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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.19 MB, 2400x2400, 92513802_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9322932 No.9322932 [Reply] [Original]

Tasty looking chicken tendies, Moon.

Previous thread: >>9214229

Moona Hoshinova:

>> No.9322951
File: 1.69 MB, 3240x2627, __usada_pekora_don_chan_and_moona_hoshinova_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_aurapls__10ed2da6832d3f74c2c83f16b131cedd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9323145
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>> No.9323204
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I miss her

>> No.9323234
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Love her so much

>> No.9324072
File: 1.80 MB, 1353x1920, 92481379_p0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the spirit of holoID

>> No.9324910

schedule doko ?

>> No.9325680

later tonight or tomorrow

>> No.9325890

Ok moona!

>> No.9325909
File: 451 KB, 526x614, 1630635407593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i pledge my loyalty to the purple moon. to the very end, ill stand by her.

>> No.9326947
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Moona why

>> No.9327455

i think its reine's

>> No.9327882

talking about reineer, would moona join reiners mk in a few more hours? you know.. to flexing her... uhmm wheeling steer

>> No.9327895
File: 288 KB, 2048x2048, 1607826081696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just wanna say FUCK DDs AND SECONDARIES thank you. thanks for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.9327914

It was Reine. Moona doesn't like naming things.

>> No.9328099

Probably not

>> No.9328169

because i miss moona bros, i hope she show up somewhere, or tweet, or even better, streaming. my moonapium almost empty, i can't breath AAAAAA

>> No.9328335

just to be clear im not pointing fingers at you so no worries

>> No.9328530

attention whores are the worst kind of chatters you can have in your chat. this is why i hate them to the bone. to be fair, she has the right to "respond" like THAT. fucking hell.

>> No.9328738

oh ok, non taken
i still cant breath tho

>> No.9328795
File: 103 KB, 229x281, 1626684284340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's true what they say, live long enough and you'll become what you hate.

>> No.9328828

FUCK, dont remind me

>> No.9328916


>> No.9328926
File: 34 KB, 500x301, url(11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy i can't wait for it to be finished so i can draw a fanart of porord getting beaten up by bunch of purple penguins

>> No.9329178

Fat as fuck

>> No.9329344
File: 104 KB, 827x1095, 1625751593773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Subaru for inspiring Moona to post food pictures on Instagram

>> No.9329393

Fuck you Subaru for inspiring Moona to use Instagram.

>> No.9329606
File: 105 KB, 850x730, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moona owes me sex

>> No.9329659

Can't wait to see indoxx to pinpoin her house again

>> No.9331315
File: 692 KB, 900x900, No Ground Transparent.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you suppose Moona would be able to get into retro gaming? I know she's a zoomer so very low chance but it would be a nice change of pace.

>> No.9332873 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 1606956380871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not open

>> No.9332946 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 1616405976428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YAB moona pict. do not open.

>> No.9333330

Retro games in general are probably too hard for her.

>> No.9333654

What did Rushia mean by this?

>> No.9333836

Rushi is harmless, she's our current wingman yet she wants to be loved by her genmate too, which makes her look more yandere than usual.

>> No.9333921
File: 217 KB, 1024x600, 1473703098-2854970891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Moona would love a game like Long Live the Queen.

>> No.9334068

she wants to see the map art with telescopes but she stands too close and accidentally spins the map art

>> No.9335974

She can start with Outrun but as anon said, some might be too difficult for her. She can still try though

>> No.9336213

i don't know why girls are so shit at video game, even when they do it for a living.

>> No.9336776

Moona and other talents who are in it for the music/idol work get a pass while everyone else is up for debate.

>> No.9338614

I can't believe she did this

>> No.9338865

Moona’s Listen is so fucking good holy crap, too bad her mic messed her up in some parts

>> No.9338897

Goodnight SEAfriends have a good dream

>> No.9340364

I've been listening to Kawaiku Naritai and their high voices mix really well. I miss Pavonova

>> No.9343001

RPGs could be a good option, they run on autism

>> No.9348237

When's the schedule?

>> No.9348747

Please no. It'd break my heart to see her with less than 500 viewers.

>> No.9351658

I prefer watching her play nobrainer fps like farcry or deadrising

>> No.9352527

lack of testosterone , therefore lack of motivation to dominate the game like a real man

>> No.9356423
File: 222 KB, 1440x1447, E9EwHocVEAcRaTq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9360360

anya would love this

>> No.9360571
File: 96 KB, 400x400, E2ex3YAVgAAjREB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the cutest moon in the universe? Yes it's you Moona

>> No.9360810

wtf is the point of this post? is this twitter? are you one of those reply fags? this shit is embarrassing.
/moon/ really went downhill with the influx of twitter faggots, huh?

>> No.9360838

fuck no that game is bullshit
i fucking LOVE dying to unavoidable skill checks in an otherwise completely useless skill that isn't used anywhere else in the game except for that one fucking check that you're railroaded into

>> No.9361014

It's been a few months since i start to quit my numberfagging.
>doesn't check the number thread
>doesn't check the number site
>use holotools only the check what stream is around or just use the posted link if there is any(or use holodex for multiview)
>quickly open which one i want and put it in picture-in-picture mode so i don't see the chat and number
I suggest others should do the same. It's never too late to quit.

>> No.9361075

you're trying too hard to fit in
he just bumping the thread

>> No.9361325

I've never understood numberfagging or hating someone that you don't personally know. Just enjoy man, theres a lot of variety in this industry. Mooner's my n°1 though

>> No.9361768

i just want to see her play hard game like frost punk or dark souls, i just want her to improve and not being casual forever. start getting your ass handed to you, get angry and grow some competitive spirt, stop being shitter at every game you play.

>> No.9361906

AC4 already gave her a hard time, and you want her to play that? anon, be realistic here.

>> No.9365166

The problem is she has to find a game she like enough to be autistic with. Like Minecraft, if the steering wheel add to her enjoyment of racing game then maybe we will get her obsessed over racing.

>> No.9365620

same boat. can't be a little baby forever. also it's gonna be fun to see her strugling and trying to overcome the walls she's facing. remember Noel's dark souls 1 and 3 runs? those streams were KINO.

>> No.9366043

i think a story-driven game that doesn't require skill but decision-making like Life is Strange is good for her.

>> No.9366406

Do they have permissions for Life is Strange? That was a good game, I think she’ll enjoy that

>> No.9368337

this performance is a great representaion of how good it sounds when she spice it up with some vibrato. i wonder why she rarely do that especially on long notes.

>> No.9368772
File: 932 KB, 1920x1080, 43455169-5C4B-4626-B87E-355C1340DBA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty normal week

>> No.9368818


>> No.9368890
File: 23 KB, 526x430, 1612743236694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pray to the gods her house will be empty during ringfit.

>> No.9369230

After last week, kino karaoke and being sick. A normal chill week is nice.

>> No.9369262

Maybe she's not confident enough with it yet? I don't really know, I want more though

>> No.9369478
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x1800, 1609081512649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last schedule before her break, no?

>> No.9369508

There might be another one next week, that will be the last one probably, just in time for one more karaoke

>> No.9370302

oh you're right. there's three days window before her break.

>> No.9370655

I'm imagining an Usaken Pico Park collab, how do you guys think Moona would do?

>> No.9370938
File: 500 KB, 680x679, 1627604693334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

building up resistance to this pain

>> No.9371062

Stop imagining because the inkya usagi still hasn't planned anything even though she says she wants to do things with Usaken for such a long time now. I've basically given up on any sort full Usaken interaction outside of Minecraft.

>> No.9371246

she actually doing a collab with usaken members outside Minecraft. But not with moona

>> No.9371308

>ring fit
brosnanbors... owari da...

>> No.9371379

TBF, it's pretty hard to plan a collab, outside of a game you're both comfortable with, with someone you don't speak the same language with except subamoon, that's a special case of subaru's extrovertness

>> No.9371412

her schedule literally the same every week

>> No.9371497

in term of what exactly?

>> No.9371560

a bump in the road is a natural occurance

>> No.9371603

yep, and we already know from the flattening area stream at usaken summer festival.

>> No.9371976

If you're talking about Botan and Towa then those two are the ones to ask Peko for
a collab and not the other way around. What I'm saying is if any of the members are waiting for the President to put a step forward they'll be waiting a long ass time.

>> No.9372207

if it so then, I think that's not gonna happen... maybe

>> No.9372748

Hey that was going good enough until Peko joined and started talking about third eye psychic powers or whatever the fuck it was.

>> No.9373119

I know this might never happen considering management didn't allow Ollie to do a 24 hour APEX stream but if by some miracle Moona was allowed to do the 24 hour singing stream she was planning, she'll finally get an identity other than "Pekora's Minecraft Partner", that would be the dream

>> No.9373240

>she'll finally get an identity other than "Pekora's Minecraft Partner", that would be the dream
But she's already one of the best western song singer?

>> No.9373475

I know, but most EOPs would give that title to Gura or Mori not to Moona, I doubt many of them even know she sings Wester songs

>> No.9373587

Unfortunately the ID tag is legitimately the biggest debuff there is right now.

>> No.9373833

not that anon, but to me, she got the fair amount of recognition so far and it can always go further if she keep on grinding.
>but most EOPs would give that title to [insert talent name here] instead of [insert talent name here]
>basically blaming the audience for sleeping on certain talent
nice mentality you got there, faggot.

>> No.9373882

It's the homobeggar mentality.

>> No.9374054

The problem is Moona outside of Villain, doesn't have any en songs archived unless you know what you are looking for and she stream her singing collided with ton of other Holo talents while EN girls either stream alone or only collided with 1 or 2 other. It is not all bad since she still gather a lot of audience outside her usual like nips or others countries but if she really want to take the title of western singer then she has to start producing song in English and maybe do one or two singing stream in that time slot.

>> No.9374267

> 24 hours singing
She already said she not going to do that because she would lose her voice and damage her throat. The best we can get is 12 hours. Going by her records that would be over 100 songs.

>> No.9374486

>nice mentality you got there, faggot.
I'm aware that she needs to do something to stand out and not be "slept on" but you can't deny that what this anon >>9373587 said is true, people wouldn't tune in on her just because she's Hololive Indonesia

>> No.9374589

Waiting room
Why does she turn on member chat only? Does she get spam on the chat?

>> No.9374792

>but you can't deny that what this anon >>9373587 said is true
i didnt deny or accept what that anon said in my post, did i? why are you creating a strawman?
she should've done that long ago. those grey names can be irritating somtimes.

>> No.9375444
File: 737 KB, 616x525, singmon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rewatching deleted streams from the archive while I wait..

>> No.9375668

I liked it when usaken was only moona and pekora. Moona doesn't shine in big groups, especially in usaken when everyone speaks japanese. Why should they speak with moona in broken english when they can just talk with eachother in jap.

If you're thinking usaken you're thinking pekomoon anyway. For example no one refers to pekotowabotan as the usaken trio, they refer to them as pekotowabotan.

>> No.9377247
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>> No.9377252

>moona didn't shine on a big group
But she did shinning on summer usaken fest anon, the one with rushia and peko are kino, unlike the mk collabs with en, where everybody focus on their own race. She just need someone who can talk and trigger something to her.

>> No.9377418

I hate it when moona invites coco and kanata to join usaken. Usaken is over

>> No.9377470

ogey chink

>> No.9377746

Nah Moona needs a good tsukomi to her boke, none of the IDs can fulfill that but there's quite a few in Usaken now.

>> No.9378503
File: 474 KB, 1080x1080, E-rLqXHVkAISyDG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've named it #MoonAutism

>> No.9379086

Usaken getting some new blood is what it needed. The two last big or semi big event, Usaken summer festival and Portal relay, were plan and host by Botan and Kanata. Even Coco contribute the giant Yagoo that one of the memorable thing from pekoland time. Pekora is creative but she still a huge introvert, so having some more outgoing members would help Usaken more.

>> No.9379107

Unless you want her to witch hunt by the SJW

>> No.9379125

the 4koma's going to be a regular content from the looks of it. pretty nice supplementary content i'd say.

>> No.9379247

>the inkya usagi still hasn't planned anything even though she says she wants to do things with Usaken for such a long time now
Rule number 4 of Hololive: Never take Pekora's word for granted.
Actually, never take any holo's, but it's especially true for Pekora.

>> No.9379373

Hopefully whatever she has plan would happen after Moona's break

>> No.9379525

i love her moona-zomboz duo tho

>> No.9379633

Pekomoona is dead

>> No.9380798
File: 222 KB, 1080x1080, 1611070051326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll make an instagram. YOU will make an instagram.

>> No.9380936

I already have 3 Instagram

>> No.9381104

haven't used this website since 2016

>> No.9381112
File: 94 KB, 360x300, 1622921094612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9381215

1 personal acc 2 art acc

>> No.9381879

numberfag is for losers who think if her oshi makes money she's superior and cry when she doesn't.
As much as I dislike some holos I don't care about their life/income.

>> No.9382120

i just knew that she got more engagement on instagram than twitter, like hundreds replies in an hour, dang

>> No.9382159

I already have one, also that looks really good

>> No.9382253

Have two, one personal one for "other" things

>> No.9382351

I assume JOP don't have to deal with Japanese twitter autism.

>> No.9382592 [DELETED] 

moona is so energetic today

>> No.9382807

Started by the way

>> No.9382813

>still stuck with that shitty upgrades

>> No.9382865

She has roughly 7 more hours of story. But since it's Moona, add 2-3 more hours.
She can finish the game in 2 streams if she wants.

>> No.9383406


>> No.9383503

moona is cute today

>> No.9383549


>> No.9383581

why mooner change her voice? i hate it

>> No.9383732

This relaxed tone is much better than the high pitched voice.

>> No.9383978


>> No.9384962

And anon wants her to play DS. Fucking kek.

>> No.9385027

she change to subs only chat wht happen?

>> No.9385030

>game gives you the easiest path

>> No.9385064

Many holos do that now.

>> No.9385107

it's been like that since forever

>> No.9385277


>> No.9385342

and her voice become higher and higher, turns out the deep voice meant she was hungry

>> No.9385374


>> No.9385408


nips are hilarious

>> No.9385487

thank you shuba shuba

>> No.9385493
File: 289 KB, 800x1131, pekomoongay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please talk about Moona too she is streaming right now.

>> No.9385528

Sorry meant to post this on global.

>> No.9385548

I'm watching man, I haven't watched footage of AC since 2 and it's horrible expansions

>> No.9385562

Stop doing that, you know global doesn't give a shit about her.

>> No.9385571

bros.. wrong threads

AND STOP BEGGING, THAT IS NOT SO MOONAITOS OF YOU unless you are a fucking tribals

>> No.9385600


>> No.9385616

moona talks a lot tonight, she doing her reps, keep growing daughter

>> No.9385655

No one talk about her there despite Moona speaks mostly english.
We can always try.
It's not begging homofag don't lump us with you.

>> No.9385697


>> No.9385716

Yes >us we hates homos here.

>> No.9385753

fuck off tribalfags

>> No.9385774

kys shart

>> No.9385786

new ip, wonder who that be

>> No.9385839

Let's just enjoy the Moon

>> No.9385856

Uhhh Moona don't say so casually it's okay to DM you on Instragram.

>> No.9385897

>Guys look I use 4chanx
Fuck off there is something called Dynamic IP retard.

>> No.9385933


>> No.9386039


>> No.9386095


>> No.9386134

uhhh shes dead

>> No.9386345

Victory snack

>> No.9386365

yes and dynamic IP doesnt change every hour, smoothbrain.

>> No.9386402

>implying that faggot is a moonachad in the first place
yeah... right...

>> No.9386451

they're literally >us

>> No.9386515


>> No.9386546

Holy retard you can easily change it by resetting your internet I use mobile data now.
Seriously go back to /jp/ where you are come from or at least visit other boards, no one take ip count seriously on 4chan

>> No.9386587

go back

>> No.9386627

Did you know about mobile hotspot? I use pc with mobile data retard. This is not /jp/ go back schizo posting there

>> No.9386677

>no one take ip count seriously on 4chan
A simple archivve search is enough to call you a retard. But you're right. The problem is that you're simply acting like an asshole, does it come with the phoneposting?
Ignore this one guys, the thread is not about him.

>> No.9386774
File: 130 KB, 1621x760, phoneposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your phoneposting.

>> No.9386850

Brehs I'm gonna miss her

>> No.9387075

Holy shit I just realize you can't even link other board lmaooo.

>> No.9387140

>muh new ip
>doesn't know how to crosslink
The state of /jp/ schizoposter and homofag.

>> No.9387236

chill bros its ALL ME, i rant by myself again

>> No.9387245

All he did was delete a number of your post. You gave yourself and your antics away by being an obsessive blind retard

>> No.9387527
File: 236 KB, 992x1400, 1620036925629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homofags are getting uppity again. Post pekomoon.

>> No.9387624
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>> No.9387698
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>> No.9387745
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>> No.9387809
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>> No.9387842
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>> No.9387895
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>> No.9387931
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>> No.9388058

Why did Ubisoft never made a fully pirate focused game? AC4 and Rogue were enjoyable, certainly better than the pseudo-RPG the series is now.

>> No.9388070

>Recommending her to fight the legendary ships
The madman

>> No.9388188

Are those historically legendary ships or ships like the Flying Dutchman?

>> No.9388288

The ghost ship is not that hard.

>> No.9388367


>> No.9388472


>> No.9388725

Real ships.

>> No.9388797

She dies so fast, upgrade your ship you autist.

>> No.9388920

I think they were supposed to work on that game called Skull and Bones but things didn't go well with development.

>> No.9389174


>> No.9389300

What >>9388920 said. It's in development's hell. The current release date is Q1 2022 but it might get pushed again.

>> No.9389596

I guess this is why they barely work on new IPs these days

>> No.9390202

Update: Only 4.5 hours left. If she doesn't get sidetracked she can finish the game in one stream.

>> No.9390377

>Ahoy! Metal vocal version by Moona

>> No.9390391

I'd kill for Rushia to try it.

>> No.9390400

the fuck was that

>> No.9390405

Sing some death metal Moon

>> No.9390426
File: 84 KB, 346x482, 1625280284507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey moona it's time to take you to bed. it's getting late and your head is daijoubun't.

>> No.9390627
File: 71 KB, 560x559, 1610088066296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont forget to dream about me
i had it once and it's an awful experience, moona. i dont want to get depressed for the entire week again. so, no thanks.

>> No.9390813

I had a dream about her where I watching the weekly hologra and then the episode was focused on Pegor and then everyone she was close with showed up in the hologra INCLUDING Moona and she was talking in fluent Japanese and then enter posting took up like half of the general and then it was announced that the 3D was gonna happen that week and then I woke up

>> No.9390845

Now I need Moona singing Whats up People


>> No.9390913

Moona singing symphonic metal would be based as fuck.

>> No.9390914

Goodnight /moon/

>> No.9390918

in 6 hours. oyasumi, faggots.

>> No.9390990

don't forget about your kalimba, you can make various content with that.

>> No.9391014

2 types of /moon/ anon

>> No.9391056

dedicated nips

>> No.9391249

wew. The only jp I usually recognize is SENSEI, the guy's everywhere

>> No.9391704
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1608394220215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant belive moona said this. moonaitos do not open!

>> No.9391739

everyone ITT is a faggot until proven otherwise.

>> No.9391870

That metal ahoy was lowkey really good kek

>> No.9392236 [SPOILER] 
File: 990 KB, 1261x2705, E-rCBS3UUAcyXrS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone do this?

>> No.9392284
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>> No.9392444
File: 39 KB, 470x450, IMG_20210826_190057~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not oppai IoIi

>> No.9393146


>> No.9394477

She should try some metal songs. The brief growls when she sings Bring me to Life give me a boner

>> No.9396082

Now her body matches her mental state.

>> No.9396653

honestly, with how Pekora streamed over Sora I’m glad Moona isn’t associating with her anymore. Sora loves ID and most ID, especially Moona(Risu doesn’t count) would never pull that shit peko*ra did. I hope tons of holos stream over the blue pile of trash’s birthday so she gets bad views and has to private it like her last one. Moona is way too good of a person to ever be near a heartless cunt like the rabbit.

>> No.9396859

>New Ip
fuck off tribal faggot

>> No.9397336
File: 214 KB, 697x271, leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sing her song... she is the best singer... the face of holoid... collab with her... please watch her... number... numbers... leech... my oshi can't live without leeching...

>> No.9397446

we’ve had this convo b4 and it’s pretty much a consensus here that peko isnt liked by most here. she’s a toxic person who the Moon is lucky to have gotten away from when she did

>> No.9397620

t. Subaru

>> No.9397668

So Pekomoon is death and Moona needs a new host, who do you think is the best holo for our purple leech to leech off? I think Subaru would be perfect for her.

>> No.9397720
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The best part of this "raids" is that I can go do something while they bump the thread for free

>> No.9397870

That's just how self-hating SEAnigs usually behave.

>> No.9397923

as usual, only 2 feral dogs shitting the thread

>> No.9398931

Do you think Pekora was angry that her bad singing made their cover take so long to hit 1M that she targeted Sora to take her frustration out on? Seems like something pekobitch would do.

>> No.9399240
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>> No.9400962


>> No.9402757

your welcome anon, its ALL ME btw, if its for moona i'll do it for free

>> No.9403482

In 30 minutes

>> No.9404956


>> No.9405273
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>> No.9406639

She's read that in /vt, isn't it?

>> No.9406782

x is better than y can come from any place, is just that common

>> No.9406992


>> No.9407673
File: 11 KB, 656x100, 1624560622534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A faggot from /jp/.

>> No.9407743

Anyone who falls for that deserves it

>> No.9407918

Its good to see SEAfags dominate /vt/, /jp/, reddit, kf and fb.

>> No.9408002

So, mechanics wise, what racing game could be ideal for her? She drives stick mind you.

>> No.9408132

what's kf? kemono friends?

>> No.9408247

kiwi farms

>> No.9408888

>Bus simulator
Goddamn I just want Euro truck or American truck.

>> No.9409280

>Moona gonna buy steam
Prepare yourself gaben

>> No.9409354

It was worth the weight

>> No.9409427

Would you asa in_ Moona?

>> No.9409690
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>> No.9409796

Amazed at Her ability to think of song on the fly. *card declined

>> No.9410062

Moona maybe don't show us your schedule...

>> No.9410245

wtf is wrong with that horny spammer

>> No.9410249
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>> No.9410292

Where? in /jp/?

>> No.9410307

on the live chat

>> No.9410388

Oh, I thought you meant someone was spamming pics, just ignore him, close the chat if you have it open, I'm just listening to her but if you're watching her she's distracting enough to not look at chat

>> No.9410650

Holy shit that's high

>> No.9410745

C3-D6 vocal range what is that mean? is it good?

>> No.9410787

who the hell is bions kek

>> No.9410945


>> No.9411009

She had one of the best videos of all time, of all time.

>> No.9411082

this her chat every stream lately

>> No.9411241


>> No.9411254

I don't understand, I'm stupid in music

>> No.9411520

i think it a good idea to create a "Moona's Music Class" similar to "Ollie's Math Class".
it can give identity to Moona she is serious in the Singing/Music niche.

>> No.9411699

yes her chat is cringe since forever but in her morning streams when she actually read the chat it gets annoying that why I skip or mute for minutes

>> No.9411710

Possible, she can gather questions from the audience through marshmallows

>> No.9411841

early moona trying to be cute was cringe, but know I think she's cute without even trying

>> No.9411958

Now I'm curious what the other members' range is, for example Kanata

>> No.9412059

iirc someone already makes a hololive vocal range video on youtube

>> No.9412225

Looks like it's using mixed songs so it's not accurate


>> No.9412282

Welp, that's idea out the window MOONA GO AWAY

>> No.9412319

Shitposting while streaming. Sio would be proud.

>> No.9412385

that idea's

>> No.9412686
File: 310 KB, 813x840, 1629383776884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

September 16 is the last day

>> No.9412743

She's blueballing us before her break... Which is okay, it's gonna create more hype for her return, hopefully she comes back with a karaoke

>> No.9412819

>she will only sing a Japanese song
anon she read your recommendation

>> No.9412834
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>> No.9412918

If someone captured and cooked Usada Pekora, do you think Moona would have a taste?

>> No.9413013

You lost me

>> No.9413098
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>> No.9413218

Up next: Ring fit. Prepare yourselves

>> No.9413714

It's Moona, the chance is high. The cherry on top would be coming back with a cover songs

>> No.9413837

>10 songs only

>> No.9413956

Honestly she just need confidence (it's like the chess competition again) and prepare the class first. Maybe do song analysis for example, even have guest like Risu or Mori or indie vsinger on discussion.

>> No.9415504

you're over analyzing small thing like this, it's not healthy for you. do i have to remind you that even the IDs did this before? like tree rat ovelapping miko's comeback show?

>> No.9415686

a perfect demonstration of mental illness, you can clearly observe it right in front of your eyes.

>> No.9415694

why are you replying to an obvious one

>> No.9415990

Goodnight /moon/. If the schizo powered autobumper turns on just leave it running, the pig'll stop by himself when he realizes he can't get the carrot on the stick.

>> No.9417415

>eating burgers for tsukimi
Am I reading too much into this?

>> No.9417722

Yeah Pekora will show Moona around the best burger places in Japan when she finally goes there

>> No.9419360

What's with Pekora and food lately? Did Moona infect her with her with something?

>> No.9419637

Yeah your inner leech is showing

>> No.9419698

moona was an architect all along

>> No.9420105

im JWU and currently watching the VOD. what is this? moona start building a rrat about spongebob KEK.

>> No.9420359

>Moona’s a rratposter

>> No.9420370

I hope Moona is okay with a chubby rabbit.

>> No.9420419
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>> No.9420517
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she prefers a fit meaty athletic duck

>> No.9421906


>> No.9423024

It’s honestly a good idea in theory, The execution just needs proper planning from her and I’m sure she’ll be able to do it, the really short bit of teaching she did this morning was really nice

>> No.9425524
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anon is a faggot hehe

>> No.9425528

anon i love you

>> No.9425620

i love you too, towa

>> No.9425924 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 210x110, purple women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purple love

>> No.9425973

>able to do it

>> No.9426043


brrapbros...we finally won

>> No.9426117

She already test drive teaching how to sing in one of the mammah Moona and the little snippet today. So she does know what the course is, just need to polish the delivery.

>> No.9426434

Pekora will eat the moon burger

>> No.9426451


>> No.9426722

Ah shit ! she almost said some juicy shit to Ollie, Ollie should've turned it into a impromtu APEX stream

>> No.9426768

She's in Ollie's stream?

>> No.9426808

no, she's not

>> No.9427032


>> No.9427057
File: 55 KB, 650x607, 1628315884644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my purple autist is so based

>> No.9427769

moona, you're not supposed to call yourself 'based' like that...
that's not how it works...

>> No.9427868
File: 45 KB, 565x565, 1603575452796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she might be autistic but holy fuck bros, im so glad that she's more of a logical kind of person.

>> No.9427986
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>> No.9428260
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>> No.9428586
File: 1.37 MB, 888x1095, average moonaitos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I Won't Shut Up About It.
And No, I Will Never Stop Saying It Out Loud.
Also No, I Don't Get Any Enjoyment From Watching Other Members.

>> No.9428617

That's why I stay here, you dumb purple autist.
