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File: 214 KB, 638x321, PEGNET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16625562 No.16625562 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, did you hear? Reserve is out. PegNet is IN.

>> No.16625569

Hi Ranjesh.. teh curry buffet is closed. now fuck off

>> No.16625584
Quoted by: >>16625726

I can unironically imagine this is real as it forces together two of /biz/‘s most beloved pastimes: shitcoins and being fucked up the arse

>> No.16625615

Factom is the weirdest project around. They obviously work hard to achieve their vision but are almost completely invisible. There are hardly any shills excepting the VERY obsessive dudes who have been all in since 2016. Paul Snow claims to have solved the oracle problem natively, but nobody gives a shit. Are they just delusional boomers or something?

>> No.16625726
File: 331 KB, 1266x882, pegnet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very real, anon. Arbitrage is already online, unlike RSR. Not only is arbitrage active, but you can literally convert the PEG token into a handful of establish cryptocurrencies, 14 different world currencies, AND gold and silver.

>> No.16625763
Quoted by: >>16625786


>> No.16625781

Kek. I love all you anons, even the pajeets.

>> No.16625786
File: 135 KB, 1235x655, Screen Shot 2019-12-21 at 11.21.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16626039

nice try.

>> No.16625790
Quoted by: >>16625897

are you the authors of RSR BBW content?

that's quality marketing my frens

>> No.16625846


>> No.16625897
File: 36 KB, 297x412, pegnet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you the authors of RSR BBW content?
No we are not. We've never been interested in RSR. We are however interested in absorbing their bagholders.

>> No.16625963

The only way I see this surviving is rebranded and pulling a NEO

>> No.16626039
File: 231 KB, 1159x665, 1569698335756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16626087

Is it still gay if you get pegged? If I was to break into the porn world, I don’t think I could submit myself to getting fucked by a dude, but getting pegged is a different story. I think it’s way more socially acceptable.

>> No.16626201

It wouldn't make you gay, just a sodomite.

>> No.16626225

Based pic

>> No.16626269
Quoted by: >>16626291

Will 15k make it or not bitch

>> No.16626285

Top wallet has 288 million pegnet from converting fct...

Would take every miner 3 months to get that much.

Premined shit coin pump and dump.

>> No.16626291

Try 50k suicide stack. We're going to .01 by end of Q1 2020. Screen cap this.

>> No.16626298

Post proof.

>> No.16626329
Quoted by: >>16627331

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Your hope is that /biz/tards will just read this and take your word for it.

>> No.16626347

I've just been casually mining this, is this actually gonna be worth my time? Team seems solid.

>> No.16626348
File: 106 KB, 960x960, 1576933239121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pegnet source code is done by Canonical Ledger

Same developers as seen in:

Canonical Ledger was involved in the scam Factom

Factom is now being delisted from Poloniex

Monts Factom before delisted from Bittrex

Be careful: for Factom people, "receiving an awards from x" means "x is utilising our protocol"

>> No.16626365
Quoted by: >>16626417

More on them:



>> No.16626417
Quoted by: >>16626445

The majority of crypto projects are scams. XRP is a perfect example of this, yet people made a killing. I welcome your FUD because it's baseless and helps my cause. Thanks, fren.

>> No.16626433

I've been pegged by 2 girlfriends and it feels great. It feels good to do role reversal and I mean like a little bitch. It feels that good you can't control it if done right. Yes I am probably a faggot deep down but I don't care

>> No.16626444
File: 31 KB, 512x512, D66FD00A-F8B1-4AED-9370-720A56770020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16626495


>> No.16626445

The facts above are a solid base you moron. Good luck with pajeets lunch money in dodgy exchanges.

>> No.16626495
Quoted by: >>16626695

Good trips fren I am willing to take any questions

>> No.16626695
Quoted by: >>16626788

How fat are you? How fat were they?

>> No.16626788

Not fat at all, and a little chub but not overweight

>> No.16626854

They had to close due to delistings and ran out of money, where is the scam?

>> No.16626902

Fuck reserve because it's a shit idea

But it will bottom out and pump

Don't buy reserve and hold to the bottom then jump to the next hype like peggynet and buy the hype and ride that down again. No wonder everyone is broke

>> No.16626909

I'm pegged and I hold peg net

>> No.16626914

is it gay if you get pegged by a woman?

>> No.16626923

Ok coomer

>> No.16626924
Quoted by: >>16627307

This is the worst shill attempt I have ever witnessed. Yeah let's associate the coin with being fucked in the ass
Is it intentional sabotage?

>> No.16627307

What's wrong anon? Don't want to get your ass torn up by pretty girls?

>> No.16627331

You’re a fucking idiot trying to scam people into this pump and dump. Ask team for link to top wallets and check for yourself. Top wallet is 288 million pegnet.

Would take all miners entirely over 3 Months to accumulate that.

>> No.16628608
Quoted by: >>16628735

Being gay means being sexually aroused by seeing a man.
Stimulating prostate and nerve endings is not gay.

>> No.16628735

>fake dick in the ass not gay


>> No.16629217

>every cryptocurrency is a premined scam reeeeeee
wow you are very smart, just get in and out before it dumps desu

>> No.16629274

unironically i think they are just boomers trying their best at selling blockchain ©

>> No.16629275

LoL jesus. I hold Peg and this turns me on.

>> No.16629294

It's on ETH too

>> No.16629298

Imagine thinking that anyone here is going to buy your scam shitcoin. Neck yourself street shitter

>> No.16629313

Pegnet is the best hold of 2020 IMO

>> No.16629396
Quoted by: >>16629416

You can convert between all those currencies with no liquidity spread.

Kek you have no idea what you are talking about. Everyone that burned FCT for Peg basically paid market rates for that Peg at all stages. If it wasn't market rate it was an arbitrage opportunity because there was less liquidity at the time.

Thread is hilarious though keep it up.

>> No.16629416

only fools will not listen on pegnet.

>> No.16629439
Quoted by: >>16629487

I wish I would have burned in the last day. Fuck.

>> No.16629487
Quoted by: >>16629579

If you knew how to you would probably be mining before too all in all I'm only up 1.2x or so my entire investment and I got in shortly after launch when it was not floating so don't feel like you missed out yet anon. The ETH bridge just launched. This is just starting.

>> No.16629579

Mining was a risk, of sorts, and a long game I don't like. The burn gave you a lot more supply. I'm a buyer under a $10M cap.

>> No.16629793

The absolute state of sats gang they honestly think RSR is more interesting than PEG