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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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67769827 No.67769827 [Reply] [Original]

Chat is this real?

>> No.67771212

what's that one Takahashi clip where he says something along the lines of "the one industry where males dont have an advantage and you bitch about it."
either play the fujo bait game or stop complaining and become a regular streamer/content creator

>> No.67771477
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It is a poor shepherd who blames his flock. Dude lacks self-awareness to realize that he sucks, and chooses to blame the fans, instead. Many such cases.

>> No.67771556

>where are all the male vtubers?
asked no one

>> No.67771571

Dudes liking anime = cringe
Cute girls liking anime = based
sinple as

>> No.67771907

I dunno, I'd suck Axel's dick and will fight anyone that would try to stop me
maybe just me idk

>> No.67771940

Honestly, if you're a male being a flesh streamer is a much better deal. If you manage to get popular, you'll have a majority male audience and won't have to pander to any particular group.

>> No.67772014

Yeah, I don't think there's much of an advantage to vtubing for men. You can be the ugliest motherfucker alive and people will tune in if you're entertaining.

>> No.67772108

>literal nobody
Can we get some red text on this spic posting his own tweet?

>> No.67772279

Hot take: male vtubers struggle because most of them look like variations of the same twink anime character that is basically fujobait.
Also, it's much easier for an adult male playing as an anime character to be perceived as a groomer.

>> No.67772325
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>we want the lesbian audience
I'm ok with this

>> No.67772536

MiComet and PekoMari are forced

>> No.67772546

I remember some random 2view male vtuber talking about how gay men would come into his chat and start flirting, despite the streamer not doing anything to invite that kind of energy. Maybe fags should stop being literal sex pests and see how that works out for them, instead.

>> No.67772590

They struggle because they dont understand that most vtuber watchers are heterosexual men that want the company of a cute anime girl, its really that simple.
Most women will do the same thing with a fleshtuber like Jerma or a Kpop boy but it takes a special kind of person to watch a male vtuber for hours on end just for their company. Its kind of the equivalent feeling of hanging out with a hobo at the soup kitchen every single day.

>> No.67772598

While it's a slight exaggeration there are many coomers in the anime and vtuber markets. The Japanese industry has less of an issue with blatant sexualization and Hololive never missed a chance to shill coomerbait merch.

>> No.67772622

>Maybe fags should stop being literal sex pests

It's fucking coded into their DNA.

>> No.67772684

I'm not. Dykes tend to be among the most puritanical demographics out there.

>> No.67772696

25% of filian's audience on twitch is female
wouldn't surprise me if they want to fuck the zoomer cat

>> No.67772699

Me gusta

>> No.67772721
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>go into an industry you know is massively dominated by females
>proceed to cry about how people only care about females
Sorry, but there's a reason why 90% of anime art is generic pin-up shots of cute anime girls and not of anime guys.

>> No.67772738

Yes, and I think that if they were more creative with their model and design more people would watch them.

>> No.67772758

He's right and I fucking hate how male vtuber fandoms are filled with so many dykes. There's more female vtubers out there than males so why the FUCK do they gravitate toward male vtubers so goddamn much?

>> No.67772869

She passes as butch lite, makes sense

>> No.67773003

even then I dont know about that. They need to have more interesting stream ideas as well. You can have the coolest most unique male model in the world but if your content is dog shit no one cares. Basically at the end of the day you're just a streamer with an anime png, if I can watch Vinesauce and be more entertained by his corruption streams then im going to watch that. Honestly I think male vtubers would succeed more if they do the traditional Kizuna Ai route of just uploading skits onto YouTube and maybe streaming every once in a while.

>> No.67773075
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Guys don't even have to be attractive to be hella successful fleshtubers, you can be a utter fatty like caseoh with the face of a pug and you would be putting gura to shame in numbers

>> No.67773117

most girls can tell when another girl is putting on a show for male attention, like how most male vtubers faking being gay for views squick people out most yuribaiting vtubers squick actual lesbians and not the "lesbians" that pretend to be gay on twitter until a guy asks them out.

>> No.67773147

This is one of the gayest threads ever made. Male vtubers fail because they wouldn’t make it as regular streamers. Female vtubers would make it either way

>> No.67773224
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damn that's main channel Asmongold numbers

>> No.67773238

I don't see male vtubers ever being successful so long as they continue trying to leech off the established community of female vtuber fans. When Holostars fans are constantly whining about not being included in Hololive content it just gets fucking annoying.

The number one rule of business is identifying your target demographic and appealing to their needs. If there's no demand for male vtubers in the demographic you're looking to attract (male fans) then you have to either pivot to a demographic that does want you (fujos) or abandon the idea. You can't just force a product to be successful if there's no demand for it.

>> No.67773277

Chat I believe homostars are a front to launder yakuza money

>> No.67773312

its very easy to make it as a female streamer as long as your look decent and your personality is entertaining. everyone loves to look at a pretty/cute woman, especially one that's approachable.

>> No.67773353

A lot of female fleshtubers struggle not being flavor of the month tho,

>> No.67773375

The only person ITT with some actual goddamn braincells.
>male vtubing is a dead end, you could easily become a successful fleshtuber even if you're ugly it's so easy!
>what? nooo just ignore all those 0view fleshtuber males on Twitch
>ignore that there's just as many NGMIs there too, it doesn't count! male vtubing is worse!
>my only evidence is guys that have been streaming for 10+ years like Vinny!

>> No.67773401

There's no real reason to be a male vtuber. There are several successful male streamers who are physically revolting and unkempt. Look at Asmongold, that dude's huge and most of the time looks like he never showers or cares for himself in any way.

>> No.67773408

To be honest no. It's very difficult to make it as a female fleshtuber because people assume you're only there to shill your onlyfans. Your community will be filled with coomers and simps trying to slide into your DM's and those people scare off anyone who might actually engage with your content. This is why women opt for vtubing nowadays to avoid being seen as a money-hungry e-girl.

>> No.67773469

>if only they captured gay mens attention
Male vtubers pander to literal faggots all the time, though. Which just makes male vtubers all the more repulsive and unpopular.

>> No.67773521

I'm an old man and I can confirm that I only know of other old people and little kids watching hololive

>> No.67773551

One of the problems is 95% of male vtuber models are fucking twinks. Beta fag looking males. They look like women.

>> No.67773583

Seems weird to me because even if I know the boys are putting on a show I still enjoy it because I know it's just fanservice. I get that's just me though because I don't need vtubers to be actually the way they are on screen. I know it's a fantasy.

>> No.67773603

Not all female vtubers would make it as flesh streamers. Why do you think they chose to be a vtuber? They're ugly or average looking, that's why.

>> No.67773692

Male vtuber = faggot and female panderer. Just be a regular flesh streamer

>> No.67773722

This is why I want Vedal987 to win streamer awards (if he ever streams again)

He's Male,
doesn't use a homo avatar (literal turtle),
not a sex pest (doesn't respond to sussy phrases from his daughter AI),
doesn't flirt with women om collabs (acts aloof, turns down advances, doesn't attempt to rizz)

at most he teases femboy but that is to throw off thirsty vtuber thots.

>> No.67773730

tldr. There is something wrong with men that choose to be vtubers. They shouldn't even exist.

>> No.67773745

Obviously yes, you do need to be an actually good content creator, but I also think that there is a lot of creative potential in vtubing that just isn't being used that much.
With females, that's understandable, the "meta" is well understood and trying to be too different is honestly not worth the risk.
But male vtubers had always struggled to find their audience, outside of lonely fujo women to push them to coombait to astronomical levels.
Unfortunately, if they have the skillset necessary to do something interesting then it's generally better for them to just become fleshstreamers and not needlessly filter anyone who might hate anime or find vtubers in general cringe.

>> No.67773782

The root of the issue is that vtubing at its core is about cute girls doing cute things. That's why male vtubers will always be unpopular and never fit in. Even without the twink models they'd still be playing second fiddle to the girls.

>> No.67773785

Especially in the EN sphere, most popular male vtubers either have models that look retarded as hell or aren't human at all. Magni and Vesper looked like absolute shit. Randon is an orc. Vedal's a fucking turtle. Making girls cum isn't a viable business model outside of east Asia, the only way you can hope to get an audience with that is by accidentally scooping up a bunch of Chinese girls.

>> No.67773803

>anime has a huge audience of straight males
>there is a big demand for cute anime girls giving males attention
This is some massive cope. There are a lot of successful male streamers and youtubers on the internet, it's fucking retarded to consider vtubing as "just like streaming". Beggars and male chuubas need to realize that this is a different section of the hobby. Realize that your options are:
>go flesh/no-face streaming since it's already a proven market
>settle with the fact that this niche within a niche hobby will make you an eternal 2view
>pander to the fujos/gays
>step up like a MAN and create your own niche if you think you're good enough for it
Stop bitching about the downside of the field you chose. No one forced you to wear the anime avatar, but since you did, fucking deal with it.

>> No.67773842

vedal simps are the weirdest people on this site

>> No.67773879

Women succeed because they're women. Men have to succeed of their own merit, just like regular streamers. Most successful male streamers start out as being some sort of expert in their niche, whether that be fighting games, speedrunning, or mmos and then they branch out to other content. Most successful female streamers start out sucking ass at every game. The one low effort vtubing subgenre that is still male dominated is dramatubing.

>> No.67773971

It's even worst with vtubers because a lot of them are successful because of someone else's work. At least in real life some women need to put effort into their appearances.

>> No.67773979

well? your runner up male vtubers are either homos or sex pests and a 1 view.

>> No.67773981

>most popular male vtubers either have models that look retarded as hell or aren't human at all.
That is exactly my point, they become successful because they are actually entertaining, having a coomer model is honestly a debuff, but most male vtubers (especially corpos, indies are actually more varied) don't seem to understand that.

>> No.67774051
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Men get famous on Twitch for being professionals at one game, being funny, or both
Women get famous through parasociality and being eye-candy

>> No.67774084

this anon gets it. as a male vtuber fan I do understand that its a niche. its like expecting some pop like music to become popular in goth community, it will just never happen because it goes against the purpose the hobby was created for in the first place but I will admit that I enjoy a niche of a niche
most NIJI JP males that get lots of viewers seem to follow this map that you're talking about where they excel at something and grow their audience from there or they create shit like skits etc. (I could see Magni could have become popular if instead of fujobaiting like he did towards the end of his career in stars he could've created more shit like judge magni or werewolf collabs etc. but I guess it was easier in the end getting money from fujos by baiting with the clown.)

>> No.67774148

Comments like this fucking piss me off. You think you're saying something profound and different by saying JUST BE LE ENTERTAINING LE BRO XD JUST WORK LE HARD fuck you
Do you know how much hard work and resources I've put into this godawful grind? Thousands of dollars on a model, hundreds on emotes, overlays, art. Countless amounts of hours stealth shilling myself on websites and pretending to be friends with other vtubers on twitter. Then I see some female do a fraction of the effort I put in and get 10 times the viewers. Fuck you and die slowly.

>> No.67774185

Problem is probably because male vtubers aim for the anime-adjacent crowd. There’s also the whole Twitter clout crowd. The way they portray their “characters” and present their content does a lot of the audience filtering. Pretty sure Dr. Disrespect has his own issues, but he was one of the big “character” streamers. Compare his presentation and time spent on the grind to get there vs male vtubers and it becomes obvious why the majority of male vtubers are where they are in terms of audience composition.

>> No.67774226

That's because you've got the charisma of a piece of dry bread

>> No.67774238

>Do you know how much hard work and resources I've put into this godawful grind? Thousands of dollars on a model, hundreds on emotes, overlays, art.
>Then I see some female do a fraction of the effort I put in and get 10 times the viewers.
Wow it sounds like you're really bad at vtubing. Maybe you should stop doing it.

>> No.67774272

Only reason you ever wanna be a vtuber as a male is because you're a hard-core ot/a/ku that live and breathes Japanese culture. Anything else besides that, you're better off being a Twitch flesh streamer.

>> No.67774296

A woman simply is. A man must become.

>> No.67774341

Sounds like you're at the point where it's time to realize you're nowhere near as entertaining as you apparently thought you were.

>> No.67774345

It's not enough to be hardworking or entertaining. You also need innate talent. That's just how it fucking works as a man, don't expect people to watch you unless you're top 10 in the world at a game. Men need to work for success, women achieve it by just existing. This has been true since prehistoric times.

>> No.67774371

Sunk Cost fallacy. You've already lost all that, you can either stop now and save your time/future investments or insist on sinking with the boat, since it's not going anywhere. Pick.

>> No.67774408

you're probably just not entertaining + model debuff. Just be a regular streamer

>> No.67774413

here I'll simple it down for you. you're a male stripper complaining that you dont get as much work as a female stripper.

>> No.67774620

Don't know why these comments would make you angry, they're just speaking the truth. The audience for male vtubers is tiny compared to the one for females. If you're a female, then your model sucks or you sound like a man.

>> No.67774628

It doesn't matter how much sweat and tears you put into producing, marketing and selling a product, if people aren't interested.
Ask yourself this: why would I (or anyone else) want to watch you, specifically, and not one of the many, many other male streamers (including fleshstreamers) on the platform?
If you use the format of vtubing to your advantage, then you at least remove the fleshstreamers from the competition.

>> No.67774841
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>me gusta

>> No.67774897

funny how homos and homobeggars display the most incel tendencies

>> No.67774965

Already lost to Zeta

>> No.67775002

The “morally lucky” incel.

>> No.67775048

Who are these american niggers going around and using retarded "Norse" sounding names on twitter? Its the worst kind of cultural appropriation
t. Nordic

>> No.67775142

Apply to TEMPUS HoloStars they already have gen 4 ready to launch on the HoloFest and are searching to 5 wave

>> No.67775245

What were you thinking when you spend all that money? That you will be next Vox?

>> No.67775268

Neopagan or RP account

>> No.67775324

You intentionally knee capped yourself by choosing to be a male vtuber, just delete the model and stream without a camera

>> No.67775368

Cute dudes liking anime = based
just have to find the cute dudes.

>> No.67775512

He's right, the only male vtubers I watch either use girl avatar or is a cup of coffee. Well known artists stream with girl avatar and are stuck on 3views, how much of a self-absorbed retard you have to be to think you can do better?

>> No.67775545

no one would stop you from being a worthless faggot, the less chance people like you breed, the better

>> No.67775567

both true and ironic, given how most ENvtubers are

>> No.67775601


>> No.67775640

You failed to realize there's always gonna be a bigger audience for female vtubers because the audience at base level are all men on the internet. If you're this salty about it still, you might need to re-evaluate your entire plan. Stop trying to beat female vtubers, it won't work. Also, consider if you're actually entertaining or not. If you refuse to change then go fuck yourself or quit.

>> No.67775662



>> No.67775711

>Countless amounts of hours stealth shilling myself on websites and pretending to be friends with other vtubers on twitter
you deserve your failure purely for these two things.

>> No.67775845
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Did you all really fall for such an obvious falseflag?

>> No.67776388


>> No.67776769

marry the brown erufu

>> No.67776941

Holy fuck this, I've never seen someone put it better than you anon.

>> No.67776966


>> No.67777042
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>> No.67777317
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People need to remember vtubing is a niche. It's not gonna have a massive audience for every type of taste. It's mainly straight weeb guys who want to see anime girls being cute and funny. I watch a lot of male content creators but never had any interest in male vtubers.

>> No.67777650

This. The vtubing world raves and wows at how much of an impossible to replicate success Gura's career was, and she has 4.4m youtube subscribers. That's a fuckton of subscribers yes, but compare that to the standards of "a guy" youtube channels where the big-dogs have hundreds of millions.

>> No.67777921

plus it'd be entertaining to watch the feminist meltdown and muh glass ceiling in an industry dominated by women... I hope he wins

>> No.67778024

I follow a male fleshtuber that has 6m subs.
One of the main draws of his channel was his kaizo mario series where people watched him in real time go from a complete Mario noob to an expert at the game (which is kind of akin to watching a journey unfold in front of you). He never gets into drama, has a reasonable community, he has creative skits, and he's a likeable guy.
For some reason a lot of male vtubers just dont want to lean into that style of content. its like they get into vtubing expecting to get extremely popular doing the same thing every other male fleshtuber does but with more mediocrity added to it which there's absolutely zero draw to that. why should I watch a male vtuber play a retro game in a shitty fashion and not be entertained when I can watch Gura do it and even though she might suck at least she's cute to listen to.

>> No.67778307

I wish Takahashi wasn't a streamer.

>> No.67778458

That's where anti-male vtuber and pro-male vtubers agree anon. Only idiots think male chuubas can get popular doing the same thing females and big streamers do. Smart people know they need a niche to lean onto. But I think they can succeed when excelling at a niche while fags here think they're doomed just for being male.

>> No.67778796


>> No.67778847

VTubing is just women draining fucking incels. Quite based, honestly.

>> No.67778907

Based brat

>> No.67778955

So true sis

>> No.67778957

>Only boomers watch vtubers
Boomers are in the 60s and 70s now. The average age of the talents would be much older if this were the case.

Why is this twitter thread here? This guy is an idiot.

>> No.67778972

I'm gay and I still just want to watch the cute girls. Gay pandering homos sicken me, if I watch a boy its going to be something like Kanae or Maimoto or Nowa.

>> No.67779097

I honestly just find no interest in fujo pandering or weird ships. Of course my luck the only male vtuber I had an interest in watching was Vesper and well you know how things turned out. And no I'm not interested in the other stars guys in case sisters are gonna shill to me.

>> No.67779127
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>Only idiots think male chuubas can get popular doing the same thing females and big streamers do
anon omega with his tempiss really thought that they would be successful like the girls... they were really thinking of 1m subs

>> No.67779234

Actual hot take: male fleshtuber succeed because they focus on 1-2 games and are able to create content out of them. A vtuber can't do that, they play a bunch of different games each week, and are supposed to be entertaining on their own instead of relying on the content (which obviously still matter, less so than fleshstreamers).

>> No.67779270

Twitch it's like 90% men watching men. But those same men won't watch male vtubers and if they do it's because they are faggots. The audience for male vtubers is completely dependent on women and faggots. Both of these don't make even 10% of the overall game streaming audience, so the pool is really fucking small.

>> No.67779348

Also, let me be clear: we are talking about a hobby that is at least 80% male. Even fleshstreamers are predominantly watched by men.

It is not a question of women not caring about vtubers, normal women don't care about streamers at all on average. It's a question of attracting men.

>> No.67779351

>Countless amounts of hours stealth shilling myself on websites and pretending to be friends with other vtubers on twitter.

They can smell the desperation and fakeness, you'll never be as big as female vtubers, if you you're not in it to have fun then just fucking kill yourself.

>> No.67779366

Vtubers can do that, there's nothing that says they have to be variety streamers, being virtual doesn't impose any restrictions on your content. Its just that man chuubas tend to be boring trendchasers that don't have original ideas.

>> No.67779405

>they were really thinking of 1m subs
And then reality hit them like a truck. The first step for any male vtuber should be acknowledging that you're a niche within a niche. Aiming to be as big as females will only lead to ruin.
>A vtuber can't do that, they play a bunch of different games each week
Says who? Is that a law? Males who adopt this mindset immediately fail.

>> No.67779433

Male vtubers have to use whacky avatars. Cute shit never translates because the voice never matches.

>> No.67779439

That doesn't line up with all their statements shortly after debut that they expected 10x less viewers than they had.

>> No.67779634

The problem is Yumes and faggots are two niches with zero overlay.
Yumes don't want faggotry or content that could appeal to faggots, some of them don't mind shipping with males, but 9/10 yumes want full on BFE content to be yume/woman exclusive. This is why so many JP BFE indies will label their stuff with "for women"
Meanwhile faggots don't even want to entertain any sort of appeal to women, unlike yumes or even unicornfags who see potential shipping, faggots see any sort of content for women as getting cucked. Which is funny because faggots, especially closeted ones who are quiet about it like the same sort of material that fujos do, however they HATE being reminded or it even being implied their oshi is straight.
That pretty much only leaves fujos as your audience, but fujos are painfully unstable as a market which means unlike people who will go for BFE you can't keep them hooked just based on the content alone, you HAVE to win them over with your core personality.

>> No.67779801
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I don't know if there is a law, but it still happens.
The only way to make a male vtuber succeed is to find someone who is very good at a specific game and just letting him play 16 hours per day at it.

>> No.67779848

Male is nowadays a dead gender if you want to achieve anything in general, what the fuck do you people expect?

>> No.67779868

so true sister

>> No.67779891

All the big streamers are male though

>> No.67779901

>man chuubas tend to be boring trendchasers that don't have original ideas
As I said. You posted patient zero, anon.

>> No.67779922

Spoken like a true emasculated pussy.

>> No.67780011

>cute girls
pick one and only one

>> No.67780080

Hey, I'm a gay guy that likes anime dudes. The problem is that most male virtuals are boring. Like most men (usually straight), they think that possessions can compensate for flawed personalities. Your avatar doesn't change the fact that you're boring.

>> No.67780144
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Everything you see on X (formerly Twitter) is absolutely true and should always be taken as fact

>> No.67780176

ok, I grant you this one
It's mostly true though

>> No.67780214

The truth is: 95% of the Vtuber Audience just see Vtubers as “Someone I want to fuck” and nothing more, it’s unthinkable to them to see Vtubers as a content creator they would watch to enjoy the content and to be entertained. If you are a male and want to be a Vtuber you have to accept that you will fight for the 5% left.

I was thinking in starting Vtubing and just accepted that: I would never be popular like females Vtuber, would never hit 4 digits views and in the best case would hit the 3 digits, take it was a hobby and hopefully have a stable income someday. Of course there is the ones that is super popular, but that is the 0,001% of male Vtubers and it’s easier to you win the lotto than achieving what they did.

There’s no meaning in cry that this is unfair or something because it’ll change nothing and people will just be angry and laugh at you. Just accept this like I did and everything will be easier for you or go for flesh streaming that you’ll have higher chances of being popular

>> No.67780248

I still remember that one male vtuber on reddit saying most of his audience is gay and they make him uncomfortable as fuck

>> No.67780268

Skill issue, if you are not having fun with the grind maybe vtubing is not your thing after all

>> No.67780272

It honestly depends on each person's perspective on what "success" is.
Male Vtubers who know they are in a niche inside a niche will probably be content with what they get as long as they have a good community and get paid enough to pay the bills. From what I've seen, most Stars fall into this category, some more than others.
On the other hand, you get other male Vtubers who see "success" as nothing less than what big female corpo chuubas get, and thus throw tantrums when they understandably don't achieve it.
It's the same shit with numberfags who say that getting 2-3k CCV means a vtuber is worthless and should graduate because they're not getting 30k, completely ignoring just how many people and how much potential revenue 2-3k is.

>> No.67780310

Not a vtuber but I can completely understand why he'd feel uncomfortable because I always have gay guys hitting on me irl.

>> No.67780333

what a stupid faggot lmao. . stop with chink ass anime gay model and do more unique takes like drop the fucking gay shit and make your model funny or stupid. look at the annoying orange for example

>> No.67780468

If that were true, we’d see an extremely high viewership churn rate. It’d be a race of voice+model+animation. This mindset if why a good number of female vtubers actually fail.

>> No.67780602

hard work =/= [generation of] value

Marx and the left brainwashing academia really did poisoned the minds of today's youth.

>> No.67780760

I used to think it was jealous women making shitty anti threads/posts about female vtubers and now I have to consider it was actually jealous effeminate males.

>> No.67780900

I'm not sure if you're being ironic but it's literally the left who espouses the theory that capitalism as ran and taught by boomers (i.e. pull yourself up by the bootstraps, walk into a store and give them your resume, etc.) are all tenets of the right. The vast majority of those in the shitstorm that was /r/antiwork were leftists who were disenchanted by the lies fed to them in their youth that going to college and working hard would net them success.

Probably going to get shit on for this opinion but it's true. Most leftists aren't going to college anymore unless their parents forced them. Taking on all that debt isn't exactly a Marxist ideal.

>> No.67781444

I like some ideas of an idol. As in self-improvement. I think it could be fun to blog about trying to get better at different things. And then being able to look back in time and see how I was. Like a public journal.

>> No.67781616

People act like the blueprints for male-aimed male vtubers doesn't already exist. Early Tempus definitely had a majority male audience and stuff like Judge Magni was getting 10k ccv. And there's more than a few medium to big male vtubers on Twitch with a majority male audience like Heavenlyfather, Lordaethelstan, Lyle Rath aka Porcelainmaid, etc. Like no, there's no EN Kuzuha yet of a consistent 5view male with a majority male audience, but it'll likely happen eventually assuming the whole market doesn't just die.
One niche that I think isn't being explored AT ALL is comedy music. Something like Lonely Island, Tom Cardy, or even Weird Al with parodies. Lordaethelstan is the closest, but the quality isn't really there yet. I feel like that kind of content would do great with men.

>> No.67782983

fuck it, I will eat the vacation.
the concept of labour power comes from Marx and it eventually derives into the surplus value theory. any non-lobotomized rightist knows that "labour" by itself generates no value - heck, efficiency (one of the most valued characteristics in capitalism) seeks to dimish labour for the same returns.

you can spend all day piling a literal mountain of bull shit but only the left will tell you that your useless efforts must be rightfully compensated according to the amount of labor you did.

at the end of the day, value is subjective and while I can understand where Marx came from, I think he would ultimately change his mindset if he (somehow lol) lived to see the 1960s and beyond.

>> No.67783387

This, how is everyone so fucking retarded about this. The Hololive girls attract straight male fans. Straight males do not want to watch gaybaiting/bfe/sissyboy/fem-coomer oriented anime twink guys. Fucking simple as that. It is literally a debuff for us, why the fuck would we do that when there are thousands of cute girls to watch instead. We do not have infinite time and infinite desire to use what we do have just to try to pass good vibes around and watch them as a favor to people trying to fucking guilt trip us into "but think of the poor holostars :(".

Your content and personality would have to be truly high quality tier to make up for the debuff of being an anime prettyboy acting lame all the time. This is what the brotuber thing is about, the idea it is trying to communicate and why people mythologize "well in theory I would watch someone if they were mostly just a cool dude like that." As it turns out basically nobody in starsEN makes that cut. Vesper kinda did for likehis first month or two but problems started when he started to seem to chase after girl collabs and then became decidedly un-bro-like to try to do it out of spite from people complaining (he somehow had a male woman moment) and then on his awkward menhera arc avoiding the others. We are not impressed if those were the best examples we have so far of a mythical brotuber and basically conclude it simply cannot exist in the holostars-hololive interface and just stick with fleshtubers for your bros.

>> No.67783408

>comedy music
that would be good, but anyone talented enough to do regular streams of that would be much better served not in a niche market like vtubing

>> No.67783550
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Asmond was right
People pay for products they want.
People pay for Ethots
People don't pay for gaming videos
People pay for GFE/BFE
People pay for Sex

If you don't create a product that fans / people want. Then its not worth to invest in.

>> No.67784063

Shoto is pretty popular and I don't think he's a boomer.

>> No.67784208

he did the fujo baiting route perfectly and also networked with luxiem and was paired with their big dog Vox for a time

>> No.67784245

You sold me, name of the guy?

>> No.67784497

Fuck male chuubas.
Just stream as a PNG or a camless/picless streamer. You'll do better.

>> No.67784540

that homos and roasites can just go catch a ton of cocks? yeah the average fag has like triple digit sexual partners and roasties can go get fucked whenever they want

>> No.67784575

Because you're a cuck

>> No.67784624

You're a fucking idiot for not listening when we told you everyone hates male chuubas.
Who the fuck is your audience meant to be?
The 1% of straight women? The 2% of gay men?
Males that would rather watch female chuubas?
Like come on man.
Truth is that life sucks dick for men that aren't born 10/10 attractive gigachads.
It's not fair, we all live this reality everyday.

>> No.67784735

Get a real job.

>> No.67784737

>screenshot of a literal whos twit
>almost 150 replies
amazing, honestly.

>> No.67784765

dashiegames, specifically his Mario maker 1 and 2 series. found him through a Mario maker clip going around, he's a bit loud at times but after a while you get so sucked into his gameplay that it doesn't even matter. its satisfying when he finally gets through a level after a bunch of trial and error. dude doesn't have much social media presence it seems but he's consistent on uploads and plays games his community wants him to try.

>> No.67784836

I like Ayame's smugness.

>> No.67785015

>separating "male boomers" and "lesbians" into 2 distinct demographics
Yeah we know it's not actual females who watched girls streamers flirt with each other on stream.

>> No.67785565

No, the success of BFE male vtubers is a testament to the power of female unicorns. The thing is that, much like with GFE vtubers, you have to be either insane or sociopathic to treat people like that consistently without having some sort of hypocritical break.

Also, you should say nice things about China and SEA because your audience is there.

>> No.67786416

Have you sent food to your indie /v/tuber today /vt/?

>> No.67786948

Thankfully it's not getting passed any further down the line

>> No.67787110

No. Why would I? Vtubers are fake. They don't need food, or money, or a life.

>> No.67787605

When we actually have some male vtubers we'll be able to tell. No one wants to watch an effeminate "man" use that disgusting vocal fry or gaspy wheeze voice play cute video games and talk gossip. We want lifting, nature exploration and getting genuinely angry at bullshit dungeon crawlers while refusing to give up because then the game wins. Why do male vtubers INSIST on being exactly like the female vtubers, regular male streamers don't mimic female streamers.

>> No.67787610

It is, sadly
Homosexuals reproduce through molestation

>> No.67787704

You could probably find someone like that if you stopped looking at homostars or nijis and looked at indies.

>> No.67787772
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>but PekoMiko is real
is that what you wanted to say anon?

>> No.67787782

Retard, they understand that just fine, it's the premise of the OP. But most of them don't want to be cute anime girls and the ones that do "will never" etc. so just understanding it is useless.

>> No.67787903

>Thousands of dollars on a model, hundreds on emotes, overlays, art.
It's not a pay 2 win game retard, that's not real effort.

>> No.67787915

i'll start watching male vtubers when the scene isn't comprised primarily of failed discord mod groomers and sexpests

>> No.67787959

In the corpo world, they seem hellbent on hiring asian twinks so that's what you get. Both Cover and even niji hire girly men on purpose. There is no way that the kind of dude you describe didn't audition for any of those. They did, and were more than likely rejected immediately. Before starsEN became I think I remember people hoping that, if they were ever going to exist, that they would at least be a group of loveable nerds that you could cheer for as underdogs. That didn't happen, not even close. The problem extends beyond the pool of candidates and it will stay that way forever.

>> No.67788050

male vtubers = losers, no one wants to watch a loser, every time one of us becomes a vtuber it's super obvious, they're a sperg, they aren't naturally entertaining, they obviously grew up with a face for radio and a voice for silent films
every single male vtuber feels worse than an IRL male streamer

>> No.67788056

Say that to the Corporate Vtubers anon. Surely they say otherwise.

>> No.67788250
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So you see yourself in them. Very interesting...

>> No.67788282

>long term goal
>states several times that it's a pipe dream/not feasibly attainable, but has it as a "reach for the stars" sort of thing
>retards think that he CLEARLY meant he thought he'd get it in a heartbeat/ever

>> No.67788293

>male fleshtuber succeed because they focus on 1-2 games and are able to create content out of them
There are tons of male fleshtubers that stream a large variety of games and have been successful for a long time. People like CohhCarnage or Vinny Vinesauce.

>> No.67788360

I mean he's right but doesn't have to be such a bitch about it.

>> No.67788406

You only get to become a successful variety streamer after years of rising success. You won't attain it doing it right from the start.

>> No.67788464

That is true, I didn't realize we're talking about instant success. The people I mentioned only became big after they put in a lot of work.

>> No.67788597

>Vinny Vinesauce
he got his breakout doing corruption streams which was a niche at the time, before that he was just your regular run of the mill fleshtuber

>> No.67788793

>they obviously grew up with a face for radio and a voice for silent films
wtf, you can't just attack me like that

>> No.67789093
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This, I keep applying hoping they'll do a generation I can hang out with, and I'm not Asian or girly. I expected to do like, game grumps shit.
Come on Cover. You have your gaysians you don't need more.

>> No.67789221

>muh male privilege

>> No.67789308
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>pick one and only one

>> No.67789323

KNOW (now)

>> No.67789405

Yes, but that's just how streamers get big, isn't it? They find their niche and do content in that niche.

>> No.67789459

true, I didn't even think to account for how the corporate world in general curates a crowd of agreeable "men" and women. def multifaceted

>> No.67789608

This niche is just not for male vtubers. Who is the biggest male vtuber indie right now? Shoto? And his numbers have been dropping he can barely hold 2k viewers. He had to pander to chinese too and he just lost that audience.

>> No.67789862

It's not even true that male vtubers can't succeed. Dudes like Touya and Kuzuha are some of the biggest vtubers in Japan and their content is basically the same as the top guys on Twitch. People are just making excuses for most of the western vtuber guys being shitters who thought an anime PNG was a shortcut to success (because for about 3 months in 2020 it was).
Similarly, GFEtubers are far from the most successful. People like Pekora and Suisei do no pandering, they're just good entertainers. Even Marine turns that stuff into a joke and is primarily popular because she's a great talker. If the whole audience was just lonely dudes wanting an anime girlfriend that wouldn't be the case.

>> No.67790018

JP is hilariously behind on many things, streaming being one of them
Kuzuha and co. only popped off because nips are consolefags and didnt know what a PC was, much less that you could stream with it
If JP wasnt such an inbred isolationist society it would follow the actual streaming meta found everywhere else in the world

>> No.67790121

No, there's big regular male streamers too. The difference in Japan is that vtubers are seen as equivalent to regular streamers and judged on their content, whereas in the west they are derided as a weird weeb thing and only judged on their content within the subset of the audience who are unashamed to watch a weird weeb thing, which does skew the audience's tastes a bit.

>> No.67790248

you got it backwards. women get to be successful but simply being attractive. men need to be entertaining

>> No.67790609

>it would follow the actual streaming meta found everywhere else in the world
react content, endless infantile drama, sleeping streams? go back to twitch pal, i'll stick to watching idols play vidya and have concerts.

>> No.67790832


>> No.67790922


>> No.67791133

>react content, endless infantile drama
Basically talk shows that your boomer parents watched
>sleeping streams
Only exists because of lack of visibility on twitch if not streaming
Only talking about anime and games will limit your reach, you need a goal bigger than yourself, preferably with a corpo backing you (hololive idol shit) or be a talk show host, most of the time people just want the streamer to be entertaining, doesnt really matter if it's low brow
For every korekore and jun there's just so many more EN equivalents, if jp people streamed more and if niconico didnt shit the bed things would be a lot different

>> No.67792721
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>Things I want Vtubers to do
*Create their own In-verse Story, Lore, Game, Novel in which their V-tuber is actually a part of
*Create a off-shoot series where they go hybrid to do Refurbish/repairs on alot of Electronic/Weird/Facinating items
*Create something that isn't pandering to other fanbases but rather something unique to its own VTUBER.

Why can't any of these fucking ENVtubers/JapVtubers do any of this? Seriously.

>> No.67793445

>not a vtuber
>has to torture himself on camera for views
>cant even hold 300ccv without raids
Is this the best a male has to offer?

>> No.67793499


>> No.67793622

Sleep streams exist because of twitch massive lurker and muted tab audience and people falling asleep leaving the tab open. The streamer gets ad revenue money for the viewers even while not being there and when they come back they have a good starting point and it makes them look bigger then they are.

>> No.67793749
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>female streamers: just look and act cute to get views
>to get a fraction of the views the female gets
It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.

>> No.67793923

you sound like a whiney cunt and just from this post i can tell you're a faggot groomer beggar loser. Kill yourself. People like you are why i hate ALL male vtubers.

>> No.67793922
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Still funny that male streamers don't fucking quit streaming despite saying *Its a Hobby or the famous "I can't get a job anywhere else. This is my final option"

>> No.67793930

Hes hiding his ugly face and hes fat. Part of the appeal of flesh streamers is their facial reactions and they usually are not a chore to look at.

>> No.67794066

If you're not worried about numbers or money, then it's perfectly fine to call it a hobby if you actually enjoy doing it.

>> No.67794193

You don't fall for damage control of this level anon please?

>> No.67794284

its ironic that he'd be doing a lot better as a fleshtuber/basic video creator on YouTube instead of having complex experiments going on with a static anime png on the side. (or maybe the PNG could be a cute little mascot for his stream if he wants to have an anime model there for some reason)

>> No.67794313

>if you're not worries about numbers or money
That's the joke right there. Its a catch-42. Whatever you do for a hobby costs income to procure making it for stream. As such you do it as a pasttime to keep your hands busy. Doing it infront of an audience all while *affiliated* makes you doing it for the $ regardless of intent so its a lying fallacy when you state *It's just a hobby* despite putting your streaming materials up as a *Taxable* deduction since you are doing it as a career or just want a bigger tax return at the end of tax season.

>> No.67794382

He wants to be a vtuber so bad but it doesnt make any sense at all for his streams he just loves to ego search on /vt/ and likes how much clout he has. He posts in almost every /asp/ thread giving advice and showing up everytime hes mentioned. He was a cunny clipper before this so being able interact with them gets him hard.

>> No.67794404

You're on 4chan, I thought you guys of all people would understand the appeal of wanting to be 2D rather than 3D.

>> No.67794441

>1 million subs for a homo

>> No.67794489

let's play-ers are fleshtubers now?

>> No.67794505

Can you read?

>> No.67794539
File: 80 KB, 500x1667, 347826661_619950680182593_9132798091526422507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men cannot succeed at Vtubing
Rather they should stick to *Gameplay only videos* or *fleshtubing*

Also who is the Mr.Beast of Vtubing these days? They need to give out wads of $ to those less fortunate and spread positive things about them on the internet like a circlejerk hugboxing idiot.

>> No.67794598

Anybody who isn't a faggot has no interest in being a vtuber bro. Vtubing is for women or for faggots. And if you have any interest in watching male vtubers then you're either a woman or a faggot bro, so your opinion don't even matter because you are fucking faggot bro.

>> No.67794729

If you're male you have to be good at video games which is easy because you're not physically/mentally impaired like women.

>> No.67794802

Can you faggot? Clearly not. Kill yourself.

>> No.67794947

if its a hobby then you cannot claim business expenses, and even if you tried to there would be basically zero chance that your expenses would actually end up being higher than the standard deduction

>> No.67794953

he streams so technically yes

>> No.67795028

I agree.
Guys with a face and voice for radio can make it.
Girls with a face and voice for radio become vtubers instead. Viewers just don't watch ugly female streamers, you could speculate why but it's beside the point for this thread.

>> No.67795128

>Some dude posts a picture that "proves" that the homos expected 1m subs from debut despite it being set as a long term goal
>I respond that it doesn't because they said in their first week that they expected far less viewership than what they had gotten
>You respond as if I was agreeing that the homos expected 1m when I said the opposite
>I ask if you can read because maybe you lost track of the conversation or you answered to the wrong post
>I get told to kill myself

>> No.67795232

Women just aren't as funny by themselves, you need the male collabs with them to make good content.

>> No.67795254

Kill yourself seething redditard.

>> No.67795333

Eh the bitching is fine though. No one is pushing for legal shit like people did with women's soccer. And it's not the only place where males hold the advantage, look at nursing, most of HR, porn, etc...

Women do have an advantage in this field it's just how it is, There's reasons for that too, like it was mainly started by women, and at least at first it was seen as a way for ugly women to get representation without getting shit on for well, being ugly.

Tldr motherfuckers high as a kite, and desu everything going down on both sides is pretty fair so far.

>> No.67795485

Oh you're just a troll. Thank god, because I was honestly confused. Then again, not getting a response in 6 hours and then getting two within a span of five minutes and the first one being from the last IP in the thread while the other one didn't have an IP should've tipped me off.

>> No.67795726

I dunno, quite a few female streamers have their faces revealed or leaked and while some of them are uggos, some are also decent looking. I don't think appearance factors in much. I think female vtubers fall into one of three categories.
1. Jumping on a trend (irl attractive chuubas that basically act like fleshstreaming whores)
2. Genuinely just want to be an anime girl (chuubas who play into the chuuba persona and culture, attractive or not)
3. Too ugly for facecam (irl ugly chuubas who still act like fleshstreaming whores)

>> No.67797114

what a shame

>> No.67797302

There's like what, 2 white guys in starsEN? holoEN is the same, they mostly hire asian girls

>> No.67797405

only one given the other one graduated

>> No.67797678

Vesper randomness/stories and Magni's comedy clearly were the top thing on all of Holostars, it was their talent, and it gave them whatever numbers they were supposed to get, not the part they had to be a “male v-tuber”.

No modern EN and JP I guess too, male v-tuber can be (without being an BFE, male-slut, pandering to X, Y, Z) “popular”(1k-5k viewers) doing what obviously since day 1 a “cute anime girls you can interact and pretend she is your GF”. Any extra value came later: Karaoke, 3D, gameplay, communication, skillet in whatever else (that, at the end of the day, keeps their large male audience hooked up for years). IDK what numbers, a (corpo) male v-tuber who were to be the perfect mix of every historically top male fleshtuber pull, would he be popular in the first place? Male v-tubers need a lot of talent, that 100% would be wasted being a male v-tuber.

I need a favor, could anyone here who watches Gavis Bettel tell me what is his main niche/talent? I'm not up-to-date on him.

>> No.67797745

His talent is having a good tumblr sexyman model

>> No.67797903

Y..you think im a special kind of person? Anon-kun…

>> No.67797928

You're failing to understand something. Doing regular male streamer/youtuber shit is what got Magni and Vesper canned. Jap corpos are allergic to what we in the west would traditionally consider good content, because there is a chance that you might hurt someone's feelings or step on someone's copyright, and a single strike in that ballpark is game over for you, you either kowtow completely or you fuck off completely. So "game grumps shit" is totally incompatible with hololive and nijisanji.

>> No.67798023

Back when Vesper was still in Tempus he and Bettel were my go to's. I started backing away from Bettel since the fujo fanbase he has is a bit too hype for me and kinda reeked of women that are chronically on twitter I'm too old to deal with that shit for regular streams, but the guy is pretty good at bits for special streams. Also if you care about how pretty a male model is, his model is gorgeous to look at.

>> No.67798038

>Also who is the Mr.Beast of Vtubing these days?
It was Mayuzumi, who was independently wealthy, did vtubing as a hobby, and paid for events for everyone out of his own pocket. I say was because he quit vtubing due to disagreements with Niji's management.

>> No.67798123
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I patiently await the Exodus that will forever banish homos and homobeggars from this hobby.

>> No.67798234

People keep comparing him to Jerma, but honestly he isn't even close from what little I've seen or heard of him. I assume his model has a lot to do with his success, like >>67797745 pointed out. And he streams with his brother a lot too. Don't quite get his appeal but he's the other guy from starsEN aside from vesper/magni to get some decent number of fans.

>> No.67798362

he's Jerma from the POV of fangirls that babygirl-a-fi Jerma. (so not Jerma at all) he's just a standard boy failure archetype.

>> No.67798404

Why somehow everyone forget that this shit is also entertainment industry. Unless you made a pact with the Jews behind the scene to push you up, your uninteresting ass will never going to make it.

>> No.67798768

I agree with you about Jap corpo autism being a death sentence for content, but I don't think Magni and Vesper were canned for their content. Vesper was suspended for yelling at his manager, not anything on stream. They left probably because they didn't think a holostars career would get them anywhere. Now that they're no longer under Cover they can say raunchier things but their streaming content doesn't seem that much different from what it was before. I even heard from other fans that they were more creative in holostars because of the restrictions instead of referencing femboys or bussy all the time.

>> No.67798920

Women can be funny but they are usually some type of mentally ill if they are

>> No.67798978

Crazy how the actual jew corp had big success with sub count but failure in retaining those viewers. Rin Penrose hitting five hundred viewers is a miracle these days.

>> No.67799084

You are here with a vast majority of retards like >>67798123 and others on top of him. Only very few in this bait thread gave normal/real/serious answers without needing to bash the male v-tuber concept. You have a normal statement, this is entertainment since the very second it started, some succeeded in their way, some failed in their way, that's it.

>> No.67799172

I will become a vtubber just to spite you

>> No.67799523

Do you guys really not find the women vtubers you watch entertaining? Everyone here says they only succeed because they are women and it’s not based of talent but the female vtubers I watch I actually find entertaining and good at their craft. I know there are boring bitches that have become popular only due to a hot model and coomer baiting but I’m talking about them.

>> No.67799612

I’m not talking * samefag

>> No.67799705

Takahashi is a dumb bitch huh. But so are male vtubers lmao.

>> No.67799741


>> No.67799812

This is stupid.

That's what hololive is, actual "living anime girls", you can't find pekora and miko among fresh streamers, they are unique.
Males fail at this, they are mostly "normal streamer but pointless anime avatar".

This is also the limit of the streaming media, girls can do the classic comedy/slice of life anime characters, but males really can't.
Males are supposed to do "action characters", a goku/kenshiro/natuto, but you can't be a naruto streamer and... chat? Play games?
Even the males comedy anime characters rely alot on action/visual/background, you can't do a vtuber gintama or even cromartie.

>> No.67799835

>become a regular streamer/content creator

>> No.67799853

most people here wouldn't pass a 2nd glance at them if they were fleshtubers. the pretty anime model makes them more attractive, its that simple. we like cute anime girls

>> No.67800066

Depends on how cute they are in flesh form. If they are cute they would still succeed as fleshtubers, if they aren’t cute then they won’t succeed imo

>> No.67800139

Males are supposed to act like cbdct anime characters. Like the faggots from Free, or Yuri on Ice.
But most men just don't have the gumption to kayfabe that hard.

>> No.67800358

>People act like the blueprints for male-aimed male vtubers doesn't already exist. Early Tempus definitely had a majority male audience and stuff like Judge Magni was getting 10k ccv.
This. Tempus had as good a start as a male gen of vtubers could hope to have (without fujomaxxing to win the chinese lottery) and they pissed it all away. Aside from Vesper, and then Magni, kneecapping them through suspensions and graduations, it seems like management don't know how to make EN holostars popular. They keep making bad hiring decisions (Flayon, Jurard etc) and going for the low viewer ceiling 'pretty boy' avatar designs.

>> No.67800535


>> No.67800550

gay men are like 1% of the population, and the gay incels are 1% of the 1% because they have no problems just having sex instead of lusting over some virtual faggot. why would you market towards this failure demographic

>> No.67800643
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Continue seething. We own this hobby. The battle you fight is uphill and total victory will be ours. I'd say the numbers prove it, but I'd rather kill myself than align with the numberfags.

>> No.67800652

I wouldn't say women vtubers are talentless, some of them are witty and have interesting ideas for content. However both the nature and threshold of acts I find funny are different for guys and girls. If there was some dude making childish poop or feet jokes like Gura or acting bratty like Kobo I would probably just think that guy was annoying rather than cute.

Also, much of streamer content isn't them coming up with humorous ideas or demonstrating how clever or intelligent they are, but delivering a reaction that the audience expects. Look at how much chat interaction is 'this vtuber laughed at my joke' or 'this vtuber appreciates the gift we sent her' or 'this vtuber is emitting a high pitched scream at a horror game that makes me want to protect her' that wouldn't be the same if a guy did it.

>> No.67800916

You make me think of an interesting point. Outside of vtubers, there are no female "crazy off the wall" streamers who make going to crazy energetic highs or going off on deranged tangents part of their content. Compare that to male streamers where there are dozens who scream, rip their shirts off, lean into gags about hunting Puerto Ricans for sport in 2014 with no hesitation. If you want to watch a guy losing his shit these guys are hard to beat even before you turn off the camera.
Maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy both ways
>Girls who aren't gorgeous don't take off
>People think girl streamers just exist to be gorgeous
>Female streamers avoid crazy girl shit
and then the same for guys but vtubers.

>> No.67800949
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lesbians run this shit. Kneel, you are secondaries enjoying pure love between girls

>> No.67801019

I saw that guy, he give a statement he doesn't want gay relationship and they still keep hitting on him.

>> No.67801067


>> No.67801216

As if any of the hologirls aren't repulsed by their fanbase on a conceptual level

>> No.67801504


>> No.67801650

The main audience of menhera male fleshstreamers do tend to be literal children though, don't forget.

>> No.67801904

If a male vtuber wants to be 'successful' he should probably get a model of skibidi toilet or whatever and just scream into the mic on fnaf streams.
He'll lose all integrity, but I bet he'll get numbers.

>> No.67801913

I had encountered Vox by accident when watching one of my favorite fleshtuber and i was a but surprised at how funny his remarks were in the collab. I think male vtubers would have a lot more to gain by hanging out with normal streamers than the existing vtuber box, just make sure that your model doesn't disgust normalfags.

>> No.67801958


>> No.67802253

I don't get this mindset. The success of the Vtubing industry is thanks to thirsty lonely men, and you wouldn't have nearly as many of those if not for the 'patriarchy'.

>> No.67802347

The problem with gimmick vtubers is once the novelty runs out people leave. But yes that would work temporarily.

>> No.67802691

I know a male PNGtuber, literal PNG and he's a solid 3 view.

Have you tried focussing on your content?

>> No.67802872

We already know who you are talking about and he is not a vtuber

>> No.67802956

Annoying orange already did that

>> No.67802975

Given I know at least 2 male PNGtubers who are 3 views, no you have no idea who I'm talking about.

>> No.67803079

One is a vtweeting virtue signaler that uses chat as entertainment and the other spends thousands of dollars every other stream.

>> No.67803187

Okay that actually makes 3 because I forgot about uwu

I have no idea who the virtue signaller is

>> No.67803313

Niji males are successful because China. That’s it, females in 1 country make up 90% of their subs. If China roll out a firewall that counters VPN watch Niji males become low 3 views/high 2 views

>> No.67803474

The one with the frogs

>> No.67803653

No shit, i had bad impression of vox thanks to his chinese fujo fans. But i changed my view on the guy after that LC collab some weeks ago.

>> No.67804270

Dude like half the successful male flesh streamers today got popular off of screaming into a mic and playing games for children. You get popular off the trend and then pivot into becoming a lazy reaction streamer, duh.

>> No.67804349

I don't know who you're talking about then, I was referencing Shindigs and I forget his name, but it's some fag in a jar who sings

>> No.67804449

I was talking about shindigs. He has one of the weirdest accounts where he shares other interesting activities in the streaming world and uses that to boost his own career but he can barely hit one hundred viewers without raids and having his chat actually be the ones entertaining the viewers.

>> No.67804578

He is Dexerto if Dexerto was promoting their own livestream every other post.

>> No.67805227

Corpos at least have the limitations though. They have to patiently wait their turn to use their 3D models to do physical stuff like you say, so it can't be done consistently. Indies can for sure, though it's gonna be on them to fund it all. I remember way back when the starsJP still did their own version of hologra, there was an episode where it was all a bunch of action and it was actually kind of neat to see their models in action scenes for once. But that shit just never happens normally. You do make a good point though.

Kinda pointless to have a badass character design just to... play minecraft. It works way better for the girls, always, because the audience is male and men love anime girls with themes and men are the main viewerbase. It's why lore stuff doesn't matter for the girls either. The new starsEN are all supposed to be bounty hunters or some shit too, I dunno. But of course, they're far from that, and they can't do anything with that theme at all. If it was a group of bounty hunter girls, that would be incredibly successful in comparison to the dudes just by nature of being females. There's no real winning for male vtubers.

>> No.67805434

>men: get the fuck out of streaming you e-thots!!!
>women: fine, we’ll just become vtubers. At least I won’t have to show my face
>vtubers become incredibly successful and lots of women join, becoming a predominantly female-centric hobby
>men: look at all these women in vtubing. I should join and get lucky with one of them. If these e-thots are so successful then I could surely rule over vtubing with my iron cock!
>vtuber fans: go away you man whores! You aren’t welcome. If you weren’t successful as a regular streamer, why do you think you can make it in vtubing? You’re just a fucking creep looking to get laid.
>male vtubers: DISCRIMINATION!!!!!
It’s so tiresome. Go back to regular streaming, boys. You’re clearly out of your element.

>> No.67805920

Male vtubers exist only for trannies [that is homosexuals who can't use grindr]. They can survive on that lifeline because every tranny loves anime but it's still an ultimately limited piece of the total population.

>> No.67805967

I got into vtubing because I was sick of male youtubers and streamers in general. They’re so obnoxious and aggressive. Why the fuck would I watch a vtubing version of that?

>> No.67810903

No, it's fake.

>> No.67811350

How come EN male chuubas seem to all just be raging faggots, while JP male chuubas just play video games and be autistic?

>> No.67811459

the best male vtuber is banned from social media.

>> No.67814370

and I thought I was schizophrenic

>> No.67818207

male vtubers also get harassed by gay euros, i can't find the post

>> No.67819173

>normal streamer but pointless anime avatar
sums up 99% of male vtubers. Tbh I think the well is poisoned because you would just go 'why would I watch a guy with an anime avatar when x, y, z already did this better?' Dr. Disrespect was mentioned here as a flesh streamer playing a character, but if you wanna really go that route you're already beaten decades ago by people like AVGN, Game Grumps, Dunkey, pre-fleshtreamer Cr1tiKal etc.

>> No.67820135

explain boogie and the like then

>> No.67820288

it's feminist "logic" there's nothing to get about this "mind"set.

>> No.67820292

indeed she is quite cute. also she smells nice

>> No.67820934


>> No.67821459

None of this ever happened.
I like how every person you mentioned is complete shit nowadays. So why does it matter that they did it at one point if they're not worth watching now?

>> No.67821934

What a weak larp

>> No.67822394

>It's real in my head

>> No.67826296

You can't find girls period among flesh streamers. Even amongst vtubers, males nearly took over and only fan backlash reined it in.

>> No.67829119

Which homostar faggot is this? No, seriously I don't know a single homostar name.

>> No.67830869

Good fucking lord you are pathetic. Even a McDonald's burger flipper is less bitter than your faggot ass. You know what, maybe you should try becoming one since you suck ass at this field.

>> No.67830945

He's absolutely right, gay pandering is literally only for women to get off to, not for gay men to be attracted to them. Gay men don't need to be pandered to with BFE because like he says, if they were desperate for male attention, they could just whore themselves out on gay dating apps. So the only options men have in that regard, are to pander to women by being their imaginary boyfriend, or pander to women by feigning interest in wanting to fuck other men. You could pander to men, but most men watching vtubers are only watching vtubers because the 2D anime girl allows for some level of cope that perhaps this one pandering otaku girl is actually genuine and not just like the others who are only after your money and attention. It doesn't matter if the dude is entertaining or has a unique gimmick that could only be done by vtubers or commits hard to some character, men will by default not care about it because in reality, the things we claim actually make vtubers stand out from regular streamers/content creators mean nothing and at the end of the day, most of the men watching vtubers are just watching the girl that closest panders to their ideal girlfriend fantasy as sad as that is.

>> No.67831057

both of the "grads" of starsEN are non-white what are you talking about
vesper is black

>> No.67831066

Found the Twitchnigger, go back

>> No.67831234
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why do people enjoy being popular in /vt/? its like being popular in a crack den

>> No.67831479

Nah, the real conspiracy is that pretty much 90% of the EN vtuber talent pool in corpos come from affluent backgrounds. Streaming as a career is a path that only really well off people can really commit to. That just happens to include a lot of rich asian americans/canadians. In JP corpos, you can argue this isn't always the case, but there is plenty of evidence within EN and ID sides of corpos that support this.

>> No.67831671
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>300 posts dorya

>> No.67831686

I actually entertained the idea of applying with a video of my autisming about gardening

>> No.67831824

based, but you are cringe

>> No.67831947

Waiting for the day her parents find out about her art and smack some sense into her

>> No.67832749
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>> No.67832935

starsjp astel has done a lot of lore content over the years. Dropping lore hints during streams. A lot of his past 3D anniversary/birthday streams are also partly for his lore. He has created many characters and even made a murder mystery style game for his lore(it's free and can be found in community posts on his channel). 2 of his 3 original songs so far are based on the backstories of characters in his lore. He really put a lot into it. What astel has done in terms of lore is amazing. Check him out if you're interested. It's mostly his core audience who care about his lore though. Half his casual audience watch him for fps, the other half watch him for his singing/stage performance. Casual audiences don't really get into lore stuff, unfortunately.

>> No.67833146

the model didnt matter, you being vtuber didnt matter either. i do argue that you being vtuber actually is a debuff.
is there any special reason why you need to be vtuber? like, if i would be you, i just slap 30 dollar camera on top and stream my brown ass face chest naked and be absolutely proud of it, hell, i might invite some of my friends to watch the shitshow too, they would cheer me up by means of humiliation and racism to the point of me having a minor midlife crisis and wanted to kms live onstream while i play the stupid horror game, holding my pee for 7hr straight because im a massive pussy. fuck, that would actually be unironically fun, holy shit, i should discuss it with the boys, doing it weekly seems like fun, my pc isnt strong enough and the mic is trash but that can be solved.

>> No.67833977

>is there any special reason why you need to be vtuber?
NTA but for me is unironically intense autism and want to remain anonymous

>> No.67834112

None. Homos get their shit founded with money girls generated

>> No.67834176

Does his wording literally doesn't tell you he is a twitch streamer???

>> No.67834415
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>only coomers watch vtubers
holy cope
I watch this male vtuber but I never once thought of fucking him because I'm not gay
And before I got tired of holonijishit I used to watch Belmond too
Maybe the vtubers in OP's screenshot just aren't entertaining and are trying to blame their poor performance on having a male model

>> No.67834458

But he still keeps Neuro's code for himself, greedy bastard.

>> No.67834584

This bitch needs a good dicking

>> No.67834682

>the jealous antis /vt/ has been calling sisters were men all along

>> No.67834775

A woman they will never be

>> No.67835093

Dude you don't talk "lore", you have to LIVE it.

Astel needs to go sleep 10 years or so, when full body tracking VR will be out with good custom AI fantasy worlds.
Then he will be a actual jrpg protagonist streamer doing actual jrpg things.

>> No.67835537

so, forgo the cheap ass camera and buy 30$ worth of e-materials abt audio setup instead? so inviting your friends to your stream is a no too? btw, i didnt suggest that because my projecting ass wanted someone except myself, preferably close friend, to finally push me over the edge and bears the responsibility of making my suicide a spectacle no no no im suggesting that because streaming to literally 0 view talking to void isnt gonna be healthy for your soul.
