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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9211889 No.9211889 [Reply] [Original]

Before you call me an anti I think kronii is a nice girl and she has nice voice, but without being ironic or malicious she does not deserve $40k, none of EN2 does, she's just an average nice girl that somehow got in the best spot on the industry. I'm pretty sure she feels the same way with how she acted on stream, but in the end she will get used to getting superchatted to hell for just existing

>> No.9211984

Her voice is a big clue towards her having a long clitarus

>> No.9212019

This is what happens when you do your reps and take a chance. Sometimes everything comes up Aces for you

>> No.9212075

Don't blame the player blame the game. If the faggots in chat don't have anything they'd rather spend their money on than having a big tittied anime girl from a well known Vtuber agency read a message that's their bad. Deserve ain't got nothing to do with it.

>> No.9212082

First gen got a way bigger push keep seething faggot

>> No.9212108

Cope seethe dilate

>> No.9212130


>> No.9212214

kronii wouldnt have gotten as much money if she didnt explicitly have "reading requests" in the title.
vtuber chats are just redditors who want to have a cute girl say shit like "WOULD YOU LIKE DINNER, A BATH, OR... ME????" or "HI HONEY" on repeat. just go into any holos chat and try not to find a message requesting they say something.
im not a huge fan of her but she knows how to work business

>> No.9212248

I'm no her anti nor her fan, but Kronii deserved every single pennys donated to her just merely by virtue of being a far better streamer and entertainer compared to her fellow holoEN members, including holomyths.

>> No.9212268

vchuubing is a business my dude. you won't accept this and that is okay, the same way you are mad about this I'm mad about people getting millions just because they can kick a ball, world can be unfair

>> No.9212276


>> No.9212292

Reminds me of Mori's first round of superchats
Makes me sad compared to how cold she's now about the whole vtubing thing

>> No.9212382

>comparing this to sports

>> No.9212616

No doubt that making it onto Hololive makes your career a whole lot easier as a vtuber. However, you have to make it onto Hololive in the first place. Imagine how many thousands of other girls applied and didn't get in. I consider that worthy of the superchats that she gets.

>> No.9212833
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Many that are simped deserve graduation. Some that graduate deserve simps. Can you give it to them, anon? Do not be too eager to deal out rrats in judgment. Even the very wise cannot see all ogeys

>> No.9212930
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Can we stop with that stupid meme already? It's not funny.

>> No.9212955

I don't think that really applies to work like this.
Your payment is essentially a tip jar so you "deserve" whatever people put into it.

>> No.9213030

mad cuz bad

>> No.9213137

she was never WARM to vtubing, she cares about her music and not much else creatively. vtubing just gets her the views for her music. She's basically a vsinger.

>> No.9213169

How are they different? It is both entertainment.

>> No.9213272

Do you think Mori and Kiara would be better off or would prefer switching to being official VSingers?
Kiara applied to be a Vsinger in the first place.

>> No.9213413

>Kiara applied to be a Vsinger in the first place.

>> No.9213444

She said something like that at one point

>> No.9213494

>Kiara applied to be a vsinger

Imagine not being able to sing but applying to be a vsinger holy fuck.

>> No.9213495

You see, that is a logical conclusion that most people would arrive, but the EN2 talents aren't THAT special, like every other audition must have been incredibly mediocre so that the final result would be this average gen. I feel like a ton of JP vtubers would have a field day on the EN auditions with how demanding the scene over there actually is, if these are truly the best that auditioned then the battle wasn't hard at all no matter how many auditioned. This is of course assuming cover scouted based on talents and future prospects and not on something else

>> No.9213507

The simp retards are hellbent on giving their money to e-celebs no matter what, better they give it to the cute autist than the literal whores at vshojo or some other normalfags

>> No.9213539

>voice actress offering her services to the public audience
no, she deserves way more than that

>> No.9213582

Jesus thats fake as fuck and annoying


Shut the fuck up

>> No.9213586

i mean id become disillusioned too if people just gave me so much money for little to no reason everytime i stream, id appreciate the money of course but when youll get money no matter what you do, it sort of removes the point of trying

>> No.9213607

The western VA scene isn't lucrative at all for most so they actually just resort to offering voicing stuff for normal people, this isn't that rare

>> No.9213668

The others also get money, try and care more, which isn't a high bar but still. Mori only cares about the music. That's alright, Hololive means 1M views a month for the first 6 months for her. But she doesn't try because she doesn't want to.

>> No.9213669

Tbf she’s talented as a voice actress. I wouldn’t even mind watching dubbed anime with her playing the main character. She deserves credit for the at the very least.

>> No.9213708

Holoantis are always doing this and then projecting onto Holofags, huh?

>> No.9213771

>she's just an average nice girl that somehow got in the best spot on the industry
no shit, everyone is an average human until they go big you fucking retard

>> No.9213798

>fake as fuck
Why do people always say this, especially when it is a person who had a lifetime sub count of barely over 3k. She made more in 60 seconds here than she did in her entire former vtuber career.

It would be weird not to get emotional as that is the moment everything becomes "real". The first payday in the new job.

>> No.9213805

she grew up poor as fuck, i think its pretty real. You are just jaded as fuck because you prob make, what, 60k a year?

>> No.9213822

But the monetary value clearly shows that kronii is 40k worth more than a randon 4chan post.

>> No.9213825

>she's just an average nice girl that somehow got in the best spot on the industry.
That's how life generally works, there are very few geniuses and most people who get to the top are either lucky, rich, or hard workers
But for me? It's her heavenly voice, can't get enough

>> No.9213898

Ame is better and less greedy

>> No.9214340

ame literally turns off sc not because she's 'less greedy' but because she has enough money and doesnt want to read the names. But nice try, anonchama

>> No.9214390

If she doesn't want to read them she would just say "hey I'm not going to be reading supas from this stream" if she were greedy and lazy

>> No.9214482

then she wouldnt have anyting to do and cancel sup sunday

>> No.9214511

t. seething vtweeter

>> No.9214597

I want to see Kronii do a react Andy stream

>> No.9214608

Thank you all for donating that much money to my future wife!
We will spend it on our honeymoon trip.

>> No.9214652

If her genmates weren't such a massive disappointment it probably would have been less than half of what she got. Big fish in a small pond.

>> No.9214659

underrated reply. the paizuri monster spent her whole life being an enormous loser who absorbed anime, videogames and movies while practicing funny voices. she lucked out when suddenly all that shit became extremely valuable and used her skills to make references/puns and talk in a sexy ass voice. she's a goddamn gigachad now.

>> No.9214700

this reads like 2view seethe. Should have posted it with the Legolas HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT image.

>> No.9214730

>Before you call me an anti I think kronii is a nice girl and she has nice voice, but without being ironic or malicious she does not deserve $40k, none of EN2 does, she's just an average nice girl that somehow got in the best spot on the industry. I'm pretty sure she feels the same way with how she acted on stream, but in the end she will get used to getting superchatted to hell for just existing
Yes that... is how careers work.
If life were fair we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>> No.9214731

Are you implying that it's her fault all of her genmates arer that bad?

>> No.9214766

Stop acting like you know her life story, she isn't a loser

>> No.9214775

Stop acting like you know her life story, she IS a loser

>> No.9214829

There's your first mistake: nobody "deserves" anything.

>> No.9214907

I still think Mori is pissed that Irys is the vsinger and that they didn't move her to be the vsinger. Irys gets all her music paid by Hololive while Mori has to pay out of pocket.

>> No.9214924

Vtubers are losers no matter what you want to argue

>> No.9214972

Take your meds.
If you think the JP Vtubers deserve their superchats more you're a retard as they're doing the exact same thing EN is doing but you don't see it because you don't know Japanese.

>> No.9215154
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I never even watched her. Heard that she's a tranny.

>> No.9215223

Yeah, Vtubers are all losers. Especially that Kuzuha guy, fucking loser going home to fuck his hag every night what a loser...

>> No.9215238

and we cheer for our idol to win, whether subjectively or numberfagging. very similar to sports fans

>> No.9215257

>she does not deserve $40k
By what metric? There are entire industries with millions of people who get more for less than she does?
If she makes content people are willing to pay 40k so she keeps making it, why would she not deserve it?

>> No.9215287

>Kiara applied to be a Vsinger in the first place.
VSinger wasn't even a thing when she applied.

>> No.9215314

What about Azki?

>> No.9215345

really is amazing that people just let 4chan posts completely supplant reality and then roll with it for months and months on end

>> No.9215415


>> No.9215546

I don't think it was completely a business thing, more to playing to her strengths and obfuscating her weaknesses, with one of the latter being dead air. She can react to other people and situations well but if there's nothing to play off of then she tends to struggle more. A very easy way to get around this is just to say 'Yo chat, give me things to do.'

I'm not worried though. The more that bond level increases the more confident she'll be to improv, try out the more cringeworthy jokes/memes she holds back on and open up with more of her own experiences. (would never have pegged her for a Lets Player, especially not Thief). As a streamer I think she has the greatest capacity for growth out of the gen, certainly out of the 'Say the line, Bart!' niche people tend to place her in.

>> No.9215571

AZKi was INNK, something completly different and now defunct. Only retroactively did people start calling her the "first" VSinger.

>> No.9215633

She only got 40k?
Since she should be the strongest of her gen I thought she would get more.
But people who watch EN are probably all poor compared to JP.

>> No.9215675

Most of your oh so glorious JP chuubas are just former NND/twitcast streamers and or failed vtubers. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.9215741

This is obviously a bait thread, why you retard keep replying.

>> No.9215826

If you think people started to call AZKi an vsinger only after IRyS joined Hololive then you are fucking retarded.
She is always mentioned as vtuber/vsinger. You can look up news about her album releases or live shows that mention her as such.
But you probably don't speak Japanese and talk out of your ass anyway.

Inb4 you didn't say she wasn't called vsinger officially but people did not refer to her as such and by people you mean yourself.

>> No.9215866

you got the wrong person my dude. that's kiara not mori.

>> No.9215953

>like every other audition must have been incredibly mediocre so that the final result would be this average gen.
I would've said the opposite. The success of EN1, particularly of less conventional streamers like Ina and Calli, would've not only spured on a larger amount of applicants but more diverse ones as well, believing that they can turn their own particular niche into something that makes them stand out on the platform. The real question would be 'would Cover be willing to take the same risks with EN2 that they did with EN1?'

Because 50% of /vt/ threads are bait ones, usually along the lines of 'She doesn't deserve it' or 'Are X fans really like this?' Just because it starts with a retarded premise doesn't mean it can't be steered towards interesting discussion.

>> No.9216743

go back

>> No.9216810

Virtual Diva, although somehow she really hates diva songs

>> No.9216950

>Be Risu
>Most talented holo singer by far
>people would rather shower some annoying whore with a bad voice with money
how fair.

>> No.9216976

>60k a year?
90k and that isn't that much money to be a cynic.

>> No.9217094

Dommy mommy character attracts a lot of paypigs, no surprise.

>> No.9217102

>she does not deserve $40k
That's not how making money works.

>> No.9217250

wow anon go easy on the copium

>> No.9217340

>Before you call me an anti
I love it when you show your hand even before the game starts.

>> No.9217407

Western VAs aren't swimming in cash, Gura ended up getting like 4 different Vergil messages because he was so cheap lol

>> No.9217495

Risu how are people supposed to know you're one of the best singers in Hololive if you barely stream and never do proper karaokes?

>> No.9217517

Maybe if Western dub VAs actually had talent they'd get paid like it.

>> No.9217571
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>i'm not a hater, but..

>> No.9217580

>make it through Hololive auditions
>not deserve

How fucking stupid are you? For sure, thousands of people hoped to become next on Hololive only to not make it.

>> No.9217645

that $40k was her reward of years of reps. She grew up as an immigrant, learned how to draw, sing, and voice acting while running a small youtube channel. She kept on upgrading her skills and finally, she took the chance, and now she's harvesting the fruit of her hard work.

>> No.9217651

She's my favorite so far, but that's not saying much. I'll be sticking to the EN1s for the most part.

>> No.9217690

>hard work
>sit at a PC and play games badly and talk poorly, while profiting off the work of live2D riggers and artists
hard work.

>> No.9217702

Also the Supas opening week is always blown out of proportions, i'd rather see her monthly being at least 3/4ths that much a half-to-year from now on

>> No.9217730

Why does /vt/ sound like jealous bitches sometimes?

>> No.9217867

All I can think of is that she thinks that by actually saying all the common meme lines early on makes people might stop requesting them all the time.

>> No.9217997

I would think 2views would be happy that one of their own got into hololive. Ame, Kronii, and nutsack were all 2 views before Cover picked them so that means you have a chance.

>> No.9218336

The majority of EN vtubers are female, think about that for a bit.

>> No.9218564

The majority of 4chan posters are faggots, think about that for a bit.

>> No.9218636

The high amount of superchats are just a upfront premium for expectations of meaningful fan interactions and entertainment value. If she thinks her supporters are just pay pigs the mask will eventually, only a little bit at first but the content is going to suffer since her focus is on money and not the fans and she'll constantly be prodded by trolls to get the mask to slip even more until she has a meltdown. Stay strong Kiara.

>> No.9218855

>only 40k
That's the highest for an EN's first superchat stream you know? For reference, the next one was Mori who got around 26k.

>> No.9219119

Nobody cares about she deserved the money or not. You can't rationalized Simp to reconsider their decision to superchatted her.

>> No.9219422

Unironically people think this way

>He thinks 4chan are full of cool people and he is part of the cool kiDz

>> No.9219545

Quite impressive actually. As long as she continue to polish her skills and do not fall to content stagnation, she'll have more to make antis seethe more.

>> No.9219671

For some it will be, 'pogchamp' will always be a rite of passage a streamer will go through. That said, I'm sure we'll still get more than a few requests for ara aras

>> No.9219899

She expressed an interest in trying ASMR and give how open she was with taking requests she may be like Ame in that she'll try anything once if she thinks it'll be entertaining.

>> No.9219901

pretty gross reality that this girl can just sit there playing video games and simps will throw insane amounts of money at her for even just a tiny chance at acknowledgement
can't say i hate her for it, i'd be doing it if i could.
but christ men are pathetic.

>> No.9219953

nta but how would you even come to that conclusion
some people on this board are seriously retarded. i wonder if we have an underage problem

>> No.9220023

>but christ men are pathetic.
Yes and I apologize for nothing.

>> No.9220058

>he didn't get in the first few rounds

>> No.9220285

I'm sure the problem is not the lack of talented voice actors, but that they really don't have memorable roles, something like Garrett from the Thief series or Sam Fisher. In Japan, every 3 months a new anime comes out, where the voice actors always have a chance to prove themselves, and if the character also happens to be a cult level like Lelouch or Okabe, then they become instantly a top tier at least in their country.

>> No.9220303

I don't understand posters like this.

"Deserve"? No one deserves anything! WHY DO YOU CARE

>> No.9220339

You're a smelly, small, pathetic anti
Kronii does deserve the $40k and you will either wage slave or get less gov money than her all year.
Kronii provides happiness and entertainment

You provide retard takes and bitching like a woman kill yourself you are worthless

>> No.9220383

I wanted to be her only gachi... everyone showering her with red makes me look like just another fags.

>> No.9220433

Silence SEA, you want Risu to succeed? tell her to stop being lazy and stream and do fucking Kareoke

>> No.9221023

Kronii could slow down time and milk your dick dry with tight slow handjobs for what feels like days. She's pretty cool.

>> No.9221046
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>> No.9221123


>> No.9221289

Because outside of a pocket of schizos who seethe about her infrequent stream schedule she is actually pretty popular? On top of that it was her third anniversary stream?

>> No.9221315


>> No.9221327

>Kronii shit threads all over the board
>SEA prime-time
Little clock finally made it.

>> No.9221433

I don't think you understood how cute she is.

>> No.9221479

She got it because she’s good at pleasing her chat and making millions of that. Basically Amouranth of chuubas.

>> No.9221733

You are right, and pehaps even Kronii feels like that. It's just too much in a short timeframe for playing games and making jokes. But well, the world is hardly a place where "deserve"/"do not deserve" matters, so we should all just accept that it is what it is. Plus, if she really feels bad, she could just donnate to charity or something like that

>> No.9222090

t. incel

>> No.9222187

I did not expect that HoloEN would lose to Edengumi

>> No.9222237


>> No.9222269

damn. indie cope the thread lol.

>> No.9222297

Heard I fucked your dad

>> No.9222491

This. Now try a dommmy mommy that is also a reddit-pandering whore from day one and you have a recipe for success. And the worst chat.

>> No.9222524

You kroniikeks gets riled up so easy its pathetic lol

>> No.9222538
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I heard his stories about how he fucked people so hard they couldn't walk anymore. Perhaps you're one of them?

>> No.9222581

Anon, Kronii doesn't draw and her singing is average at best. Who are you even talking about?

>> No.9222644
File: 870 KB, 500x750, 71F25E9F-C7F6-43D4-B4BF-C22944C79474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo has yet to reveal his greatest idol. The one that will lead Hololive’s armies to war. The one they say no living man can’t simp. The Witch-queen of Asmrar

>> No.9222668

if youre telling me you dont want to hear her soft quivering voice as you pound her pink puffy pussy, then you are a homosexual and i want to ask you if i can stick my cock in your ass

>> No.9222854
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Who is OP? All the girls will be millionaires soon and live better than most people in their audience. Why do you even feel sorry for the other girls? Is Kiara the OP? I don't give a shit if one millionaire is less well-off than another. It's money they don't need anyway.

>> No.9223019
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>Kronii doesn't draw

>> No.9223196

What a pointless thread.
Of course most people that profit greatly dont 'deserve' it, this isnt anything new and not worth discussing on a vtuber board.
Cope, seethe, dilate and get the fuck out of my board.

>> No.9224139

hey guys I'm too lazy to watch the vod, did she cry or pull "muh depression" card? Tried checking her out but she filters me after 2 minutes.

>> No.9224205

She does it every stream, so probably yes. Bitch is too greedy not to get some extra pity money

>> No.9224382

bogos binted

>> No.9224464

No. She was overwhelmed by the support she got and more than happy to indulge whatever meme-requests she got, to the point of completely losing track of time. It was wholesome, even when she was asked to say the usual click-bait meme stuff.

>> No.9224854

been at the voice acting game for at least 4 to 5 years before her first vtuber gig but she hasn't done any hard work fucking stupid nigger

>> No.9224998

She's a prostitute, anon.

>> No.9225138

It was probably her or her management fault. She gained much traction last year on her NNN videos, she or the management should use that momentum to push more cover, or drop Risu voice altogether and just use Ayunda, either she didnt think of that or blocked by management, that was a wasted opportunity

>> No.9225991

>make ridiculous and baseless claim as bait
>get anti replies
>antis keep pushing to change the target
clever tactic, but not good enough

>> No.9226190 [DELETED] 

new ships, non negotiable;

>> No.9228211

Amelia averaged about 300 viewers before Hololive, she was getting more popular

>> No.9228445

Hard workers deserve more than lazy people, neets deserve getting euthanized.
Unfortunately the world does not work this way but they do "deserve" it, and deserving doesn't mean that you will get it

>> No.9228547

what have neets ever done to you?

>> No.9228702
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Kronii is popular because she fills the needs of men

>> No.9228873

>average viewers overall 47
>peak viewers overall 716
>last 3 month prior to debut average 128
all info directly from twitchtracker, nice headcanon

>> No.9228916

>things that didn't happen, the post chain

>> No.9228964

>>9228873 (me)
>last 3 month prior to debut average : 173
samefagging to correct, looked at wrong months but still nowhere near 300

>> No.9229161

Sparks is a banger.

>> No.9229542

They're called oirans, you biggot.

>> No.9229646

jesus fucking christ this is the most well thought out and reasonable post on this thread

>> No.9229658
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Name a bigger spook

>> No.9229696

don't act like the hololive "mamas" and "papas" don't get massive boosts in popularity with their creations making it big.

>> No.9229730

>kronii doing asmr

please i can only coom so much

>> No.9229836

>ayame pic

She'd get it

>> No.9229868


>> No.9229972

I think pako lost a lot of his e-cred with sana

>> No.9230017


oh yeah.... man

>> No.9230027

When your oshi is a master of time, refractory periods are no longer an issue.

>> No.9230080

I feel bad for Sana, I wish she was doing better. her streams are great

>> No.9230115

I agree for sure, I really enjoyed her universe sandbox stream and the Interstellar watchalong was brilliant. Is it too early to ask for a redesign of sana?

>> No.9230152

Is that really why she isn't popular? Irys has a much worse model and is doing well.

>> No.9230228

I mean that's all im seeing everywhere. I personally think her model is fine.

as for IRyS

yeah, what happened with that design

>> No.9230387
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I mean, you can say what you like, but in the end results speak louder than words. You can argue the who, how and why all day, but execution and results are what people remember.

If you and Kronii were standing in the same room with a bunch of people, they would literally push you out of the way (or worse trample you) to go see her. She could sign your shirt and say "now you can go buy yourself a sandwich" and it wouldn't even be a joke. That's the reality of the situation. While you're hating her success, she doesn't even know you exist.

Why not focus on whatever you're passionate about? Unless it's shitposting, then carry on.

>> No.9230427
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>> No.9230436

I'm passionate about giving Kronii money just so OP can fucking seethe

>> No.9230685

If kronii had never gotten into hololive you wouldn't know who she was, it's not kronii getting popular, it's the brand making her popular. Unless you were following her from before her previous life you have no right to speak

>> No.9230775

Is Kronii's Korean bad or good? I heard her Japanese is like still learning tier, but what about Korean?

>> No.9230864

Her Japanese is actually really good, she's just being humble

>> No.9230903
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>but without being ironic or malicious she does not deserve $40k, none of EN2 does
Brah. Look behind the curtains. It's all just women being paid for acting "cute" and being themselves. Instead of having to show their faces, they can hide behind anime avatar to get all the anti-3DPD weebs, making the barrier to entry really low (Just have man interests and a cute avatar).
Women in entertainment will always be supported by simps chasing a delusion of fucking them someday.
Being entertaining doesn't really matter if you can get more gachikoi to spend on you.

>> No.9231153

I honestly couldn't care less. I just find it amusing how someone like OP can care so much about another person's success, especially if they're not even in the same career field.

>> No.9235582

>"hmmmmmm... huh... ok..."
>recites chat message
Is it safe to say that people are just pretending to like Kronii for the maymays at this point?

>> No.9236118

I honestly don't understand how anyone can truly like any of Gen 2 after they've been around for about five seconds. Surely you need some time for this shit to simmer before you are running around calling one of these girls your oshi?

>> No.9236268

Go back to streaming to your little brother and mother, nobody cares

>> No.9236960

>If kronii had never gotten into hololive you wouldn't know who she was
You are 100% right that it made her visible to a large market, but that doesn't translate to success. The entertainment industry always try to push talents, but not all make it.
I like Kronii, because I actually like her content; hell I don't even watch the rest of the council.

>> No.9237222

She also had to pass the auditions which are most likely extremely hard to pass. I imagine it had hundreds of applicants

>> No.9237619

>itt, anons finally realizing why Hololive specifically picked the largest pre-existing indie vtubers
>established viewer base for numbers
>guaranteed eyes as old membership comes to watch
>easy way to make money because profitable indie in the past
HoloEN doesn't scout for talent. they scout for easy money. Kronii turned out to be the best easy money HoloEN snagged this year.

>> No.9237644

>she will get used to getting superchatted to hell for just existing
Good morning.

>> No.9237819

>get someone with a nice voice
>already have an established huge viewerbase from the company
>make her pander to chat saying whatever retarded shit they want
As nice of a girl kronii can be literally anyone with a nice deep voice could fill her position, she's even acting a character they gave her so you can't even say that the viewers are falling for her personality (despite the fact that they haven't even known her for a week)

>> No.9237898

I don't think they were too hard considering these 5 are the ones that passed, can you really say that these 5 are higher spec than any of gen 1 aside from ame?

>> No.9237923

But she’s still boring as shit joining Hololive doesn’t make you interesting.

>> No.9237929

Ame is the best gen 1 though

>> No.9238146

>being a vsinger is a bad thing
I didnt know Hololive is a video game streamer company

>> No.9238968

>be literally anyone with a nice deep voice could fill her position
tell that to all of the auditions from other deep voiced chuuba hopefuls who applied but didn't get in because they didn't have the numbers Kronii did.

>> No.9239953

She was like sub 10k, what numbers are you talking about? I mean that's high for an indie but since this is holoEN auditions we're talking about, that might as well be nothing compared to others that should have been auditioning

>> No.9240143

>She was like sub 10k
NTA but that's only as a chuuba putting on a fake voice, her other channel was at 300k subs.
