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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.66658562


>> No.66658787

Why would you vacation in a country that sentences women, who are victims of sexual assaults, corporal punishment?

>> No.66658962

They like to live dangerously.

>> No.66659018

Nerissa likes being whipped, as shown in BG3 playthrough

>> No.66659122

Tourists are exempt of course

>> No.66659291

The taboo makes it better

>> No.66659299

What does that have to do with them?

>> No.66659456
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>> No.66659647
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This temptress is seducing my wawawife...

>> No.66659729

And that's a good thing. Let's wait for the sex tape together.

>> No.66660097


>> No.66661539

That outfit is kinda sex

>> No.66661858

Very much so

>> No.66662094

Stop oggling me through my webcam please.

>> No.66662166

No wonder Nerissa kept calling her cute

>> No.66662547

I hate to burst your bubble but Nerissa may be the least gay of Kiara's gal pals. Reine is the only one I think genuinely yearns for cooter

>> No.66662633

She looks great. I wish Rissa posted some pictures too.

>> No.66662763

Doesn't matter if you're gay by an inch or a mile, once the pheromones kick in it's an all they can eat buffet

>> No.66662850

I see nip nop

>> No.66662856

I just like the idea of them being practically naked together out there

>> No.66662941

You don't go to the beach too often, do you.

>> No.66663455

I meant...nvm, it's weird enough talking like this

>> No.66663547

Imagination is fun!

>> No.66663590

That's totally a nip right?

>> No.66663657

That's what I was previously hinting at, people are free to imagine what they want though

>> No.66663777
File: 858 KB, 1680x2100, 1691284822392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful staying on this topic for too long bros

>> No.66663825

Only topic I want to know is if they grabbed each others ass

>> No.66663943


>> No.66664079

You KNOW they were smashin asses together since they both claim to have the biggest ass in hololive

>> No.66664216

I hope they do it tomorrow, the world must know

>> No.66664538

Don't break containment retards

>> No.66664700

Looks like Nerissa is up

>> No.66664737

up my dick

>> No.66664813

Yea their sleep schedule is gonna be fucked for a bit. Awake at 3am.

>> No.66664913

Smoothie would/will wake up Kiara in 2 hours

>> No.66664978

Yeah Nerissa gonna be really jetlagged. Went from US to Austria to Maldives and back to Austria all in what, 9 days?

>> No.66665064

Her sleep cycle was beyond fucked already, maybe that's the hard reset she needed

>> No.66665525

She's gonna be depressed going back to subzero temps. It's just got suuuper cold in the midwest.

>> No.66665623

The news year one?

>> No.66665687

Yeah Nerissa is too sausage hungry

>> No.66665873

That outfit is obscene, walking around outside like that, basically torturing Nerissa to keep her eyes up here

>> No.66665970

Who do you think the outfit was for

>> No.66666013

Post this image you are all talking about. I will give proper judgement

>> No.66666021

Yeah, my sausage

>> No.66666078

I'm pretty sure they're talking about RM shit, anon.

>> No.66666163

yeah, for me.

>> No.66666384

Oh. Is that not allowed here?

>> No.66666431

we're so close to 66666666

>> No.66666482


>> No.66666521

This is the one.

>> No.66666523


>> No.66666618

Soon brudda

>> No.66666724

I tried.

>> No.66666769

The sharty was here

>> No.66666977


>> No.66667025

With all this talk of lustful clothing, Kiara should read
>Proverbs 11:22
>Proverbs 31:30
>1 Timothy 2:9
>Romans 13:14
A womans naked skin is a precious gift to her husband.

>> No.66667057

Oh nyo I thought that faggot died

>> No.66667110

Yea me

>> No.66667632


>> No.66667701
File: 1.10 MB, 255x255, 1703283941597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am here on a mission from above, to deliver Kiara back to Catholicism and into the arms of her husband. The same goes for Nerissa. They know it to be true as well, they have no say in this matter.

>> No.66667804


>> No.66668067

uh, based?

>> No.66668430

Praying for this fags imminent suicide when the sex tape leaks

>> No.66668552


>> No.66668690

>when the sex tape leaks
Too bad I'm cautious not to leak our sex tape

>> No.66669152

I will never leak it

>> No.66669229 [DELETED] 

am I crazy or can you see a nipple in her beach date pic?

>> No.66669314

Why are KFP dox fags?

>> No.66669387
File: 129 KB, 255x374, hololive_nerissa_meme_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im Catholic we dont suicide, thats a huge mortal sin and a one way trip straight to hell. Regardless if they sinned or not, we are all sinners none of us are perfect, we are all a work in progress. I am only recently Catholic, I didnt grow up this way and as a result I have done more and greater sins than anyone here put together. I have since seen the truth and I repent of my prior wicked ways. If I did it, Kiara and Nerissa will too, Im not giving them an option.

>> No.66669564

I guess it did look like that at first glance, but no.

>> No.66669625

If Rissa was any less paranoid doxxbirds would eclipse KFP in a moment desu

>> No.66670013

Maybe at the beginning, nowadays jailbirds are a bit more behaved.

>> No.66670240

I will keep pretending it is. Not sure what it actually is. If it's a shadow nowhere else has a shadow like this

>> No.66670362

You could always ask.

>> No.66670711

Very clearly isn't, but you do you, I guess.

>> No.66670777

run an autobalancer on it. Either she has a suckable mole or smth slipped out

>> No.66670799

Gex knows no gender.

>> No.66670825

All we do is joke about how the other account is an Astarion fan blog

>> No.66671077

They’re literally running for office there next year.

>> No.66671104

Onigiri (twitch cooking collab) used to follow that account, but doesn't anymore. Probably because of all the Astarion spam. kek

>> No.66671123

Still don't think that's what you're talking about.

>> No.66671197

Her insta followers

>> No.66671278

Unpopular opinion but that was my favorite collabs.

>> No.66671281

Because that's literally all it is. You just wish you got sexy selfies instead of endless astarian fangirling

>> No.66671300

Damn, I guess it's that /wawa/ influence leaking in, but you guys have been talking about RM shit nonstop for the past three hours.

>> No.66671380

No I find the fangirling really cute actually

>> No.66671524

Talking about how Nerissa never gets any sleep is nothing new, fuck off.

>> No.66671765
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It'll be ok anon.

>> No.66672213

>crying while having the happy face mask on: "uh, I FIND MY OSHI OBSESSING OVER ANOTHER MAN THAN ME REALLY CUTE ACTUALLY"

>> No.66672322

He's not real...

>> No.66672367

I hope someone finds my fangirling over [REDACTED] cute.

>> No.66672505

her feelings for him are

>> No.66672599

oh, is the "other account" her RM?
For some reason I didn't make that connection

>> No.66672779
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>> No.66673063

The kikkericock is IN

>> No.66673154


>> No.66673367

Judging by some of the other postslike this post right above this one, it's just retards being obscenely horny and delusional.

>> No.66673520

Kiara isn’t flat tho?

>> No.66673649

/wawa/ has always had a problem of being physically unable to stop talking about the RM, hence why people have been talking about a single picture for the last 4 hours in both here and /wawa/.

>> No.66674342


>> No.66674744 [DELETED] 


>> No.66674873

Can you keep this shit in /wawa/?

>> No.66674998

>male kfp employees are forced to be bottomless or wear diapers
>waitresses are forced to wear nothing but an apron.
Kiara is quite an abusive boss

>> No.66675012


>> No.66675232

He’s not real? If I got hurt that someone I liked had a fictional crush on some anime dude/girl I would’ve ended it years ago. Weird projection anon.

>> No.66675331

I hope wawa takes her to that one cafe she takes everyone to

>> No.66676030

At least you're not psychoanalyzing a single twitter like for an entire day like we once did

>> No.66676142

Oh it's been attempted.

>> No.66676159

Nerissa get's off the thought of being captured and branded while having her horn cut off and used as breeding stock.

>> No.66676175

A liked twitter means she pressed the like button.

>> No.66676322

I mean, /wawa/ has done that before, though it's mostly schizos seething about favoritism. It got to a point where retards have attempted to scrape her twitter likes using bots to see who she gave likes out to the most.

>> No.66676606

People should just accept there are always gonna be favorites.

>> No.66677835

Yeah, me.

>> No.66677921

I mean like Calli it's hardly a secret and unlike many other roommates also basically still active with content

>> No.66679025

Sure but that doesn't change the fact that it's nearly impossible to get the retards to stop talking about it. In this case being delusional and arguing about something that isn't there. Anyways move on, and lets start a new conversation. What day is Nerissa leaving? Because I know that she said she to expect sporadic streaming until the 22nd, which makes me think she's going to head back to America on like the 20th or something, and since that's probably going to be after Kiara starts her break, it makes me wonder if she's going to hang out with Kiara offstream in Austria for a few more days.

>> No.66679189

I assume Tuesday / Wednesday

>> No.66679340

Didn't she say she was gonna be back on the 17th at some point? It could obviously be a lie, but since there's gonna be an Advent relay karaoke, I'm fairly posite she'd prefer being home for that.

>> No.66679377

She said many times she would be gone until the 17th. She said no schedule until the 22nd because her schedules start on Mondays and she's not going to do a 4 day schedule. It's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.66679398

>What day is Nerissa leaving?
Unless she actually is returning after the stream tomorrow and isn't going to be streaming until the 22nd, then I think it's pretty likely that she's staying for a few more days after tomorrow's stream. Maybe until like the 17th or 19th, to give her some breathing room after she returns since a flight from Austria to America is going to be like 9-11 hours long.

>> No.66679401
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>Nerissa is immune to the literal ass of Takanashi Kiara
That's one powerful soup demon.

>> No.66679839

So she is going to be in Austria for a few more days? I hope Kiara shows her around Austria, I don't really know much of what there is to see since I've never been there, but I hope Kiara does show her around.

>> No.66680185

a daytrip to Salzburg, filming location of Sound of Music movie is feasible. Kiara did that with Nabi last time I believe.

>> No.66681617


>> No.66682491

She has a karaoke relay on Friday. So I think she's leaving on Tuesday at the latest.

>> No.66682639
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I like to think I'm not horny for the wawa, just a little in love.
Are jailbirds horny?

>> No.66683053

makes sense

>> No.66684621

Might end up sleeping for one whole day to unfuck her sleep shedule and the different time zones she was in

>> No.66686729

What are they even streaming tomorrow?

>> No.66686787


>> No.66686818

Sharing their diaries they wrote every night about the trip/each other

>> No.66686884

I have an unfortunate feeling it might be a replacement Smash stream

>> No.66686958

next stream, anything beyond TBC

>> No.66687388
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>> No.66688259
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>> No.66689967

I expect the usual Kiara tour

>> No.66690258
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History of Austria and why it is intertwined with Catholicism and Kiaras plan to rise up and renew the Holy Roman Empire with an army of kfp. She will make the third reich a reality where the previous attempt failed because its leader rejected Catholicism.

>> No.66690262


>> No.66690281
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 20240114_024923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66691506

Trip recap and those journal entries

>> No.66691575

Too much

>> No.66692172
File: 1.37 MB, 1665x2243, 20240114_033512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66692918


>> No.66693141

She is just as cute because of the weirdness, so you know the memelord geek deep inside is genuine. But also IYKYK in terms of "visual aids". She definitely isn't exactly shy of Jailbirds knowing about herself.

This island date concluded something I got from the Ina drawing collab, Kiara is a harem protag in mindset definitely. Embarrassed easily but luckily has the affection rating starting at max so setbacks are buffered heavily. Like girl, Nerissa doesn't like to wear underwear(there is a difference between never wearing and not wearing because she doesn't like them and only wears when she has to), but she bought cute ones for YOU.

Putting her on blast like that with Shiori and Ina completely missing that it was all for her was just lul. Or the trying to be impressive with her knowledge of things getting into the "ackshully" tier that you know if someone else did that Nerissa's eyes would be rolling.

Or coincidentally waking her up right when she is actually getting rest, while cute being excited wanted to taste island delicacies with your gal pal/date, pretty much I think ruined any semblance of recovery she might have gotten from a chance of scenery for this trip to heal her disastrously chronic sleep issues a bit. I salute the chicken, she proved that there can be a harem protag that can roll in date red flags and still run them panty drawers instead of getting ghosted. I used to be like your oshi around early Myth days KFP, but she okay, or at least provides a real life rom-com I can giggle at.

Should be fun to see more stuff. I'm looking forward to a brutal food review from Nerissa.

>> No.66693360


>> No.66693465

There is no such thing as not being attracted to someone you have affection for. Dunno about other Jailbirds, but Nerissa is very much attractive to me. Not just horniness, her spirit is adorable.

>> No.66694642
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>> No.66694753

I'm going to eat her Blizzard IYKWIM

>> No.66694876

I hope we get cowkini rissa

>> No.66695086

~She is the Dairy Queen, young and sweet, cringing like a teen.~
~You can cringe, you can hide, hiding your weeb loving waif(u), be that weeb, watch more peen, milking the Dairy Queen~

Hey, I tried. I shouldn't have, but I tried.

>> No.66696481


>> No.66697881


>> No.66698326

Don't fret, they're either out and about, making memories together in Austria, or they're cuddling with the cats and adjusting their sleep schedules that were ruined by the jetlag.

>> No.66698790

I'm a passionate guy, I must put words to page when I feel it.

She literally told us that she was setting up to have Rissa possibly meet her mother, so preparations?

I like how the captcha for this is me literally ORGY2. Oyakodon before going back to the States for Rissa is in the cards I guess.

>> No.66699699


>> No.66699945

I miss my wife
I miss her a lot

>> No.66700086

Man if Pekora keeps grinding Terraria at this rate, she'll be farther than Nerissa and co. before she even gets back home.

>> No.66700630


>> No.66700725

Kiara was the midboss, Marine is keijo endgame. We all know this. Her ass has been trained so that eventually she can claim pirate booty.

>> No.66700824
File: 154 KB, 358x356, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa didn't even repost Kiara's tweet

>> No.66701282

She hates her. There's no other possible explanation.

>> No.66701287


>> No.66701539

you are only allowed to know about the stream if you got the info from Kiara's twitter
jailbirds who don't follow her oshi will be left outside in the cold

>> No.66701583
File: 36 KB, 359x356, where-the-fuck-is-she-how-do-saplings-live-like-this-v0-71lxm93c9zhb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hates us, she doesn't want to interact with us anymore.

>> No.66701626

I love this art so much, it looks like a yuri manga

>> No.66701857

Damn, you act as if Kiara didn't let Nerissa sleep at all. Are you really the type of person that loves to look for things to get passive aggressively mad at?

>> No.66702339


>> No.66702532

brb gonna end myself.

>> No.66703027

cute sad rissa

>> No.66703345

Wasn't passive aggressive at all. I was saying she was getting some good sleep and would have been better if she was able to sleep. Other people said similiar things too at the time, both times. I've done the same to my friends, so I reminisced about the past.

Since they said for us to keep locked on both their channels you'd think most people would've activated notifications.

>> No.66703688

Mamatori was most likely the one watching Kiara's cats so if they met it'd probably be when they arrived back

>> No.66704416

Rissa had oyakodon after the maldives!!!

>> No.66704911

I hope she got to try some of mamatori's cooking

>> No.66705245

Mamatori pulling all the registers and serving her best Tafelspitz for her American daughter-in-law...

>> No.66705822


>> No.66706022

Nerissa is meeting Kiara's mother already...

>> No.66706237

Good art

>> No.66706773
File: 672 KB, 1316x2048, GD0Plb8bQAAwbRb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shioraven my beloved

>> No.66707156

Shiori got a really nice outfit. At the beginning Rissa's was my favorite cause favoritism, but I gotta admit that now I think Shiori>Rissa>Biboo>Fuwawa>Mococo is the correct answer.

>> No.66707250

Yeah same, and she's pretty good with using her model + God tier rigging as well. She's just a pro when it comes to these things, I hope Rissa gets over her anxiety and asks her for tutoring

>> No.66707352

I hope Shiori gets over her anxiety too and ask Rissa for sex

>> No.66707464

You think they're out doing something today in austria together or are they having a nap/chill day?

>> No.66707583

They are doing each other in austria.

>> No.66707585

>A ship with the straightest Advent
Are they the Takamori of advent?

>> No.66707593

if they were home they could stream earlier than 8pm like they did before flying to the Maldives
Kiara will bring a freezing Rissa to palaces and fancy restaurants and stuff

>> No.66707605

out and about. they'd be on Twitter more had they opted to chill

>> No.66707638

maybe 3.0 but not 1.0 in many, many ways

>> No.66707659

No, Shiori would have to be an absolute cunt to Nerissa for that to happen, but she might be straighest than Mori was at that time

>> No.66707666

They're having a threesome with mommy kiwawa

>> No.66707743

How nervous do you think was Nerissa meeting with a chad like Mamatori?

>> No.66707827

whatever nerves cannot withstand Mamatori's infinite talk no jutsu. that is unless Mamatori is more shy with strangers than Kiara has let on.

>> No.66707842


>> No.66707943
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 20230806_110538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.66708419

Nerissa doesn't have anything to be nervous about
Mamatori is really chill and open
Almost too chill. She let Kiara fly to Japan and live there when she was a teenager.

>> No.66708461

Less gay than Mori or kiaras irl friends? I dont think

>> No.66708487

I feel like Kiara's family is one of those kinda trashy lower income households that are a bit too loose with what they allow their children to get up to

>> No.66708508

If you can cook for yourself, you're ready to live alone.

>> No.66708610

>If you can cook for yourself, you're ready to live alone.
This unfortunately excludes a LOT of holo's, but they still live alone.....

>> No.66708746

living in Tokyo enables that lifestyle, for better or worse

>> No.66708763


>> No.66708878

delivery apps. in fact, there are a lot of families nowadays that sustain on just ordering food or eating out.

>> No.66708883

>living in Tokyo enables that lifestyle
how so?

>> No.66708978

Having money do that. Most people can't afford to live off delivery for every single meal.

>> No.66709012

Novelite here, how is rissa doing? Is she enjoying the vacation? (I read some vagueposting implying not everything is daijoubu)

>> No.66709041

People shouldn't be able to graduate from highschool without knowing how to cook at least 3 meals.

>> No.66709153

Never believe vagueposting. From what we've heard, she had fun going out and spending time with Kiwawa. Then a storm came and they couldn't do many things they were planning to, so maybe she got a bit bored then. If you want to know more there's a trip diary reading in an hour+.

>> No.66709159

>I read some vagueposting implying not everything is daijoubu
as far as I know, the only bad thing that happened was that the weather was bad during the trip.

>> No.66709195

same factors as metropolitan cities everywhere. in Japan it's close+cheap convenience stores and restaurant chains
the discount bento lifestyle is always there for there for the needy

>> No.66709261

Not really the point, as I was taking care of my brother since I was in 4th grade, making him stuff, but that was a necessity, not really a factor of how one can live alone, what with issues with landlords and a bunch of other things. Just because you CAN do things at a younger age, doesn't mean your parents should let you, some shit you don't bounce well or bounce back at all from, take that from personal experience. Needless to say, I would imagine your oshi was lucky. My cousin, who I've had to take care of some of her 8 kids when she was only...like 30 I think? Proves lots of fucking up can happen when you just say Jesus Take the Wheel on your kids. Thank you for listening to my blog.

Well, you don't have to be "trashy" just down on your luck and shit happens.

Stop, literal Satan. Getting teased with no payoff is killer.

>> No.66709315
File: 24 KB, 776x168, 1703290016741395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her skin turned into fried chicken

>> No.66709378

It's not fair... I want to be burnt to ashes from having too much sex with Kiara too...

>> No.66709453

Oh I see, thanks. When you are in a fancy vacation and you get a wrench thrown in your plans it is quite frustating.

>> No.66709627

Nerissa would be so excited to teach/guide these 3 newbies (Marine, Peko, Noel) through early game Terraria... if only...

>> No.66709639

They seem to have had a decent time, they (or rather mostly Kiara) just probably wanted clear midsummer weather for photos and shit. Plus the place seems to have stiffed them from what they've said so far with some services and a meal that ended up being $200 thanks to tourist fleecing.

>> No.66709714

You can be down on your luck and not allow your teenage daughter to move to japan on her own and move in with some guy she met on the internet

>> No.66709922

prepared food is super cheap in Japan
from what I have heard it's quite a lot cheaper than cooking yourself; in western countries supermarkets get the first pick for produce and can thus offer cheap and high quality ingredients but in Japan restaurant suppliers get first pick meaning supermarket ingredients are either expensive or low quality or both

>> No.66710081

I wish I could tell you there was only one person in my family that happened with.
Just be glad she didn't end up KU, lots of shouting matches about that I've seen. Both with my cousin and my cousin's kid years later.

>> No.66710139

Did I miss something? Did she actually meet mamatori?

>> No.66710162

With her level of japanese? You have a lot of faith in her

>> No.66710258

I think it's mainly speculation
If mamatori is looking after Kiara's cats, it pretty likely Nerissa will meet her

>> No.66710292

NTA but she did pretty well with Koyo, I believe in her.

>> No.66710689


>> No.66711125

I beleeb

>> No.66711884

You damn well know she'd try with Marine there.

>> No.66712055

One day there will be a holo who will beat Terraria, Nerissa seems to be the only one actually on track though, and it's going to be a few more months at this point.

>> No.66712508

Terraria is the type of game that a holo simply can't grasp onto, I have like 9k hours and know pretty much everything about the game and fucking love it, but I also know that it has filters minecraft also has filters, but not in the way that affect the holos. It's why so many holos have played Terraria, but the only holo I think to have actually gotten into hardmode other than Nerissa is IRyS, and she ended up dropping Terraria.

>> No.66713059

I wish they tried something like the BG3 collabs but with Terraria, a group set on beating the game, but this team beating it. They'd need much more than 2 hrs of gameplay per collab, is the thing.

>> No.66713409

I'm sad that the bg3 collab never finished. Kiara really enjoyed her solo play through as well but dropped it because they were doing a collab for that game.
And now both play throughs are sadly incomplete

>> No.66713421

Exactly, she would be nervous sure, but seeing as Rissa did decently with Koyori, who isn't as fast but is as energetic and netspeaky as Marine, proves she can do it. Her lessons are paying off, she is getting more comfortable with Japanese, but her live performance PTSD is still a thing, but even that is improving. For another of her oshis? She'd bend over backwards, Marine would laugh and joke, and she'd feel better about herself. Then they tackle each other when they meet cause you know she won't hold back like Tenchou if they start getting on the right foot.

>> No.66713815


>> No.66713819
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Wake Up

>> No.66713842

wives soon
yeah mine

>> No.66713870

This is incredibly fucking annoying

>> No.66713921


>> No.66714026

my wife and her girlfriend! I miss them!

>> No.66714031

there has to be one language out there where chotto matte means "sex me"

>> No.66714084


>> No.66714168

That smoothie? Me.

>> No.66714237

I wish they tried something like minecraft/terraria hardcore

>> No.66714278

we are so back

>> No.66714359


>> No.66714420


>> No.66714423

I bet that fucking "too much lesbian" SC is still poisoning Kiara's mind.
Finally use your opportunity to properly yuri-bait you dum-dum.

>> No.66714480

She met her mother!

>> No.66714483

>Rissa met Mamatori

>> No.66714486

Nerissa is mama approved

>> No.66714507

>Already argued with her mom
basically married now

>> No.66714527

She lost bros...

>> No.66714572

That sounded like a very typical Mamatori experience

>> No.66714595

>rissa dropped the ball
>kiara with the immediate friendzone
They didn't fuck.

>> No.66714617

Release Mamarissa, Nerissa.

>> No.66714631

>family watches Nerissa clips.
>the only clips made about Nerissa are horny

>> No.66714706


>> No.66714716


>> No.66714724

Nerissa's parents are clip watchers...

>> No.66714765


>> No.66714783

Rissa tried, Kiara just blueballed her

>> No.66714788

Missed the start, do they both sound nasal/sick? Or are they just sleepy?

>> No.66714789

With benefits

>> No.66714859


>> No.66714873

>They hugged

>> No.66714877

KiaRissa lost and never had a chance, ShioRaven is the true ship.

>> No.66714882


>> No.66714914

Kiara was sniffing Nerissa's crotch...

>> No.66714946

I may have been mistaken

>> No.66714949

Don’t use my ship to start drama, faggot

>> No.66714975

they ARE

>> No.66715010

Nerissa sounds so tired

>> No.66715018 [DELETED] 

>Offcollab with Kiara
>Doesn't give a shit about Kiara and keeps talking about Shiori

>> No.66715047


>> No.66715106
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>as friends
Reine won.

>> No.66715126

I believe they it. They took a lot of naps to recuperate all their strength and stamina for more sex

>> No.66715154


>> No.66715208

stfu, this is about the only time Nerissa has spoken more than 2 words in a collab

>> No.66715209

>Nerissa doesn't write
>Kiara doesn't read
how do they get away with it?

>> No.66715212

more tangents = more time with them. Fuck off

>> No.66715231

>we tried different plugs
They're into anal.

>> No.66715297

This is just talking about a broken phone.

>> No.66715301


>> No.66715339

Rissa doesn't read either, it's a miracle she managed to put anything down in the journal

>> No.66715361

and that's great, now stfu faggot

>> No.66715376

Count your blessings

>> No.66715380

They are perfect...

>> No.66715383

Love my illiterate wife

>> No.66715439

What is up with this chicken, hugs don't wear our, saying you're cute doesn't wear out, its gonna be okay Kiara, she's not gonna just throw you out the side of the road. Gotta defend yourself? Nerissa is KFP Prime, the most complaints she if the sun obscures your pretty face.

>> No.66715492

She is being tsun

>> No.66715693

>Nerissa imagines herself stalking Kiara from the bushes
She's just like me

>> No.66715817

Holy shit I need to see how bad this handwriting is.

>> No.66715968

but why DO have so many lesbians bad handwriting?

>> No.66715971

>Nerissa is thirsty

>> No.66716018

How is Nerissa weaker than Kiara?

>> No.66716048

Too gay to hold the pen properly, very sad.

>> No.66716087

to make her feel stronger

>> No.66716151
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These birds are dorks and I want to research them in detail

>> No.66716154

In every way Kiara is literally the boyfriend in this relationship

>> No.66716237

Nerissa is going to get away with it...

>> No.66716250

Those two need a strong boyfriend (me) to take care of them

>> No.66716278

They're so fuckin cute I can't take it. Getting real bad cute aggression right now

>> No.66716291

She must maintain her waitress hierachy.
Deference must be shown.

.....and Nerissa has noodle arms, she can't even hold her dog's leash for walks.

>> No.66716321

>Schizorissa literally hallucinating Kiara talking to her
This is gold

>> No.66716345

>Mating season

>> No.66716357

They love each other

>> No.66716361

>She can hear Kiara's voice in her head sometimes

>> No.66716432

okay reine

>> No.66716434

just like me fr, fr

>> No.66716466
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i wish i had friends

>> No.66716491
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She has a Kiara tulpa

>> No.66716505

kys frog poster

>> No.66716565

That Mococo impersonation was pretty good Rissa.

>> No.66716569

>She has a Kiara tulpa
>I have a Nerissa tulpa

>> No.66716600

Aren't we your friends?

>> No.66716644

Nerissa is Towa?

>> No.66716692

>Nerissa likes bacon

>> No.66716784

Shioravenfags are worse than Takamorifags

>> No.66717056

Nerissa will snorkel in Lake Superior

>> No.66717119

I don't know where you'd snorkel in the US

>> No.66717158

their fucking huge there have to be countless options

>> No.66717226

Of course, I think eggs and grits are the only American staple she doesn't like.

And she panicked with the snorkeling, like with the neck trauma. Poor babygirl is prone to trauma with the high anxiety.

>> No.66717306

Hawaii and that’s it desu

>> No.66717379

Florida, Gulf of Mexico,Southern California >>66717226
Really common for weak swimmers

>> No.66717538

non-KFP here, who's Moni?

>> No.66717624

I should've learned by now but Rissa is made of glass both physical and mentally.

>> No.66717640

I came.

>> No.66717676

Lyricist from the kiwawa angels

>> No.66717681

Kiara's choreo gal

>> No.66717744

That's KiSWeets

>> No.66717748

KFPwaitress/Friend of Kiara who Kiara has worked with for her album.
Different person.

>> No.66717761
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Lyric writer for DO U and POV, waitress

>> No.66717762

>Nerissa was an easy victim for Kiara

>> No.66717776
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>> No.66717809
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Be honest with me.
They're fucking aren't they?

>> No.66717840

jesus Kiara doesn't pull her punches

>> No.66717849
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Alright jailbirds, friendship is over. We're going to war now. You must pay for your oshi's whorish ways.

>> No.66717859

Thanks, the name did sound familiar

>> No.66717921

She's cute, Kiara should take her to the maldives

>> No.66717970

She's cute, Kiara should fuck her.

>> No.66717986

yeah, with me

>> No.66717992
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>smoking hot Austrian women is Nerissa's type
Nerissa is literally me.

>> No.66718009

Reminder that according to Wawa she always has sex on her mind

>> No.66718029

of course they do, that's the whole point of the trip

>> No.66718035

Too late, they met up and FUCKED in Japan

>> No.66718103

She is a adorable but odd bird. She has trauma enough to imagine her neck being cut off if something isn't covering her right when she sleeps. And seems to have developed Odaxelagnia as a result of it. She isn't weak, but she has 1000 traumas and we keep learning more.

Kiara wants a literal everyman as a friend, and Nerissa is a person that will try a few things, but not be like a person with a dozen hobbies running one through another.

>> No.66718140

jailbirds - would you die for Nerissa?

>> No.66718203

How is this even a question? Of course I would.

>> No.66718232

I mean falling asleep after sex is pretty normal.

>> No.66718248

damn they're so white and girly and so cute
I feel like a disgusting male like me shouldn't be listening to this

>> No.66718392

Well she did mention bountiful bosomed ladies in Victorian dresses are hot for her when we watched Sweeney Todd, so remember that fembirds if you send Rissa pics!

>> No.66718410

as long as she squeezes my head with her thighs before, yes

>> No.66718569

the fuck?

>> No.66718600

>she gently pulled me out"

>> No.66718665

No, but I'd convince someone else to do it.

>> No.66718707

Donut is the US English spelling

>> No.66718773

They had sex before lunch

>> No.66718788

You want a Hertz donut?

>> No.66718798

From where I am, we call that being fucking weak.

>> No.66718824

My mind is forever fucked since I grew up in England for a few years.

>> No.66718830

My dad had a lot of sisters and I had female friends, I'm black, this is normal gab. Tenchou may be trying too hard to impress though.

>> No.66718884

Nerissa thinks fucking makes you a couple, while Kiwawa only sees her as a sex friend.

>> No.66718918

Kiara is upset Nerissa never properly married her...

>> No.66718928

Where’re you from? Gaytown? Population 1. You.

>> No.66719000

After you left, it was never the same. Come back, baby!

>> No.66719071

Weird, I would've thought it the other way around, silly bird brains.

>> No.66719440

Straight white women are a menace.

>> No.66719497

>Both Kiara and Nerissa are straight
What a surprise.

>> No.66719515

To my dick

>> No.66719542

Kiara and Nerissa want experienced kissers

>> No.66719572

I thought Nerissa was from America not Kazahkstan

>> No.66719575

It's over...

>> No.66719620

These girls are whores...

>> No.66719687

hello diary reading???

>> No.66719698

wait a minute...
this is just Girlstalk!

>> No.66719736

Girl stalk?

>> No.66719745

>Religious woman
Wouldn’t she be called a whore by her church for doing something like this?

>> No.66719764

I'm used to this from Kiara, but I can't believe that Nerissa is enabling this.

>> No.66719766

Already said this in global, but this vacation is genuinely the hardest I've seen anybody seethe over /u/ related stuff in a long time.

>> No.66719778

and rightfully so

>> No.66719806

I was talking about the woman from the dating show

>> No.66719867

Hermit nooooooo

>> No.66719925

Nature is cruel…

>> No.66719932

Enabling what? If its /u/, she likes girls and guys, what's the problem?

>> No.66719938

Is there a section in the diary dedicated to describing their ass?

>> No.66720009

/u/ hates bisexual women, which is why they constantly shit on Nerissa

>> No.66720044

The endless tangents about trashy TV on stream it's cute that they're kind of in sync with each other

>> No.66720063

Took a bath alone...

>> No.66720114

That is dumb, why would you reject a hot passionate girl who would be a riot in bed?

>> No.66720166

Because they’re femcels, anon. You cannot reason with them.

>> No.66720283

Bribed a security guard…

>> No.66720354

some cute flert from the wawa

>> No.66720387

>Rained on with that outfit on...

>> No.66720434

Kiara likes the steer the convo her way because she is used to jumpstarting dead air, Rissa likes complimenting the one she talks to, its only natural.

And Rissa is a natural type without caked on makeup, she's perfect. Too perfect.

>> No.66720492

fuck the rain

>> No.66720578

>Kiara explained that phoenixes mate by going up in flames and creating off-spring in the ashes
>Nerissa's skin is burned
kinky mythical bird sex

>> No.66720584

fuck on* the rain.

>> No.66720675

This stream is cute

>> No.66720699

Kiara, she enjoyed herself. You sound really desperate.

>> No.66720722

>her commitment to... mating

>> No.66720756

>her commitment to mating

>> No.66720771

>her commitment to mating

>> No.66720790

there you have it

>> No.66720828

>that's because...i'll tell you later
God fucking damnit

>> No.66720834

Kiara is an abusive lover

>> No.66720932

Kiara's been really depressed for almost a year now and it's actually turning some of her fans off. Her album didn't do as well as she expected so it kickstarted all her insecurities.

>> No.66720938

>wants her hair played with

>> No.66720936

It should have been me...

>> No.66720983

well, Nerissa is giving us the deeds
honestly nice that Kiara didn't want to mention things that actually get to Rissa without her approval

>> No.66721007

Fag it did better than her expectations, it was the process

>> No.66721100

>it was ok
she hated the niggers

>> No.66721125

it's Naruto all over again

>> No.66721156

>Kiara is the husband that doesn't listen to her wife's ramblings

>> No.66721180

Exactly, Nerissa just likes being around people she likes, the atmosphere is always second, she has to have seen that by now.

And a nail-biter and plays with her hair. I knew it. She is a rural girl definitely. We need to have her make a Hololive musical someday.

>> No.66721288

uhhh jailbirds, is rissa ogey?

>> No.66721319

Heathers love!

>> No.66721349

no but that's ogey

>> No.66721381

All she knows is Elisabeth das musical, Astarion, and breathing

>> No.66721431

an Austriaboo is such a wierd concept...

>> No.66721492

I’m going to reject her from art school

>> No.66721512

I’m a huge fan of one Austrian in particular

>> No.66721549

I love hilter too

>> No.66721595
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yeah, loved his early work

>> No.66721641

i like two now, a boy and a girl

>> No.66721683


>> No.66721813

Why is Brorissa so much cooler than Brotori...

>> No.66721817


>> No.66721849


>> No.66721861

>there was a pronunciation schizo in /ope/ at that time.

>> No.66721870

They're fighting...

>> No.66721893

this hurts as a linguist.

>> No.66721903

there is a collective 100 IQ in that room

>> No.66721921

that is such a couple thing to fight about

>> No.66721932

Nerissa is just being a retarded American here

>> No.66721966

So who's right?

>> No.66721989

Neither of them.

>> No.66721990

and it will drop significantly when Chonkers leaves

>> No.66722019

Why are they so autistic?

>> No.66722036

I normally defend Rissa, but I cannot here. Saying that english is latin-based is like saying mcdonalds nuggies are vegan.

>> No.66722051

all I know is Nerissa is wrong, and I am a jailbird btw, the "nobody knows how it sounded anyway" is such a simplistic argument

>> No.66722058

Kiara is on the right side but has the wrong arguments

>> No.66722060

English is heavily influenced by French (a romance language), but it is still a Germanic language.

>> No.66722071

Well who's right

>> No.66722078

We chased him off, because Rissa did it decently. I've taken Latin, she was fine, anybody with a brain is focused on her angelic singing.

>> No.66722153

Rissa, woman can be wrong too..

>> No.66722175

He was right

>> No.66722236

So you were /here/ all along...

>> No.66722311


>> No.66722330

this is literally so valid like giiiirl

>> No.66722334

They're kinda autistic but that's okay

>> No.66722348

Their chemistry is so good. These little quarrels are cute.

>> No.66722395

>We slept in not that way
It’s over.

>> No.66722411


>> No.66722426

Of course they not gonna admit that on stream

>> No.66722443

Kiwawa thought it was intercourse, even tho they were comparing her with Empress Eli, they totally did.

>> No.66722452

Kiara's definition of sleeping together is recontextualising a lot of stuff

>> No.66722454

Ah, so there is another stream

>> No.66722462


>> No.66722480


>> No.66722499


>> No.66722526

Well, one more Kiarissa thread it seems.

>> No.66722581

You're stuck with us for one more day.

>> No.66722633


>> No.66722657

I'd prefer we just split after this one tbdesu

>> No.66722747

No, her misunderstanding with language is too crazy, they're way too odd about speaking on it when the only reaction they know they would get is confetti and congrats. Not like with a guy. Lots of way to allude to it smoothly and nada. No way they banged. Nerissa just likes being flirty naturally.

>> No.66722785


>> No.66722832

For now, it doesn't make sense as long as they only appear together. Otherwise we'll have two splits discussing the same content but with half as many people.

>> No.66722889

Sorry but no Holo will ever admit to having sex with each other, that's why Kiara's implication hint is more actually telling

>> No.66722897


>> No.66722960

Rissa is being such a Karen

>> No.66722980

I'm cool with hanging with the jailbirds for longer

>> No.66722985

I mean, KFP made their split and they somewhat use it. Nobody can actually stop us from splitting up.

>> No.66722999

It's really unattractive when she complains about minor shit.

>> No.66723078

If you split I won’t post in it

>> No.66723109

Nobody cares about (you)

>> No.66723118

Dear god Kiara is so anxiety inducing kek

>> No.66723133

OG baker said it, we're free to make the split. But the last one died overnight for a reason, and that's cause most are cool with sharing a split.

>> No.66723189

Eh, I don't think there's anypoint in splitting now instead of after the stream tomorrow, especially since the next thread is probably going to be the last one.
KFP created that split to contain some of their schizos from leaking over to this thread, There's nothing stopping you from creating an /ope/ thread right now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got flooded with schizos.

>> No.66723234

I wouldn’t say most are cool with it but there’s no other choice. /Ope/ is slow enough and with half of our active users being KFP already didn't help.

>> No.66723299

Just make /ope/, I will keep it bumped

>> No.66723374


>> No.66723433

Well, Nerissa HATED the Maldives and it’s all Kiara’s fault!

>> No.66723461

t. Kiara's brainworms

>> No.66723536
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>> No.66723793

Not like it wasn't obvious before but it was cute hearing Nerissa talk about Kiara being the main love in her life

>> No.66725408

My love is full and my heart is empty
