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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68380076 No.68380076 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there no Vtubers from Africa?
Because they would be in a black company

>> No.68380682

blavo gula

>> No.68380737

There's Kitanya, but she's a White South African.

>> No.68383715


>> No.68383812
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What would such a company be called?

>> No.68384060

she's also a young earth creationist. not even fucking joking

>> No.68386934

>"Hello white devils. Me tekka de break cuz my country at war for 420th time. Don't mind male voice on stream. Dat just warlord making me work diamond mine. Stay blessed and remember: kill the boer uwu."

>> No.68386944

I swear to god I remember a chuuba from one of the North African countries. Algeria or Morocco.

>> No.68387311

Didn't know that there were plans for NijiAF!

>> No.68387886

my guess is they would be beheaded by islamists? are there even cosplay or twitch whores from negro africa?

>> No.68388033


>> No.68388133

Whats Riku's favorite anime?
Darker than Black

>> No.68388156
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>> No.68393832


>> No.68393964

Africats are cool.

>> No.68394052


>> No.68394061


>> No.68394141


>> No.68395223

How do you know?
Also if she is how do you know she really believes that and it's not just her family's beliefs she's adhering to?

>> No.68398711

What happened to them? Iirc there used to be a general. Haven't seen one for 2 years.

>> No.68399905

Isn't there that one mulatto vtuber who likes saying that white boys are cute?

>> No.68400215

Highly probable, they're weebs.

>> No.68400282

It's funny, I think I only like HoloEN this much because they are talking in a language that is not my own and I an detach an feel immersed in the fantasy.

I'm from brazil and there's probably someone trying to do indie vtubbing here but I just could watch a vtubber speak portuguese, for me it would be just cringe and I would think they are all fucking whores.

Maybe it's because I grew up in english internet, idk.

>> No.68400302

It's only a matter of time before Nairaland has a vtuber.

>> No.68403911


>> No.68406011

Same, except I'm white.

>> No.68406034

>black history month
>black company gets wrecked

>> No.68406155

Wasn't there like 2 vtubers in S. Africa?

>> No.68407085

Am I the only one who wants a qween vtuber? There are a lot of black cosplayers, where are the vtubers?

>> No.68407251

There is this chick nyaru? I think she is a nigger or some shade of it.
Someone post her fat ass from those cooking streams.

>> No.68408520


>> No.68408922

The only thing from Africa I like is Ebola-Chan.

>> No.68409334
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Fun thing, there actually was a black company from South Africa that blew up after it turned out the CEO was basically using it to fuel his self-insert fanfic fantasies and started hiring minors for gen 2. Vanished off the face of the earth. The horned one on the right smelled smoke and dipped out before shit went down, the lion girl second from the right graduated shortly before the event, the remaining two vanished.

There's still a handful of South African indies, but they're all struggling with the whole power and shit internet situation.

The original two, Kitanya and Nekoreen, are still around and doing alright, though one of them likes to change models and hasn't been an africat for two years now. She gets talked about in /lig/. The africat general died when activity slowed down and shitposters made it less fun to maintain. I think /euro/ said they accept South Africans as honorary euros.

>> No.68409674

kinda based
