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13928932 No.13928932 [Reply] [Original]


-Breaking out of a multi month down trend
-Higher highs and higher lows on its daily candles
-Has been heavily accumulated on elevated volume for 3 weeks

It's like you people hate money

Once 730sat goes from being resistance into support it is likely to double fast.

It can go at anytime between now and the next 2 weeks based on its chart.

>> No.13928940

allow me to translate:
>please for the love of god buy my bags! anybody! god please help me! PLEASE! BUY THEM!!!!

Remember kids! NOBODY has any reason to share a good trading opportunity with you, unless they have something to gain by doing so!

>> No.13928966

how jaded

>> No.13928991

Don't buy I really don't care. I'll make another thread at the end of June with this picture and we'll see how the month went

>> No.13928995

> NOBODY has any reason to share a good trading opportunity with you
It's fun?

>> No.13929052

>IOTX silently being accumulated

>> No.13929064

Cringe but redpilled

>> No.13929370

>draw line from highest point
>angle the line just so the last candle goes past it
>hurrr durr buy my bags plsss buy my bags

>> No.13929410

>this shitcoin no-one gives a fuck about has been going down for months and months
>you should totally buy because it'll probably go up.

>> No.13929892
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I've got no skin in the game with RVN but agree with you about the chart (if not now, then soon). The fud in this thread has convinced me to throw in a few bills, cheers OP