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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 726 KB, 1338x753, Nijisanji_IN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3191627 No.3191627[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Indian vtubers:
>all dark to light brown skinned

Indonesian vtubers:
>all light skinned

Do Indonesians hate their own skin color?

>> No.3191713

White is beautiful anon and the best standard for most cultures, they know it and make their avatars that way but will get really defensive and make up excuses if you press the issue too much.

>> No.3191738

I would hate myself if I was indonesian too.

>> No.3191742

Historically pale skin meant you were higher on the social ladder because you didn't have a tan from spending all day outside farming or working

>> No.3191762

Indians hate shitskins a lot more than Indonesians, in fact they have an entire caste system built around it, shitskin means you literally clean shit

>> No.3191882

Cope. This is how you try and work backwards from an explanation you already want to be true because it is socially acceptable. Can't be that most cultures intrinsically view whiteness in color and concept as light/purity and blackness as evil/impurity. No, it's the tan levels of the class hierarchy!

>> No.3191975
File: 28 KB, 400x400, t4cc9QQi_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But a "light skinned Indian" would still be someone like Noor, who has a light brown tone. The Indonesian vtubers are extremely pale in comparison.

>> No.3191998
File: 686 KB, 360x360, 90sgij.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being the 2 lowest tiers of asian
not to mention the ugliest, but it is what it is

>> No.3192013

considering being tan in NA is now considered celebrity and upper class with celebrities artificially darkening their skin and being pale is associated with basement dwellers despite the whole white being pure and black being evil concept existing to this day it would appear to not be such a reach

>> No.3192253

If they were actually popular in India maybe you could make a judgement from that but they weren't so you can't. The character designers were Japanese and they were designed with Japanese impressions of Indian people in mind, they weren't designed based on an Indian idea of beauty. Besides, Noor was easily the most popular. None of the Indonesian girls look at all Indonesian in appearence or motif so my guess is the character designers just knew nothing about the country rather than trying to explicitly pander to it.

>> No.3192439

The vtuber usually has a say on design choices though. They could easily ask the designer to make the skin darker.

>> No.3192491

Light skin Indo > Dark skin Indo

>> No.3192499

India and Indonesia aren't the same thing

>> No.3192518

You'd be hard pressed to find a country in Asia that doesn't openly discriminate against darkskins.

>> No.3192536

>lowest tier
anything is higher tier than chinese

>> No.3192542


>> No.3192571

Indonesians are lighter than Indians.

>> No.3192579

near the IN graduation theu purposefully made the Nijibara program about India https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTdSKTUw5Cc&list=WL&index=21
Ichikara is truly a black company

>> No.3192588

I've seen Indians with blue eyes and skin whiter than most white people near the himalayas so I doubt it.

>> No.3192592

They're already gone, take your meds Rajeesh

>> No.3192631


>> No.3192646

That's not natural, I imagine that's because skin lightening products are huge over there

>> No.3192660

Oh thank god lmao

>> No.3192673

>he fell for the BJP do it like Gyna meme
just fix your fucking police and half your problems will be gone, pajeet

>> No.3192701

>skin lightening products in a small ass village on the steppes of the himalayas where the closest city is a 30 minute hike then 4 hour drive away

>> No.3192710 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 602x381, 1620002474185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not yet.

>> No.3192717

I can prove that beauty is part of evolution and not entirely subjective.

Which one is beautiful looking:
1. A bright red rose
2. A dark black rose
Which one is gloomy:
1. A bright yellow room
2. A dark black room

Brighter colors are pretty.

>> No.3192719

The average Indian is still darker than the average Indonesian.

>> No.3192730 [DELETED] 

drink cow urine

>> No.3192739

I don't know your life story man why would I know you visited Indians in a small ass village on the steppes of the himalayas where the closest city is a 30 minute hike then 4 hour drive away

>> No.3192745

we're talking about humans

>> No.3192757

Isn't it time for you to jack off to anime lolis, incel.

>> No.3192768

Indians (North Indians) have more color in their skin but they're usually cocoa while lots of SEA look like they burnt their skin.

>> No.3192776


>> No.3192780

all you need to do is poo in loo, street shitter

>> No.3192801

this would be a good shitpost if it wasn't unironic

>> No.3192808

I have 4 toilets and 5 bedrooms. What about you

>> No.3192839

If you're actually Indian and not just LARPing prove it by taking a photo of your hand and posting it here

>> No.3192861

good, now rent them to the rest of your country so they start using them

>> No.3192868
File: 1.40 MB, 866x654, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they don't. Have you ever been to North India? Pic related.

>> No.3192900

The average is pretty brown here. Some lightskins, some darkskins, a lot of mediums. South India is a bit darker than this. The Indian average is pretty dark.

>> No.3192901

yes I have
have (You) ever been to SEA?

>> No.3192903

First time dealing with SEA people?
Of course they hate themselves. Look at Northeast Asia's clean and orderly societies vs. SEA's rampant crime and slum villages everywhere.

>> No.3192921

>clean and orderly

>> No.3192941
File: 542 KB, 1360x907, jakarta crowd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, here is a crowd in Jakarta. They're clearly lighter than the Delhi average. Forget the Indian average.

>> No.3192955

now this is a cope if I've ever seen one

>> No.3192968

Refer to >>3192941
I posted a crowd in Jakarta. You can go to google and search for Indian crowds and Indonesian crowds. The Indonesians are lighter. They have a lot of Chinese in them.

>> No.3192973

that's all for your entire village?

>> No.3192975

look the same to me
SEA just look like chinese

>> No.3192977

I said Northeast Asia, meaning Japan and Korea

>> No.3193028

the irony of an indian calling other people incel lmao.

>> No.3193043

>do brown '''people''' [...]
the answer is probably yes

>> No.3193078

Noor would be hotter if she was darker

>> No.3193079

>Thinks Indians are incels.
Where do you think the population density came from bud.

>> No.3193121

Rape and arranged marriages?

>> No.3193175

The rape rate in India is low. Inb4 "muh underreporting". The underreporting angle is just a cope. You can't measure the amount of underreporting. India's reported rape rate (measured in per capita terms) is 10x lower than the US'.

Westernfags are the real rapists because they've become degenerate and don't know how to get action anymore.

>> No.3193198

>westernfags are the real rapists
lol more women are raped in China and India than will ever be reported

>> No.3193205

And arranged marriages are based. The success rate of marriages in India is far higher than it is in the West. Your women have become whores whereas our women are still far more traditional (though Amerimutt feminism is starting to seep in).

>> No.3193229

Prove it retard. Underreporting is a fucking cope. Even if 90% of rapes in India went unreported, the rape rate would only be on par with the US'. Whitoids just can't stand that they're more rape people more than anyone else except blacks and hispanics (who are just 2nd world whites).

>> No.3193232

And this is why you're called incels, congratulations

>> No.3193262

that they rape more people*

>> No.3193305

in the US, a man beating his wife then raping her is rape, not in the east though. That's why the rates are so low. What is considered "rape" is different in the west (getting blackout drunk and then fucked is rape, an employer telling a woman to have sex with them or they're fired) where in India/China rape is only violent "push you down and overpower you" force fucks are rape.

>> No.3193312

Your higher class ancestors also used to have arranged marriages. It prevented society from descending into degeneracy. Modern western culture has become incredibly whorey and you actually think this is a good thing? Have fun with your future wife who will have had 15 partners before you and will talk about how her ex Chad's dick was much bigger than yours.

>> No.3193349

I'd rather live in a country of whores than a country that has designated shitting streets

>> No.3193354

Again, post proof retard. You have no proof that India and China actually have higher rape rates but just don't report 90% of it.

And you're just lying about the US' classification of rape. The US makes a distinction between assault, sexual assault, and rape. Your rape rate is comparable to that of some hispanic nations. Seethe retard and stop raping your women.

>> No.3193428

And I'd much rather live in a rich area of a shitty country that still has managed to maintain traditional family values than in a rich area of a first world country whose culture has devolved into complete degeneracy.

>> No.3193431

I'm Indian, and you need a reality check. Rape rates only include actual convictions, remember, and you can't rape a dalit. India will continue to fester and fall if you are the kind of thinking that's prevailing there.

>> No.3193452

Based pajeet, for the next step, could you nuke the chinks for us?

>> No.3193469

This is not true. The highest caste is Brahmin and there exist Brahmin Tamils. Tamils live in the southern most part of India and are dark skinned like Sri Lankans

>> No.3193536

Have fun with that, just know that everyone who didn't have their brains warped by fecal fumes in the air thinks child marriage is far more degenerate than anything between consenting adults

>> No.3193595

pakis are china dogs and wont let it happen

>> No.3193611

I'm Indian and you're brainwashed. I'm not denying that some under-reporting probably exists. The issue is that India has a stereotype of being a rapist country despite the fact that there's no way to measure under-reporting and despite that it would need a massive scale of under-reporting for our rates to be comparable to the West's.

Check the stats for Kerala. They have good infrastructure and it's far less likely that there's massive under-reporting their. Their crime rates are still far lower than the West's. Whites keep complaining about blacks committing crime, but they, (along with their cousins, the Hispanics) commit a shit ton of crime too.

Or look at Indians in Western countries and adjust it for income. Indians and Asians commit less crime than whites.

>> No.3193628

This is getting to "Argentina is white!!!"-tier shitposting.
Either way people need to remember that lighter skin means rich/elite, so it's desirable in Asia.

>> No.3193703

You are getting too angry at what losers on the internet say. India does have a rape problem, but so does most of the fucking world because rape is what men have been doing for thousands of years until we thought "maybe this isn't so nice." Instead of obsessing over what people a thousand miles away say, you should make it so in 20 years or so you can laud a proper rape stat from a country that has actually progressed.

>> No.3193716
File: 10 KB, 247x204, 1611956515895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume most of these Indog chuubas are upper class and are considerably lighter than the average Indonesian, so it's still within the level of plausible deniability. The Pajeets they picked were just some randoms because nobody auditioned for it, so making them white would be like pulling a Michael Jackson.

>> No.3193812

Fucking prove it. Where do you get the idea that India has a rape problem? Do you have any statistics or evidence whatsoever outside of anecdotes?

I told you the statistics and showed you that India would need an unrealistic amount of under-reporting to even match US rape rates. You can check the rape rates for relatiely developed states like Kerala and they're still low. You can check Indian crime rates in Western countries and they're still low.

How are you so brainwashed fellow Indian brother? You may have spent too much time on this website. You have to realize that India is a country of 1.4 billion people. Obviously there will be a high raw count of rapes. What matters is the crime RATE.

>> No.3193847

I can't believe we have actual Indians using this website. Why didn't you niggers support NijiIN?

>> No.3193872

>muh 1.4 billion
now you're sounding like a fucking chink
I know there's a problem because my sisters were scared to go outside at points because of grabbing and molestation, women are expected to be raped if they're out past 8 pm and no one cares if a girl gets raped every night if the rapist is her husband.
I'm done talking with you.

>> No.3193884
File: 71 KB, 640x905, 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally brown people are gross but light skinned people with a tan are top tier.

>> No.3193894

There's no evidence in any capacity whatsoever that Indians in poor Indian states, Indians in rich Indian states, or Indians abroad, commit a lot of crimes. We commit a pretty low number of crimes all things considered. That's why the only excuse the whites have is "u n d e r - r e p o r t i n g". They will conveniently assume that there is just enough under-reporting of crimes for India to have higher crime rates than the US, with no evidence whatsoever. It's disingenuous.

>> No.3193926

Wrong, brown girls > white girls
furea is the hottest holo for a reason

>> No.3193941

Maybe you live in some shithole state like Uttar Pradesh or Bihar. Or some shithole area in a decent state. Go to Kerala or Tamil Nadu or Punjab. You will be safe.

>> No.3193954

I heard that from a taiwanese tour guide. They seem to want to have white beaituful skin.

>> No.3194041

no. unlike whitoid, we dont have time for hating our own skin color. there is much more important and real issues that need to be dealt with, like atheism, china mainlanders, china immigrants, china, china spy, china communism, china capitalism, china socialism, china atheism, atheis communism, atheism and the most important issues of them all; peoples who dare to eat in public in ramadan.

>> No.3194101

Nigger I'm a Sikh from Punjab and have been to Ludhiana, Chandigarh, Dehli.
You can keep ignoring reality if you want, India is fast becoming a poorer, weaker China which is a sad ending to a country that could have led the world, despite whitey's shitposting.
If you're so sure about girls being safe there, let your sisters leave the house all night without a male escort. Do it.

>> No.3194115

>unlike whitoid, we dont have time for hating our own skin color
>indians don't hate their own skin
This is a level of cultural delusion I haven't seen in a long time.

>> No.3194140

>brown girls > white girls
On what fucking planet?

>> No.3194150

t. hasn't left his little town
no wonder that indian anon goes online and writes retarded shit if he just reads this all day

>> No.3194191


>> No.3194196

Then you're exaggerating retard. Have more pride in your people. Sikhs are some of the most peaceful, brave, and generous people in all of India. Punjab is a safe state. Stop being brainwashed by propaganda.

>> No.3194239

You're replying to a nationalistic currycel. No sense in arguing with a man who denies reality.

>> No.3194243

>skin lightening isn't the biggest cosmetic product in india
>Bollywood actresses go under MELANIN FUCKING SURGERY to lower melanin consentrations with chemicals

>> No.3194257

I don't disagree with the fact that India has been stuttering on economics. We need a leader who will rapidly deregulate the Indian economy, cut business regulations, slash taxes, and encourage investment. Modi is indeed flawed. He's too focused on religion. The ideal leader for India would be someone like Ronald Reagan, but Indian.

>> No.3194295

>Today there are many forms of skin whitening procedures available in India that have been used by many Bollywood celebrities.
>Some of the popular skin whitening procedures include Chemical Peeling, an extreme skin whitening procedure which causes de-pigmentation of skin and causes skin to lose its colouring pigment and become white.
>Cryosurgery is another type of surgery where liquid nitrogen is used to destroy the melanin and allows skin to regenerate a new epidermis with a lighter shade.
>Skin lightening surgery involves the use of chemical substances and melanin is reduced in such a way that the exact right light skin complexion is achieved.
>Permanent skin bleaching involves bleaching your skin to make it lighter permanently.
>Vampire facial is one of many bizarre skin treatments and involves re-injecting human blood to the patient’s face. Many International stars have undergone this treatment to achieve plum, youthful skin.
>InDiAnS dOnT hAvE a CoMpLeX

>> No.3194308

I'm not denying reality. Again, post proof for your claims. I want statistics, not anecdotes or sad documentaries.

>> No.3194346

not being white
the ideal skin color in India is a very light, but pronounced brown
not white, sorry anon you wont be obsessed over if you go to India like in some east Asian countries

>> No.3194347

>/pol/ thread
Is OP an american?

>> No.3194379

>not being white
>the ideal skin color in India is a very light
>Removing melanin
>pronounced brown

>> No.3194389

Indians actually find the complete lack of color in white people to be disgusting

>> No.3194396

Most likely.

>> No.3194414

The cope involved by this poster.
Jesus christ.

>> No.3194518

>English speaking forum
>Err, is the OP Anglo-Saxon from the North America, Britain or Oceania? Cringe.

>> No.3194701

Any idea which states NijiINs were from?

>> No.3195481

Aadya was most likely Bengali. Her Hindi accent & pronunciation of some words sounded like it wasn't her first language+in her earlier streams she didn't had a noise cancelling mic and in one of those streams, her neighbour was playing a Bengali song.

Noor sounded like she was a Punjabi.

No idea about Vihaan though, I rarely watched his streams.

>> No.3195851

It's not a complex, it's deep cultural shit. In dawn of their history shitskinned indians got conquered by cumskinned indians that migrated somewhere from the north. Because of that from the ancient times it been so that most of their elites - white and most of their hobo - brown. and all of them fucking color trash for anyone outside of that shithole
