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10523961 No.10523961[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Americans actually put sugar in their sauce?

>> No.10523967
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>tfw sugar is a highly addictive drug without people realizing

>> No.10523969

A pinch of sugar in tomato heavy dishes can cut down on the acidity without drastically affecting the overall taste, and isn't an uncommon addition. That fucking horror in the photo, I have no words for.

>> No.10523980

If you use decent tomatoes (whether fresh or canned), you don't need to add any sugar.

>> No.10523986


OPs pic is an abomination and reveals possible mental issues or actual damage to the brain

>> No.10523992

>Shanice Richardson
I think the explanation is simpler than you realize.

>> No.10523993

Also true. I grew up poor as fuck though, and a lot of dishes we made (chili, spaghetti, etc.) with tomato heavy sauces were made with whatever quality tomato/sauce/paste was affordable - so it's something I picked up. Thankfully have better choices now.

>> No.10524004


A teaspoon of sugar added to a pot of tomato sauce does wonders. An entire bag of sugar added to a pot of spaghetti will just obliterate it entirely.

>> No.10524008

Honey from time to time.

>> No.10524017

No, the corporations put corn syrup in everything. Sugar is too expensive, got to make sure the CEO makes millions at the costs of millions of people's health. That's why special grocery stores like trader Joe's and whole food exists, only places where everything isn't literally made with cheap toxic fillers.

>> No.10524036

>Trader Joe's and Whole Foods
>not full of sugar and cheap toxic fillers
It's literally the same food. Just avoid processed foods in general. The only difference between those stores and others is that their stuff is (((organic))) but anyone who knows anything about nutrition knows that organic is a marketing buzzword with absolutely no meaning or regulation

>> No.10524037


>reduce the acidity

Some people here lack basic chemistry :^)

>> No.10524038

>got to make sure the CEO makes millions at the costs of millions of people's health.

>> No.10524046

What the fuck are you talking about. Quit it with your momscience and babby-tier economic pseudophilosophy

>> No.10524050


>> No.10524061
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if that's how she likes her spaghetti, it doesn't bother me one bit

And of course, it's possible she just spilled too much on there and decided to make a joke to her friends, not knowing the public image of the nation was at stake

>> No.10524071

Why would you want to reduce the acidity. Are tomatoes seriously too strong for some people? What the fukc happened to the human race?

>WAAAH this perfectly fine naturally occurring vegetable is yucky I'm gonna add a cancer-causing powder to make it more yummy haha I'm totally not a 5 year old

>> No.10524080

That is bad if true. I wonder if corn syrup instead of sugar is in the following:

https://www.google.com/search?q=brach%27s+christmas+tree+nougat&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=x&ved=0ahukewik8bon0idzahvc4imkhdhpbxcq_auicygc&biw=1920&bih=1094&surl=1&safe=active& - "brach's christmas tree nougat - Google Search"

https://www.candywarehouse.com/assets/item/large/brachs--christmas-tree-nougats-ff-125270.jpg - "brachs--christmas-tree-nougats-ff-125270.jpg (600×600)"

https://www.candywarehouse.com/christmas-candy/ - "Christmas Candy | CandyWarehouse.com"

And how exactly is corn syrup toxic?

>> No.10524083

my brother does this, it ruins spaghetti completely

>> No.10524090

>a teaspoon of sugar
>cancer causing powder
your parents fucked you up good, didn't they

>> No.10524093

A very small amount. It's important to season even good tomatoes with a little bit of sugar for the same reasons you add salt.

>> No.10524113
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As many people have already pointed out, tomato sauce benefits from a little added sugar to balance the acid. Adding table sugar seems low-class, but nobody could object to a little red wine. As the sauce simmers, all the volatile aromatics evaporate, so the only thing the wine really contributes is sugar anyway.

>> No.10524119

I've heard of people using a pinch to cut through the acidity of the tomatoes, I've never found it necessary though. Tomatoes have naturally occurring sugar.

>> No.10524124

Yes, industrialy it's cheap adding corn syrup. This is taste enhancement. And some research suggest that sugar is addictive. So sugar everywhere!

>> No.10524130

>table sugar
>cancer causing powder

bitch are you literally retarded?

>> No.10524137

frig off Big AG shills

>> No.10524142

If someone added sugar to my homegrown home canned tomatoes picked at the peek of freshness, I'd dump the sauce over their head. Disgusting.

>> No.10524146

people actually do that shit ? Fat fucks.

>> No.10524148

My grandma from Italy adds both sugar and baking soda to her pasta sauce, so you faux purists can go fuck yourselves.

>> No.10524150

Of course it would be a nigger.

>> No.10524164

Tons of shit causes cancer but is harmless in regular amounts. Eating a shitton of sugar is bad, yes, but just some isn't gonna hurt you.

This whole "but this causes cancer!" thing is so fuckin' overblown it's ridiculous. People see that there's some correlation and don't try to look at the details. I mean hell, the fuckin' sun can give you cancer, and people seem to be exposed to that just fine.

>> No.10524173

I bet you're fat.

>> No.10524183


Like a teaspoon turbinado.

I'm more offended that she's cooking the spaghetti and the sauce together.

>> No.10524187

I'm thin and I agree strongly that everything causes cancer.

>> No.10524211

Asking a legitimate question here, why is it desirable to cut down the acidity of something as mild as a tomato based sauce?
I crave acidity in food, up to a point.

>> No.10524243


Tomato is actually quite acidic, and sugar doesn't cut down the acidity because chemistry. Basically acid makes things taste sour, which is bad, but sugar and acid makes things taste sweet and sour, which is good.

>> No.10524253

little bit of cinnamon does wonders though

>> No.10524254

tomato isn't mildly acidic as far as food goes, it's hugely acidic. gives people problems with heartburn reflux etc

>> No.10524305

Just add a pinch of baking soda you stupid fatty.

>> No.10524318

try it. maybe it's not acidity, but it does something wonderful on your tongue. one of the best known condiments is actually tomatoes with sugar.

>> No.10524321

So it's not about "cutting down" the acidity at all, it's about using the acidity to create a desirable flavor.

>> No.10524339

I'm sure your homegrown canned tomatoes are lovely. I'm also sure they're even more lovely with a little sugar, depending on how they're being used. I'm sorry your fragile ego can't conceive of people liking and wanting to do things to your food than what you would do.

>> No.10524359

Acidity in the context of flavour is not the same as acidity in the context of pH, brainlet

>> No.10524379

............yes, it is. it's exactly the same thing.

are you fucking retarded? hahaha

>> No.10524389

Use carrots in your sauce. Some nicely done onions, as well. They add the sweetness without needing to add white sugar.

>> No.10524390

sometimes tomatoes need sugar, sometimes salt- it's just the way it is

>> No.10524394


They always need salt regardless. Even if you're just slicing tomatoes and eating them, salting them makes them 10x better.

>> No.10524405

r u retarded?

>> No.10524414

When i visit my parents and my dad asks what we should eat in the weekend i dont say greek meatballs or other tomato sauce inducing dishes anymore thanks to his retarded way to put shit-ton of sugar in anything tomato related.
He'd even put sugar in the fucking salad if it had tomato in it if my mom weren't there to stop him for fuck sakes!

>> No.10524458

But it is ?

>t. brainlet

>> No.10524469


Oxygen causes cancer via cellular oxidation and free radicals.

Should we stop breathing, FAG ?

>> No.10524479


>how to spot a potato

>> No.10524629

What a piece of shit board

>> No.10524645

You're mom's a piece of shit board

>> No.10524720


>> No.10524727

Not in general but it probably has more idiots who do than other countries

>> No.10524772


a little sugar takes a sauce to the next level but


>> No.10524773

If your goal is to not get cancer, yes

>> No.10524795

My mother used to put sugar in anything with tomatoes in it, she was from Virginia, so I'm pretty sure it's a southern thing.

>> No.10524871

yeah, it's pretty fucking bitter without at least a small amount, though the amount in that pic would probably turn the dish into a horrible candy
also >>10523967

>> No.10524876

A teaspoon at most, just enough to cut the acid. Usually not even that. Certainly not that much.

>> No.10524879

sugar is like crack cocaine it's fucking great and it feels good to put that shit in my body

>> No.10524883


can we just STOP with this abortion of a fucking contraction? You're not black. You're not from the south. You just sound like an incredibly punchable faggot.

>> No.10524884

the people adding sugar to their sauce aren't using your home canned tomatoes, i can almost guarantee

>> No.10524889

>yeah, it's pretty fucking bitter without at least a small amount
I never add sugar to any of my tomato sauces. Tastes fine.

>> No.10524897

is this your first time on 4chan? the entire board is a steaming pile of ass

>> No.10524901

might be the kind of tomatoes i use? i don't grow my own or get decent tomatoes, i just buy cheap canned shit.

>> No.10524910

>English doesn't deserve a 2nd person plural
Pourquoi est-ce que vous comme ça?

>> No.10524916

Nah, I'm sure that chick just accidentally dropped a bag of sugar on her spaghetti and made a joke post about. That said, sugar is in everything these days. I try to avoid using it, but sometimes a dish just really calls for it. Not the amounts that goes into processed foods though, not even close.

>> No.10524921

What the fuck else word/phrase would you use? Yous? You guys? Yous guys?
Fuck off grammar Nazi. You're so retarded that you didn't even capitalize "South", which is a proper noun.

>> No.10524927

Just say "You all/guys/people/etc"

Y'all is embarrassing as fuck and when you say it, you actively sound like a loser.

>> No.10524929

This has nothing to do with grammar, you silly cockswab.

>> No.10524932

Rectally distressed coastie detected

>> No.10524937

>announcing you're a flyover

You're on the wrong board. Hop over to /tv/ and enjoy one of the 30 Infinity War threads made to contain your kind.

>> No.10524966

No, you! :^)

>> No.10524968

>getting this upset over a CONTRACTION
Unironically consider suicide. Nobody cares about your opinion

>> No.10524973

>mfw its another Euros think niggers are Americans thread

le sigh....

>> No.10524983

>this perfectly fine naturally occuring nightshade makes me feel yucky inside i'm gonna selectively breed it until it doesn't make my tum tum hurt any more :'((((((

>> No.10524985

>Nobody cares about your opinion

You cared enough to waste your time typing up a half-assed reply and clicking on a bunch of pictures of street signs, didn't you, chucklefuck? I hope you think about me when you pop another sweet load into the crevice between your thumb and forefinger tonight, you little cunt.

>> No.10524990

I'll do a pinch or two, but Jesus fuck.

>> No.10524991

Well, he was still right.

>> No.10524992

Not an argument

>> No.10525002

HFC products are banned at Wholefoods tho, I know cause half the time UNFI mispicks shit with ever delivery so they gets given out to team members cause they can't sell it.

>> No.10525009

We get it, you did a vinegar baking soda reaction in your high school gen chem class. Acidity in foods can be cut down through natural sugars which is why you put carrots in tomato sauces many times. You don't see many people dumping shit tons of base in sauces do you you fucking retard?

>> No.10525016

can we just have a board where people actually discuss food and cooking instead of fast food and shitposting?

>> No.10525023


>> No.10525031

>so nice he responded twice

>> No.10525049

Shut up Stephen. What if they need a little sugar

>> No.10525062

What a piece of shit post

>> No.10525081

That's why. Good tomatoes shouldn't be bitter and they've got plenty of sugar in them.

>> No.10525082

>everyone who disagrees with me is a samefag!
I'm very sorry that you were born with terminal autism

>> No.10525179

I thought I was supposed to?

>> No.10525191

My husband likes sweet spaghetti. Is that so bad?

>> No.10525199

No, have never done that and my mom never did that while growing up.

>> No.10525218


>> No.10525227

>Do Americans-
This should be an automatic ban because it's the lowest level of shitposting on this board.

>> No.10525237

pretty sure the only people that do this are fatties that grew up with chef boyardee stuff

>> No.10525243

>not black

>> No.10525254

Shart in mart

>> No.10525259

I see.

>> No.10525296

Turd fall in mall

>> No.10525749

I'm guessing he also plays videogames and watches superhero movies.

>> No.10525754

It's a black thing, if I had to venutre a guess.
Black friend's mom made some BBQ spaghetti in a giant aluminum casserole. I was weirded out, but it was actually pretty good, but a little dry.

>> No.10525760

Is this bait? Are you familiar with the rest of the "naturally occurring nightshade" family?
And I grow my own tomatoes. But appeals to nature are so fucking stupid. Some insects shank mates with their dick like a knife. It's called traumatic insemination. And it's perfectly natural.

>> No.10525907

you could still add onions or papprika instead of sugar

>> No.10525957

My great grandma's recipe calls for a pinch of sugar and she was Italian.

Seems to work out fine. I imagine it was to make up for the lack of good, fresh tomatoes in the states.

>> No.10525961
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Problem, Italy?

>> No.10525973

you're only hurting yourself

>> No.10525992

baking soda works better

>> No.10526009

Good, I'm glad this is your concencus. Now leave

>> No.10527046

i literally cried out a loud no when i saw him dump it all in. survival of the fittest Really needs to make a comeback.

>> No.10527053
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>> No.10527055

>Dr. Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, is a certified doctor of natural medicine, doctor of chiropractic and clinical nutritionist
That's your problem right there, you're listening to a guy with degrees from clown colleges.

>> No.10527056
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The sad thing is this isn't even considered a lot of sugar these days. You are consuming about that much every time you drink a single can of soda at mcdonalds.

>> No.10527073
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Americans do not deserve to live to be honest.

>> No.10527082

He's right though. The sugar cuts down on the acidic taste by making the sauce sweeter. Obviously it doesn't change its pH

>> No.10527083

fucking this

>> No.10527085

>THIS science is bad because it impacts our profits

fuck off corporate shill, the truth will win

sugar causes cancer

>> No.10527088
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>mutts are actually justifying this to try and save face

>> No.10527095

>Sugar overpowers the natural tomato flavour/acid
Anons, literally every spice or other additive does this, you could use cinnamon, wine, even paprika works great if you like a bit of heat and its going to be much better for your health(and for taste in most peoples opinion)

>> No.10527101

No that science is bad because it isn't evidence based. Maybe it's because you didn't focus the right crystals in the kitchen you fucking mongoloid.