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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11164283 No.11164283 [Reply] [Original]

>entire stock market propped up by buybacks from easy money and credit
>inequality higher than ever
>corporate debt as % of GDP higher than ever
>global corporate profits temporarily boosted by stimulus, but are generally falling
>falling average real GDP growth
>us govt investment as % of GDP falling and far too low
>rate of profit falling
>entire communities dying thanks to opiods
>assets inflated all to shit
>student loan bubble keeps building with no end in sight
>copper falling
>trade war intensifying
>Turkey, Argentina currency crises
>hard brexit looks likely
>zombie corporations gonna eat shit when interest rates rise
>global capital flows haven't recovered from the recession
>global manufacturing falling
>yield curve going to invert
>difference between corporate profitability and interest rate going to scissor

H-how do I short everything?

>> No.11164315

it's going down

i'm yelling nigger

>> No.11164337

I was there when /b/ was spammed with that pic, kek. How many years ago it's been since then?

>> No.11164400

Buy my bags.

>> No.11164404

Buy gold and BTC if youre a pussy and just want to survive

Buy silver and xmr if you want 1000x your money during the next crisis

Buy stocks and bonds if you're retarded

>> No.11164428
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>> No.11164433

Shit will probably hit the fan in 2020 or 2021. We have time to accumulate in 2019.

>> No.11164441
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Inferior to ZCASH and KMD

>> No.11164451
File: 427 KB, 800x800, edgy anime girl laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-better buy crypto
>normies will definitely be willing to play around with internet money during a recession

>> No.11164463

two fundamentally worthless assets