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File: 624 KB, 1902x705, 1528265406241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10372244 No.10372244 [Reply] [Original]

Dab a Dollar Edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

>How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

Previous thread: >>10360146

Question of the Day: Does /smg/ dab every time they make 1 dollar?

>> No.10372296

Absolutely based

>> No.10372348
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Quoted by: >>10378121

futures soon

>> No.10372394
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first for Gween Week

>> No.10372429

I've been thinking I could make money shorting companies that begin applying SJW policies for their services and do virtue signaling.
Whenever they do anything like this they soon go to shit and lose customers like crazy.

>race baiting ("dear white people" shit)
>hiring a woman as their CEO
>hiring some poo-skin/minority as their CEO with nothing to show up to deserve it
>fag/tranny propaganda

It's just bad business practice to alienate your customers like this. What are some other related short signals you can think of?

>> No.10372431

praying to babby jesus I don't get rekt on my tsla longs

>> No.10372460
Quoted by: >>10372471

then you should have hasbro puts for monday morning ER.

>> No.10372471
Quoted by: >>10372553

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10372476

CETX and GBR take me away plz

>> No.10372500
File: 1.83 MB, 1288x1396, ce252b37665e399d4f337a4e4d54c776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist, bigot, sexist lectures us on alienating practices

>> No.10372509

you need to put tastytrade and tastyworks in your general. their commissions are the lowest and their talk show is extremely informative.

>> No.10372534

The opinion of a woman is not important. Please do not reply to me again.

>> No.10372544

Though this racist has recent facts to support his claim.

>> No.10372553
Quoted by: >>10372613

Star Wars
female transformers

In a Tumblr post, MtG’s Head Designer Mark Rosewater responded to a question asking why the popular card game seems to feature less “cheesecake” art (scantily clad women) than it used to. The questioner also suggested that publisher Wizards of the Cost bring back cheesecake art along with “beefcake art of the ladies.” Rosewater did not agree.

In response, Rosewater explained that MtG has made a conscious decision to move away from this sort of imagery, which he explains “would make a subset of players feel uncomfortable.”

>> No.10372595
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Quoted by: >>10373442

>family had an intervention
>realize that im too much of a loner and it's scaring people
>realize I haven't talked to another human being except at work in over 6 years
>haven't had sex in 8 years
>Haven't hung out with people in 7
>never talked to another human being until I was 16 except school

I've created an entire world in my head. My actual skill level is low but I've created an entire world that I'm trying to get others to visit one day. Actually I take it back it's my world lol humans are shit and all need to get maimed tortured and killed lol. This is my paradise. This is the world I created. Nothing in front of me is real I create reality. I just need to break one habit and enter freedom than lifes perfect.

What's your favorite stock?

>> No.10372610
Quoted by: >>10373131

>thinks poltard subhumans are worth selling to

>> No.10372613
Quoted by: >>10372669


>Yahoo hires a woman CEO
>Goes to shit.

>NETFLIX encourages white guilt
>Goes to shit.

>Twitter begins censoring conservative opinions
>Propagandizes faggotry
>Goes to shit

>Literally any overtly SJW propaganda movie that's come out of Hollywood in a decade.
>Feminist Ghostbusters
>[insert long list of other examples I would know if I bothered to watch any Hollywood filth]

>> No.10372643

Go back to buzzfeed you fucking dried up cunt. Hopefully your uppity attitude gets you raped & dismembered so we don't have to see your useless posts anymore

>> No.10372669
File: 44 KB, 601x622, DNVvJK6VQAAARIp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm fucking livid that people are doing things i don't enjoy. picture related, it's me

>> No.10372687
Quoted by: >>10372730

are you upset?

>> No.10372711
File: 368 KB, 455x470, mousesmoke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only dividend youtuber I watched made an LB video
I suggest watching this if you "invested"

>> No.10372730

i watched a film with women in it and i'm furious

>> No.10372855
Quoted by: >>10372982

because the world doesn't work in any way like the left pretends it does


I don't mind women. I mind the denial and social manipulation used to lie and create worse results in society because millions have bought in to post-modern theory that is entirely wrong.

>> No.10372969
Quoted by: >>10372982

You are missing the point. The point is not my personal tastes. The point is that it objectively reduces the revenue such businesses make and lowers its stock price.

>> No.10372982
Quoted by: >>10373131

>trying to discuss with a commie

>> No.10372994
Quoted by: >>10373233

>pol leaked into smg again

>> No.10373017
File: 382 KB, 676x478, 1531621998539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it the blatant blind hypocrisy that gets me
the lack of even a small % of self awareness

the guy contridicts himself in the span of two sentinces and he never realized it


all the women CEOs in S&P 500 have been doing amazing


>> No.10373047
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Quoted by: >>10373224


>> No.10373068
File: 598 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180717-151545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10373224

I support women CEOs who are mommy CEOs like Sunruns

>> No.10373071

>defends women
>likes female guro
now whose being a hypocrite?

>> No.10373131
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>> No.10373169
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they make the best CEO

Also almost the entire reason for their success % is because of selection bias. If women actually gave a competitive edge and diversity was strength then China's growth would be 2% a year.

>> No.10373208
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>> No.10373224
File: 418 KB, 612x452, keknotmycock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10373239

me gonna do this, making women S&P 500 chart

kek what makes her mommy ceo?

Mary Dillion probably me favorite, she evil merger and acquisition CEO who made Ultma Beauty ponzi scheme legit business strat

Hopefully she comes to crytpo

kek me like male guro too
but female guro plays better in these parts

most guys not want to see Chad's being castrated

>> No.10373233

I've long wanted to short SHE against SPY, but alas, they have no options trading available.
Alternatively, I could dig through the holdings on ETF-DB, but I have better things to do since diversity shorting hasn't yet shown to be as immensely profitable as I would've liked.

>pol leaked into smg again
Fucking this.
The only reason why I really want to short diversity is that the next worse thing to letting your politics leak into your trading style is holding companies that have let politics overtake their whole work environment -- GOOG.
Diversity is stupid and fun to short, but those threads that go "uh guys, how do I short soi bois" are the worst fucking thing on this board. I report them every time.

>> No.10373239
Quoted by: >>10373772

WIL etf

>> No.10373288
Quoted by: >>10373772

Your usage of longer words worries me that kneepads has died and a shitposter has finally taken over your identity.
From all the hate you seem to be getting today, I take that you've officially ascended into the tier of "regulars" among tripfaggotry/namefaggotry

>> No.10373291

yahoo was removed from S&P 500
but wtf she inherited a sinking ship
not a fair comparison

>> No.10373363
Quoted by: >>10373463

> cant run a company
> instead use company money to buy shares in other companies
brilliant. CEO of the century. you go girl!

>> No.10373373

>lead effort to pay 1 billion for tumblr
>falls 400 million in valuation in 3 years
In March 2016 Fortune would name Mayer as one of the world's most disappointing leaders
Mayer performed the worst of all public tech company CEOs with a 32.8 rating out of 100, falling short of the industry's 69.7 average rating. While tech leaders represented nearly half of the 50 most likable CEOs of U.S. public companies, the Yahoo executive also earned the second-lowest rating of all public company CEOs — just one ranking above United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz.

See this is the problem. Instead of admitting or able to accept she is a shit CEO, you defend her as being on a sinking ship. It's why you never want a black CEO because firing them for poor performance will be worse and more complicated than otherwise.

>> No.10373384

She inherented a sinking ship then called all employees who had been remote commuting back to the sinking ship while simultaneously building a nursery for her newborn right next to her office.

>> No.10373427

and somehow making yahoo worse in the process if that was possible

>> No.10373442

damn dude. You should talk to some one. Psychological flags flying.

Anyways, favorite rn is BAC and CVS

>> No.10373447

Let's be honest though 80% chance she sabotaged it on purpose to give more traffic to google. She still made huge amounts of money while running it into the ground and monopoly in search engines for the NSA/CIA is what they want.

>> No.10373463

YHOO used to be a big deal.
I heard they still have very solid data scientists, but she totally did inherit a sinking ship.

>acquisitions aren't strategic
Isn't the whole reason why YHOO is a sinking ship the fact that they didn't buy out GOOG for a billion dollars when they had the chance sometime around 2000?
What the fuck even is their business model?
Before GOOG was around, I'm pretty sure they were the dominant search engine.
And this is why GOOG has been so desperate to try to get their tarballs running and profitable while their search engine subsidizes it all...

>> No.10373546

>It's why you never want a black CEO because firing them for poor performance will be worse and more complicated than otherwise.
While I do agree with what you're saying about that being a predicament for firing, I've only liked CEOs that were founders -- MSFT has been dogshit ever since Bill Gates left.
I don't like any CEOs that get "hired" into their role and without that, firing them should never even come to mind. What happened to the guy running Uber is basically unfathomable.

>> No.10373772
File: 302 KB, 1745x737, wil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow WIL really is average of that

not being incredibly sick in hospital helps kek
maybe am getting better at typing too
there has been legit other RKG running around who type just like me lately


am just saying your example am crap, everyone looks bad when trying to turn around failing company around and failed at it
find a woman ceo who drove successful company into ground then maybe you'd have argument

so? that's dedication
the whole telecommuting thing ridiculous, no duh she didnt want people working from home, thats like a startup tech company having people working from home

they seem to no understand how dire yahoo situation was

>> No.10374005
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Quoted by: >>10376091

>not being incredibly sick in hospital helps kek
>maybe am getting better at typing too
>there has been legit other RKG running around who type just like me lately
if referring to me, me feel flattered that you thinks I can type like you ^_^
your funposting is truly a weapon to surpass the metal gear
like a calculus of poetry <_< a pure form of art, me thinks

>> No.10374008

I didnt know people still go to Ross

>> No.10374258

> you can't be with your kids even if you've been productive but I am special so I get to spend $200,000 of company money on a nursery for my baby. This will surely boost morale. teehee

>> No.10374284

Looking to buy tsla and amd puts this week. Suggestions on strike as expiration?

>> No.10374292
Quoted by: >>10374327

Short Fiat Chrysler, Marchionne will be dead by Tuesday

>> No.10374327

I really want into tata Motors but Brexit is screwing it up

>> No.10374487

Just hoping the Russel 2000 continues its chad climb all week.

>> No.10374493

TSLA is going to take an immediate hit at open from the JPM downgrade. AMD would be an earnings play. Wouldn't bet too much on AMD going down. It looks very bullish. As soon as Wall st. figures out intel shit the bed, is behind in tech by 18-36 months and the CEO firing over an "unprofessional relationship" was actually something else, AMD will soar.

>> No.10374638

AMD is looking bullish on the hour and daily charts.

>> No.10374647
Quoted by: >>10374723

JPM downgrade hit them friday

>> No.10374723
Quoted by: >>10374729

True. Article I was reading had the wrong time so I thought it happened after market. The newest TSLA FUD is thousands of cars sitting in an empty lot 30 miles away from the factory with no explanation. May have some effects.

>> No.10374729
Quoted by: >>10374795

That hit friday too.

>> No.10374776
Quoted by: >>10374840

She wasn't trying to boost moral though. Half the employees were abusing work from home thing. It was a serious, systemic problem with Yahoo at the tine.

>> No.10374795

It hit Thursday. But the story hadn't developed.

>> No.10374840
Quoted by: >>10374983

Not saying she was trying to build morale, I'm saying she gutted it before her tenure even began. All it sends is a signal of hypocrisy. My children matter, yours don't. No one wants to work for someone who throws that view in their face.

>> No.10374860
File: 895 KB, 960x749, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlets detected. she spent half a billion on tumblr. she sunk the ship

>> No.10374983

What does Yahoo even do anymore?
You can buy Yahoo Japan shares through Altbaba

>> No.10375024

What is this CEO fud you speak of? There's been a lot of fud thrown on Intel lately and I think it's largely priced in, and a beat could yield a juicy shorty squeeze. And the expectations for amd's growth are insane which is why I'm looking to short

>> No.10375077

Lots of people are playing against Tesla. Drudgereport, zerohedge, chanos, a lot of media outlets, etc. It's actually pretty intense to the point of planting sabotage people into the company.

>> No.10375098

Talking about Intel not tsla, read better

>> No.10375107
Quoted by: >>10375291

Also for the funding side, it's hard to tell. Dealerships hate tesla, oil hates tesla, and the car industry hate them too. Lots of people want to see them fail so it's very likely the short side and FUD isn't even for profit but for outside interest telling them to do so for some backchannel pay.

>> No.10375122
File: 166 KB, 391x676, 9eefe1d60fc6a8adefc7000898a8ea7d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out of your way to be inclusive is inherently going to exclude or alienate others. Run a business like a business and leave that shit out.

>> No.10375141
Quoted by: >>10375408


Seems like a very bogus reason that reeks of "best excuse we could come up with". Thinking he got canned cause AMD bent them over on his watch but they can't say that or they look very bad.

>> No.10375153
File: 151 KB, 838x1200, DbKhK2rXcAooVwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10375866

What do you do when you're completely burnt out from work and life? I've worked everyday for three weeks and lifted also. Also red bulls coffee four hours of sleep manual labor and preworkout. I'm honestly dead. My dad says buy ATT

>> No.10375291

Or it could be that the company has overpromised and underdelivered on everything it has attempted while being kept afloat on government subsidies, institutional investors and cultists hopes and dreams. No other company has ever been given as much rope as TSLA has. It is a symbol of everything wrong with the ever increasing horizon of voting for value without having to show any money being made. The fact that Elon Musk can manipulate and command loyalty with only words makes me sad for humanity. I can't blame anyone for wanting the circus to end and some sense to be restored.

>> No.10375350
Quoted by: >>10375538

You haven't analyzed Tesla all that logically. Look at graphs on battery costs and profitability directions.

>> No.10375408
Quoted by: >>10375557

The article does imply the relationship was used as an excuse, but I think you're off base with a potential "real reason". Sounds a lot more like he was a massive dick and a white knighting twat. Losing a percentage point of market share to amd is neither being bent over nor a reason to fire your CEO

>> No.10375536
File: 50 KB, 400x400, white-rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone is buying FLO tommorow right? they have some strong brands...

>> No.10375538
Quoted by: >>10375636

My post isn't the reason why I am short, it is simply the emotional baggage associated with the company. It is the analogous short version of "Elon musk is going to change the world and algorithms are going to take us to mars!" the long thesis as oppose to the "$35,000 iphones" logical one. I'm short because TSLA is priced like a tech company but it has no tech. Every innovation the company has tried to make work has failed and it has struggled to perform even the most basic tasks necessary for operating a profitable company. They could be profitable if everything was working perfectly, but it isn't and won't be for some time. In the mean time, the company faces crushing debt it has to refinance and will need a new capital raise before years end to stay solvent.

>> No.10375557
Quoted by: >>10375636

AMD is ahead in tech. Intel fucked up their tech. It's not about the market share they have lost, it is about the catastrophic amount they will lose and cannot do anything about.

>> No.10375636

10nm yes

70% portfolio in amd, amazes me there are shorts

Tesla Cars vs Cars
Iphone vs telephones

It's simple to understand.

>> No.10375657
Quoted by: >>10375737

Since it takes more time reasoning to understand my view. The phone/telephone vs smart phone is similar to what will happen with cars. View them as a platform and Tesla is undervalued.

I've already explained all my reasoning before on here about the advantages of Tesla.

I'd much rather have a car platform company focused on the future than one making lots of profit on dead technology.

It's like netflix vs blockbuster. The fact they don't have profitable ICE backbone is an advantage.

>> No.10375672
Quoted by: >>10375703


AMD is going to 14 this week

Don't suicide

>> No.10375690

Imagine a SMG without kneepad whore

>> No.10375703

That's above my entry point. I don't care what happens this week. I won't sell at $22.

>> No.10375737
Quoted by: >>10375759

If it includes any self driving, that's a pipe dream. Every other companies self driving blows TSLA away. They cannot have a fully self driving vehicle without adding a sensor suite to each car that would cost thousands of dollars. This is not a problem cameras and artificial neural networks can solve in the near term. This was the first thing that tipped me off that the company was being less than honest about it's capabilities.

>> No.10375744

Futures mooning

>> No.10375759

Tesla have yet to introduce their self driving software.

>> No.10375794

As you can imagine, Shashua has thoughts about the current state of Autopilot, which Tesla rewrote internally after splitting with Mobileye in 2016. "You see that they had, I think still have, difficulties with reaching Autopilot 1.0. After three years of development, let's assume that they have reached parity now, it makes sense. This amount of time. This is where they have 10 times the computing power and eight cameras instead of one camera."


Tesla began internal self-driving tech development around 2016, after splitting with mobileye


>> No.10375833
Quoted by: >>10375893


>> No.10375866
Quoted by: >>10376555


>> No.10375877
Quoted by: >>10375924

Because they have none. They have a total of 4 patents while GM, Ford and every other automaker have thousands. They are completely depending on NVidia. Number of cameras do not matter. To make this thing safe enough to be on the road you NEED LIDAR. Or else you could fool the ANN by literally painting a mural of a road on the edge of a cliff and watch model 3's barrel off the edge like it was a roadrunner cartoon.

Also not convinced the ICE is old tech. gas is going to be around for a while. Diesel is an amazing efficiency option. Range and recharge times are biggest issues.I personally won't be buying an EV as a main vehicle until battery technology advanced a great deal.

>> No.10375884

Also an sjw company is a good sing of women flooding the company. More likely for the CEO to get #metoo and for the company to go bankrupt

>> No.10375893

where do you get futures data?

>> No.10375919


>> No.10375923

Because it is vaporware.

>> No.10375924
Quoted by: >>10375939

idiotic post

>> No.10375939

Not as idiotic as those 350 calls. lol

>> No.10375940
Quoted by: >>10375950

v9 update

>> No.10375950
Quoted by: >>10375965

Doesn't mean it actually works properly.

>> No.10375965

this is high level reasoning and argumentation.

Doesn't mean Tesla's wont grow wings and shit gold.

>> No.10375977

when did you place your model 3 deposit, jw?

>> No.10375983
Quoted by: >>10376014

Telsa's self-driving car system works about as well as Elizabeth Holmes' blood tester.

>> No.10376014
Quoted by: >>10376032

So describe some how their self-driving system works.

>> No.10376019
File: 42 KB, 372x392, 1496955994695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10376073

>mfw the thread is hostile in nature and it's not my fault
Also, do you prefer ATT or VZ for comfy div gains?

>> No.10376032
Quoted by: >>10376076


>> No.10376073
Quoted by: >>10376102

plz stop referring to T as ATT, it's triggering me. Honestly both are great. Downside share price risk is higher with T as they could sink a lot of money into shitty time warner stuff like DC movies. They could also ruin HBO. But they could also muscle their way into Netflix market share over time. It will all be based on execution. VZ seems safer but less upside, they're focused heavily on 5G. For purely divs, go with T because they have the reputation.

>> No.10376076


>> No.10376091
File: 1.22 MB, 772x680, 1526950173239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek thats you? X.X

real advantage am it confuses professional sentiment tools

you underestimate how much of dying company it was. most people were checked out. she was disrupting some serious good ole boy company culture. yeah retrospect we can say hurt mothers but, if yahoo succeeded everyone would have called that move brilliant

over paying was her only crime, this move had the right idea, like facebook buying snapchat

forgetting to be civil doesn't mean civility has been fixed, it means civility is dead!

fudging $100 month for E-MINI futures data @_@
me have 2 settle for 10 min delayed data from AMEX

>> No.10376102
Quoted by: >>10376178

I will stop triggering you ,I apologize.
I think you're right, I might just go 50/50 on them because they are both great companies

>> No.10376157

By focusing on something you don't erase it. It's a flaw in thought process. The over emphasis on inclusiveness makes people over-sensitive to it rather than reaching normalization.

It's like thinking you are fixing child kidnapping and murder by putting it on the news 24/7. In fact you inspire more and cause intense fear in parents which leads to far more harm.

As you create a vector you always create the dual space to that vector.

>> No.10376160

I hope you dont go long on intel after they flooded their company with feminist and #metoo their own ceo.

>> No.10376175

This is really bad timing to get into intel. I think they fix the problems and eventually see sunlight again but not for a while if all the 10nm shit is true.

>> No.10376178
File: 203 KB, 1507x1155, 1531952649840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10376197

thats the spirit. now you just need an underpriced old American auto (GM, F). i'm proud /smg/, were all on our way to becoming 30 yr old boomers

>> No.10376197
Quoted by: >>10376242

Did you read the new direction for HBO?


>> No.10376205
File: 49 KB, 500x433, hershey-milk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure you prepare to capture the thick dividends of KHC and HSY for August
its also #5 which means a significant increase

>> No.10376242
Quoted by: >>10376274

Yes. I hope they just throw a fuckton of money at it to get good people and not try to micro manage it. What I'm worried about is them trying to expand too fast. Expanding requires new talent and new talent usually isnt as good as the old talent. HBO needs a hit after thrones ends. If they don't get a new hit, and quality shits from expansion, they could be in a world of hurt. History shows that they always have at least one good show running though so it's probably a safe bet on that front, expansion/quality is the main issue.

>> No.10376274

HBO is very political too. I'm not sure how it translates to wider audience with a ton of shows or if they drop that slant.

>> No.10376289
Quoted by: >>10376662

shud i invest im chinese internet stocks

>> No.10376428

I got in 4 years ago and have gotten very nice returns. Will hold through earnings then consider exiting; they've indicated this quarter has been very good. But 10nm is a significant risk

>> No.10376555
Quoted by: >>10376594

You guys are literally retarded.
Tesla already has self driving.
It's just restricted to highways like all the others, and they have to call it "assisted driving" so that they don't get sued whenever it botches the job -- which is less frequently than humans.

It's just her nose and bellybutton. The holes can heal right back up.
At least it's not skanky tattoos.
Only the dumbest thots get tattoos.

>kek thats you? X.X
>real advantage am it confuses professional sentiment tools
I only do it in the /smg/ threads.
I usually try to keep the same ID and leave some comments under my regular tripcode too.
If I really wanted to have fun with it, I could start using an RNN or LSTM for text generation. OR, I could get really fancy and use a Generative Adversarial Network to augment my own writing to look like it instead of generating text.
But, that's not something that I'm anywhere near having the time for right now.

>> No.10376594
Quoted by: >>10376662

>driver has to watch it 100% of the time
>self driving

>> No.10376648
File: 275 KB, 1511x683, the reason our politicians like immigration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10376662
Quoted by: >>10377011

Holy shit, dude.
The Chinese stock market is a fucking facade. Those companies are pure extensions of their own government -- you're basically just giving your money to communists that are making it look good with a fuck ton of fraud because China doesn't have the SEC.

>priced in

I like this post.
It might just be the anime girl. The argument seemed sound though.

>refusing to accept that this will be the reality of self-driving in the future
You are like a little babby. Watch this.
>Flying cars, bro
>Flying cars, bro
>Flying cars, bro
>Twin towers
>Uh, flying cars, bro?

>> No.10376681
File: 652 KB, 1022x1077, XTWFqyM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commie posting muh rare earth metals
>Backing it up with fucking /pol/
Classic. Fucking classic.

>> No.10376730
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 1152jp__43175.1408641632.600.600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy rubies

>> No.10376746

Any hope of HMNY to go a little up tomorrow?

>> No.10376773

they kinda ramble and i usually skip 15 mins into their video to avoid it, but i tend to agree.
they do some interesting studies sometimes, and its definitely cool stuff to hear about insofar as options writing goes

>> No.10376780
Quoted by: >>10376840

>Truly a weapon to surpass the metal gear
You know that shit's run by a Jew with dual citizenship to Israel, right? I'm not making this up.

>> No.10376788
Quoted by: >>10376980

How is he a communist though? I don't see any of them hawking silverware and gold plates.

>> No.10376808
File: 2.88 MB, 1080x1920, Q Giddy Up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to Giddy Up on vol idiots.

>> No.10376814
File: 43 KB, 640x640, 1474496875939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their commissions are the lowest
I didn't know they allowed free trading...

>> No.10376840
File: 511 KB, 1024x768, Ice(((berg))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I even have a meme for this that I forgot to post.

>> No.10376875
Quoted by: >>10376891

wat do i buy then

>> No.10376891


>> No.10376951
Quoted by: >>10377106

Invest in potatoes!

>> No.10376980

hes not
hes a libertarian, thats why hes shilling silver
if he was shilling gold hed be a commie

regardless, the /pol/ post isnt even totally wrong. having a constant supply of debtfree immigrants pouring in is very much beneficial to banks. banks would have no way to keep making money if they get everyone else in the country totally up to their eyeballs in debt. they need fresh ones, so they import em. the fact that a lot of them cant even read the fine print of the loans theyre applying for is just a bonus

its certainly not the only reason, but theres no denying the banks take advantage of the situation

>> No.10377011
File: 36 KB, 320x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese more than ever need their companies to look good. If you believe the yellow men prop up their corporations; then assuming they need a good front to protect themselves from getting wrektd, it would work in your favor as an investor.

Short term I am the bull.

>> No.10377067

i think scoops thesis is that they are unable to prop up their market any longer, if i remember right.

but i honestly dont know enough about how to into chinese finance, so i cant tell ya either way. i agree w you in that they will stop at nothing to look better than the west, especially now that tradewar is on.

>> No.10377104
File: 123 KB, 1407x654, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10377140

you must be getting close to B/E by now, how is IQ going anyways?

my meme oscillators are telling me to sell this next rip desu

>> No.10377106

I can support that.
I don't know if it's a good trade, but I'm convinced gold and silver are absolutely fucked to play with

>hes not
>hes a libertarian, thats why hes shilling silver
>if he was shilling gold hed be a commie
Oh, I thought we just called anyone shilling rare earth metals a communist. Noted.

>regardless, the /pol/ post isnt even totally wrong. having a constant supply of debtfree immigrants pouring in is very much beneficial to banks.
It's /pol/ though, dude.
Investing with /pol/ will put you with ZeroHedge where you put on your tinfoil hat, screech about the impending crash every. single. day. and /all in/ on TVIX

>its certainly not the only reason, but theres no denying the banks take advantage of the situation
I work at a bank. I don't think upper management has ever thought about gaming immigration relative to how much they think about our fucking regulators.

>> No.10377111

With FANG companies finishing their earnings up it will be interesting to see how China's numbers compare with their respective chinky knock offs.

>> No.10377127

the immigration is more to destroy national identity to promote the globalist plan. Conquering the world is always the goal.

>> No.10377140

It's fucked around in the 30s forever. They have been releasing rapid fire mini PR's the last week. At this point waiting for earnings run up or earnings themself.

>> No.10377144
File: 67 KB, 650x721, PfZXnZGPfhUreDDwSY8GqJgICjoG9VZL3sErc-cvN6E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beautiful

>> No.10377166
File: 82 KB, 700x402, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10377286

People are going to panic sell, thinking these shares are going to get sold the first day they possibly can. So there's going to be a dip, but it's actually going to be a great time to buy because they're not going to sell them until after they pump this shit up.

>> No.10377171

>i think scoops thesis is that they are unable to prop up their market any longer, if i remember right.
My thesis is that the Shanghai Composite Index is the rice and fraud index.
I have no fucking idea whether to go bull or bear on it for any timeframe.
It's just kinda there. And spooky.

>but i honestly dont know enough about how to into chinese finance, so i cant tell ya either way. i agree w you in that they will stop at nothing to look better than the west, especially now that tradewar is on.
Kek. Yes.
Their GDP numbers are totally made up. I heard they published something like 5% growth, but are actually going into a recession or some shit like that.
It reminds me of that episode somebody posted of those fucks The Young Turks where they pretended that they knew wtf economics was and just spent the whole fucking thing trying to sound convincing that Drumpf fucked up the economy and it's in bad shape.
Straight propaganda.

>> No.10377260
Quoted by: >>10377378

not advocating investing on it, but im saying it does happen.

i dont doubt that upper management wouldnt talk or think about it, but i can assure you from years of working shit under the table gruntwerk jobz w illegals, that the "illegals coming here, signing some shit and being fucked by interest payments they dont understand" cliche is not that much of a cliche. its not that hard to get a fake social, and become "legitimate". and after that, if they cant into english enough to read fine print, its not unheard of that they get trapped in a predatory loan. ive honestly heard it quite a few times.

whether its targeted, or the immigrants are imported for it is another (much more retarded) issue, that i disagree w, but banks just want interest payments. and since subprime shenanigans and the crackdown, theyve been starved, and giving em to folks by proxy through smaller banks willing to shoulder the risk sounds not too farfetched imo

i mean it always happens anywhere in history tho. people w skills hear they can make actual money somewhere else and go there to actually get paid. that would happen, conspiracy or not. the incentivizing lazy fucks to come here and give them welfare, to skew voting demographics... maybe i could see it. but i really think thats just tug-o-war games w left, right power games. they both answer to money and banks. and the banks are the ones actually in control. thats why i said the idea of them having new debt slaves to harvest interets out of (since they already crushed 90% of millenials) doesnt seem too farfetched

im rooting for ya

>> No.10377262
File: 232 KB, 1368x469, Googlelogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10377301

Fang will regain its lost glory tommrow

>> No.10377286

>/pol/ posting with this much conviction on /smg/
Have fun losing a lot of money kiddo

Reading that article snippet was so fucking funny. I'm imagining the warrant holders and the stock holders that almost got diluted as something like 2 of the boats in that Batman movie and the fucker running HMNY as the joker just absolutely fucking eager for one of these two groups to fuck over the other somehow.
>HMNY is truly a weapon to surpass the metal gear
Those warrant holders are totally going to dump those stocks ASAP though -- I had a private equity firm ask for their stake in a start-up that I ran in the form of warrants because the warrants couldn't be diluted like stocks.

>> No.10377301
Quoted by: >>10377324

i actually think the script for this ER season is sell on the good news then buyback on the bell the day after when everyone panics

look at what happened to JNJ

>> No.10377324
Quoted by: >>10377351

Thats what they want you think

>> No.10377351
Quoted by: >>10377369

no i think what they want us to think is that the markets crashing (judging by the general sentiment rn, and the goldbug infestation throughout the board). so theyll validate it by shorting on the news. retail freaks out, stock crashes the next day, they buy on close bell the next day, and it gaps up out of retails slimy paws, and into the big boys paws

>> No.10377369

thats too obvious
the netflix thing wont happen to google

>> No.10377372

Do a comparison between the official GDP growth figures and how Shanghai Composite went : it is ridiculous how disconnected both are that disconnected

Chink public companies are a fucking joke all by themselves. And that is not taking into account the meddling of their commie overlords.

>> No.10377378
File: 1.92 MB, 263x236, 1520122488176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10377465

Among my friends that I play Risk with, I am hated. Every single time I start in Australia. Anyone who attempts to contest it is assured mutual destruction. I have never lost. If only world conquest was so easy.

Appreciate it, there is totally a chance I just get absolutely fucked. I am leaning more towards the not getting fucked side hopefully.

>> No.10377402

I think CEO Chang Chopsticks, his family relatives and ChinkCom officials want to cash out and get you gweilo dollars

>> No.10377430

so what are the most morally reprehensible corporations I can invest my stock in /smg/

>> No.10377459
Quoted by: >>10377479

Nestle still has slave plantations

>> No.10377465

>thats too obvious
it would still work though
the important thing they need to do is to validate retails incorrect assumption that we are going down. give them what they are dreading, dont let up all day, then they mug all the people panicking and gap it up out of their reach.

why complicate it too much?

>Do a comparison between the official GDP growth figures and how Shanghai Composite went
you could honestly say the same thing about us rn tho
our numbers look good. our charts dont.
one is real, and one is not.
and i have no idea how to tell
>Chink public companies are a fucking joke all by themselves. And that is not taking into account the meddling of their commie overlords.
tend to agree.
the chinese hate their market so much BECAUSE its so manipulated. they only buy houses and land and shit for that reason.
either way, if the chinese dont trust their market/public companies, then neither do i. they know better than i do

were you not at B/E when it got to 38? or did you sell some? i think dollar cost averaging is going to be your friend here. taking a few smaller losses to minimize your exposure might not be the worst thing. i know the whole time i was holding chink companies i was also holding short term protective puts. and they came in handy lol

>> No.10377471

How many fucking namefags/tripfags are there on this board? What a shithole full of normie retards.

>> No.10377479
Quoted by: >>10377510


>> No.10377489

then leave nigger
no ones holding a gun to your hollow fucking head

>> No.10377493
Quoted by: >>10377555

My break even is roughly 35 right now.

>> No.10377510
File: 140 KB, 931x590, honk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will see

look up child labor on nestle cocoa plantations

>> No.10377550


>> No.10377555

thats not so bad
my memelines say you got a bounce to atleast 35, maybe 36
i know you wanna keep some in for the long game, but i just hope you dont have to sit there for fucking years to get the payout

>You will see
i probably wont actually. im not playing any ERs rn. maybe 3M because i think that ones looking good desu, and still super oversold

>look up child labor on nestle cocoa plantations
i know theyre not the only ones doin this kind of shit. i guess theyre just dumb enough to get caught. pretty funny how this is public knwledge and literally no one cares lol

the internet/soc media mindwashing machine has been too focused on telling normies to be pissed about trump. pretty much all other real humanitarian issues have fallen by the wayside the last few years

>> No.10377568

nflx is 360

>> No.10377583

Still waiting on Robinhood to send me an invite for options trading. Stuck buying the actual stock which suprisingly, has been going fairly well since I bought RAD last week. This thing just keeps going up.

>> No.10377605

nestle gets sued about it every year for like decades but they don't give a fuck KEK

>> No.10377621
Quoted by: >>10377667

I had planned to set stop losses at 35, 37, and 40 going into ER.

>> No.10377631

based, I might pick up a handful of nestle shares as a token gesture of support

>> No.10377640

Hi baggie. How was your weekend?

>Do a comparison between the official GDP growth figures and how Shanghai Composite went : it is ridiculous how disconnected both are that disconnected
GDP growth is a very different thing from stock market growth.
GDP does not grow 18% in one year. The stock market does.
>Chink public companies are a fucking joke all by themselves. And that is not taking into account the meddling of their commie overlords.

Well that doesn't make them necessarily the most profitable, but if you insist, I guess Reddit thinks cumcast is literally Hitler for killing off muh nut neutrality.
Pretty sure that they already forgot what that even is by now. Quite the bastion of critical thinking that website is.

Uhhhhh... I really hate Google.
Goldman Sachs loves fucking over their customers.
Maybe MTCH which owns tinder for helping liberate girls' pussies.
Or FB for reminding me that I hate most of my friends from high school. Idk.

>> No.10377666

>look up child labor on nestle cocoa plantations
It's not child labor if the children are black.

Options are shit unless you're selling them.
I'm done buying options.

Fucking kek.
Reminds me of a story that I read about JPM paying their massive mortgage fraud fines with even more mortgage fraud.

Now you got me wondering how their stock is doing.
Somebody has to be making some serious cash somewhere there... It's either the shareholders or upper management

>> No.10377667

dont overdo it on options anyways

i mean, i do it, and it works out ok, but if youre new to options, the tendency is to overdo it, and blow up your account

why would they? people will still buy their shit regardless. and they probably have enough cash to keep top shelf lawyers on retainer for the next thousand years

that sounds sound as fuck. i dont doubt the chinese will try to prop it up either way to save face against their FAANG counterparts, like you said

the funny thing about that kind of shit is that, 90% of the time those kids want/have to work anyways to avoid them and their families starving. now, yes, the situation is predatory and is taken advantage of by the companies employing the children, but especially in the third world, this shit was bound to happen either way desu

>> No.10377687

Two scoops of brimstone there satan
buy silver

>> No.10377688

Nestle really isnt a good stock and for some reason its an otc
Its basically just slightly better than a bond

>> No.10377712
Quoted by: >>10378080

reminder that most south american silver mining companies are worked in by literal occult blood ritual satanists. some local tribes believe that the gods change depending on whether you are above or below ground. on the surface, they are christians. when theyre underground, they sacrifice goats and drink blood and shit

investing in physical silver is investing in satan

>> No.10377783

I was being super edgy there.

I noticed.
I can't figure out where their fucking money goes. Are they just absolute horse shit at business?

>> No.10377788
File: 2.05 MB, 1084x813, hsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy HSY
They also have slaves, and dividends next month. Earnings thursday

>> No.10377803

Based American chocolate company knows how the fuck to play the child slavery game, unlike nestle.

>> No.10377805

theyre one of those comapny thats really huge because they acquire everything in site
they trying to take over the worlds water in competition with cocoa cola, so when they are that big they go really slow

>> No.10377806
Quoted by: >>10378005

>for some reason its an otc

That's because it's a Swiss company and their real listing is on the Swiss Exchange. The OTC ticker is just a derivative listing that's linked to their main listing on the Swiss Exchange, that's how a lot of foreign companies get exposure to US investors.

What are you talking about, they have an EPS of like $2.30 and made like $7 billion in profit last year.

>> No.10377920
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, 1528699741771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377938
File: 77 KB, 430x277, 1531690727112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yussss super futures dumpppppp

>> No.10377947

What happened to your tripcode? Also you're not acting like kneepad would.

>> No.10377958
File: 2.69 MB, 952x8657, Thermodynamic oil hypercollapse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378017

Go long oil then short everything

>> No.10377960
Quoted by: >>10378018

rkg never had a tripcode

>> No.10377969
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, 1483171310621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10377985
Quoted by: >>10378053

does anyone know how to plot two different indicators over one another in trading views pine editor?

i wrote (read: stole and altered somewhat) a sort of accumulation/distribution OBV hybrid and would like to overlay it over my shekel flow indicator, but OBV is usually several billion, while the shekel flow (basically an averaged out chaikin money flow) is usually somewhere between +/-1

i could easily just overlay the two, but im trying to get around the fact that the free tradingview charts only allow for 3 indicators at a time, and i still need room for my ribbon meme, and also the new custom CCI indicator im writing

do you know if theres a way to plot two different things and scale one to the left, and another to the right (see above)?

>> No.10378002
Quoted by: >>10378023

HSY is shit tier chocolate. It has no potential outside US market because of its laughably bad quality

>> No.10378005
Quoted by: >>10378020

That kind of profits, regarding to their market cap, make Nestlé a rather expensive stock
But I guess this is the price of never-ending stability

>> No.10378017
File: 177 KB, 1417x681, GSCI vs USD w vol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talking about pic related?
i with ya m8, but the short everything trigger is still a ways off imo

>> No.10378018
File: 23 KB, 320x241, please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378034

Please get a tripcode I don't want to be fapping to fakers only you <3

>> No.10378020

It's under 40X p/e at least, and it still pays out a decent dividend.

>> No.10378023
File: 19 KB, 500x382, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they own Reeses Cups

>> No.10378034

if you cant tell simply from the charts rkg posts, you arent nearly as an obsessed of a fan as you think you are

>> No.10378046

same argument unfortunately
yuros are absolute faggots that cant into peanut butter

>> No.10378053
File: 528 KB, 1024x1453, notheckies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378069

me died and entered new continuum, didnt me @_@

nope, you cant have two different scales on one indicator pretty sure

>> No.10378054

She doesn't post charts immediately but instead anime. I can't tell for sure until her id posts a chart and I want to be fapping at post one.

>> No.10378058

Also limited to US markets, because peanut butter sold outside the US tastes like melted plastic. Limited growth potential. I'm more interested in investing in things even Euros and chinks will consume.

>> No.10378069

>nope, you cant have two different scales on one indicator pretty sure
its total bullshit
im gonna figure something out

the guro is usually pretty distinct imo

>> No.10378080
Quoted by: >>10378116

yeah and children assemble your iphones ok
silver is a element created by god

>> No.10378089
File: 1.83 MB, 245x245, Chloe-Moretz-chloe-moretz-38804260-245-245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny bumps on the road for nasdaq for end of summer

>> No.10378098

What aboiut Unilever, they own maynonaise

>> No.10378100
File: 402 KB, 343x476, 1516296530496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378127

>> No.10378112
Quoted by: >>10378189

Incest in Japanese memes

Really, Japan has one of the best commercial moat in the world
As long as it is Japanese, the public (euro, murican, chink) perception will be very receptive to it.

If you like being avant-gardiste, invest in Cuban related shit.

>> No.10378116

>tfw i dont even own a phone anymore
get on my level, satan worshipper

>> No.10378121

This first post is not distinct. kneepad if you post a PGP key I'll send you this easily guessed tripcode. That way I can post as you and you can post as me <3333

>> No.10378127


>> No.10378189
Quoted by: >>10378777

Hadn't considered nip stocks besides their cars. What catches your attention there?
When I think Unilever, I picture soap and deodorant. I gag thinking about their food.

>> No.10378201
Quoted by: >>10378227

how does one 'own' mayonnaise?

>> No.10378205
File: 148 KB, 1789x853, bulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but whole point of me no using trip so people do exactly what you am do >_>

were you guy who made physical therapy rape post?

why would you want to do that ne ways?
the only real reason to use scales is so you can position other indicators (volume in pic related) ontop of main chart

>> No.10378222
File: 45 KB, 533x594, lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378775

>physical therapy rape post

>> No.10378227
File: 38 KB, 336x550, 91noKOdP9kL._SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378252

just like how mkc owns mustard

>> No.10378252

Duke's is better

>> No.10378255

Do you read what you write?
You can't be exclusive if you're being inclusive...they're either/or ideas.

Meanwhile, organizations that implement effective affirmative action have been shown to be the most successful in whatever their goal, money or otherwise.

>> No.10378268
File: 127 KB, 1416x659, super shekel flow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378775

i got it to work

the reason i want to is because i find that chaikin money flow, OBV, and accumulation/distribution indicators are best used when in conjunction w one another (as they all have shortcomings by themselves, but used together, they give a really good view of buying/selling pressure). i fixed the CMFs problem w gaps, and i managed to combine accum/distrib and OBV together into one indicator.

and now, i have managed to scale them all together into one super shekel flow indicator (pic related)

plus, like i said, i wanna save room for my CCI indicator that im writing too, but still want to use my ghetto-guppy too.

>> No.10378329


i buy stocks

>> No.10378358

>Meanwhile, organizations that implement effective affirmative action have been shown to be the most successful in whatever their goal, money or otherwise.
citation needed

either way, im no /pol/ack really, but it seems to me that people having/not having jobs should be determined on their merits at performing the actual job. any other consideration should not be involved in the selection process. having a workforce that is too black or white, or has too many men or women, should be of absolutely no consequence if the job is getting done the most efficiently it can, by people who are best at what they do.

the inverse as well, should be considered too, as ive personally seen circumstances where people are unable to fire shitty workers because they are afraid (or in this case, literally threatened with it) of incurring some sort of discrimination lawsuit

>> No.10378416
Quoted by: >>10378438

If you're referring to actual studies, I wonder if they're actually cogent or just simple correlation. It's entirely possible that companies willing to implement some type of affirmative action have a low tolerance for nepotism; and the practice of AA is a symptom of a culture that does indeed promote success and merit over nepotism.

>> No.10378438

>AA, promote success and merit

They just fill random useless positions for those #s. It's more about the managers being good at PR and knowing how to do it correctly probably. Aka all the risk aversion jobs to black women since you don't give a shit about performance anyway.

>> No.10378439
File: 21 KB, 439x436, Worried bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nikkei down 1.3 percent
>Chinese stocks up slightly
>US futures down slightly
Not looking so good. Bloodly monday tammrow

>> No.10378473

The success of Jewish companies is due to their unfair business practices, not their anti-European male policies (their strongest gentile competition).

>> No.10378523
File: 109 KB, 209x193, 32d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop selling

>> No.10378560


Having the means and wiggle room to hire less qualified individuals on the basis of their race is symptomatic of being an established or wealthy company, it isn’t a product of AA

That doesn’t make any sense. Businesses don’t work better because of less qualified people.

>> No.10378564
Quoted by: >>10378580

Hardly either or. In the active attempt to include the (excluded) you exclude someone who would have previously been included. Neither resources nor number of jobs are infinite.

It could be summized as this. Not everyone can be included. No matter what someone will be denied. Whether that be because of merit or color is the only relevant topic for the discussion. Sure some people and industries have been racist, but the solution is not gibs or quotas, it's merit. Take race off the check list.

>> No.10378580

>It could be summized as this. Not everyone can be included. No matter what someone will be denied. Whether that be because of merit or color is the only relevant topic for the discussion. Sure some people and industries have been racist, but the solution is not gibs or quotas, it's merit. Take race off the check list.

>> No.10378633
File: 160 KB, 1411x661, ES meme indicators.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my meme indicators are telling me that shits bretty fugged. we could see a deadcat bounce maybe, but i think this trend will continue for now

>> No.10378758

Have a $40 put on Intel, expires 1/18/19

Here's to making bank.

>> No.10378775
File: 290 KB, 684x796, 1529262518495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some dude made hot post, me passed out having sexy girl time 2 it before had chance 2 reply

I see!
there IS a way to cheese scaling if you custom make the values for a single stock

you just add / subtract (like +100, -1000) the end of values so they fit to scale

people do this for all in one BTC specific indicators

thank you
you first person with logic

people not realize how inherently exclusive everything is

you still fine, nasd needs to drop 40 more points and SP needs drop 10 before any real damage done

right now it just bots taking profit

>> No.10378777
Quoted by: >>10378850

I have been to Chinkland and Hong Kong recently (still in brit chink city rn)
People go crazy for shits coming from Nipland
It just confirms what I have been thinking about Japan and its merchant and storytelling skills, which are top-notch

Even waito piggus love nipshits

I am bearish on retail in general, except for the japanese one

Even their consumer staples and general healthcare, cosmetics are worth a look

>> No.10378826

it still needs work desu
im trying to think of a way to make the scaling variable be one of the variables in the other indicator, so they scale together, but cant cuz im too retarded

>> No.10378850

It's all about build quality. Nips don't tolerate shit that falls apart. Chink shit is absolute garbage and they know it.

I'm just not seeing much on the NASDAQ or nyse that's owned by nips. I trade using rh, so it limits my choices.

>> No.10378897
File: 86 KB, 675x601, 30 yo precious metals boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10378967


>> No.10378931
File: 50 KB, 604x506, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379159

it still above the cheese wedge

>> No.10378951

I am a former retail business owner
Quality alone doesn't sell
The story and narrative are equally - maybe more - important than quality
A good marketing and brand image can justify higher margins. Japan as a country benefits from a very strong and positive image. They can justify higher margins even without doing anything.

China, on the other hand, they can make the most perfect thing on earth and spend huge sums of money in marketing, its products will still be chink shit
Fuck china
Nanking 2.0 when ?

>> No.10378961
File: 146 KB, 1418x654, NTDOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea most of them like NTDOY (nintendo) are OTC listed companies that hold nintendo stock off shore for you off shore

btw, has anyone bought in on nintendo yet? this looks good going into ER next week desu senpaitachi

>> No.10378967


You also need a picture of William Jennings Bryant.

>> No.10379007

I dont understand how nintendo is still in business.
Their console only has a few hit games every time it is released..
>super smash brothers
I usually purchase most consoles but I realized I would be buying the switch just to play the new zelda.
i think nintendo is going down eventually as will most console based gaming.
they keep knickle and diming every game and DLC and now you have to pay to use internet on their console, when you already pay your ISP to use internet. I swear theyll try to make it so you have to pay to use internet on your god damn pc next.
fuck the vidya industry, ruined by kikes

>> No.10379018

Invest the japan pachinko sector anon-kun
The BOJ is considering slowing their JPY printing presses so as not to anger Trump-dono
Dynam Japan is the sector leader, is buying back their shares and give around 7% in JPY dividends (JPY is looking bullish from that policy shift)

>> No.10379028
Quoted by: >>10379066

stock buybacks should be banned
>artificially raising the price

>> No.10379042
File: 424 KB, 608x826, 1498146046092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is the 100 year old company whose survived every sort of disaster and market change, still in business ??? it must be tha jews 101011!

>> No.10379057
Quoted by: >>10379100

nostalgia and being the only kids-aimed console. Phones and pads are kind of destroying them these days.

>> No.10379066
File: 215 KB, 1280x960, 1464274701880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10380127


>> No.10379076

How come playstation network started charging a annual fee for internet access?
wasnt always that way, xbox was though.
>answer: the jews

>> No.10379085

you are catching on to the real culprit.

>> No.10379099

please I really don't understand any other tactic other than daytrading.

I can't go around investing in apple or netflix stocks because my portfolio is small as fuck and those stock move at snail pace in terms of %

>> No.10379100

Its too bad nintendo let pokemon go, go to shit
they had a real moneymaker right there

>> No.10379106

Stock market requires capital.

>> No.10379112
Quoted by: >>10379120

all in hmny

>> No.10379120
Quoted by: >>10379135

no fuck you I lost 5 bucks in that shit

>> No.10379132
File: 26 KB, 500x332, poor people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379158



>> No.10379134

Based trump

He even got devil trips.

>> No.10379135

all in SEB

>> No.10379150

I'm glad twitter is now used for genghis khan style threats against mudslimes. Imagine those dumb leftist nerds making this platform and now it's used for this.

>> No.10379151


>> No.10379156
File: 262 KB, 3008x2000, trump pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fug,
sell everything and put it all into DFEN

>> No.10379158

fuck man I hate how rich people make more money because they have more money. Wish my dad was rich and I could borrow money too.

>> No.10379159
File: 199 KB, 434x304, bloodwine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am hate you so much for this
this cheese image quintessential TA

it literally perfection, indisputably

>> No.10379168

Compounding interest is such a bullshit mechanic.
The rich get richer while the poor stay poor.

>> No.10379184

Learn how economies work and capitalism works. The capital is supposed to accumulate in the hands of people who invest it wisely. It's why the whole system works.

Of course it has fuck tons of problems too. Simply better than other systems and most of the problems come from the government intervention and crony things.

>> No.10379198

Well, I'd blame it more on what seems to be an active effort to keep poor people completely uneducated on how economics work, why it's important to save money, etc.

>> No.10379203


I predict a summit with Rouhani in Astaana in Kazakhstan in 3 months time that will achieve nothing but Trump will say was 'great' and 'the mother of all peace'

>> No.10379209
File: 81 KB, 422x288, compound.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379226

compounding is how the poor become rich

>> No.10379215
Quoted by: >>10379247


If this turns out anything like the North Korea situation I'll want to invest in Iranian tech stocks.

>> No.10379226
File: 825 KB, 960x738, 1510370504325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally everything he says am 100% wrong ;_;
it driving me crazy

>> No.10379233

Mario is in the top 3 most recognized mascots in the world. The other two are Mickey mouse and Pikachu. Nintendo will outlast you.

>> No.10379240

I love biblical "we will fucking kill you and every fucking shit in your country" threats. Those mongolian threats had a better ring to them though.

In a letter to Al-Mustasim, who proved to be the last caliph of this glorious 500-year dynasty, Hulagu spelled out his threat unambiguously: “I will not leave a single person alive in your country; I will turn your city, lands and empire into flames.” He was as good as his word. Baghdad was razed to the ground, its great mosques and madrassas, law colleges, marketplaces and libraries consumed by flames. Hulagu claimed he killed 200,000 in the carnage. The Persian historian Rashid al-Din said the true figure was 800,000.

>> No.10379247
File: 1.87 MB, 187x155, 1482031601777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10380142

>Iranian tech stocks

>> No.10379251

true, the real most powerful force is the Blazar

>> No.10379253

How do you short Jewish stocks?
Anyone got a list?

>> No.10379267

SPY 279.68 USD −0.32 (0.11%)

>> No.10379306
File: 139 KB, 917x871, sad pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379328

Dont worry , red day incoming.
Trump scaring everyone on twitter.
Need to sell off 401k before drafted to die for Israel.

>> No.10379328

Israel and Sunni/Saudi Arabia are our greatest allies.

>> No.10379332

I'm wagecucking right now, can someone tell me what silver futures are doing?

>> No.10379346
Quoted by: >>10379353

its over

>> No.10379353


>> No.10379398

>wagecucking in the middle of the night
Comfy, do you such cocks to fund your trading activities ?

>> No.10379402
File: 109 KB, 695x614, 00000000000000000000000000000000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will /biz/ avoid the draft?

>> No.10379416

Are we going through a draft? Also I've already been kicked out of military I should be fine

>> No.10379419
Quoted by: >>10379451


By showing up with a monster energy drink and a bald spot

>> No.10379421
File: 31 KB, 376x349, concerned boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379451

wait what?

>> No.10379425
Quoted by: >>10379451

My foot arches are too flat

>> No.10379426

Let's hope you guys will be killing chinks intead of sandniggers for a change

>> No.10379451
File: 222 KB, 1278x956, 0000drumpf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10379472
Quoted by: >>10379612

Who else is throwing all their left over buying power into tvix today?
I feel like gambling

>> No.10379475

trump tweet not having any effect on the markets

>> No.10379483
Quoted by: >>10379648

ill look into it, thanks bud

im trying to find a ticker for it, but the OTC holding company looks ded, so idk if i can buy it

i noticed that JPY looked bullish anyways
im into it, ive been thinking about putting some money out of the country anyways. obviously dont wanna buy chinese garbage meme companies. the choice of where to invest in asia is obvious imo

>> No.10379517

Cant go...I have these pesky bone spurts in both of my feet.

>> No.10379518
File: 85 KB, 601x601, 1528402835615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10379538

>silver futures down -.15%

>> No.10379538


>> No.10379564
File: 3.56 MB, 256x188, mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should help out my oil play lol
we now return to our regularly scheduled moon mission

>> No.10379612
File: 234 KB, 640x489, DRUS cruise trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting on my VIX calls desu
should be a good day, whenever it comes

my gamble money is in the cruise desu senpai

>> No.10379615
File: 22 KB, 346x450, 1508539647254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's MY line.

>> No.10379648
Quoted by: >>10379680

Bear in mind it is a shrinking industry
It is trading in a range
You are there for the dividends (12JPY) which should be stable for the next 2 years
Look into Fast Retail, Nissin and the holding company of Muji

>> No.10379680
File: 136 KB, 1412x660, NTDOY15 min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant even buy it anyways. ill just buy nintendo i guess. gotta say, i like the way this looks headed into ER

>> No.10379719

No one has any clue how to read trump's tweets.

The political media had to go from "Trump's going to nuke north korea and is a madman." to "Trump's too soft on Korea" in a year.

>> No.10379757

Women shouldn't be allowed in thr board room
*looks at YHOO*

>> No.10379964
File: 32 KB, 300x410, 1532271520778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I shouldn't have taken that three hour nap. Now I'm going to be up all night I even took melatonin and still can't sleep fuck kkkkkkkkk
I've worked for 25 days straight I don't need this stress ahhhhh by the time I'm out it'll be nearly 24 hours up straight

>> No.10379975

Netflix's cash flow scares me. Yeah they project growth in subscribers to eventually turn positive in a few years. But if those don't materialize for whatever reason they're completely fucked.

>> No.10380017
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x2543, __lavinia_whateley_fate_grand_order_and_fate_series_drawn_by_waterkuma__6f187137189605f5d3fcd5f3e357bbe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is buying Comcast today?

>> No.10380045

Hello would it be smart to short coca cola since cities are taxing sugary drinks now? Please respond

>> No.10380082
File: 175 KB, 1910x1000, 104258723-GettyImages-104554645.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10380120

they own shares in Monster. Take a sip and rethink.

>> No.10380127
Quoted by: >>10380183

yeah they do faggot! they don't happen right away. how new are you? BAC implemented a share buyback around $13....

>> No.10380142
File: 64 KB, 749x1069, 1513991868716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10380167
File: 1.64 MB, 659x609, f5a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10380183

>Only when boards and executives understand the difference between fundamental value creation through improved performance and the purely mechanical effects of a buyback program on EPS will they put share repurchases to work creating value.

Seriously though, in what world would a share buy back generate more value than (strategic) reinvestment of profits?

>> No.10380195

Hasbro Second Quarter 2018 Earnings Conference Call
Jul 23, 2018 at 8:30 AM EDT

Hasbro bloodbath in the morning?

>> No.10380228
Quoted by: >>10380246

it reduces the supply of stock out there, sure a shit company is always shit but if a good company buys up stock it takes supply out of the market.. supply and demand...

>> No.10380237



>> No.10380246

its just another mechanism out there that is creating a bubble.
this is part of the reason why stock prices are so inflated.