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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9935784 No.9935784 [Reply] [Original]

Why is naming a chuubas past life considered doxxing on this board? No personal information about their real life identity is being revealed. Last time I checked the definition of doxxing doesn't include revealing someone's previous anime avatar with 800k+ subs.

>> No.9935852

because half of this board comes from reddit.

>> No.9935903


>> No.9935974


>> No.9936014

And twitter
Fpbp btw

>> No.9936040

because most of those retards doxxed themselves in their indie lives

>> No.9936106

/animu/ is probably more your style then

>> No.9936118

Because it's not the same chuuba and you suck at Vtuber culture if you disagree. Now fuck off.

>> No.9936119

Because Cover requests that people don't do it and it's more of a culture thing.
Anyone who complains about this rule is generally a tourist or a newfaggot who doesn't give a fuck about the culture and wants everything to be like vshitshow.

Unironically kill yourself OP

>> No.9936177

Personally revealing your information is a choice, not a dox.

>> No.9936249

>Please note that discussion should pertain to a VTuber's streams and content, and should not pertain to their real lives, relationships, or appearances ("IRL").
Go ask the mods

>> No.9936280

That's their problem then. If they chose to reveal themselves in their past lives then they willingly chose to put personal information for strangers on the internet. They knew the risks.

>muh culture
>no real argument other than they're being forced to by corporate
You're not really making a case here, bootlicker.

>> No.9936330

>but muh culture
there is no reason for vtubing culture to be this way though.

>> No.9936365

god her face is making me horny

>> No.9936483

Because every time people bring up "muh sekrit knowlege" it's off-topic. In the rare cases that it is on-topic, no one cares.
If you need an example, just look at the horny thread archives. You'll find almost no deleted posts that include Senz and the other two

>> No.9936484

kill yourself doxxnigger

>> No.9936497

It's not. It's considered off-topic. You'll actually get in trouble if you report it as doxx.

>> No.9936567


>> No.9936592

Good luck getting a ban then
If you don't like it you can leave, that's all

>> No.9936627

It depends on the activity of the past life account being posted. Kson was still active and on topic, but people posting dead accounts and non-vtuber alts are just doing it for the " I have le sekrit knowledge" upvotes

>> No.9936668

It isn't, it just isn't allowed.

>> No.9936701

Because >muh slippery slope but cuck shit and sjw politics are totally fine

>> No.9936791

Cuck shit. Meido is a faggot beta simp.

>> No.9936912

Language evolve and adapts to the circumstances. The main factor for defining a word is usefulness and actual use, not etymology or history.

>> No.9936961
File: 92 KB, 500x375, WO5Du.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards have turned doxxing from meaning
>digging up your name, address, social security number, credit card, passport info, etc. from a single post on some vbulletin forum from 2003 with no additional information on the poster
>reposting already available information
These people would throw a bitchfit if they knew what the Whitepages were.

>> No.9937045

Yes there is.
To keep faggots and normies out.

>> No.9937054

If the roommate doesn’t have an avatar, that’s doxxing
You can easily talk about Gura’s roommate, but not about Kiara’s

>> No.9937131

It doesn't matter whether it's doxxing or not, it's intentionally banned by mods. The rule is basically "don't be a metafagging nigger".

>> No.9937134

>You can easily talk about Gura’s roommate
Not on this board, which is the problem.

>> No.9937166

You've already failed miserably at that

>> No.9937319

Most have forgotten the ancient words
>Lurk more
and just proceeded with spoonfeeding

>> No.9937395

we cool now 4chan? If yes I'm bringing the whole gang over
t. doxxfag

>> No.9937493

the real question is who wants to talk about gura's one hit wonder dead account outside of the context of "le drunk gura", nobody on this board actually watched her streams

>> No.9937700

Because you're the type of shitter that would call El Santo "Rodolfo". You have no respect for the mask.

>> No.9937815

I can understand the others, but Kiara and Mori make no attempt to hide who they really are and actually use Hololive to grow their non-vtuber accounts.

>> No.9937855

Because most of the time it's used for shitposting, just look at any mention of Kiaras roommate or Kson threads.

>> No.9937941

nearly all "dox" is from publicly revealed information though

>> No.9937965

>make no attempt
This is your brain on doxxposting

>> No.9938042

Because it just ruins the whole thing. VTuber culture acts in a way that they are those characters and those characters only.

Why the fuck would you want to talk about it? Why? GIMME ONE FUCKING REASON

Its also really childish. Like do you wanna belong somewhere when you need to make everyone know that you know who they were or weren't? I see these fucks in youtube comments all the time and its fucking embarassing

>> No.9938105

these threads are never deleted

>> No.9938198

>never deleted
LMAO, how was the rrat collection? Hope you had a good haul.

>> No.9938289

fuck reddit

>> No.9938438

It's contrary to the spirit of vtubing.

Don't like it? Leave.

>> No.9938496

It invites actual doxx posting.

>> No.9938495

and that character acting exactly like the person playing it as well as all other characters that person has played is all just a coincidence, right? and the reason that people want to talk about it is because these aren't just anime characters, these are real people with real lives that are intrisicly linked with their streaming personas.

>> No.9938595

You're probably thinking of the JP side of things where they actually try to portray a character who is different to their roommate - including putting on a character voice.

The difference with HoloEN (at least Gen 1) is that none of them are portraying a character, that is what they are like in real life. Even Kiara brings her chicken voice to her roommate streaming.

>> No.9938746

Anything is doxxing if it's about a janitor's oshi.
I made a joke about Gura not having an air fryer at her boyfriend's house and I got banned for doxxing.

>> No.9938810

I think it is mostly because of how much of a shitshow Ame's and Kiara's PLs caused over at /jp/, global developed PTSD about it and called it doxxing. When /vt/ was made to contain /hlgg/ rule #3 was included because it fit the culture of not wanting to hear shit about previous lives.
I personally love hearing about previous lives (specially if they were also vtubers), since most of these girls do have experience in content creation and some of it is really good. I do think that you should respect the chooba and not talk about it on public spaces, though.

Out of HoloEN, the girl with the most interesting PL is actually Ina and she gets talked about the least, because her PL isn't that cringe or scandal worthy. But there is tons of good content, some of it lost to the sands of time and you can find out that she knew some people that are still relevant to the vtuber industry today way back in za day.

tl;dr Most people that would dig into PLs only do it to shitpost.

>> No.9938936

If you think the spirit of vtubing is "haha that anime girl is talking to me" then sure

>> No.9938979

sharkmeido got canned, thankfully

>> No.9939028

Irys probably overtook Ina with the safest past life, especially if you just stick to her youtube account, all the real shit is locked behind patreon
