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95020848 No.95020848 [Reply] [Original]

>goes to South Korea
>meets a plastic surgeon

>> No.95021128 [DELETED] 

it's her boyfriend

>> No.95021201

points to a specific spot in his pillar of jawbone shavings
"You know Kronii?"

>> No.95021310

She's a pathological liar, so the story is probably fake.

>> No.95021375

Chuubas get plastic surgery at a higher rate than Instagram models because they don't want to lose to their model

>> No.95021704

Why would a natural beauty go to a plastic surgeon?

>> No.95021835

Heyo isn't that the wonton girl?

>> No.95022153

aging women are just like that, you dont realize how bad these things are till you really look at the statistics for these things.

>> No.95022608

the one that had to get a surgery with a painful recovery because of TMJ?

>> No.95022999 [DELETED] 

no the wontons were her BOYFRIENDS

>> No.95023677

I could have sworn I ran into phasers in the archive talking about her traveling to Korea the past days.

>> No.95023860

Plastic surgeons always say that shit to people in order to secure a client and almost always it works on women.

>> No.95023962
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Growing up, is learning that what your eyes see is often a lie...

>> No.95024004

Wouldn't it be counterproductive compared to saying nothing specific? If you say they look good then they may reconsider heavy work or reduce the amount of work they think they should get from what they were going to come in for.

>> No.95024019

these are men

>> No.95024094

She allegedly had corrective surgery on the inside of her nose

>> No.95024223

I can see if its for some mechanical reason like breathing issues

>> No.95024376

I thought the only corrective surgery plastic surgeons could do was for jaw placement

>> No.95024482

> goes to China
> meets a famous chef

>> No.95024661

nah, nose work is one of the most common type of things they do, usually for medical reasons though.

>> No.95024722

YAB-san would never

>> No.95024721

No one goes to korea to fix their septum, it's a simple surgery, even a vet can perform it.

>> No.95024858

....Anon, would you let a VET perform surgery on you? Please say no.

>> No.95024908

Foids are fucking stupid retarded wastes of oxygen outside of being rape breed slaves

>> No.95024993

cope cucknet

>> No.95025050

she said it on stream you faggot fucking janny

>> No.95025179
File: 116 KB, 720x720, GW8aAQIXgAAddH-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when jannies are in a random literal who thread making sure no """dox""" goes unpunished
>then do nothing about all the schizos shitting up different generals and obvious bait posts on the catalog

>> No.95025241

meant for

>> No.95025314


>> No.95026268

That's the joke. She's either lying or she's lying. Also wontons, so she's probably lying.

>> No.95027170

they earn their paycheck

>> No.95027218

but they do it for free

>> No.95027362

What matters is you getting a client either way, also it's very common to become addicted to cosmetic surgery.

>> No.95027525

I know

>> No.95027864

I think you forgot your point in your blind rage

>> No.95028017

Why go to South Korea for plastic surgery when you can stay in America to get BLACKED?

>> No.95029221

you know, it would be kind of embarrassing to have a super cute model then you meet your genmates and chuuba friends and you're an ugly fucking dog. So I can understand the sentiment of wanting to get cuter to match your persona

>> No.95029289

if they look that hot it doesnt matter

>> No.95029315

what if their dick is bigger than yours

>> No.95029936

keep them bent over and you dont have to worry about it

>> No.95032521

Surgeons rhymes with wontons.

>> No.95032905

i have never seen a more female thread than this one

>> No.95033702

>Wouldn't it be counterproductive compared to saying nothing specific?
No, the trick is to say "your natural beauty is rare" and then follow it with "...but if you insist on doing changes, here's some procedures I think could really amplify your natural beauty" and start the sales pitch.
These people are fucking snakes and women are extremely susceptible to anyone complimenting them while selling something.

t. I worked in cosmetics for years and this is exactly how you get women to buy your product, a simple compliment makes them melt.
