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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 24 KB, 262x322, catgura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9491861 No.9491861 [Reply] [Original]

Will anybody ever be able to unseat Gura as the queen of chuubas?

>> No.9491924


>> No.9491950

No because she's already queen of deadsubs

>> No.9491952

no because that's Pekora
t. chumbud

>> No.9492034

Just like nobody will ever stop Smosh from being the most subscrived chanell on Youtube

>> No.9492085

When I get into holostars and they are forced to collab with be unless they want the Twitter trannies to complain about idol culture my numbers will go up theirs will go down and it will be like normal streaming with males being the most popular

>> No.9492093
File: 2.42 MB, 2000x2000, Tokino_Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the true Holo queen

>> No.9492112

Maybe, maybe not. We will know when it happens.

>> No.9492126

We'll never know because Gura will never achieve that title

>> No.9492134

Who is that? Looks like some cheap-ass indie.

>> No.9492155

I'd give it 3 years assuming she isn't graduated by then.

>> No.9492167
File: 163 KB, 512x512, 1625459101376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is already on her way to 4 million subs

>> No.9492213

Some Kizuna AI clone.

>> No.9492295

Unironically this. Kizuna was HnK and Sora and hololive was JJBA. Kizuna and her company was memory holed even though she was the original and Sora and her company went mainstream even though she was a clone of the original

>> No.9492329

That is actually small number if you compare her with popular streamers. An averages gaming channels can get 2m easily. So it's possible for a vtuber to get 10m and surpass Gura.

>> No.9492356

Pekora is the queen

>> No.9492371

>An averages gaming channels can get 2m easily
The average channel has 2 subs. Not 2m, 2.

>> No.9492404

>An averages gaming channels

>> No.9492577

If it's a small number, why isn't any other vtuber even at 2 million

>> No.9492589


>> No.9492632


>> No.9492642

>Muh sub count = queen
Sub counts are far from a measure of success in vtubing, Gura is proof enough of that.

>> No.9492683

Pokemane has a vtuber model and has over 6.5 million subs, by your criteria, she is the queen of vtubers

>> No.9492952

Does she get sponsorships and opportunities like Gura has?

>> No.9493003

did she even used it since that debacle?

>> No.9493047

Kek'd at rabbitcucks bleating about their used up hasbeen whore being "queen". Imagine the desperation.

>> No.9493062


>> No.9493154

>Its another EoPs think Gura is special episode
I guess this is better than EN2 boyfriend spam every thread

>> No.9493202

Of course, and if that's the goalpost you decided to move then Gura is behind even in hololive. She isn't even a high superchat earner despite having way more subs. Might as well call Subaru the queen

>> No.9493214
File: 33 KB, 800x389, pewdtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>110m subs
how about you make this thread when she gets some real numbers

>> No.9494652

Not a vtuber

>> No.9495040

The only thing Gura is a queen of is her shitty chumbud base who keep making these terrible threads and harassing other VTubers.

>> No.9495261

She never was the queen of vtubers, you cumbuds need to kneel to Pekora already.

>> No.9495630

>Might as well call Subaru the queen
Do you have a valid argument for Subaru not being the queen of vTubers?

>> No.9495726

why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.9495752

Isn't she already old and washed up? Maybe she should think about retiring soon

>> No.9495844

Man yes, are you retarded? She was just featured in a Hollywood film.

>> No.9495873

Have either of these actually even gained a single viewer exclusively as a vTuber? If either of them made a new channel for their vTuber personas and didn't mention it on their main channel would they even break 1k subs?

>> No.9495912

No, she is to big to fail at this point. The only one who can unset her is herself.

>> No.9495920

Fuck, I actually don't

>> No.9495956

>3.4M subs
>Struggling to break 20k viewers
Holy deadsubs...

>> No.9495968

She still gets 10,000 more viewers per stream than Gura

>> No.9495991

She's not as famous as Gura.

>> No.9496015

Blah blah show numbers or shut up.

>> No.9496046

Those aren't vtubers.

>> No.9496063

If Gura wasn't part of Hololive would she be as popular as she is now or would she still be hovering around 1 mil?

>> No.9496229

No, she was the perfect storm of everything happening at once and no other vtuber can really boast the accomplishments that she can.

>most subs by a wide margin
>30 VODs over 1 million views
>2 songs that hit 1 million views in less than 12 hours (unheard of in vtubing)
>most live viewers for a solo/non-collab stream ever in vtubing

She is an absolute beast.

>> No.9496236

The rest of Hololive is actually dragging her down. If she wasn't being held back by their restrictive rules and management, she would no doubt have passed 4M subs already by now.

>> No.9496341

Try harder loser.

>> No.9496359
File: 1.31 MB, 855x795, 1602503842994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most subs
>most views
>most vod views
>most likes on a tweet
>most followers on twitter
>most fanart
>most superchats
>best selling merch
>best debut
>best singer
>best entertainer
>best streamer
>appeals to everyone of all ages from young to old without resorting to being fake like Pekora or spamming the same game like Kuzuha
>best fanbase
Chumbuds literally can NOT stop winning.

>> No.9496375

Pekora who's JOP AND has half her subs absolutely demolished her in live viewers. Chumbuds don't even watch their oshi huh

>> No.9496376

Are there actually people who still seethe at Gura being #1? She's so sweet...

>> No.9496397

When chumbuds speak, they only speak truth.

>> No.9496483

she's painfully mediocre so it hurt to see her skyrocket past fubuki and korone who put in a lot of work and made the brand big

>> No.9496516

>>most subs
>>most views
Mori's songs get much more views
Pekora gets more views
>>most vod views
Mori wins with her songs
>>most likes on a tweet
>>most followers on twitter
>>most fanart
Pekora wins
>>most superchats
Oof, not even close to the top
>>best selling merch
Not even close
>>best debut
>>best singer
Risu is much better
>>best entertainer
sure, cope more chumkek
>>best streamer
>>appeals to everyone of all ages from young to old without resorting to being fake like Pekora or spamming the same game like Kuzuha
appeals to pedos like you
>>best fanbase
My sides have left this realm

>> No.9496560

yeah gura should try harder because she's lazy and does nothing

>> No.9496605

People who think Risu's the best singer in Hololive haven't listened to Risu

>> No.9496664

I will admit that it was pretty rough for Gura to beat FBK and Korone to 1M subs when they were so close to it.
It's not Gura's fault though, so why should she receive criticism for it?
She didn't even celebrate it.

>> No.9496750

It was so funny when chumbuds made FBK cry. She acted like she wanted unity when in reality she was just seething because she lost first to 1M. Now look at her. Completely irrelevant while Gura is at the top.

>> No.9496772

People who think Gura's the best singer in Hololive need to shove a nail inside their eardrums, since they don't seem to use them anyway

>> No.9496794

Also people who use numbers to shit on people can fuck off.
Peko and Gura are both great streamers, and you can enjoy both just as much.
Even if you like one more, it doesn't give you any reason to shit on the other.

>> No.9496965

Ironically, people try to use numbers to shit on Gura all time even though she undisputably has some of the biggest numbers in vtubing history.

>> No.9497202

The only time numbers are brought up when discussing Gura is to shit on her. Nousagis, ichimin, and the like hate that Gura is better than their 'oshi' Chumbuds don't bring up numbers until struck first, and it's ALWAYS a one hit knockout when you mess with us.

>> No.9497265

how did you even came up with that conclusion

>> No.9497355

Gura is well-known even in Japan. She appeared in Japanese TV.
Pokimane is only famous in America

>> No.9497425

Gura was in a Taco Bell commercial, Taco Bell is one of the most famous restaurants in the United States and Europe. Pokimane is barely known outside twitch.

>> No.9497453

>chumbuds actually believe this

>> No.9497476

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.9497702

Nigger that's just straight up false.
There are a lot of Nousagi and Ichimi who want Gura and their oshi to collab, especially Nousagi. You see it on JOP clips of Pekora and Gura on YT

>> No.9497776

>leech from Gura
No thanks

>> No.9497796

They just want some of the limelight since they're covered in the shadow of Gura's massive presence. Pekora didn't even have anything to do with Gura until the Summer Festival, and even then she started their interaction by telling Gura how many viewers she had.

>> No.9497855

Sasuga Number queen

>> No.9497986

shit thread, i hope it dies

>> No.9498043

Nice bump genius

>> No.9498052

>EN2 debuts
>Gura still at the top
I remember when anons were saying Gura was going to be left in the dust. Only ones left in the dust were the failures in EN2.

>> No.9498320

Man fuck this thread. It's just people shit stirring.

>> No.9499525

Gura saved Cover from irrelevancy.

>> No.9499572

So about the same as the rest of the board then

>> No.9500602

They might need to go 1-dimensional first

>> No.9500772
File: 317 KB, 1307x528, d0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As of now, nothing can. The only thing that can win over cunny is cock. Nothing can beat cock.

>> No.9500870

learn to sage nigger

>> No.9500892
File: 56 KB, 350x464, 1624871644549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is just a number to her. A mere stepping stone.

>> No.9501460

Pekora was the only one capable of doing so but she reclined with her stale content. Gura will continue to reign supreme.

>> No.9501747
File: 150 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes more than numbers to be the queen

>> No.9501793

The queen is kizuna ai

>> No.9503954

True, and she always will be.

>> No.9504085

Gura rules all.

>> No.9505463


>> No.9508139
File: 35 KB, 716x628, shaaaark3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen I like Pekora and all, she's a funny girl

but she's no Gura. and Pekora won't even be no.2 in hololive in a month, when Mori passes her. (as a sidenote, both of their channels are growing at a snails pace compared to gura; just 20k new followers in the last 2 weeks; compared to gura's 70k; yes, gura is still growing at the rate of 5k per day...)

>> No.9508250

No. There are a few generals like /hlgg/ that genuinely enjoy watching Vtubers. I guess you don't post there because people ignore your bait?

>> No.9508382

>That is actually small number if you compare her with popular streamers

>only 5000 streamers in the world with a larger sub count
>only 43 streamers in Japan with a larger sub count

>> No.9508459

as a sidenote - this last month was Gura's best for Gura's channel views. besting every other month in her channel's existence.

-not the sign of a dying channel.

>> No.9508723

>3.35 mil sub
>only 500k average views
Accept it Chumkek, it's a dead channel. Only 14% of her subs even bother to watch her rumao. This is why pandering to the west was a bad idea, they have too short of an attention span and would rather watch clips with clickbait thumbnails. They should have had dropped Coco and pandered hard to the Chinks, but instead we have this.

>> No.9509475

221 videos

==768,461 views per video

look at you subtracting 50% of her vod just to try to troll. cute try zhang

>> No.9509541

A base startup 3d model

>> No.9509675

Is this the new word for "anyone who criticizes my oshi"? That used to be a Cocofag only thing but now I see more and more people using it as a generic insult.

>> No.9509978

>including hyperinflated debut numbers and meme song VODs
at least use the VOD numbers for the previous week retard. it paints a better and clearer picture. She only has average 500k VOD view for the previous week. Cope and seethe chumkek, she has dead subs and a dead channel

>> No.9510354

We don't talk about that whore

>> No.9510726

oh no chumbuds we got too cocky

>> No.9511605

>Kizuna and her company was memory holed
Really, that bad?

>> No.9512336

Yeah but there are reasons. Issues with using a different VA for a period of time really broke the trust of her fans.

And besides that, her management was stupid. Instead of growing her channel into a group like Hololive, they stuck to just Kizuna and pimped out her image and likeness to be used commercially by anyone who would pay them for it.

I do feel bad for Kizuna though because she deserves better.

>> No.9512399

Nope, she's a triple threat. Cute model, amazing singing voice, speaks english

>> No.9512973

Yeah, the clone story arc could have easily led to a group of AI-based VTubers each with their own channels and such.

>> No.9516881
File: 377 KB, 1280x720, hoooboy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, Vtubers really do live in their own quasi-weeb galaxy.
....the average Vtuber has 9,000subs
....Hololive marketing specialist driven numbers average 800,000, and they are number queens.
.....digest that

>> No.9516962

Wait, people unironically enjoy Gura?!

>> No.9517703

ITT we discuss candidates that can dethrone Gura, the queen of shitty rigging

>> No.9517735


>> No.9518525

no, because this isn't even her final form
doesn't have a 3D
only released first original song (still in a trial and error) with jpg thumbnail
only released first cover in her own channel (still in a trial and error)
her singing can improve even further since haven't trained by vocal coach before
en branch only starts to expand
she's a bit lazy

and so on

>> No.9520130

Everything wrong in the world can be traced back to China, and even if you're wrong, who cares, they're chinks.

>> No.9522751

Yet despite all the debuffs she's still on top

>> No.9522868
File: 137 KB, 839x719, df3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. Gura is unironically unbeatable in the current stage of the VT industry. She's second only to Kiara.

>> No.9522966

you mean the cunny of chuubas

>> No.9523111

gura is a segue of having a huge amount of innate viral talent with a really good design with universal appeal that also hit at the absolute most critical time to explode with almost no competition

unless something big happens to the vtubing world like hololive collapsing or something, gura happening a 2nd time is staggeringly unlikely. someone could certainly outpace her in the long run but you're never going to see explosive growth in vtubing like gura again

>> No.9523118


>> No.9523159

Gura is a once-in-a-lifetime talent and Cover's very lucky to have scouted her

>> No.9523238

The scuffed rigging actually gives her model more charm

>> No.9523403

You wanna know who's the real queen of dead subs?
>Kizuna Ai

>> No.9523444

>queen of chuubas
>i don't even watch her
checkmate cuckbuds

>> No.9523724

You should watch her she’s cute, entertaining and endearing.

>> No.9523758

Don't watch her, she's a fake whore that loves BBC

>> No.9523892


>> No.9523900

RUMAO. Scott the Woz is currently the most populat gaming content creator and he only has 1,5M subs. For someone to surpass Gura she would have to be completely revolutionary in the genre or become a meme like the SUS guy.

>> No.9523903

ask me how I know you don't know shit about youtube

>> No.9523939

chumbuddies arent winning, their oshi is

>> No.9523941

and chumbuds wonder why everyone thinks they’re a bunch of annoying children

>> No.9523980

is this how people whose oshis get no views cope with reality?

>> No.9524183
File: 195 KB, 374x666, ikneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9524218

Why hasn't Marine even bothered to look at her signs? I feel like Marine was pretty hurt by Gura's move on Shion. Especially since Shion and Marines last fight...

>> No.9524249

Once youtube fixes the bug on the subscriber counter of Kiara and show the actual numbers, she will surpass Gura in no time

>> No.9524322

>coping this hard

>> No.9524325

mori does mog in single vid views. Also Mori Gura King is doing better than any King Holo release ever.

>> No.9524341

Yes. Health complications from her 30s.

>> No.9524387

>being fake like Pekora
Pekora is an autistic NEET
100% real nigga

>> No.9524459


>> No.9524489

nah, this threads are mostly made by Kfp's falseflaggin and replying to themselves over and over to make Gura's fanbase look bad

>> No.9524507

who even is pokimane? Im not even trolling

>> No.9524555

literally who?

>> No.9524622

It's a team effort

>> No.9524665

I missed the fight, what happened?

>> No.9524820

The only thing that can knock her off the throne is Goora herself with either doing a huge yab or she herself pulling back because health or boredom.

Also, to be clear Pekora is #2 even though she doesn't have: English extreme-buff, singing voice buff or cunny buff.
She'll never be #1, but I think her efforts are way more respectable. All of this applies to Korone as well

>> No.9524826
File: 3.02 MB, 498x280, nene_wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait a bit more

>> No.9524887

>when you mess with us.

how gay are you?

>> No.9524903


>> No.9524926

indie vtuber that garnered alot of attention because she called chumbuds pedophiles for watching gura

>> No.9524966

It wasn't much, but then again, my japanese is pretty much middle school level. Looked like normal jabs, but idk they haven't talked since.

>> No.9524984

I hope not. Cumbuds are already bad enough,
Imagine an even more obnoxious mainstream crowd invading this hobby.
And I say that as someone who generally likes Gura and isn't specifically into idolshit.

>> No.9524989

based retard

>> No.9524995

not even once

>> No.9525086

Its hilarious to watch chumcucks cope about
>b-but muh subs
Gura loses in literally every single relevant metric to other Holos and her dead subs are the only thing her cancerous "fans" have to pretend she is remotly relevant.

>> No.9525122

thanks for the info anon, you and I are now friends, I got your back

>> No.9525158


>> No.9525211

Who? Is this some 2view?

>> No.9525253

That's Lamy's sidekick, idiot.

>> No.9525299

I'll bite.
What metrics are we talking about?
Superchat? Sure, she loses there because she doesn't farm for supers.
VOD views? Gura beats everyone else here. Heck, she has 32 videos with more than a million views, 30 if you don't include short videos/music covers.
CCV? She's consistently been in the top 5 of average CCV for Holo since EN was released.

>> No.9525364

Did you even bother to fact check yourself or are you just a fucking retard? Gura absolutely has the record for viewers with 194k and while she doesn't hold the record for total views hers are still higher than fucking Mori you moron. She does hold the record for most million view videos and she also has the most fanart not Pekora everything else is either right or opinion based.

>> No.9525392

Yep, Gura is still easier bait than anyone else

>> No.9525431

>Gura has the record for highest average viewers
No she doesn't. She got mogged by Coco with 492k. Gura isn't even 2nd highest anymore because she got mogged by Nijisanji's Baseball event which got 200k+.
>She doesn't hold the record for total views
You just accepted she doesn't, so why are we talking about this?
>She holds the record for most million view videos and most fanart
Since when were these relevant metrics lmao? Chumkek cope can't accept that Gura is irrelevant outside of her inflated sub count

>> No.9525507

found the kfp

>> No.9525539

I guess Pewdiepie's channel is dead too.

>> No.9525596

>most superchats
This one is objectively false. The most financially successful generation in Hololive is Gen 3

>> No.9525800

None of those were solo streams therefore they are pointless in trying to determine the queen of vtubing. We're talking about it because there was blatantly wrong claims in the previous post that had to be corrected

>> No.9525994


>> No.9526071

This is the weakest bait ever and seething retards still fall for it

>> No.9526075

Go ahead and point me to a YouTube channel with more than 3 million subs and have a decent sub to viewer ratio because they literally don't exist as the bigger the channel the worst the ratio will be.

>> No.9526125

posting a default gura picture with just the comment "numbers" will likely reach bump limit

>> No.9526167

>Claim it's bait because you can't disprove it otherwise

>> No.9526194

The previous record was set by Nijisanji baseball, aka a non solo stream. Now that Gura's "record" was mogged not once but FOUR times, suddenly non solo streams don't count? Gtfo out of here Chumshit

>> No.9526260

And she still lost to pekora

>> No.9526357

We must have different definitions of losing

>> No.9526398

4 times? Coco graduation, and Nijisanji baseball finals are the only ones as far as I know.

>> No.9526432
File: 1.24 MB, 1075x901, Screenshot (950).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9526447

Pekora mogs Gura on a daily basis

>> No.9526468

Nice cherry-picking

>> No.9526498

Holy shit, less stream time with less CCV but still mogging Pekora, how does she do it?

>> No.9526515

They had 3 separate streams for baseball. Group A, Group B and then actual finals

>> No.9526535

Now post the CCV

>> No.9526567

Gura graduation will beat all the records set so far.

>> No.9526594

21/08/13 147,639 Nijisanji Baseball 2021 Game A
21/08/14 170,896 Nijisanji Baseball 2021 Game B
21/08/15 205,448 Nijisanji Baseball 2021 finals
Those are the numbers in the archive for the niji baseball tournament so only the actual finals beat her record

>> No.9526605

I'll drink to Nijiniggers for this one, BTFOing chumkeks are based in my book even if you're a non Holo

>> No.9526640

So are you gonna ask her graduate or not?

>> No.9526761

Your oshi first. Bet she won't even get more viewers than Gura's karaoke

>> No.9526762

No unless she retires

>> No.9526873

Just say kill, anon, that's what people really want

>> No.9526881

Yes, Pekora has higher CCV most of the time but what the point of having more autist who sits at the same place at the same time if people didn't even bother to check your channel out?

>> No.9526920

So anyone who showed his face isn't a vtuber? There are a few famous jp vtubers who showed their face tho

>> No.9526960

Hololive keeps her in tonus. She is too lazy to even clean up after herself. Maybe if she decides to graduate on her own decision she will be growing faster.

>> No.9526978

Than why is Gura the face of the company?

>> No.9527008

Seethe cope and dial 8

>> No.9527033

Do you remember what happened to pewdiepie? What is stopping some Indian corp to make Vtubers a thing?

>> No.9527109

Because she's the queen of vtubing

>> No.9527162

She sells more CDs though

>> No.9527286

Weebs are petty.

>> No.9527308

Gura should get into a sub count war with someone else to drive up her sub count.

>> No.9527323

Because Cover isn't a company.

>> No.9527335

They tried it already and failed. See NijiIN

>> No.9527601

Probably will, hope it comes soon

>> No.9527715

She's on her way to 4 million subs, nobody ever will, no matter how much people seethe

>> No.9527738

#1 way to tell someone with a lesser oshi coping in one word

>> No.9532647


>> No.9533415

Gura still reigning supreme.

>> No.9535422

only if ayame takes streaming seriously again
and it looks likely with the recent increase in stream frequency and appearances

>> No.9535452

pekora is the queen of yt kids

>> No.9535632

Plz Cope deadsubschama

>> No.9537579

Gura is the final mog. The mog to end all mogs. Nothing can mog her. Gawr Gura is the one who mogs the world.

>> No.9540557

What queen? Just because she has most subs doesnt make her queen. Pekora and Marine are bigger. U filthy EOP can't tell a real queen when u see one do u?

>> No.9541799

>subcount equals queen of chuubas

pls be bait.

>> No.9542345

Did Pekora and Marine get put on a Taco Bell commercial? I think not. Marine and Pekora fall over themselves trying to get a piece of that lovely shark cunny. Just a taste of her massive sub base is what they crave.

>> No.9542650

Senzawa's channel got to 1.2M in 3 years and she became Gura just 3 videos after her Vchuuba model was revealed. She went months (IIRC) without posting, so I guess without the corporate side of hololive pushing her to a regular schedule she wouldn't be that famous.

>> No.9544280

No. Can't unseat someone who has never sat at the throne. Pekora's juicy butt is occupying it whether u like it or not.

>> No.9544340

taco bell is irrelevant.

>> No.9545167

Taco Bell's Nacho Fries beat the hell out of whatever irrelevant curry the JP branch shilled

>> No.9545178

Unfortunately this is the only thing cumfarts have left

>> No.9546307

Not a single actual argument was presented in this thread against Gura. Just more proof she reigns supreme and will continue to be the top vtuber for the foreseeable future.

>> No.9546480

Number bunny has to settle for number 2 while Gura's still here

>> No.9546545

Will you "people" ever stop making the same threads every day?

>> No.9546963

Nice bump einstein

>> No.9546976

The rabbit trying so hard but still can't reach for it cuz the throne never existed in the first place.

>> No.9547093

It's a false proposition to begin with, so there's really not much to argue.

>> No.9547162

>have no arguments
>can't argue
>"it's a false proposition"
Why are nousagi like this?

>> No.9547247

Numbersagis can't even win with numbers

>> No.9548168
File: 32 KB, 422x550, e48610b8832e10c2cc7da5667b028982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>queen of chuubas
Dead subs on grandpa's platform maybe.
Ai-chan has over 3 million subs on Tiktok and the next generation in her pocket.

>> No.9548993

She's cursed. She never wanted this much attention and to be the top of the food chain. She will eventually snap and commit career suicide.

>> No.9549069

This, gura has actual, immense talent and if she never went with cover she could've easily went big on her own anyways.

When I tuned in to her karaoke stream and saw her doing a cover of Big Iron that's when I KNEELED. I was a true beliver in her talent.

>> No.9549118

Gura has more views than Kizuna on Tiktok despite not even having an account there.

Keep coping.

>> No.9551250


>> No.9551335

I genuinely, unironically, feel bad for people who can't speak Japanese and watch the ENs simply because they're stuck with them. The JP holos are actually so, so much better.

>> No.9559109

i'll make it so that she can't sit down after i fuck her ass with my massive dildo (my dick is small)
