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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9375977 No.9375977 [Reply] [Original]

>[insert chuuba here]'s apostle/manager/dogfucker [insert cringe Post transcript here (something about kitchen or tacos)]
why are virtual youtuber sycophants like this and how do I filter these people in the chatbox?

>> No.9376308

Anon are you ogey? Talk to me

>> No.9376575 [DELETED] 

t. ina 4th apostle of the tako bell mcdonald’s [four of 12]

>> No.9376582

close the chat faggot

>> No.9376737

Open wide little anon, the spoonfeed choo choo train is here, you move your mouse cursor to a cringey name, there's a 3 dot icon next to it, you click on it, click on block and Ta Da, you are now in your safe space. Alternatively. close the chat or not read them at all. Hope you find these tips useful on your first day on the internet.

>> No.9377052

there's too many of them and I'm lazy. I want to autofilter them like how you do it here on der 4chainz

>> No.9378435

Youtube, discord and reddit all being fucking terrible is why /vt/ is actually tolerable to me. For all the antis and schizos here I'd rather have them as company than stupid kids and actual orbiter brownnosers who cannot sustain an analytical conversation.
