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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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95017690 No.95017690 [Reply] [Original]

Emo Hours Edition

This thread is made to discuss the streams of Brave US branch, V4Mirai. globie and VSPO! EN are welcome too! Idol Corp has its own thread!

Main Rentry page:

The talents of V4Mirai:
>Gen 1: Crystalis
【Graduated】 Abi Kadabura: https://www.youtube.com/@AbiKadabura
Serina Maiko: https://www.youtube.com/@SerinaMaiko

>Gen 2: Petalight
Kou Mariya: https://www.youtube.com/@Kou_Mariya
Mono Monet: https://www.youtube.com/@MonoMonet
Yae Yugiri: https://www.youtube.com/@YaeYugiri
【Graduated】Biscotti: https://www.youtube.com/@V4Biscotti

>Gen 3: Lunalia
Alias Anono: https://www.youtube.com/@AliasAnono
Dr. NOVA(e): https://www.youtube.com/@DrNovae
REM Kanashibari: https://www.youtube.com/@REMKanashibari
Yumi the Witch: https://www.youtube.com/@YumitheWitch

>Gen 4: Voltail
Lyko Lianna: https://www.youtube.com/@LykoLianna
Poma Pon: https://www.youtube.com/@poma_pon
Rara Rocora: https://www.youtube.com/@RaraRocora
Terra 404: https://www.youtube.com/@v4terra404

Sensei's Twitter: https://twitter.com/VeeSensei

honse <3

Other Brave EN groups:

>Gen 1
Kumanui Miel: https://www.youtube.com/@KumanuiMiel
Reina Ronronea: https://www.youtube.com/@ReinaRonronea
Taring Hu: https://www.youtube.com/@TaringHu
【Graduated】Pippa Pebblesworth: https://www.youtube.com/@PippaPebblesworth

>Gen 2
Bonnie Barkswell: https://www.youtube.com/@BonnieBarkswell
Kiri Kilovolt: https://www.youtube.com/@KiriKilovolt
Rhubarb N. Kustard: https://www.youtube.com/@RhubarbNKustard
Alicja Da Lontano: https://www.youtube.com/@AlicjaDaLontano

>Gen 3
Maeve Morveren: https://www.youtube.com/@MaeveMorveren
Squirmimi: https://www.youtube.com/@squirmimi
Cera Luceria: https://www.youtube.com/@CeraLuceria
O'Lilou Loulou: https://www.youtube.com/@OLilouLoulou

Remia Aotsuki: https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha: https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki: https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure: https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure
Riko Solari: https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari

>Idol Corp

Adopted Classmate PillowdearASMR: https://www.youtube.com/@pillowdearASMR

>Other Useful Links

>Get your merch!

Previous Thread: >>94971831

>> No.95017740
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Bonnie was made for horny degenerates.
Like me

>> No.95017775
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>> No.95017781
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Bed breaking sex with Poma.
Having 100 kids with Poma.
Absolutely sticking it in her butt with Poma.

>> No.95017785
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Current happenings:
>Don't bite! Take it easy, okay? Hopefully I didn't miss anything this time
>Pillow has merch now! https://uwumarket.us/collections/pillowdearASMR
>Lyko's Birthday merch is out! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/products/lyko-lianna-birthday-merch-2025
>Rhubarb's Birthday merch is out! https://store.globie.net/collections/rhubarb-n-kustard
>Semester Start Merch is out! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/collections/v4mirai-semester-start-merch-2025
>Remia's birthday merch will go on sale in a few hours! Buy in the first 12 hours to get a limited handsigned version! https://shop.bravegroup-us.com/products/remia-aotsuki-birthday2025

>Let's kick off the year with Semester Start! A week-long streaming event featuring our girls wearing new school uniforms! https://x.com/V4Mirai/status/1885546332880068741
>Bonnie will join the Sweet Symphonies event hosted by Eva Ananova! Stay tuned for more info! https://x.com/EvaAnanova/status/1886610636584399093
>Cera and Kanna organized the Sweet Valentine's ASMR Relay! Featuring 12 hours of ASMR with 12 girls! From our side we have Bonnie, Alias, Pillow, Mono, Reina, Nene and Cera! It's happening on February 8th from 9AM to 9PM PST! https://x.com/CeraLuceria/status/1886590473302601953
>Here's the playlist! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdYZ6BFI3luYmVLDGUckSVoLhnQeqTpfe
>Hu will join the Specialite Bullet Battles event playing Marvel Rivals! Her team is... Jarvis Clip That!(?) Please support her and the team on February 8th 7PM! https://x.com/Specialite_EN/status/1885500818759012673
>Bonnie will start a talk show called Hag Hours! Episode 1 airs on Feb 22nd! Every episode will have a lovely older lady guest to chat, complain & reminisce about the good ol days with! https://x.com/BonnieBarkswell/status/1885490718837277115
>Seri was a part of Encore's Release That Beat Festival Relay! https://youtu.be/px-jwhmunPI
>REM will have a donothon for her birthday coming up in a few days! Make sure to support her if you want her to play League! And also a dakimakura! https://x.com/REMKanashibari/status/1886559150563336525
>Pippa got you a spicy skeb for the donothon reward! You can download it in higher quality here! https://x.com/PippaPebble/status/1884367939857727846
>Alicja will start a talk show called Milk Talk featuring cow vtubers! If you know of any make sure to tell her! https://x.com/AlicjaDaLontano/status/1879578735487181162
>Here's a folder with Alicja and Rhubarb's most recent karaokes if you missed them! https://gofile.io/d/FtdCfA
>Mariya is going on an indefinite hiatus due to some personal things. Please wait patiently until she comes back! https://x.com/koumariya/status/1879295938839388512
>Pippa graduated on January 31st. Thank you for supporting her https://x.com/PippaPebble/status/1885373518327566698
>Miel will go on hiatus from January 16th to February 1st(hopefully, she'll keep you updated on twitter) https://x.com/KumanuiMiel/status/1872242296277856710
>Sign up to know when Mari's original song "Shine On" releases! Don't blame me if something happens for giving her your phone number! https://mariya.moe/
>Listen to some recent covers!
https://youtu.be/afCRoqrrHW0 (Out soon!)

>> No.95017851
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gao gao

>> No.95017887
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I miss Mari... My brainworms are killing me from inside...

>> No.95017930

Sensei makes me cum

>> No.95017984

Kouhais current theme song

>> No.95018049
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I love yae, always!

>> No.95018128

What's the worst that could happen if you let the fester

>> No.95018179
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I love Mono Monet!

>> No.95018213

Become an until until she comes back and makes me change my mind easily like she used to do when she did questionable things

>> No.95018224

if it makes you feel any better, she probably doesnt miss you much if at all

>> No.95018239

Yeah I don't think that's gonna do much besides hurt you

>> No.95018257

This art is so cool

>> No.95018375
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My soul could be filled with an all-consuming darkness... ugh... I hate this world...

>> No.95018526

Your wife is having an ORGY with SUMO WRESTLERS as we speak.

>> No.95018690

Nah, she has a hands fetish, sumo wrestlers must have damaged hands from the fighting

>> No.95018939
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the LARGE, STRONG hands of a RIKISHI are embracing her now.

>> No.95019649

This is Mari's song...

>> No.95019692
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Happy Birthday REM!

>> No.95019768

I love Lunalia

>> No.95019803
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I love Yae

>> No.95020123

Damn, when did she post this?

>> No.95020240

Yumi... Again...

>> No.95020357

It was some anon that was testing MMD stuff with v4models.

>> No.95020358
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She keeps doing this
At least it's not Prisma and throne level

>> No.95020464

Prisma didn't post anything, Mari did (twice) and that's the problem.
When they do this, is just free promotion for the corpo, Mari just funneled all her clueless fanbase to her alt

>> No.95020492


>> No.95020612

I wonder when we'll get lunalia
I guess on their anniversary

>> No.95020782

I thought it would be on the end of January since Mari said they would update her MMD with her updated model, but they did neither

>> No.95020869

Clearly the company's going under

>> No.95020887
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>Blessed By Gerard Way

>> No.95020945


>> No.95020975


>> No.95021578

How are you holding up baker-chan? Everything okay?

>> No.95022203

that was a deep poetry collab stream it really shows the society we live in and that is life full of void without (You)r wife..... :(:

>> No.95022602
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>> No.95022849

Lilou Alone in the Dark

>> No.95022997

Posting this early. Jira is late but her stream is starting soon. She is in Japan currently which was an open secret.

>> No.95023085

Lyko zatsu

>> No.95023164

Wait, excuse me? How did the Jikamas manage to keep it together while their oshi went on a "secret" Japan trip and Kouhais melted down in comparison with the same thing happening pretty much? Is there something I'm missing about the circumstances or is the gulf in terms of menhealthiness that large between Kouhais/Petalites and other fanbases that large?

>> No.95023199

Because Mari's on break because an emergency happened

>> No.95023284

not a jikama nor a kouhai, but from what I got in /fpspec/, Jira said something baout a trip and the others mentioned she going to japan, unlike Mari
and jikamas are Jira's pet, so they are well trained

>> No.95023494
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>> No.95023647
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>> No.95023725
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>> No.95023782
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>> No.95023854
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Cute cat

>> No.95024111

I would kill to have Vee-sensei in this student outfit

>> No.95024204

I'll be there for some of it.

>> No.95024271

Because it was easy to assume looking how two other vspo EN girls announced they would go and Jira herself said she would during a member's stream, she's simply didn't specify when she'd go for opsec
So unlike kouhais, jikama weren't kept out of the loop :3

>> No.95024435

I dunno, there is a lot you can assume apparently without that information. But congrats for being the most menhealthy fanbase here I suppose given what I have seen from you guys. She's late right now and you guys are trucking along like it's no big deal in the prechat.

>> No.95024582

Even Kouhais did that when Mari overslept (and cancelled) that drawing stream

>> No.95024810
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>> No.95025296

Why doesn't Mari say kouhais like Jira says jikama that would help their menhealth

>> No.95025397

She need to stream to do that. Kouhais were being pretty menhealthy before the break

>> No.95027876


>> No.95028234

I'm okay, thank you

>> No.95028513


>> No.95028534

Mono live and is eating dinner

>> No.95028993

Seri says she will behave now

>> No.95029072


>> No.95029078
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>> No.95029090
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Schedule from the menhera

>> No.95029173

Even the full body covering cannot contain the full power of Mono's Monos

>> No.95029232

mimi showed up in mono's chat to put me in the cuck chair

>> No.95029465

Mystic Eyes of Food Perception

>> No.95029861

Sex with dogs

>> No.95029863

Dog live on cat

>> No.95029946

She deleted it and unprivated kek

>> No.95029955

Shut up Poma

>> No.95030034

this stream really takes me back to when I was a young lad who fumbled the fuck out of a girl like this
why did I not know what I had, FUCK

>> No.95030105

Weird, I don't remember writing this

>> No.95030159

really weird i don't remember writing this

>> No.95030166

this stream really takes me back to when I was a young lad who fucked a girl like this

>> No.95030647


>> No.95030725


>> No.95030777


>> No.95030821

i was going to post something incredibly lewd about Seri but I will refrain

>> No.95031005

Terra head too big

>> No.95031224

I want to see the farm field trip event with all the girls in different overalls and nothing else. Just fat tits hanging out the sides of denim

>> No.95031277

her body is just too small

>> No.95031289


>> No.95031322

Seri and Rara will get to pick the cotton

>> No.95031544

bimbo cumslut dog...

>> No.95031643

Vee-sensei, please graduate Seri and my life is yours

>> No.95031727

Now why would you say that

>> No.95031764

Vee-sensei, please let me marry Seri and our children are yours

>> No.95031779

Reminder that Seri is your oshi's oshi

>> No.95032121

Terra's big head

>> No.95032176

Terra cute....

>> No.95032199
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>> No.95032234

Now eat her out

>> No.95032355

Terra is old...

>> No.95032451

>brain age

>> No.95032463

Seri is young...

>> No.95034088

Is Mono, you know...

>> No.95034380

Aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?

>> No.95034496

amongst the situationship i have this is the one that hurts like hell :(

>> No.95034948
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>> No.95034965

you mfers with your fumbles and here I am not knowing how to react with dudes confessing to me

>> No.95034977

Yeah gorl betchu wish it was 2009 again.

>> No.95035035


A horny fat chick who ended up doing vtubing because society inexplicably promotes women into office roles while discarding (most) men to tradesman roles, then they flame out because excel sheets and emails are too hard, but this suits mono better because she has big tits and should have been some kind o artistic stripper? Yes.

>> No.95035084

But she talks like Rara. In fact she talks like she's younger than Rara.

>> No.95035086
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>> No.95035132

Sorry western dogs, your wife will not be coming home. She is my personal oiran now.

>> No.95035960

Mono was extra cute today

>> No.95036120

Terra is always great in collabs

>> No.95036165

She's so giggly.

>> No.95037304

terra has destroyed her voice every week since debut

>> No.95037490

terra has destroyed my dick every week since debut

>> No.95038485

What would have Terra been like if she had joined during the ASMR cold war

>> No.95038695

Nun Yae asmr would be a collab, for starters

>> No.95039166

It's time to think

>> No.95039243
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think about mono's thighs in tights

>> No.95040466

Dog's cat cute

>> No.95041048
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My brainworms are too strong... I don't wanna think anymore, I just wanna be happy...

>> No.95041242

You'll be happy someday

>> No.95041292

You'll be happy TODAY. Stand up soldier, go out for a run, start the grind never give up fuck these bitches live for yourself! CLIMB, BROTHER. BECOME A MAN YOU ARE MEANT TO BE!!

>> No.95041316
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See you tomorrow
Sleep tight

>> No.95041400

Love you, sleep well sweetie

>> No.95041450
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>> No.95041463
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Cute cow

>> No.95041524


>> No.95041788
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>> No.95042033
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Good night cutie

>> No.95042042


>> No.95042187

nighty nite :)

>> No.95042799

Cuddling with Baker-chan rn

>> No.95042876

Baker-chan could replace Mari...

>> No.95042998

She hasn't disappeared yet so I can't say she'd make a good Mari

>> No.95043647

Mari just pretended to have an emergency just so she could go to algs in the middle of a v4 event without anyone being mad at her. She'll be back exactly a day before Valentine's just so she can milk her viewers

>> No.95043807

She played us like a damn fiddle!

>> No.95043863

She has to come back next week due to

>> No.95044142
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>> No.95044311

it'll be an impromputu "guerilla" stream without location disclosure so she can spend valentines day in japan with her fiance

>> No.95044335

that trip was already planned for a very important reason, and no, it was not because she wanted to attend the algs

>> No.95045010


>> No.95045212

shut up

>> No.95045278

shut up

>> No.95046116
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>rhubarb moved her member's watchalong
Noo, I can't catch it live now....She hates me personally...

>> No.95047313
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I NEED to sniff Yaes moist armpit

>> No.95047351
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I should just kou myself to make these thoughts stop...

>> No.95049074
File: 306 KB, 288x322, yoohoo[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhj006z.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the Narin soundposter sometimes.

>> No.95049105
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>> No.95049468

here's hoping not wife has a nice day and is taking a break once in a while :)

>> No.95050097
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Why is Pillow up at this hour?

>> No.95050150

Damn, pillow almost went gamer mode

>> No.95050566

>Hi hi hi~ I wanted to pop in and jsut give an update I'm still quite sick on and off so i'll be playing this week by ear. I will be streaming for the Yap-a-thon though!

>> No.95051599

yoooo pmaru!

>> No.95051855
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>> No.95051898


>> No.95051948

She's actually doing it... brings a tear to my eye...

>> No.95052946

If you're going to do it, make sure to do it while Mari is live and akasupa her saying the reason, why go alone if you can make other have trauma too, amd you'll be helping the others making her stream more to not have it happen again or never stream anymore because of the trauma, freeing the remaining kouhais

>> No.95053367

What a mean thing to say

>> No.95054408

There are better gfe vtubers in THIS company than Mari, if it's that painful move on. She's never going to graduate so you won't get a chance to leave that way.

>> No.95054846

Some people need scorched earth to deter them from returning. But youre right. There is always a more fitting replacement, but sunk cost. Some poured so much and moving on is basically starting from zero where everyone else has a headstart on you

>> No.95055311

It's unfortunate that things turned out this way. Implementing a good faith effort (gfe) is challenging, and issuing a wake-up call can lead to drama. However, this time, it feels like a decisive blow, for those who remain I wish them the best of luck.

>> No.95055432

The ones who stay (which is pretty much every kouhai) will be rewarded, trust

>> No.95055563

>be rewarded, trust
rushia ?

>> No.95056142

did she say she was ALGS? or did someone else leak it

>> No.95056237

>mashu and dokoyubi
holy based

>> No.95056260


>> No.95056278

>is basically starting from zero where everyone else has a headstart on you
This is why vtuber debuts need to happen often, there's always lost souls out there that didn't get the experience they wanted

>> No.95056446

>4 day trip to japan from the UK
that's a big spend considering she isn't successful yet

>> No.95056483

Not the first time she does it

>> No.95056802

It's not that easy to leave someone you love...

>> No.95056960

this is what yae will be busy with on her birthday week

>> No.95057340 [DELETED] 

>my whole gen has depression

>> No.95057360
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Will she finally get to play it this time?

>> No.95057426
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>> No.95057636

For sure

>> No.95057652

They dont have any real problems so they made them up

>> No.95058186

>Some poured so much and moving on is basically starting from zero where everyone else has a headstart on you
I get what you mean but treating being a fan like it's a competition is probably not the healthiest mindset.

>> No.95058460

Why do you think the second class shit started

>> No.95058771

how many kouhais went to algs

>> No.95058857


>> No.95058999

Only me, Mari's husband, and I want to let you all know that we are enjoying our honeymoon

>> No.95059040

Tell her to at least say kohu on discord sometimes, it has been days

>> No.95059080

This has been character development for you, you no longer cry over missed days

>> No.95059229

I don't think it's character development for the people on discord that start spamming "kohu Mari" when she shows any activity (which she never replies)

>> No.95059286

It's sad to see

>> No.95059316

She hates them...she wishes they never kohu...

>> No.95059550

We need a "You should kohu! yourlsef.. NOW"

>> No.95059999

I miss Yumi. Yesterday was really fun but I need more.

>> No.95060118
File: 4 KB, 301x85, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you all just crying here or have you made an effort to convey what you think in a maro? Nothing will change if you don't let her know how you feel.

>> No.95060228

She did ask for more maros and never specified what kind

>> No.95060294

Don't be a coward and send it in a supa, or @ her on discord, she won't change if not called out where others can see

>> No.95061055
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>I've prepared some fun milestones for us to try and reach! Please support if you can

>> No.95061128

ARSgods it's time

>> No.95061151
File: 1.70 MB, 1928x2048, 1736779206242131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comfort video
Yes please

>> No.95061166

i want milking session Cera

>> No.95061539

You can't talk about it in a Maro because she didn't say she's there. So, in theory, she's clean

>> No.95061657

>kisses +comfort
I must... not... whore...

>> No.95061702

after her last asmr... i lost

>> No.95061930

I hope she uses this time to debut notYumi

>> No.95061976


>> No.95062356

Cute daughter

>> No.95062706
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>> No.95063855

Are you really going to let some baseless rrat where the only source is some brownfoot going “uhhh it’s real” drive you into this state?

>> No.95063903

the wedding may not be real, but the fact that she went to japan is true.

>> No.95063950

>pick an extremely lazy woman as your oshi
>she acts extremely lazy
why do kouhais act surprised

>> No.95063982
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Yes, where the fuck do you think we are? This is a gossip circle about women who play as anime women.

>> No.95063997

It's not about the baseless marriage rumor, that's obviously complete bullshit. It's about her never communicating anything. Last time she went to Japan she was talking about what she did the very next day, now she's not even willing to say she's on vacation and goes multiple days without saying anything anywhere.

>> No.95064011

Something like a Japan trip is usually planned months and months in advance. Even with an emergency going on, who would want to waste all the money spent on bookings and non-refundable airplane tickets? It’s probably the only positive thing Mari has had going on recently and I’m not surprised she would take a break from being online and take some time for herself.

>> No.95064060

she does not see herself as your romantic partner and it's time you treat her the same. cut the parasocial cord

>> No.95064102

It's a shame she's feeling overwhelmed by honeymoon planning. Balancing expectations and reality can be tough, but focusing on the meaningful aspects of the journey and seeking support from loved ones can make the process more enjoyable.

>> No.95064149

I don’t think the honeymoon rrat is real because she was already married

>> No.95064241

If she was married she wouldnt have been in a car accident because shes a passenger princess

>> No.95064392
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This is a Lunalia ONLY thread

>> No.95064785

someone with sense finally

>> No.95065043

You would think it’s all women on this thread with how petty and hurtful they’re all trying to be without a sliver of actually thinking about the situation.

>> No.95065127

You are right, I'm happy she went and got a break from all the bullshit going on in her life. I just don't get why she hasn't said a word about it. Surely she'd want to say she's having a good time to reassure people that things aren't all bad, right? I'm not really mad or upset or anything.

>> No.95065146

Are you complaining about shitposting on the site built on shitposting?

>> No.95065302
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I have barely been able to motivate myself to watch streams for longer than 20ish minutes at a time these last 2 weeks and have been doing other things instead. Mari's hiatus unironically might have helped cure some of my menhera.

>> No.95065535
File: 381 KB, 1345x1549, Gi_0-RkWEAAASG5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about fat REM

>> No.95065835

good, when your oshi is on a break you should take a break. Its really the best thing to do unless you are a whore looking for the next thrill

>> No.95065910

Mimi Buckshot Roulette Collab
Cera POV (maybe)
Stronny POV
Mercy POV

>> No.95065911
File: 1.02 MB, 2048x2533, monooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love watching mono, she's consistent and i dont have to worry about any of this nonsense

>> No.95065956


>> No.95065980

why do tabemonos hate Mari so much?

>> No.95065990

Mono was Mari up until Mari took her hiatus; I admit she's doing really well now though

>> No.95066005

She has her menhera moments but she always picks herself up again, she's a great pick

>> No.95066099
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>> No.95066101
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I am happy with this Mono makes me happy

>> No.95066134
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i hope chocolate girlfriend is doing ok

>> No.95066144

mono always streamed so no

>> No.95066481

Send her a nice message, you never know how much it helps

>> No.95066567

thanks, now I'm thinking too

>> No.95066642
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>> No.95066678

30+ year old woman btw

>> No.95066750

[Good News] REM has acquired Baja Blast

>> No.95066914

Poma your dumb fat cock got me addicted to super auto pets. Now i win 3 out of every 4 games

>> No.95067035

damn this skeb was a rushjob

>> No.95067659

Arya soon

>> No.95067699

Isn’t it great?

>> No.95067958

Having a good enough relationship with your sibling to do that kind of thing at that age is great

>> No.95069251

So what now

>> No.95069321

Poma Twitch Debut

>> No.95069433

The only problem is her not saying anything about it

>> No.95069437

I just worry that my interest won't return whenever she does come back.

>> No.95069525

It's better that way

>> No.95069571

>Poma starts
>Immediately hit with a 10 gift bomb

>> No.95069621

she’ll tell us when she’s back

>> No.95069689


>> No.95069793

But she talked about the places she went during her last Japan trip. Not saying anything now just makes her fans worried

>> No.95069893

Poma getting broken on twitch also a great chance to pick up a giftsub if you want one

>> No.95069919

Mimi monetization (part 3)

>> No.95070109


>> No.95070206

Poma says don't fall for the gamification of twitch hype trains

>> No.95070339

>bonnie and REM overlap
my two british girlfriends

>> No.95070346

Bonnie Balatro

>> No.95070503


>> No.95070507

REM Birthday

>> No.95070937
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The most fertile

>> No.95071081
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>> No.95071222
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>> No.95071278
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>> No.95071419
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>> No.95071472

why didn't she just say that twitch is better for whores ?

>> No.95071523

It's not good for whores (2d) tho

>> No.95071568

vtubers in general are not well-liked in any place

>> No.95071596
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>React content

>> No.95071672
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youtube-only fags seething

>> No.95071705


>> No.95072275

REM is good, lunalia is good.

>> No.95072326
File: 1.13 MB, 896x792, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even look like I have no bangs, I look like a balding old man

>> No.95072617

React content is peak GFE tho

>> No.95072841

So much for Mari making an entire alt just for react slop

>> No.95073000

What's v4m policy on drug use on stream?

>> No.95073022

[Sad News] REM will play League on stream.

>> No.95073025
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1200, REM_Birthday_Merch_2025_goods2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.95073027

Poma took happy wife pills on stream before

>> No.95073066

Is v4m switching to twitch after youtube's alienated them with the monetization bullshit? Will they switch off youtube entirely eventually?

>> No.95073067
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>> No.95073126

Cool merch!

>> No.95073179

I hope not. Twitch sucks

>> No.95073216

The good thing about voice packs is that they're cheap, locking them as a bonus for buying everything makes it pointless. NotAlias being the only mixer they know is funny

>> No.95073289

No, but Brave is wanting them to have Twitch as a backup in case Youtube screws them over again.

>> No.95073363
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>> No.95073535

I had the same issue a week ago, top half looked fantastic and the lower half felt like they half-assed it just to get it out of the way

>> No.95073585

Non-foldable wallet? That wont fit much cash in there

>> No.95073627

>he carrys cash
boomers out

>> No.95073706

How are you going to give alms to the poor with a credit card?

>> No.95073724

She's probably selling her services for extremely cheap if they aren't getting anyone else

>> No.95073910

It's called supporting your mate's business.

>> No.95073929

a large amount of hobos take card now, but there is something enjoyable about beaning them with coins

>> No.95073973

I love Poma so much... thank you God for creating such a beautiful and wonderful person..

>> No.95074010

I got ticked off one time when non-profit org like the medicine sans frontiere near me started asking for subscription based donation. Holy shit

>> No.95074167

Stop reading this thread, Mari

>> No.95074370

She kohu'd. My day is slightly better

>> No.95074423


>> No.95074574

Why no Yae footburger art

>> No.95074978
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chekis that REM made last time

>> No.95075176

See, there won't be any problems as long as she acts normal

>> No.95075258
File: 2.79 MB, 1980x1114, pomanene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is too expressive... it doesn't look right but at the same time looks more right

>> No.95075322
File: 1.37 MB, 990x1093, models.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.95075356

Be the change you want to see

>> No.95075531

Tracing is easy, you can do it yourself

>> No.95075592

Mari didn't even know the V4 event was happening

>> No.95075606

Where's my mono and Yumi footburger?
Or Serina footburger while wearing tights?

>> No.95075696

I can't draw anime woman. I can only draw anatomically correct tooth morphologies.

>> No.95075861


>> No.95075971


>> No.95075978
File: 2.37 MB, 1807x1115, pomaforeheadtattoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.95076146

Yumi's dying..

>> No.95076277

I want to see that

>> No.95076519

Least surprising news

>> No.95076528

Arya zatsu

>> No.95076709

>You guys forgot about me already?
>Only a week and you forgot?
>How could you?
I'm gonna cheat...

>> No.95076781

kouhai no

>> No.95076995

Just leave bro she's not gonna change

>> No.95077044

Taking Arya to the Bone Zone!

>> No.95077299

no way... Poma is singing my slut childhood friend's song she used to sing...

>> No.95077433

>I did not go to ALGS
>To be truthful with Wingmen I was not allowed to go
>It's mostly for security and protection reasons
Their managers are strangely strict

>> No.95077473

well Arya didn't go. but notArya probably did

>> No.95077567
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>> No.95077608

Thank god we have sanrio to protect us from that succubus

>> No.95077824

Can you imagine if the reason Mari didn't mention her trip at all is because she did it without Brave knowing and she wasn't supposed to be there?

>> No.95077947

y'know those tickets probably didn't go to waste not that i 'm thinking here....

>> No.95077951
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my heart is eepy

>> No.95077961

I wonder if Arya met up with Mari

>> No.95077965


>> No.95078039

Kinda made sense. She was dooming because she isn't allowed to go to a big apex event

>> No.95078213

Hello Kitty don't look!

>> No.95078275

Well she did a bad job of staying incognito considering she called up Phish to tell her she was there.

>> No.95078348

not her fault phish couldn't keep a secret

>> No.95078551


>> No.95078664

do you really think that any woman can keep a secret? there is no bro code between them, if they want to do something in secret they won't tell a soul

>> No.95079122

They got the sisterhood pledge

>> No.95079205


>> No.95079747

Arya HATES airline meals and just didn't eat

>> No.95079793

Seri has depression and I hope she gets the help she needs to get through it

>> No.95080093

Gonna bake

>> No.95080116

Give her some words. They can help

>> No.95080178
File: 1.97 MB, 380x522, terramigu[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpezo7m.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

