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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 93 KB, 316x316, 480px-Gawr_Gura_-_Portrait_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63128441 No.63128441 [Reply] [Original]

>If it's not on her channel, it doesn't count!
It's extremely obvious that people who say this don't watch stream, don't check her Twitter feed very often, and only check her channel every now and again to see when the last stream was so they can be like:
>last streamed 69 days ago

>> No.63128574

>"You see that stream Ame did? Actually that's Gura's stream"

>> No.63128685

I like Gura and i think all the collabs she's done with my Oshi are kino but comon

>> No.63128808

>instead of 0 streams on 69 days you get 1 stream on 69 days

>> No.63128959

Or maybe they just want her to talk to them?

>> No.63129074

Yeah, with me

>> No.63129327

>See all those sportsfes streams that all the other holos did? All Gura. Yup. Every one. She streamed 20 times in a single day.

>> No.63129358

They're already getting ready for the next cope, "if it's a shill stream it doesn't count" just so they can keep counting after the tourism stream

>> No.63129416

Even if we follow your (frankly embarrassing) rules it's been over two weeks since her last stream lmao

>> No.63129563

Ayame streamed for more hours this month than Gura streamed for this half a year

>> No.63129586


>> No.63129894

Next time you'll say merch ads on twitter should count as good content and chumbuds should be eternally grateful they get to witness letters Gura typed on twitter with their own eyeballs

>> No.63131611
File: 135 KB, 345x335, ohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63131898

It has to do with the last time she's engaged with her community, you dumbass retard.
She hasn't talked to her fans since September 15th. No tweets, no members posts, no nothing.
The only thing she's tweeted is a pic of kronii's ass in minecraft, merch announcements by managers, and announced a couple of collabs. She hasn't said a single word to her fans about her break or what's happening or why she's abandoned chumbuds.

Imagine if she spent the rest of her career doing this? Would you be okay with that? Her appearing on other people's channels while pretending you don't exist? Never doing another members stream or talking to her fans ever again? How the fuck is that an idol? How the fuck does someone like that belong in Hololive?
Kill yourself, you knuckle-dragging chicken fucking smooth-brained cretin.

>> No.63132311

no, the shill stream counts. after that the question is will she show up for christmas or new years

>> No.63132766

Copebuds will say anything to avoid having to admit that their oshi is a blue jew milking them. I'm suprised I have never seen Gura drawn as a merchant

>> No.63132772

Oh, yeah, that reminds me. Didn't she stream recently? You know, the PR-shill-ad whatever? Damn, kinda sad that she blew the record like that. Well, there is always next time.

>> No.63132794

>See you next year
Gura already hinted that whatever is going on will continue for a while. Cover has already proven they will fire Hololive members if they break NDA so the best she can give is vague health excuses.

>> No.63133136

Real idols are all manipulative whores though, plenty of examples from both JP and EN.

I don't want XXX chuubas to say to me that they love me because that's the last thing you look for from whores that belong in the streets

>> No.63133522

why would I watch her if she doesn't care about me

>> No.63133594

>Imagine if she spent the rest of her career doing this?
That's not a question, but ok.
>Would you be okay with that?
>Her appearing on other people's channels while pretending you don't exist?
That's pretty much what every Holomem does.
>Never doing another members stream or talking to her fans ever again?
I'm not into parasocialism, so that's fine.
>How the fuck is that an idol?
She sings and dances.
>How the fuck does someone like that belong in Hololive?
Stop crying.
>Kill yourself, you knuckle-dragging chicken fucking smooth-brained cretin.
Dilate, tranny.

>> No.63133636

>she doesn't need to stream consistently
>she doesn't need a stream schedule
>she doesn't need to stream more than once a month
>she doesn't need to stream more than once in 2 months
>she doesn't need to stream at all, she can just be a voice on someone else's channel

what's next for sharky?

>> No.63133642

no shit

>> No.63133696

I kneel...

>> No.63133907
File: 91 KB, 1017x162, chumcock explains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63133996

Least homosexual post on /vt/

>> No.63134229

>members stream or talking to her fans is parasocialism

go back to updootland

>> No.63135634

whats funny (or sad) is that not even the redditors approve of Gura's shitty behavior. Gura is the only active Holo that actively ghosts their fans for weeks (or months) on end.

>> No.63135703

Based. Fans have a right to criticize shitty service.

>> No.63136076

Kill yourself

>> No.63136123

41% yourself

>> No.63136125
File: 380 KB, 562x585, 1669899340261912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63137742

as long as she's listed on the website, she's technically "in hololive"

>> No.63142023
File: 83 KB, 480x480, 1687478861013533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63142245
File: 7 KB, 209x241, 888888888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot pic rel

>> No.63142395

I hate you both so fucking much.

>> No.63142433
File: 449 KB, 662x826, 1624393516993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> when /vt/ doesn't take the see yo next year seriously
You are all weak

>> No.63142710

She didn't stutter, but /vt/ still struggles with direct communication. Its the 'tism.

>> No.63142901

If Gura actually commits to the bit I'll stop bullying chumbuds and buy her merch

>> No.63142984

Go away

>> No.63143803

I for me don't fucking care,

4chan can keep seething and i'll just watch whatever holochuuba is live.

Fucking faggots.

>> No.63144793

Gura prob has some personal prob or somthing that is causing this. But... lets not be a cringe yes man and pretend this is high quality.... turn on the brain please....Maybe your brain is so smoothened by your devotion to your oshi, you are more than content with this, but not everyone is like that...

>> No.63146699

not an argument cuckbud

>> No.63147755

speaking of the shill stream how much will she talk to chat while doing it?

>> No.63148332

>Gura prob has some personal prob
she's an alcoholic anon. she was getting better Until somebody started passing around booze to that party at Mori's house and then she relapsed hard.

>> No.63148711
File: 3.69 MB, 640x360, 1695093311536040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the fuck is that an idol? How the fuck does someone like that belong in Hololive?
Here's a Watamelon I don't give a fuck about anything you just said.

>> No.63149610

Idk how you guys find gura content entertaining outside wanting to hear a white girl talk about random shit. And if you want that you might as well fire up an ai bot, tik tok, or watch random vblogs in the background.

>> No.63154322

>last streamed 69 days ago

>> No.63155452

>Would you be okay with that?
Yes. It would be wildly entertaining to watch chumkeks refuse to move on and just cope and seethe forever. You deserve it.

>> No.63159031

it's about her attitude.
