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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 15 KB, 225x225, melnekomata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14048245 No.14048245 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, this is the end. Mel Nekomata has officially retired from farding and shidding to start a seiso channel.


>> No.14048547


How long until she takes another explosive shit on stream and "retires" for the zillionth time?

>> No.14048651

She said she's going to paywall it, not stop doing it.

>> No.14049113

she really is a menhera

also, /ringo/?

>> No.14049717

She doesn't have breakdowns, she's kinda happy almost all the time. She's just borderline insane.

>> No.14049763

>or masturbate

>> No.14049779

You heard the woman.

>> No.14049823

You mean to say she's done that on stream?

>> No.14049851

She did at least two times in the last few days, I've only seen one.

>> No.14049872

Not that I know of, but she clearly wants to make some profit.
time stamps?

>> No.14049904

That's incredibly based, is there an archive of that anywhere?

>> No.14049966

>time stamps?
If you want it, this is only help I can offer. https://mega.nz/file/mawRRQTb#D_3my_a1lNwRKf4GjMgGyfosPhQ4F7MBeQeig5vVFjs

you too

>> No.14050120
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>> No.14050348

Who in their right mind would even consider paying for that?????

>> No.14050401
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>> No.14050403

>Who in their right mind would even consider paying for a text message to send to an anime girl playing video games?
I mean, you can chat for free.

>> No.14050468

The only time I remember her masturbating was on some of her old sleep streams. She tried to convince chat she was just scratching her leg.

>> No.14050516

>making people pay for content that was previously free
because that always end well...

>> No.14050620

You put a twist on that, bro. She didn't create content for fart fetishists. She's a kind of person who finds it funny and also since she's behind an avatar she thought she can be free from the expectations of society. Some people fetishized her actions and she didn't like that, but she said that she would rather do it for money if they want it.

>> No.14050700

She could just stop doing it if it bothered her instead of turning it into something that is now ONLY for the fetishists...

>> No.14050807

That is her plan. To stop doing it on stream. Earlier she mentioned she might record some for paywall, but that was only an idea back then. Maybe she decided she will do it to get actual money, because her streams are basically not monetized in any way.

>> No.14050938

>How dare people get turned on by me masturbating on stream

>> No.14050978

That's not a twist, that's literally what she's doing it doesn't matter if "ew don't fetishize it" >>14050807
This is a almost 100 year old story that people seem to not learn the lesson from EVER


sure there will be die hards that stay but she has just burned bridges with many who will now see her as greedy. I do believe there's a place for that kind of content but when majority of the people were getting it for free are now forced to pay they'll just leave or find the next best thing, do you think this is the only VTuber that does all that shit? NoraNeko just recently had a shit stream, Coco had a bowel syndrome stream on night, all free.

>> No.14051219

Are you kinda dumb? She streams for ~10 people and her streams are not saved on her channel. There are no "many" she burned bridges. The few who watches her now will keep watching her. And no, she's not farting on stream regularly and often for months now, since she addressed this whole thing. She doesn't try to be the "farting girl streamer" or whatever you believe. She just didn't behave like an idol, and people found her who looked for that kind of content. She pretty much wants to cut that, stream normally to normal people, but if perverts pay for it on onlyfans that she might do it.

>> No.14051224

Incredibly based.
I don't care for / wouldn't pay for the burping, farting stuff, but when it comes to lewd content... I mean in the archive she announces what she's about to do, carries it out to completion without any fluff or any bullshit. The amount of adult content creators that go for unnatural scene-setting, faked personalities, scripts, lines, scenarios, etc. is so vast, so over-saturated, that the task of finding content that displays real, honest-to-god masturbation for the sake of masturbating is like finding a particular blade of grass in a 400 mile field. If what I saw from that mega is an indication of what to expect from her paid content, I'd buy.

>> No.14051517

I don't know if she truly decided to do it, from my experience she changes everything completely in a day, also she did these things (farting too) on stream because she's leaving that channel and moving to another one. Now it's entirely possible that she will drop the seiso and will keep doing it on the new one after a week. I don't know.
Also, it feels honest because she did it for her own pleasure, but let the viewers hear it. Not faking it for money only.

>> No.14051711

>Also, it feels honest because she did it for her own pleasure, but let the viewers hear it. Not faking it for money only.
I definitely got that vibe from it. If she does continue doing this type of thing behind a paywall I hope she sticks to doing it when she wants to, rather than forcing it out of obligation.

>> No.14052725


>> No.14052803

Were you a member of the Discord server where she posted pics of her shits?

>> No.14052874

No. I saw that here.
Funny how she doesn't want to do anything with discord anymore. It was probably those guys who harassed her.

>> No.14052902

no but I saw pictures, I'll stick to the audio, plenty of other girls can provide thick logs

>> No.14053830


>> No.14056128
File: 138 KB, 540x539, 1611068088770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking your roastie body is worth paywalling and thinking taking a shit is something worth showing the world

>> No.14056276

How many models does she have at this point?

>> No.14056343

i've seen at least 7 and i have never actually watched her streams

>> No.14056513

I'm sure she used 10+, but she talked a lot about the prices and getting scammed so maybe they were trials or something.

>> No.14056644

>and getting scammed so maybe they were trials or something.
Well that sucks

Does she actually restart on a new channel? What the fuck

>> No.14056696

Maybe open her stream there's a link to the new channel.

>> No.14056792

>maybe they were trials or something
Given this thread's context, there should be a carfax for used vtuber models. Imagine buying a model Mel shat in. First imagine being someone not turned by that then imagine it.

>> No.14056910

I don't know what I expected listening to that

>> No.14056981

I'm wondering if this actually happened 7 other times.
Why start the subs over again
Not even that bad for some random indie

>> No.14057100

She didn't start over 7 times. She retired once but then changed her mind. There's apparently a problem with her channel so it doesn't archive any streams. I don't know how possible is that, but that's why she wants to start a new channel, so she can have content on it.

>> No.14057266

It's entirely possible. Her streams are shadow-removed automatically when they finish. Going to their link gives the "deleted video" error but attempting to use tools like youtube-dl immediately fails with 403 Forbidden, like a private video. This has been seen before on a Holo's channel (Kiara's?) so it's a known thing and the only way to reverse it is to have a human at YouTube look at your channel.

>> No.14057361

That's really weird but i've heard of youtube channels having equally stupid stuff about them that youtube refuses to fix

>> No.14057402

2 out of 3 Mels rratlessly vibed themselves on stream.

>> No.14057409

Is there a reason her twitter is also empty?

>> No.14057497

And what you know, her stream just died and the vod is up. Lmao.

>> No.14057729

I don't see it, I see another stream started

>> No.14057763

Sometimes they don't go down immediately, rather waiting for the next stream to start (not done by her, it happens in the same couple of seconds) or some unknown number of hours. I've seen from experience how this works, it's either an actual problem with her channel or a feature literally nobody has found yet. Deleting (not privating) a stream does not make it inaccessible immediately to downloading tools if they're already grabbing it, but her archives become unreachable immediately when they disappear.
I too thought she was just lying about it until I tested it myself. She's not exactly the most trustworthy source.

>> No.14057770

I can rewatch it. Is the link the same?

>> No.14057918

She's gonna brush her teeth, just saying.

>> No.14057988

No, maybe you just have it saved in cache

>> No.14058253

You're recording it, right?

>> No.14058272
File: 45 KB, 362x286, 1295722111157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14058308

You don't?

>> No.14058755
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>> No.14058786

That was pretty nice, I timed it almost perfectly.

>> No.14058834

Same. I had to make some compromises though. Cum is everywhere.

>> No.14058881

That anon wasn't joking. The teeth brushing stuff feels super real compared to porn videos.
If I was enough of a coomer, I'd buy it.

>> No.14058944

This is what you oshi does when she finishes streaming, or takes a break with muting. Keep that in mind.

>> No.14059024

>getting off to someone brushing their teeth
isn’t that uh
kinda fucking weird...?

>> No.14059068

Anon, go and brush your little sister's teeth.

>> No.14059322

I had to step away when she talked about monetization. Is she getting setting up membership?

>> No.14059512

On the new channel, when the requirements are met.

>> No.14059582

So this is the average life of an exhibitionist? And an unironic degenerate at that? Subbed.

>> No.14059701

Is it just me or was that debauchery kind of wholesome?

>> No.14059746

>masturbating is debauchery and degenerate
Post your 100% virgin certificates or gtfo.

>> No.14059801

I'm more virgin than you you fucking chad.

>> No.14059860

That was kinda cute. Nice to not have all the fake moaning and shit

>> No.14059952
File: 491 KB, 496x700, 1613442280449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14060014


>> No.14060053
File: 852 KB, 2092x1725, 78CAF6C6-6F07-4B1D-B9C2-CCA91FC891EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me a good five minutes into this thread to realize this isn’t a shitpost

>> No.14060115

>this isn’t a shitpost
I mean, depends how you define shitpost

>> No.14060284

In general, it's because she's had to keep deleting accounts. She wanted the Mel character dead after the sudden rise in popularity due to a fart clip by cooksie made her community unmanageable. She even had an Alice in Wonderland character ready to go, but someone /here/ was inside her inner circle and kept leaking her new accounts.

>> No.14060886

>Mori hotmic debut incident
>Oliie playing phasmophobia and taking a breather
>Indie vtuber doing all that kind of stuff and worse openly in streams and changing accounts often to filter only people that accept it
>Well I don't know about you guys but this is kind of wholesome, here's the archives where she do it and let's all not mention her current account to protect her from the weidos, now excuse me while I resume masturbating to her burps and call vshojos whores once again FART GIRL LOVE
Alright /vt/, you can tell me you're not one person now but there's certainly some bias to be noted here.

>> No.14061204

Two chuubas who would suffer from the exposure of an accident or a thing that didn't happen versus a chuuba who does what she wants and has nothing to lose.

>> No.14061538

Poor chuuba, hope she didn't blow too much money on all those designs.

>> No.14061697

Whats her channel now?

>> No.14061749


>> No.14062463

W-was it an electric tooth brush?

>> No.14062725

Nigga you can't just masturbate on stream and expect people to jack off to it, you gotta build up to it for at least like 5 minutes. Like set the scene and all that shit, steer the conversation in that direction or something. Or else nobody will have context and it'll just be weird.

>> No.14062867

Shut up woman.

>> No.14063370

Imagine this mindset while jacking off to scat

>> No.14063542

She just can't start shitting. She has to eat the food.

>> No.14064225

Actually, you can! It actually is that simple. How many times when watching porn have you decided to "skip to the good part"? Think about it man.

>> No.14064225,1 [INTERNAL] 

I need the Archive, for research purpose...

>> No.14064225,2 [INTERNAL] 

Can y’all re up the archive :-)

>> No.14064225,3 [INTERNAL] 

Can y’all re up the archive
