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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[SPOILER] No.983207[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Any thoughts on how many Holos have a second (or primary) job outside of being a cute anime streamer?

>> No.983333

Kiara's fastfood restaurant must be doing badly if she needs to supplement her income with supas.

>> No.983383
File: 89 KB, 347x344, 1605789969402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone works at the bakery near her house when she's not streaming

>> No.983417

I'm not schizo enough too guess their salaries. But I do know some of the girls put in a lot of hours and work for their agency. (Making thumbnails, doing 3D modeling work, and writing music).

>> No.983476

Girls "confirmed" to be working while being a HoloTuber
> Ina

Girls "confirmed" to have worked while being a HoloTuber but has since quit

Girls who are still in school

Every other Holo VTuber either has VTubing as their main source of income or also still post videos in their roommates channels

I might be wrong about Rushia, but I distinctly remember her sharing that she was fired from her cafe job while working in Hololive

>> No.983515

I heard that Choco works at her local soapland

>> No.983570

Holostars have to work day and night after the cover cut and youtube cut, it's a hard job being a homelesstar

>> No.983598

Are any of them even really making a profit besides Roberu?

>> No.983619

Housewife counts?

>> No.983639

Astel but he streams 17 hours a day just to make ends meet, he's started seeing himself as the avatar and now has completely united with himself, he's even colored his hair blue and yellow.

homelesstar SUPPORT!

>> No.983646

Mel and Noel both make more money at their other jobs than they do being Holos.
Your info is out of date. She graduated high school and is presumably being pressured by her family to attend university.

>> No.983749
File: 64 KB, 451x553, 1605896746506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, imagine earning so little you have to sleep on the floor, haha

>> No.983755

Not a job but last time I heard Moona is cutrently attending at a university.

>> No.983896

I saw this rrat once and it became my pet theory, I don't watch enough of them to tell if it's wrong. It's they're the holo technical staff.
Look on the jobs section on the hololive website, they really don't fuck around, they have a legit full dev team staffed, like they could operate as a legit software company.

>> No.983903

That still counts as being in school anon

>> No.983909

I think Subaru used to work, Pekora has mentioned a job but I don't know if it was during hololive

>> No.983932


>> No.983982

Ina . Drawing job

>> No.983984

> like they could operate as a legit software company.
Am I being baited?

>> No.983991

Anon... Hololive is a software company for face tracking...

>> No.984026

Yeah, Subaru used to work at a convenience store when she started

>> No.984073

isn't this thread like, talking about the IRL stuff? Like, jannies will get pissy?

>> No.984152

I mean, some of them openly talk about having 2nd jobs during streams so I dont see how this is not allowed

>> No.984418

Some girls just use normal jobs just for easier access to financial benefits.

Youtuber/VTuber doesn't count as legitimate jobs over there, you still can't even buy or rent a house let alone having a Credits Card. Doesn't matter that 97% of Holo girls can paid 1,000,000 yen purchase just fine

>> No.984491

>Pekora has mentioned a job
I think that was before hololive

>> No.984783

in the member only stream, she talk abt her homework abt photography. Iofi literally self claim as art student in university

>> No.984802

Roberu was cutting down on his streams so a lot of anons speculated that he has a managerial job ehem*774*ehem

>> No.984831

Arlandis went and bought himself some real furniture and a hot meal thanks to kaigaisupacha

>> No.984953

Japan is a cash society anyway and credit cards are a scam.

>> No.985239
File: 777 KB, 220x293, absolutely yab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn never visit a konbini to buy some random shit only to be served by a dainty, petite qt3.14159 tomboy that's absolutely can't stay still and that talks to you like https://youtu.be/uw_7oFWKMrA?t=2350
and then sounds like this when you pull the gun on her https://youtu.be/DDYZlXGyZAU?t=158 and then like this 10mins after leading her to the back room https://www.youtube.com
living is not an option

>> No.985281

Considering how entertainingly autistic Astel is, I could see it.

>> No.985290

I thought Japan was nofunz. Did /k/ lie to me again?

>> No.985305

You can get a shotgun for hunting and that's about it unless you're yakuza

>> No.985306

They all get a basic salary minimum, so they're always making a profit. Now if that profit can sustain them is a whole different question. Though, some of them do have some dedicated fans that pay.

>> No.985465

>implying naïve, new to life on her own Shubarue will know the difference between a real gun and a hyperrealistic gunpla the nip nop nappy noos sell
maybe you have to paint it with some tamiya
could probably get a cheap water pistol and it would have the same effect

>> No.985490

its Plamo, but thatks for that image

>> No.985510

The real question isn't about which Holo has a job but which Holo jobs the most.

>> No.985515

>its Plamo
Should be blamo.

>> No.985546

If the indo rrrrats are true to their word then Reine doesn't have to work. Ever. She joined hololive for fun and will leave when she stops having fun.

>> No.985583


>> No.989525

go look up the end credits of a certain isekai anime movie.

>> No.989547

its not a rrat its a known fact that her family is rich as fuck and owns a media company

>> No.989576

>Girls "confirmed" to be working while being a HoloTuber
> Ina

Add Calliope to this because that girl constantly is doing freelance stuff on the side. She might not have her teaching job anymore, but with the collab with that gatcha game she's definitely confirmed to have a side hustle.

>> No.989623

Currently are Ina, Noel, Mel, Choco

>> No.989667

Towa had a job on her early months in hololive and she complained hard about it. After that, the Yabee happened.

>> No.989710

She streams while working there too though doesn't she?
Korone is a bad dog.

>> No.989715

Korone was kept late at the "bakery" a few days ago and couldn't stream so I think she's gone back to having a job if only for the sake of her sanity. All of the girls have plenty of time to be in school or working when they're not online as well.

>> No.989732

Roommmate cosplay/slut accounts don't count as employment.

>> No.989733

>a certain isekai anime movie.
Is there a useless character in said movie?

>> No.989751

It's extremely difficult to get a gun in Japan. Handguns are completely banned for civilian ownership, you need to pass stringent testing to get a gun permit to buy a shotgun, and then you would need to hold onto that license for ten years to buy a hunting rifle.

You can TECHNICALLY get a gun in Japan, but good fucking luck. And on top of that I don't think a foreigner can

>> No.989754

So the shark has no excuse for sitting around in her bathroom in her panties all day boiling eggs and eating cold pizza.

>> No.989761

>basic part-time salary
FTFY. If you dont get enough supacha or sell enough merch, holopros need another job

>> No.989769

look up how a company work

>> No.989868

No. Gura's just really fucking lazy, and given she's likely one of the top earners of the company (based on viewership numbers) she can probably afford to not need a side hustle to make ends meet; especially if she's living outside of the big cities where living expenses are MUCH lower.

>> No.990009
File: 286 KB, 1311x816, 5d84d128ce8ebd00b6c8892eedf0ea43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't the "bakery" (or whatever other place she works at) belong to her family or something along these lines?
If it's a family business it's likely she'll never really quit it, specially in Japan as the children are still expected to take over the family business.
Or that's just the character background?

>> No.990041

Anon, she's regularly outpaced in superchat revenue by people with a quarter of her sub-count. A significant part of her subs are either children on skimpy.

>> No.990453

And? She's still made 400k in half a year, even if she only gets 30% of that that's more than enough to comfortably live off not even counting memberships and Cover's salary

>> No.991438

I think kanata blurted out it was around 200$. It's lower than part time job.

>> No.993432

The bakery is part of her character backstory, she used it as a code work for her job back when she started, which is why she mentions it now that she can live from streaming and only mentions it when she has non-specified RL stuff (like her mom stuff back when she was keeping it a secret)

>> No.993744

100 points for you, anon!

>> No.993859

My morals against simping aside, I still wouldn't sub or supachat her just by virtue of how a lazy she is.

May Allah forgive me for saying this, but she is a Wh*te w*man. They are very lazy. Me mum sits on her house's porch and just smokes and play phone games.

>> No.996508
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, proxy-image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW you will never walk into Shuba's living room and ask her to add you on Steam...

>> No.996636

white roasites, especially those in anglo countries, are the worst human beings. theyve fucked everything up. when they cant control shit they just resort to woke bullshit and try to use poc as their shield to keep their high positions. they also constantly attack japan. everyone knows it except for whites

>> No.996720

that's a cute dog

>> No.998120

How are you in still school after graduating?

>> No.998165

wait the fuck up Arurandeisu is Arlandis in nip?

>> No.998541

well if she's sort of planning to then I would count it
it's up in the air from what we understand
