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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 195 KB, 400x400, Omegaα.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9323212 No.9323212 [Reply] [Original]

You could say he's the beginning of the end for Hololive.

>> No.9323247

You could've used the other thread instead of making a new one >>9321510

>> No.9323268


>> No.9323403

That's too flattering. The real begining of the end was simply vtubers stagnating and not living up to the hype. In HYPER-ADHD CURRENT YEARAPALOOZA, people have dopamine burnout and need really hard or incredibly esoteric stuff to stay interested. Coupled with western platforms operating in such a way that it kills any SOUL content might otherwise have, you wind up with a standard boom and bust cycle that won't be repeated unless/until something revolutionizes vtubing.

>> No.9323422


>> No.9323434

I want to rape this cute frenchie

>> No.9323485

who is he ???????????????????

>> No.9323497

That’s a stretch…. lol
They might be really cool who knows.
Also I don’t think vtubers are going anywhere anytime soon.

>> No.9323510

>lip gloss
How the hell is that a he? Are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.9323528

It's an it. Straight from it's description.

>> No.9323558

It’s a she you retard

>> No.9323574


>> No.9323686

what do you mean ??
any femanon would put a lipstick ???
its not clear if he is a boy or a girl
this looks so feminine but still where are the booba ???????????

>> No.9323725


>> No.9323755
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to go be retarded somewhere else that'd be fine.
>but gura said "she"
And I can read, unlike you idiots.

>> No.9323852

so is he a tranny?

>> No.9323874

It's cancer is all I know.

>> No.9323887

You could but then you'd be misgendering them, which is uncool, anon.

>> No.9323893

I literally hate every single thing about this abomination.

>> No.9323914


>> No.9323947
File: 338 KB, 1199x848, E-MQBroUcAAyIgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Omega

>> No.9323949

Putting on make-up does not make you a woman. I don't understand why twittards hate gender stereotypes while encouraging this.

>> No.9323974

They said gender “doesn’t matter” so you technically can’t misgender them

>> No.9324045

anon retard people will not accept that even though they said it
>people sometimes are beyond helping LMAO

>> No.9324062

was for >>9323887

>> No.9324096

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9324104

I always forget about Omega until I see the 2-3 threads bitching about him/her/xerxes newest tweet in the catalog kek

>> No.9324299

My friends.
I want to fuck it.
I want to fuck it every day and night.
I want to slowly turn it into the model housewife.

>> No.9324439


Words dont matter as much as actions. If gender didnt matter we would not be talking about this genderblob vtweeting for attention.

>> No.9326351

>All this confusion over Omega.
We need a chad to permanently turn Omega into a women so this strife may end.

>> No.9326574

i'm so mad the best design of this gen was used for this

>> No.9326652

The end Hololive EN. Amen

>> No.9326691

No, Omega doesn't care about pronouns. She's fine with whatever you want to call him.

>> No.9326701

It doesn't care. You could use the pronoun of Attack Helicopter and OA won't give a shit.

>> No.9327350

A tranny

>> No.9328565

ITT: gay anons fantasizing that this chick is a troon

>> No.9329098

I Mean how care, vtube IS just a vtuber, don't care with this roleplay shit cover done with their gen2

>> No.9331482
File: 319 KB, 2655x889, 1630327166356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking hate this piece of shit and the chuuni lore he keeps trying to force into Hololive

And it fucking obviously is a male behind that account just from the way he writes.

>> No.9331656

That fag want to build an equivalent of Marvel/DC universe with Hololive, and Yagoo like it because "muh Alternative"

>> No.9334124

>Trying to replicate the good reception of A chan
>Creates a non-binary genderless concept to pander to idiots
Dumb, but either way, I'd fuck it.

>> No.9335233


>> No.9335254 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 554x553, 1618924178430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really fucking hate this piece of shit and the chuuni lore he keeps trying to force into Hololive
>And it fucking obviously is a male behind that account just from the way he writes

>> No.9336235

It's an angel. The halo and floating ability is a dead giveaway. Specifically a humanoid interpretation of a biblically accurate angel. basically, omega transcends mortal concepts like gender and sex.

>> No.9336399

Disgusting wojak poster

>> No.9336430

I assume him and Omega are big fans of world building.

>> No.9336502

How do you know that its a tranny when you even havent even heard its voice yet

>> No.9336571

No theyre not transgender. They didnt transfer to any gender. They dont have any from the start. They prefate the very concept of gender.

>> No.9336577

there are literal schizos on 4chan that think rule 63/genderswap porn is tranny propaganda. is it really surprising that /vt/ is acting this way?

>> No.9336680

you do realize that the reason hololive didn't give it a gender is because it's a face that's going to be used by multiple different managers and people? duh

>> No.9336842

>women cant write deep fantasy tier backstories/lore

>> No.9336858

Omega's flatness is erotic

>> No.9336892

FMA was pretty good.

>> No.9336981

I am happy tards are going ape shit over this manager persona, and wish it completely boils over. So cover will stop making these purposeless manager characters

>> No.9337040

Doesn't matter, I will still fuck it

>> No.9337704

>/vt/ wants a vergil vtuber
>we get a vergil vtuber
>/vt/ bitches

>> No.9338697

God I hope they don't start calling her "they" in collabs

>> No.9338722

great I love misgendering trannies and faggots

>> No.9338844

Hard to misgender something that goes by all pronouns and basically doesn't give a shit. So trying to offend whatever this thing is will be tougher than you think.

>> No.9339148

it is most likely that this omega character is a woman

>> No.9339230

I want it to act as a manager and try to intervene when outsiders beg for collabs. Like imagine if callmecarson or nux tried to do that shit and she tells them to knock that shit off or they will be blocked or black listed.

>> No.9348049


>> No.9348291

Virgil isn't a tranny you 40%

>> No.9348380

I like how /vt/ is the one losing their shit about what pronouns to use to address omega.

>> No.9348486

its a small group of people who circlejerks in omega threads, most of the board doesn't give a shit about Omega because she is useless so far, not because they think she is some sort of dude in a dress.

>> No.9348665

Neither is Omega
