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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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42884701 No.42884701 [Reply] [Original]

>would rather be in jp than en
>bad hire
>would rather be in jp than en
Is there a lack of girls auditioning for NijiEN or something? Is this really the best they could've hire?

>> No.42886803

Zaion became my absolute favorite due to recent events. Your views differ, I take it?

>> No.42886884

Isn't Zaion also Japanese, or like half Japanese or something?

>> No.42886942

>bad hire
Kyo’s pasty hands typed this post.

>> No.42886979
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I don't know what your problem is, Meloco and Kotoka are great.

>> No.42887001

Why did Kyo do it

>> No.42887005

Holosimps literally begged to have them in EN3.

>> No.42887029

>bad hire
More like to good for Trannysanji EN

>> No.42887057

This whole OP take is shit really. Japanese girls who can speak english are fine to hire for an EN branch. Or is the brony now against IRyS too because she interacts with the JP branch and speaks Japanese on stream?

>> No.42887617

>hire one actual EN
>2 months in and she has to be suspended
no wonder they are getting more JP girls
the good EN that knows how to follow simple rules are already hired by then or small corpos

>> No.42887710

Zaion is great.

>> No.42888369

Japanese girls who can speak english or even EN girls who spent good amount of time are solid EN vtuber 90% of the time.

>> No.42888745

The implosion of NijiEN
>Yugo graduated
Yugo was hired for her huge PL numbers, but wanted to debut in the more popular male wave using a male model. She was really dumb, lazy, and worst of all couldn't even speak english. Yugo was frustrated with her manager and leaked discord messages of her getting grilled for her terrible numbers. Later she was graduated for being insolent to management. The first graduation in NijiEN.
>the cuckening
Kyo and Enna decided to hold a 1 on 1 offcollab in her bedroom. They held hands on stream, flipped off her fans, and laughed about them being cucks. Enna accumulated significant antis.
>AR Live cancelled
They had an AR Live concert planned, where everyone would be getting 3D models. Likely it was originally for Luxiem-only, they took nearly a month off filming it in Japan. But the other members felt that it should go in debut-order rather than preferring the most popular wave, so they probably demanded that everyone get 3D. This was too much to ask so the concert was cancelled 10 days after being announced. They all scheduled breaks to film for the concert, and when it was cancelled they took their breaks anyway as a form of protest. Because of this, right now NijiEN has almost nobody streaming.
>Secret GC stream
Millie invited about 9-12 other NijiEN members to banter in an anonymous discord that was being filmed for stream. "Slumsaint" (almost certainly Enna) called out 4chan, and the entire stream became about mocking 4channers sounding incredibly asshurt the whole time. Later Millie said that people took the stream off the rails because they didn't read the rules. She took a break and hasn't streamed for 2 weeks now, she appears to be suspended.
>zaion suspended
The flagship talent of NijiEN's new XSoleil wave, she kept making yab moments on stream like joking about rape, endorsing piracy and not listening to management. She was suspended indefinitely and there's a huge uproar about it right now. Twitter is calling for her to be cancelled, while /pol/ is calling her based.
>Kyo runs away
He agreed with the anti-zaion haters and has been getting flamed for it, so now he's having ""internet issues"" and can't stream.
>Elira parasocial incident
It's a more minor drama, but NijiEN has been dealing with the issue of "parasocial fans" ever since the Kyo/Enna cucking. Enna repeatedly states that fans should not be parasocial with the streamer, a ridiculous concept. Elira copied her talking points and it caused a big outrage with her fans. This whole discussion about "parasocial fans" is weighing down NijiEN a lot.
>Vox doxxed
He is now suspending his streaming indefinitely and fleeing for his life from angry fans. Who knows when he'll return if he even does.
>Holo auditions
The only light at the end of the tunnel for NijiEN is that maybe some of them can transfer to Hololive. Unfortunately Anycolor has brutal non-compete contracts that might prevent them from doing this.
