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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9429206 No.9429206 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with being a right-wing vtuber fan? Why do I see so much hate towards them? Not everyone is Brittany Venti.

>> No.9429237

Go back /pol/tard.

>> No.9429315

90% of vtuber fans are /pol/ and we're waiting to gas the other 10% when the time comes. And you're gonna get gassed too for being a whiny faggot.

>> No.9429318

>brittany venti is the new face of the neonazi movement

Big if true.

>> No.9429353

no one here cares about your politics

>> No.9429447

I don’t care about your politics, just keep discussion chuuba related and don’t get into heated off-topic arguments
You may also want to avoid some fanbases if you have a problem sharing a space with left leaning people

>> No.9429475

>when the time comes.
Yeah, still wating for the day of the rope ''''''''''soon''''''''''

>> No.9429477

Yep. I stay off of twitter for this reason, I don't need to interact with the rest of the fanbase, just get me the schedules of the chubbas I watch and I'm out.

>> No.9429478
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>90% of vtuber fans are /pol/

>> No.9429511

Why are you so obsessed with bringing your politics into everything? Why can't you just shut the fuck up? Remember when the internet was a jolly wild west full of nerds? No, of course you don't.

>> No.9429518

no, im waiting for people like you to neck themselves

>> No.9429557

EN is a mistake, you mutt faggots just can't stop bringing politics into chuuba communities for whatever reasons.

>> No.9429581

Politics are cancer.

>> No.9429674

>What's wrong with being a right-wing vtuber fan?
There’s nothing wrong with being a right wing vtuber fan. What is a problem is giving a shit what other people think. Worry less about seeking approval from strangers on an anonymous message board and worry more about impressing your own family, anon-baka

>> No.9429742


Theres literally nothing wrong. The only retards upset with right winger stuff are twitter trannyggers, libshit gypsies from jp and literal gay oppers from leftypol.

All if which can be easly blown tbe fuck out. Jp itself is near the bottom of the social hierarchy of the chansphere. Barrely above r9gay. Pol and v owns this fucking place and all these peasant faggots combined cant do a damn thing about it. Remember that at all times.

>> No.9429800

Right wingers are inherently more likely to bring politics into everything. See: you

>> No.9429811

I don't care about your politics stance anon as long you stick on chuuba discussions, but you should worry if your chuuba said something controversial that might piss off politic angry mobs.

>> No.9429836

There's a problem with being an annoying arse and assuming everyone agrees with you. I'm tired of you people shitting up every thread.

>> No.9429862

I mean what the fuck is this? Half of these words are circlejerk twitter gibberish. What's your favorite vtuber?

>> No.9430711

People are weary of "political" fans because every other hobbies has people pushing their agendas.
With vtubers its very hard to push "x is actually communist" but easier to push "x is actually a nazi just like me" so right wing fans get more flack
Nobody wants to see their vtuber become a /pol/ mascot and be bastardized like Momiji was with the awoo meme.

>> No.9430860

I couldn't give less of a fuck what your political stance is as long as you don't sperg out when non political chuubas are non political.

>> No.9430959

Not a single person acctually gives a single fuck about yout political inclinations
Now just shut the fuck up about them politics

>> No.9431033

What the fuck are you talking about? There is a literal communist tuber that gets shilled here and the "push" that's most frequent is that Kiara/Mori are BLM tranny lovers, everyoe in Nijisanji is globohomo based on that image of about 6 of them. The only right leaning "push" is Moona being a devout Muslim (no idea why since she talks about drinking alcohol) and Ame being a libertarian.

>> No.9431154

You are the problem

>> No.9431289


>> No.9431848

Even though I agree with your sentiment, please don't post frogs here. It lowers the quality of the board

>> No.9432419

As long they distancing their vtuber career and roommate politic craps, i ain't give a fuck, chud.

>> No.9432540

EN 1...

>> No.9432544

You are in a right wing bubble.
Everyone outside of it hates you.

>> No.9432600

Not him, but where has EN1 brought up their politics? And no, literal faggots not understanding yuri doesn't count.

>> No.9432679

Fuck politics and fuck you op, you fucking nigger.

>> No.9432696

as in any HololiveEN chuuba outright said support and shill this/that political movement on their streams, Cover would never allow that.

>> No.9432727

You explicitly said that people were pushing their right wing views onto the chuubas, yet all you can see is people saying they are leftwing, Say "chud" all you want, you are still retarded.

>> No.9432849

Left-wing is mainstream and the best, accept it and go hang yourself, chud.
There's no right-winger chuuba for you loser.

>> No.9433276

There are rightwing tubers but they are unpopular and cringe.

>> No.9433628

Because who the fuck is going to take a political vtuber seriously. Some schmuck starts yapping about how the left is this or how the right is that, you look at the screen and it's some anime person moving around like a virtual puppet, and I don't even want to think how embarassing someone going for a "comedy"/parody angle would look like.

>> No.9433905

who cares?
They have the freedom to believe in whatever bs they want to, just like you having the freedom to.

As long as they dont bring up that stuff during streams then it doesnt matter

>> No.9433963

being a right-winger
I hope it works
>Not everyone is Brittany Venti
As far as I know she's either the ultimate troll or actually right-winged like you so what's the problem

>> No.9434136

You people are useful idiots for the jews just like lolbert rightwingers, you're never going to get actual social programs.

>> No.9434264

idpol ain't leftist you scum. Traitors to the global workers. Fucking capitalist cock suckers.

>> No.9434425
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Seethe faggots

>> No.9434534

There's right wing and then there's /pol/ level LARPing. You won't get your authoritarian, nationalistic regimes, and even if you did you'd only be forced to actually work.

>> No.9434580

This. /pol/ack and SJWs are just different names for the same poison (i.e being an extremist and a fucking idiot).
