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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9504242 No.9504242 [Reply] [Original]

Woohoolad general, what have you got for me?

jaywalking is not a crime.

>> No.9506612
File: 141 KB, 900x675, 1599697333349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to stuff his fat mouth with my fat cock

>> No.9507259


>> No.9507450

I fucking hate this faggot and i'm so glad Risu unfollowed him.
Also, to that one guy who used to support him but hated his transition to a Vtuber, I owe you a massive apology.

>> No.9508838

big penis

>> No.9509911

I never really liked him. He felt like the hero hei of vtubers. Until he featured one of my videos in his stream and gave me somewhat of a decent sub boost.

>> No.9509965

based ame blocking this attention whore babi.

>> No.9510085

nah hero hei is far more retarted. WHL at least puts in slightly more effort and gives us somewhat relevant news about shit people actually want to hear instead of CHECK OUT THIS POST FROM SOME RANDOM FUCKER WITH 3 LIKES

>> No.9510341

listen sometimes you say something so god awfully retarded you need to remind yourself that no matter how dumb you'll be, theres someone saying something worse in public on twitter.

>> No.9515445

Chuck's Suck and Fuck (now Sneed's)

>> No.9519588

only in content format. Woohoo's relatively okay, Hero Hei is a memetic parasite

>> No.9519617

hero hei's spastic nonsequitur rants are much worse than some rando's bad twitter optics taken out of context.

>> No.9519730

I miss his Vtuber news updates - don't really care for the Twitch style humor of his other vids anymore

>> No.9520664

He doesn't even do that anymore. Y'all toxic as hell.

>> No.9523712

he was in for the money, and there is no numbers anymore

>> No.9525594


>> No.9525934

Go back to Twitter, faggot

>> No.9526710

Hero hei literally just give us a video of retard on Twitter being retard, WTF awful about that? More over he the one get stab all the time even by Tiny mistake

>> No.9527226

>Woohoo's relatively okay,
>Makes dox videos and drama videos

>> No.9527822

He's not the best, but comparing anyone to Hero Hei is uncalled for.

>> No.9528072

Unironically would fuck this dude avatar in the ass. No question asked

>> No.9532961


>> No.9533285

yeah, the wolf girl design is hot

>> No.9534212

>imagine unironically watching both literally wholad and herowho

>> No.9535260

>Not interested
>Don't recommend channel

Simple as.

>> No.9540016

I jerked off to him once. I wanted to die.

>> No.9540069

Why would you do that to yourself anon?

>> No.9540149

He should go WHQL WooHooQueerLad, he'll get all the numbers.

>> No.9540158
File: 261 KB, 2560x1440, EqOWDv-U0AQMd3c.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... have a babiniku fetish.

>> No.9540234

He did that like one time, deleted them shortly after, and openly regrets ever doing it. There's no point in forever holding a grudge against someone who made a mistake.

>> No.9540265

>The most mentally sane person on /vt/

>> No.9540266

Just fucking die already

>> No.9540448

Its crazy how Hero-hei fans always type like they are 10 years old

>> No.9540506

He's like a shittier ClownfishTV. He just makes content based around the pettiest shit ever for clicks and acts like he gives a damn about the Vtuber community.

>> No.9541578

there was a point where I watched his videos but then he started acting like an attention whore and did >>9535260

>> No.9541733

His Hololive "news" videos were good. He had some good streams at first, including his karaoke sessions and the Hunger Games, Hololive Edition stream.
Sending $1 donations constantly to scare him with his own earrape notifications was fun while it lasted. I also had a higher-than-usual autism phase, when making fun of VTubers was a funny thing, and Woohoolad filled that hole nice and good.
Thankfully, my autism levels lowered over time. I took my meds and I got tired of it all after his YT videos got worse in quality, stopped making his VODs available and kept playing Apex.

>> No.9543022

I legitimately openly want him to improve as a content creator. Not just as a vtuber. He's permanently stuck at 105K subs and hasn't moved anywhere. He should at least TRY to do gaming collabs instead of 1hr podcasts. Or go back to making vtuber news vids. He has the potential to grow and it feels like he either gave up, stopped caring, or is lazy.

>> No.9543609

Unironically might be part of the NijiEN male wave. Actually wouldn't be bad.

>> No.9543761

>twitter screencap thread: the Youtuber

>> No.9543884

So where's the big announcement I have been hearing about?

>> No.9546564

He's gonna consneed

>> No.9546944

I Saw his comment on one of video talking about Hero hei, he said something liek Hero hei is the one Inspiration him to do that kind of news video and that was the worst decision he Made, maybe that why he stop

Plus, wasted design, i hope he just sell it to other people

>> No.9546989

dont show him /pol/
twitter screencap the board

>> No.9548710

I feel you. I do remember tuning in to some of his streams (which usually get delisted) and he said that he had two copyright strikes and if he got one more, his channel would be taken down. Either way, he made a post on YT saying that he'll stream less on YT, and more on Twitch because statistics. Pretty sure he'll be making some money just posting random YT shorts because you can make money off of those now, so I'm sure he's trying different ways to rake in cash with less effort than the Holonews videos he used to make. I don't blame him for that, but his stuff changed already.
However, it's not just his content that need to change. He needs to change what he posts and how he presents himself. On Twitter, he was getting some love from the other Hololive girls but they unfollowed him after a while (Risu was one of last Hololive members to unfollow him not too long ago). His Twitter tweets have been a mix of "woman, amirite" and "imagine being a vtuber", with some "it's a shame how people have become/I don't know why I get so much hate/etc."
I don't know what to else to say about the guy. I don't mind if he goes back to doing Holonews and stuff like that, because they were pretty neat, but I until then, I won't subscribe or follow. I'll just remain a lurker.

>> No.9548783


>> No.9549005

This is a fetish I knew I had very recently. I don't know, something about it, especially with WHL since he has such a nice voice mixed with a character that is appealing to me.
I also follow the guy from the pic, I wish his stuff had english subs, the content seems fun besides the big booba girl.

>> No.9550398
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>> No.9550927

There's just something uncannily erotic about the idea of fucking a big tiddie anime girl who sounds like a dude.

>> No.9551076
File: 487 KB, 448x400, dr girlfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you anons by chance watch Venture Bros?

>> No.9551205

Fuck off, go harass chuubas on twitter or something

>> No.9551221

Yes, I am sure this character turned off a lot of guys but still I would do it.
I wish I could look into this stuff even more but is kinda rare i guess

>> No.9551537 [SPOILER] 
File: 561 KB, 1051x1828, 1565157421129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. And 12 Forever.

>> No.9555426


Any guesses?

>> No.9562635

Ame is one of them

>> No.9566566

All of HoloMyth except for Ina who loves that little dude.

>> No.9572600

i want him to be better so badly you don't understand
