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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18858055 No.18858055 [Reply] [Original]

>ignore Hololive En for a few months
>AmeSame and TakaMori are no longer a thing
>It's Amelia with Kiara and Gura with Mori now
>Ina is still in her own corner being ignored
What happened?

>> No.18858177

Mori received condom money and burned all bridges with her fake FRIENDS aka genmates
Ame doesn't want to be Gura's sidekick so she doesn't collab with her as often
Gura licks Mori's feet so she follows blindly like a tool
Kiara got fed up with Mori's shit and since Ame is available she jumped on that ship and it's sailing nicely.

>> No.18858336

I can't believe I'm saying this but Orange Woman good. Her interactions with Ame and I a have been the best thing about the sinking ship of holoEN

>> No.18858344

Also, Gura is the leader of the council now

>> No.18858828

Amesame died because of Ame. Same reason why Ame and Kiara will never a thing because anything with Ame is incredibly one sided and she will not reciprocate in any meaningful capacity.
Takamori died because Mori wants eceleb dudes and Nijisanji homos to know shes a free agent.

>> No.18858898

>Council came, Gura no longer stuck with the one that refuse to collab with her
I consider that a win

>> No.18859078
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1) amesame fell apart first, basically ame felt like her viewership and membership weren't earned by her, but by gura and so insisted, very clearly that it was done. Gura is a sweet heart and still loves hanging out with ame, but they don't do it in streams or colabs anymore.

2) takamori came apart next. basically Mori is a depressed introvert, which means she is shit at keeping in touch with people Kiara moved back to austria, and their thing fell apart on the spot as mori sort of drifted away. kiara was a bit bitter about it, but seems accepting now.

3) Gura and Mori are both socially awkward weirdos, so they connected on a level. mostly this odd ball relationship started when they started to colab on music. apparently Gura's dedication and seriousness impressed Mori who doesn't like working with unserious people with music, and they started to colab musically sometime last summer. This is sort of two people with similar passions (music) bonding. I wouldn't say it's a "thing" more like two buddies hanging out.

4) kiara-ame is something that never really happened, ame wanted to take a trip to europe, kiara lives in europe, so ame went to europe. If they have one thing in common it's both of them are working hard to make their own "unique" VT experience, and open to trying a lot of different things to see if something sticks.

5) If anything, Ina-Kiara is a thing going on...

6) Gura seems to get along better with counsel then she does with myth. She seems to legit like hanging out with Fauna and Koronii, and willingly colabs with both of them. she also finds mumie hilarious and cute; though they haven't colabed much.

>> No.18859255

gura/mori are numberfagging it up for MVs
ame is a daremo daisuki, so when kiara asked for yet another fake ship, she bent over.

>> No.18859696

did the ame europe trip already happen?

>> No.18859833

Nah, that guy is tripping balls

>> No.18859889

>Ina-Kiara is a thing going on...

>> No.18859949

>ame went to europe
That hasn't happened yet. Take your meds, anon.

>> No.18859951


>> No.18860050

Ame has felt like shit ever since this ametori thing started.

>> No.18860592

Ended takamori, putting nail in the coffin of amesame with the start of ametori. Chicken single handedly changed the landscape of Myth

>> No.18860679

Ina is mentally deteriorating, she's stopped doing as much art on stream and has slowly but surely lost her remaining passion for streaming.

>> No.18860695

>Ina-Kiara is a thing
Eww keep your filthy tentacles from our chimkin please.

>> No.18860855

She truly got butthurt for being dumped by Mori. Poor chicken

>> No.18861339

Reminds me of a girl that broke up and immediately want another relationship right away

>> No.18861356 [DELETED] 

what's the context on the condom money meme

>> No.18861464 [DELETED] 

KiarAme literally never happened, you schizos

>> No.18861492
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>> No.18861532

Wish I cared about holoEN as much as this guy

>> No.18861638

Cope harder or watch streams

>> No.18861748

There are some exaggerations and some minor things are off, but it gets the point across that Mori drank the dumb bitch juice and got flak for it.

>> No.18861767 [DELETED] 

who's the girl

>> No.18861792

>What happened?
Uhm, it's Gura and Mumei now actually.

>> No.18861917

After Kiara left, Mori increasingly started to hang out with TT people. You can even see her on one of the blond girls vlogs.
Some deadbeat akasupad about Connor drama to Mori. Mori defended Connor and lied that Connor apologized to every holoEN member.
Mori created official twitch account to gift subs to Connor.
/vt/ shitposted about Mori cucking deadbeats.
A shitposter akasupad "condom money for connor"
Mori gifted more subs to Connor and said she will not read SCs anymore.
Cuckbeat shitposts increased on /vt/, some were leaked to twitter and reddit
Mori replies to 4 day old, 0 like 0 retweet repost on twitter of Kazuya NTR meme but with Mori, deadbeats and Connor from /here/
Reddit post made in which people complained to Mori on why the fuck she would reply to a 4 day old shitpost that's about cucking her fanbase (she said she liked the art)
Mori said she just wants to have fun and let her be.
She gets downvoted and later she deleted her tweet and reddit post.
Tweets that she is not in a good mood and she need to learn how to be more professional. She admits she was under the effect of "LEAN"
/here/ recommends her to either delete the tweet or say she doesn't know what lean means.
She is Texan and a wigger so it's quite possible that she is addicted to lean.
She tweets that she doesn't know new lingo these days (Lean is super old) and she was talking about drankies (another name for lean)
People didn't push it further because it would end with Mori getting expelled from Japan and even schizos don't want such ending.
She started to spam collabs with her FRIENDS and declare her friends with coworkers on how good their friendship is.
There are more but it's mainly roommate talk.

>> No.18863524

>Ina is still in her own corner being ignored

Dude Ina is getting so much Ja-pussy it's not even a joke. She does the most JP collabs and all the girls want to be fucked by her tentacles.

>> No.18863913

I miss trinity streams...

>> No.18866780
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>> No.18869093

Trinity streams?

>> No.18869195


>> No.18871872
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>assuming the feelings of mori on gura and kiara on mori, things that were never spoken of publicly
>ame's trip to europe
>kiara-ame is something that never happened
>ina-kiara is a thing more then kiara-ame
I knew you were full of shit tako
