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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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959266 No.959266 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be a chuuba, but i'm
>Generally unlikable
wat do?

>> No.959294

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M-6lkoi6L4

>> No.959302

First of all: /adv/. I will now tell you what they would generally, which is to kill yourself. If you want a more difficult solution, try going outside or rethinking your life

>> No.959328

Autism is not a debuff.

Personality can be fixed with practice and maybe therapy. Train to remove a monotone manner of speech.

>> No.959338

Oh no problem, you could-...
Just accept that it's not for you autismbro.
Get into a normal autist hobby like building computers, MMOs or fascist politics instead.

>> No.959349

And what is the problem? You dont want to appear "fake" when playing a character?
Who decided that the current you is the real and final you?

>> No.959359

Turn all these traits to your advantage. All you need to be is to be entertaining.

>> No.959393

Have you noticed how many online entertainers are autistic? Likeability is in the eye of the beholder. But male so you're fucked probably. Be a lumberjack, make tons of money, and probably die on the job young. Win-win.

>> No.959442
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This, you need to be a girl to be a popular autist online.
The ONLY way for male autists to get big is by being absurdly, obsessively good at something, like the half-an-A-press guy.

>> No.959470
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y'know already.

>> No.959489

Dr Disrespect but vtuber

>> No.959521

Use your autism-powers to be good at something (speed running or competitive smash bros, since both are powered by autism).
If you want to get around the belief in male debuff, go babiniku.
Those community are infested by current-year identity politics so if anyone complain they'll be called some sort of -ist/-phobe and you'll come out on top.

>> No.959531

Do autistic bro and maybe someone will watch you. Your autism could result in you performing acts that can't be done by normal people.

>> No.959550

I mean, you can still be a chuuba, but you'll have to accept nobody is going to watch you.

>> No.959567


>> No.959574

The only bad thing about what you posted is generally unlikable, the other two can be worked around to your favor if you try hard enough.
About the unlikable part, you need to identify the specifics.
Is your voice too loud? Is your tone too aggressive or uninterested? Are you unable to make jokes (or take them, that's a big problem nowadays)? You suck at filling dead air?

>> No.959590

Shush underage

>> No.959662

just give up.

western vtubers dont seem to understand it but to be a vtuber, you need an anime voice or some cool voice regardless of pitch. its actually similar to seiyu. its an entertainment about a voice. holo en has partly ignored it but the basic principle of being a vtuber is that.

>> No.959720


>> No.959788

i guess i suck at filling dead air

>> No.959843

im not a shy introvert, its just whatever i say seems to disgust people or, at best, leave them unimpressed. I don't even know how to be discovered

>> No.959889

you probably have shitty, generic voice anyway and I bet youre not doing anything to change it

>> No.960314

Get an africa warlord as an avatar and start play/review good vidya, i'll throw money at you

>> No.960506

play apex

>> No.960557

Ifunny is today what 4chan used to be. please seethe

>> No.962435

Stream yourself playing something shitty even if noone watches. Dont worry about likeability long as you're enjoying it. If you are having fun just take the plunge and make content regularly. Doesnt matter how fucking stupid you are people will show up. Never expect to be famous.

>> No.962520

I will laugh so hard when he actually becomes a vtuber.

>> No.962553

>generally unlikable
You're not cut out for v-tubing, you're cut out for posting on 4chan, though honestly I'd have to suggest you stop there as well.

>> No.962645

kill yourself

>> No.963081

Give up.
If you cannot be entertaining in any way or form, absolutely no one will watch you, even if you get the best live2d / 3D model ever made.

>> No.963100

Give up.

>> No.963146

Become a femboy tuber

>> No.963153

Already ngmi

>> No.963164

this is your best buff, dayo
do you think people make content like the Half A Press video without that buff? focus on the thing that catches your interest, dive into it, embrace it. it's what leads to real interesting things that people would love to watch.

your biggest challenge is learning how to convey and express that through a video / vtuber medium. that'll be the big thing you need to work on, but don't feel like it's a debuff.

>> No.963188

Many of the most popular gaming youtubers are men, vtubers are a handicap for women

>> No.963195
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If you arent already streaming already then either do it without a shitty L2D model or dont bother at all. You don't need a model to do basic entertainment if you even give a shit about that in the first place. A vtuber model is just a crutch used to garner attention. After that its all on you, and if you cant handle that then dont even bother.

>> No.963314

You need to know your goals as a chuuba. Do you want to reach a wide audience? Then you'll have to work a lot harder to find a non-taken character niche and to learn to craft a face for you to use with them. See what you can find in the smarts of the holos and other chuubas that makes them stand out from the ones that barely reach 2k.
That becomes less important the less you care, but in the end, >>959328
both apply. Start creating, stop shitposting. Don't worry about being unlikable inside - be likable outside.

>> No.963471
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>he doesn't post on ifunny

>> No.963539

off yourself

>> No.964297

This. Not a vtuber but I'm a popular gaming youtuber and literally the only way my channel grew was because I would never get bored of a game to the point that I'd be digesting the games mechanics and lore and so on and would package all that autism up into a nice video. People from the game's community appreciated my efforts so I kept going. Streaming is hard though. It's hard to play a game and concentrate enough to keep an audience entertained while avoiding falling into pits of dead air. That aside, I feel that normies who get into this kind of shit are obviously seen as phonies by most people, and maybe there's some autistic energy that attracts people because they can sense the passion retards like me have for something. Just go for it, anon. The only way you'll know if its for you is if you try it.

>> No.964853

Look at Asmongold. He's all of those things, but he's successful.

>> No.964863


>> No.964908

sorry anon you are not going to make it

>> No.964942

every day i wish im extremely good at video games so i could at least have a very slight chance of earning money while playing it

>> No.964967

yep, op can be a streamer heel, like DSP

>> No.965223
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>> No.965258

As an Indie you would have most freedom. Do crazy / random shit because most vtubers never will so you'll have an edge.

>> No.965286

Voice train for a few months-a year before even considering a debut stream

>> No.965376

end yourself

>> No.965443

Asmon's not a heel.

>> No.965485

what do you mean by voice train? how will I know when I am ready?

>> No.965640

when you can move between octaves without noticeable voice cracks

>> No.966441

but I don't want to sing
