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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.14 MB, 1268x950, Screen Shot 2021-09-17 at 6.37.40 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9929731 No.9929731 [Reply] [Original]

Why are jannies like this, champyons?

>> No.9931548

jannie hate!

>> No.9931617

New jannies might be unfamiliar with the rules. Give them the benefit of the doubt

>> No.9932176

when is it again?

>> No.9932435

I can save her I know I can

>> No.9932727

was hours ago

>> No.9932851

shit, i was at work and had completely forgotten about her. thanks.

>> No.9932898


>> No.9933346
File: 232 KB, 723x677, A2B06952-01D3-4AC1-BA1F-35B298FEC0A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello kiki here!
Schedule will be posted tomorrow, no stream tomorrow I decided as I’ll be studying but I have some fun things in store for the week!!!

>> No.9933718
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>> No.9933883
File: 355 KB, 1270x1270, Kiki assorted poses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations on your debut! I made you a quick sketch, your stream was cute and funny. Looking forward to your schedule and future streams.

>> No.9933950

Wow Thankyou so much, it’s absolutely beautiful!!! Are you gonna colour it? I’d love to print it out and put it on my wall lul

>> No.9933955

kiki please marry me we can get carers and disabilty pension together

>> No.9933994

Look at me go!! Luuul

>> No.9934043

Is this what your panty look like?https://files.catbox.moe/e2p4vn.png

>> No.9934078

Cute! Yeah, it will be done with color when my wrist is ogey.

>> No.9934086

We can combine neetbux and own a farm where we can grow a variety of mushrooms, bunnies everywhere!!! Highland cows, quokkas!! Whaaa

>> No.9934158

Please don’t become Nyanners 4.0, Koopa 3.0, Bea 2.0

>> No.9934178


Yay!! Don’t push yourself too hard anon

>> No.9934221

>own a farm
but kiki the sun, youre gonna be working outside

>> No.9934328

Wrong pic https://files.catbox.moe/i1yj7d.jpg

>> No.9934341

If I get a big open space for animals, I’d make the sacrifice!

>> No.9934411


>> No.9934418


>> No.9934602
File: 30 KB, 512x512, 😭.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell from your fingers after sticking them deeply in rabbithole haha

>> No.9934963

did she actually say fuck koopa

>> No.9935658

it's been sorted out. continue.

however, also this >>9934158 except beatani is kind of cool still at least. To date there has not been a Western /here/ chuuba worth their salt. Pippa sort-of is but is far from perfect.

>> No.9935740

No I never have even mentioned her, I’m not too interested in the drama but I’m sure she’s nice -3-

>> No.9935820

a little based still
i'll collab with you in december

>> No.9935855

kiki how much did you pay for the tism diagnosis

>> No.9936033

My mummy got to checked as a kid

>> No.9936061

I won't be able to watch her streams if they're normally at this time, but I genuinely wish you all the best of luck

>> No.9936114

thanks bro, ill do my best to groom and get groomed

>> No.9936245

Thankyou very much anon! I wish you the best too -3-

>> No.9936333

Do me a favor when you make it into the inner circle, yeah? When the time comes and this community gets big enough, be the one single groomer to speak out against creating a discord. After walking away from /yah/ a couple months ago, it would break my heart to see another close community get destroyed

>> No.9936794

no im gonna be the first to put the idea on the table just to meet other people since i dont have friends

>> No.9936857

I wonder what happened to /yah/, last I've known of them was when Bea created Discord just to "test the waters". Now I just checked in to their general just to see everything's gone to shit. Discord truly ruins people's lives.

>> No.9936867

don't think she'd be against it mate

>> No.9936932

what does kiki think about making a discord to play games and talk to new people, and hopefully not have drama

>> No.9937104

Discord unfortunately can be a cesspool of bad people.. so I don’t think it’s the best idea, I think there are better ways of making frens!

>> No.9937180

The problem isn't Discord, it's the discordfaggotry. It's the same shit with Redditors. It invites the worst people with the worst mentality who frequent insufferable public spaces. They are hard to filter and tardwrangle so therefore prone to drama. The only drama free discord I could find was some member's only discord of some half EN/JP vtuber and all they do is advertise their fanbox content there, and use the server solely to invite people to play member's only games. Nothing else.

>> No.9937256

It's going to be up to who's in her DMs and I also don't think any groomer is going to let the opportunity of getting her into a voice call slip past them.

>> No.9937358

already have an autistic 4chan girlfriend but i wouldnt mind grooming kiki to be my autistic 4chan friend that is a girl

>> No.9937482

I'll invite her to ICQ

>> No.9937623


>> No.9937970

What’s wrong with responding to dms by the way anon.. I’m not dumb I’m not gonna get groomed, I just wanna interact with people and make friends!

>> No.9937997

'nother failed /here/chuuba in the making then. Discord is the literal, actual honest-to-god groomer zone. At least here you have an actual degree of separation - nobody can DM you ever.

Also there is probably nobody in the field of anons here actually worth trying to attract to a discord other than A.) other /here/chuubas and B.) someone who could actually do something for you back on here, like get damascus to draw his "art" or sharkmeido to fix a problem in your threads. Category A probably would need to be done behind a burner discord account to filter the fakes just trying to get in and I don't think I've ever heard of B happening with a /here/chuuba, not yet at least.

>> No.9938019

oh no...they all said this...

>> No.9938021

>I’m not dumb I’m not gonna get groomed
That's what they all think.

>> No.9938185
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>> No.9938214

>What’s wrong with responding to bait
You should look up those Twitlongers where they expose how manipulative groomers can be. They make it seem like it's a social obligation for you to do what they want

>> No.9938306

How was the debut?
Kiki is the first /here/ chubba who didn't feel like a pretentious "I have a vagina" bitch talking to fellow anon, so I'm quite interested.

>> No.9938374

very cute
passionate about animals

>> No.9938491

as based and comfy as one could hope for, even better for us aussies

>> No.9938579

She was less of a nervous wreck than I expected, it's rare to see someone as comfortable as she was debuting as an indie. She seems to be very passionate and excited about the idea of being a chuuba, the enthusiasm is defiantly there. And her voice and accent are very cute.

>> No.9938643

proud of her. this year's been amazing for aussie vtubers.

>> No.9939227

i like her

>> No.9939511

the only thing im gonna groom kiki for is for her to stop studying and start streaming

>> No.9939712

If you're an Aussie it's absolutely worth it, you get like 800 spergbux a fortnight if you aren't working
>Captcha: NTR 0D

>> No.9939988
File: 85 KB, 593x412, 108FF4DE-3851-4EF1-932E-CC97346A3382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lol

>> No.9940331

get his threadgrooming ass

>> No.9941446

No anon >:(

>> No.9941585

nice neet sleeping schedule

>> No.9941720

I’m not a neet I work :3

>> No.9941767

s-same...maybe this is f-fate

>> No.9941770

>Get kiki to fail uni and drop out
>Ends up with much more freetime, but feeling dumb, weak and depressed
>Needs strong emotional support
>Become her emotional crutch
>Psy-op her into thinking of and taking addictive unhealthy substances to feel better
>Needs even stronger emotional and personal support
>Get her to take a break from social media and streaming, talking just to me
>Convince her to let us meetup and help guide her through her problems
I will become groom man

>> No.9941893

Never happening anon!! I will be the best vet and there’s nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.9942034

My childhood RSPCA dreams died, please save all the poor doggos and birbs for me

>> No.9942051

helping weak girls heal is the best trope for one-sided romance

>> No.9942057

kiki-chan...your sleeping reps...guess the same goes for me

>> No.9942116

She's probably watching the youkai.

>> No.9942159

can't blame her

>> No.9942165

Of course, I will give each dog an individual pat for you ok?

I will soon I promise waaah, I think I’m too excited and happy to sleep now, my face legitimately hurts from smiling

>> No.9942639

>I will give each dog an individual pat for you ok
Even if a lie, that genuinely makes me happy knowing you'll probably give at least a couple extra pets remembering this
Also I just looked up RSPCA volunteering cause I was curious and realized shit ain't nearly as time intensive as young me thought, and I'm currently looking for more stuff to do after getting extra free time myself
Although a bit indirect, your animal love might have just helped get a volunteer

>> No.9942899

Please do! It’s literally the best thing ever, I’ve actually never volunteered for the rspca, but helping local wildlife shelters, kennels, even icu for Aussie wildlife is important. Lots of organisations rely solely on volunteers like you so it’s super duper important that they get help so they can continue to help out the animals!
I remember helping my first animal properly, it honestly changed my life. If you ever need any advice please just ask, I’m more then happy to answer any questions and point you in the right direction. Enthusiasm is the first step, I’m proud of you!

>> No.9944878


>> No.9945816

I will coom to the rabbit

>> No.9947310
File: 421 KB, 723x563, 1631854459657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did anyone upload the vod to mega? i want to download it but for some reason no youtube to mp4 website is working for me

>> No.9947411

Why is it that every bunny chuuba nowadays is /here/?

>> No.9947442

Kiki. Sleep.

>> No.9947675

For real, as the other anon said. I know its exciting, but sleep you silly sperg
Threads only get more active around streams, but wtf kind of animals are easier to care for? Domestic cats/dogs at shelters or wildlife/birbs? Stuck between choosing what place to send an application to

>> No.9947837


>> No.9948092

i dont know how that works since im a techlet, i tried vlc too but once again it didnt work, i think kiki has the video so it cant do playback on other websites

>> No.9948132

It's really simple and easy to troubleshoot and install, its versatility (combined with ffmpeg for max autismo) is unrivaled.

>> No.9948253

My only suggestion Kiki is if you do a charity stream for wildlife, do not donate to pitbull shelters. Promoting their continued breeding is awful.

>> No.9949018

ive been trying but im literally retarded, kiki please allow the video to be played back on other websites for easier archiving if you are reading this

>> No.9949103

holy shit that was fast, i love you kiki

>> No.9949201

>She's awake
How do I saviourfag her for sleep reps?

>> No.9949441

Sleepy ASMR with her chatting in bed. Imagine. She has one of the sexiest natural voices I have heard from a vtuber so it would be a treat. .

>> No.9949499

>She has one of the sexiest natural voices I have heard from a vtuber
She sounds like the typical Aussie highschool/zoomer girl m8, I've met like 50 girls with that exact voice though it is the most fuckable of the accents we got desu

>> No.9949524

Kiki post your nudes here

>> No.9949603

i love your women's accents and they are built for BAM (big american marriage)

>> No.9949614

I'm too used to hearing western vtuber girls with either a roastie voice or just a deeper one they mask by being super high pitched most of the time.

>> No.9949630

Don't even try it cunt

>> No.9949655

Make them tasteful nudes and call it art.

>> No.9949723

And sell them as NFTs

>> No.9949760
File: 191 KB, 263x432, Screenshot-2021-9-17 Kikis Debut .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your outfit needs more details you look like your average /fit/ twinkfag

>> No.9949833


>> No.9949844


we are frens!

>> No.9949883

Is Kiki top or bottom and do she like it in her ass or puss?

>> No.9949910

>"They're overpaid, oversexed, and over here" was a common phrase used by Australians around this time
Imagine being American and living like a king in Australia at the time. They’d take the women then go back home as heroes.

>> No.9949915

Pekora is our spirit animal basically and I'd guess a /here/chubba would better understand the appeal of her for her raw entertainment value over someone like say Ame, because GFE isn't really a thing for (straight) girl. Seeing the trend in Kiara, Pippa, Baelz (the key on her necklace would appear to complement the lock on peko's) and Kiki here yeah apparently she's quite a source of inspiration.

>> No.9949928
File: 255 KB, 945x1200, 0e9734ee8d3b267310923b3bf01c3edce9944a1edf4218dacd5dc694417d6a56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oral fixation, 100%

>> No.9950004

I think the outfit itself is perfectly sexy, she just could use more color. The clover is far too dark and her shirt carrot should be colored in. Her thigh highs not being monochrome would also help. I get she might just like dark clothing irl but an avatar needs to grab people's attention.

>> No.9950364

I might also add Pekora herself specifically is aware of and tries to cultivate the female side of her audience; she -wants- to be the inspiration for future chuubas. So she's basically the godmother of what may gradually emerge as a whole school of vtubing style.

>> No.9951979

I want Kiki to be cruel to me

>> No.9952029

this is only a good thing

>> No.9952722

>tfw no Kiki mommy gf

>> No.9952895

strike me as a sadist def a korone's student in the art of risuna ryona

>> No.9952960 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 442x639, Kiki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the draw thread

>> No.9953025

I can't tell if this is just a really horny anon posting or a sleepless kiki baiting lewds

>> No.9953116

my heart is horny

>> No.9953181

kiki def hornyposting. its only 7am stop it

>> No.9953215

I have a penis

>> No.9953227

>tfw no kiki with a shota pipi

>> No.9953373

stinky neet in the australian heat.....

>> No.9953428

kiki has a peen? based

>> No.9953500

neet architectured kiki.....

>> No.9956945

for me, its kiki

>> No.9957512

For me, it's pyomgoloids

>> No.9959687

I have coomed to the thought of impregnating the rabbit

>> No.9960822

we all should

>> No.9960888

are you going to play deltarune chapter 2?

>> No.9963517


>> No.9965284

Link your twitter on your youtube you dumdum

>> No.9966011

She might as well start with Chapter 1, then do Chapter 2.

>> No.9966485
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1606759900898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white female
>claims to like animals A LOT

>> No.9966846

Hello anons I have awoken!!
I love undertale unfortunately I was weirdly obsessed with it, I would love to play deltarune if you guys are interested, I have already played the first chapter a few times but I’d be happy to play again. Do you know when the next chapter is coming out? I thought Toby fox was gonna release the entire game?

How about a stream where I just play the entire thing when it comes out -3-

>> No.9967198

oh god anon no.
how scuffed are your pc specs

>> No.9967266

Chapter 2 came out like 2 hours ago

>> No.9967343

Ch 2 is out now

>> No.9967353

Toby is going to take forever to finish so might as well just do the two chapters.

>> No.9967370

play apex and minecraft :3

>> No.9967574

I wonder where this anti-white rrat comes from exactly? Videos found on (((porn sites))) maybe? Whites don't abuse animals or eat dogs, so they had to find a way to twist this inherent compassion for other living things into a weird fetish thing I guess.

>> No.9967629

I learned about it from Kana. She said if a white girl lives alone with a dog, they're fucking. Also said she fucks her dog a couple times.

>> No.9967696

>Also said she fucks her dog a couple times.
You're gonna need to prove that one, anon.

>> No.9967747

She said no Discord and she drops Bea memes. She probably knows the danger.

>> No.9968154

I found this after a quick search.

>> No.9968251

That doesn't seem to be serious.

>> No.9968356

It's not the first time she talked about it "as a joke".

>> No.9968455


>> No.9969978

Bunny is cute

>> No.9972831

Just got caught up with her debut she seems to have a good head on her shoulders and is aware of the mistakes other chuubas made. If she doesn't break her promises she might just make it.

>> No.9973494

Kiki studying hard on a Saturday…I wanna pet this diligent bunny.

>> No.9973671

A rat killed by childhood rabbit

>> No.9974006

kiki its saturday and midsem breaks are soon....stream already...

>> No.9975875

She looks like she could pass off as a Linux/GNU distro's mascot.

>> No.9975958


>> No.9976334
File: 704 KB, 680x680, 1631578508348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ogey?

>> No.9976917

*intense rRrRrRRat*

>> No.9979313
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9980363
File: 89 KB, 1125x448, D0D5AE54-0BAB-4528-B1E7-26D74E2EC17C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna hang every drawing I get made (that’s good lol) on my wall! Kiki wall

>> No.9980637

No way she is wearing any panties.

>> No.9981084
File: 319 KB, 1125x1006, 4EFD40F6-303B-4E64-AF04-BEF4AB7F5629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which champyons are coming?!!

>> No.9981245

I’m not into Toby Fox’s games but guess I’ll watch it anyway

>> No.9981691

kiki please have mercy on the est boys
I'll try my best to show up

>> No.9981831

Why is she posting in jst for an english speaking audience? What is this larp?

>> No.9981903

Because she is practically lives in JST timezone, and rightfully expects us to be weebs who are used to converting time from JST
for me it's easy, just 1 hour difference

>> No.9981911

Oh it isn’t larp, I just think it’s fun :3 you can calculate it right, burger?

>> No.9981943

^ this! >>9981691

>> No.9981971

I’m sorry! Maybe I’ll do a poll on the best streaming time sometime?
Make sure to take care of yourself and sleep

>> No.9982042

i'll try to be there!!

>> No.9982088

yes i can don't worry i'm used to jst times :3

>> No.9982089

Do a poll of where your audience is from as well. Will give you a good idea of what times are best..

>> No.9982711

Good idea yes

>> No.9983750

i love this bunny

>> No.9984893

With your love for animals, are you a vegetarian?
Guessing you've already had some extensive thoughts on it, for either answer seems like a topic you could answer and discuss on stream for a bit

>> No.9986041

Stream starting soonish! -3-

>> No.9986591
File: 93 KB, 256x256, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9986617

KIki confirmed newfag
6 months to a year /here/ at most

>> No.9986643

she said she's been on 4chan for at least 5 years

>> No.9986695

scared it will age reveal if I say actually how many I've been on, but yes over 5 years!

>> No.9986701

she lied, look how she posts

>> No.9987020

/vt/ is a new board with a lot of new people in it to begin with. So don't let some vocal old losers who need to believe over a decade spent on /jp/ and /a/ weren't complete wastes of time get to you. Everyone is a tourist to them.

>> No.9987403

another /here/ chuuba trainwreck waiting to happen
ill see you in 3 months in the tldr drama thread

>> No.9987504

>not staying for the ride
literally the only reason I come to this board

>> No.9987514

Shit, gotta finish CH2 quick

>> No.9987647

get in here

>> No.9987653
File: 87 KB, 1586x875, soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9987667

>40 minutes early
What the fuck

>> No.9987705

she got excited, pls understand

>> No.9987752

Are you reading the thread on a second monitor or not?

>> No.9987788

i'm a laptop bro...
but switching through tabs isn't too bad

>> No.9987857

I think anon was asking Kiki

>> No.9987882

yeah, I'm just kiki boyfriend

>> No.9987942

and I am her husband

>> No.9988009


>> No.9988222

Kiki, when is the Black Souls play-through?

>> No.9988255

Who is this and why does she sound so cute?

>> No.9988273

Would unironically love it, but it would need to wait for membership streams and be unarchived.

HEREtuber that loves cunny. And she sounds cute cuzz she is.

>> No.9988340

she seems autistic and young, i hope she doesnt get groomed by any indie cliques

>> No.9988400

She said she's autistic in her debut stream, but she's in college so she's not that young.

>> No.9988493

How long is this stream gonna go for? Got reps and sleep to do eventually

>> No.9988586

I went to college at 17, trust me she's pretty young

>> No.9988922

She's doing vet surgeries, so I don't think she's a first year.

>> No.9988983

she is also incredibly racist

>> No.9988984

i love you too kiki

>> No.9989021


>> No.9989041

is this the one bros?

>> No.9989066

I'm getting some pretty good (girl)friend vibes from her, feels like watching some mysterious school m8 I know but don't know streaming

>> No.9989086

I was gonna say "I dunno about incredibly," but then I remembered that she got jannied for racism once and posted the ban screen on twitter. So I guess maybe she is.

>> No.9989101

I hope so

>> No.9989192
File: 103 KB, 1600x900, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying on stream

>> No.9989193

Bros... how can she be so cute?

>> No.9989199
File: 625 KB, 622x728, 1600393032671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fucking rabbit

>> No.9989209

Kiki it's too early in the AM for me for you to be this adorable.

>> No.9989245
File: 2.08 MB, 350x350, this brightness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck I didn't think she'd make me gosling this hard

>> No.9989258

Sincerity is never cringe, by the way. It's okay to be a little emotional.

>> No.9989287

>goes smug to hide the fact she was just crying
my heart, my dick

>> No.9989314

Probably projection on your part anon. You would likely want a race of people you dislike to die but justify it on ideological grounds while she only makes fun of the low iq criminals in her country. The latter is what normal people do, the former is genocidal.

>> No.9989356


>> No.9989431

>"Probably projection on your part anon."
>Proceeds to project

>> No.9989582
File: 202 KB, 1066x529, kiki is my new meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9989645

Kiki just blew me live on stream, see ya virgins.

>> No.9989716
File: 26 KB, 185x244, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9989784
File: 250 KB, 478x447, aussie wifi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9989786


>> No.9989846

i need to go, see ya later kiki

>> No.9989898

she's literally hitler...

>> No.9989914
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1530840388961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told myself I would never play or watch undertale shit but I'm doing it for her. She's worth it.

>> No.9989953

>shes vegetarian
she's never had chicken nuggies bros...

>> No.9989956
File: 90 KB, 243x194, 1631640242242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she may be vegetarian but i'm about to put some meat in her if you know what i mean

>> No.9989972

Yep, she is the one

>> No.9989979

care to elaborate?

>> No.9989998

I dunno why you'd keep yourself from enjoying good games. Don't tell me it's just because the fanbase is shit.

>> No.9990079

wtf i love aussies now

>> No.9990085

I'm not impressed by what I've seen so far of this and my understanding is that Undertale itself is even more basic than this. If anything it's kinda comfy that she's gotten distracted from playing to just chat, the game was meh but Kiki is love.

>> No.9990113

I get the whole "she's just like me" joke, but everything in her streams hits too close to home.
I love being an aussie.

>> No.9990170

I haven't had a friend in like 10 years, so I can relate really hard with the whole "been so long since I've talked with people" comment

>> No.9990221
File: 122 KB, 611x669, kiki blanket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9990226


>> No.9990237
File: 1.94 MB, 640x400, 1625548712127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening again, bros...

>> No.9990305

Sorry, I had to add Pepeloni... it's tradition... I'm sorry....

>> No.9990345

she looking too skinny might add some more calories and high absorption protein to that diet

>> No.9990386
File: 134 KB, 611x669, kiki blanket2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smug/blush version

>> No.9990447

>that blush
>those eyes
oh no

>> No.9990451
File: 471 KB, 497x515, 1625864560031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never get rid of me, the BrazilCHAD

>> No.9990457

>Frog Caliphate

>> No.9990564

Kiki's autism is too cute, bros...

>> No.9990567

It's hard to believe she never streamed before, I've watch many indies starts and the ones with no experience are very obvious, and she doesn't feel like that at all

>> No.9990572

Cutest Bunny or Smuggest Bunny? guess I'll watch both
didnt know you had to pay for the diagnosis
It's a psychiatrist that does it, correct? For some reason my mom thought I should've gotten that checked after 18 years and now im fucked

>> No.9990579

why is she so smug?

>> No.9990639

you underestimated the power of actual autism

>> No.9990644

It probably helps that she knows the audience she's streaming to and it's probably why she wants to stay specifically /vt/.

>> No.9990649
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>> No.9990662

Bros, look at his giant gun dick. How can I compete?

>> No.9990697

Don't feel bad, duck have the biggest penis size to body length ratio of the animal kingdom

>> No.9990705
File: 567 KB, 1920x1080, Ev0FjUzVoAMg-wO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a austistic kid is the biggest trend these days. I`m saying this not because of some conspiracy or some shit.

These moms just be some fucking lazy moms with absolute no care to their child education, then the child will have no friends and bad school performance. Instead of taking care of the child they will go to 4 or 5 doctors that WILL tell her its not the kids problem, but then someone will diagnose the kid with autism and all her problems will be explained.
The pediatricians i know are really mad about this, and Its not like we can do something about it.

I`m not questioning Kikis autism, just venting.

>> No.9990826

Based kiki HATES the gays

>> No.9990847

It's worse now anon. Unless you want your weird kid to be "transitioned" against your will with hormone blockers, probably should stay away from any pharma loving doctors.

>> No.9990861


>> No.9990872

reminds me of when I was a kid and it was borderline trendy for everyone to get diagnosed with ADD/ADHD

>> No.9990915

So there's no way someone on 4chan for "more than 5 years" wouldn't know about OP is a faggot right.

>> No.9990916


>> No.9990918

It has only gotten worse since then. Trash parents having their kid diagnosed with ADHD is something that will not go away because it's the most convenient excuse in the world. I say that as one of those kids.

>> No.9990946

I dont know about that one (for now). I mean, at least it isnt a big problem in my country yet, although ive seen things online. But the autism thing happens often.

Yeah, these trends are really similar. The autism trend was added but the ADHD didnt leave, so now we have both.

>> No.9990971

kek, she's checking the thread again

>> No.9990974

Hi Kiki!

>> No.9990982


>> No.9991019

Kiki doesn't know I'm here

>> No.9991021


>> No.9991060

Kiki being /here/ won't stop me from marrying her and doing everything to make her happy

>> No.9991064
File: 59 KB, 611x669, aussie blanket template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros... she said my name im no longer virgin

>> No.9991068

Marry me Kiki!

>> No.9991085

bro she responded to my hitler post...

>> No.9991095

Kiki what is your opinion on black people watching you streams

>> No.9991099
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, staymad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9991101

Kiki, play Little Witch Nobeta for the cunnyreps

>> No.9991121

why are you brown

>> No.9991138

It doesn't matter about your skin color, it's the fur on top.

>> No.9991142

My cheeks will never not stop hurting because of this precious bun.

>> No.9991143

Ignore this man, you are not literally hitler

>> No.9991161

Kiki, you make my tiny penis hard.

>> No.9991182

Kiki, you make my 9 inch penis hard

>> No.9991209

her silence is deafening

>> No.9991228

I just want Kiki to hold me and tell me everything will be okay

>> No.9991245

I was finally gonna sleep at 9 fucking AM but then I found this stream, fuck sleep

>> No.9991256

She loves them just like the gays

>> No.9991260

I just want to hold Kiki and tell her everything will be okay

>> No.9991268

Going looking for fungi with Kiki!

>> No.9991301

Go to a secluded spot together, Kiki plays with anon's mushroom.

>> No.9991305

I can listen to Kiki talk about things that excite her all day long. She's so relaxing.

>> No.9991400
File: 99 KB, 230x238, 1600045427696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would change my NEET lifestyle for my Kiki bunnywife

>> No.9991408


>> No.9991493

happy birthday Kiki

>> No.9991500


>> No.9991597

Sniffing petrol with Kiki!

>> No.9991621

Can someone link her twitter it's unsearchable because of her name, and I want to post fanart.

>> No.9991635

rabbitonvt or something

>> No.9991656


>> No.9991663


>> No.9991681


>> No.9991717

i will just leave the tab open while i watch the dsp/wings detractors

>> No.9991749

A woman who is genuinely passionate about something tangible and real that involves going into the great outdoors and appreciating the beauty of nature instead of repeating culturally approved rrats on social media and watching crappy tv shows? She is perfect.

>> No.9991795

My favourite aboriginal song

>> No.9991798


>> No.9991824
File: 590 KB, 1178x652, adorable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9991831

based aussie mate, almost as good as listening to didgeridoos and clap sticks while they do the goanna dance

>> No.9991848

Kiki lusts over chad

>> No.9991871

I'm chad

>> No.9991925

post bunny six pack

>> No.9991928

Let's be real, if everyone here fights in a cage match to the death to marry Kiki, how many people will die?

>> No.9991941

everyone but me

>> No.9991982

I'd be the last rabbit standing anon

>> No.9992009

Guess she wouldn't get along with my mom then. Oh well. Won't stop me from marrying her.

>> No.9992132

>rekt gays
>rekt blacks
>rekt leafs
>only her second stream
Is this the most perfect vtuber ever?

>> No.9992144

now for the jewish question

>> No.9992216

someone bringing up moses seemed to wake her up and got her right back into the game, so the jury's still out on that one

>> No.9992219

Is she gonna cry?

>> No.9992287

talking about da joos on youtube is a massive no no, even compared to blacks

>> No.9992309

there are waays to do it

>> No.9992320

It's going to be an incredibly tight line to walk for sure. We have to protect her.

>> No.9992383
File: 75 KB, 366x500, 1621204901761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9992432


>> No.9992463

undeniably based

>> No.9992464

There is a reason why it's called jewtube. Almost all the classic dog whistles are bannable, with jokes like "merchants guild" still raising eyebrows.
But I hope she doesn't just go full polchuuba, I think she's already perfect as is.

>> No.9992808
File: 599 KB, 1920x1016, 567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time on stream, pretty based

>> No.9992836

Did she ever think she would've gotten to this point?

>> No.9992878

Yeah I don't see the point of forcing those jokes

>> No.9992930

my dick on the left

>> No.9992977

No, about an hour in she started crying out of joy

>> No.9993015

I want to take every step of Kiki's journey alongside her!

>> No.9993114

Isn't that why she act like she did in the debut?

>> No.9993263

I think she is a lonely femcel and we are the closest she has had to friends in a while.

>> No.9993274

will she ever open donos? I want to use some of my oil baron dollars.

>> No.9993353

She said she wants to wait a month or two before opening up a streamlabs.

>> No.9993644
File: 454 KB, 797x1127, hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a month or two
how am I going to give my oshi my love, bros...?

>> No.9993789

Tell her shes doing good? Buy a Skeb if you really feel like spending money I guess?

>> No.9993812

All you gotta do is be there. She seems genuinely touched people are watching her in the first place. Get art like above guy said if you want to make her happier.

>> No.9994011

>schedule clash with Nade
Bros, I thought they were friends...

>> No.9994046
File: 201 KB, 900x1000, bunneh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate the stream so far

>> No.9994079

don't care about the game, but I love kiki

>> No.9994088

I like when she's not playing the game the most

>> No.9994093

9/10, game is meh but kiki is love

>> No.9994133

Not really paying attention to the game since I got in 30min late couldn't understand anything, but hearing her tangents is fun.

>> No.9994150

Don't really know much about the game but it's simple and enjoyable enough
The talks are the best part, the back and forth interaction is nice and she actually seems good at it despite being a sperg

>> No.9994208

The BGM is soothing and comfy. Song name?

>> No.9994262

Watching her enjoy the game is so nice. I never played Undertale or whatever, but she seems to really be enjoying it and I love seeing her happy. She's gonna get a thrill out of part 2 since she hasn't played that one yet, I can't wait to bask in her excitement and joy as she plays through the new content.

>> No.9994305

It's a solid 9/10 just for the ramblings
I don't even care about the game

>> No.9994589

are you happy now?

>> No.9994617

A bit cringe, don't mind the occasional jokes but people have been forcing a bit much the /pol/shit

>> No.9994660

I got my answer mate, all I needed. Now stop with the pol posting, it's only funny occasionally.

>> No.9994695


>> No.9994702

Kiki trying to dox us

>> No.9994722

We were all here, we know she's our girl. No need to push the envelope and make life hard for her.

>> No.9994751

Sadly Kiki has been offering up a decent amount of personal info
Best to keep the yabs lite, in case the day of doxx does arrive

>> No.9994754

>fucks up the sound after every break
what did she mean by this?

>> No.9994798

Seriously. Don't try to make her act too based on stream. She's never too small for a single asshole to get her wiped.

>> No.9995079

>She read my username
Fuck all y'all, I have ASCENDED

>> No.9995098

she has read mine twice, cope

>> No.9995165

she said 'fuck you' twice to me, suck it

>> No.9995243


>> No.9995473

Kikis rabbit hole...

>> No.9995573

I want to go down the rabbit hole bros...

>> No.9995609

she said half of mine so i'm coping

>> No.9995792

I'm impressed by how together her streams are with the bgm and overlay and the waiting screens etc. I expect way less from my indies. Very cool

>> No.9995948

Speaking of undoxxable, Gura almost stayed virtually untouched (Sen doesn't count) until those turboschizos ruined it with her old volunteer work. Pretty impressive getting past 2 million subs before anything happened.

>> No.9996158
File: 26 KB, 141x122, piss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she used to sameefag
filtered unsubbed and disliked i can't believe kyunny would do this

>> No.9996658

>chat dead as fuck
Its over....

>> No.9996755

I'm vegged out in a state of utter bliss.

>> No.9996887

It's normal for chats to have deadtime if you don't have several hundred+ viewers. I follow a few that get ~100 and there's moments where nobody chats then too. Also thread is about to die. Someone make the new one when it does so Kiki doesn't get jannied again.

>> No.9997043

Is the goat a boy or a girl?

>> No.9997230
File: 9 KB, 297x167, sug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to occasionally increase the playback speed to 2x to catch up with the stream. Why is YouTube like this?

>> No.9997362

now she has told me to get out twice

>> No.9997399

website built for videos wasn't built for streams please andastand

>> No.9997450

okay im amking anew thread

>> No.9997577

