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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9429604 No.9429604 [Reply] [Original]

Everything which has a beginning has an end. Even our planet is doomed to get consumed by a sun in some long time.

What end Hololive gonna meet? Slow and rotting or quick and sudden?

>> No.9429640

it will die in the west. not in japan.

holo en dies due to woke strike

>> No.9429814

you remember those popular youtubers you used to watch then forgot about like 5 years later? remember how bronies were the weirdest people on the net now anyone barely remembers they exist? theyll gradually be forgotten as the pandemic ends and people spend more time working

>> No.9429902

Yeah this. The light of the algorithm will pass them eventually and the growth will just recline and stall along with the rest of the industry barring a new meta change arising from someone doing some crazy new shit with virtual avatars.

>> No.9430046

lol. you dont need to be so pretentious. do you unironically believe the west could have an alternative of anime?.

are you saying your gay faggot woke shit like steven gayverse can be that? lmao if it dies, just dies with your woke tyranny. nothing else

>> No.9430768

are you ESL? thats not what he said at all. take your meds

>> No.9430960

The underwhelming EN2 has really hurt their brand image. The hype is already dying. JP6 has a lot riding on their shoulders.

>> No.9431075

When a new trend takes over, which somehow replaces virtual youtuber or change the industry. And the company dies because it can't adapt fast enough to survive the new change or against the new competition. Hololive goes bankrupt for some reason, some politics get invovled. or yagoo decides to sell the company and become a fisherman. Or Earth explodes and we all die with it. The possibilities are endless.

>> No.9431151

damage control. the fuck is "meta change". explain that shit

this cunt just wants to abuse postmodernism pedantic garbage rhetoric, ignoring the fact that the modern west is utterly creatively bankrupt.

>> No.9431295

meta change just means changing the meta... as in something new will change the industry like how vstreaming made content like Kizuna Ai's shorts less popular and made her fade from the spotlight. are you an actual schizophrenic?

>> No.9431319

en branch was the biggest mistake they ever made

>> No.9431347

Remember high school battle harem anime and how they were everywhere until everything became Isekai wish fulfilment? That's meta change.

>> No.9431401


>> No.9431402

CN branch was the biggest mistake, good thing they cut all ties with china

>> No.9431445


You will never be Japanese

>> No.9431562

When China gets fed up with this annoying holo fly and squishes it by demanding Burgerland and Nipland (China's loyal puppets) to terminate it.

>> No.9431579

You idiots keep spamming this word salad, but can never explain why. Is it actually because you feel your little "secret club" is threatened by it? Because ENs like Gura have more subs than some of the JP gens combined.

>> No.9431710

The top 5 jps have more subs combined than the top 5 ens combined newfag

>> No.9431755

whats that "something new" then. "meta anime"? the point is that. not anything else, you absolutely outdated wannabe critique. what media or art form or style could beat anime? photorealism driven 3d avatar? lol

2d animation is universal and doesnt depend on zeitgeist or simply a "trend". its just a form of media. not a trend. thats why anime, which is very analog compared to 3d, still thrives and gets more and more popular in the west while amerimutt mega corps ditched all 2d animations and only produce 3d now some of which are photorealism

your fucking stupid rhetoric and metaphor is completely useless. explain it more simply and directly.

>> No.9431761

Is this how you cope anon?

>> No.9431870

Why are you talking about anime? Are you lost? This is a vtuber board

>> No.9432018

JP will be fine because they're truly virtual idols and Japan knows how to keep that train going indefinitely. EN will die a slow, unglamorous death because they're all just streamers with avatars and streamers always fade.

>> No.9434529

EN2 is wonderful, Sana for life

>> No.9436587 [DELETED] 

how does it feel to know your oishi will never know you exist unless you donate a copious amount of money. jp or en wise. it honestly makes me sad sometimes

>> No.9437564

Considering that I don't think the vtuber phenomenon will vanish soon ( merely stabilize), I can think of three scenarios that leads to Hololive in particular failing:

1) Big Yabai: something happens that is bad enough to permanently tarnish the public perception of Cover. A number of holos will leave at once, some will follow later citing "unrelated reasons", most fans will drop Hololive and watch something else, and the brand will eventually die.

2) Corporate buyout: a large corporation ( like Sony ) buys the Hololive brand and start making changes that will alienate older fans. Trend chasing, wokeism and everything you came to expect from big companies will soon follow. If we are lucky, their plans fails and Hololive gets abandoned; if we aren't, the corpse of Hololive will continue shambling forward, a mockery to everything it used to be.

3) Fade away: As the original Holos eventually graduate more and more of the hardcore fans will leave, as new other generations fail be half as successful as the previous ones. Finally, one day, a last video will be uploaded on the official Hololive channel, announcing that they will soon cease all activities.

>> No.9438005

>Not in japan
You do realize Nijisanji is the biggest one right? Hololive is just bottom tier of it

>> No.9438107

How can you be this retarded?
In the context that anon used it, meta comes from meta-game. It's just a way to say that, unless there is some game-changing innovation in the vtuber world, the algorithm will just jump to the next big thing.

>> No.9438137

Compared to stuff like machinama and TGWTG.

Hololive can graduate ollie and matsuri when they do something too stupid, not sure if that will save them from death by yabs.
Hard to say how big it will get overall, but the novelty will crash unless the virtual part keeps getting more interesting. The live2d is already mediocre by modern standards.

>> No.9438216

The last is by far the saddest one since there are no one to blame here

>> No.9438262

This, though the blame rests more on the company than the chuubas themselves. If Holo EN 2 had uploaded videos before debut then they could've saved some of the hype subs. Though Cover, and by extension Hololive, are too slow to fix issues with their rollouts.

>> No.9438393

who gives a fuck

enjoy things while they're here

stop being a sadbrain motherfucker

>> No.9438421

It will never die per se, worst case scenario talents will reach Kizuna AI status and live off coupons for the rest of their careers

>> No.9439021

>they'll gradually be forgotten as the pandemic ends and people spend more time working
That's the opposite actually.
Chubas are best for background noise for work. I used to listen to podcasts but didn't have the attention to keep up the topics while focusing on work, that's why I moved to vtubers.

That's the missed opportunity for HoloEN2. They went for more prime night time and afternoon 2-hour streamers, when they should have gone for long-time worktime hard streams.

Kiara is the only one smart enough in all HoloEN to capitalize this
That's why Kiara is the 2nd highest super chat earner after Calli, while out-earning Gura. Despite no 3 million subs buff or guaranteed multimillion views on music videos.
She streams to wagies
And that's what HoloJP does too and why they make so much.

>> No.9441376

No they dont.

>> No.9441596

Cover might be nimble enough to survive the third scenario, but I don’t think the ‘Hololive Idol Project’ will become an institution.

>> No.9441745
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>> No.9442039

when will the MCU die?
when will Disney die?

>> No.9443142

I think if something happens to YouTube, like Google sells it or kills it. Changes too many rules or scraps the superchat system... Where will cover move the girls to? I'm not sure they have the staff, funding, know-how, or motivation to make their own Streaming website for their talents. Even if it means they wouldn't have to revenue share with YT anymore, they don't seem motivated at all.

>> No.9445065


>> No.9445185

Actually... I checked the streamers I watched 5 years ago, and they're still going with 1k+ live viewers. Except for one who apparently got cancelled by a metoo scandal and banned from Twitch.
Seems like Hololive could keep going for a while, they don't actually need a massive audience to stay in business.

>> No.9445220


>> No.9445262

How is that relevant to what he said?
Just because one is bigger doesn't mean the other can't survive.

>> No.9445452

People will realize they're not anything special, and they're content is repetitive it'd get boring after sometime

>> No.9445566

Yeah, everyone who just watches chuubas for entertainment will get bored and move on. Only Nene's husbands will remain.

>> No.9445643

But what about their talents? Do you think they will stay with Cover while they see other people streaming to even less viewers but earning the same as them and having more liberties? The revenue split is what is going to kill them.

>> No.9446397

Based present enjoyer

>> No.9446542

When a certain Destroyer of Worlds passes through them

>> No.9446772

They can just take less and cut costs, maybe lay off a few managers. They've run it as a barebones operation in the past.

>> No.9446800

Uh, ID and CN were mistakes. So far EN is highly successful.

>> No.9446900

I imagine you can only play Minecraft and do the same shit over and over so many times before people start getting bored, but then I look at games like League and Smash. Truth is it's tough to say.
Hololive could go the way of .LIVE or upd8, or public interest will just gradually fade and one day people like Fubuki or Marine won't be there anymore. No king rules forever.

>> No.9448051

Only CN was mistake. I love to watch Ayunda Risu singging

>> No.9448802

>What end Hololive gonna meet?
Some uncontrollable drama between the talents, which may lead to multiple employment terminations.

>> No.9448941

A stalker is going to kill one of the talents

>> No.9449091

All this permissions shit/constantly having to tiptoe around jap schizos (I'm not talking about Unicorns, think concern trolls like the fridge doujin incident/permissions nijiniggers), and just generally getting stale will kill it. Corporate streaming doesn't have a future, all these companies will get killed off for in-house tubers like Squeenix and Sony are doing, which will then immediately fail.

Also Cover's Live2D/3D Tech really fucking sucks and eventually people are going to stop watching the events.

>> No.9449253

Slow and rotting. The company is too big and plays it safe too much to go down quickly. As time goes on, more and more of the bigger talents are going to follow Coco's footsteps and go indie or to a more relaxed company or just retire from Vtubing. And Cover won't be able to get enough good new recruits to offset that.

>> No.9449522

FACT: A stalker actually made it to Subaru's front door, prompting her to move.

>> No.9449715

The only thing corporate about Hololive is the minimum days of streaming and concerts, everyone else is doing what they want. Matuli is still playing gaypex and Calli is still focusing on her music.

>> No.9449820

This is how it's going to go down. Slow and steady. And at later date the husk of Cover will be bought by some bigger company for pennies

>> No.9452473

>Still have to deal with legal and management
>They couldn't play Supergiant games for the better part of a year because they just fucking lost the paperwork saying they could play their games.

>> No.9454078

when all of (you)s 2 views btfo

>> No.9454213

>The only thing corporate about Hololive
The only (definitely not only) thing corporate about Hololive is written in their contracts. Do you have a copy of their contracts to share? No? Then get the fuck out of here!

>> No.9455918

this one sounds depressing yet so true
one day everything we love will eventually end.

>> No.9455988

>"The sun rises in the East, but it sets in the West."

>> No.9457932

When hololive gets bought by Sony Music and we finally get the FGO collab

>> No.9459212

The final yab will never come. Hololive will die a death of a thousand yabs. Each yab too small to kill Hololive but still leave a cut. Eventually Hololive will receive one too many yabs and die, but by then the name Hololive will have already been forgotten.

>> No.9459409

I give it 2 more years.
It will be a slow painful ride.
The older JP talents going one by one.
Adding more EN gens.
And being woke of that EN newbies.

>> No.9459573

You're not very good at math anon

>> No.9459761

The final yab is Rushia publicly revealing she has a BF and some fandead KyoAni'ing Cover's office.

>> No.9459785

They'll find Rushia before that and burn down holohouse since she's there now..

>> No.9459906

i think Hololive will be killed by something a few of you have taken into account.

Harsh reality. ...and /pol/.

see, right now, we have a proto-socialist world, very pro-human, very tech friendly, but it likes to put people into boxes.
...What happens when mom dies and you can't afford to live in her basement? You have to move.
...What if UBI gives you enough to either superchat or eat well, but never both?
...What if your ISP bans Japan because they are considered fascist by Communist California?
...What if the dollar tanks due to no positive GDP and your 100$ superchat shows up blue?
...What if Net Neutrality 2.0 keeps you from having stream speeds fast enough to watch your Oshi, but, hey, everyone's equal!
...What if: Look at your skin. if it's not dark, you aren't allowed to have internet privileges because you're some oppressor.
...What if one day you realize the only control you have in your life is which YouTube channel to watch and subscribe to. and nothing else in your life is under your control? ...and then, one day, Hololive gets banned due to some cancel culture bullshit that false flagged them and now, you have to watch ....Mr. Beast. because Niji is a Japanese company, and they are banned too.

we need more control over our own lives.
otherwise, one day, the controlling hand will choose to take Hololive from us.

t. Holo-fan

>> No.9459921

Pekora: 1,690,000
Korone: 1,660,000
Marine: 1,610,000
Fubuki: 1,590,000
Rushia: 1,390,000
Total: 7,940,000

Gura: 3,340,000
Mori: 1,670,000
Ame: 1,430,000
Ina: 1,190,000
Kiara: 1,180,000
TOTAL: 8,810,000

You could take out Kiara or Ina and EN would still barely be behind JP. Shark has almost double the subs of the highest JP, and Calli is #3 in the company, soon to be #2. JP just can't compete with EN in sub counts, you need to try the live views cope.

>> No.9459982

Not soon enough.
and they can take their 128year+ copyright bullshit into the grave with them.

>> No.9460052

Based and Number pilled.

>> No.9460099

When popular Holos graduate eventually oldfag fanbases leave too this would cause a major EN2 number recline in Cover soon to be slowly forgotten

>> No.9460125
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NijiEN will kill them any day now

>> No.9460285

when yagoo die/retire, or big corps want to kill them off

>> No.9460374

It will eventually reach the peak of it's popularity and stagnant, causing a slow death as fans loose interest.
That's the natural flow of every hobby/entertainment becoming mainstream.

>> No.9460536

Honestly? China.
China will only continue to grow in influence over the next decade because western countries just continue to weaken themselves. Once the CCP determines things like Cover to be a nuisance, all it would take would be for them to pull some strings at Google (absolutely infested with chinks, could have several channels permanently shut down overnight), or with the Japanese government (imagine some sudden legal scandal that just drains their funds), and operations at Cover could end over the course of a few weeks.

>> No.9460602

I don’t see streaming, video games, anime girls, or the internet becoming unpopular anytime soon.
