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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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988972 No.988972 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.988984

lurk more, no one likes retards that want to be spoonfed everytime they dont understand something

>> No.989030

Code for gay sex.

"Ogey rrat" is a variation, usually to signal an experienced lad looking for fresh meat.

>> No.989031

In the time before man and /vt/, there was a hololive thread on /jp/ that was about 50 times faster than any thread on the board. It was filled with assholes enjoyed making up "narratives" about the girls or why events had transpired. Sometime later, there was a great schism among the hololive, with the thread splitting in two. One of those threads decided "wouldn't it be great to use rrat as a synonym for narrative?" and the other decided "No, that's retarded"

This board is largely descended from the first group

>> No.989040


>> No.989041

It's a meme based on something cute Pekora said once.

You probably shouldn't have posted an entire thread for this, though. When you post a thread, something else gets pushed off, so... don't waste slots.

>> No.989043

raging rockhard anime titties

>> No.989057

Now fuck off

>> No.989082

ogey = polite form of "gey"
rrat = pekora likes to trill her Rs, she said this once while playing rat simulator

>> No.989131

it doesnt have meaning until some faggot spammed ogey rrat in hlg and hlgg comes along used it as "narrative"

>> No.989138

this is the correct answer

>> No.989154

but why does it matter that pekora said ogey rrat

>> No.989203

it means you're a faggot

>> No.989233


(made up stories/no proofs)

>> No.989262

the more newfags who truly understand the deep concept of ogey rrat, the harder it is to filter them and disregard their opinions.
this is how all gang slang works.

>> No.989339

It's a slide thread for the antis who hate global with a passion.

>> No.991061


>> No.991144
File: 50 KB, 720x648, 1596264414282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ killed the silly "over rrat" meme by turning "rrat" into an abbreviation of "narrative", since narratives are all they talk about.
Now everything gets labelled as a "rrat". Rumor? Rrat. Misunderstanding? Rrat. Official statement? Rrat. Some schizo's headcanon? RRAT!

Fuck globalniggers.

>> No.991237

Story with no sauce keep posting narrative.

>> No.991337
File: 117 KB, 1800x1551, 1603215616476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey Rrat came from Pekora's MGS3 playthrough where she was responding to chats and said Okay which sounds like a retarded Ogey. Then she sees an item with a R. Rat written above and read it wrong.

It became very prominent in /jp/ as a funny meme usually posted alongside enlarged pekora images. Sometime before the creation of /vt/, it became an actual Rrat with rat images. Then it evolved once more in /vt/ as shitposting mainly for schizo posting.


>> No.991580

Not what people think it means.

>> No.991627

It doesn't mean anything. It's just a word that people around here use to spice up their speech patterns. Like saying desu or peko at the end of a sentence.

Rrat is just another verbal tick.

>> No.991651

this doesn't make any sense, what's so funny about ogey rrat

>> No.991663


>> No.991667
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It's like I'm watching reddit take a meme and corrupt it's meaning, beating it into the ground and turning it into a pulpy mush of nonsense verb/noun.
But it's supposedly our fellow /jp/ autists who did it(yeah right).

>> No.991676

It's an acronym
>A_necdotes (and)

>> No.991772

it's a short name for RapidRat which is a type of fetish porn where people Rapidly ejaculate on Rats

>> No.991785

What does /ss/ mean in the context of "hey kid wanna /ss/?" Saw it in some epic memes and always wondered XD

>> No.991828

Sometimes I think this board has an even higher ratio of newfags than /b/

>> No.991838
File: 717 KB, 617x701, 1614101468845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

means become epic gamer fascism
uh oh zoom time!!!!

>> No.991889

anon it has like 3 fucking meanings do your archive reps and dont rely on old fags to explain this shit to you just go to explain the meme or some shit

>> No.992456


It means Japanese Sword

>> No.992649

Stupid pinchike

>> No.992672

You will never be nihonjin

>> No.992673

ogey = rrat

>> No.992926

>>988972 (OP)
It's gossip. No different from reading off Hollywood tabloid, except it's celebrity rumors catered to less normal but more vapid fanboys.

>> No.993019

vibrrator in your mom's ass

>> No.993023

its a neo nazi dog whistle. vtubers have been infested with unironic alt right members and use the terms "rrat" and "ogey" as trigger words to activate their sleeper agents within the community.

>> No.996234
File: 269 KB, 1645x929, 0*YgtEypuJ2QfMPCbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the mystery of rrat is solved,what does roommate mean?

>> No.996287

What's even the difference between /hlgg/ and HoloLive global?

>> No.996308

Lurk untill lung fish evolve into mammals.

>> No.996340

A large majority of this board uniroincally comes from reddit. That global thread is a hugbox

>> No.996379

This anon is correct, ever notice how ogey is usually used with rrat? To "ogey" is to kill, and "rrat" refers to undesirables such as black people, homosexuals, and the jewish.

Whenever you see someone say "ogey rrat" it means they're going to, or have recently committed a hate crime

>> No.996393

wouldn't you like to know, weather boy

>> No.996414

This isn't Urban Dictionary buddy

>> No.996737

It's a codeword used to admit one's homosexuality

>> No.996780

Its a person
Ogey Rrat is a mans name, Ogeyu being first with hos family name being unknown
rrat is his youtube channel name, uncovers shit about vtubers

>> No.997106

