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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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44962934 No.44962934 [Reply] [Original]

So... Break or stealth suspension?

>> No.44962958

sex break

>> No.44962987

sex suspension

>> No.44962998

honeymoon break

>> No.44963000

enna's going on a break too. kyo also went on a break right before the zaion announcement dropped. very sus.

>> No.44963021

I like how the Zaion termination tweet confirmed that stealth suspensions are a thing and not just a rrat. Now every fucking break is a potential stealth suspension. All those breaks where half of NijiEN was MIA after the millie stream almost certainly were. Everyone "on break" was involved in that stream.

>> No.44963039

Obviously sex, thats all they ever do sex sex sex sex sex, maybe if they loved streamign more then they liked sex theyd be good dtreamers

>> No.44963045

Termination in 2 weeks

>> No.44963105

with me

>> No.44963106

If Maria doesn't come back we have all the proof in the world that Niji is a black company

>> No.44963155

Stealth suspension and she will get a train ran on her by Niji managers as punishment for 2 weeks.

>> No.44963210

EN management and "talents" just got tardwrangled.
This is proper standard procedure after a scandal.

>> No.44963233

Isn't two weeks the usual time for suspensions in Nijisanji? Mariabros, I'm so sorry.

>> No.44963242

Breaking sex with suspension on a wooden horse

>> No.44963244

>Break for exactly 2 weeks
Yeah it's a suspension

>> No.44963363

What is happening in this company?

>> No.44963448

What is she getting suspended for?

>> No.44963514

If it IS a suspension and not just a break, probably for supporting persona non grata behind the scenes.

>> No.44963574

believe in what you want to believe, sisters

>> No.44963583

Anycolor is returning to its black company roots

>> No.44963606

performing actions that could cause problems for stakeholders (Read: damage the stock price) probably

>> No.44963640

It's preplanned you menhera retard

>> No.44963662
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Grim if true

>> No.44963698

And you actually believe that?

>> No.44963822

Removing Zaion's name from her duet cover would be my guess. that's shit management probably has to give the okay for and I would guess given zaion hasn't been unpersoned on the songs she's in on the main channel that she did not get the okay to do that.

>> No.44963945

She tortured one of her coworkers on stream & then rated the one she thought was most effective. It was pretty hard to watch ngl.

>> No.44963998

>Everyone shitting on Zaion left and right
>You decide to one up and remove her from duet cover altogether
>Turns out it wasn't the smartest move and you're in trouble now
Kek, this would be fun scenario, but honestly out of all livers I doubt Maririn would do shit like that.

>> No.44964044

Putting a list of vague reasons as to why Zaion was fired in the termination notice was such an incredibly stupid thing for management to do, they basically handed everybody with an axe to grind against NijiEN all the ammo they could possibly need to make life hell for them going forward.

>> No.44966607

All me btw

>> No.44966758

She didn't bend the knee and make the edits on the cover, the managers who have access to her Youtube account did haphazardly and they did not appreciate the insubordination

>> No.44967847


>> No.44967858

>Niji needs so many livers because they constantly need to suspend them for yabs
Might as well just fire them all

>> No.44968299

They probably did this because after Yugo's graduatermination fans were sperging out about there being literally 0 info, so this time they decide to overshare, those fucking retards.
The worst part to me is that they didn't even give Zaion a chance to defend herself. First she got suspended when rabid twitterfags were shitting and doxing her for whole month, then with termination not only those lunatics but also talents joined picking on her. Honestly if I were here I'd really feel like preparing some top tier revenge

>> No.44968388

it wasn't a termination. stop spreading rrats.

>> No.44968503

then where's her graduation stream?

>> No.44969290

graduation stream doko?
vods doko?
twitter doko?

>> No.44969301

suspended sex

>> No.44969346

If you want to know if someone is suspended or not in a break, just look if they are tweeting. They could very well be just taking a break also from internet but still

>> No.44969537

2 week training

>> No.44969610

Sometimes I wonder how Niji does their hiring process?

Do they have quality control?
What do people like Vox, Nina and Zaion get in while Pika (and Mumei?) doesnt?

>> No.44969698

Any good talent they get is purely just luck on their part. They literally just hire at random and hope for the best, which often leads to retards and psychos getting in (see: Enna and Kyo)

>> No.44969751

>Do they have quality control?
lol no just look at the first en wave

>> No.44969842

Tweeting is not an indication that they're not suspended. In the Zaion termination notice they specifically stated that she was suspended from streaming in January, and suspended separately from all activities in Feb.

>> No.44969852


You say yes to Niji when you don't get into Holo. Simple.

>> No.44969900

You mean one of the only two good waves in NijiEN?

>> No.44969915

Enna's was suggested by aloupeeps, similar to dragoons because she rarely takes them.

>> No.44969942


>> No.44970028

why the fuck does nijien management keep posting here?

>> No.44970056


>> No.44970068

That's a talent management problem if they had someone keeping an eye on that 80iq retard she wouldn't have fucked up so much.
It's like leaving a kid alone with a loaded firearm someone is going to get shot.

>> No.44970111

Fine, 2/3 of the only two good waves in NijiEN*

>> No.44970229

nah that theory got shot down during the zaion announcement since the stealth suspension can also specify just streaming

>> No.44970469

Soft suspension means no streaming. Millie got soft suspended for the 4chan stream. Kyo clearly is.

>> No.44970514
File: 439 KB, 902x593, 1678158363025215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mumei rrat is such a forced meem from Nijiniggers holy shit, a 900k subbed rm rejected? a potential rival to Gura, and only when NijiEN only had Obsydia? You Nijiniggers are such disingenuous pieces of crap i swear. I would literally murder anyone spouting that bullshit in my face IRL.

>> No.44970550

new wave soon, yeah?

>> No.44970617

Yeah. Gamers of which not one will be an actual gamer and they will all be asian.

>> No.44970971

Mumei never tried to get into nijia nd neither did Pikamee
and their hiring process is like any other agency

>> No.44971069

Is Elira going on break too?

>> No.44971092

She was the only one who sided with silver girl

>> No.44971131

Stealth suspensions are a week long not two

>> No.44971249

>Yugo terminated
>Zaion terminated
>Scarle indefinite hiatus
>Maria two weeks suspension
>Enna on indefinite suspension
What the fuck is going on with NijiEN?

>> No.44971293

scarle, maria and enna all decided to go on break at the same time. nothing more.

>> No.44971352

>On break
So, stealth suspended?

>> No.44971396
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Maria and Rosemi for EN3.

>> No.44971458

She raped me.

>> No.44971485

maria is moving, enna is on break and is going to japan, scarle was stalked

>> No.44971532

You + hang man's noose for suicide, you piece of shit Nijinigger

>> No.44971538

>On break
Code for suspended
by management to suspend her

>> No.44971579

Yugo wasn't terminated. it was a graduation because they didnt break their contract, they oferred graduation to yugo and he accepted it

>> No.44971583

fuck off. we don't want them.

>> No.44971620

are you going to say management cut pomu tits and suspended her too?

>> No.44971642

Several of the people on break were still tweeting and showing up on streams. Some of them were even streaming during the Millie stream. Jesas, are you okay?

>> No.44971749
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game!! - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.28_[2017.09.19_19.56.39].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, I forgot you retards only want boring as fuck shit streamers that stream for 2h a week.

>> No.44971835

Wow, faggots like to lie, they all went to Japan. You should have known since they met with Kiara over there

>> No.44971873
File: 93 KB, 1200x135, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, maria's really interesting lmao

>> No.44971977

I get it, you can’t understand spoken English so the only way you can enjoy Vtubing is by watching numbers like a monkey. I hope you get some listening proficiency one day, anon.

>> No.44972044

a tranime avatarfag from /a/ and a Nijinigger thinking his opinion matters

>> No.44972100

Enna was hired in good faith because, let's be honest, she sings good. It took some time for her to show her true retarded colors.
Everyone before Iluna at least had some thought put into their recruitment, taking into factor their talent, voice, etc. Iluna is when they started flinging shit to a wall hoping it sticks.

>> No.44972103

code for suspension
>chronic Health issues
Cover story for suspension

>> No.44972182

being the most frequent shitter on /a/ is more respectable than being a regular /vt/ sister. this is the second /mlp/.

>> No.44972212

>preplanning suspensions
sounds like liver failure

>> No.44972225
File: 267 KB, 677x1025, 1649925253540782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro you literally come here every single day what are you talking about

>> No.44972297

Remember, tranime avatarfag nijinigger, contrarianism isn't a standard for being good here, specially not when you're a fucking disingenuous piece of crap of a Nijinigger.

>> No.44972311
File: 301 KB, 1284x678, CBFA47F8-854C-4728-BC73-CF23050D1AEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do?

>> No.44972538

On my cock
>On break
To suck my cock
By my cock

>> No.44972544

Yab central

>> No.44972585

Why can't retards just change the fucking filename, it's so simple. Even the dumbest /u/ schizo I have seen is capable of this.

>> No.44972680
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x3360, 1677997249521394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being the most frequent shitter on /a/ is more respectable
tr/a/nime actually believe this
>/vt/ sister. this is the second /mlp/.
You weren't even born when /mlp/ was happening, you're just one of the many nijiniggers, who learned it from channers who were upset that a Vtuber board was created first and not an e-ceb board which they have long asked for, and forcing the /vt/ is 2.0 /mlp/ meem

By the way your Niji liver intestines are also bronies, please kindly neck yourself.

>> No.44972756
File: 427 KB, 703x674, YA MATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44972810

i’m just going off the fact that other boards, not even vtuber threads on /jp/ like you people. also, did you get mindbroken so bad that you can’t reply to posts?

>> No.44972867

Getting mixed signals here

>> No.44972886

Always remember that everything a niji says is about suspension. If they are going on vacation, it's a suspension. If she's taking a break, she got suspended. If she seems happy, it means she managed to avoid the stealth suspension this week. If she is sad, it means she's going to get suspended next week. If a Niji is going to the toilet, she's actually going to suck off her manager to avoid getting suspended. If she went on a date with another Niji, they actually got suspended together. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, it's because she got distracted by a message from her manager that she's suspended. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she got suspended. Did she oversleep a stream? Micro suspension. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's currently suspended, but is rebelling against management.The only possible reason for a niji to take a break is because she's suspended. Whenever a niji talks about her family, she's actually developing a cover story about her suspension. That health break she took for surgery? Suspended. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for suspension
>Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for staving off suspension for the day
>Im tired this week = I'm going to get suspended this week
>Im planning a collab = They are planning on suspending me
>Oh sorry, that was just my family in the background = Oh Manager-san is behind me looking like he's considering suspension
>Thank you for all the support everyone = thanks management they didn't suspend me today
It all revolves around suspension. All nijis , every single one, worry about suspension every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of fear of suspension. All nijis read these threads and they're here right now. All while having being suspended. They keep having technical difficulties because they keep getting suspended, it fries electronics in their room. Every yab moment is because they can't take their minds off the fear of being suspended long enough to think straight

>> No.44972918

Nobody knows so they have to speculate

>> No.44972963

Rosemi killed an entire group by leaving once, she should do it again.

>> No.44973020
File: 39 KB, 600x531, arachnid chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is going on with NijiEN?
They all planning to go to HoloFest and experience the humongous Gap between Holo and Niji
>So they could be depressed even more

>> No.44973044

>Rosemi killed an entire group by leaving once
No she didn't

>> No.44973058

Definitely a break. We all know enna and her clique are invincible. Who would dare to suspend any of them?

>> No.44973130

They removed the post-cover zatsu she had with Zaion. Only a few clips remain. I wonder if they're going to remove all the collabs Zaion have ever been a part of.


>> No.44973176
File: 29 KB, 400x400, Zaion Ungovernable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria was one of the last and most adamant defenders of Zaion. When management demanded she remove all reference of Zaion from her cover she relctantly did but kept the description, first collab with Zai-chan as an act of rebellion. They discovered and are now considering unpersoning her as well, just letting her have a departure stream so nobody suspects a suspension.

>> No.44973282


>> No.44973326

spamming streams wont really do much especially if youre boring as fuck and have 0 entertainment value

>> No.44973344

She's not sucking Pooh's dick and they might loose Genshin perms.

>> No.44973448

She talked about getting braces on stream and that goes against her kayfabe since she’s a doll girl

>> No.44973589

What, do they want to cover up the fact that she had amicable relations in nijien?

>> No.44973997
File: 44 KB, 550x550, 1676389548175108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Least braindead Nijinigger
I've already made my point, you being a braindead Nijinigger tr/a/nime avatarfag is not my problem why my post never got through your tiny peanut brain. This is the last time i'm replying to you, and you have all the time to process and comprehend my post that you replied. >mindbroken
Well, i'm not a Nijinigger and their entire fanbase in /vt/ whom sought /jp/ for asylum




Last time i'm replying to you tr/a/nime avatarfag Nijinigger

>> No.44974516

>those links
that initial guy got you so shaken up that you looked for evidence of his posts on multiple archive sites… anon, you might be in love.

>> No.44975024

Now show HoloEN girls before they joined Hololive LOL.

>> No.44977031

They just get whoever has the most numbers.

>> No.44978437

who are "they"? are you all acting like clippers now are management too?

>> No.44978761

The only reason Yugo wasn't "terminated" is because she's a tranny and Anycolor didn't want to piss off their twitter tranny audience.

>> No.44979550

>we have decided to have Yugo Asuma graduate.
Sounds like she was forced to leave

>> No.44980983

The vod the clips are taken from, you imbecile.

>> No.44981401

nah, the 2 weeks will pass, it'll be time for her to return but she wont. There wont be any announcement, she'll just not show up for a couple more weeks. THEN she'll be terminated

>> No.44981491

casts dount on the argument she was impossible to work with and nobody liked her when they all acted friendly and in fact completed projects with her

>> No.44982137

NijiJP quality control was so bad after mega yabs that you can only join JP now after graduating from their special VTA(Virtual Talent Academy)

>> No.44982606

>Maria gets terminated because she's against the corporate (clique) mandated harassment towards Zaion
>Scarle gets Lulu'd
>Shu is so pissed by the concert cancellation he won't return any time soon
>Vox keeps getting hunted down like a dog by his psychotic femcel chink audience
Is this the year NijiEN collapses?

>> No.44985720

>Shu is so pissed by the concert cancellation he won't return any time soon
No wonder why he sounds like he's done with Nijisanji's shit in this short.

>> No.44985806

I didnt even know zaion was a person until i heard all this controversy. was she actually based? do you think she'll come back as a different vtuber

>> No.44985895

Except half of the most recent wave didn't?

>> No.44986912
File: 6 KB, 243x36, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nijisisters don't understand how to internet
Is this why they use the doxxsite comments section as a messageboard?

>> No.44986959

This rrat sucks because Hex didn't get silently suspended and we KNOW he was in that chat group

>> No.44987711

Suspended Congress

>> No.44990796

Maria is cute

>> No.44991150

go to the doctor

>> No.44991387

They're planning to watch the HoloFes.

>> No.44992372

I'm certain that was NijiEN's now standard braindead decisions, and not Maria's. Not giving credit to someone's work is something a soulless corporation would do.

>> No.44992483

Enna's vacation to see her dad was long discussed before XSOLEIL was a thing, and she worked her ass off for her birthday projects. Not likely a suspenion.

>> No.44993768

Hopefully he beats the shit out of her.

>> No.44993874

Coward break just like that wigger

>> No.44998003

I believe it. a "break" for that fucking stream is far too lenient, though, holy shit.

>> No.45000789


>> No.45001820

She will be suspended in the air by my dick every day for 2 weeks, yes.

>> No.45001928

Yeah, my dick

>> No.45005267


>> No.45008066

Cover story

>> No.45008219

She broke up with Zaion

>> No.45012556


>> No.45015011

She's not "based" she's just an average streamer that made average streamer jokes, it's the worst part about this entire fiasco
Everyone is gaslighting each other making zaion out to be the next gigahitler and she's basically just a regular girl

>> No.45015596

this is the most likely scenario, niji management is a bunch of retard afterall

>> No.45016286

She was too based for your tranny humor Kyo.

>> No.45018784

>literally passive/aggressive begging
aloukeks are funny

>> No.45018803

fine, we can share

>> No.45023230

Yeah! Go get him, I love our Genshin Queen and I can't wait for her to play Genshin and talk about Genshin characters and show off her Genshin merch and talk about her voice actress friend who is a Genshin VA!!!

>> No.45029036

shit's getting boring vt have to stir shit up from nothing.
cant you guys wait peacefully for the next termination. i'm sure its not far off. lmao
