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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 93 KB, 316x316, aYo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76663060 No.76663060 [Reply] [Original]

I have no hate for Gura but not many fanbases make my skin crawl as much as hers. Like every time she comes back I'm reminded of just how fucking insufferable and disgusting they are.

>> No.76663089
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>> No.76663149

both you and the nijifags desperately need to kill yourselves

>> No.76663177

It's ok, she hates them too

>> No.76663234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76663270

classic KFP

>> No.76663301 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76663311


>> No.76663334
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>> No.76663404

nice photo anon, did you enjoy yourself?

>> No.76663627

She has the only fanbase that actively is trying to make you hate their chuuba.
The only ones that dont hate cumbuds are the cumbuds themselves. Insufferable cunts are the only things standing in the way of her streaming more, they will never realise this.

>> No.76663757
File: 715 KB, 1271x643, gura-being-breedable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, I am one of them that I want to breed gooba

>> No.76663804

Dragoon still seething about being mogged.

>> No.76663825

but..but anon SHE'S MY WIFE.

>> No.76663885

Mind your business

>> No.76663919

Retards make 10 threads trying to shit on Gura using Doki and how she is gonna mog her numbers, and trying to start some tribalfaggotry. It doesn't go as intended, proceed to make more threads bitching about Goobs and her fanbase. Like clockwork.

>> No.76663955

Unlike doki I hope you kill yourself

>> No.76664001

Fuck off you retarded chumcuck, you're just as insufferable as the nijifags and you both need to kill yourselves

>> No.76664040
File: 122 KB, 529x513, IMG_1776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no hate for gura
dont lie sister, you hate me everytime i streams, kek
lm gonna tear your house down

>> No.76664051

This but i also hate Gura too

>> No.76664076

now now, dont call-out yourself sister

>> No.76664151
File: 35 KB, 148x128, Screenshot 2024-05-26 035048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cooked me breakfast, lunch and supper.
And before eating, I ram, came and happy with gooba
Sorta wish my human limitations holding me back by hitting post-nut clarity

>> No.76664163

You are just jealous that your oshi can not pull numbers even remotely close to hers. You are a pathetic human being.

>> No.76664175

actually on second thought, japan as a whole was a mistake and two nukes were not enough

>> No.76664202
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Feeling called out?

>> No.76664248

I don't how you stand to keeping living as you are without immediately killing yourself

>> No.76664261
File: 18 KB, 400x400, IMG_1777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhh, the seethe..
i can feel it...
seethe more please, it powers me...

>> No.76664301 [DELETED] 
File: 875 KB, 1200x960, v4qtl7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumcucks (actual chumcuckies and not /#/tards who only like her normie numbers) have two options:
1) realize that all the money and time they sunk watching her has been a scam and turn anti
2) double down after shitting on other holos/nijis/indies and gloat when this event streamer streams once in a blue moon and deflect from facts and cry into pillow because only Martin gets to tap that cutie
A good chunk took second route, because they know what's up behind the scenes and the only way to honorably redeem themselves would be to kys lmao

>> No.76664323
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, gura_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too long, didnt read.
get well soon tho

>> No.76664340

not really, it just further proves my point that chumfucks are kinda insufferable retards

>> No.76664373

Or the most likely option is no one gives a fuck because some how they're not as mentally ill as you fags.

>> No.76664405 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76664421

seethe more, ahahahahaha

>> No.76664449

>they're not as mentally ill
no one needs the rope or meds more than the shrimps

>> No.76664463

Clearly you do.

>> No.76664528
File: 46 KB, 1272x417, 1716396024302115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mumei is not Orcschizo but these levels of hatred are totally normal on KFP's end

>> No.76664536
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>> No.76664573 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 507x690, 1692326098481357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no... someone is making me look like a cuck and is slandering our queen! better deflect to other holos, quick!
see that's why no one likes chumkeks, unless your post was a reminder of that, then tnx bro kek, I didn't have this one saved

>> No.76664579

>actually hates her fanbase and does the the bare minimum for them
>fans are fiercely loyal and attack anyone who make them feel stupid for supporting her
Is Gura the Trump of vtubers?

>> No.76664648

Clearly you need the rope or meds

>> No.76664716

The fact that you seem to have no life and expect your oshi vtuber to stream everyday because youre terminally online.
yeah, makes sense

>> No.76664756
File: 1.98 MB, 270x470, 1705871001145723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kill myself after doki successfully kills herself first until that happen seethe more. FAGOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

>> No.76664778

>strawman argument
Yeah, you do have trump supporter energy there

>> No.76664796

There is a middle ground between streaming everyday and ghosting your fans for months

>> No.76664798

Go back to /pol/

>> No.76664832

NTA but you're a retard

>> No.76664845

It's uncanny is all

>> No.76664917

Again, very trump supporter like retort. This analogy is steadily gaining more merit

>> No.76665022

Seethe empowers chumbuds. They can survive without Gura through your seethe.

>> No.76665042

I'm the same way anon, the funny and alarming part is that a lot of current Chumbuds haven't seen any of her 2020 or 2021 stuff, it's just newfags and numberfags who pretend to like her because muh noombers and muh "CGDCT." None of them have memberships, none of them buy merch, you're dealing with the tourists of the Hololive fandom, it's jarring to say the least.

>> No.76665062

just like magats

>> No.76665104

I forgot to add they're extremely insufferable towards every last other fanbase in Hololive. They're not Gura? Remind them all their oshi is no good. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.76665108

You don't need to be a dragoon to hate chumkeks for how annoying they are. For all I know, (you) are a chumkek and you didn't like being called out.

>> No.76665111

Nijisisters posted this and expected to be laid by Riku Tazumi.
Only to be cucking eachothers by competing one NiggerSanji CEO.
Riku Tazumi just loves chaos unfolding by hags and clique.

>> No.76665170

4chans level of retardedness never ceases to end

>> No.76665185

>deflect deflect
don't let yourself become the thing you're supposedly mocking anon

>> No.76665217


>> No.76665234

>None of them have memberships, none of them buy merch
This is a literal reason that your just a Seething Anti, LMAO
>her recent stream, lots of memberships
>jap people super long line in gurarium merch
>$2M sold gura taiwan collab.

you cant compete, you just cant.
just shut-up, go back watching your oshi.

>> No.76665243
File: 348 KB, 746x244, actively-getting-cucked-lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you get paid to say this, Vox Akuma?

>> No.76665317

why, did i hurt you? lmao.
fucking go out anon, touch grass

>> No.76665367

Gura goes months without checking in with her fans and she's not quite on hiatus either. You're projecting every day on the rest of us. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.76665373
File: 7 KB, 507x76, wubebi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad kek.

>> No.76665374


>> No.76665378 [DELETED] 
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>> No.76665404

How is me disliking a Holo's fanbase make me an anti? Do you have the mental capacity of a 12 year old by any chance?

>> No.76665434
File: 403 KB, 1080x1634, Fembud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome to seeth xiters

>> No.76665499

FPBP lmao

>> No.76665553

more seethe please, its not enough to cancel her

>> No.76665561

im not even a chumbud, im not even a member..
its just so funny to me that all these seething are anons that are not even a fan of gura, ahahahahahaha..
Just pure hate to the vtuber and her fans, lmao.
what a lovely day

>> No.76665599

That's rich coming from the person who spends 16 hours a day on /#/

>> No.76665632

>im not even a chumbud, im not even a member..
We know that, newfag

>> No.76665665

you hurt everyone around you with how stupid you are.

>> No.76665671

something something shallow people

>> No.76665694

ayo, no need to share me what your typical day looks like. :D

>> No.76665714

YT comment sections are absolutely battlefield, you guys are wasting time shitposting here, if you want to hurt her post in YT comments

>> No.76665730

pls tell how stupid i am, hehe..

>> No.76665756

Bare. Minimum.

>> No.76665765

post this in youtube comment chuds

>> No.76665783

Vox ran out of china bucks where have you been sister?

>> No.76665800

This retard doesn’t get how the biggest amount of catalog falseflags /here/ post as chumbuds.

>> No.76665801

Not going to do that. Gura is one of my EN oshis
Fuck Chumchuds though

>> No.76665824

if you hurt her you will hurt those chumchuds too, easy peasy money

>> No.76665836

>Obnoxious chumcuck with no self awareness who could've seen this coming

>> No.76665837

is this what Antis do? ahahahahha
cant contain anger here, now encouraging for en masse hate comments?
the state of antis, such a disgrace

>> No.76665864

Why would I hurt Gura though? It's her shithead neanderthal fans that should be criticized

>> No.76665878

she is quite good for feeding those antis though, almost 90% of her clips are hate comments

true, and you can make everything right by bashing those yesman

>> No.76665892

>self awareness
youre the one not self-aware you retarded fuck, ahahaha
4ch dweller thinks users in this board is a big percentage of vtuber watchers.

>> No.76665894

i checked it up and this dude is correct, so much hate comments

>> No.76665905

>please go post on yt where I don't have to see it and be reminded of how much of a cuck I am.

>> No.76665917

posting there will be a much greater impact to cancel her

>> No.76665927

Sure fagoon cry more

>> No.76665940

based, chumkek are the cancer of this board, good thing is they are fucking annihilated in youtube comment kek

>> No.76665954

>n-no u lol kek
is it finally starting to creep in for you anon?

>> No.76665978

based, keep bashing those chumpedos in the head

>> No.76665979

NTA: This board may not be a big percentage of watchers, but it does live rent free with quite a lot of chuubas

>> No.76665987

And in return gura annihilate your fat chink oshi and mint and 29 other who vtubers lmao

>> No.76665990

>p-please I beg you

>> No.76666013

dont attack me attack those chumkek, I want to funnel this hate to twitter and her yt comments, the more the hate the faster she graduate

>> No.76666015

This chuubas spend more time ego searching here than interacting with their fans

>> No.76666025

lmao, eat shit chumcuck and enjoy your monthly stream

>> No.76666033

i am not even her fan, but it's hard to believe you faggots are not nijiniggers falseflagging, it's not the first time nijikeks try this hard.

>> No.76666044


>> No.76666064

Are these Nijisanji fans in the room with us?

>> No.76666086

that's just typical chumcucks

>> No.76666087

doki and mint have streamed more in the past month than gura has in the past year but hey who am I to compare numbers

>> No.76666098

Yep, definitely a chumkek lol.

And you know something? I WAS a chumkek with a 2 year membership. If people like (you) are what I would be associated with if I still was, then good riddance.

>> No.76666101

She's not graduating keep crying tho
Fagoon seething because doki couldn't beat gura like they projected on their discord lmao get fucked your salty tears will make a nice condiment to add flavor to my cup noodles.

>> No.76666114

true, they can feel uppity but tomorrow they will be insufferable and shitposting again
kys, I think she will graduate after her birthday

>> No.76666122

yea kys nijinigger
Definitely, not even shitposting. Looking at how you called them "nijisanji fans" you are probably a nijinigger.

>> No.76666125

You were never a chumbud or a hololive fan. You are an ex nijisister who left the sinking yacht when doki tried to kill herself

>> No.76666126

they're called pedophiles bro

>> No.76666127

>They (chumbuds) are an actual cancer to the vtubing industry. Not only do they attack other companies, but will attack anyone from holo who isn’t gura, refuse to support anyone else, and compare any unrelated topics to gura (eg. if a holo had a great stream they will just say it’s still not as good as guras worst stream). With their blue sponge now ditching them they are no longer soaked into one concentrated mess and spread throughout the rest of the communities still only talking about gura and bringing negativity wherever they go.

>> No.76666140

I like Gura's content for the more part, but as I plainly stated it's her fanbase that's pure cancer

>> No.76666145

It's okay because IRyS and her fanbase are actually the worst

>> No.76666152

Yep, just typical nijiniggers.

>> No.76666153

>They (hoomans) are an actual cancer to the vtubing industry. Not only do they attack other companies, but will attack anyone from holo who isn’t mumei, refuse to support anyone else, and compare any unrelated topics to mumei (eg. if a holo had a great stream they will just say it’s still not as good as mumei worst stream). With their blue sponge now ditching them they are no longer soaked into one concentrated mess and spread throughout the rest of the communities still only talking about mumei and bringing negativity wherever they go.

>> No.76666155

2 more weeks fagoon doki will kill herself before gura graduates

>> No.76666172

There goes the unironic leftist pedo npc response.

>> No.76666186

this is not twitter you nigger

>> No.76666189

It's still true, no matter how much you want to deny it.

>> No.76666199

They are afraid nijinigger falsefags.

>> No.76666203

>Attacks gura
Not effective, only grows stronger
>Maybe if we attack the fans themselves, they'll quit watching her.
The state of antis, lmao

>> No.76666204

just like your gender

>> No.76666214

I mean sure i can believe you alone, but nijiniggers will pretend to be actual fans and pile on your opinion. They been trying Doki vs Gura since yesterday.

>> No.76666221

Hoomans are fine

>> No.76666242

yeah $1000 fine for public indecency

>> No.76666243

Go back to Twitter, Tumblr or somewhere the sun doesn't shine faggot.

>> No.76666258

watching chumcuck getting btfo-ed in real time is so fun

>> No.76666269

>They (kfps) are an actual cancer to the vtubing industry. Not only do they attack other companies, but will attack anyone from holo who isn’t mumei, refuse to support anyone else, and compare any unrelated topics to mumei (eg. if a holo had a great stream they will just say it’s still not as good as mumei worst stream). With their blue sponge now ditching them they are no longer soaked into one concentrated mess and spread throughout the rest of the communities still only talking about mumei and bringing negativity wherever they go.

>> No.76666298

need better strategy, the fans are quite fragile
I mean the only one who can do a mass-shooting in the name of her is her fanbase after all

>> No.76666335

Faggot, I've been watching Hololive since Myth debuted and I didn't even know what Nijisanji was until Lazulight came along. I know damn well that you spiteful bitches are a blight on the community, both in and out of Holo.
>inb4 Nijiliar
You want to know where I was when Myth's debut came to my attention? Working a shitty temp job doing back breaking labor in warehouses and horribly depressed because I lost the few friends I had. Myth gave me something to look forward to at the end of my work shift and got me hooked for the long haul. So don't fucking talk to me about who is or isn't a Hololive fan

>> No.76666342

Afraid of what I don't give a fuck about niji you fucking buffoon.
Actually the doki discord had fagoons numberfagging during the first hour and swearing gura was going to win but you will leave these details out because it is very convenient to you.

>> No.76666360

remember kiara has patreon

>> No.76666381

Typo doki was going to win.

>> No.76666395

That would have worked better if I was a tranny and you weren't a pedo anon, but sadly you've missed the mark.

>> No.76666408
File: 195 KB, 702x919, 1698226924738258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's bring back some nyfco vibes for the sisters

>> No.76666430

kys pedo

>> No.76666439

Nobody cares about your sob story fagoon everybody know you're an ex nijisister fresh out of riku yacht.

>> No.76666468

not enough gura hate comments, its getting boring

>> No.76666495
File: 39 KB, 267x223, FAE2B44F-D62A-48C2-A655-EAE57C2EEAFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why sister like this

>> No.76666500

No one's hating gura chumcuck, just her retarded fans

>> No.76666507
File: 59 KB, 480x360, who wins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right here

>> No.76666508

ITT: Chumcucks seethe and Nijisisters see a perfect opportunity to false flag

>> No.76666509

>you spiteful bitches are a blight on the community
this but Kiara and the spineless cowards that bow down to her. once a two-faced backstabbing bitch always a two-faced backstabbing bitch

>> No.76666525

what is this

>> No.76666537

>doki discord
i don't even know that was going on or able to confirm it. But you will pretend i do cuz you are a retarded nijinig.

>> No.76666553

Straight fact:
Vtubing would be much better if Cover and Anycolor never happened.

>> No.76666558

same shit

>> No.76666573 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 1819x865, 1715380019514760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is one of those Kiara apologists, she deserves nothing but pain and suffering

>> No.76666576

nah not now Phasecuck

>> No.76666600

The opsec is appalling, at this point I think they just audition and are sent into the wilderness with no training, no staff etc

>> No.76666601

>supposed to be gura
but there's calli, kiara, mumei, dokibird, vox, etc
what a mess

>> No.76666604

phasecucks would still be phasecucked.

>> No.76666637
File: 9 KB, 329x329, 1451704420631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will never have sex

>> No.76666639

Why do you catalog fuckers talk like this? Are you all teenage girls?

>> No.76666678

It literally isn't but I guess you're too stupid to realize that

>> No.76666684
File: 65 KB, 700x684, A-lot-of-people-believe-THEIR-opinion-is-a-solid-fact-1709401926031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chumcuckies so mad that they resort to doxxing others and deflecting to Kiara, literally Gura's genmate

>> No.76666710

I find it super funny how Doki's stream was squashed in less than 5 minutes and then she proceeded to choke and lost her match in her own event.

Poetry in motion.

>> No.76666717

why are troons like this

>> No.76666744

don't give these retards any ideas, they'll get obliterated in their enemy's territory

>> No.76666750

why are chumcucks like this

>> No.76666755

You like that word so much that I'm not even sure if you really are a chumpedo anymore. There's a chance since they've been uppity due to the overlap, but this is Nijisister levels of trying this hard to shit on Doki.

And everyone one of us /here/ knows that Nijisisters love false flagging so much that they admit it to each other on Twatter
>Verification not required

>> No.76666758


>> No.76666779

>everyone who thinks im a fag is actually a tranny
top cope

>> No.76666799

why do you talk like that?
are you 40-year old pretending to be in 20's?

>> No.76666850

>her fault she got planeticket scammed
holy kys

>> No.76666864

keep seething. Had to deal pests like you since the doxxsite fucking died.

>> No.76666867

>meanwhile in /ggg/

>> No.76666899

lolcow is still up though

>> No.76666908 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 859x865, 1716396124342110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she lied on purpose because she was the one who did it. if you simp for this treacherous whore you need to revaluate your entire life

>> No.76666910

Why is it always Kfp????

>> No.76666945

Holy fuck, "chumpedo" isn't just a way of slandering them after all

>> No.76666969

they are truly the strongest species after all

>> No.76667029

Did Doki and Mint collab so destructive that nijisis seething like clowns?
We know it all along they're close, too much delulu inside their mind.

>> No.76667051

>chumkek is a holoanti, specifically an egg
to no one's surprise

>> No.76667072

But enough about chumbuds
>Verification not required

>> No.76667080

and nene doxxed a whole wave
boohoo who cares this is about literal vtubers bro :skull:

>> No.76667085

KFP vs Chumbud lets goooooo

>> No.76667109

nigger why did you guys stop posting! i need my screencaps for BVT

>> No.76667138

>im not her fan
What is it with faggots always having to add disclaimers to their opinions?

>> No.76667173

>Now I'm not racist

>> No.76667210 [DELETED] 

rebecca howard

>> No.76667232

I've seen weebs flip out for being called out as pedos but chumfags are on a whole other level of cope

>> No.76667253

Really KFP?

>> No.76667275

I'm confused who are we supposed to be larping as again?

>> No.76667276


>> No.76667279
File: 46 KB, 623x362, llbws3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if chumcucks hate other streamers, including holos, this much or this is their way of getting this thread down for hurting their little fee-fees kek

>> No.76667281

three strikes pedosanji

>> No.76667301


>> No.76667481

it's easy, it would be harder ir if I were you

>> No.76667648

>Make thread seething about Gura
>I-It's the chumkeks who are seething!!
Dokiseethe, Nijiseethe, take your pick which one applies to you

>> No.76667749

>Make a thread about how chumfags are cancerous cucks
>chumfags start acting like cancerous cucks
case in point

>> No.76667925

It's harder for me knowing you still haven't killed yourself yet yes, and the sooner you do the sooner we all benefit from it

>> No.76668043

Wow the seeth is still flowing, amazing. Even after all these years.

>> No.76668195
File: 650 KB, 1525x1946, 1282784772621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls see your gay ass post history

>> No.76668227

Holy samefagging namecalling seethe
Random holo and Kiara seethe too
Wtf is wrong with you

>> No.76668243

Sister you need to let it go, your organs are dead, irrelevant. No point flailing anymore. This is just sad.

>> No.76668338

why is it assumed that anyone anti-loli is a tranny when most of the trannies out there are lolipedos?

>> No.76668417

Can't be bothered to buy tickets so sisters resorted to lashing out against their usual target again.

>> No.76668777

IRyS killed Kiara in Rust

>> No.76669557

Gura, Mumei, and now Bijou all seem to have this fanbase problem it seems

>> No.76670124

Fuck off, Cuckbeat.

>> No.76670417
File: 1.37 MB, 828x950, The Ennald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76670451

I am racist. Natural adaptation did not spare the brain.

>> No.76672768

Are those real quotes?

>> No.76675325

a new low sister Gura will always be the best deal with it

>> No.76681326

the proof people are retarded giving money

>> No.76683854

Go ahead and fight each other, but the truth is that both fanbases are shit and the reason is the same: everyone that is still in their right mind has left by now

>> No.76685903
File: 192 KB, 484x482, 1617343626919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao sisters have been malding since yesterday

>> No.76687726


>> No.76687755

Any loli vtuber with a big fanbase has a section of fans that weird me out. Gura's one, but also Neuro gets that really bad on this board. And odn't even get me started on Shondophrenics
