I don't drink and never use any drugs.
I had a big test in college coming up, I was on scholarship and needed a good grade in this class to make sure I kept the scholarship. I was stressed out of my mind trying to study for this class (I'm an EE major), I could barely focus and was having trouble reading because I was so nervous. My parents would be so disappointed if I lost my scholarship, I would have to come up with money I didn't have. I decided to take an adderall.
Let me put it this way, the day I took that adderall was both the greatest and worst day of my life. While I was on it, I've never felt better in my life. Every single thing I did was interesting to me. All my anxieties and fears faded away, I felt like I could go up to any stranger and talk to them. I actually did a couple times, and they seemed to enjoy it. I read 50 pages of my textbook, page after page, and every word seemed to sink in instantly. I never had to go back and reread over a paragraph or an equation, it all flowed together perfectly and every word made sense to me. It felt so good.
But then I started to come down, and I've never felt worse in my life. The feelings of shame and guilt and disappointment washed over me, I felt like I'd spent so long in an inferior state of mind. I realized how much time I'd wasted in life because my brain was holding me back, if I could be like I was on adderall all the time I would have the life I'd always dreamed of x10000.
I also got a 100% on that test, I remembered every word I read in that textbook and every practice problem I did perfectly. Adderall really did help me, but I don't think I'll ever take it again.