver jewelry is usually 925 sterling, You're paying for the labour of fabrication on top of impure silver.

>> No.18078707
File: 185 KB, 686x526, 1580167053530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold eagle doesn't ship until the 30th

>> No.18079001
File: 244 KB, 644x433, se7en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18089824

Whats in the box?

>> No.18079022

Fuck you.

>> No.18079242

High. There will be another dip but you might not be able to find anything by then, except platinum which is fine by me

>> No.18079413

>hyper inflation happens
>10x your wealth in metals
>pay 90% capital gains tax because we communism now

Still end up better than people in fiat, but still hurts the senpai.

>> No.18079558

What about designer shit like this?


>> No.18079778

no one knows but very very fucking soon
dump it for ZEC while you still can
kek really hate lizard coins dont you
hold until the new paradigm and you've already made it, the make it stack is only 13 toz

>> No.18079788
Quoted by: >>18080138

hey fatties what silver mining should i invest in

>> No.18079797

Reckon 2020 Britannias will have added numismatic value, or will they have been printed in a large enough volume to the point that that won't be a consideration?

>> No.18079863
Quoted by: >>18079957

How does tacky shit like that get past the pitch? Mints don't actually approach these godawful artists, do they?
The only thing I can think of is nepotism/ corruption.

>> No.18079957

If you thought that was bad, feast your eyes on these boomer coins:



>> No.18080025

Sweet merciful Jesus, that's awful.
Why desecrate Silver like that? Surely it lowers the coin's value?
All that aside, it just shows a complete lack of taste.

>> No.18080056

>What the fuck is even gold
it's fine though, a lot of old ladies are gonna die pretty soon, then it's loot time

>> No.18080121

Wow thanks for the links. If you find a "Dont tread on me" version lmk

>> No.18080138

https://www.firstcobalt.com/projects/greater-cobalt/ this companies doing fairly well in Ontario.

>> No.18080234

It's pretty, 999 pure silver, but you'd be paying the same amount of dollars USD as I would be paying CDN for mint rounds.
I mean I guess it's a fair price considering it's artistic value. It looks nice. Sure why not, buy one. It's not like you'd be buying a hundred of them.

>> No.18080243
Quoted by: >>18080310

Guys, can you quit it with the "dealers are selling out! " talk? I'm FOMOing in hard. I just bought some generic rounds for $22.40 per OZ.

>> No.18080310
Quoted by: >>18080472

With what kind of dollars?

>> No.18080472

U.S.D. Seems like that's the going rate on ebay.

>> No.18081475
File: 467 KB, 606x423, now_lie_in_it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18088692

Wait, is Shiff replacing Ron Paul?

>> No.18081492
File: 28 KB, 760x379, silver stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently bought 2 20 coin tubes of random ASE's. got 21 2014's and random others pic related. i'm pretty happy with my purchase what do you anons think?

>> No.18081670
Quoted by: >>18081814

If the price of real silver is decoupled from spot now, why are vendors only paying spot if you sell to them? Hmmmm

>> No.18081814
Quoted by: >>18094487

because they pay rent and utilities anon. They actually provide value (metals) to the market.
What do you do?

>> No.18081991

New silver fag reporting in, made around $50 a day from my small investment so far

>> No.18082046
Quoted by: >>18082113

I wonder about this. If silver was really the next big thing, I don't think people would be saying it, they'd be quietly hoarding it.

>> No.18082113
Quoted by: >>18082236

All the gold and silver fags are libertarians who expect a return to a gold standard. Wouldn't it be better if everyone had a little bit of gold and silver than just you having a lot?

>> No.18082182

A guy in one of these threads bought his land with gold.

>> No.18082230
Quoted by: >>18082286

i hope to god you mean physical

>> No.18082236

I hope that's the case, but it's hard to find faith in humanity when it comes to investments.

>> No.18082286

Of course, it's sitting here looking at me, one thing pissed me off though, they had a coin holder tube, but still shipped it loose, with the tube empty and the cap on, so the shit got a bit dented and scratched, but that's boomers for you, anyone selling physical for cash can be expected to be low IQ.

>> No.18082382

JM has Phils lads for $20.50-$19.50. Keep checking in stock silver everyday they're getting stuff in here and there. They has Roos in this morning for slightly less

>> No.18083541
Quoted by: >>18083921

Damnit, this thread convinced me to sell 2k in paper gold

>> No.18083921

Put that cash into physical

>> No.18083993
Quoted by: >>18084209

i dont understand. if the demand is so great right now, then why is the price so low? this market seems rigged to hell

>> No.18084004
Quoted by: >>18086508

how much did you buy?

>> No.18084209
Quoted by: >>18084693

The paper price is low, not the physical. The paper price is rigged to hell.

The paper derivatives market kills an important characteristic of precious metals, it's scarcity. There are hundreds of paper ounces to every single physical ounce available. Whereas you would have to buy up entire stocks of physical ounces to accumulate tonnage, which in turn would pump the price, in the paper market there is no shortage of tonnage available to purchase at ease without having to buy up entire stocks. Further in the paper market it's common for tonnes to be dumped at will causing massive price drops. In the physical realm if you went through the struggle of accumulating tonnes you wouldn't just dump it all at once. It's also difficult to move such vast amounts.

>> No.18084535
File: 68 KB, 880x687, Untitled123414321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18085023

should i buy a 1oz gold eagle for $1875? thats more than its ever been worth

>> No.18084693
File: 112 KB, 1104x580, Screen Shot 2020-03-25 at 3.25.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18085490

so where do you find the spot price for physical. is this chart for the paper price? that seems retarded that they are basically allowed to trade paper silver that doesnt exist. fucking kikes.

>> No.18085001

ABC Bullion in Sydney is the best Aus dealer imo

>> No.18085023

Is that the cc price or the price when paying with a check? I'm looking at a price of $1802 right now for payment with an eCheck.

>> No.18085337

is there still a place to get gold as of today?
I know I'm late to the party, but better late than never right?

>> No.18085383

Is that really all his?

>> No.18085387

scottssdale 100g gold bars

>> No.18085447
Quoted by: >>18085490

Based, perth mint coins are the best

>> No.18085483
Quoted by: >>18085653

Is that Harambe?

>> No.18085490

>so where do you find the spot price for physical.

https://findbullionprices.com/buy-silver-at-spot-deals.php (from OP) shows different prices from different dealers. What ever buyers are willing to pay is the price of physical.

DESU Kangaroos are kind of ugly ass coins, that's not even considering the lizard on the reverse. Perth bars are way better than their coins imo.

>> No.18085555

For the price nowadays, and what you got, you done alright Anon. Don't worry about premiums. This is insurance against inflation.

>> No.18085598

JM Bullion had some in recently. But they're claiming a 15+ business day shipping time after payment clears, so who really knows if they are in stock or not.

>> No.18085653
File: 1.04 MB, 2848x2134, 100_3244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18085861

No, this is.
>the virgin passive cuckrilla vs the chad raging Kong

>> No.18085804

Bought my second oz. APMEX got a few brand name things in stock and they sold out in minutes kek

>> No.18085861
File: 606 KB, 1024x1024, 1578340071226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Separately packaged 1 oz silver bars/coins
What the fuck is even the point lmao it's 1 oz. Also
>muh PAMP
>muh ilerminaty
>muh pharohs
Pretty fucking cringe not gonna lie. Metal is metal, get as close to spot and don't fall for jewtricks like custom strike designs. Once you graduate from being a cringy stacklet who individually packages every kekking 1 oz of silver maybe then think about novelty bullshit mkay? At least it's better than that one stack a few threads back where it was all star wars coins

>> No.18085928

If I'm buying some bars as I see them come available, and end up having multiple 1-3k purchases, do I need to worry about my bank dicking me because they think I'm a paranoid fuck buying shady shit or something? I just don't want to lose all my money if the USD dies.

>> No.18085940
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 2019-Austrian-Leopold-V-Silver_rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought 2x stacks of this recently. Wish I bought 5, the prices are way up on Ebay from 20/coin and they're way nicer to look at in person.

Thinking of buying the silver 1oz Trump coins from JM Bullion next. 3x stacks.

>> No.18086077

I know of a place to buy gold and silver online thats still in stock teehee

>> No.18086102


Spotted the jeet scammer

>> No.18086233

Im an Egyptian kang. Holding silver manifestations of Ra and Set in my hands charges me with the spirit of the ancestors.
I wouldnt expect a soulless cracker like you to understand.

>> No.18086246

>Silver is always $16 to $18. No fortune to be made unless you're in paper. There is no escape.
You're such a fucking shill, people are selling 1oz silver coins for $32USD on ebay right now.

>> No.18086319
File: 259 KB, 997x1058, Screenshot_20200325-163657_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys, i think this is real, even the copper is out of stock. Good thing i have all those electric motors from bird scooters to harvest the copper wire from so I can make my tesla energy weapons when the free energy electric boogaloo breaks out.

>> No.18086395

I watched a video where a guy recommended buying lead.

>> No.18086420
File: 372 KB, 457x414, Cu-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copper is out of stock
Got mine

>> No.18086508

26 ounces at $15 an ounce, it's going locally for double that now (New Zealand but I priced it USD)

>> No.18086519

>got my first stack today
>want to take the silver out of the package and touch it
will it tarnish?

>> No.18086555
Quoted by: >>18088081

Who the hell buys that shit? I have heaps of copper wire from my job, it's barely worth the bother of hauling it to the scrap yard and I think it's on the downward trend.

Although a good way to make money is pounding copper pipe flat and making crafty dog tags

>> No.18086595

It's beautiful, buy a milf with it and post pics when we moon

>> No.18086599
File: 32 KB, 640x896, 4F1F0D4E-7A85-4E9D-90BC-EC3F0446E1DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18086905


>> No.18086905


Was it this guy? >>18086599

>> No.18087186

I buy my wife purdy strikes. Everything I own is sovereign or mint with the exception of a single silver Bitcoin.

>> No.18087208

Is it a good idea to buy JNUG right now? Can any bizraelis tell me what to do?

>> No.18087226

I only have 2 oz gold and 150 oz silver.

Will this be enough?

>> No.18087243

Jeweler--as with any other art or collectible, it depends on the piece. Quality pieces can usually fetch more than their material value. I wouldn't go buying it to try and bank on the metal.

>> No.18087249

What the fuck? Are they serious?

>> No.18087281
File: 33 KB, 540x540, DjSvATRX0AEay57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18087355


>> No.18087283
Quoted by: >>18087376

yes, but if you cqn get maple leaves buy them first.

>> No.18087355

Pick it at random, stocks are gambling.

>> No.18087376

Why maple leaves? Why not ASE? I don't like having reptilians on my coins.

>> No.18087530
Quoted by: >>18087912

Lead is excellent for piping water into a house.
>no corrosion
>super cheap
What do you think they'll use when copper becomes scarce?

>> No.18087604
File: 134 KB, 750x549, EC8AD1EB-C410-4054-9949-D138851A2B4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay just got this .9675 ounce coin...I’m so fucking excited to hold it.

Was this a good deal or did I get ripped off?

>> No.18087875
Quoted by: >>18087920

Probably, taken some balls to drop a lot of cash on 1 coin, I hope that shipping is tracked too.

>> No.18087912

Lead is only used for outlet piping you retard, and it's significantly more expensive, harder to work with and has less performance than pvc pipes.

>> No.18087920
Quoted by: >>18088088

it has to be signed for cuck.

>> No.18087959


>> No.18088006

It's cleaned but I don't think it's that bad of a price desu

>> No.18088081
Quoted by: >>18088126

>heaps of copper wire from my job
Based power lineman

>> No.18088088
Quoted by: >>18088102

So buy one coin, get a free exposure to corona virus?

>> No.18088102
Quoted by: >>18088157

UPS and FedEx aren't taking signatures

>> No.18088107

Will mining stocks moon?

Looking at getting some of what's in here https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/EPGFX/holdings?p=EPGFX..

>> No.18088126

Electrician, but I do have some powerlines from a rural house, it had pure (ish) copper lines, modern lines are aluminum etc now, for those who don't know.

But I get a lot of used cable, I get paid to rip it out of the house, then paid again when I scrap it, it's comfy enough.

Hope you're staying safe out there, don't become part of the circuit bro.

>> No.18088157

Interesting, this has potential, don't sign for it, then call them up in a few days and say they tampered with your package.

>> No.18088432
File: 2.87 MB, 4032x3024, B036597D-4C1C-42A1-99AD-1D9CB55FA012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else Corona coin here?

>> No.18088544

>limited edition 500 rounds

desu just purchase something like that the way you would purchase a piece of fine art. not for the silver but for the fact that it's a rarity.

>> No.18088598

>american samoa
>probably not even .999
ngmi lad
leafs, or nothing

>> No.18088685
File: 526 KB, 828x1792, BFC21D58-5A16-41B1-A4ED-19CC26FDCFD1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18088692
File: 122 KB, 769x498, hope it was worth it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18088707

Better than me. Got 5oz gold and 60oz silver. Started last month though.

>> No.18088878

I hope gold goes back down to <1300. I want to get up to about 25 ounces before the "real" happening.

>> No.18088932
File: 3.13 MB, 1414x1632, Capture+_2020-03-25-21-37-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice my dude, definitely the cutest coin in my stack

>> No.18088961

Just bugging you, bud.
Personally dont like the look of them, but silver is silver.

>> No.18088994 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger, it's from the US mint

>> No.18089025 [DELETED] 

Fuck off nigger, it's from the US mint

>> No.18089049
Quoted by: >>18089641

Don't those come in a case?

>> No.18089081


I bet those will have a massive collectable value down the road due the coronavirus being so impactful

>> No.18089148
File: 64 KB, 1083x491, distressed bonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18089205

>before the "real" happening

WTF do you think is going on right now?

>> No.18089166
File: 734 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200325-215341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18089685

Should I?

>> No.18089205
File: 69 KB, 1056x569, initial claims 2.5mm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could see pic related tomorrow

>> No.18089230
File: 3.74 MB, 2162x1678, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based corona coins

>> No.18089602


>> No.18089641
Quoted by: >>18089927

I thought it would but apparently not, ordered from Apmex

>> No.18089655
File: 2.27 MB, 1415x935, Capture+_2020-03-25-22-23-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, nice stack. Honestly a little jelly, kicking myself for not getting another one but used the funds to stack these cryptid rounds

>> No.18089685

I'm not. PM's are good but as an investment I think everything is ultra overpriced and not worth it right now. Shit will normalize and you already missed the big rush of buying, give it time imo.

>> No.18089718

fucking based

>> No.18089824

they are full of gold and sliver

>> No.18089828

It's the currency in use. He sells the green boxes and the shiny rocks in order to profit and accumulate even more shiny rocks. Don't be fooled into thinking that gold and silver dealers don't have stockpiles of their product.

>> No.18089848

Silver is already gaining against gold this week. Buckle up because it won't be long before you can see your house from here.

>> No.18089908
File: 47 KB, 536x536, 1482007364239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18089930

If shit gets that bad you can just go to the junk yard or raid an abandoned house.

>> No.18089927

I guess I'll see. Mine are coming directly from the mint.

>> No.18089930

still worth more than any fiat currency

>> No.18089942
File: 389 KB, 1000x1000, 1583724702679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18090143

Want to change your perspective on silver?

Currently the spot price of silver is $14.53 per troy ounce. That doesn't get you far to say the least but check out this link: https://usdebtclock.org/gold-precious-metals.html

Scroll down and look to the right. The dollar to silver is going bonkers over the past week because of the money printer going brrr. Right now if there was a monetary reset 1 troy ounce of silver would have the same purchasing power as $1570 today. We're talking about a 100x opportunity of a lifetime.

But wait, there's more! Look further to the right and you will see a Paper:Silver ratio. This is the root of the problem with the price of silver. The futures contracts taken out on silver are such that there are 175.26 paper "ounces" for every actual, physical troy ounce of silver that exists. If this became a 1:1 deal that means you would have to multiply the Dollar:Silver ratio by the Paper:Silver ratio for a grand (current) total of $1,570/oz x 175.26/oz = $275,158.20 per ounce of silver to bring it to its true equity.

Will it happen in our lifetimes? Ever? Who knows, but just keep stacking and watch the skies because you just might take one giant leap for mankind not too long from now.

>> No.18090315
File: 76 KB, 112x112, 1576220358527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best hopium there is

>> No.18090326

nice post silver fren

>> No.18090366
Quoted by: >>18090685

Dollar/silver ratio isn't calculated with paper though right? I think it's physical

>> No.18090685

It is not. Dollar:Silver is based on the proportion of USD in circulation versus the physical supply of silver. If USD was pegged to silver that ratio tells you what it would be revalued at. More accurately it tells you what the purchasing power of silver would become. Paper:Silver ratio refers to silver futures contracts. The derivatives outnumber silver in such a way that it drives down the price of silver due to deflating the price per ounce. The Dollar:Silver ratio is depressed by the Paper:Silver ratio. So if the dollar was pegged to silver and it became worth 1/1,570 of 1 oz of silver, and if all derivatives were wiped out so that physical is the only price that mattered and the Paper:Silver ratio became 1:1 it would skyrocket the price of silver.

Keep in mind that gold also has this to look forward to. In the case of gold it really should be $13,012 x 88.6 = $1,152,863 if Paper:Gold became 1:1 and the dollar became backed by gold again.

> tl;dr
If the dollar was backed by gold, silver was in proper proportion to gold, and if derivatives were eliminated to bring the paper:gold and paper:silver ratios down to 1:1 gold would be worth the equivalent of $1,152,863 today per troy ounce and silver would have the same purchasing power as $275,142.50 today per troy ounce.

>> No.18090948
Quoted by: >>18091159

This would make me a multi billionaire
My body is ready

>> No.18091116
File: 3.83 MB, 4032x3024, 0CEABDDC-E22B-41E2-9E4F-8360968349B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18091242

Rate my stack

>> No.18091159

This is why Mike Maloney and Peter Schiff talk about "the greatest transfer of wealth in human history." This is why Schiff says that a mere 13toz of silver is enough to make it. This is why Warren Buffett calls derivatives "financial weapons of mass destruction." This is why you are not supposed to sell your silver or gold.

>> No.18091242

I have seen the pic before but without even including the bar (which I do not know the weight of) that looks to be 42oz of generics all by themselves so that would bring things to a purchasing power of $11,555,985 today. Whatever that bar is it is even more.

>> No.18091331

if you reset the current global debt with above ground gold, the true price of gold comes out to ~$12,000/oz. if the historical gold:silver ratio of 20:1 is restored then the true price of silver is ~$600/oz

even with these premiums both metals are severely undervalued!

>> No.18091378
Quoted by: >>18091475

What is the amount of above ground gold? Is there a tracker or something

>> No.18091383
Quoted by: >>18091521

Yup a silver piece the size of a silver dime has been a days wage throughout history, even today in many places. When you hear of some gook rice paddy farmer making 2$/day people say wtf? But that’s right in line with same historical economic reality since that 2$ will buy you a silver dime at a coin shop. Some fat ass insurance salesman making 300$/day while providing zero real value for society is making the equivalent of 15 ounces of silver a day if he converted it to silver. This flies in the face of all hoatocie economic reality.

1 ounce of silver will be worth at least 2 weeks days wages. Since 14 silver dimes equals 1 ounce

>> No.18091421
Quoted by: >>18096054

So you are actually off. 13 ounces is certainly not making it territory... grew fed that will last you 6-12 months which is still legit. Making it territory starts probably at 100 ounces.

And even 1,000 ounces might be too much. I think the sweet spot is about 300-500 ounces.

>> No.18091459
Quoted by: >>18091521

Gold is undervalued but silver is the most undervalued asset on earth. And remember... that $12,000 gold price doesn’t seem like a lot... but it will be like having 12k in 1960 or something because their will be a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. So someone with 5 ounces and 12k gold price will killing it. The 60k in gold won’t be like having 60k today

>> No.18091475
File: 28 KB, 416x175, auStock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18092663



this site does some estimates. ~200 tonnes mined and ~50 tonnes remaining in the ground. safe to say we are way past peak gold

>> No.18091521

Kikes will force a world war and kill us all before they allow that to happen

>> No.18091616


>> No.18091695

>when the red headed step child become a reality

>> No.18091726

I really like these big ass quarters 5ozt

>> No.18091736
Quoted by: >>18092446

What percentage of the US population has even 25 ounces of silver. Gold and silver is basically sold out not. What percentage of people in the last 2 weeks went and bought 1 single ounce of silver.

It’s bedlam on boards like this making it seem everyone is getting silver and gold. But literally nobody is getting it. I bet not even 1/10th of 1% of the population is causing billion stores online and brick and mortar to sell out

>> No.18091752

this is the most based stack that i've seen so far
also checked

>> No.18091877

Where can I buy some of these ?

>> No.18092215

FINNEXUS connects service providers and their users by making it easy for OTC platforms, brokers and trade them to find users and and provide them with service.

>> No.18092435

Woo, I'm ready to buy a house or at least a nice deposit.

>> No.18092446
Quoted by: >>18092538

I think we are in for a period in which the supply chains of silver and gold cannot keep up with the demand and the price per ounce will jump up quickly every time that dealers restock and sell out soon after.

>> No.18092538
Quoted by: >>18092761

But how can the dealers get silver, since they buy it for the shitty paper value (as far as I know). So suppliers won't sell it to them.

Paper is gonna be worthless because no-one will honor it

>> No.18092584
Quoted by: >>18094541

I'm still waiting on apmex to send my large order of 10 1 oz gold buffalos . They are 3 days late.

>> No.18092663

Until asteroid mining is a thing. Which will probably be never.

>> No.18092761
Quoted by: >>18092986

They have to buy it based on paper value unfortunately as they purchase silver and gold at their commodity market "values." That sets their overhead hence why they started charging exorbitant premiums just to keep the balance sheets profitable. Prices are already going back up so there will come a point at which they order more supply at these increasing prices and the premium will shrink while they still profit and can buy more supply while demand is hot.

>> No.18092763
File: 868 KB, 1880x1708, triple threat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional Industry News:

Investment and Sales:

hearty kek

this coin is gonna be so fucking collectable

>> No.18092887

Based mothman

>> No.18092986

I think that's a bullshit excuse to be honest, fuck those guys.

>> No.18093424
Quoted by: >>18093464

yeah but JNUG is already up 100% off its bottom. a lot of anons were talking about it and probably caught a nice gain. the only problem with buying physical, which many of us have done, is the waiting game and missing out on other higher ROI opportunities

>> No.18093457
Quoted by: >>18093538

Dude, I can give you a shit ton of copper wire for fucking free lol. Jesus Christ

>> No.18093464

That's why I don't go all in on any investment and no one else should either.

>> No.18093538

I'll take it for free

>> No.18093561

If silver moons to above $40/oz in the next 6 months, do you sell or hold?

>> No.18093688
Quoted by: >>18093720

hold, their fiat clown money don't mean shit anymore, $40 will barely pay you a baguette in 6 months.

>> No.18093720

What makes you think the economy won't stabilize once this virus shit has blown over?

>> No.18093745
Quoted by: >>18093926

Only sell if you are buying gold in the same overall transaction. Never squander the miraculous alchemy of turning worthless paper into silver or gold.

>> No.18093811
File: 8 KB, 600x497, 1492830161746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18093926

>mfw i got an email from my regular online shop
>"we got restocked on gold & silver! good deals incoming goyim!"
>great! they were out of stock for everything for about 2 weeks, go take a look
>just a bunch of aussie shitnimals coins for 30€/oz minimum, still no AES, phily or leaf
>refresh the page few hours later
>everything got wiped out by fomo NPCs

>> No.18093853
Quoted by: >>18093883

I alrdy explained many times the dozen of reasons why it will only go down from now on, too lazy to do it now desu. Just the 1.4 quadrillions derivatives bubble starting to pop up right now behind the curtains is enough to exterminate the financial system.

>> No.18093883

I realize that there is a reason for derivatives to exist but it is abused by speculators. I am not an economics expert but it seems to me that derivatives need regulation so that they stay more true to spirit.

>> No.18093901
File: 209 KB, 725x364, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they won't let the virus shit blow over because they've positioned this glownigger "expert" who just makes shit up and everyone believes him. look at what he's saying:
1. it comes back in cycles
2. the virus must determine the timeline, not us
wtf? how does he know so much about a virus that is considered novel and has only been on the radar for 3 months?

>> No.18093926

Surely the gold silver ratio falls from here yes? I only see that happening if silver makes up significant ground

Perth mint coins are kino you fag, and obviously the cheapest here in aus

>> No.18093957

9999 perth mint > 9999 rcm > 999 us mit > pamp > 999 private mints >

>> No.18094038

It has been going down all week. Just give it time. With silver's current momentum it will go below 60:1 at minimum. Now is the time to plan, set up, or curate a precious metals portfolio so that the you of today can tell the you of tomorrow when to trade in instead of FOMOing in on gold. Always maintain a small cash position, always save up cash for gold, always buy silver as often as you can, always maintain a budget, and never sell for fiat.

>> No.18094093
Quoted by: >>18094543

Sold individual 1oz rounds on ebay, people buying at 2.5x spot. Immediately re-order from bullion shop that will deliver to me in 4-6 weeks.

Turned 60oz into 130oz.

Only problem is I am getting bars instead of rounds back. Hoping when prices on round gets back to normal I can trade bars for rounds.

>> No.18094218

It will. But how much longer will the system maintain? Its bubble after bubble and the debt from the Fed/central banking is unpayable

>> No.18094315 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 512x393, 1580078741694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA overtaking Italy and China in the next few days
Still reopening the country in a few weeks

>> No.18094364

based copperchad

>> No.18094365

That aint a moon, you could probably sell your silver for that right now.

>> No.18094399

kek trade me one, I can't get them anywhere

>> No.18094487


>> No.18094541

I have an order pending on JMBullion. Supposed to ship it Monday the 23rd, they still have not. They took my money though, just be patient. If you put your order in they should still honor it.

>> No.18094543
Quoted by: >>18096020

Very nice. How long did the shop take to contact you? I'm emailing ones from my country but the assholes aren't replying.

>> No.18094576
File: 70 KB, 600x791, 1573571484496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18094614

I just bought 40 oz. of silver significantly over spot. Did I do good?

>> No.18094614
Quoted by: >>18094703


>> No.18094703

Actually 44 oz. at 980.

Does spot matter much if youre holding for a really long time/hedging against inflation?

>> No.18094704
Quoted by: >>18095057

Does silverware count? I see heaps of the shit pretty cheap, if it's 925 and it's scrappable, it must be very cheap per ounce if you buy a case for like $20.

>> No.18094724



>> No.18094740
File: 118 KB, 406x364, 1391582899216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre willing to reinstate it was flagged because im out of the country, just had to show ID. I guess thats reasonable...

>> No.18094759
Quoted by: >>18094843

If it all goes well, this spot price means nothing, but I can't answer your question, I'm a noob.

>> No.18094776

better get 9999/1000

>> No.18094826


>> No.18094843
Quoted by: >>18095279

Thats basically what im hearing, that silver and gold are ready for a moon mission because of the feds QE shenanigans.

>> No.18094912

18.53 not bad i seen it as high as 28 these days

>> No.18094924

Not too bad. It was priced a few bucks higher 2 days ago. Best thing is to hold and keep slowly stacking. At some point in our lives, USD will lose reserve currency status. China and Russia have been stacking as much as they can get their hands on for the past several years. Rumor is they want to develop a gold backed currency. They may pull it off. May lead to a hot war, who the fuck knows. All I know is gold/silver are universal and will always be worth something.

>> No.18095007

I work in a goldmine, china has been the primary buyer of gold for the last 10 years +.

Barrick was a Canadian company so obviously they had a close relationship with China, then Rand Gold merged with Barrick and saved their asses. All of the Barrick Corporate goons got axed and replaced with Rand Gold people, so idk how the South Africans are with the Chinese.

Barrick is a multinational company now, and completely amoral like the rest so Im sure theyre shovelling as much gold to the chinese as theu can.

>> No.18095057
Quoted by: >>18095324

How pure is the silverware? cause it's usually low quality on top of being very mixed with other metals.

>> No.18095175

>More accurately it tells you what the purchasing power of silver would become.
I dont think this is correct. It simply tells you the current dollar amount, which means nothing for purchasing power.

>> No.18095226
File: 466 KB, 602x613, 1554775807328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18095235

All world powers, including the US, are working behind the scenes to establish a gold standard.

It becomes quite obvious when you pay attention to all the moves happening outside the mainstream narrative.

>> No.18095235
File: 379 KB, 645x1133, Poland_gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Articles like this paint the picture.

>> No.18095279

remember folks, like other anon said. this will be a reflection of the value of the dollar. when silver goes to $100 usd per ounce, it just means the value of the usd is going down and it takes more usd to buy things than it did beforehand

>> No.18095324

A lot is plated, but some is sterling which is .925, and dealers give 88% of spot price. From what I can tell though, bowls/vases etc are naturally very thin therefore lighter than they look.

>> No.18095396
File: 171 KB, 104x113, 1546456503190.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking tied between getting something like a 1Kilo Silver bar or 4 250gram bars. I kind of want the smaller bars for more liquidity, but it comes at an +£80 higher premium than the single bar.
I already have 75 Britannia's, so maybe that's all the liquidity I need?

>> No.18095432

just make sure you can sell that kilo bar when silver hits $40-50

>> No.18095864

How much did you buy these for? 180 dollars seems kind of steep, but I couldn't forgive myself if I didnt get at least one.

>> No.18096020

KJC bullion in Australia, they are overloaded with new customers and emails I am assuming from low IQ boomers so no chance of getting a timely response, but I am long time customer so they have been confirming my orders next day even if wont respond to email.

They are very reputable and I got confirmation today they did stock check and most of my orders will get sent this week. Nearly everything I bought is off the website now. Only a few of them will be 4-6 weeks (Perth Mint probably making them now)

>> No.18096054

too much?

>> No.18096064

wtf do you think they are trying to do right now?

>> No.18096100

Kilo bars and 100oz bars have liquidity if from reputable mints, its only when you get to 1000oz slabs that most want to test its all silver so not as liquid.