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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43101358 No.43101358 [Reply] [Original]

>couldn't get Yuko Yurei despite being a Pippa Friend
>couldn't get kyOresu (neither could holo or niji to be fair)
>couldn't get the Tsunderia girls even after they left
>getting mogged by IDOL CORP's hard advertising and will soon be seen as the top performing small indie over phase connect

Just what can the fishman do to get back on track? Surely he will strike gold with Gen 3 and more Invaders right? We need a vtuber alternative to the likes of vshojo ruining western vtubing.

>> No.43101470

Give more psychiatric meds to his talents.

>> No.43101555
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Kill himself as everyone that he tried to poach told him to

>> No.43102045

They should just make an alliance with idolCorp and become one of the big agencies already

>> No.43102350

get rid of yellow veibae

>> No.43102446

Wait till Jews go bankrupt?

>> No.43102535
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>> No.43102574

they should do a joint booth like PC did with Tsunderia at Anime Expo last year

Doesn't seem like PC are going though - only exhibit booked to do with vtubers is vshojo sadly.

>> No.43102647

Yes. His previous scam fell apart for example.

>> No.43102719

>not going bankrupt
lol indeed

>> No.43102751

Post or it didn't happen troon

>> No.43102822

The Jews can’t stop winning

>> No.43103015

Idol was supposed to be Facebook/meta/VR bullshit, which is how he got funding in the first place. He is burning money like fucking crazy with this scheme.

>> No.43103068

It's been the best few months of vtubing

>> No.43103432

Phasedrones are UPSET. Colour me shocked!

>> No.43103593

Whatever the fuck this was supposed to be. It's lorum and broken HTML.
If you scroll down you can see one of main founders, who Idol jew worked with.
A cryptoscummer.
He even has his own bullshit book where he sucks his own dick

>> No.43103762

Post your nose.

>> No.43103911

unironically poachpoasters are fucking him over and giving his company and fanbase a bad name. Resulting in reactions like >>43101555

>> No.43104151

Have you considered it that nyaru posted it for attention?

>> No.43104280

That's what I want, though, since I despise Lumi and Pippa deeply.

>> No.43104507

Its a 'containment-breaking' problem. No one cares what you speculate on /vt/

>> No.43104557

You don't know Nyaru, she's in a tiny corpo with friends, she's not serious about being a vtuber and she's not interested in joining a "bigger" corpo.
She's just happy where she is.

>> No.43105138
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>We need a vtuber alternative to the likes of vshojo ruining western vtubing.
Fishman's literally okay with one of his groomed cumrags pretending to be Veibae already. What makes you think he has any interest in "fixing" western vtubing?

>> No.43106697

Phase is dead to me after Yuri destroyed herself and Lia brought a SEA monkey on stream. I don't like Lumi or Pippa. The only ones that are passable are Hime and Tenma.

>> No.43107551

I really don't care if Phase is "Mogged" by Idol or any other company. As long as they survive and and keep doing their thing I'm cool with it. As for Poaching the other talents I really don't care either way. Didn't follow them anyway. I hope they do well.

>> No.43107737
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He's going to hire those Haven-X girls, no?

>> No.43107786

man those are some ugly designs

>> No.43107902

Time to start hiring males, I'll get my audition ready. Don't call me a hero

>> No.43107951

Fuck off, Phase is perfect the way it is. We don't need NijiEN tier "pump out gens until something sticks" acceleration.

>> No.43107994
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>bargain bin Fauna
>Kiara but monke
>some weird tentacle rape prostitute

>> No.43107992

>3 graduations in less than a year

>> No.43108292

you self admittedly dont know what it is, but instantly call it a scam. then you diverge to shitting on someone completely unrelated to idol instead of posting anything about Aviel. completely retarded post

>> No.43108625

I sometimes wonder if some of the poachposters are just PC antis intentionally being as annoying as possible to ruin PC's rep. It's possible desu.

>> No.43108838
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They really are that annoying. They've been attacking vtubers for months and everyone is sick of them

>> No.43110338

they're paid by Aviel

>> No.43110455
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What about Airi?

To be fair fans and talent told fishman not to rush Gen3 and he seemed to have backed away from rushing them out quickly.

Koa is probably in Gen 3. The one on the right went to another company (4VLIVE/Lucid) and took manager-kun with her there as well.

>> No.43111238

phaseshills at least decide between you which one is it before trying to push a false narrative.

>> No.43111309

posting facts isnt a false narrative
you're welcome to prove anything that was posted wrong

>> No.43111370

If they're facts then post source. The burden of proof is on you

>> No.43111435

It was already posted

>> No.43111467

>it came to me in a dream last night

wheres the proof its
>a scam
>burned down
you just posted a book his friend wrote, are you retarded?

>> No.43111485

Why do tribalistic retards from /v/ who don't watch streams try so hard? Small corp vtubers keep collabing and raiding each other all the time without giving a shit about your made-up rivalries.

>> No.43111495

Was it his mother's side or father's side that's Jewish? Because it matters

>> No.43111499

>some unrelated jew who worked with Aviel in a previous company is a cryptobro
Nice facts retard, but what about Idol?

>> No.43111534


>> No.43111637

100% of them are.

>> No.43111689

You're just going round in circles, where's the proof about "scam", "NFT's", "Facebook/Meta" shit? A couple borderline 1view talents leaving because they couldn't make it is a whole other issue dumbass

>> No.43111875

nice 'facts' idiot

>> No.43112171

>Koa is in Gen3
eeh I doubt it Pippa did like her but I don't see anything supporting she joining Gen 3 or a good reason unless she is a VERY good singer or entretainer which I think she was "eh okay" after watching her on stream

>> No.43114648

>Koa is probably in Gen 3

>> No.43114698

>you self admittedly dont know what it is
Online courses.
>company existed for two years
>90% of their website is unfinished
>cryptonigger in the leading role
>not a scam

>> No.43115056

>i'm assuming it's a scam
>still nothing to do with idol

>> No.43115215

The only people getting scammed is the israel govemrent because Aviel got the money from them to make a METAverse eterprise, not some pedophile bait cartoon shit technically

>> No.43115554

>>i'm assuming it's a scam
Because it looks likes those startups where they ask for investment after half-assing a mockup of a site, only to do nothing, but pocket money. And jew is already guilty of bullshitting for money. If this, involvement of a cryptonigger and dubious state of that web resource tells you nothing, then post your nose.
>>still nothing to do with idol
Except their CEO?

>> No.43115614

you're reaching so fucking hard and the info is literally out there. you just look retarded, but keep going it's hilarious

>> No.43115686

>pledging ignorance

>> No.43115741

The absolute state of phasecucks

>> No.43115742

Phase connect had a good run but pippa peaked at her 10k foot stream.

>> No.43115937

>only likes 1 of 3 hags
Shit taste.

>> No.43116009

I love phase and I love idol. Fuck all of you

>> No.43116892

this. Small corpo unity.
Idol with be the neo-HololiveEN, and Phase will be the neo-NijisanjiEN.
It is written on the stars.

>> No.43117379

Phase doesn't have males causing drama every day though so it can't be NijiEN.

>> No.43117797

They offer live cuckshit and half of their roster accept sex in exchange of a new pair of pants even from their groomers instead

>> No.43118191

Which half? Asking for a friend

>> No.43120571


>> No.43120620
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has he tried these?

>> No.43121555

They seem to already kind of have one, Fuyo and Yuko casually chat about various PC girls all the time, and hang out off screen as well as the occasional collab.

>> No.43122042

Why is the idol CEO in this thread defending himself so hard?
He sounds like another Artia building a vtuber company off crypto-shit.

>> No.43122083

Who cares? The girls are getting their money and equipment. Even if it goes pear-shaped they can keep going as indies or move on to niji or hololive

>> No.43122179

Ironically enough shouting insults at someone and then crying when someone defends themselves about them being defensive is super stereotypical Jewish trick.

>> No.43122569

It's projection, they can't fathom the idea that other people aren't also tribalistic retards.

>> No.43123185

Easy to fix
>grab some premade VR add-on for Godot/Unreal/Unity
>add in models for the girls
There ya go and thanks for the shekels

>> No.43123658

Oh no they got kyoresu, so what?

>> No.43123737

>Give more psychiatric meds to his talents.
That'd destroy their entire appeal.
Unless you're thinking LSD. That could work.

>> No.43124019

Wait, so he lied to jews and used their money for his personal project? Wtf, how is he a villain, retards. Scamming jews is beyond based.

>> No.43124080

Jews Jewing Jews aren't based, that's just the usual state of affairs.

>> No.43124151

Literally Whos: The Post

>> No.43124200

Imagine trying this hard to be contrarian about THE defining vtuber of the medium and her yellow sidepiece.

>> No.43124256

I fucking said so trumps all “sources”. You can never just find the accurate info yourself relating to anything in life that matters, ever.

>> No.43124276

>Idol Corp
>No idols in sight
kek every time
Meanwhile PC:

>> No.43124467

It’s their CEO’s previous failed scam, retard. It’s the way it is and is a direct connection, nothing has ever been more relevant to anything in human history. Whether he fails with Idol has yet to be seen and we won’t know for a year or two, but he simply has pulled scams before that blew up in his face. He is a man with a history of harebrained schemes that failed and lost other people’s money to the void.
I like a couple of the Idol girls and hope the company does well for their sake but this whole “spend a fortune on ads and pay for the tubers expenses” meme is cute but there’s a reason better book keepers than Idol’s don’t go forward with that normally: it’s not a safe gamble. Maybe Idol will get lucky and get a return on it and the risk will pay off. Fishman is definitely playing things too safe, but then again it’s hard to justify anything else.

>> No.43124532

>no Pippa no Tenma no Lumi
What was the point of gathering only the 2views together fishman?

>> No.43124597

But the original post in the replies was about their ceo anon, do your reading reps

>> No.43124752

You provided no proof for any of that, just a broken website, and created your own schizo fanfic around it. No proof for CEO actually scamming anyone, no proof for anyone losing money, no proof for CEO involved in NFT or crypto. Try harder phase shill.

>> No.43124833

>PHASE ALiAS cover
It's Gen 2 doing the collab.
Gen 1 cover was 3 months ago.

>> No.43124980

I mean obviously. People who actually want successful poaching will just shitpost about it in /vt/ with fish memes, while leaving the actual work to Fishman. Harassing the potential talent only worsens the success rate of the recruitment. There is no reason to get involved other than to stir the pot.

>> No.43125000

What the heck are those

That's why the big conspiracy stuff never made sense to me. They can't work together for long, not even for Israel's sake.

>> No.43125048

Why does this have boing boing Shondo and loli Risu

>> No.43125062

> If you scroll down you can see one of main founders, who Idol jew worked with.
It says lecturers/teachers, not founders. The description says this person is a marketing lecturer they paid to teach, retard

>> No.43125138

/pcg/ has been poachbegging with no irony whatsoever pretty much ever since Lumi and Yuri joined, and it only got worse after Tsunderia's mass exodus made them think they had a shot at Lisa. Even Pippa was getting in on it to the point that she asked her to join Phase Connect live on stream, which was incredibly awkward and embarrassing.
It's only now that it's become obvious that it's actually harming the chances of these talents joining the company that the narrative has shifted towards the poachbegging being done solely by antis, even though there are very obviously still some autists doing it completely genuinely.

>> No.43125727
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>> No.43125932

>Whatever the fuck this was supposed to be. It's lorum and broken HTML.
looking at wayback it's a marketing website

>Branding • Marketing • Investing

they've got "our partners" but it actually doesn't link to anything, and despite being fiveish different brands it's just a single png they slapped onto the website which is just two input boxes for you to put your name and number into

if this guys just a marketer, well, so's the fish. vtubing is a good business to be in if you're just a brand person looking to make money

>> No.43126210

And before you try to deflect about cryptonigger here>>43125727
Here is an article from cryptonigger promoting "Secret get rich method" and online courses again: https://m.calcalist.co.il/Article.aspx?guid=3730853
If you past his name "שלו יפרח" into google, multiple (broken) online courses appear where he and current CEO of Idol CORP teach you to become successful.
So riddle me this jidf: if this not a fucking scam, then what is?

>> No.43126321

maybe their scams worked and so now they've gone legit supporting vtubers because like you know the niji guy is a billionaire now and all you gotta do apparently is shotgun blast out vtubers

>> No.43126569

Nice black company you got there.

>> No.43127758

Eh it's a bit different in that case.
He became a billionaire because he was the first to really try the idea of making a company dedicated to streaming using a technology that had really only previously been used for video games and visual novels.
Once it caught on he spammed vtubers out to really capitalize on the now growing market.
When other companies began to do the same he upped the ante by releasing constant waves of merch and large paid events. His company used the money to continue to expand and advertise in Japan and that made him even more money.

Realistically speaking though, his approach wouldn't work if he wasn't the first one to put a bunch of money he already had behind the idea. I don't think that idea works nowadays for small corps who aren't doing anything new and different from the existing ones.

>> No.43128318

When the tsunderia news dropped during one of Pippas streams, she clearly said not to bother the talents with poach shit to her chat. I don't remember what you're talking about but I'm gonna assume it was a joke, but I could be wrong admittedly

>> No.43128466

If fish doesn't at least try to recruit Kirsche to his sad girls harem it's fucking OVER

>> No.43128858

Honestly this whole idol thing proved that scouting works and just relying on auditions is not optimal.

>> No.43129594

Fish is lazy and doesn't even let talents help make their own model from the beginning he's already lost with gen 3

>> No.43129749

He couldn’t get Yuko because she’s not a sadgirl

>> No.43129807

>I don't remember what you're talking about but I'm gonna assume it was a joke, but I could be wrong admittedly
It was during a Minecraft collab either just before or just after Tsunderia lost half their talents this time last year. I think it was when Pippa was obsessed with the idea of a Phase house.

>> No.43129901

what does idol corp have?
unironic lolis saying nigger?
pippa does it too!

>> No.43129957

show me pippa saying the gamer word

>> No.43129999

>Phase Connect
>disconnected and out-of-phase

>> No.43130097

I love pippa but she does not say nigger (unfortunately)

>> No.43130169

If he can snag Unnämed and Sayu Toyofuku on the rebound, Fishman can establish Phase as a retirement home for certain vtubers.

>> No.43130350

there is no place in small corpos for gender confused people.

>> No.43130402
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>talents in Phase and Idol are friends with each other
>people still start flinging shit and trying to start small corpo rivalries
I suspect that most of these posts are not made by actual Phase or Idol viewers.

>> No.43130558

It's nijisisters and holobronies that can't stand us being the only places in the vtubing industry that are still having fun.

>> No.43130913

sadly it is mostly /pcg/, look at their seething when idolEN debuted \ kyoresu announced. /jidf/ never shit talks /pcg/

>> No.43131133

>look at their seething when idolEN debuted \ kyoresu
What? Why? Do they think Fishman has the pull to ever, EVER hire the likes of Ky0resu?

>> No.43131270

>PC channel premieres Gen2 girls doing a cover>>43124276
>faggots shit up thread with their Idol corp debut and taunt pcg
>"WTF, why are you seething?"
Don't believe jewish lies. They tried to stir up some shit hours before announcement.

>> No.43131330

I mean debut.*

>> No.43131501

/pcg/ constantly talks shit about /jidf/, even during collabs, I wouldn't be surprised if the thread and the bait posts on /pcg/ were made by your own people.

>> No.43131612

More like pcg has no moderation in place to ban faggots like you. Kill yourself kike.

>> No.43131625

At this point he has no other choice lmao

>> No.43131784

go back to boyfriend connect, phasecuck

>> No.43131891

/pcg/ doesn't have good relations with any other small corpo thread at this point

>> No.43132029

Every general on /vt/ doesn't like pcg, even vshojo one.
Forced meme, kill yourself.

>> No.43132145

>I suspect that most of these posts are not made by actual Phase or Idol viewers.
It's completely believable. Holo and Niji talents are friends with each other, and their viewers fling shit at each other, too.

>> No.43132389

The main instigators of all dramafaggotry are numberfags. Don't forget this.

>> No.43132438

pl account

>> No.43132940

But thats not pippa

>> No.43133037

Lmao that's a level of autism I expect of Pippa so I believe you now

>> No.43133190


>> No.43133431

I don't browse the other boards as much so I'm not 100% sure but a lot of the fags that try to start drama between boards are usually a few of the same dumbasses that get told to fuck off from PCG. Most fuckers there just like to either be gay(Likers and bitos) or be post about wanting to fuck their oshi of choice.

>> No.43133509

>its all 1 person!
This is who throws the word "schizo" around. All 59 IPs in this thread? All me
All 232.000 posters on 4chan? all me

>> No.43133790

I wasn't saying it was one person.
