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File: 3.67 MB, 4032x3024, 20180913_172755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11067177 No.11067177 [Reply] [Original]

I hope these are good anon. they cost me a pretty penny

>> No.11067197

Stay off amphetamines m8, I fucked myself good with them

>> No.11067209

I fucking love parma violets

>> No.11067214
Quoted by: >>11067243


I work on an ER. Don't do it. Flush that crap and go do something else. It's not worth it.

>> No.11067220

Just smoke weed dickhead.

>> No.11067240

100 percent not worth it.

Adderall fucked me up and now I have to live with knowing how good that shit feels and how I can never have it again

>> No.11067243
Quoted by: >>11067669

I’ve been using amphetamines pretty responsibly for about 10 years now. Not sure what your sense or urgency is. Just be careful OP they can really improve your quality of life if you suffer from depression.

>> No.11067247

speed freaks end up alone, paranoid and hating most of their frens. careful with that shit op

>> No.11067372
File: 354 KB, 1280x960, 1518847717273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck all these fags. wish i had all that. have fun jacking off for 8 hours OP. think about me while youre doing it.

>> No.11067394

If you can avoid doing this you'll be okay

>> No.11067451
File: 294 KB, 960x986, oceanfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't drink and never use any drugs.

I had a big test in college coming up, I was on scholarship and needed a good grade in this class to make sure I kept the scholarship. I was stressed out of my mind trying to study for this class (I'm an EE major), I could barely focus and was having trouble reading because I was so nervous. My parents would be so disappointed if I lost my scholarship, I would have to come up with money I didn't have. I decided to take an adderall.

Let me put it this way, the day I took that adderall was both the greatest and worst day of my life. While I was on it, I've never felt better in my life. Every single thing I did was interesting to me. All my anxieties and fears faded away, I felt like I could go up to any stranger and talk to them. I actually did a couple times, and they seemed to enjoy it. I read 50 pages of my textbook, page after page, and every word seemed to sink in instantly. I never had to go back and reread over a paragraph or an equation, it all flowed together perfectly and every word made sense to me. It felt so good.

But then I started to come down, and I've never felt worse in my life. The feelings of shame and guilt and disappointment washed over me, I felt like I'd spent so long in an inferior state of mind. I realized how much time I'd wasted in life because my brain was holding me back, if I could be like I was on adderall all the time I would have the life I'd always dreamed of x10000.

I also got a 100% on that test, I remembered every word I read in that textbook and every practice problem I did perfectly. Adderall really did help me, but I don't think I'll ever take it again.

>> No.11067463
Quoted by: >>11067481

isn't it fucking crazy that humans have such inefficient brains? one dose of a bunch of chemicals and we increase our productivity 10 fold

evolution is a scam

>> No.11067478

break em up and shoot them if uou want a good rush

>> No.11067481

Yes goy. Humans are inefficient. Take these pills to make you happy, smart, and more efficient. Don't worry about consequences, just think of the NOW.

>> No.11067493
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>> No.11067509

You can't argue with results.

Sometimes a drug will be the last piece needed in one's incomplete puzzle of a brain, making one feel content, if just for a little while

>> No.11067516

sorry that i have actual ambitions unlike you. i don't want to be a piece of mediocore shit like the rest of you NPC freaks. i'm gonna be a millionaire anon, i don't give a fuck if i die at 60 from a heart attack; who the fuck wants to be old anways?

>> No.11067535

I'm sure it doesn't give you the same feeling long term and probably does cause a lot of other problems. I only took it once, I'd imagine if I took it every day for a year the effects would either be severely diminished or nonexistent. That's just the way it is, some things really are too good to be true.

>> No.11067553

Holy shit what an npc thing to say

>> No.11067570

drugs aren't cool :^|

>> No.11067645
File: 85 KB, 900x1200, 1536033558540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11068308

stay of amphetamines op

>> No.11067666

Make sure to eat and drink. Take them earlier in the day, supplement with melatonin to help you get to sleep. Don't neglect your dental hygiene and don't drink coffee or eat any citrus fruit before taking it.

>> No.11067669

can you go into more details? which amphetamines should I look into? I've been using modafinil for a while and I'd like to try something new

>> No.11067671
Quoted by: >>11067892

What's up with that? Why does it make you so horny?

>> No.11067676


>> No.11067686
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1535375209489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit what an npc thing to say
That's the most npc thing that can possibly be said. Sad attempt at appearing self-aware.

>> No.11067703

Apparently this isnt adderall it's a different shit mix 50/50

>> No.11067729
Quoted by: >>11068631

are these type of weed real or customize for photos been trying to grow some good weed for a while but it always come out like brick weed

>> No.11067733
File: 68 KB, 536x952, 36109B93-7948-4CD3-AD83-9FBD0802AF71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin lightweight

>> No.11067761
File: 1.83 MB, 2448x2317, 49F06E3E-23BC-4B0A-8D37-8B88A40FC32D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a scripted retort. NPC bots have started appearing. The prophecy has come true, earlier than expected...

>> No.11067767

I'm a mechanical engineering major. Some words of encouragement for you: Adderall or not, if you got a 100% on that test, you're a very smart guy. I have a prescription and I can get as much as I want (I only use it for exams) but I've never gotten a 100% on any test in any of my engineering classes.

>> No.11067783


>> No.11067834
Quoted by: >>11067870

Evekeo? I didn't think people bought that for fun over Adderall.

>> No.11067846
Quoted by: >>11067899

I have the highest legal prescription 30mg twice a day. Honestly OP just be careful because Adderall fucked me up probably worse than any other drug that I've done just because of how subtle it is. At first you feel great but after a while it steals your personality from you and you become like a zombie. I abused them for a while and recently just finally started getting off them. Use them sparingly and don't depend on them and they can actually be beneficial. Don't take more than 20mg a day. I've basically just been breaking mine in quarters and taking a quarter in the morning then another quarter in the afternoon. It's definitely been a lot more pleasant and I've gotten a lot more accomplished in a short amount of time by doing so. Also take Tums before you take them so they absorb into your system better and have an extended effect.

>> No.11067870

meth is funner than adderall and cheaper

>> No.11067875
Quoted by: >>11067907

>Just smoke weed dickhead.

its a completely different category of drug for completely different purposes you retard. It's like saying "don't drink alcohol, drink coffee instead"

>> No.11067889
Quoted by: >>11067999

I had some shit that looked like this back in the 90s. I took my first hit and as I tried to exhale, I realized I couldn’t. It was like instant asthma and my lungs froze up for what seemed like half an hour but was more likely 20 seconds. I then proceeded to walk around my neighborhood watching the trees breathing and lost all sense of direction for quite a while before I finally started coming down. It was literally identical to tripping on LSD, but only for an hour. Would recommend.

>> No.11067892
Quoted by: >>11067963

Dopamine levels spike which enhances sex drive. I think sexual stimulation from whatever source such as visual images causes dopamine to be released and it increases that horny feeling which helps us to pursue that stimulus. Amphetamines completely overwhelm that natural system by dumping a flood of dopamine.

>> No.11067899

is it possible to use them long term but sparingly with no negative effects?

>> No.11067907

both items are good advice for most humans

>> No.11067950
Quoted by: >>11067954

Nope unfortunately with amphetamines it's not possible to do so long term. You'll end up frying your dopamine receptors and serotonin receptors. Take them in cycles and take them sparingly. I have friends who abused a combination of amphetamines (Adderall, Molly, Speed, etc...) And close to a quarter of their serotonin receptors are permanently fried.

>> No.11067954
Quoted by: >>11068006

how do you know "close to a quarter" are fried? how do you measure that?

>> No.11067963

The parts of your brain that regulate sex drive are particularly sensitive to raised levels of dopamine.

>> No.11067968

If you really must use them long term do no more than 3 days a week and no more than 20mg a day then you won't have to cycle on and off.

>> No.11067986
Quoted by: >>11068041

Nah fuck meth that shit is horrible

>> No.11067999

Time for bed gramps

>> No.11068006
Quoted by: >>11068027

Brain scans can actually show all that. To be fair though they were taking triple digit milligrams of Adderall and also doing straight grams of Molly daily over the course of half a year. They're lucky that they're not dead.

>> No.11068027
Quoted by: >>11068076

>and also doing straight grams of Molly
..........so this may well have virtually nothing to do with the adderall and everything to do with this degenerate shit

>> No.11068041

meth is literally the same thing

>> No.11068057

you do realize that smart money elite rich fags dont abuse drugs, right?

>> No.11068058 [DELETED] 

U got a script for this shit. 100% pharma grade amphetamine. Evekeo is the name. These things are fucking fire. 50/50 d and l amp

Fuck all the idiots who say it’s not a good, it’s the best. Fuck adderall

>> No.11068073 [DELETED] 

Also to add, take fucking days off. I mean 4-5 days off. Iv been using amphetamines with 0 negative consequences. You need to take magnesium and don’t take them every day. No issues anon.

>> No.11068076
Quoted by: >>11068248

The concept is the same except they fried their brains in a short period of time by doing retarded amounts of amphetamines. All amphetamines have a direct impact on your serotonin and dopamine levels. Your brain can't be left in a constant state of overstimulation. It's just not healthy. If you take 30mg of Adderall every day consistently you'll notice the effects within a few months.

>> No.11068082
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x3024, 20180913_190900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11068085

I got a script for this shit. 100% pharma grade amphetamine. Evekeo is the name. These things are fucking fire. 50/50 d and l amp

Fuck all the idiots who say it’s not a good, it’s the best. Fuck adderall

>> No.11068144
Quoted by: >>11068204

To add, iv been using/abusing amphetamines for years. The key is when you do use/abuse, take 3/4 day gaps. Use magnesium as well. These pills are literally the same thing as “black beauties” that were used in the 60s/70s

The whole “fucks up your dopamine and seratonin” is bs. Seratonin should not be fucked with daily. This hits your dopamine and neupromine receptors. They literally take a few days to get back to baseline. Seratonin takes 3-4 weeks minimum.

>> No.11068161
Quoted by: >>11068178

>he took adderall regularly and not in short bursts (for example every other weekend)

>> No.11068178

Every weeekend is fine as well. Iv abused 150mg+ or so over a weekend. Stay hydrated, force your self to eat and you’ll be fine.

>> No.11068181

>paying for meds
Shithole country you have there matey

>> No.11068193
Quoted by: >>11068218

It always made me feel like dog shit. What did you get out of it besides being able to stay up late? How's sex on it? I only used it as a "study aid".

>> No.11068204
Quoted by: >>11068249

Did you seriously just state that amphetamines don't affect your serotonin levels? Nigga you must be joking.

>> No.11068218

Amphetamines are great for going out and socializing.... they are great for sex. If I have something important to do, or a project it also makes me much more effective. Like I said I don’t abuse them. So half of one of these will give you positive effects. A full one is boarder line tweek mode. In a party environment I usually dose 1.5-3 every 4 hours.

>> No.11068248

MDMA is known to cause damage to serotonin receptors. The other drugs were probably relatively inconsequential to that side effect. Their receptors are not quite permanently fried and will recover a little bit over the course of years though they certainly done permanent damage of course. I have only taken large doses of Molly twice and both times almost killed me.

>> No.11068249

It has a minuscule effect. Compared to mdma, or even lsd that all you faggots on here recommend microdosing. Amphetamine barely touches your seratonin receptors. This shit is similar to cocaine in that aspect. Tons of scientific study’s verify what I just said.

This is coming from an ex mdma head who used to roll every other weekend.

I bet you think “no fap” is good for you too

>> No.11068287

if you have a solid plan and solid willpower:
don't ever redose
don't ever do it two days in a row
don't ever take it past noon
don't ever take a whole pill
and you will never have a problem

less is more. 5mg is plenty. if you feel high then you took too much. you should be focusing on replicating your on-adderall behavior the days you don't take any. you can train your brain to enter the same states without needing an external stimulus (the drug).

>> No.11068308
Quoted by: >>11068315

modafinil is absolute trash. I took half a pill this morning, last time I tried it was about a year ago in university. All it does is makes me feel nauseau, makes me incredibly autisitic yet lazy, kills my appetite and makes my pee smell funny. Absolutely no benefit in focus, it made me just want to sit around watching tv

>> No.11068315

interesting, and you find that adderall is much better?

>> No.11068329
Quoted by: >>11068336

I've never tried adderall. Ritalin and Ephedrine work well for me, as stimulants.

>> No.11068336
Quoted by: >>11068389

>ephedrine works but not modafinil

>> No.11068337

anything that modifies adrenaline affects serotonin
anything that modifies dopamine affects serotonin.
anything that modifies cortisol or histamine affects serotonin
anything that interacts with trace amino receptors affects serotonin
so that's like 5 ways amphetamine affects serotonin, in addition to the fact that it does also DIRECTLY interact with serotonin receptors

>> No.11068354
Quoted by: >>11068396

So post these studies.

>> No.11068361

Iv done everything other than you said
>redose every time I use
>only take at night
>mix alcohol and sometimes coke
I wake up Monday and go to my job like a fucking grown up. I have been doing this for 7 years or so. I have a serious job where u make 100k+. Have willpower and be smart.

And yes, modafinal is complete shit

>> No.11068366
Quoted by: >>11068369

If its adderall vs modafanil. Definitely go with adderall. Modafinil just makes me I want to stay up, while adderall makes me want to do shit.

>> No.11068369

interesting, why is that do you think?

>> No.11068389

As a phenethylamine, ephedrine has a similar chemical structure to amphetamines and is a methamphetamine analogue having the methamphetamine structure with an extra hydroxyl group. It gives me intense focus, increased heartrate and muscular endurance. I use it sparingly

>> No.11068396
Quoted by: >>11068569

I’m not gonna look for that shit anon. They are out there. I used to roll almost every weekend on pure mdma crystals. Shit had a measurable effect on me. I now roll once or twice a year. I abuse this shit (amphetamines) every weekend, and might use it a day a week if I have stuff to do.

Cocaine and amphetamines barely touch your seratonin receptors.

>> No.11068486

This man knows.

>> No.11068525
Quoted by: >>11068578

Meth is literally crystallized PTSD.

>> No.11068549
Quoted by: >>11068586

It says I'm supposed to take 10mg 3 times a day so 30mg daily
Iv never had eve im starting out w 10mg

>> No.11068569
Quoted by: >>11068610

>There's plenty of studies out there but I can't be bothered to find them
>Trust me, bro
>I know my information is legit because I was a drug addict before.

>> No.11068578

meth is a powdered orgy

>> No.11068586
Quoted by: >>11068616

That’s a lot anon. I would not follow your dr instructions. Try a half to a full pill only if you have something important to do. If you have nothing to do DONT FUCKING TAKE THEM. It will give you a tolerance and it will give you these negative effects all these idiot faggots are talking about. If your going to party on a weekend, have at it as much as you want. Take a magnesium supplement.

I eat very healthy, work out daily, and like I said I have been abusing amphetamines for years. 0 negative effects

MDMA fucked me up, micro dosing lsd fucked me up, and even high dosages of caffine fucked me up. Abusing/using amphetamines SMARTLY literally changed my life for the better.

>> No.11068610


>> No.11068616
Quoted by: >>11068660

which amphetamine is best

>> No.11068631

this shit is 100% real man go to the west coast

>> No.11068660

These blue pills anon is showing are my personal fav out of any amphetamine iv tried. Evekeo hands down.

50/50 l amp and d amp. I still get right off half a pill of these because I’m smart and don’t let my tolerance build.

The internet will tell you l amphetamine is shit. I disagree 100%. I personally have found that a mix is much more potent than adderall (25% l amp, 75%d amp) Dexedrine (100% d amp).

>> No.11068665
Quoted by: >>11068676

do you have use a script?

>> No.11068676
File: 90 KB, 645x729, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have use a script?

>> No.11068688
File: 16 KB, 620x581, F459D5BB-AB7E-4F06-8F51-19C8286DF339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get used to this for 10 years of your life

>> No.11068691
Quoted by: >>11068712

long term side effects are unknown. thanks for the annual profits and for being our guinea pig, goy

>> No.11068712

Nigga, u eating gmo modified food, breathing literal toxins every time your go outside, eating radiated and chemical dispersant ridden fish, and probably not working out daily
>calling me an idiot for using amphetamines
Stay stupid anon

>> No.11068731
Quoted by: >>11068763

>u eating gmo modified food

>> No.11068763
Quoted by: >>11068797

Side effects unknown
Side effects unknown
Side effects unknown

Amphetamines go back to the 1930s at least, science has studied them since the 30s. There is more known effects of amphetamines than gmos. Yet I’m the idiot.

>> No.11068774
Quoted by: >>11068793


>eating gmo modified food
sometimes I guess, though I mainly eat organic and keep away from processed food

>breathing literal toxins every time your go outside
moved out of the city a decade ago

>eating radiated and chemical dispersant ridden fish
stopped eating seafood a decade ago

>not working out daily
well I lift four days a week and do two days cardio :D

literal poison for productivity

>> No.11068775
File: 33 KB, 356x425, 1528757700095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been prescribed Adderall and Vyvanse for ADD but always stop taking them because of how shitty they make me feel. Is there any amphetamine that doesn't make you feel like electric garbage?

>> No.11068793

>well I lift
Conversation with you can no longer be taken serious. Good luck in life Arnold

>> No.11068797
Quoted by: >>11068819

I didn't call you an idiot but I don't think GMO is meaningful, it's just a fucking buzzword dude
>so then I selectively bred these plants
it's no different than selective breeding from a health standpoiunt

>> No.11068819
Quoted by: >>11068824

You fucking with the unknown with gmos.... literally
Yet the “unknown consequences” of amphetamines are some how just as bad or worse.
If you gonna debate at least have a valid argument.

>> No.11068824

>You fucking with the unknown with gmos.... literally
>Yet the “unknown consequences” of amphetamines are some how just as bad or worse.
you're not even talking to the same person you silly fuck

>> No.11068953

I can't even get adderall even though I actually have ADHD, meanwhile my brother goes in and complains that he doesn't finish any of his projects are home and gets a bottle easily without question

>> No.11069020

This. Amphetamines are a lie. They will quickly rule and then destroy your life and your brain.

>> No.11069071
File: 52 KB, 526x568, 1535292617661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take them all right now, bro

>> No.11069090

Dont this retardb

They work pretty well