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19073068 No.19073068 [Reply] [Original]

If anyone still wonders why nijiniggers are despised in the vtubing community then recent going ons should give you a good idea.

>> No.19073097

You actually explained nothing faggot, the only thing we learned in recent months is that Holofags hate their own talent to an astonishing degree.

>> No.19073174

Remember when Nijiniggers claimed it wasn't them who anti'd and harrassed Aloe despite the mountains of evidence showing it was their cancerous fanbase that had been fucking Fubuki over for a year beforehand? Yeah. The Nijinigger cries out out in pain as he hits you.

>> No.19073257


>> No.19073291

>He doesn't know about the Nijifags trying to cancel Fubuki by reporting to devs about her streaming without permissions

>> No.19073575


>> No.19074017

>tens of thousands of people mocking some hololive talents fuck up
>including hololive fans on the very board
>find a handful of examples of people that once typed something in a nijisanji chat among them
>this is all the filthy nijinigs doing just like everything else bad that happens to hololive!
This is the hololive fan logic btw.

>> No.19074020

Damn didn't know Nijis were chads

>> No.19074134

>They need permission for every stream
That's cringe, it should just be a notice.
Fans =! The vtuber unless the vtuber told the fans to go do it, which generally isn't the case.
Rushia told her fans not to get angry at anyone and there's still a bunch of them sending death threats to korekore either because they're schizo or didn't get the memo or both.

>> No.19074698

>Pretend to be Hololive fan
>Look it's Hololive fans too!
Nijiniggers everyone.

>> No.19074745

>Nobody gives a shit about GFE for months
>Suddenly waves of threads attacking Rushia and Hololive for GFE saying it's unethical and that she's evil for doing it starting 2 weeks ago
Very organic and believable.

>> No.19074845

nijiniggers shouldn't shit up other chuubas period. although there are some holofans shitting on her, nijiniggers being there is fucked up shitty behaviour

>> No.19074899

I should do the gnome pasta

>> No.19074925

the point being made is if you look for it you will find it, just like if you look at any big nijisanji scandal you will find some minority of hololive fans shit stirring too

>> No.19075060

It's not on the same scale. The Niji fanbase is notoriously cancerous. It's seriously AIDS tier. The majority of Niji fans are dedicated Hololive antis and are indistinguishable from chinks in their behavior toward Hololive. The fact there are a tiny minority of Hololive fans that might shit on Niji from time to time isn't anywhere close to the same scale. 99% of Hololive fans give Niji no thought whatsoever, ironically this is exactly what makes dedicated Nijifags seethe so much.

They shit on Hololive and tried to fuck Hololive over when Niji was on top and they've gotten 10x worse now they're on the bottom and have a massive inferiority complex.

>> No.19075334

you're delusional the exact same is true with nijisanji 99% of the fans don't give a shit about hololive

>> No.19075437
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JP Nijisanji fans are worse than JP Hololive fans. EN Hololive fans are worse than EN Nijisanji fans.

Personally I'm glad GFE is taking a hit because I'm coming from the oldfag angle. GFE delusion is /r9k/ failed normalfag shit. It's a cancer who pretends its the native population when complaining about the invasion of redditors and twitter normalfags (who are worse, but that's a different issue). Both are cancer invaders that ruin everything.

There is nothing wrong with idol culture. GFE failed normalfags and unicorns coopted idol culture to reinforce their garbage 20yo lonely SEAnigger behavior. Most GFEfags are hypocrites who would ditch the hobbies in an INSTANT the moment they got a real girlfriend.
Not all of them, but it's clear a significant, cancerous chunk would.

>> No.19075498

>That's cringe, it should just be a notice.
In an ideal world, yeah. But copyright is a bitch and you should learn more about it before talking.

>> No.19075589

>I'm coming from the oldfag angle.
You're not an oldfag, you're a normalfag pretending to be one. Hololive has always been GFE, will always be GFE. It's for lonely otaku and if you don't like that you're free to get the fuck out.

>> No.19075676

See as a western fan of hololive you repeatedly get exposed only to the part of the NijiJP fanbase that is being toxic towards hololive because you'll never have any reason to come into contact with the ones who aren't. Instead of realizing that you assume for some reason that the behavior of that minority is representative not an entire fanbase. It would be like me looking at the minority of holojp fans that shit on Nijisanji and coming to the conclusion the whole fanbase is like that when they aren't.

>> No.19075993

>Hololive has always been GFE, will always be GFE. It's for lonely otaku
Lots of retarded assumptions there.
Also Hololive aint bad, but its newfag material, since it started in 2017, and also as you can see with the absolute state of this board.

>> No.19076007

next time actually post the thing

Most of the comments from Rushia’s ark video are supportive from fandead, and the ones that aren't are mostly from confirmed nijiniggers (from chat log records)


>> No.19076050

Like everytime something happens at hololive you get people pointing out the minority of niji fans being toxic from people interested in pushing fanbase wars about it but nobody is ever going to link to the thousands and thousands of people that are just normal fans not involved at all. The sample you get is extremely biased.

>> No.19077084


>> No.19078127

not the fault of the rest of the world that your idols are lolcows.

>> No.19078322

>since it started in 2017
Hololive app and Sora started in 2017. Hololive brand started in 2018.

>> No.19078407

>The Nijinigger cries out out in pain as he hits you.
This. Vshojo is the worst company, but Nijiniggers are the worst fanbase.

>> No.19078607

Wtf based nijiniggers paving the way for shitty chuuba to get axed, I'm gonna be nijinigger now

>> No.19079372

>Rushia fails to lay low to let the situation blow over, and instead divulges confidential information to dramafag channels
>This is the fault of nijifags
Anyway, putting aside how little of a life one has to have to record and document comments of random fans, I could just as easily cherry pick some retarded comments here about any other liver's graduation and say all the million+ holofags are just as retarded. Keep on tribalfagging /vt/.

>> No.19079438

>99% of current Holofags got into vtubers from a clip literally centered around the word "nigger"
>Formed ghettos (/hlg/, global, random threads) on a board they migrated to and were not welcome
>Culture based entirely around picking fights and talking shit based around virtual voodoo headcanon
>Have been consistently chimping out everywhere they go for nearly two years now forcing threads to split up and become fatherless, especially their own
>Tribal by nature, won't even hesitate to attack their own fan groups, brony on brony crime
>Absolutely obsessed with ((other Vtuber group)) and blame all of their problems and misfortunes on them, otherwise they dindu nuffin'
>Only capable of measuring quality and success of anything by being impressed by big numbers and talking about money
>Instantly identifiable when they stray from their usual threads (hoods), since they are always the loudest, obnoxious, and communication is completely comprised of buzzword meme ebonics

>> No.19079561

>Tribal by nature, won't even hesitate to attack their own fan groups, brony on brony crime
wtf is this? Nijiniggers are renowned for attacking their own talents. Not one Holo has ever been attacked by Holofans for singing SSS, Niji fans can't say the same about their talents singing their flagship song. Get fucked nigger. You really think you can pretend that 99% of the Rushia antiposting hasn't been Nijifags stirring shit up as usual?

>> No.19080566

The shittiest thing about this board has to be the wilful ignoring of blatant falseflagging. Whilst sure, some nijifans stir up shit, it's downright idiotic to claim the vast majority of it is them. There are literally examples on every social site Hololive has a presence on of the fanbase being toxic as shit, but the fans on this board have such a superiority complex that they believe they're literally incapable of any wrongdoing, and it's everyone else's fault.
There's a reason Holostars are so antsy to even talk about the main branch girls, other than the few who actively collab with men. Even hearing a guy's voice on stream can warrant Cover having to come out with an official statement to appease fans. As much as it's memed on that the girls are idols, these are literally the fans they pandered to. It is literally insane to act as if it's all a joke, and there aren't hardcore gachikois anywhere in the fanbase stinking up the place. You can't just sweep all the bad shit under the rug when it's convenient and you need someone to blame. And no, Nijisanji is of course not innocent of these schizo kinds of fans, either. That's not the point I'm trying to make. Rather, as much as people shitpost about this tactic, you can't just deflect all the attention onto something else when shit starts to get unpleasant.

>> No.19081104

Hololive deflection thread?

>> No.19081193

Rushia is Hololive's biggest anti.

>> No.19085318

I love some of Niji talents, and would be sad if any of them graduated.
But I fucking hate their cancerous fans.
Nijinigger deserved to be killed.
