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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 1613544885838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14422724 No.14422724 [Reply] [Original]

How did this clip go so viral? It's Vtube Tengoku's 2nd most watched clip now and the new comments are full of normalfags who hate vtubers. Where are they all coming from?


>> No.14423193

youtube algorithm. probably recommending to people who watched other videos of that game.

>> No.14423224

Comments say recommendations.
Seems like Cover finally got in Susan's good graces. All it took was threatening Hololive karaokes...

>> No.14423321
File: 12 KB, 898x71, 1616777649620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with normalfags?

>> No.14423429

It's okay he's american and does his daily penance to his african overlords.

>> No.14423473

what the actual fuck

>> No.14423475

guns are cool

>> No.14423517

even the nigger clip didn't hit this numbers in a month wtf

>> No.14423545

Youtube algorithm is weird. I actually got a video of trypophobia with this guy with so many holes in the back of his neck while searching game awards. I guess it was accurate since they both disgust me in different ways.

>> No.14423592

Yeah, 1 million views in 3 weeks is insane for a clip. It somehow penetrated into the normiesphere and Battlefield players are getting it recommended.

>> No.14423611

you filter by new? retard

>> No.14423634

Wutchu talkin bout? Simp ass mf XQCFORSENCHAMP

>> No.14423645

>deacondog 2 days ago ngl sounds like 2 40 year old women
Well you're half right...

>> No.14423646

Yes because I was interested to see where all the views were coming from.

>> No.14423659

>youtube algorithm
You could have left it at that.
Youtube will make or break a channel overnight.

>> No.14425520

what a gamer

>> No.14425731

VTubers will never be accepted by normalfags and that's okay

>> No.14425745

>thinking he could best the lion queen
Yeah ok Kid

>> No.14425901

I saw a big Twitch streamer did a reaction video to a bunch of vtuber clips and this was one of them. Maybe that contributed?

>> No.14426420
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>> No.14426437

4chan: hehe this clip is pretty funny gotta share them!

youtube algorithm: say no more


youtube: ?????

botan: aight i'm out

>> No.14427692

God I hate normalfags

>> No.14427994

>ngl sounds like 2 40 year old women

>> No.14428153

1st comment is retarded
last comment is based

>> No.14428207

Well.. he’s not wrong.

>> No.14429166

Hag love

>> No.14429845

Botan is nowhere as fat as Polka though.

>> No.14430645


Which one?

>> No.14431959

1 million views for that shit? wtf

>> No.14432197

Hag Supremacy, my transexual friend.

>> No.14432321

Shitty clip but the illiterate ultranormie recent comments are even worse.

>> No.14433217
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>> No.14433580
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>> No.14433725

looks like we need to #StopAsianHate!

>> No.14433761

>lobotomite doesn't realize brain lobotomy is redundant

>> No.14433861
File: 50 KB, 723x856, 1617571705423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14433982


Omg mai waifu did silly engrish! She's so fucking kawaii!

>> No.14434045
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>> No.14434102

this is either a 12 year old kid or a 55 year old man in Oklahoma

>> No.14434150

This is what they get for playing and promoting shitty games. Botan has terrible taste in FPS.

>> No.14434345

>popular video about the latest shitty AAA FPS has squeakers busting out the latest middle school edge in the comments
WTF I am shocked and offended vtuberenjoyerbros

>> No.14434525

>Reading comments from a popular youtube clip with a million views.
What the fuck were you all expecting? All youtube comments on clips are fucking cancer,

>> No.14434819

Fuck I laughed out loud at this, he's probably 12 or a down syndrome fuck.

>> No.14434863

I'm going to end her menopause

>> No.14436605

The NPC meme is real.

>> No.14436720


>> No.14436787

It's even worse because a bunch of normies got drawn in by the algorithm and I'm reminded that 100IQ is the median and 50% of the population is somehow lower than that.

>> No.14436920
File: 318 KB, 899x751, cute endless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14437693

Most people don't take IQ tests unless they're legit retarded or have some type of issue that involves psychological evaluation. IQ tests aren't something you can just take online, 100 is the median for people who actually go through pyschological evaluation to get an IQ score.

>> No.14438436

100% true however

>> No.14438727


>> No.14438833

kek, that's probably one of the elevator retards Botan blew up with a handgrenade 3 times in a row with his whole squad.

>> No.14439596

If only he knew

>> No.14439678

this could be any white person aged 12 to 80 in Oklahoma

>> No.14446772

Botan a shit for shitting on her fans, but that's still a bit too edgy.

>> No.14447908

are you chuds just now catching on that AAPI hate is a real problem? welp, i guess it's a little late but better than never.

>> No.14450167

So many weebs seething in this thread

>> No.14452910


>> No.14452994

This might be a vet having a ptsd episode in the youtube comments

>> No.14453111

try again chudley

>> No.14453155

What does this woman have to do with Botan? Is she her roommate or something?

>> No.14453157

Kill yourself amerimutt.

>> No.14453186

The fuck is AAPI hate?

>> No.14454626


and also, goes without saying but, head on back to your containment board. you're losing your influence, pol.

>> No.14454743

>Stop Asian Hate
>On /vt/
As long as China exists, that's never gonna work.

>> No.14454888
File: 241 KB, 1024x576, 1637130367951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my fault that hags have big fat asses and tits that put most younger women to shame.

>> No.14454918
File: 524 KB, 835x1200, 1636990138599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get no female attention

I don't care about your tatted up american sluts.

>> No.14454947

That's not how IQ tests work.

>> No.14454980

The "stop asian hate" meme is literally a chinese psyop, but it began failing when people began realizing it was specific minority on specific minority violence.

>> No.14455004

>reddit spacing
fuck off tourist faggot

>> No.14455034
File: 55 KB, 429x500, 1609414806569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14455090

>has gaming in his name
probably a 12yr old mutt

>> No.14455242
File: 953 KB, 565x570, 1614603382613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>botan: "i need ammo."
>everyone be like: "get her some ammo!" XDD
why the fuck is every comment on the video a variation of this overused garbage template?
i hope every youtube-commentfag dies in a horrible car accident, one of those accidents where the entire car gets engulfed in flames, i want them to die painfully and slowly.

>> No.14455551
File: 60 KB, 458x664, thorazine-19552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14455671

based gigachad

>> No.14456613

People in /jp/ said the same thing when Eekum bokum came out and voila! We're in a new board now.

>> No.14456682

The filter for commenting is ridiculous, even the most watered down tame comment I could write to insult a faggot doesn't go through

>> No.14456788

Yes, please take me back to 2009 before the world became a horrible tranny infested hellscape

>> No.14456813
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>> No.14456875

I once tried asking someone if they were genuinely autistic but the youtube filter wouldn't let me post the comment. I didn't have any curse words or anything else in it the commenter was just acting like an autist.

>> No.14457149

Literally every kid in my class (I think the age brackets were clustered around 12 and 17, 2 different schools at different time) back in the day was tested and I don't imagine the schools have stopped doing it.

>> No.14457812

If there's one thing that can unite /vt/, whether we're holofags, nijifags, vshojofags, or 2view saviours, it's our hatred of normies.

>> No.14457993

Yikes. Imagine caring about a normie's opinion so much that you whiteknight over youtube comments

>> No.14458126

I blame Towa's voice.

>> No.14461373
File: 701 KB, 4096x4006, 1630325976685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro why do so many people have such a hate boner for anything remotely anime. I remember I was watching a podcast I like and the second he noticed one of his Patrons had an anime avatar he went into a 10-minute long tirade about how much he fucking hates anime and thinks it makes people into pedos and trannies.

The worst part is that these kinds of people always seem to know about Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, JoJo and a bunch of other shows, but they act like all anime is just lolis and coombait. It's like we're stuck in 2007 again, everyone thinks anime is just Elfen Lied and Lucky Star and they're being willfully ignorant about how broad the genre is.

>> No.14461567

Every reply and comment everywhere is a reused meme. No one has a single original thought. I miss the world before social media.

>> No.14462330

yeah trans people never existed before 2009. retard

>> No.14462428

>Where are they all coming from?

>> No.14462431

faggots like this actually make my blood boil, it's why gatekeeping will always be necessary

>> No.14462452

>Bro why do so many people have such a hate boner for anything remotely anime.
Because they are fucking normies. What do you expect from normies who have grasp over what they do or what they are seeing in front of their fucking faces?

All they know is what is shoved down their fucking mouths. They are about as sheep as corporate consuming sheep can get.

>> No.14463126

it's not even that good of a clip, what the hell
even if normies weren't turned off by anime in the first place, there's no reason a chill botan simply saying "I need ammo" and running around for 30 seconds should be popular

>> No.14463210

The US is incredibly racist towards asians. Not meme racist but the actual "we believe these people to be evil subhuman freaks who should have been gassed to death" kind of racist. It's been like this since the 1800s and yanks were fucking seething when japanese products and entertaiment started becoming popular starting with the 1980s.

>> No.14463229

it would normally take like 5 seconds to write you faggot

>> No.14463540

You were probably watching a literal peadophile

>> No.14463789

It's more like they treat Asians like white people in the sense that they don't get the 'minority privilege' that other races/ethnicities get where you have to constantly act like you're walking on eggshells around them.

>> No.14463813

>pol lives rent free in your head
go back, newfag

>> No.14463857

USA is the most racist and bugman country on earth and japanese culture is not part of the hive

>> No.14463936

Literally what. The closest I've ever heard anyone come to being racist against Asians is referring to them all as Chinese.

>> No.14464039

Hi chudley! Everyone say Hi Chud! Sorry that everyone but you realized you're voting against your own economic interests, chudley!

>> No.14464051

A real gamer!

>> No.14464086

Still seething lol

>> No.14464130

Nah it's called flavour you fucking daftie, I include words like faggot to make my sentence prettier.

>> No.14464290

retard, most of us beg for more chinks in this country to offshoot the massive amount of niggers.

>> No.14464378
File: 79 KB, 576x576, 1624535804357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a schizo containment board but can you go to a different thread? I don't know who or what "chud" is. But you keep saying it like it's supposed to mean something. Anon, take your pills.

>> No.14464486

Funny how so many anons are complaining about youtube comments when posts here insulting chuubas are just as bad

>> No.14464976

You're right, they started, at least surgically, in Weimar. Good observation troonyfriend.
