Fake pump too so you can still buy low
>>OPNon Linker COPE. Music to my ears
Yeah I don't really understand where people get the idea that using software is a partnership.
lol the scam has come out, btfo linkers
>every business on earth uses microsoft software>but they aren't "partnered" with MS so MS should be worth nothinglink fudders are literally this stupid
>>OPunironically just set my sell order
>>14137121It's even better than non-linker cope it's swing linker cope. Non linkers are just like "Oh, I missed another pump, there will be more". Swinglinkers are like PLEASE GOD I CAN'T STOP GAMBLING I'M ADDICTED TO SHORT TERM ENDORPHINS I'M GOING TO LOSE ALL MY MONEY THEN SUICIDE PLEASE GOD PLEASE
wow the cope is fucking strong here
>>14137238just curious where did you put your sell order? i’m trying to find a place to go long link, like real long. do you know a service that offers this? thank you sir
>>14137235Yeah in this case Link can use some Google software, that doesn't mean Link is worth anything.
You can’t make this shit up. Moonboys are so obsessed with partnerships they fud actual customers because its “not a partnership”. Crypto is a fucking gem.
I wanted to buy more cheaperthis sucks
>>OPI really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions on Chainlink. I've been holding about $250K USD of LINK for a little over a near now and up until now I just really couldn't see the big picture. You really cleared it up for me with your genius IQ. I hope you know I have sent your expert analysis over to Harvard, Yale and MIT because there is no way this feedback from you is not God tier genius. Expect a call from them, I'm sure it won't be long now. Actually, I have big companies reaching out to me trying to figure out who posted your comment. Do you mind if I give them your number? I think with your advanced skill set in TA, Goldman is highly interested. Do you have a business card by chance?
Muh stanky lanks, y'all. Muh microsoft partnerships and shiiit mayne. Sorry kiddos. Not today. If you haven't sold there's no hope for you. The institutional investors you've been craving are gonna eat you like the irrelevant worm you are.
Hahhahahahahahha this is like Microsoft Azure "partnerships" back in the days
>>OPIts better then a partnership. Its an integration. meaning google devs have been implenting Chainlink for a while and NOW engineers can use Chainlink.lol, partnership.....mutherfuckin INTEGRATION.
>>14137279>>14137125Name another project in the cryptospace that can interact with and exchange data between a blockchain and a google service, I’ll wait
>>14137733enigma, mobius, bsv, nano, bitbean, mooncoin
>>14137703this>>14137801give us a shout when google drops an article about them
>>14137801>bitbeandas right
>>14137817https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/building-hybrid-blockchain-cloud-applications-with-ethereum-and-google-cloudHere is your article
>>14138128was talking about >enigma, mobius, bsv, nano, bitbean, mooncoinspud
>it's not a partnershipNormies who use the word "partnership" like it means anything are down there with the sort of faggots who say "technicals" or "fundamentals".They literally will never make it.
What a fucking world we live in. Google using chain link, basically an empty main net with two nodes pining each other , lol. What’s next, Amazon partnering with tron or something?
>>14138183It's like when two gay faggots get married but everyone knows it's not a real marriage because they're both faggots and that's not what marriage is.
>Google needs their windows cleanedDan cleans windows, Google hires Dan the window cleaner>Google has a partnership with Dan's window cleaning...
https://beta.forkdelta.app/#!/trade/0xb108c02a74e525ab0a59ccd3d208d2de4699a055-ETH>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs > Not shorting OKeX
The only real partnership out there is qnt with SIA. DYOR how huge that is.
>>14137733This is all that matters. LINK is like having pure gold.
lmaopretty sure he got a bag of link, published that blog post and dumped on linktards
>>14137733Iexec can interact with Alibabacloud.
>>14137733>ill wait>replies>doesnt respond back
>>14138228based and redpilled
>>14138978you have to go back
>>14137279You dumb fucking retard link is not using google, google is using link thats why all the hype
>>OPThere is an effort by Reddit to purchase CPAH. DO NOT BUY THIS STOCK!!!!
>>OPWell it's not really a partnership, but it is pretty bullish because a high ranking google employee went out of his way to enable chainlink oracles to easily fetch data from Google big query, and recommends it as a standard solution to blockchain devs using Google's blockchain related services.
Its chainlink integration into google clouds blockchain service. Much much bigger than any meme crypto partnerships ever announced. Hope this cuck is a nolinker.
define "partnership"
The obsession with the term partnership itself is retarded, most people in crypto are retarded
Anyone else literally sold the top
>>14139462what about the enjin samsung thing? or iota and bosch i think it was? some fucking german company.
>>OP>h-heh this is just google cloud marketing Chainlink... yeah we know.Hence the massive green dildo up your ass.
>>14139462>Much much bigger than any meme crypto partnerships ever announced.Literally this. Its not a "partnership"Google cloud is a CUSTOMER of Chainlink, thats even better, its even telling us that there will be a guarantee of high volume data going through nodes.
>>OPchainlink uses google search engine, this is huge guys
>>14137801Pajeet please go
>>14137360Is that sarcasm? I think that's some sarcasm.
>>14140718I hope you're joking
>>14140718>bizlets in charge of reading comprehension
>>14140718But that's not what any of it said... holy shit the delusion.
google literally tweeted out it was working with chainlinkSTAY BROKENIGGER
>>14140899>>14140903>NoLinkers coping hard
>>14140922how about you ask your mom to read it for you since you evidently cannot understand all these diffcult words
>>14137360I'm actually more qualified to talk about this than most anons.I'm employed with a cyber-techno machinations company, I do a lot of security analyst programming type work. Open source, decentralized, APIs, partnerships, you name it. We'd be one of the first companies in line for something like Chainlink, if the decentralized smart contract space had more value over traditional data exchanges. There's a catch though, an underlying flaw more deeply embedded in the bedrock of LINK than the very code itself. The flaw is with the concept, and it's this: Companies won't actually go through the hassle of trusting their data API's through crypto.Now I can already hear your keyboards going frantic, but hear me out. /biz/ hates banks, and traditional data providers. But actual companies, businesses, and investors do not. There's an old saying you might have heard of: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!". The idea that any of our bosses would give us the go ahead if we approached them to put our companies valuable data in a smart contract on a cryptocurrency called Chainlink, that they've never heard of, we'd be laughed out at best and fired on the spot at worst. We already have API data buyers and providers we trust.'But Chainlink is trustless!' I hear you cry, but is that really a good thing? Just listen to the sound of it. Businesses don't want to spend millions of dollars on something that is trustLESS, they want something trustFUL. 'But the reputation system!', doesn't that defeat the whole point of your coin? If companies only trust nodes with high reputation, what's the difference between trusting banks and data providers that already have reputation, but in real life not on a computer screen.The fact is, LINK is going to share the same fate as ETH will. A lot of 'real world application' hype, with a lot of 'crypto world application' reality. Only, this billion supply coin isn't going to come close to the $1k that Etherum hit. Happy gambling though anons.
>>14140925How about you go cope some more you filthy NoLinker>two years
>>14140977top tier projection. Hope you can cope with the red candles faggot
>>14140983What exactly am I projecting on? All I see is some filthy nolinker/swinglinker and I have been holding a big stinky bag since sept 2017. I aint projecting shit.
>>14140998I've seen this story before. Hope you're ready to get absolute assfucked
>>OPscreenshot literally explaining that this is bigger news than a partnership with Google.>tutorial showing how anyone can expose their BigData to smart contracts via ChainlinkI used to want everyone to make it, but I realised not everyone can, so good luck to all brainlets out there, that's the only thing you have going for you
>it's not a partnership, Microsoft is a customer, that's even better!A decentralized service isn't supposed to have customers. Are you a Bitcoin customer when you send a Bitcoin™ on the Bitcoin Network®? No that's retarded. This is a huge pile of nothing. Cope.
>>14140983I don't get why you fags even bother.90 percent of the board accumulated sub 50 cents.Why the fuck would I even care when the best you can do is make threads like> LINK IS 'DUMPING' DOWN TO $1.60> HAHAHAHA STINKERS BTFOLike am I meant to feel something or try to sell or? Why would you even think this would work?
>>14141062They are swing linkers. Normie no linkers come in two forms:The ones who are complete nerds but aren’t actually smart, and have huge ego about their crypto of choice(op pic)Regular pajeets and crypto normies who just wait for the next pump and forget LINK exists after two days.They dont come here to fud. Swing linkers who are DESPERATE for more link because they have small dick stacks and believe in link so much but their only chance to make it is to swing. Now tou start to understand the nature and desperation that seeps out of their posts like this thread here.