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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 254 KB, 850x1090, __kizuna_ai_kaguya_luna_siro_mirai_akari_mikoko_and_2_more_kizuna_ai_inc_and_6_more_drawn_by_chintai_mansyontintai__sample-8ec90680953c56294029a599a9ddd832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9520424 No.9520424 [Reply] [Original]

They have been turned into untouchable beings that shouldn't be approached at all, and it's honestly disgusting, oh you want to be more than a fan towards the cute streamer girl? "Lmao creep, loser, you will never meet them lmao", etc. I get it, there's creepy people out there.
However assuming everyone with intentions like these is a creep has to be the worst stuff ever normalized on the internet in the past years (obvious exaggeration but still). Ah yes, let's focus on the over obsessive people who are the minority, and not in the giant amount of cases where the complete opposite happened, be it Japan or any other country with a heavy streamer presence, most of the cases of fans going towards being more than fans have not been negative at all, and before someone jumps into "WHAT ABOUT IDOL CULTURE"
The biggest known cases of stuff happening to them were either.
>Insanely deranged people who already had a few screws loose
>Jealous people who were mad a girl made more money than them
Not defending the obvious bullcrap that is actual idol culture of course.
But seriously, how did we go from the NND days where people used it as a place to hook up/meet people to this wasteland where even trying to do so gets you put on a watchlist in the entire internet. Streamers are normal people behind a screen, your chances with them exist
Even actual idols meet up with random nobodies and end up having happy relationships, i really don't get why this gets treated differently. Hell, even famous actors worldwide have meet and dated fans who went throught the trouble of getting to know them better.
Am i saying any deranged person should be given the time of day? Hell no, I'm saying that any person that goes for a streamer in a friendly/romantic manner needs to stop being treated like a creep that's aiming for the impossible, it's just a normal person behind a screen, your chances with them are the same as anyone you find on the street, don't be discouraged by a bunch of morons that literally treat their favorite streamer as a untouchable/unreachable being. If it works it works, if it doesn't so be it.
With that said, obviously realize if you truly love them/want to be their friend by approaching them wanting to know more about them, if they say no, respect that and let it go, parasocial relationships that get unhealthy exist, but not by the current internet definition.
Overall, this was just a way to get the personal way of how i feel out of my chest, is this a cope?, maybe, but seeing people with decent intentions being called the worst things ever because "OMG HE/SHE WANTS THE STREAMER" is beyond dumb and shouldn't exist.

>> No.9520503

Not reading all that. You are fucking weird for wanting to be more than jist a fan and that's always been the case. This isn't a recent phenomenon.

>> No.9520510

You're just a faggot and your drabble is irrelevant.
If you were capable of getting stuck in to a holo, you'd be doing it without regard to what anyone thinks.

>> No.9520646

I skimmed it,
Piss off OP
and leave the girls alone

>> No.9520679

please touch grass

>> No.9521762
File: 335 KB, 403x403, 1611503349318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mucho texto, read the first para then got tired. please get to the point immediately or make a good tldr

>> No.9521831

Hold on, let me finish masturbating before I read this essay okay?

>> No.9521943
File: 214 KB, 710x397, foto_no_exif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9525404

please be more concise. could only read half of it and all it says "i want to be more than fans, please dont hate me"

>> No.9526182

Never meet your heroes, or in this case, your oshi/s, OP. No (You) for you and commit neckrope.

>> No.9530564

the fact that i instantly recognized it as a pasta says a lot about how much time i spend on this board

>> No.9532131 [SPOILER] 
File: 626 KB, 1242x1701, 21BADA2C-C36D-43D6-94B5-0DCC76E753CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here

>> No.9532206

tldr OP wants to fuck a chuuba and is mad that it's socially unacceptable to want to meet her in person

>> No.9535393

vtubers are and always will be weebshit. If you dont live in japan it wont be acceptable. Even japan barely accepts it

>> No.9537723

Go fuck your animu bodypillow

>> No.9542168

Blame idolfags.

>> No.9542266

Blame holofags.

>> No.9542274

Lmao creep, loser, you will never meet them lmao

>> No.9545465

"Cope" isn't a noun you faggot, you're not using it to refer to a cape.
