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File: 131 KB, 808x585, holochain-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10457189 No.10457189 [Reply] [Original]

You think HOLO'S hot now? Wait until people find out there's a lot more to HOLO than a Binance listing.:

-it has a new architecture that gets us beyond blockchain tech's serious (maybe permanent) limitations.Binance is determined to implement Holochain in their next DEX
-has a serious team that's worked on peer to peer tech since before bitcoin was even created (so they can see and look past blockchain's limitations more objectively)
-ICO went smoothly and was structured to prevent whale games and chaosect with a roadmap that extends past 2050
-public crowdsale community has 75% of coins to team's 25% (below average team allocation these days) compared to Dfinity's ridiculous 50%+ to team and early discount buyers
-no marketing hype.No massive buzz or Telegram shill STILL under the radar. Comms director says they deliberately avoided that and went for organic growth based on substance and merit. It worked.
-serious discussions with VC, consultants, business partners from the looks of an excellent video the director of comms put out
-first apps already developed (including a decentralized twitter)
-major (and exclusive) backing from Mozilla top exec. Actually said this was the innovation Mozilla has been looking for from the crypto space
-code is open source. Team is transparent. Dfinity had yet to open code
-they already have user friendly plug and play hardware to become a node/host on their network. This thing is already built!
-2 ETH *founding* investors in Ethereum commited $1 million (proof: etherscan links showing funds came from ETH genesis addresses are all over twitter now). Why would two founding Ethereum investors do that?
The market gets it. This is a no brainer.
Looks like Binance got the memo.
Oh, and notice HOLO didn't say a word about this. No Binance vote, no hype. They just focus on the work and let the results speak for themselves.
If you want tokens that are nothing but empty roadmaps, empty hype, silly memes and nothing else, go somewhere else.

>> No.10457288
File: 221 KB, 628x504, 6278392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10457350

>falling for a blatantly obvious pajeet scam
Pnd is over, did you forget to sell?

>> No.10457350
Quoted by: >>10457473

>Thinks BTC isn't a pump and dump

>> No.10457405

patience pays off

>> No.10457473


Maybe in 200 years when something else replaces it as global reserve currency.

>> No.10457617
File: 475 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180727-213827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, binance will be using skycoins DEX. This erc20 token aint gonna do shit the sooner you realise it the more pain it saves you. Can someone explain WTF a people and culture coordinator does btw?

>> No.10457629

Why would Binance use a Minecraft VPN?

>> No.10457682
File: 83 KB, 546x738, feministcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pushing the SJW feminist agenda i guess. she's also a romantic matchmaker and intuitive eye-reader. i sold immediately after realizing what of a hippie cult this is.

>> No.10457693
File: 286 KB, 1218x780, larueli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10457702

cringy af. how can you seriously invest your savings in those people...

>> No.10457702
Quoted by: >>10457760

>not invested in the beatles of technology

>> No.10457757

You never sold. You never bought any. Probably too stupid to learn how to use anything other than Binance. Even if you did sell, it was a bad decision because we got to dump bags on noobs. I took profits and still have 10 million HOLO. This thing is the next Ripple/EOS/TRX at WORST. Could possibly be the next bitcoin. See you at $1.

>> No.10457760
File: 627 KB, 1080x1920, indiaholo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> being invested in a literal pajeet pnd
not worth my time, sage

>> No.10457772


>> No.10457774

Tasks: Show diguting feets
Post racist jobs ads

>> No.10457786


>> No.10457789

Hi rakeesh trybharder next time no one its buying your shit bags

>> No.10457810
Quoted by: >>10457950

Some people here litterly didn't buy XRP because the logo looked like a fidget spinner. Now they're going to miss the next gravytrain because the team look like hippies

>> No.10457950

logo is much less important than a solid team faggot, a good project can change its logo anytime.

>> No.10458120
Quoted by: >>10458160


>> No.10458160
File: 120 KB, 479x640, 1528985325043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off with your pajeet reverse psychology, no one is buying your shitcoin bags.

>> No.10458181
File: 279 KB, 379x512, pepejesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10458245

seeing only pajeets fud replies to a good holo thread
comfy af in here with only 5mil

>> No.10458245
Quoted by: >>10458340

have you ever looked at their whitepaper? it's utter garbage, it mainly talks about bitcoin and the math stuff is just in there to trick dumb people into thinking it is scientific. total vaporware kek.

yesterday, another anon also confirmed that holo stole copyrighted tech from hashgraph's whitepaper and even from tron. just compare the whitepapers holotards. screaming "FUD" does not refute those claims.

>> No.10458340
Quoted by: >>10458447

holy fucking shit you degenerate incel at least fucking change the words around instead of just copy pasting the same fucking fud every single time.

Look, I'm sorry you bought into whatever scam is weighing your bags down but it's time to move on and holo is pretty much your last chance before you neck yourself for being such a gullible piece of shit loser.

>> No.10458447

yeah just make this copy pasta thing up and go off-topic so that you don't have to admit straight away that i am right. the truth is holo's whitepaper is garbage and even unfinished with a lot of "TODOS" everywhere, i bet you never read it.

>> No.10459034

post a single line you claim was copyrighted you fucking mongoloid

one, fucking, single, line.

>> No.10459057

You're a nob

>> No.10459113

He obviously holds holo dumbass.

>> No.10459157
Quoted by: >>10459286

>yesterday, another anon also confirmed that holo stole copyrighted tech from hashgraph's whitepaper and even from tron. just compare the whitepapers holotards. screaming "FUD" does not refute those claims.

read again brainlet, i just claimed that holo's whitepaper was unscientific garbage. the copyright issues in regard to hashgraph have been discovered by other anons, just check the archives.

>> No.10459286

So invest in hedera ?