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File: 149 KB, 1024x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
144660 No.144660 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>143582

>> No.144661
Quoted by: >>145044

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 200 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.144668
Quoted by: >>145044

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Mintpal voting: https://www.mintpal.com/voting <- 3 votes/6 votes registered allowed per hour
Coin voting for charity: https://www.coinpayments.net/vote <- Vote for PND using BTC/LTC/DOGE
Coinedup subreddt: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.144677

ilu amdoge

>> No.144679
Quoted by: >>144739


Oh no no no, that's not what I'm saying. I just wanted to know if the fiat route is the route I take if I wanted to cash in the BTC for GBP.

I think BTC is a great idea. A currency where you haven't got the bank and government's dicks up your ass 24/7 has my full support.


Yeah I remember hearing about the war in Iraq not being over liberating people from Hussein's evil bullshit but because he wanted to change the currency they deal oil with.

This is why the next big dictator should be a kind and benevolent fellow who's grand to everyone and rules with a silk fist of love. So the US gubmint can't say that invading his land and murdering him is a humanitarian effort to help people under an evil dictator. I guess people like Hussein shoot themselves the foot a bit.

>> No.144681
File: 484 KB, 910x638, 1393271705642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you want some more PND? Sure, we all do. Do you want PND at 100 satoshis? Sure, we all do.

Then get out there and start shilling. Start threads, share on social media, post somewhere beside /biz/ and le reddit. Write about PND on all of the forums you have accounts on, don't use new accounts or you'll look like spam. Tell everyone you know about PND, it's a great story. Tell them on Skype and Teamspeak.

If you do well, I'll send you 5-10k for your efforts. Post a pic and a pastebin with your address or put it in the email field.

After coinpayments, we need to nail down Cryptsy: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882

Friendly reminder, if you paste an address in the namefield you get ban.

>> No.144687

I second this.

>> No.144688

>After coinpayments,

has the coinpayments voting finished?

>> No.144700
Quoted by: >>144731

Could someone please post this: http://pastebin.com/nuuLeX9V

to the Italian BTCtalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=132.0

>> No.144712

i screen capped this post and am emailing it to cryptsy

PND will never be as successful as doge please stop forcing a coin that was only invented to damn wolong

>> No.144710
File: 83 KB, 1166x1148, Monochrome panda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said they wanted a monochrome panda for possible use in new PND coin.

>> No.144718

>implying that will do anything but show them how popular we are becoming

>> No.144721
Quoted by: >>144728

Wasn't doge invented only for lulz?

>> No.144728

b-b-b-but... that was different b-b-baka!

>> No.144729

why are you here then?

>> No.144731
File: 366 KB, 640x480, 1363359699069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>144747

Hate to be that guy, but are you italian?

Anyway i dont have an account there so i cant help you.

>> No.144738
Quoted by: >>144743 >>144877

Ouch. I appreciate your involvement in all sort of things panda ITT, but this is just ugly :p

>> No.144739
File: 18 KB, 280x390, gadaffi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why the next big dictator should be a kind and benevolent fellow who's grand to everyone and rules with a silk fist of love.

so like someone who took his country up to the highest development index on his continent? someone who gave free healthcare to all of his citizens and was the best on the continent? someone who fostered a huge increase in literacy and education among both genders, in an area where women were traditionally prevented from this? someone who reduced poverty to the level or below the level of poverty in the usa? someone who put huge resources into housing, keeping a promise about helping everyone else before his parents? someone who created an amazing water system for the entire country?

they put a knife in his anus.

>> No.144740

That was me, thank you.

>> No.144743

The teeth were a little difficult for me. What seems to be the biggest problem?

>> No.144747
File: 1020 KB, 317x219, 1392733422105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.144752
Quoted by: >>144762

>iCoin beating us out



>> No.144756


>JacobUX please go

>> No.144762
Quoted by: >>144767

How do we see what coin's where? I just get the coin selection page

>> No.144766
Quoted by: >>144779



They're not going to give a toss. If there's market interest in a coin they'll support it sooner or later.


Wow America. Wow.

So how did they get away with that shit? Just paint Colonel Gadaffi as some horrible war criminal on the news and everyone went for it? He must have done something to get NATO involved.

>> No.144767
Quoted by: >>144769


>> No.144769


>> No.144771
Quoted by: >>144773 >>144774

So now that I have a GPU did I miss the pandoge train yet?

>> No.144773
Quoted by: >>144780 >>144811


>> No.144774
Quoted by: >>144780

Doge train maybe, but you have plenty of time to buy a ticket for PND

>> No.144779
Quoted by: >>144789

>Just paint Colonel Gadaffi as some horrible war criminal on the news and everyone went for it?

>> No.144780
Quoted by: >>144797


Thank god.

>> No.144789
Quoted by: >>144798


He must have done SOMETHING they couldn't just utterly make shit up and hope people go for it?

Am I just being naive?

>> No.144797

I guess she meant you will eventually lose the train.

>> No.144798
Quoted by: >>144804

>Am I just being naive?
Probably, but you should know how influential the US media is among the average viewer.
He wasn't by all means benevolent and an angel but they didn't give a fuck a bout Libya until recently.

>> No.144803
Quoted by: >>144809 >>144810

If I make a trade offer to buy PND one satoshi under the default one listed, how long until someone sells?
Should I just leave it on until someone does?

>> No.144804
Quoted by: >>144831


I'm assuming "recently" is when he said he wanted to trade for oil in Libya money and not US money.

>> No.144809
Quoted by: >>144836

No one is going to sell@1 satoshi. It is worth 5x that right now and is very likely to climb soon.

>> No.144810
Quoted by: >>144919

>how long until someone sells?
Until the wall before that is eaten.

>> No.144811
Quoted by: >>144821

Eventually does not mean eventuell.

>> No.144824
Quoted by: >>144837

Just a reminder that we need to be voting on CoinPayments.net
We are falling behind and Klondikecoin is catching up.

iCoin == 115
PND == 110
Klondike == 100

>> No.144821
Quoted by: >>144845 >>144850

If he keeps waiting he will miss it eventually.

>> No.144831


>> No.144836
Quoted by: >>144858

>one satoshi under

>> No.144837
Quoted by: >>144844

I'm out of IPs. Post pastebins with links for payment.

>> No.144844

I am out of IPs too

>> No.144845
Quoted by: >>144848

Probably a stupid question but here goes,

Can I change the source of Panda wallet to show a different coin logo? Like change it to that ugly reddit monster, shill on reddit, and suddenly thousands of people are mining PND with a different logo. Confusion everywhere?

>> No.144847

this makes me mad now

>> No.144848

You can.

>> No.144850
Quoted by: >>144857 >>144868

That seems very constructed. You are just trying to save your noface, mon petit chou-fleur~

>> No.144857
File: 128 KB, 640x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>144867


>> No.144858

boy is my face red...

As long as there is a sell order at that price, it will be bought. But until there is a sell order at that price you aren't going to be getting anything. PND is@5 satoshi right now. If you try to buy for 4 satoshi it will probably get filled soon but it isn't guaranteed

>> No.144868

No, that is just amDOGE for you... She isn't native to English and she always speaking in short concise sentences.

>> No.144867
Quoted by: >>144874 >>144883

So I heard DOGE is back over 200 and a friendly reminder that you gave a friendly reminder to hold. Ty.

>> No.144873
File: 409 KB, 250x188, 1387559391541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>144912

>TFW Finally broke through the 100k PND mark

>> No.144874

Thanks, did hold, aiming for the moon.

>> No.144877

So are you just going to insult my drawing or are you going to help me make it better? If you are just going to insult it I can just assume you are a FUD spreader and trying to fuck with me.

>> No.144883
Quoted by: >>144905

And all that needed to be done was waiting which is far less stressful than trying to predict the market. Sounds good, no?

>> No.144897
File: 32 KB, 450x533, panda-dog-pic-getty-774983705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>144912 >>144924

Is it possible that PND will ever hit 100?
What are the goals for PND after we get it on mint and cryptsy?

>> No.144905
Quoted by: >>144916


>> No.144904
Quoted by: >>144915 >>144916

How do I mine more PND on a GeForce 8800 GTX? I only get like ~24kh/s.

>> No.144912
File: 31 KB, 200x150, 1262934431231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>144924


>tfw nearly 200,000


We all mass sell and go on to make another coin.

>> No.144915

thats pretty gud for your card already

>> No.144916
Quoted by: >>144928

You're supposed to be getting 12.25 so consider yourself lucky.


>> No.144919
Quoted by: >>144937

>Until the wall before that is eaten.

can someone explain this "wall" i keep hearing about

>> No.144924
Quoted by: >>144930 >>144951

Don't listen to this guy. Our plan isn't to just pump and dump. We were created because we detested pump and dump coins. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying. We have plans to become a real currency. We just need everyone's help to do that.

>> No.144928
Quoted by: >>144937 >>144943

Oh cool.

What about a Raspberry Pi?

>> No.144930


Well I don't know what you're planning but I'm planning to dump ASAP.

>> No.144934
Quoted by: >>144956

Not sure what the 1k PND was for but thanks

>> No.144937
Quoted by: >>144945 >>144951

Wall being big / lots of orders that prevent both sides from going further than that price point the wall is set.

No idea.

>> No.144943

>What about a Raspberry Pi?


>> No.144945
Quoted by: >>144954 >>144958

>that prevent both sides from going further than that price point the wall is set.

ahh i see

so the wall is the reason why the trade is stuck at 5 satoshis

>> No.144951
Quoted by: >>144954 >>144957

What is the plan now?

>> No.144954

Yes. You need to trade higher than that in order to get the coins. Otherwise you'll just add to the wall.

Keep spreading it.

>> No.144956
Quoted by: >>144985


Because you're worth it Anon-Kunk :3

>> No.144957

cause many frustration by becoming worth 1337 satoshi

>> No.144958
Quoted by: >>144968 >>144985

Could realistically go to 6 now

>> No.144968

I thinks it deserves 11 Satoshi, but we ate through about 20(?) BTC worth of walls/dumps.

>> No.144971
Quoted by: >>144978 >>144980

so has everyone given up on coinpayments?

i've voted nearly 20 times now

>> No.144978

Still voting whenever possible.

>> No.144980
Quoted by: >>144987 >>145025

Paid coin votes need to die. I'll keep voting on mintpal because PND, but really. Gross that exchanges are making money off coins that they won't even list.

>> No.144985


it went to 6 and got back to 5

>> No.144987
Quoted by: >>144994

It's for charity in that case. 500 doge isn't much either.

>> No.144994
Quoted by: >>144996

i dont think mintpal is taking vote donations for charity

>> No.144996

>so has everyone given up on coinpayments?

>i've voted nearly 20 times now

>> No.145004
Quoted by: >>145007 >>145011



>> No.145007
Quoted by: >>145025


>> No.145011
Quoted by: >>145025

you're mixing up sites

>> No.145013
Quoted by: >>145022

If you register are votes free? I mean. I have only 140 DOGE and only PND. I am not trading PND for DOGE at these prices.


I'll try harder to propaganda this one. Get more anons to vote.

>> No.145022
Quoted by: >>145028 >>145030

Votes can be paid but don't have do. 3 votes if you are not logged in, 6 if you are.

>> No.145025


i was talking about mintpal cause of:

>I'll keep voting on mintpal because PND

>> No.145026
Quoted by: >>145033 >>145041



Hold up.

What if we suggest to Riot, the owners of League of Legends, that we make it so you can buy Riot Points with PND?

LoL is already popular as fuck, people would mine just to buy RP. The value of PND will hit Pluto over night.

>> No.145027

Post TIPS address and I will TIP hard. :^)

>> No.145028

>don't have do
*don't have to

>> No.145030
Quoted by: >>145035

I am talking about https://www.coinpayments.net/vote

It needs 0.001 BTC to vote.

>> No.145033
Quoted by: >>145038

Is it possible to actually convince them to do this?

>> No.145035
Quoted by: >>145044 >>145057

Eh. Probably not.

>> No.145038


Fuck if I know. Worst they can say is "no".

>> No.145041
Quoted by: >>145049

They'd probably go for it if you suggested BTC, or maybe DOGE, but I dont know about PND. Nobody accepts that right now, while there's actually quite a few that take DOGE.

>> No.145044
Quoted by: >>145047 >>145050


Are you threads DESIGNED to NOT let new people understand what is going on here?

>> No.145047
Quoted by: >>145098


>> No.145049
Quoted by: >>145052 >>145069

Maybe that's the point. A fresh coin they can claim.

How much PND is there in circulation right now?

>> No.145050
File: 9 KB, 657x657, minong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145052


>> No.145052
Quoted by: >>145058


Please don't donate.

>> No.145057
Quoted by: >>145064


no coinpayments havve mandatory payment for votes

its to avoid ip proxy votes i think

>> No.145055
File: 806 KB, 1610x725, 1393447610393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will watch Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind.

>> No.145056


>> No.145058
Quoted by: >>145064 >>145066

I turned it off. You are probably getting loads of PND from 0.8 fee at 3GHz+ mining.

>> No.145063
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 1337229534734[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145073

Is this some kind of bait

>> No.145064

You can't vote with funds on the same IP / mail either.


>> No.145066

Now I have like 0.1 donate fee and it looks like I mined us all to the moon :D

>> No.145069

The fact that PND is hanging around a precarious 4-5Sat right now might make them nervous. Bitcoin is all over the fucking place lately, but they're pretty much guaranteed to have some value between $400-$700, and Doge has really settled into a nice 180-250 Sat range, and will probably stay in that zone for a while.

>> No.145073
Quoted by: >>145080


No bait, legit TIPS.

>> No.145080
File: 44 KB, 400x400, 133305606343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145090

Well, might as well try

>cya resetting my router in a sec

>> No.145081


you can get people banned

>> No.145082
Quoted by: >>145090


>> No.145090
Quoted by: >>145097 >>145117


Invalid address.

>> No.145097
File: 104 KB, 505x358, 136586552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ops, that name was misleading

>> No.145098

The third post of every thread has lots of references to PND, without even specifying you're done talking about DOGE and started talking about PND (hit the wordcount in the second post maybe?). I actually downloaded the wrong wallet because of that.

There is NO context whatsoever to what your second post is refering to, the first useful link (Website: ...) is buried well in.

Also, two words of explanaition of what PND is and whoy should I care would be nice.
Right now only people who "already know" understand it.

>> No.145108
Quoted by: >>145127

>mom, halp, I can't into 4chan

>> No.145110
File: 115 KB, 655x1041, 1393154936752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually downloaded the wrong wallet because of that.

>> No.145116
Quoted by: >>145125

Lurk a bit more and you will get it.
Take a look at every recurring thread on every board, it's the same.

>> No.145114
File: 62 KB, 1190x917, PND voted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My .001 BTC finally confirmed so I could vote for PND.

>pic related

Also I just put a big post in the reddit coinpayment thread about the importance of winning this vote, which I think many still don't realize. Please go into the thread, upboat it, and shill the hell out of the need to vote and how great it will be for us.


>> No.145117

My bad

>> No.145121
Quoted by: >>145129

>Also, two words of explanaition of what PND is and whoy should I care would be nice.
>Right now only people who "already know" understand it.

i second this

if ew people on /biz/ themselves are confused then what hope do we have for people outside of 4chan

There should probably be a pastebin/infograph of the history of PND

>> No.145127
Quoted by: >>145162

Yeah yeah, lurk moar and shit. I did, and I got it.
I see no point in sabotageing one own's cause this way.

>> No.145125
Quoted by: >>145163

He's right though. The stickies should be idiot proof and noob friendly. I'm tired of explaining everything over and over again, plus we should do everything it takes to get as many as possible on board our two trains.

>> No.145129
File: 195 KB, 1826x1276, 1393156289127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145139 >>145141


>> No.145131


>Look Big Verne, these guys are trying to get their coin on Cryptsy?

Yeah and?

How mad are you right now? You sound like child throwing a tantrum.

>> No.145140
Quoted by: >>145186

It says right in the first line that it's content about pandacoin.
>Also, two words of explanaition of what PND is and whoy should I care would be nice.
Second line - Bitcoin talk thread.

>> No.145139
Quoted by: >>145159

A person new to cryptos could stare at that picture for weeks and still not have a single clue what the fuck is going on

>> No.145141


yeah people wont need any context for that at all

>> No.145158
Quoted by: >>145170

I now have ~1 million PND, and ~300k Doge. What do?

>> No.145159

Do you want the /b/ pitch, instead of the /biz/ pitch?

I think it was something like:

Hey /b/, wanna make quick and easy money? We made this coin to troll some chinese faggot and right now its cheap, but it is going to the moon.

Post nudes for PND. Go go go!

>> No.145162

wolong pls

>>>/vg/ go write some rage comics or something

>> No.145163

Only thing that needs to change is it should be clear that the first post is about DOGE and the second about PND.
The links are standard format, you need to know a bit about crypto to understand what each link is about.
This is not a crypto general, this is a pndoge general.
If /b/ users could do it there is no reason anyone else could not.

>> No.145170

sell PND for DOGE when you think the time is right

>> No.145183
File: 49 KB, 265x265, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.145186

Second post (the DOGE one) ends with links links links, third post uges you to
the continues with links links links.

So, you're suggesting I go to a secondary forum with a non clear-text link, linked among 200 other links, to find out what's going on in this thread?

I suggest you just put a two liner of what the post is, what PNDs are and why should I care. I'd probably start mining much earlier.

>> No.145191

Give me something to put in there.

>> No.145195
Quoted by: >>145199 >>145219

I'll work on an infographic. When PND was not on any exchange there were a few mining guides.

Basically bamboohouse.info getting started guide.

>> No.145203

No. I'm new.

>> No.145204

thanks santa!

>> No.145198

Guys, we aren't going to get on coinmarketcap.com any time soon...the guy who runs it is...fucking JacobuX


>> No.145199
Quoted by: >>145216

>Basically bamboohouse.info getting started guide.
Uh. No.

>> No.145208
Quoted by: >>145224

Do I have to constantly update my back up'd wallet or do I just need to make one back up?

>> No.145212

If you can't read you probably won't understand how to mine anyway.

>> No.145213
Quoted by: >>145224

Just keep it simple and explanatory. Something like: Pandacoin (PND) is a cryptocurrency created by /biz/.

>> No.145216
Quoted by: >>145224 >>145230

What do you mean? these were simple instruction that got me set up mining both cpu and gpu. That is what anon is asking for right? What is PND, why do you want to mine it? How to mine it in a pool, how to trade it, remember dont trust wolong, the end. Or?

>> No.145218
Quoted by: >>145249

Oh, is THAT why they haven't written me back in nearly a week?

>> No.145219
Quoted by: >>145223

go fuck yourself you entitled prick

>> No.145223


>> No.145224
File: 25 KB, 565x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, oh.

Depends on whether or not you're using it actively.

I'll see what I can do.

I can't explain them crypos in every post. This will just bloat up the OP.

>> No.145241
File: 169 KB, 363x270, 1392827991229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install Windows 8.1 on my gaming/mining computer
>forget to backup my wallets

Jesus christ.

>> No.145229
Quoted by: >>145236


Yeah I'm constantly getting funds from your pool. Should I update it every time I get new funds?

>> No.145230
Quoted by: >>145345

But you wouldn't need all that text in the sticky, a link with a brief description would be enough.

>> No.145231
File: 251 KB, 1366x768, PropaPNDa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145250 >>145316


Made a post on my Facebook wall. Most of my friends consider me crypto-saavy so they will probably try to climb aboard.


>> No.145236

Just maybe once a week or so.

>> No.145237
Quoted by: >>145249

This conspiracy shit is getting unreal.

>> No.145243
Quoted by: >>145249 >>145476


God those faggots are everywhere in crypto. They're like a fucking cancer.

>> No.145244
Quoted by: >>145283

Miles pls.

>> No.145245
Quoted by: >>145283

I remember telling you this quite often.

>> No.145246
Quoted by: >>145283

Typical Miles.

>> No.145247

Is there any news of Swisscex shutting down? I just put 45,000 PND into my portfolio in case of sudden moon but I don't want to lose it all because they cut and run.

>> No.145249

Also, amDOGE confirmed for spending life savings.

>> No.145250
Quoted by: >>145265

That's disgusting

>> No.145255
File: 311 KB, 2048x1365, 1390854570305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145283

Daily reminder to backup wallet.dat

>> No.145257
Quoted by: >>145282

>I can't explain them crypos in every post. This will just bloat up the OP.

Just link the getting started guide of bamboohouse in the PND Post

Put it above the the update your wallet line

oh shit i just noticed i need to update to v3

Put it below it perhaps

>> No.145261
Quoted by: >>145270

>Believing JacobUX

I see no proof of this.

>> No.145265
Quoted by: >>145275


Force of habit, what can I say? But this isn't about how I choose to view Facebook, hah...

>> No.145264


Can we just hack those faggots and put a bogus value for PND so we're number one?

>> No.145275
Quoted by: >>145295

You did a good though anon, spreading the word about PND

>> No.145270

>not understanding sarcasm

>> No.145282
Quoted by: >>145311 >>145318

I don't see how people will make more sense of the first two posts because of that.

>> No.145283
Quoted by: >>145300 >>145301

It's not fucking funny.

I know...

>> No.145285
Quoted by: >>145286 >>145294

Difficulty 79.05382100
What causes these huge difficulty spikes that readjust after one block?

>> No.145290
Quoted by: >>145309

hope those were just a few shitcoins :^)

thanks to people like you there will be 0% actual inflation

>> No.145286


>> No.145294

Multipools. We're getting hit by them.

PND is a very profitable coin to mine right now.

>> No.145295
Quoted by: >>145406


Yeah, is there somewhere I can find a PND-specific "getting started" page? Need to post that as well.

>> No.145296
Quoted by: >>145317

So PND is gonna be put on some more exchanges soon? Does that mean the value will go up? What's a good Satoshi estimate for 5-6 weeks from

>> No.145300
Quoted by: >>145309

Why would you want to install Windows 8.1.

>> No.145301
Quoted by: >>145309

Who said it's funny?
While I like you, you come every day here having done some fuck up.
I was happy for you today because you got your new gpu.

>> No.145304
Quoted by: >>145351

Alright, fuck it, here's a new thing you all get to spam

Fill this out to apply to coinmarketcap, if Jacobux trashes dozens of applications we can complain to someone higher up

>> No.145305
Quoted by: >>145313

Also amDoge remember to update the download on thepandacoin.net with the new version

>> No.145309

125k doge...

Because I figured I might as well use it.

It really sucks...

>> No.145311
Quoted by: >>145313

just posting this link somewhere in the initial posts could help more people join PND


>> No.145313

I'm not the author of the site.


>> No.145316
File: 5 KB, 910x34, attaboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.145317

Either 1 or 10. Are you a gambling man?

>> No.145318
Quoted by: >>145324 >>145339

Is it true that PND was created here on /biz/? I didn't know that before anon pointed that out, despite hanging out for 2-3 days.

"PND is a new coind created here on /biz/.
Help us make it awesome, here are the resources: [...]"

>> No.145320
Quoted by: >>145329

>125k doge...

i lose more than that at daytrading every week

>> No.145326
File: 757 KB, 3368x3368, pandacoin_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145339

First draft for a PND logo I have created. Critique and donations welcome.


>> No.145322
Quoted by: >>145324

>I'm not the author of the site.

The official site needs to be have access to updated versions ASAP

>> No.145323
Quoted by: >>145329

>125k doge...
How much LSD you get per pack and how much it costs?

>> No.145324
Quoted by: >>145332 >>145333

It was "created" on /g/ and got taken over to /biz/.

I agree.

>> No.145327
File: 30 KB, 798x244, Selection_750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145331

What about Github?

>> No.145331
Quoted by: >>145342

Please be patient.

>> No.145332
Quoted by: >>145338 >>145368

Who owns the site again? Pixels?

>> No.145329
Quoted by: >>145344

Yeah but that's all I had left after all my other mistakes.
I feel like dying.

I got 10 hits of 180ug for $90 before SR went down.
I nearly lost my mind the last time I tripped. It was the scariest experience of my life.

>> No.145333
Quoted by: >>145341

Adjust as necessary.

>> No.145338
Quoted by: >>145368


>> No.145339

amDOGE did literally 99% of the actual work though. Thank you again amDOGE
all of these new logos make the panda look either scary or sad. make a cute one

>> No.145340
File: 20 KB, 1142x242, 1393271070956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145350 >>145352


>> No.145337

>I suggest you just put a two liner of what the post is, what PNDs are and why should I care. I'd probably start mining much earlier.

Why should you start mining if you don't even know wtf you're getting into? Clearly you're not very familiar with all this cryptocoin, and crypto-general business, so why would we try to make you hop in before understanding how ANY of this works?

I'm glad people are excited, but you really should do your own research before buying into something just because you see a bunch of other people doing the same.

>> No.145344
Quoted by: >>145379

You said you didn't bought ever since Silk Road went down?How is the abstinence going?

>> No.145345

oh, kinda like the link to bitcointalk?

>> No.145341

You're a little bossy shit, aint ya?

>> No.145342
Quoted by: >>145372

I'm in no hurry at all. Was just a heads up

>> No.145350

It was glorious when they didn't realise about ID's, wasn't it.

>> No.145347
Quoted by: >>145359 >>145379

miles, I got no sympathy we weren't kidding when we told you to back up your amDOGE.dat

>> No.145349
Quoted by: >>145358

Post TIPS address and I will TIP hard. :^)

>> No.145351
File: 2.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do this and spread it like the most recent voting efforts

>> No.145352

Shit, I missed this? That is hilarious.

>> No.145358
Quoted by: >>145440

I'm gonna need some tips for a project anyway.

>> No.145359

also try a data recovery program, if you haven't

>> No.145360

Told Pixels, he fixed it.

>> No.145361

Reminder to vote PND on coinpayments


If you can't pay post a pastebin with the transaction link ITT.

>> No.145370
Quoted by: >>145379

Try to get it back with recuva. I was able to salvage an old bitcoin wallet that had 0.1 btc on it

>> No.145368
Quoted by: >>145372


yeah pixels is reading the thread is on it

>> No.145372
File: 61 KB, 784x695, 1393450402607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The github is updated now.

>> No.145373

and by they you mean his subjects
sic semper tyrannis

>> No.145379
File: 4 KB, 166x102, selection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually forgot I had all my coins on swisscex from when I was going to buy PND.
Thank fucking god.

I bought from SR2 before it got "hacked".

>> No.145391
Quoted by: >>145395

Needs to be paid.


>> No.145392

Close save.

Waiting for the next fuckup.

>> No.145389

cool story miles

>> No.145394
Quoted by: >>145398

whats the link to the website that shows how many pandacoins there are in real time?

>> No.145395
Quoted by: >>145400

sent ;)

>> No.145397

That's good but, how have you been getting your drugs lately?

>> No.145398
Quoted by: >>145401


>> No.145400
Quoted by: >>145405

thanks doge.
I'm going to vote a few more times.
Thank god for VPN.

>> No.145401
Quoted by: >>145409

url to the coins official logo pls

>> No.145403
File: 18 KB, 313x286, 1337802310831685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145411

sold my topcoins to get 1.2m PND

did I the right thing?

>> No.145405

tor and 10minutemail works too.

>> No.145406

It's pretty much the same for every Scrypt coin, aside from the pools etc

>> No.145409


>> No.145411

Yes. We moon.

>> No.145415
File: 21 KB, 115x167, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145420

worth a shot

>> No.145416
Quoted by: >>145418

Another one


>> No.145417
File: 23 KB, 493x257, Cattura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.145418

sent ;)

>> No.145420


sent ;^)

>> No.145421

I plan on doing a lot more voting when i get home guys, but at this rate I won't be able to keep up.

I hope more people will vote, maybe someone should create a /b/ thread and get people to vote for pnd?

>> No.145425
Quoted by: >>145428

i also just voted for pnd for coinmarketcap
instead of panda a lil extra of TIPS would be coo

>> No.145428


sent ;)

>> No.145437
Quoted by: >>145441


From Hong Kong IP.
I hope I'm not becoming too obvious.

>> No.145441


sent :^)

>> No.145440

>tfw you get ignored

I was gonna use the tips to play with coin mixing - this will be useful for us in the future.

>> No.145446

ALRIGHT Listen up guys, there is an ongoing discussion about changing the coin logo, not because of "don't trust Wolong" but because it is copied and people are using this fact to spread FUD

I suggested to hire a friend of mine to make us a new OC coin logo with a panda on it in the following "chibi" ish style:


It's not anime-ish chibi and looks more realistic, and reminds me of the Panda we currently have on our logo already

If you're interested keep me up to date and I'll get in touch

Some DOGE donations wouldn't hurt as she probably wouldn't do it for completely free (busy person etc)

Tell me what you think

>> No.145455
Quoted by: >>145481

They will spread FUD anyway so the argument doesn't really stand much.
Good idea though.

>> No.145463

saw it in last thread, she is really talented and I wouldn't mind if the plushie or whatever style she calls it were toned down a smidge more for pnd. I also believe we could raise enough funds IF the design was good.

>> No.145461

I personally like that stile

>> No.145470
Quoted by: >>145474

Noch einmal.


>> No.145474

sent ;)

>> No.145481
Quoted by: >>145492

This might work.
With the stolen logo their FUD gets much more effective

>> No.145476

they're funded by the cartels homie, welcome to mexico

>> No.145488

I'm out of IPs.
Someone else should start voting too.
I don't understand how Klondike moves so fast while we dn't at all.

>> No.145492
Quoted by: >>145501

So what do they point them to? A defeated coin that served no purpose other than removing money from people's wallets?

>> No.145497

Are you sure you know which one is the original? One and only warning

>> No.145498
Quoted by: >>145516

I sent 100 DOGE and closed my wallet after it, then i noticed the DOGE had not arrived and i opened my wallet again and noticed the transaction has 0 confirms and is not moving at all, did i just sent DOGE to a black hole?

>> No.145501


It's just /biz/ being merchants. They want their coin to be worth big shekels so now they're trying to get you to change the logo so they can maxprofit.

This coin is for the lulz you fags, it wasn't ever supposed to be a major currency. Be happy with what it is and for the fact that it's the most valuable thing to mine, currently.

Greedy fucks

>> No.145508
File: 64 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145530

Sadly you can't deny the small community that has built around it though I guess.

>> No.145516
Quoted by: >>145522

The transaction will rebroadcast. Maybe.

>> No.145518
File: 24 KB, 244x209, 1339697074407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145538


>> No.145520

Dayum, a 34 BTC buy wall on Vircurex? That's like a third of the exchange's total daily traffic last I checked.

>> No.145522

Nevermind, it has already.

>> No.145525

threadly reminder to die

>> No.145526
Quoted by: >>145531


>> No.145530
File: 16 KB, 389x198, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145541 >>145549

The greed creeping up on PND makes me sad. I miss the days around launch so bad.

As long as you don't turn into a wolong too...

>> No.145529
File: 534 KB, 1600x1200, crophead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145576

Damn Klondike is only 2 behind us now on coinpayments. It looks like we need to pull in front of Diamond (which isn't moving at all currently) to be able to consider ourselves safe.

>> No.145531
File: 17 KB, 378x120, 1393452181248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)

>> No.145533

Yes, good idea

>> No.145538

but in all seriousness, who would be interested in a BurgerCoin?

>> No.145541
File: 158 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145592

I prefer my mining.

>> No.145552
Quoted by: >>145556


Ok, now I'm really out of IPs.

Thanks amDOGE for funding this.

>> No.145553
Quoted by: >>145582


>> No.145547


>> No.145549

I can confirm that money brings out the worst in me.

>> No.145551

who would be interested in a third pandacoin? obiously nobody, considering the price

>> No.145556

sent :^)

>> No.145558
File: 57 KB, 500x380, murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You shouldn't even have to ask.

>> No.145559
Quoted by: >>145568 >>145583

>Be happy with what it is and for the fact that it's the most valuable thing to mine, currently.

>tfw cant mine

>> No.145568
Quoted by: >>145581 >>145603

That a thing?I'm a potato miner with 70 khash/s and mining, you got no GPU?

>> No.145571

Reminder that this is available to us.
This is not mine. Wewlad made this earlier today. I am not accepting tips for it. Ask him for an address if you want to tip, because I can't find it.

>> No.145572
Quoted by: >>145577

just think
this could be a coin

>> No.145579

we want to take it to the next level.
it's a bigger insult to wolong and his crew if our coin makes it

>> No.145576
Quoted by: >>145588 >>145655

We can get over diamond easily.
It's just that people can't be arsed to do anything.
Klondike has a giveaway right now and they're probably going to get atleast 20 more easy votes from it.

>> No.145577
File: 71 KB, 592x554, 480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ would be thrilled

>> No.145578
File: 153 KB, 500x492, 4982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145583 >>145614



>you can at least makeback some PND here...

>> No.145581

I wish i could get a potato miner as fast as yours

>> No.145582

Fuck, my ban is finally over.

While I was out I made the terrible choice of using multipool and get a lot of shitcoins.
I just went back to the wolongsucks pool with my potato

>> No.145583
Quoted by: >>145598 >>145638

I'm too chubby to be cute. I only look skinny in clothes.

I'm sorry.

>> No.145588
File: 429 KB, 599x618, brosurance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Recruit /b/ for help?

>> No.145592
File: 21 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.145598
Quoted by: >>145615


Don't get discouraged now Miles. At least if you go on now you would have the first mover advantage.

>> No.145601
File: 70 KB, 207x207, CuVsQty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145607

My 100 DOGE just arrived in Doge-dice, brb Martingaling.

>> No.145603

>you got no GPU?

i barely have a CPU, GPU is a pipe dream as of now

>> No.145605


But Wolongs coin is still listed on exchanges, and that annoys me


>> No.145607
Quoted by: >>145645


Not even once.

>> No.145606

I like the optimist on panda coin but that coin will never go anywhere. Sorry to bust your bubble.

>> No.145614

How new is this? I might make a post if it would help.

>> No.145610
Quoted by: >>145616

It's already somewhere bro.

>> No.145615
File: 8 KB, 657x341, selection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your 7970 gets a lower hashrate at its safe frequencies compared to your 7950

I don't think my bf would appreciate me doing such a thing.

>> No.145623

The same was said of Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
And yet, look at where we are right now

>> No.145616
Quoted by: >>145622 >>145627

Not really. This troll coin turning everyone greedy. I'm dumping my 15m soon while its worth some change.

>> No.145618
Quoted by: >>145632

miles what happened to your old 7950 anyway?

>> No.145622
Quoted by: >>145634

Thanks for the cheap coins fag.

>> No.145634

You're welcome, bagholder.

>> No.145627

Why don't you dump it now?
Do you expect it to go anywhere?

>> No.145632
Quoted by: >>145680

It had graphical artifacts for months but I didn't care because I was mining and didn't have any HW errors.
Then it just stopped working so I sent it in.
I wish it would have broke a month or two before the warranty went out, then maybe I could have got an r9 card.

>> No.145638
File: 1.21 MB, 1432x2020, 1383609037284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's go little pal

>> No.145645
File: 171 KB, 1083x689, 1393453174574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>145666

Just got another 100 coins.

>> No.145650
Quoted by: >>145678

>multipools are jumping on pnd as a coin worth their time

>says the coin isn't going anywhere

The community may be small right now, but it is pretty strong. It doesn't have to become the next bitcoin, in fact it was never meant to be, but it will survive.

>> No.145655
Quoted by: >>145663

Come on guys with dynamic IP. Voting literally takes nothing as links posted here get instantly paid off.

>> No.145663
Quoted by: >>145671

>dynamic IP.
Too cumbersome. http://www.proxy-listen.de/Proxy/Proxyliste.html

>> No.145666

Martingale a shit.


>> No.145671
Quoted by: >>145676

Back when I was on dynamic my router took 45 seconds to reset.

>> No.145676

>45 seconds
That's why I meant.

>> No.145678

I'm not saying it will die. I'm saying that it will not reach the point where doge is. It does not have the momentum doge had at the same time period. At the end, its nothing but a troll coin to troll wolong, nothing more. Its sad to see fags who missed the doge train taking this as their ticket.

>> No.145680
File: 80 KB, 319x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.145695
Quoted by: >>145710

>I'm saying that it will not reach the point where doge is
Whoever said this?

>> No.145698
Quoted by: >>145710

>I'm saying that it will not reach the point where doge is.
It doesn't have to.

>> No.145705

>It does not have the momentum doge had at the same time period.
You are aware that doge was at like difficulty <10 for a month? Nobody thought it would blow up for ages.

This has WAY more momentum than doge did in its first two weeks.

>> No.145708

And I don't care as long as my investment was not a loss. So far, it hasn't been.

>> No.145709

>Implying amDoge missed the Doge train

>> No.145710
Quoted by: >>145724

I did. Its right there in my post.

True, but i watch these treads and some people are overly optimistic that it will and beyond.

>> No.145714


>> No.145715

it's zoologically impossible for PND to reach 1 DOGE

>> No.145724
Quoted by: >>145736

>Its right there in my post.
I'm aware. I was asking where you got this impression.

>> No.145736
Quoted by: >>145742

There is too much greed within the PND community. That's where the impression comes from.

>> No.145742

I see.

>> No.148211
File: 243 KB, 375x500, 1295589860503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND can survive and thrive if it catches on in Asia, specifically China.