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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9776458 No.9776458 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9776534


>> No.9776577

They've played together before lol

>> No.9776625
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>> No.9776669

wait, i thought pekora hated Kiara? /vt/ lied to me?

>> No.9776734

Damn... Pekora didn't watch the clip of Moona crying about not being able to collab with her more or she doesn't give a fuck?

>> No.9776792


>> No.9776911

Pegor wants the numbahs, anon. Moona can't deliver those so the rabbit is looking for an alternative ways to get the digits.

>> No.9777361

I understood it as Pekora wanting to visit EN server and Kiara telling her she wants to be the one giving her the tour or everyone agree on 'Kiara should do it since she always says Pekora is important to her'

Also, imaging Moona giving Pekora a tour through EN server, Kiara would be depressed for weeks

>> No.9777402

Fuck Kiara, she should do this with Gura.

>> No.9777451

Nooooo... Pekora.....

Do you remember 21st of September?
It was scripted by earth, wind and fire.
Lore, Lapiz Lazuli, Tsukimi festival.

Isnt it a bit too much for a coincidense...?
Looking back if that fckin penguin game didn't bugged she won't play MC that day...
Guess Moona favourite thing... pororo ... A fuckin penguin.

Idk who wrote this script but he has a creepy sense of humor.

>> No.9777482

she doesn't much care for her but she's also wanted to visit the EN server for a while and she'll take whatever in she can get

>> No.9777500

Pekora is doing it for the numbers. Moona didn't bring her big numbers anymore, time to move on.

>> No.9777558

I'll love autistic Pekora forever for slamming Kiara with "Well I guess you dont need a tour then", during her JP MC server visit, when she talked about how she watched ALL Pekoras minecraft streams.
That was at the time when Kiara bitched about subs. She clearly cried to her manager and tried to get some shit going to hopefully get her numbers up.

>> No.9777608

do not engage any rrat that is not bae.

>> No.9777735

They both seem desperate for numbahs so they'll try to out leech each other. I guess Kiara doesn't think she can keep the mom collab thing going for too long, even though I could make her my wife and we'd be one big happy family together.

>> No.9778125

Can't wait so she moona show up in EN server and make chicken malding again.

>> No.9780049

There’s no such thing as “not being able to collab”. It’s just Moona being shy and don’t want to bother Pekora, not Pekora’s fault

>> No.9780194

Confirmed! Pekora hates Moona

>> No.9780276

Gura and Moona show up to fuck up Kiara and Pekor's visit.

>> No.9780323
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Why don't they just make a trio?
Moona likes Kiara as well.

>> No.9780339

Kiara doesn't like Moona

>> No.9780451

Make Pekura happen

>> No.9780660

Pekomoona is not active enough anyway.

>> No.9780725

sadly Kiara was doing that joke to make it all more dramatic, but later she stopped fortunately.
How can you tell Kiara was acting? because she set her face to angry on purpose.

>> No.9780775

BASED OLLIE banished that moon leech to the ID server where no one visits

>> No.9780838
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one thing that never changes is that Pekora cares about one thing only -


>> No.9780932

kfp will ignore this just like how they ignored Pekora ghosting Kiara for a long time

>> No.9781007
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two of my top 10 streamers wil be collabing together, sugoiiii

>> No.9785353

This. Pekora has tact unlike Kiara and knows asking for Ina specifically would be a bad look

>> No.9786157

my GOD is kiara the fakest piece of shit chuuba there is? she must be.

>> No.9786316

ah yes, moona should be giving tours for a server that she is a guest of.

>> No.9786568
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pekora in danger

>> No.9786891
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There's a really high chance there's a Pekomoona collab a couple days later.
Sorry KFP.


>> No.9787161
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>> No.9787203

First day or something?

>> No.9787316

how new?

>> No.9787349

No you retard, you seem to be new. Are you seriously STILL surprised by the retarded teen girl gossip on this board?

>> No.9787972

Ah taking a walk through the peasant country for Pekora.2wspn

>> No.9788161

>pekora has tact
Lmao really nousagikeks? Are we forgetting how desperate your rabbit was to leech off of hololives number one vtuber: Gawr Gura? Your whoshi is desperate for more gaijin subs. Learn English, YWNBJ.

>> No.9788641

>an EN is giving a tour of the EN server
you do know that once the ID server has a lot of things in it, Moona will show JPs around too right?

>> No.9788826

no there isn't. is just a rant about her sister dancing to tiktok songs. stop overdosing on hopium

>> No.9788868
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this image will never stop being relevant apparently

>> No.9789180

>it's real

>> No.9789421

I hope so.
Pekomoon is immortal kino

>> No.9789570

When did she learn Groid? That puts her at what, 4 languages now?

>> No.9789591
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does anyone ever just read a comment and try to imagine the psychology of the person who typed it?
Like what kinds of life events and struggles the person went through to produce this particular string of text?

>> No.9789767

>not recognizing the reference
>brings up niggers out of nowhere
you have to be over 18 to browse this website, underaged mutt

>> No.9789769

Love to see this rrat nigger. Give it up

>> No.9790275
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The tweet in particular was about that Pekomoona fanart Hikosan made when Pekora finished Jump King, not about her sister or the collab. She just happened to remember that tweet when someone asked her for a hint.
There are other reasons to believe it's her:
- Saying a couple people already guessed it (chat's first reaction was Pekora)
- After the 17th she was supposed to take a 1-2 weeks break but today said it'll only be until the 20th, implying the collab will be on the 21st. The 21st of September in particular happen to be the day they first interacted in Minecraft.
And to add to the kino, this year's Tsukimi starts on the same fucking day.

Circumstantial evidence at best, so we'll see.

>> No.9790585
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I hate Kiara more than I love Pekora (my oshi) so I will not be watching this, unfortunately.

>> No.9790755

I do.

>> No.9791061


>I am so overwhelmed by irrational hate I cant enjoy things I love anymore

What a sad life you live my friend

>> No.9791618

would you eat your favorite sandwich with an ingredient you hate?

>> No.9791745

is it me or moona was upset because iofi and risu made the kira kira family with the homos and she felt left out? and only clippers made it seem like it was about pekora¿?

>> No.9791881
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hate is the strongest emotion

>> No.9791941

always funny to me how eops who like Pekora somehow hate Kiara, even though she's the EN that's closest to the JP experience

>> No.9792307

>hate is the strongest emotion

i do not watch Pekora, but I hope she'll have a great collab with my oshi. I also hope she has better fans than you.

>> No.9795271

Kiara has the lowest viewership for a reason, EOP's don't give a fuck about the JP experience, they just want some meme spouting zoomer like Ame and Gura.

>> No.9796104

Probably because of Kiara's disturbing dickriding on Pekora early on.

>> No.9796319


>> No.9796431

EOPs don't actually want the JP experience regardless of what they say.
Kiara gets a lot of shit for basically doing the same thing JP does, only difference is that you can understand her.

>> No.9797582

>never interact directly
bros, this is your brain when you listening to a woman me-me-me-ing frequently, dont be like this guy

>> No.9800077

when is the tour

>> No.9800180

Her jp is passable at best stop lying to yourself kfpfag

>> No.9800441

>accusing someone of being a cute girl
What a weird insult.

>> No.9800452

>collabs with pekora
>tries to yuribait cuz that's the only thing she knows how to do
>gets fiercely rejected
>still acts like a slut

Gee I wonder why no one (pekora included) wants to see this collab happen

>> No.9800917

>implied we

>> No.9801009

Do your reading comprehension reps anonchama.

>> No.9801797

Why are you still here Kiara

>> No.9806830

Someone more mature than you.

Real people have ulterior motives. They use each other all the time, and often it's understood by both parties that an exchange of favors will occur and they are acting like friends for appearance's sake.

>> No.9807143

I see KFP try to claim this all the time but I don't see it. Maybe Matsuri in terms of being a depressive menhera who constantly needs validation but Kiara is nothing like the top JP holos in content or style.

>> No.9807279

You should get your eyes checked

>> No.9807291

I would have been hyped about this like 6 or 8 months ago, why is hololive like this? Always so late to everything
Can't even begin to give a fuck about this now. PekoMoona is kinda dead, Kiara is a lot less of a Pekora fangirl now.

>> No.9807581

Its funny because peko is probably the least yuri of all of hololive - holostars included.

>> No.9807644

Watch streams.
Clips show what, 1% of the stream which they found the most clippable?
A lot of Holos do the standard youtuber shit of reminding people to like and subscribe.
Even fucking Korone of all people does that "only watch me" shit and it's even a lyric in her song.

>> No.9807985

what did she mean by this?

>> No.9808087

it's cute when they're japanese

>> No.9808137

I have watched her. She's nothing like the JP holos. Kiara is thoroughly western in her attitude. Shes way closer to Veibei than Marine or Pekora

>> No.9808218

Why is Kiara needed here anyways? Can't she just go around the server and go discovering things by herself? It's not like the server is as big as JP's server

>> No.9808249

I actually watch Veibae every now and then and Kiara is nothing like her

>> No.9808267

kiara personally thanked and dmed moona for playing along in the first kiarapeko collab when they met up - it wasn't planned. stop trying to invent drama for (you)s.

>> No.9808301

>Reminding people to like and subscibe makes Kiara like the JP holos
I guess all of youtube is then if you're casting the net so wide

>> No.9808375

Kiara is nothing like Veibae
Veibae is a dumb slut, Kiara is just full of herself

>> No.9808448


>> No.9808474 [SPOILER] 
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>He actually believes the "don't take my senpai" fight was real
actual picture of this anon

>> No.9808498

ogey rrat

>> No.9808603

will probably be mostly bad like the first collab, but hopefully we'll get some cringkino like last time

>> No.9809223

She's a confirmed regular of 5ch's number thread though

>> No.9809556

Kiara can give her a personal tour of the 'hole'.

>> No.9809621

So uh, when en building their side of the portal?

>> No.9809626

Marine has talked about how hard it is to get a collab with Pekora because she will refuse them if they aren't interesting or unique. Marine also had to console Miko at one point by saying that it's pretty normal for Pekora to ghost people.
Pekora herself says that people who collab with her have to available at a moments notice because she'll collab whenever she feels like doing one.

>> No.9810588

Peko seeing the Moona statue will be something else I tell ya.

>> No.9812238

i bet kiara won't show her

>> No.9812286

> pekora is a spoiled brat

>> No.9812368

dense retards like you ruin the the fun and are the reason Kiara has to make it explicit that there's no rivalry. so thanks.

>> No.9812374

She will see it anyway since you have to pass under it from the respawn point.

>> No.9812557
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>> No.9812726

send me a link to these discussions. I can't navigate 5ch for shit.

>> No.9812746
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>> No.9812868

Kiara is the only member of HoloMyth who can actually speak Japanese fluently.

Pekora's English is shit.

This was the only natural outcome.

>> No.9812913


>> No.9812995

it's not about the rivalry. it's about chicken being a selfish bitch

>> No.9813717

Its not from 5ch, Pekora on stream accidentally showed her browser which revealed she frequently checks out 5ch.

>> No.9813957

Now I know why EN2 aren't as popular, seems people here just aren't ready to move on from hating Kiara

>> No.9814011

Cute autistic neet rabbit wife. Truly one in a million

>> No.9814169

Kiara isn't a way to get numbers, tho'.

Note the distinct lack of Pekotalk in Kiara's portfolio, too.

Honestly, this is just Pekora visiting the EN server to laugh at it.

>> No.9814313

Nothing new

>> No.9814579

Wow, EN member give an EN tour. You're right why does Peko hate Moona

>> No.9814770

Why do you guys always act fucking weird over this stuff. Especially going full NOOOOO MY PEKOMOONARINO! Just cause you have a ship doesn't mean they will refuse to collab with any other girls. Especially when Kiara's main crushes are Mori and Nene. With Ametori gaining steam lately. Pekora is just her senpai/oshi.

As egg threads go this is too low effort.

>> No.9814941

sorry, we can't have a conversation because you're a drooling mongoloid who takes virtual anime girls too seriously

>> No.9815176

Oh god the threads for this collab are gonna be amazing. Can't wait for the SEAmonkeys meltdown.

>> No.9815708

t. kfp retard

>> No.9815841

It ' s our's fault because 4chan call Moona is leeching Pekora

>> No.9815847

No, I just meant that Kiara is a massive racist and hates all other races with a burning passion

>> No.9815986

ahmad, do your fucking english reps

>> No.9816088

Imagine the backlash if Moona, an ID, give a tour of the EN Server.
> Why does Pekora hate EN
Would have so many bait threads.

>> No.9816399
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>> No.9816474

Is this the highest Pekora has gotten on a Minecraft stream?

>> No.9817899

i have a hate boner and its not gonna suck itself

>> No.9818197

I love Kiara now

>> No.9818219

Kiara fucks black guys, how is she racist? lol

>> No.9818301
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>> No.9818318

How disgusted do you think Pekora is about having to collab with the shitbird again? Watch the collab last exactly 66 minutes.

>> No.9818455
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This but unironically

>> No.9818535
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>> No.9818657
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I'm all for it, I just hope she won't push yuri shit this time, especially after she said that she hated forced ships and memes.

>> No.9818673

>moments notice
>stays in her room like a hikki
Why is she like this?

>> No.9818744

Because she's already a hikki, imagine 2 hikki collabing

>> No.9818780

it's english for I'm having a stroke

>> No.9818820

Ironic, seeing how literally every ship with her is forced as shit.

>> No.9819118

Holy shit, Pekora was that based all along?

>> No.9819515

Yes, even the recent Sankisei, Sports Festival and Summer Festival streams were lower than that.

>> No.9819736

Fuck Gura , keep that pedo bait Away from the rabbit

>> No.9820644
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>"Aw shit, here I go leeching again"

>> No.9820961

>just throws poor autistic Moona aside like a cumrag
Miko gave her what she deserved.

>> No.9821620

I promise you she's gonna try to push a ship with pekora in the upcoming collab, just wait for it. Of course, peko isn't gay and doesn't like to yuribait so it's gonna fail.

>> No.9822893

You forgot to say screenshot this

>> No.9823908

Dangerously based Peko.

>> No.9824157

We've known this for a while. She's like 28 and spends 95% of her life being cared for by her mom. Doesn't know how to cook, doesn't clean the home, and has a history of blowing up at her mom(she's admitted to yelling at her about trivial shit) Also, Pekora was a huge bully in her NicoNico days. I bet it pisses off Korone and Aqua that she's acts like a diva now in Hololive.
