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File: 537 KB, 4074x2143, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ryuuen_tanaka__997e80113ab3960b8ce826fceaf28abb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
93777957 No.93777957 [Reply] [Original]

Mori Calliope, the Demon-Destroying Collector of Crows

>> No.93778125
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Remember to love your Mori

>> No.93778135

she's gonna be missing so much shit between her own blindness/scatterbrain and the game being obtuse as fuck

>> No.93778205

to meep a Morp

>> No.93778318

Good, that's how it's supposed to be.

>> No.93778367

Sometimes the Morp meeps you!

>> No.93778414

I don't remember any other souls games actually straight up telling you if 2 handing will let you weildna weapon.

>> No.93778478

it was the first one so it made sense

>> No.93778504
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anything is if you're delusional enough like me

>> No.93779045

I'm pretty sure they all tell you when something can only be wielded with 2 hands.

>> No.93779071

It's ok, I'll backseat her in her a really passive-aggressive, yet caring manner

>> No.93779503

swang that thang around

>> No.93779589

Why do enemies have recovery frames after their attacks? Why don't they just attack you seventeen times in a row while tracking you perfectly?

>> No.93779798

I know iw you are memeing, but DeS is a bit too slow.

>> No.93779970
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why did she laugh I do have a ring for her

>> No.93780098

for you

>> No.93780282


>> No.93781095

Does not giving the hairpin do anything?

>> No.93781287
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Would (you) help Mori with her load?

>> No.93781381
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Of course.

>> No.93781599

She will NEVER notice the weapon icon blacking out with red letters saying Ability Shortage

>> No.93781783

I wonder how long it'll take her to find this guy.

>> No.93781891
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She can't even see the text box that pops up when you walk over an item. What makes you think she'd notice something much more subtle?

Don't tell her though. It's going to be funnier in the long run.

>> No.93781975

It was a monumental search.

>> No.93782594
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I think Mori should have dress that's as tight as the Maiden in Black's

>> No.93782685

Yes Mori they are too long lmao

>> No.93782763


>> No.93782842

She commented about getting her lashes done and are getting in her eyes because they are too long.

>> No.93783009

>Dragon Bone Smasher is a Pure White exclusive item from 2-3
>To upgrade it you need Colorless Demon Souls
>Those can be gotten from 5 Primeval Demons, 2 from Assassin quests, or 2 from Sparkly the Crow, or 1 item pickup in 1-1 Pure White/Black World Tendency
>Primeval Demons spawn in Pure Black World Tendency
She's so fucked.

>> No.93783107
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Mori in this with a wolfcut

>> No.93783224

wasn't this one of the guys they changed in the remake?

>> No.93783372
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You'll have to be more specific

>> No.93783390
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God of War looks different than how I remember

>> No.93783438

the fat official, which look WAY worse in the remake

>> No.93783443

ok it was one of the guys they changed

>> No.93783572

>fake lashes that get into your eyes
Mowi, those might just take an eye out...

>> No.93783738
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>Does this seem like a joke to you?

>> No.93783740
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>> No.93783780
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y'know reddressbeat, you might be on to something

>> No.93783856

my mori only smokes cigars

>> No.93783896
File: 291 KB, 1920x1080, jose-parodi-demon-s-souls-fat-official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is. It went against Miyazaki's entire design philosophy where monsters don't need to be JUST disgusting.
The "Fat" Officials aren't even fat and it's just the armor that makes them look like one. This trope carried on to Smough in Dark Souls where his armor is supposed to represent his cannibalistic nature rather than his physique.

>> No.93784040

I can't believe she's a girl I wanted to fuck my boy not my girl

>> No.93784169

she can be both, depending on the mood

>> No.93784228

my mind's already set I'm in the mood for pussy now not bussy

>> No.93784287
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Nini debbies eepy time

>> No.93784348

nighty noodles Tutu beat

>> No.93784436

if Mori hates filthy fucking spell casters then why did she use night comet in Elden Ring?

>> No.93784462

She likes Comet more than she hates archers.

>> No.93784526

that was before she found the light and became a strength chad

>> No.93784668

Jesus christ this game's performance lmao.

>> No.93784697 [SPOILER] 
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I'm going to give Mori my white stuff

>> No.93784962

Well uhhh, uhh ya see that was different

>> No.93785072

Is she still using the shitty amd card?

>> No.93785076

Took a small break, why is Mori's model frozen?

>> No.93785116

This is on a PS3 and no she has a 4090

>> No.93785185

this was before berserk

>> No.93785188

battery hort

>> No.93785280
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Is Lava instadeath in this game?

>> No.93785347

I've been enjoying her FromSoft arc even with DS2's fuckery

>> No.93785443
File: 270 KB, 1988x1350, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_sanni1416029__fa43186f7ca76000bcb069ad2aa194f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is indeed true

>> No.93785488

And she thought she was going to beat this in one sitting.

>> No.93785516

how long is this game anyways?

>> No.93785584

Nah, it's like DS1 where you just lose a percentage of HP every second

>> No.93785646

ok spoil me debbies how is this game connected to Bloodborne?

>> No.93785693

She might be able to do the remake if she doesn't explore

>> No.93785708

Its not

>> No.93785715

DS2 was infinitely better than this. Enemies, weapons, combat is all boring as fuck

>> No.93785725

HLTB says 30 hours
I told her doing both games was too much, this is somehow more dull than DS2

>> No.93785792


>> No.93785820

iirc it's just a tongue in cheek fan theory (the Fog turns the world into Not-England, geddit?)

>> No.93785856

damn I thought it was really connected

>> No.93785951

fuuuuuck no, the enemies were lame as fuck in DS2. Just a fuck ton of armored knight guys. It also had her miss CONSTANTLY because the hitboxes were complete shit

>> No.93785959

I'm curious to see how the new ER explains the otherworldly bosses. Maybe Elden Beast's death shattered the barrier between worlds/realms?

>> No.93786010

the only actual connection between the two games was a cut voice line of the priest saying Umbasa.

>> No.93786022

The main reason people thought it was connected was because during the first online test for Bloodborne someone glitched their way to Gascoigne and he had voice lines referring to a god or something from this game but it was removed from the full release.

>> No.93786052

Why is Mori playing so pasive?

>> No.93786096

You're mistaking DS2 with DS1. DS2 starts you off in the pit with a lot more variety. The only enemy you fight outside of zombie soldier dudes in the first two hours of DS1 is the demon who you literally just cheese with a plunge

>> No.93786186

nta but ds2 was entertaining because of how stupid it is. i know im critizicing an old game but im not even paying attention to the stream at least with ds2 i was paying attention because it was bad

>> No.93786197

She watches the enemies movements because she knows, that knowing is half the battle

>> No.93786235

No bonfires is messing with her head

>> No.93786360

Agreed, little stuff like her trips back to Majula and checking out all the weapons and gear made DS2 interesting. This has just been 4 hours of slowly kill mobs, pick up useless consumables/grass, repeat. Game still has her character naked for some god awful reason

>> No.93786362

She's a bad gamer

>> No.93786426

I know I wasn't, I was just getting annoyed that she was missing attacks that she should have hit.
That's funny when she had to actually stop and rekill mobs so they stopped spawning in DS2.

>> No.93786459

How many Lizards has she lost out on?

>> No.93786501

you spent two hours in the tutorial?

>> No.93786510
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>Dark Souls
Potentially, yes. The last broken Archstone (Land of the Giants) ended up becoming its own full-fledged game: Dark Souls.
The copyrights between Sony & Atlus were mired in legal trouble that disallowed FromSoft to make anymore content or sequel for the title. Instead, you get that piece of shit that is the BluePoint Remake.

Fun fact: The unused map for this Archstone later became the Frigid Outskirts for the Dark Souls 2 DLC: Crown of the Ivory King.

>> No.93786569

Oh yeah, she is not having fun with this

>> No.93786580
File: 192 KB, 302x464, 1720170448439685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fun fact: The unused map for this Archstone later became the Frigid Outskirts for the Dark Souls 2 DLC: Crown of the Ivory King.

>> No.93786675
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I didnt eat grass, unless you count all the times I face planted into the grass

>> No.93786690

so why do fans hate the remake? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.93786703

Anon...you get out of the tutorial and from Firelink you either fight skeleton soldiers in the graveyard or you fight zombie soldiers in the castle in the Havel area. Gargoyles are first non-generic dudes you can fight after tutorial unless you bumrush the crystal dudes for no reason

>> No.93786727

I ate crayons as a kid and upon reflection I might have had pica as a kid

>> No.93786786

and they changed the music so the feel is different, also the abundance of orange and blue shit in the remake

>> No.93786806

Remember when this guy said this about ER, ER DLC, DS1, DS2 and DS3?

>> No.93786818

Same weird reason they hate DS2. There's a large portion of weird Souls fans that treat those as "markers" for games that REAL fans don't like. You get the same thing in the Pokemon fandom

>> No.93786834

You have to fight the Taurus demon before the gargoyles, plus there's black knights, the armored pig, rats, the hellkite dragon, the channeler, and, if you want to go to other areas, ghosts and even those plant dudes if you go past the titanite demon since it doesnt require you to beat the gargoyles

>> No.93786871

It was always going to cost her a lot time to beat both games so it's better if she gives up to be honest

>> No.93786913
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The abundance of horns in the original ost is funny to me

>> No.93786918

It mostly comes down aesthetics and visual shit that someone who's never played the original won't really notice

>> No.93786952

Retarded statement, DS2 has a lot flaws and remake changes things from the art direction which people are nostalgic about. I don't care btw

>> No.93786960

Wait she's still on 2-1?

>> No.93787004

did they ever find out what was behind that door in the remake?

>> No.93787009

the horns are great, they make the OST feel different compared to the other games

>> No.93787026

yeah, penetrator armor

>> No.93787035

way to make me feel old Mori by singing the troll song

>> No.93787043
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tl;dr see >>93783372

BluePoint practically disregarded a lot of the notes that FromSoft sent their way because the director had his head up his own ass where he wanted to make the game their way. Just watch the interviews if you don't believe me.
One thing I always remember as to why the Remake is inferior would be Tower of Latria level. Not only are the colors worse, but it also changed one key aspect that made the level the way it is: the music. The singing tune you hear is supposed to only play once you've reached a certain point, giving players a small sense of comfort when they finally reach it. In the Remake, it's the first thing you hear so the prison level doesn't feel like a prison at all.

>> No.93787096

they're so silly though

>> No.93787109

ok so here's the real question who's the best level up girl?

>> No.93787167 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.93787171

I rather have that than the generic epic sounding music they went with the remake. Even the sound director said they were influenced by DS3 when composing the remake soundtrack.

>> No.93787174

Even though DS2 is my least favorite, emerald herald is best.

>> No.93787177

I personally like Melina, but wish they expanded on her story more because it had a ton of potential

>> No.93787202
File: 582 KB, 744x744, __maiden_in_black_demon_s_souls_drawn_by_rumie__32e441732e28c2bfc6a1b20d7c27468d (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maiden in Black has the cute voice and is the OG

>> No.93787236

I wish they kept them in but made them less silly

>> No.93787264

Yeah it feels like they planned on something with her, did the rest of the game, then remembered about her and added those bonfire interactions

>> No.93787343

It's between DS3 Firekeeper and MiB

>> No.93787366

Priscilla in the alternate universe where they actually stuck with that plan

>> No.93787389

>Poking and prodding with your little rapiers
That was oddly sexually charged lol

>> No.93787452

I will never forgive BluePoint for changing this masterpiece. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mIW7Ho4xMa4

>> No.93787551

God this game seems like utter trash. Which I guess is easy to understand since it's precursor to even DS1. And we're going to play two versions of this shit.

>> No.93787553

Nah this game is straight ass. Leaving you basically completely out of healing and charging that much to buy it is just retarded game design

>> No.93787588


Check how they ruined this track


They added vocals for no reason instead of the somber tone in the original.

>> No.93787659

I honestly hope she doesn't do the remake
DeS is relatively fun to figure out but once you did figure it out there's like no point to playing it again

>> No.93787697

it's fun listening to her scream at dragons while I'm coding kek

>> No.93787732

DS2 niggas really acting like it didn't take her 5-6 streams to start liking the game

>> No.93787757

It took 2

>> No.93787780

DS2fags are always the worse. They had their fun with PVP and think it was the best thing ever when the rest of the game was pure shit.

>> No.93787803

We have people like this in the thread everytime she starts a new souls game

>> No.93787824

stream 2 she was at the wharf, she did not start liking the game then LOL

>> No.93787852


>> No.93787892
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nighty noodles debbies

>> No.93787962

Playing this game twice is such a fucking waste

>> No.93787966

As soon as she picked up the Ultra great sword and stopped using the club in the wharf for whatever reason she was, she enjoyed the game. She set a goal, got used to the moveset and was able to play the way she wanted. This game is literally preventing her from playing in a fun way because of its poor design. Want the minimal amount of healing items? Grind enemies for hours. Want any sort of armor? Grind souls for hours while also wasting said healing items

>> No.93787998

Yes she did. As soon as she stopped using that fucking club and switched to a real weapon she breezed through it

>> No.93788000
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Shoulda picked the chadknight class

>> No.93788049

goddamn this game is fucking dark

>> No.93788099

She spent a great amount of time in Stonefang. She'll progress through Boletaria Palace,
no she didn't lol, she even mentioned the warf was the worst part of the game for her.
yeah, Tower of Latria is gonna be great

>> No.93788145

It's not as dark as it looks on her stream. The capture card is probably making it darker than it is on her screen.

>> No.93788209

What even happened in Stonefang, I wasn't watching for like 30 min and it seemed like she was very close to the boss before then.

>> No.93788225
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Mori should use a shield against those mean doggies

>> No.93788235

she has no armor and the basic enemy is resistant to her weapon type.

>> No.93788246

Mori is preventing herself from playing in a fun way because she chose the the meme naked class and refuses to use shields so all she can do is dodge or eat shit

>> No.93788332

>Tries to roll past an enemy by shoving herself into a wall
Only has herself to blame for that death.

>> No.93788354

Bow and Arrow too, it completely breaks Demon's Souls in a way it never could in future games.

>> No.93788428

she keeps doing this for 4 games now

>> No.93788436

She got past the wharf in 2.

>> No.93788457

never said she didn't, she said it was the worst part of the game for her

>> No.93788459

The game is retarded for shoving you into a group of enemies with dragonfire that they can't get hit by right before a boss.

>> No.93788482

And she started liking the game in the 2nd stream.

>> No.93788503

she did not lol, she was missing CONSTANTLY because of DS2's shitty hitbox

>> No.93788505
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g'night /morig/, it's late here but I still wanna try and be up early tomorrow

>> No.93788570

She liked the game starting with Lucatiel and was fine after that point.

>> No.93788602

At least at the Wharf she was getting out and leveling up a few times to the point where some progress was felt. This shit legitimately feels like zero progress is being made and even is going backwards at times

>> No.93788623

g'nite sleepbeat

>> No.93788638

So like do you hate the game because it's not on PC?

>> No.93788648

its a shame because she was literally right in front of the progress lever

>> No.93788707

She's playing the game like it's Elden Ring, where armor means nothing and you can just use a weapon skill to wipe out an entire group of enemies.

>> No.93788761

hahaha she just reiterated how shit Fisherman's wharf is right now

>> No.93788766

Thank fuck that's over

>> No.93788797

And she liked the game afterwards. You're shitposting to yourself.

>> No.93788828

mori please stop pretending, there are still a shit ton left

>> No.93788840

I'll help you with that weight, Mowi

>> No.93788848

>a group of enemies with dragonfire that they can't get hit by right before a boss.
3 of those dudes were archers that die in a single hit and the other two were split up. All she had to do was start swinging instead of freaking out and rolling around in a panic

>> No.93788871

>there are still a shit ton left
APIfag having melty

>> No.93788887

I wonder if we'll get a DeSfag that will screech about how great the game is like how we have a DS2fag.

>> No.93788901
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>it's not that much weight
50 pounds!

>> No.93788943

Nah, I love DeS but the newer games are better. The presentation is incredible though and it has the best girl.

>> No.93788946

>Game is not even 10% done
>Still wants to play the remake
*Raora pointing laugh*

>> No.93788976

I can't wait for the moment she declares it sold out.

>> No.93789034

Remember when she didn't like the idea of gift members?

>> No.93789075

I don't, what was her reason?

>> No.93789074

yup and then we'll see all the empty spaces during the broadcast

>> No.93789104

I honestly miss the type of fair frustration Elden Ring provided. We got a bit of it with Fume Knight in DS2 but Elden Ring had a lot with Malenia, Rellana, Messmer, Radagon etc all being amazing fights for her

>> No.93789115

It is great, she just needs to play it slow, one enemy at a time.

>> No.93789163

Your time is better spent eating your pagpag than trolling this thread all day, SEAchama

>> No.93789165

Fun fact, you can kill the dragon and it never respawns.

>> No.93789192

Watching her play trash like DS2 and now DeS makes you really appreciate how far From have come.

>> No.93789230

Yeah lol

>> No.93789239


>> No.93789242

It's glaring flaws are already front and center after a single stream of it. You can enjoy it, but there's no denying it's poorly designed and already starting to frustrate her

>> No.93789245

NTA but yeah ok the design is bad, but Mori is REALLY not helping herself with her own gameplay
Like, she rolled into a group of enemies but they're all weak as fuck and she could kill them in 1-2 hits, but instead she started panic-rolling and took damage.
Then when she got past the group she saw a knight down the hallway, instead healing she keep walking toward him, and then instead of rolling past him, putting up her shield or just hitting the fucker, she rolled into the near-side of the wall and pinned herself between the wall and knight and then died
It's fair to say the encounter design is ASS but she's literally gimping herself with random passivity lol

>> No.93789291

Fume Knight was in DS2 though. Honestly a much more memorable fight than anything DS3 had despite it being a great game

>> No.93789356

Mostly because she steam rolled DS3 since you fight the enemies, not the game jank.

>> No.93789376
File: 2.13 MB, 3100x1817, The Jade Sword[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F74r1sv.mp3].jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always remember picrelated's boss fight the most out of any souls game

>> No.93789409

oh well, another break day...
>Marvel Rivals
...fuck, I'd rather have a break day

>> No.93789411

She's playing really passive this time and it's doing things worse. I blame the lack of heals messing with her brain

>> No.93789445

she's conflict avoidant to a fault even in games

>> No.93789453
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Which sonic movie will Mori enjoy the most?

>> No.93789471

God I miss Mori so much

>> No.93789473

It's just Overwatch except they can talk about movies and comics if they want

>> No.93789509

>It's just Overwatch
so a shit game that requires near constant attention

>> No.93789514

Same as pretty much everyone else at the time
Thought it'd be encourage a bunch weird greys to invade comfy memgens
Wind up not really matter since they acclimated seamlessly

>> No.93789529

Mori should talk about her crush on Tumblr sexyman Loki

>> No.93789555

They were trying way too hard to have the JRPG healing system where you only have what you pick up. Estus was a genius idea and probably took inspiration from Western games

>> No.93789559

Unfortunately that's something I noticed is common in Holos playing From games. They have random pacifism attacks where they just try to dodge instead of killing anything that moves and moving things that don't. I don't know, maybe I'm the weird one here, but when I saw the giant walking flame thing in ER DLC my first reaction was to move directly to it and kill it. I've not seen a single Holo even attempt that.
One boss hardly compensates for the utter shitshow that is the entire game. Personally I think she had multiple amazing fights in DS3 that actually showed how much she learned since her first attempts at ER.

>> No.93789570

>much more memorable fight
That's like your opinion

>> No.93789602

Sonic 3, obviously.

>> No.93789609

someone already proved that wasn't her

>> No.93789611

Fume Knight is a great boss but Pontiff, Nameless King, Aldrich, Friede and definetly Gail were very memorable.

>> No.93789625

turns out the same weird greys that don't really tune into her normal streams have even less incentive to tune into her member ones

>> No.93789641

If watching these sonic movies turns Mori into a sonic autist will you ever forgive Milky?

>> No.93789683

Estus exists because having 200 Full Moon Grass was considered overpowered. And you can bet people absolutely complained about not having infinite Grass in DS1. Because they brought it back in DS2 as Life Gems.

>> No.93789690
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Yes, ESPICALLY if she wind up playing one of the Sega Genesis games

>> No.93789723

>One boss
All of the DS2 DLCs were fantastic, and the Burnt Ivory King fight truly felt like a final fight in the same way Gael did

>> No.93789781

Playing passive is fine in a vacuum but it's not a play-style that lends well to Mori's build, since doesn't a use shield or have armor, so she has
to dodge everything perfectly or she'll died/waste moon grass

>> No.93789784

it's one thing to be cautious when you see a new type of dude so you can get a feel for what sort of bullshit he can pull out but mori's brain just turns off even when she's had multiple successful encounters with the individual components of a group and knows for a fact the enemies will die in one hit or easily get stunlocked by her swings

>> No.93789838

I won't argue that estus isn't the best fromsoft healing system but grass was legit busted once you get enough for decent amount of healing. That's why I thought Bloodborne going to farmable bloodvials was pretty stupid even if they limited it to 20.

>> No.93789853

DS2 unironically had the best healing system of them all. Estus for safe period big heals and lifegems for chip damage/quick heals

>> No.93789864


It wasn't 5 streams but it definetly wasn't 2

>> No.93789869

The only thing I distinctly remember from DS2 DLC streams is that horrible runback to Alonne or what's his name.

>> No.93789886

I don’t even know what you’re talking about

>> No.93789888

I honestly don't get at all how someone that started with Bloodborne learned the lesson "yeah, I should be passive, cautious and completely reactive in those games"

>> No.93789911

nah, Elden Ring has the best. They had regular enemies drop Flasks on death but you also didn't have a 99 supply of life gems to keep you up

>> No.93790036
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I'll give you Sir Alonne and Fume Knight and maaaaaybe the Ivory King but the other bosses weren't memorable at all.

>> No.93790078

Alonne sucks dick

>> No.93790116

He seemed like a pretty cool samurai man but the runback was complete garbage.

>> No.93790160

Hopefully her bloodborne playthrough will make her more aggressive for when sekiro comes around. That game is best played aggressively

>> No.93790296

I hope chat manages to communicate same thing they managed with Bae when it comes to Sekiro: be aggressive, listen to weapon clashes, watch the flash they make when they connect. That's the baseline of mentality and cues you need to have a good time in Sekiro.

>> No.93790309

You're either into Sonic when your a kid or not, you rarely get into them when you're an adult

>> No.93790319

>be aggressive
I feel like Bae never learned this lesson

>> No.93790353

Shame Ghost rider isn't in Rivals

>> No.93790365

Isnt it made by a chinese company?
no chance of that if so

>> No.93790374

Mori might actually do good at Sekiro. The game basically wants you to tunnel vision onto bosses since there is almost never things outside the boss to focus on.

>> No.93790544

She absolutely did, she managed to get Butterfly without letting her trigger phantoms. But she forgot that lesson more than once, much to her own frustration. Listening to her swear during Sekiro was hilarious but also weirdly erotic
The hardest part with Sekiro is understanding that it hates you for being a pussy. From what little Mori said about her experience with it, she didn't seem to understand it.

>> No.93790600

Blame DS2

>> No.93790646

she was doing that shit every game, in fact it was probably even more egregious in ER until the DLC, and even then every boss required her to relearn that she has to keep attacking to actually progress in a fight

>> No.93790768

Hey is it weird that I want to fuck Mori Calliope

>> No.93790870

A little bit, but I've also secretly want to as well

>> No.93791068

He's in another game that NetEase also did for Marvel, so there's a chance

>> No.93791226

Bae can unleash some choice meaty fucks
They're so good

>> No.93791251

My favorite one is when she died to that police bot in Lies of P.

>> No.93791385

Lies of P seemed to unlock her swearing lmao. She basically never swore before that

>> No.93791791
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>> No.93792082
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>> No.93792460


Mori's first Korean wife is goign to be back in Japan soon. They should do a watch along of Suisei's Budokan concert like they did with that other suisei concert if Ina is still there on the 1st.

>> No.93792710

I think my faves were that one riflewoman miniboss or one of big centipede fights. She had some amazing lines in both of those.

>> No.93792720

Oh nice they're playing Liar's Bar for the Myth collab?

>> No.93792744

Yeah, it was on Kaira's schedule before she realized it was the wrong week.

>> No.93792887
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I want to go back

>> No.93793168
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>> No.93793259

Hey Ojisan, did you know these days people make these kinds of posts about the Nintendo Wii?

>> No.93793324

That TV is like 20 years older than that N64 too lmao

>> No.93793769
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>> No.93794150

I don’t want to go back because my equivalent was a PS3 with MK v DC and fucking Sonic 06

>> No.93794451

>oh hey mori is playing demon's souls, what a great game
>urge to backseat is so strong i almost choke
now i remember why i hate watching people play souls games

>> No.93794527

Do holos get bonked if they reveal at what time they come out on stage during their day of the fes?

>> No.93794739

Probably, but it would be really hard for them to give an exact time considering the pseudo-live natural of Fes naturally causing delay (see: that korean watch party last fes

>> No.93794784

No one did

>> No.93795320
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>> No.93795358
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Man I love this persons art.

>> No.93795392
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When you're cxught meeping

>> No.93795594
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>> No.93795754
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Say good night, deadbeats.

>> No.93795914
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>> No.93796658

This demons souls playthrough could have been kino. But chat backseating and Mori’s constant reading
for tips ruined it. Oh well

>> No.93797191

It's just the first stream, she'll git gud. Trust the process.

>> No.93797406

Mori should become the retro gamer of EN

>> No.93797407

It’s not about gitting gud it’s a fucking old game being spoiled by retards and mori being guided by chat so she can’t even make mistakes. It’s been a horrible playthrough

>> No.93797456

It is horrible, because the game itself is shit.

>> No.93797492

I second this

>> No.93797496

How old are you?

>> No.93797536

DarkSydeMorp, King of Retro

>> No.93797603

30. I don't see a point in playing a terrible early rendition of a concept. There's a reason DS1 is widely considered to be originator of the genre and DeS is an awkward prototype nobody mentions as a game you absolutely totally should play.

>> No.93797617

Spoiled how? She's getting filtered hard right now, there's nothing to spoil.

>> No.93797618

You’re a fucking retard who doesn’t deserve an option. That’s what I think

>> No.93797649

Opinion * fuck you.
If you can’t appreciate demon souls you are not a souls fan.

>> No.93798138

Oh you're mad. You don't have to like deeply inferior versions of great games just because they came earlier.
>you are not a souls fan.
It's funny you think this is an insult.

>> No.93798513

it's just a game

>> No.93798781

Mori being so open about her excitement for the Gachiakuta anime makes me think she's not doing the OP

>> No.93799423

I think her being friends with the mangaka maybe have backfired on her being picked

>> No.93799924

So I guess the trip collab isn't happening

>> No.93799951

Baffling post

>> No.93800432

her streaming output this month has been really lacking I wouldn't be surprise

>> No.93800445

shut up retard

>> No.93800978
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is jus game
why you hef to be mad

>> No.93801163

Honestly I'm think of dropping her for GG

>> No.93801414

No you aren't

>> No.93801473

SEA hours continue to be full of negging

>> No.93801828

At least she actually streams

>> No.93802229
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DeS was good then? I crashed early because I had to get up for work

>> No.93802407


>> No.93802978 [DELETED] 

Can the SEA trash just stick to whores like Kiara and fuck off, Mori will never pandering to you mud hut fucks.

>> No.93803102 [DELETED] 

No idea why holofags camp this thread gloating when I couldn't give 2 fucks about anyone else in hololive. Buy an ad and kys

>> No.93803260

Anyway, Mori should play Lego Batman

>> No.93804614

I don't believe you

>> No.93804698
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What's your fantasy roster for the Mori Calliope Idol Project?

>> No.93804732

3 Moris

>> No.93804840
File: 153 KB, 1200x675, __mori_calliope_irys_nerissa_ravencroft_mori_calliope_and_elizabeth_rose_bloodflame_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_kay_yu__71d0ccc3d45965a1fb95c4de69b18ce0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NICE squad + Kronii

>> No.93806011

I don't want fickle fucks or people that don't live in Japan because nothing will end up getting done. So if it's Chad and biboo and some jps then that's fine.

>> No.93806111

I say this every time, but you just gotta anticipate these people showing up at the same time once it hits the weekend in SEA. They're quite punctual

>> No.93806209

Very rough start, even rougher than DS2. 5+ hours of gameplay and she ended with no armor or healing items to her name

>> No.93806311

Just remember 3 years ago Mori cemented herself at the 7pm timeslot. Fuck off SEA. The only reason she ever streamed at those awful hours was because of English teaching. Now die

>> No.93806479

Imagine if cover actually knew how to run a business and en was it's own actual branch/ip and didn't have to follow JP perm garbage.

>> No.93807319

>Muh SEA boogeyman
god this fanbase has become so shit no wonder she's trying to rebrand dead beats as something else lol

>> No.93807536 [DELETED] 

Surprise you've got the bandwidth to post from your mudhut lmao

>> No.93807625 [DELETED] 

>this fanbase
Sorry holofag we aren't talking about your whore of an oshi who panders to incels

>> No.93807702
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Do you guys like Gachiakuta

>> No.93807729

Haven't read it but the art looks cool

>> No.93807739 [DELETED] 

>SEA post deleted
>post shitting on holos stay up
nice bias you got here skeleton army

>> No.93807779 [DELETED] 

Lmao SEA trash

>> No.93808349

Why the fuck Mori Nendo doesn't come with an energy drink?

What other accessories should I make for her while I'm at it?

>> No.93808630

Anon, the BANG arc is years old at this point. She hasn't even mentioned drinking a monster in the past few months.

>> No.93808866

Luffy's straw hat or an Estus flask

>> No.93809020
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>> No.93809065
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>> No.93809099
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>> No.93809183
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>> No.93809240
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I'm seeing this art while standing in line for pokemon cards and I'm still pissed that they didnt announce anything about the pre release that made it so it was already sold out by the time the advertised release date came around

>> No.93809300
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>> No.93809338
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>> No.93809377
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>> No.93809453
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What if Mori became really strong but was still a huge dork? Would you call her a palooka?

>> No.93809496

not really and the idea of it being played twice makes it arguably worse

>> No.93810330

She WILL delay Sekiro and DMC as long as possible and you WILL say thank you

>> No.93810436

>Furea & Irys have been playing for almost 8 hour
>couldn't even last 2 hour with mori
she really needs to stop making these low maintenance friendships

>> No.93810525
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>> No.93810591

When's Mahvel

>> No.93810624
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I dropped manga and anime over a decade ago

>> No.93810662

She's not watching 3. She was watching 1 and 2 so she could then watch 3 later.

>> No.93810707

shit nigga that's what I keep asking

>> No.93810748

it's been 3 years and I still haven't read it lmao

>> No.93810840

Not decade ago but same. Last anime i watched was in 2020 and last chapter of a manga I read was in 2021

>> No.93810978

same I use to watch multiple show per season been 4 years since I stopped

>> No.93811130

2am PST judging from Liz's channel

>> No.93811296

Yeah. I own the first 4 volumes.
It has a great start and drags a bit around the 20 chapter mark but it really picks up.

>> No.93811639

IRyS has no friends in en and she should appreciate Mori throwing her a bone and inviting her to chadcast also
>on stream
Don't forget she's also a JP reject with a SEA fan base and she panders to incels. I'm happy that whore isn't close.
Stupid holofag

>> No.93811685

Meant for>>93810436
And also good she should fuck off from chadcast then, at least Bae doesn't pander to fucking unicuck incels and she can join flare in being an isolated whore

>> No.93811838

I like pink woman butt

>> No.93811863

I want Riyo to give me a footjob

>> No.93811899


>> No.93812128

Yeah, I don't think 3 is available for streaming yet.
