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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 6 KB, 232x218, bao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10500468 No.10500468 [Reply] [Original]

She started drama with an ex mod for something and from what i saw the guy was chill and mature about the whole thing while people where acting like monkeys towards him what is with the ENvtuber community?

>> No.10500506

Don't out yourself like that you attention-seeking schizo

>> No.10500627

Caps or I don't care.

>> No.10500675

>Chill and mature
>Proceed to talks about the drama in /vt/
Nice way to promotes Bao's drama retard

>> No.10500779

Who fucking cares?

>> No.10500817

Cool how about posting some links
Summarized gossip isn't that interesting

>> No.10502936

Still waiting for that link. OP is a quadruple faggot as usual.

>> No.10503074

Gura tripped a guy in the mall and laughed at him and none of her fans tried to help him stand up what is with the ENvtuber community?

>> No.10506533

I love seeing dumb whore chuubas crash and burn for lying. I never liked her since she complained about not making her money back on her first day streaming.

>> No.10506599

Kill yourself

>> No.10506838

She's just your typical whore who bullies autistic kids.

>> No.10507378

shes a cunt, simple as that.
shes also a hypocrite because she's locked down her account because she got backlash when the guy she called out and had her fans attack didnt.
hes honestly a chad for not hiding away when he couldve.
actually quite a few did, thats why shes "backtracking" and locked down her account like a coward, people pointed out how her making this public was shitty.
she didnt lie, shes just a cunt who brought up drama about a literal who publically when she couldve not been a cunt as talked to him or at least censored the names, privacy breach or not.

>> No.10507436

Did she wipe her twitter recently? There’s barely anything other than maybe two months of posts.

>> No.10507580

probably when she locked her account today

>> No.10507690

>not starting drama every second to make up for lack of relevancy.

>> No.10508024
File: 571 KB, 985x1685, C6316F5E-852E-461A-85DE-69E8D6368095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn’t post it because the previous thread was removed, but I found the tweets referencing the drama


>> No.10508106 [DELETED] 

So when is Elira going to realise there aren't even fish on this planet?

>> No.10508258

I like to just stay away from ENvtubers that give off too much of a "Twitch thot" vibe and Bao is definitely one of those.

>> No.10508309

She changed name recently and lost her twitter history

>> No.10508355

Banned from 10 different servers
Twitch Mod
Yeah I don't give a fuck about this faggot

>> No.10508396


>> No.10508454

the mod spilled that she had a boyfriend and she made it seem like he doxxed her and then tried to backtrack. thats it.

>> No.10508814

seems like the guy is autistic, What did he leak?

>> No.10508862

How could she warn people to remove this useless sack of shit as their mod without giving his name?

>> No.10508932

But was it even really a dox when they clearly plaster it over their socials that they are dating, with their middle school shenanigans? Definitely a cunt move to try and make it seem like it was life threatening shit

>> No.10508940 [DELETED] 

See this?
This is the type of chuuba that posts their face on twitter.
This part in particular of the western bribing scene was a mistake and it’s accentuated by twitter hugboxes.

>> No.10509136

Seems like another "people should suffer for their actions but I should be judged on my intentions" streamer

>> No.10509711

nah she said only said "private irl info" and her other tweets made it seem like he spread her address or rl name or some shit.
iirc she never said she was dating anyone on socials. feels like she threw a fit and wanted to hide that to keep her simps though lol.

>> No.10509995

Does she do GFE? Is that why she's mad?

>> No.10510383

That’s what I mean by middle school shenanigans, they’ve never clearly stated it on their socials, but if you’re not blind you can see it clearly that they are dating by how often they fly out to visit and stay with each other. Same with their Twitter interactions.

>> No.10510464

I looked a little into it. What a bunch of nothing this drama is.

The autistic mod leaked some info that this Bao has a boyfriend. She could've played it smart and ignore it and this whole thing could've been forgotten. At most this could've just ended as a rumor for /vt/ to make rrats off of.

But instead she sperged out, sent her incel fans to attack this mod and now she's deleting the tweets. But the Streisand effect is a thing and in the process of doing all this, she basically confirmed that she has a boyfriend.

Considering how many tweets she had, you'd think she would now how to operate in social media space.

>> No.10512989

That's it? Who the fuck cares if your favorite vtuber has a boyfriend. Oh wait I forgot where I was.

>> No.10513011

Classic case of a girl getting too big too fast and not knowing how to manage her following

>> No.10513196

People white knighting for a woman is nothing new and has ruined many groups.

>> No.10513447

Apparently she does if she wants to drag someone through the mud for mentioning it

>> No.10513565

Female streamers who have a boyfriend earn less money than those who don't regardless of what content they do. Devin Nash talked about it in his talk with codemiko.

>> No.10513699

He leaked it in a discord VC too, it wasn't even in twitter or on a broadcast. Apparently he was in a call with someone and they asked who that guy was and he said that it was Bao's BF.

>> No.10513815

Yeah this.
>be in voice chat
>yeah this is Bao's BF
>she goes menhera
>attacks him with her 100k followers
>the community attacks her back because he has autism and they think she's using her privilege to attack someone who didn't know better
>it's a massive shitshow


>> No.10514249

He just said "she's not single" apparently, that's it. The people in the VC didn't even care but now everyone knows it's confirmed because of Bao

>> No.10514471

can someone with a horse dick fuck her already, preferably by force

>> No.10514495

does this bitch have a boyfriend?
i dont give a fuck, let him worry about her dumb bitch of a girlfriend

>> No.10514955

the main reason why probably none of them cared was because the call was likely full of mods and other vtubers, they probably knew already and as one of them said "we were all doing our own things so we didnt acknowledge it" im paraphrasing but still.

>> No.10515254

En vtuber drama is hilarious Holy shit

>> No.10515324

En indie vtubers are like a never ending cascade of petty drama. Not even Mexican soap operas are this bad

>> No.10515381

It's highschool drama or business as usual on Twitter.

>> No.10515440
File: 1.41 MB, 1337x751, bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe she has a boyfriend guys

>> No.10517850

tldr It appears that the issue is Bao allegedly lying about not having a boyfriend in order to defraud lonely men into giving her money. A whistle-blower supposedly spilled the beans and she tried to organize an online lynchmob to go after the guy, which qualifies as gendered violence against men according to modern standards. It then blew up in her face and now she's in damage control mode.

The issue is that she not only lied and cheated on her gachis, but also showed an absolute disregard for men by lashing out and trying to sacrifice one in a desperate attempt at avoiding the consequences of her own actions. What we have here is a classic example of western thottery.

Obviously she doesn't deserve to be doxxed, harassed deplatformed, or have commentary videos made about her because nobody deserves to be villainized by cynical profiteers. But it does need to be said that this is a teachable moment when it comes to blindly believing in your oshi's purity unless you've confirmed her intact hymen in person and for some reason decided not to take her to pound town yourself.

>> No.10517864


>> No.10518077

Not him but here’s paraphrased from his words:
>Bao is exploiting simps so she didn’t mention she has a boyfriend to her audience
>Her mod outed her, Bao sent her audience to attack him but she got backlash due to gender violence
>Bao is basically Pokimane, she lied to her fans and disrespects males
>Of course, Bao doesn’t deserve getting bullied out of the internet
>Don’t trust your oshi to don’t be a relationship

>> No.10518335

Should have pick better fish as your oshi.
Throw this one into trash bin.

>> No.10518605

>qualifies as gendered violence against men according to modern standards
Maybe it's time for me to never use internet ever again and go live at the peak of a mountain

>> No.10518831

lol what how does she have gachis, didn't she openly talk about her sex life in discord

>> No.10519021
File: 1.13 MB, 256x256, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F372tax.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idolchads win again

>> No.10519067

That's fucking adorable. She's still a sperg though.

>> No.10519228
File: 180 KB, 299x377, Incredibly smug bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just say that I enjoy watching retards in Artemis and Domo's circle of influence get destroyed in the dumbest ways possible?

>> No.10520659

Well she definitely care that's it's known that's for sure

>> No.10520761
File: 57 KB, 815x405, bao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd think she would now how to operate in social media space.
It's not the first instance of her being completely retarded tho, see pic related, and she also posted a good bunch of IRL body pictures.
Anyone in Artemis circles is just a lost cause.

>> No.10520839

>IRL body pictures.
Anyone in Artemis circles is just a lost cause.
Are the still there? Are they sex?

>> No.10520866

Last one I remember was tummy I guess if you like that kind of thing

>> No.10520892

I have that one saved, what about the others

>> No.10520934

>delete everything
>pretend this is a new alternate timeline
gets me every time lol

>> No.10520953

for said vtubers, having this information leak definitely means less revenue so I understand why she would be upset about it even though she is a whore
the best way to avoid this kind of thing is to not be a whore and just not get a boyfriend while you're building your vtuber career, just like all your simps don't have a gf either

>> No.10520963

>most of her income is from lonely men she acts as surrogate girlfriend for
>despite that, risk being in relationship, hidden to keep the money coming
>act shocked and pose as a victim when it inevitably get out
oh no

>> No.10520998

I mean it's like understanding when someone's scam tech support business get shutdown, I "understand" that they're upset but it doesn't mean they're in the right.

>> No.10521058

Well I didn't save everytime it happened since I don't really care for some random girl's face but 30sec of archive reps already give that, still up

>> No.10521115

The absolute state of lifelong virgin idolfaggots

>> No.10521146
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, 6ad5yhr5f3601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd you spoonfeed a helpless coomer like me anon? I'm touched

>> No.10521177

>mfw it's not actually her
>it's a random photo of a girl from jp site

>> No.10521494

wvt was a mistake

>> No.10521642

Well you don't have to like them but wvt is basically the opposite of that, it even got created as a result of the seethe about Artemis garbage debut, and bao is an extension of Artemis.

>> No.10521842

>Does she do GFE?
idk but the one time I watched her stream it was a collab where she was the only one streaming she always put on a super cutesy voice when thanking someone for a donation.

>> No.10522046

>literally just an ewhore with the vtuber label

>> No.10522127

She would fit right in with NijiEN from the sounds of it.

>> No.10522152

Idolchads stay winning!!

>> No.10522167

learn how to spell holocouncil cucklord

>> No.10522794

Pointing fingers at other's people's shit doesn't make yours smell any better, tribalfag. Both suck.

>> No.10522917

your shit smells far worse faggot, i could eat my shit

>> No.10522978 [DELETED] 

>trusted to not act like spergs

Mistake one was hiring an autist. Their messiah is in Jail right now on incest charges, Autists are wild.

>> No.10523922

wait what?

>> No.10524120

She has stuff like this and only gets pissed when someone points it out in a mod vc? Is she actually dumb? If you're gonna go for the GFE at least do a better job at at least pretending to look single.

>> No.10524244

The dude just casually said "that's bao's boyfriend" (Senz, the motherfucking ugly oni with horribly design possible nijisanji wave 4) and the girl exploded. If she doesnt want people to know she has an official boyfriend might as well stop making it so painfuly obvious. She's so fucking annoying and fake. She's always using her big following to attack people she doesnt like. Was always whining about money, or not getting enough views when she was a utaite. Her shitty personality just came to light once she got more numbers

>> No.10524334

Of course she deserves to have "commentary videos" made about her, it's the youtube equivalent of your own post about it.

>> No.10524355


>> No.10524383

Fuck. Somebody tell me this guy didn't actually made it to the final rounds. He's awful. I don't want him there. He's fake as fuck and a passive agressive asshole that obsesses with numbers. A lame as fuck boring man

>> No.10525075

Bao and Senz are retards no doubt, but the state of this thread is even more cancerous

>> No.10525467 [DELETED] 

because the drama was about a mod accidentally revealing she had a boyfriend.
If there's one thing incels like you and everyone else on this board care about, its that. "who fucking cares?" Please.

>> No.10525529

>everyone else on this board
And outside this board too, numbers don't lie even if I'm tired of seeing them.

>> No.10525773

Why is she angry about people knowing she has a boyfriend

>> No.10525832

she's a retarded Vietnamese woman who doesn't know how to handle PR

>> No.10525933


>> No.10525956

Because it's critical to the whole concept of vtubing in term of income at least, this will hurt her ability to scam lonely men out of their money and thus it's very bad that the truth came out.

>> No.10526666

her monthly income just tanked at least 30% for the foreseeable future

>> No.10526740

Lmao she trawled through her fanart tag today just to spam retweet a lot of older posts, trying to bury her stupidity

>> No.10526759

Except everyone that watched her already knew >>10515440

This is a nothingbburge overblown by people that dont even watch her.

>> No.10527059

>solving bf leaks
>just don't have a boyfriend, man
>solving abortion
>just don't fuck, man

>> No.10527600

stop linking threads in your discord with domo ya fucking tranny faggots.

>> No.10527719

Isnt she like 16th or still in highschool still? This is some high school level drama who cares

>> No.10527792

she's a college student.

>> No.10527864

Nobody knows shit about wave 4, once wave 3 debuts then the autists at the NijiEN thread will get to it and give you their guesses

>> No.10528283

If everyone knew, why is she making such a bid deal of someone said to almost nobody over a voice chat then?

>> No.10528643


Dont have mods. Dont ban people. Easy.
Literally do nothing and theres no drama.

>> No.10528748

>tfw she looked like a chink

>> No.10529559

she's Vietnamese

>> No.10529578

she's viet iirc?
photo that >>10521058 posted isn't her, she did an icon vs vtuber that might still be up. bit of a butterface imo.

>> No.10530098

how do you know that, it would be weird to post the picture of someone else, who happens to have blue nailpainting by coincidence

>> No.10530321

>photos she posted on her twitter isn't her
That actually makes it worse, if true.

>> No.10530418

I swear to God, Senz' design is some of the most early 2000's Hot Topic lolrandom shit I've ever seen. If THAT is kind of thing someone comes up with when given full creative freedom to make something then WOW.

>> No.10530454

there's a number of uncensored ones floating around on twitter so i was comparing to those. didn't look that similar to me.
if it is her then she probably used filters out the ass lol.

>> No.10530824

His humor is dogshit too

Video response to whim that's supposed to be funny

More unfunny tweets

I could post his entire timeline to show off how painfully unfunny he is. I don't think he'll make it to nijiEN unless he's master/predator rank which I don't think he is.

>> No.10531421
File: 13 KB, 399x291, lack of amusement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he recites old dead memes without context and unsuccessfully tries to adapt dead memes into modern situations and fails miserably at both
>doubles down on this because he thinks beating dead jokes will make them funny
>talks like some kind of anime protagonist

Shitty humor aside, what the actual fuck do his followers/viewers see in him?

>> No.10531571

what are you talking about??

>> No.10534511


>> No.10534514

He's friends with domo's crew, that's it.

>> No.10538750

All of the ENdies are untalented hacks who rely on ironic humor because their real selves are quit boring.

>> No.10538805

There is nothing wrong with ironic humor

>> No.10539209

Until they join hololive, right?

>> No.10542069

There isn't, but the way weebs do it comes off as completely artificial.

I know this might be hard for you to believe but I watch companies that aren't hololive or nijisanji.

>> No.10545649

Watch the guy getting completely cancelled, bao being forgiven and the whole drama be drowned and forgotten in less than 3 days, just like this thread already reaching page 10.

>> No.10547194

whores never get what they deserve.

>> No.10548314

nah. Shes a lame college dropout that keeps having mental meltdown on twitter then deleting them after 20 minutes

>> No.10548383

He's been recently posting "how good he is in apex" every godamn day bro that's what worries me. I really don't want him in nijisanji. He's going to tank their image. I don't want the girls near a dude like that

>> No.10548434

oh no man hes so fucking cringe

>> No.10549781

Someone who has the talent to participate with others will always succeed. Good FPS players are one of those people that will always have a home somewhere since they'll be able to duoQ with others inside and outside the company as well as participate in tournaments.

I just hope he flounders any interviews that he gets, the guy has "whispering voice" even in that twitter video that was linked.

>> No.10550886

t. Bao

>> No.10552324
File: 78 KB, 539x786, 1604497756718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting this to remind everyone that bao isn't the brightest bulb in the chandelier. She debuted Oct 30 on Youtube and re-debuted Nov 5 on Twitch after having one public meltdown about not making back her 5K asset costs on her first day after debut, and later another meltdown about not reading her contracts before signing them, realizing the size of her cut, and whining about it.

Please understand.

>> No.10555002


>> No.10555511 [DELETED] 

No fucking way.

>> No.10555581
File: 48 KB, 540x524, szflwWOu19X1ixh0FdX87EqcQXebEGCt1u5A7-eE5W0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.10555618

Now Bao is doing her public penance/giving back to the community/damage control for her image/building more clout by following random literal who vtuber accounts

>> No.10555741

goddamn she's stupid

>> No.10555765

Now this is the type of girl I would never want to join any corporation. . . For her own sake

>> No.10555994


>> No.10556658

like, holy kek this feels cynical as fuck after the own goal yesterday

>> No.10557312

Typical roastie whore. You can never trust these boyfriend-having sluts.

>> No.10566162


>> No.10571729

huh? when did this happen?

>> No.10572654

Bao hasn't even streamed in four weeks. Absolute vtweeter.

Ah yes, Vtuber Thighs. The account that changed it's name and fooled everyone for a day in thinking it was Ina's twitter account, right down to using her same name and profile picture, and then changed it back after gaining loads of followers saying it was an "experiment". Now they are stopping "thigh posting" and want to become a clipper.

>> No.10572674

It's a joke you stupid samefag

>> No.10573403

I want to be stripped by gura too...

>> No.10573567

No one asked for him to reveal how fat he was but he did it anyway...

>> No.10573750

There is no bigger red flag than someone with more followers on Twitter than on their streaming platform.

>> No.10573806 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 510x385, 3D955534-8FC0-4767-8E58-1232E1A7A0F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
